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This experimental study describes the fabrication and analysis of a micro-perfusion system that can be used in many bioengineering experiments to create rapid, large regional intracellular changes within single ventricular myocytes. The myocyte was a kind of osmometer since the cell volume was found to be strongly dependent on the perfusion solution osmolarity. This volume change was measured, indirectly, by measuring the cell width change using video-microscopy and image analysis software. Jacob's equation was used to model these results successfully. Some dual perfusion experiments to see the effects of the localized perfusion of different osmotic solutions to generate an osmotic gradient inside myocytes were also investigated. This device can be useful for studying the effects of localized pH or osmotic gradients inside myocytes, estimating intracellular ion diffusion rates, and inducing regional changes in other important intracellular ions.  相似文献   

The osmotic migration of cells in a solute gradient.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
The effect of a nonuniform solute concentration on the osmotic transport of water through the boundaries of a simple model cell is investigated. A system of two ordinary differential equations is derived for the motion of a single cell in the limit of a fast solute diffusion, and an analytic solution is obtained for one special case. A two-dimensional finite element model has been developed to simulate the more general case (finite diffusion rates, solute gradient induced by a solidification front). It is shown that the cell moves to regions of lower solute concentration due to the uneven flux of water through the cell boundaries. This mechanism has apparently not been discussed previously. The magnitude of this effect is small for red blood cells, the case in which all of the relevant parameters are known. We show, however, that it increases with cell size and membrane permeability, so this effect could be important for larger cells. The finite element model presented should also have other applications in the study of the response of cells to an osmotic stress and for the interaction of cells and solidification fronts. Such investigations are of major relevance for the optimization of cryopreservation processes.  相似文献   

This article is an attempt to simplify lecturing about the osmotic gradient in the kidney medulla. In the model presented, the kidneys are described as a limited space with a positive interstitial hydrostatic pressure. Traffic of water, sodium, and urea is described in levels (or horizons) of different osmolarity, governed by osmotic forces and positive interstitial pressure. In this way, actions of the countercurrent multiplier in nephron tubules and of the countercurrent exchanger in vasa recta are integrated in each horizon. We hope that this approach can help students to better accept conventional presentations in their textbooks.  相似文献   

Abstract Enteric bacteria have evolved an impressive array of mechanisms that allow the cell to grow at widely different external osmotic pressures. These serve two linked functions; firstly, they allow the cell to maintain in relatively constant turgor pressure which is essential for cell growth; and secondly they permit changes in cytoplasmic composition such that the accumulation of intracellular osmolytes required to restore turgor pressure does not impair enzyme function. The primary event in turgor regulation is the controlled accumulation of potassium and its counterion glutamate. At high external osmolarities the cytoplasmic levels of potassium glutamate can impair enzyme function. Rapid growth is therefore dependent upon secondary responses, principally the accumulation of compatible solutes, betaine ( N -trimethylglycine), proline and trehalose. The accumulation of these solutes is achieved by the controlled activity of transport systems and enzymes in response to changes in external osmotic pressure. It has been proposed that the accumulation of potassium glutamate during turgor regulation acts as a signal for the activation of these systems [1,2]. This brief review will examine the evidence that control over the balance of cytoplasmic osmolytes is achieved by sensing of the intracellular potassium (and glutamate) concentration.  相似文献   

Objective: Electromagnetic fields can affect intracellular Ca2+ levels. The aim of this study was to determine the changes intracellular Ca2+ concentration in cardiac ventricle cells of rats exposed to 0.25 mT (2.5 Gauss) magnetic field.

Methods: Forty-five male rats were introduced to this study. The rats were divided into three groups: control, sham, and experiment. The experimental group was exposed to 0.25 mT extremely low frequency (ELF) magnetic field for 14 days, 3 h/day. The sham group was treated like the experimental group, except for elf-magnetic field exposure. The control group was not subjected to anything and differed from the experimental group and sham group. In the end of experiment, rats were sacrificed, cardiac tissue was removed, and these were fixed in 10% neutral formalin. Then, ventricular cells were stained by Alizarin red staining method.

Results: In the light microscopic examinations of control groups, in myofibril structures between groups, changes were not observed. In myofibril regions of the experimental group compared to other groups, increased heterogen Ca2+ accumulations were found.

