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Injection of endotoxin in D-galactosamine sensitized mice resulted in increased serum levels of tumor necrosis factor as determined in a fibroblast cytolysis assay. Concomitant injection of different lipoxygenase inhibitors decreased the titer of TNF. When the lipoxygenase inhibitors were tested in macrophage cultures stimulated with LPS, they prevented the production of TNF. Indomethacin, a blocker of cyclooxygenase was neither in vivo nor in vitro effective in the prevention of the endotoxin-induced synthesis of TNF. The involvement of superoxide anion in this effect was excluded by use of superoxide dismutase which did not influence the formation of TNF in macrophages.  相似文献   

The effect of murine rTNF-alpha on c-fos and TNF mRNA accumulation and protein synthesis was investigated in bone marrow-derived macrophages to examine the mechanism(s) by which TNF modulates macrophage activity. A rapid and transient expression of the c-fos gene was induced by murine rTNF. This was blocked by 1-(5-isoquinolinylsulfonyl)-2-methylpiperazine, an inhibitor of protein kinase C, suggesting that the murine rTNF stimulated a protein kinase C-dependent signal transduction pathway. Although LPS induced the accumulation of one TNF mRNA species, murine rTNF induced the synthesis of two distinct TNF mRNA species. Both LPS- and murine rTNF-induced TNF mRNA accumulation was equally enhanced by pretreatment with mouse rIFN-gamma. In contrast, cycloheximide pretreatment had little effect on murine rTNF-induced TNF mRNA accumulation, whereas this treatment increased LPS-induced TNF mRNA by sevenfold. These results argue that TNF mRNA accumulation can be modulated in macrophages by distinct mechanisms. As assessed by Western blot and immunoprecipitation analysis, LPS stimulated the synthesis of both cell-associated and secreted forms of TNF protein. In comparison, newly synthesized TNF protein was not detected when macrophages were treated with murine rTNF alone or in combination with murine rIFN-gamma. This demonstrates that although murine rTNF stimulated the synthesis of two distinct TNF mRNA species, additional signal(s) are necessary for their translation into protein and that such signals are present after LPS stimulation.  相似文献   

Several in vitro studies have demonstrated that tumor cells arrested in the G2 and M phases of the cell cycle expressed an increased sensitivity to the tumor necrosis factor (TNF). The scope of the present study was to investigate whether this cycle dependence of TNF effects also exists in vivo. The experiments were performed by using the Lewis lung carcinoma (LLC), which had been allotransplanted to nude mice. In order to induce delays of the tumor cell cycle in G2, the animals were treated with etoposide (40 mg/kg body weight i.p.) or with local radiation (15 Gy), each increasing the G2 fraction of the LLC from 10% to 35% and 50% respectively. For combination therapy with recombinant (r)TNF, the tumor was transplanted to four groups of six mice each, one of them serving as a control group the others being treated either with a G2 inductor alone, with rTNF alone, or with rTNF and a G2 inductor combined. Administration of rTNF (125 or 250 g/kg body weight i.v.) was always carried out 24 h after therapy with etoposide or radiation when the maximum of G2 accumulation had developed. The growth behavior of the treated tumors revealed that the response of the LLC to rTNF in vivo was not improved by pretreatment with a G2 inductor and, thus, obviously lacked cell-cycle specificity. It is supposed that direct interactions of TNF with the tumor cells, which are a basic requirement for cell-cycle-linked phenomena, play a minor role in the therapeutic outcome of the LLC under in vivo conditions.  相似文献   

