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The radioprotective agent amifostine is a free radical scavenger that can protect cells from the damaging effects of ionising radiation when administered prior to radiation exposure. However, amifostine has also been shown to protect cells from chromosomal mutations when administered after radiation exposure. As apoptosis is a common mechanism by which cells with mutations are removed from the cell population, we investigated whether amifostine stimulates apoptosis when administered after radiation exposure. We chose to study a relatively low dose which is the maximum radiation dose for radiation emergency workers (0.25 Gy) and a high dose relevant to radiotherapy exposures (6 Gy). Mice were administered 400 mg/kg amifostine 30 min before, or 3 h after, whole-body irradiation with 0.25 or 6 Gy X-rays and apoptosis was analysed 3 or 7 h later in spleen and bone marrow. We observed a significant increase in radiation-induced apoptosis in the spleen of mice when amifostine was administered before or after 0.25 Gy X-rays. In contrast, when a high dose of radiation was used (6 Gy), amifostine caused a reduction in radiation-induced apoptosis 3 h post-irradiation in spleen and bone marrow similar to previously published studies. This is the first study to investigate the effect of amifostine on radiation-induced apoptosis at a relatively low radiation dose and the first to demonstrate that while amifostine can reduce apoptosis from high doses of radiation, it does not mediate the same effect in response to low-dose exposures. These results suggest that there may be a dose threshold at which amifostine protects from radiation-induced apoptosis and highlight the importance of examining a range of radiation doses and timepoints.  相似文献   

Two phosphorothioate compounds, WR-2721 and WR-151327, were examined for their radioprotective efficacies against the effects of fission neutron irradiation in male and female mice. Within sex groups no significant difference in lethality at 30 or 100 days postirradiation was found between WR-2721 or WR-151327 pretreatment. The dose modification factors (DMFs) for male mice treated with either compound were 1.29 (LD50/30) and 1.24 (LD50/100), and those for drug-treated female mice were 1.21 (LD50/30) and 1.19 (LD50/100). Both WR-2721 and WR-151327 were found to be equally radioprotective when compared using DMFs as the end point. WR-151327 (500 mg/kg, ip) was found to be significantly more toxic to both male and female B6D2F1 mice than equimolar amounts of WR-2721. Small but significant sex differences in radioprotection were found: the DMFs for female mice pretreated with either compound were lower than those for similarly treated male mice; the incidence of mortality 31-100 days postexposure in male mice pretreated with WR-151327 was greater than for female mice. In addition, sex differences were noted in drug toxicity. Toxic death in female mice given WR-151327 (500 mg/kg, ip) is 2.6 times more probable than in males.  相似文献   

Modification of radiation induced damage in mouse intestine by WR-2721   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Intestinal protection in mice against radiation injury by WR-2721 (300 mg/kg body wt, i.p., 30 min before irradiation) was studied after whole body gamma irradiation (0.5, 1.5, 3.0, 4.5, or 6.0 Gy). Crypt survival and induction of apoptosis, and abnormal mitoses in crypt cells in the jejunum were studied on day 1, 3 and 7 after irradiation. Irradiation produced a significant decrease in crypt survival, whereas apoptosis and abnormal mitoses showed a significant increase from sham-treated control animals. Maximum changes in all the parameters were observed on day 1 after irradiation and the effect increased linearly with radiation dose. There was recovery at later intervals, which was inversely related to radiation dose. WR-2721 pre-treatment resulted in a significant increase in the number of surviving crypts, whereas the number of apoptotic cells in the crypts showed a significant decrease from respective irradiated controls on day 1 after exposure. The recovery was also faster in WR-2721 pre- treated animals. It is concluded that WR-2721 protects against gastrointestinal death by reducing radiation induced cell death, thereby maintaining a higher number of stem cells in the proliferating compartment.  相似文献   