Conclusion: ELF magnetic fields are used in daily life. The results of this study show that intracellular Ca2+ accumulation in cardiac ventricles can increase in rats exposed to ELF magnetic field.  相似文献   

In the human heart, although all substrates compete for energy production, fatty acids (FA) represent the main substrate for ATP production. In the healthy heart, a balance between FA and carbohydrate utilization ensures that energy supply matches demand. This study was carried out to evaluate, in a model of spontaneously beating neonatal rat cardiomyocytes in culture, the hypothesis that glycerol could play a central role in the metabolic control of the routes involving long chain FAs and may then affect the balance between beta-oxidation and glucose oxidation. The intracellular-free glycerol significantly increased with extracellular glycerol concentration (0 to 660 microM). The synthesis of phospholipids was significantly increased in parallel with both extracellular glycerol (1.5 and 14.8 nmol glycerol/mg protein, at 82 and 660 microM of extracellular glycerol, respectively). The oxidation of glycerol increased proportionally to extracellular glycerol concentration (from 1 to 3 nmol glycerol/mg protein, at 82 microM and 660 microM extracellular glycerol, respectively, P<0.001). At its maximum, this oxidation represented 15% of the glucose oxidation, which was not affected by glycerol extracellular supply or intracellular availability. Conversely, extracellular glycerol significantly reduced the palmitate oxidation above (-47% at 660 microM glycerol), but not octanoate oxidation. Investigations on the mechanism of the decreased palmitate oxidation reveals a glycerol-dependent increase in malonyl-CoA associated with a significant decrease in CPT-1 activity which accounts for the difference between palmitate and octanoate. These results clearly demonstrate the importance of glycerol in regulating the cardiac metabolic pathways and energy balance.  相似文献   

An optimal pH control technique has been developed for multistep enzymatic synthesis reactions where the optimal pH differs by several units for each step. This technique separates an acidic environment from a basic environment by the hydrolysis of urea within a thin layer of immobilized urease. With this technique, a two-step enzymatic reaction can take place simultaneously, in proximity to each other, and at their respective optimal pH. Because a reaction system involving an acid generation represents a more challenging test of this pH control technique, a number of factors that affect the generation of such a pH gradient are considered in this study. The mathematical model proposed is based on several simplifying assumptions and represents a first attempt to provide an analysis of this complex problem. The results show that, by choosing appropriate parameters, the pH control technique still can generate the desired pH gradient even if there is an acid-generating reaction in the system.  相似文献   

Helicobacter pylori has been established as the major causative agent of human active gastritis and is an essential factor in peptic ulcer disease and gastric cancer. The mechanism that has been proposed for H. pylori to control its inhospitable microenvironment happens to coincide with the pH control technique developed by us. This technique was developed to separate an acidic environment from a basic environment for a sequential enzymatic reaction by the hydrolysis of urea within a thin layer of immobilized urease. In this paper, a mathematical model is presented to consider how H. pylori survives the gastric acidity. The computed results explain well the experimental data available involving H. pylori.  相似文献   

In the present study, we investigated the effect of osmolality on the paracellular ion conductance (Gp) composed of the Na+ conductance (GNa) and the Cl conductance (GCl). An osmotic gradient generated by NaCl with relatively apical hypertonicity (NaCl-absorption-direction) induced a large increase in the GNa associated with a small increase in the GCl, whereas an osmotic gradient generated by NaCl with relatively basolateral hypertonicity (NaCl-secretion-direction) induced small increases in the GNa and the GCl. These increases in the Gp caused by NaCl-generated osmotic gradients were diminished by the application of sucrose canceling the NaCl-generated osmotic gradient. The osmotic gradient generated by basolateral application of sucrose without any NaCl gradients had little effects on the Gp. However, this basolateral application of sucrose produced a precondition drastically quickening the time course of the action of the NaCl-generated osmotic gradient on the Gp. Further, we found that application of the basolateral hypotonicity generated by reduction of NaCl concentration shifted the localization of claudin-1 to the apical from the basolateral side. These results indicate that the osmotic gradient regulates the paracellular ion conductive pathway of tight junctions via a mechanism dependent on the direction of NaCl gradients associated with a shift of claudin-1 localization to the apical side in renal A6 epithelial cells.  相似文献   