Multiple effects of tumor necrosis factor on lipoprotein lipase in vivo   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
A single dose of recombinant murine tumor necrosis factor (TNF) suppressed lipoprotein lipase activity in adipose tissue of fed rats, mice, and guinea pigs for 48 h, even though TNF itself is rapidly metabolized in vivo. Immunoprecipitation of [35S]lipoprotein lipase from fat pads pulse-labeled with [35S]methionine showed a decrease in relative synthesis of the enzyme, which correlated to the decrease in activity. There was no decrease in general protein synthesis and no change in distribution of the enzyme between adipocytes and extracellular locations in the tissue. This is in contrast to fasting in which case there is redistribution of the enzyme within the tissue, decrease in general protein synthesis, but no change in relative synthesis of lipoprotein lipase. TNF did not decrease lipoprotein lipase activity in any tissue other than the adipose but increased the activity in several cases, most markedly in the liver. No [35S]methionine was incorporated into lipoprotein lipase by liver slices from normal or TNF-treated animals. Thus, the increased activity can not be ascribed to enhanced hepatic synthesis of the enzyme. There was an increase in lipoprotein lipase activity in plasma, which correlated to the increase in liver. Thus, TNF suppresses lipoprotein lipase synthesis in adipocytes, but not in other tissues, and has some as yet undefined effect on lipoprotein lipase turnover in extrahepatic tissues, which results in increased transport of active lipase through plasma to the liver.  相似文献   

The effects of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and interleukin-1 (IL-1) on infection with murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV) were investigatedin vitro andin vivo. The addition of each of these cytokines (at 1 ng/ml) to tissue culture monolayers 24 hr prior to MCMV challenge produced a reproducible decrease in vital titer (from 1 × 108 pfu to approximately 4 × 106 pfu for both cytokines). There was no further increase in this effect when a 10 or 100 ng/ml of each of these cytokines was employed. Despite thesein vitro effects, the pretreatment of suckling, weanling, or adult mice with 80 or 400 ng of TNF or IL-1 alone, or 80 ng of each cytokine together, had no effect on the survival of mice following MCMV. Similarly, neither of these cytokines adversely influenced the protective effects of hyperimmune anti-MCMV antiserum; that is, they did not attenuate the protection conferred by the antiserum nor affect the protective effects of subtherapeutic doses of the antiserum. We conclude that despite promising antiviral effects against MCMVin vitro, these agents do not result in a useful therapeutic effectin vivo. Moreover, despite the ability of IL-1 to induce ACTH and corticosterone in mice, IL-1 treatment did not increase the mortality to CMV.  相似文献   

《Life sciences》1996,59(13):PL207-PL211
The effect of nitric oxide (NO) on LPS-stimulated TNF-α synthesis has been studied in vitro and in vivo. The synthesis of TNF-α in J774 macrophages stimulated with LPS (0.l μg/ml) was increased in concentration-related fashion by NO synthase inhibitor L-NMMA (3-30-300 μM) and reduced by either L-arginine (3-30-300 μM) or the NO donor SIN-1 (1-10-1OOμM). The level of TNF-α in the serum of LPS-challenged rats (6mg/kg/i.p.) was increased in animals pre-treated s.c. with L-NMMA (10 and 50mg/kg) and reduced in those given L- arginine (100 and 300mg/kg). These results show a negative feedback mechanism exhibited by NO on TNF-α synthesis suggesting an important regulatory link between NO and TNF-α in pathological processes.  相似文献   

Leishmania donovani is an obligate intracellular protozoan which resides in macrophages and impairs a number of macrophage functions. We have undertaken to study this host cell-parasite interaction by examining the ability of L. donovani to impair the transmission of information from the cell surface to the nucleus and thus influence normal gene expression. We demonstrate that, in response to lipopolysaccharide, expression of both the c-fos and tumor necrosis factor genes was impaired in L. donovani-infected macrophages. Indomethacin reversed the parasite-mediated downregulation of the tumor necrosis factor gene but not the c-fos gene, suggesting that the impaired expression of these two genes occurred through different mechanisms. Direct stimulation of protein kinase C with oleoyl-2-acetoyl-3-glycerol did not abrogate inhibition of c-fos gene expression by L. donovani; however, L929 cell-conditioned medium induced a similar level of c-fos gene expression in both infected and noninfected macrophages. Impairment of c-fos gene expression by L. donovani thus appeared to be selective, depending on the external stimuli used to induce its expression. These data argue that L. donovani was capable of impairing macrophage gene expression in a selective rather than a general manner.  相似文献   