Two thiophosphoroate radiation protectors (WR-2721 and WR-151327) were assessed for their ability to modify the effects of neutron or gamma irradiation on the gastrointestinal tract. Three neutron sources (DOSAR, JANUS, and FERMILAB) were compared to the response obtained after 60Co irradiation. The end points studied were intestinal stem cell survival and LD50(6). DOSAR and JANUS, both fission-spectrum neutrons, showed somewhat different gut sensitivities [LD50(6)] of about 240 and 400 cGy respectively. The intestinal LD50 obtained with FERMILAB neutrons (25 meV) was closer (875 cGy) to that obtained after 60Co (1068 cGy) irradiation. WR-151327 protected against the lethal effects of fission neutron (DOSAR and JANUS) to a greater degree (DMF = 2.2) than with lower LET sources such as FERMILAB neutrons (DMF = 1.7) or 60Co (DMF = 1.7). The results did not correlate with the intestinal stem cell assays where WR-2721 when compared to WR-151327 showed either similar (DOSAR; fission spectrum neutrons) or somewhat better (60Co and FERMILAB neutrons) protection. Possible explanations for the differing results are discussed.  相似文献   

Preinjected with a radioprotective drug, WR-2721, the Swiss albino mice were whole body irradiated with 5 Gy of 60Co gamma rays. The animals were sacrificed at different intervals and bone marrow films were prepared for differential counting of lymphocytes, pronormoblasts and normoblasts and granulocytes. The results indicated significant protection of the bone marrow cells by the drug against radiation induced damage. It is therefore concluded that WR-2721 protects all types of cells including as sensitive ones as lymphocytes, pronormoblasts and normoblasts.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effect of WR-2721 [S-2-(3-aminopropylamino)-ethylphosphorothioic acid] and cysteamine (2-mercaptoethylamine) on the development of radiation-induced mammary tumors in rats. Pregnant rats were treated with WR-2721 or cysteamine 30 min prior to whole-body irradiation with gamma rays from a (60)Co source at a dose of 1.5 or 2.6 Gy. Additional pregnant rats were given saline and then exposed to gamma rays at a dose of 0, 1.5 or 2.6 Gy as a control. All rats were implanted with pellets of diethylstilbestrol, a tumor promoter, 1 month after termination of nursing and were observed for 1 year to detect palpable mammary tumors. No mammary tumors developed in the saline-injected nonirradiated rats. However, when rats were irradiated with 1.5 or 2. 6 Gy after saline treatment, the incidence of mammary tumors was high (71.4 and 92.3%, respectively). Administration of WR-2721 or cysteamine prior to irradiation with 1.5 Gy significantly decreased the tumor incidence (23.8 and 20.8%, respectively). Tumor prevention by either agent was less effective at the higher dose. The appearance of the first mammary tumor occurred later in rats treated with WR-2721 or cysteamine than in the control rats. An increasing rate of adenocarcinoma in the control group was observed with increasing dose from 1.5 Gy up to 2.6 Gy. However, the development of adenocarcinoma did not increase after pretreatment with WR-2721 or cysteamine in rats irradiated with 2.6 Gy. Many of the mammary tumors that developed in the control rats were of the ER(+)PgR(+) type. Administration of WR-2721 produced no tumors of the ER(+)PgR(+) type. Cysteamine treatment increased the development of ER-negative tumors. The serum concentration of progesterone was significantly higher in rats treated with WR-2721 or cysteamine than in the control rats. On the other hand, the estradiol-17beta concentration was reduced by treatment with WR-2721, but not significantly compared to the control. WR-2721 and cysteamine had no effect on the prolactin concentration of the irradiated rats. The results suggest that administration of WR-2721 or cysteamine prior to the irradiation has a potent preventive effect on theinitiation phase during mammary tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

Pre-irradiation administration of the radioprotectant drug WR-2721 to rats resulted in a significant reduction in radiation-induced increases in excretion rates of prostaglandins (PGE and PGF2 alpha) and thromboxane (TxB2). In animals not irradiated. WR-2721 did not significantly alter these excretion rates. Dramatic reductions in the levels of urinary PGE and TxB2 were observed following exposure to 9.0 Gy of whole-body, unilateral gamma-radiation in WR-2721-treated animals, whereas changes in PGF2 alpha levels were less pronounced. Radiation-induced diuresis was also significantly depressed in animals given WR-2721 before irradiation. Reduced prostaglandin excretion rates may reflect the general radioprotective capacity of the chemoprotector WR-2721 on the release of prostaglandins from radiation-damaged tissue. The decrease in diuresis may be related to the observed prostaglandin decreases.  相似文献   