A new method of producing a stable pH gradient in buffer solutions is suggested, obtained by the concentration gradient of a nonelectrolyte in buffer solutions as a result of the gradual change in the dielectric properties of the solution. The maximal concentrations of nonelectrolyte which do not influence the protein configuration allow a pH gradient with a range of two pH units to be produced. It is suggested that the properties of some polyols (i.e. glycerol or mannitol) be used to change the pH of the borate buffer for the production of greater pH gradient with a range of up to 4-5 pH units. Creating the gradient of concentration of polyols, one can obtain a pH gradient in borate buffer solutions. Though the polylydroxyl compound-borate complexes posses mobility in an electric field, a stable pH gradient can be achieved during 12 days of electrophoresis. The isoelectric focusing of haemoglobin, human serum albumin and immunoglobulins was carried out in both systems suggested. These findings were compared with isoelectric focusing in Ampholines. There was a good agreement between the methods compared. The possible differences are discussed.  相似文献   

A preparation, similar to the light mitochondrial fraction of rat liver (L fraction of de Duve et al, (1955, Biochem. J. 60: 604-617), was subfractionated by isopycnic centrifugation in a metrizamide gradient and the distribution of several marker enzymes was established. The granules were layered at the top or bottom of the gradient. In both cases, as ascertained by the enzyme distributions, the lysosomes are well separated from the peroxisomes. A good separation from mitochondria is obtained only when the L fraction if set down underneath the gradient. Taking into account the analytical centrifugation results, a procedure was devised to purify lysosomes from several grams of liver by centrifugation of an L fraction in a discontinuous metrizamide gradient. By this method, a fraction containing 10--12% of the whole liver lysosomes can be prepared. As inferred from the relative specific activity of marker enzymes, it can be estimated that lysosomes are purified between 66 and 80 times in this fraction. As ascertained by plasma membrane marker enzyme activity, the main contaminant could be the plasma membrane components. However, cytochemical tests for 5'AMPase and for acid phosphatase suggest that a large part of the plasma membrane marker enzyme activity present in the purified lysosome preparation could be associated with the lysosomal membrane. The procedure for the isolation of rat liver lysosomes described in this paper is compared with the already existing methods.  相似文献   

Yeast invertase, when injected into rats, is endocytosed by the liver, mainly by sinusoidal cells. The work reported here aims at investigating the organelles involved in the intracellular journey of this protein. Experiments were performed on rats injected with 125I-invertase (25 micrograms/100 g body wt) and killed at various times after injection. Homogenates were fractioned by differential centrifugation, according to de Duve, Pressman, Gianetto, Wattiaux and Appelmans [(1955) Biochem. J. 63, 604-617]. Early after injection the radioactivity was recovered mainly in the microsomal fraction P; later it was found in the mitochondrial fractions (ML). At all times a peak of relative specific activity was observed in the light mitochondrial fraction L. After isopycnic centrifugation in a sucrose gradient, structures bearing 125I-invertase, present in P, exhibited a relatively flattened distribution with a density of around 1.17 g/ml, relatively similar to that of alkaline phosphodiesterase a plasma membrane marker. The organelles located in ML were endowed with a more homogeneous distribution, their median equilibrium density increasing up to 30 min after injection (1.20 g/ml----1.23 g/ml); with time the radioactivity distribution became more closely related to the distribution of arylsulfatase, a lysosomal enzyme. ML fractions, isolated 10 min and 180 min after 125I-invertase injection, were subjected to isopycnic centrifugation in Percoll gradient with, as solvent, 0.25 M, 0.5 M and 0.75 M sucrose. The change of density of the particles bearing 125I-invertase, as a function of the sucrose concentration, paralleled the change of density of the lysosomes as ascertained by the behaviour of arylsulfatase. The distribution of radioactivity and arylsulfatase in a sucrose gradient was established after isopycnic centrifugation of the ML fraction of rats injected with 125I-invertase, the animals having received or not an injection of 900 micrograms/100 g body weight of unlabelled invertase 15 h before killing. In agreement with our previous results, a shift towards higher densities of about 25% or arylsulfatase takes place in rats pretreated with unlabelled invertase. At 10 min, invertase preinjection did not change the radioactivity distribution curve. Later, it caused a progressive shift of the distribution towards higher-density regions of the gradient where the arylsulfatase, which had been shifted, was located.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to examine the intracellular generation of reactive oxygen species in skeletal muscle cells at rest and during and following a period of contractile activity. Intracellular generation of reactive oxygen species was examined directly in skeletal muscle myotubes using 2',7'-dichlorodihydrofluorescein (DCFH) as an intracellular probe. Preliminary experiments confirmed that DCFH located to the myotubes but was readily photoxidizable during repeated intracellular fluorescence measurements and strategies to minimize this were developed. The rate of oxidation of DCFH did not change significantly over 30 min in resting myotubes, but was increased by approximately 4-fold during 10 min of repetitive, electrically stimulated contractile activity. This increased rate was maintained over 10 min following the end of the contraction protocol. DCF fluorescence was distributed evenly throughout the myotube with no evidence of accumulation at any specific intracellular sites or localization to mitochondria. The rise in DCF fluorescence was effectively abolished by treatment of the myotubes with the intracellular superoxide scavenger, Tiron. Thus these data appear to represent the first direct demonstration of a rise in intracellular oxidant activity during contractile activity in skeletal muscle myotubes and indicate that superoxide, generated from intracellular sites, is the ultimate source of oxidant(s) responsible for the DCFH oxidation.  相似文献   