The experiments presented were designed first to determine the effects of rTNF on the methylcholanthrene-induced fibrosarcoma (FSA-1) in C3H/JSed mice and second to determine whether the observed effects are the result of direct action by rTNF on the tumor or whether rTNF acts as a mediator of other effector mechanisms. Mice received syngeneic FSA-1 fibrosarcoma cells either s.c. or i.v. in order to evaluate growth of transplantable solid tumor or lung metastases, respectively. The range of dosages, from 10(2) to 2 x 10(5) U of rTNF, was administered i.v. at different intervals after the tumor cell injection. Early injection of 10(3) to 10(4) U of rTNF reduced the growth of s.c. injected tumor and the number of lung metastases in i.v. injected mice. In both cases, survival of mice was also prolonged. However, in vitro treatment of FSA-1 tumor cells with rTNF did not result in the reduction of their proliferating activity after injection into mice, although direct cytostatic and moderate cytotoxic activity of rTNF in vitro was demonstrated. To identify whether other cellular mechanisms are involved in the effects observed in vivo, the anti-tumor activity of rTNF-treated spleen cells was evaluated in vitro using a 75Se release assay. Whereas nontreated spleen cells demonstrated very low cytotoxic activity in this system, the cells from rTNF-treated mice showed marked increase in the cytotoxicity against syngeneic tumor cells. These results suggest that the anti-tumor activity of rTNF represents a combination of its direct effect on tumor cells and indirect effects involving host immune mechanisms.  相似文献   

U-937 cells, a monocytic line derived from a human histiocytic lymphoma, were induced for human tumor necrosis factor (TNF) secretion into the medium and were used for the preparation of TNF mRNA. Biological activity of the latter was quantified in a Xenopus laevis oocyte injection system. TNF mRNA was enriched by gradient centrifugation and this size-fractionated mRNA was used for synthesis of cDNA and inserted into the unique PstI site of pAT153. A recombinant plasmid containing human TNF cDNA was selected by colony hybridization using an internal fragment of a mouse TNF cDNA clone [Fransen, L., Mueller, R., Marmenout, A., Tavernier, J., Van der Heyden, J., Kawashima, E., Chollet, A., Tizard, R., Van Heuverswyn, H., Van Vliet, A., Ruysschaert, M. R. & Fiers, W. (1985) Nucleic Acids Res. 13, 4417-4429] as a probe. The sequence of this human TNF cDNA is in agreement with the one published by Pennica et al. [Pennica, D., Nedwin, G. E., Hayflick, J. S., Seeburg, P. H., Derynck, R., Palladino, M. A., Kohr, W. J., Aggarwal, B. B. & Goeddel, D. V. (1984) Nature (Lond.) 312, 724-729]. The 157-amino-acid-long mature sequence is about 80% homologous to mouse TNF and its hydrophilicity plot is also very similar, in spite of the apparent species specificity of TNF. In contrast to mouse TNF, it contains no potential N-glycosylation site. When compared to other cytokines, like IFN-beta, IFN-gamma, or IL-2, there is a remarkably high preference for G X C pairs in the third-letter positions. Expression of the TNF cDNA in monkey COS cells or in Escherichia coli gives rise to a protein having similar biological and serological properties as natural human TNF. A human genomic clone was also identified and sequenced; it was found to be in good agreement with the one recently published by Shirai et al. [Shirai, T., Yamaguchi, H., Ito, H., Todd, C. W. & Wallace, R. B. (1985) Nature (Lond.) 313, 803-806], except for some differences in the introns and 5'-untranslated region.  相似文献   

Secretion of TNF from mouse peritoneal macrophages exposed to LPS in vitro was enhanced in the presence of H2O2 or sodium periodate. Neither of these agents induced release of TNF in the absence of LPS. Both iron chelators and free radical scavengers inhibited this enhanced secretion of TNF, implying the involvement of free radicals via a Fenton-type reaction. Oxidant stress, in the form of alloxan or divicine, also enhanced serum levels of TNF in mice made sensitive to LPS by low-level infection with malaria, and then given i.v. LPS. Pretreatment with the iron chelator, desferal, or the free radical scavenger, BHA, inhibited TNF release in these animals. Less TNF was also detected in mice given desferal before LPS in the absence of exogenous radical generator. These results could have implications for understanding the details of the MLR, the adherence of neutrophils to the walls of pulmonary vessels in free radical-induced lung pathology, and the side effects of bleomycin.  相似文献   