WR-2721 and its free-thiol metabolite WR-1065 have been characterized for their ability to protect mouse jejunal cells in vivo from the damaging effects of gamma rays with respect to both cytotoxicity and DNA single-strand break (SSB) induction. SSBs were measured both in the whole jejunal epithelium and in the proliferating crypt cells using an adaptation of the alkaline elution methodology. Protection factors (PFs) were also obtained using the microcolony assay for jejunal crypts. In mice treated with WR-1065 (400 mg/kg) 15 or 30 min prior to irradiation, there was a slight but significant reduction in the initial number of SSBs both in the whole jejunum (PF of between 1.17 and 1.22) and in the proliferating crypt cells (PF of between 1.13 and 1.28). At a dose of 200 mg/kg, the PF for SSBs in the proliferating crypt cells was 1.12 +/- 0.07 while that for crypt-cell survival was approximately 2.0. In mice treated with WR-2721 (400 mg/kg) 15 min prior to irradiation, there was little effect on the initial number of SSBs induced both in the whole jejunum (PF of 1.07 +/- 0.11) and in the proliferating crypt cells (PF of 1.04 +/- 0.07). WR-2721 protected jejunum in the microcolony assay with a much greater PF of 1.8. For each drug the PF for SSBs was therefore always much lower than that indicated by the biological end point under identical conditions. Both drugs also retarded the rate of SSB rejoining in each population of cells. These data suggest that mechanisms such as free-radical scavenging by these drugs may contribute to but not completely explain their protective action. Comparison with data obtained previously with cultured CHO cells supports the idea that the action of these drugs at the DNA lesion level may not be dose-modifying, but may also result in a shift in the spectrum of lesions induced by the radiation.  相似文献   

The induction of micronucleated polychromatic erythrocytes (MNPCEs) was assessed in the bone marrow of adult male Swiss mice treated with MEA (cysteamine HCl), AET (2-aminoethylisothiouronium Br.HBr), or WR-2721 (S-2-(3-aminopropylamino)ethyl phosphorothioic acid), at a dose of 200 mg/kg body weight, and/or exposed to 6 Gy X-rays. MEA, AET, or WR-2721 was given alone or 15 min prior to X-ray exposure, and the frequency of MNPCEs was determined 24 h after the aminothiol treatment and X-irradiation of mice. A genotoxic effect was shown for MEA, AET, WR-2721, and X-rays, as well as a protective effect of the aminothiols against X-ray-induced genotoxicity in the mouse erythropoietic system. The aminothiol drugs given alone, without subsequent X-irradiation, elevated the frequency of MNPCEs, and WR-2721 appeared to be less toxic than AET and MEA. After exposure of mice to X-rays, the number of MNPCEs was distinctly increased. MEA, AET, or WR-2721 administration prior to X-irradiation resulted in a reduction of the X-ray-induced elevation of the frequency of micronuclei, but a stronger radioprotective effect was obtained following WR-2721 and AET treatment than after MEA application. So, the genotoxic and radioprotective effect of the aminothiols was dependent on the compound applied.  相似文献   

The radioprotector WR-2721 has been shown to radioprotect all tissues studied except the central nervous system. However, it has not yet been used to radioprotect the fetus. In this study we determined that [14C]WR-2721 injected into pregnant rats quickly passed the placenta and was concentrated by the fetus. In addition, we evaluated the toxicity of WR-2721 (2.5-600 mg/kg) to pregnant rats and their fetuses during the period of major organogenesis at Days 9, 11, and 14 postconception. Pregnant animals were only slightly more (10%) sensitive (LD50, 580 mg/kg) to WR-2721 than nonpregnant cohort animals (LD50, 640 mg/kg). At concentrations of 50 mg/kg or less there was a small but statistically significant increase in fetal deaths, while at doses greater than 300 mg/kg a larger degree of fetal mortality occurred. Maximal fetal weight loss, to about 84% of control, was found at 500 mg/kg. No changes in head dimensions or gross malformations of the surviving fetuses were detected at any time or concentration. Of all the parameters measured in this study none demonstrated a predilection for any specific period of major organogenesis. The results of this study indicate that while WR-2721 demonstrates a dose-related embryotoxicity it is not teratogenic.  相似文献   