The objective of this study is to develop a comprehensive model of the electromechanical behavior of the rat ventricular myocyte to investigate the various factors influencing its contractile response.


Here, we couple a model of C a2 + dynamics described in our previous work, with a well-known model of contractile mechanics developed by Rice, Wang, Bers and de Tombe to develop a composite multiphysics model of excitation-contraction coupling. This comprehensive cell model is studied under voltage clamp (VC) conditions, since it allows to focus our study on the elaborate C a2 + signaling system that controls the contractile mechanism.


We examine the role of various factors influencing cellular contractile response. In particular, direct factors such as the amount of activator C a2 + available to trigger contraction and the type of mechanical load applied (resulting in isosarcometric, isometric or unloaded contraction) are investigated. We also study the impact of temperature (22 to 38°C) on myofilament contractile response. The critical role of myofilament C a2 + sensitivity in modulating developed force is likewise studied, as is the indirect coupling of intracellular contractile mechanism with the plasma membrane via the N a+ /C a2 + exchanger (NCX). Finally, we demonstrate a key linear relationship between the rate of contraction and relaxation, which is shown here to be intrinsically coupled over the full range of physiological perturbations.


Extensive testing of the composite model elucidates the importance of various direct and indirect modulatory influences on cellular twitch response with wide agreement with measured data on all accounts. Thus, the model provides mechanistic insights into whole-cell responses to a wide variety of testing approaches used in studies of cardiac myofilament contractility that have appeared in the literature over the past several decades.

The present experiments report the existence of an apico-basal plasma membrane shuttle in cultured renal collecting duct principal cell epithelium. Apical and basal perfusion under isotonic conditions, 290 mosm phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), has no effect on the shape of the epithelium. In contrast, gradient perfusion of the epithelium with 75 mosm PBS on the apical side and 290 mosm PBS on the basal side for 10 min alters the morphology of the epithelium by causing the originally columnar epithelial cells to become lower, the intercellular spaces to dilate, and the intracellular vesicles to enlarge. Perfusion of the epithelium with isotonic PBS in the presence of electron-dense cellular markers such as gold-coupled GPCDI antibody, recognizing a glycoprotein in the plasma membrane of collecting duct cells (W.W. Minuth, G. Lauer, S. Bachman and W. Kriz, Histochemistry 80:171-182, 1984), cationized ferritin (CF), horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and native ferritin (NF) for 10 min reveals their binding at the apical plasma membrane. Little endocytosis is observable. However, after labeling the luminal side by the cellular markers and following exposure to apical hypotonicity, 75 mosm PBS for 10 min, endocytosis of all markers is enhanced to a high degree. Furthermore, the gold-coupled GPCDI antibody and cationized ferritin are transported within vesicles unidirectionally through the epithelium and are exocytosed at the basolateral aspect, indicating the retrieval and possible translocation of apical plasma membrane. In contrast, volume markers such as NF and HRP are also endocytosed under osmotic gradient exposure, but are not seen to be transcytosed. Therefore, the function of this membrane pathway seems not to be related to water reabsorption, but may be part of a cellular response as protection against the osmotic gradient.  相似文献   