Summary The natural killer (NK) cell activity of mice in the peritoneal cavity is very low or undetectable and testing peritoneal NK cells is a useful model for studying the influence of activating substances upon local injection. Injection of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) at doses of 10–200 ng caused a marked activation of NK cell activity which was maximal after 24 h and declined rapidly on day 2. A similar effect was observed when interferons alpha and beta were injected, and there were additive results when interferon was injected together with TNF. The NK cell nature of the effector cells activated by TNF was substantiated by the finding that previous injection with anti-asialo GM 1 antibody prevented activation. Interferon could not be detected in the peritoneal wash fluid after injection of TNF suggesting interferon-independent activation. In further experiments after i.p. injection of TNF peritoneal exudate cells (PECs) only killed YAC-1 targets in a 4-h assay. There was no additional killing in an 18-h assay towards neither YAC-1 cells or P815 cells, suggesting that macrophages were not involved. Furthermore TNF was also active in vitro by activating NK cells in isolated human peripheral blood cells. However in the PECs stimulated in vitro no significant induction of cytotoxic capacities by TNF was measured. Our data suggest that the action of TNF is not restricted to the lysis of tumor cells but can also induce immunological properties in the host defense against virus infections and neoplasms.  相似文献   

Three stable murine hybridoma cell lines, which secrete monoclonal antibodies (mAb) to human tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF alpha), were established. None of the monoclonal antibodies cross-reacted with lymphotoxin, interleukin 2 (IL 2) or Interferon gamma (IFN gamma). The highly species-specific monoclonal antibody, designated as mAb 195, neutralizes the cytotoxic activity of human and chimpanzee TNF alpha. This antibody was further used during in vivo studies to neutralize human TNF alpha in a murine animal model. The mAb 114 is a weakly neutralizing antibody that binds to a different epitope of TNF alpha than mAb 195. mAb 114 shows a wide range of cross-reactivity with TNF alpha of the following species: dog, pig, cynomolgus, rhesus, baboon and chimpanzee. The mAb 199 binds to human TNF alpha, but does not neutralize the cytotoxic activity. The epitope recognized by this mAb is in close proximity to mAb 114. A reproducible, sensitive immunoassay for human TNF7 alpha has been developed using the antibodies mAb 199 and mAb 195. The test is performed within 6 hr and detects TNF7 alpha in serum samples, with a limit of detection of 5 to 10 pg/mL.  相似文献   

本文利用PCR技术和基因定位突变技术,将编码人肿瘤坏死因子α(hTNFα)和白细胞介素6(hIL-6)成熟肽的基因通过中间接头连接成编码单一蛋白的基因,构建了融合蛋白表达载体pBIT,并在大肠杆菌中得到了表达。SDS-PAGE的电泳胶薄层扫描显示,融合蛋白的表达量是菌体总蛋白量的20%,其分子量约为37kD。活性检测证实,融合蛋白既有TNF活性,又有IL-6活性。  相似文献   

Enhancement of in vivo immune response by tumor necrosis factor   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Interleukin 1 (IL-1) has been shown to regulate several immunologic functions. Since tumor necrosis factor (TNF) shares many biologic properties with IL-1, we have investigated here the role of TNF in the modulation of the immune response. We have thus tested low doses of human recombinant TNF-alpha (hu rTNF-alpha) for its capacity to enhance the in vivo antibody responses evaluated at the cellular level in the hemolytic plaque assay. It was found that hu rTNF-alpha, like human IL-1 beta, is able to enhance the immune response to a T cell-dependent antigen (sheep red blood cells). Interestingly, at variance with human recombinant IL-1 beta, hu rTNF-alpha was not able to enhance the in vivo antibody response to a T cell-independent antigen (type III pneumococcal polysaccharide). These results suggest that low levels of TNF may have a role in the modulation of the immune response in vivo and shed new light on the biologic significance of this mediator.  相似文献   

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