Based on murine survival studies, endogenous hemopoietic spleen colony formation (E-CFU), and recovery of bone marrow and splenic granulocyte-macrophage colony-forming cells (GM-CFC), it was demonstrated that the postirradiation administration of glucan, an immunomodulator and hemopoietic stimulant, enhances the radioprotective effects of WR-2721. LD50/30 dose reduction factors for mice treated with WR-2721 (200 mg/kg approximately 30 min before irradiation), glucan (250 mg/kg approximately 1 h after irradiation), or both agents were 1.37, 1.08, and 1.52, respectively. Enhanced survival in mice treated with both agents appeared to be due in part to glucan's ability to accelerate hemopoietic regeneration from stem cells initially protected from radiation-induced lethality by WR-2721. Following a 10-Gy radiation exposure, E-CFU numbers in mice treated with saline, WR-2721, glucan, or both WR-2721 and glucan were 0.05 +/- 0.03, 6.70 +/- 1.05, 0.95 +/- 0.24, and 33.90 +/- 2.96, respectively. Similarly, bone marrow and splenic GM-CFC numbers were greater in mice treated with both WR-2721 and glucan than in mice treated with either agent alone. These results demonstrated at least additive radioprotective effects when mice were given WR-2721 prior to irradiation and glucan following irradiation. These effects appeared to depend on the sequential cell protection mediated by WR-2721 and hemopoietic repopulation mediated by glucan.  相似文献   

The effect of whole-body irradiation on cellular immunity, as measured in vivo by delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) to oxazolone (4- ethoxymethylene -2-phenyl- oxazol -5-one), was determined in CD2F1 mice. DTH, determined by changes in ear swelling after challenge with oxazolone, was significantly depressed in irradiated mice (500-900 rad of 60Co) in a dose-dependent fashion when animals were irradiated after sensitization and before challenge with oxazolone. Administration of WR-2721 [S-2-(3-aminopropylamino)ethylphosphorothioic acid] 30 min before irradiation (2 days after sensitization) resulted in protection against suppression of DTH, which was dependent on drug and radiation dose. An effective dose of WR-2721 (200 mg/kg body wt) provided an approximate dose-modifying factor of 1.3. The data suggest that WR-2721 interacts with cells involved in that DTH response (lymphocytes and/or macrophages) and that WR-2721 may be useful in protecting against radiation-induced decrements in cell-mediated immunity.  相似文献   

Ionizing radiation induces hypothermia in guinea pigs. While systemic injection of the radioprotectant S-2-(3-aminopropylamino)ethylphosphorothioic acid (WR-2721) did not block hyperthermia induced by exposure to 10 Gy of gamma radiation, central administration did attenuate it. The dephosphorylated metabolite of WR-2721, N-(2-mercaptoethyl)-1,3-diaminopropane (WR-1065), accentuated radiation-induced hypothermia by both routes of administration. In brain homogenates, oxygen uptake was inhibited by WR-2721 but elevated by WR-1065. These results suggest that the antagonism of radiation-induced hypothermia found only after central administration of WR-2721 is due to its direct actions and not to its dephosphorylated metabolite and that this effect may be correlated with the inhibition by WR-2721 of oxygen uptake.  相似文献   

Radioprotection of the CNS by WR-2721 has not been possible because of its inability to cross the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and so gain access to the neural tissue. Modification of the BBB using hypertonic arabinose (1.8 m), injected via the internal carotid artery (ica), permitted entry of ip-injected [14C]WR-2721 into the ipsilateral cerebral hemisphere. The BBB-modified hemisphere had a 5.34-fold increased uptake compared to nonmodified controls. Delivery as a bolus via the ica further enhanced uptake after BBB opening; WR-2721 was 3.73 times greater than by ip injection. A 20-fold increase of WR-2721 brain uptake has been calculated for ica administration with the BBB opened as compared to the ip route without BBB modification. Toxicity of ip-administered WR-2721 with the BBB open was only 1.4 times greater than non-modified controls and 1.96 times more toxic when delivered via the ica. These data demonstrate significant uptake of WR-2721 into the CNS, a previously unprotected organ, and provide a model for future radioprotective studies.  相似文献   

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