To determine if singlet oxygen (O2(1 delta g)) is produced by neutrophils (PMNs) during the process of phagocytosis, glass beads were coated with a specific chemical trap for O2(1 delta g), 9,10-diphenylanthracene (DPA). Singlet oxygen, but not other reactive oxygen species, reacts rapidly with DPA at a rate of kr = 1.3 x 10(6) M-1 s-1 to form a stable product, DPA-endoperoxide (Corey, E. J., and Taylor, W. C. (1964) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 86, 3881-3882; Wasserman, H. H., Scheffer, J. R., and Cooper, J. L. (1972) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 94, 4991-4996; Turro, N. J., Chow, M.-F., and Rigaudy, J. (1981) J. Am. Chem. Soc. 103, 7218-7224). The production of DPA-endoperoxide was determined by ultraviolet spectroscopy as a decrease in DPA absorbance at 355 nm. The absorbance of DPA was normalized to the absorbance of perylene, which was included in the coating on the beads as a nonreactive, internal standard. In the present study, DPA- and perylene-coated beads were initially allowed to adhere to fibronectin-coated coverslips. PMNs were then added to the bead-coated coverslips and allowed to adhere and phagocytose the beads for 1 h at 37 degrees C. In some experiments, 4B-phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA) (1 ng/2.5 x 10(7) cells/ml), a known activator of the PMN NADPH-oxidase, was added as a co-stimulant. The amount of O2(1 delta g) produced by phagocytically stimulated PMNs was calculated to be 11.3 +/- 4.9 nmol of O2(1 delta g)/1.25 x 10(6) cells. Low dose PMA co-stimulation increased the production of O2(1 delta g) to 14.1 +/- 4.1 nmol/1.25 x 10(6) cells. Averaged together these amounts represent approximately 19 +/- 5.0% of the total oxygen consumed by PMNs in response to DPA- and perylene-coated beads. The specificity of the DPA reaction with O2(1 delta g) was confirmed by warming to 120 degrees C, which releases O2(1 delta g) from the DPA-endoperoxide, regenerating the parent DPA compound (Wasserman et al., 1972; Turro et al., 1981) and the absorbance at 355 nm. In addition, beta-carotene, an avid quencher of O2(1 delta g), was included in the coating of some bead preparations; assays in which these beads were used showed no change in the absorbance at 355 nm. Singlet oxygen production by myeloperoxidase was also measured using the coated bead assay and the results suggest that this is a major pathway by which singlet oxygen is generated in phagocytically stimulated PMNs.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Summary The present experiments report the existence of an apico-basal plasma membrane shuttle in cultured renal collecting duct principal cell epithelium. Apical and basal perfusion under isotonic conditions, 290 mosm phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), has no effect on the shape of the epithelium. In contrast, gradient perfusion bf the epithelium with 75 mosm PBS on the apical side and 290 mosm PBS on the basal side for 10 min alters the morphology of the epithelium by causing the originally columnar epithelial cells to become lower, the intercellular spaces to dilate, and the intracellular vesicles to enlarge. Perfusion of the epithelium with isotonic PBS in the presence of electron-dense cellular markers such as gold-coupled GPCDI antibody, recognizing a glycoprotein in the plasma membrane of collecting duct cells (W.W. Minuth, G. Lauer, S. Bachman and W. Kriz,Histochemistry 80:171–182, 1984), cationized ferritin (CF), horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and native ferritin (NF) for 10 min reveals their binding at the apical plasma membrane. Little endocytosis is observable. However, after labeling the luminal side by the cellular markers and following exposure to apical hypotonicity, 75 mosm PBS for 10 min, endocytosis of all markers is enhanced to a high degree. Furthermore, the gold-coupled GPCDI antibody and cationized ferritin are transported within vesicles unidirectionally through the epithelium and are exocytosed at the basolateral aspect, indicating the retrieval and possible translocation of apical plasma membrane. In contrast, volume markers such as NF and HRP are also endocytosed under osmotic gradient exposure, but are not seen to be transcytosed. Therefore, the function of this membrane pathway seems not to be related to water reabsorption, but may be part of a cellular response as protection against the osmotic gradient.  相似文献   

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