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Carrier detection tests were carried out in 119 families with hemophilia A by using the data obtained with current DNA techniques (e.g., RFLP analysis and direct identification of mutations), conventional carrier detection tests (e.g., factor VIII:C and von Willebrand factor antigen), and pedigree information. On the basis of this data, we estimated the sex ratio of mutation frequencies with three completely different methods and compared the results. Since the classical indirect method derived from Haldane is substantially influenced by reproductive fitness (f), the sex ratio of mutation frequencies was estimated for both f = .3 and f = .5, resulting in a male:female mutation ratio of 5.37 (95% confidence interval 2.16-13.02) and 3.26 (95% confidence interval 0.97-8.73), respectively. According to the equilibrium-independent indirect method formulated by Rosendaal et al., the male:female ratio was estimated to be 3.4 (95% confidence interval 1.18-8.81). Since current DNA techniques provide information on the grandparental origin of the patient''s X chromosome, we were twice able to estimate directly the male:female mutation ratio as 15:1, by using the quotients of mutation origin (maternal grandfather/maternal grandmother and maternal grandfather/patient''s mother, respectively). Application of the Fisher test shows that the male mutation rate is higher than the female rate (P = 8.55 x 10(-7). Since all three completely different approaches unequivocally showed a higher male than female mutation frequency, this should be considered to be an established fact in calculating the risk in hemophilia A families.  相似文献   

Previous epidemiological and biochemical studies have generated conflicting estimates of the sex ratio of mutation. Direct genomic sequencing in combination with haplotype analysis extends previous analyses by allowing the precise mutation to be determined in a given family. From analysis of the factor IX gene of 260 consecutive families with hemophilia B, we report the germ-line origin of mutation in 25 families. When combined with 14 origins of mutation reported by others and with 4 origins previously reported by us, a total of 25 occur in the female germ line, and 18 occur in the male germ line. The excess of germ-line origins in females does not imply an overall excess mutation rate per base pair in the female germ line. Bayesian analysis of the data indicates that the sex ratio varies with the type of mutation. The aggregate of single-base substitutions shows a male predominance of germ-line mutations (P < .002). The maximum-likelihood estimate of the male predominance is 3.5-fold. Of the single-base substitutions, transitions at the dinucleotide CpG show the largest male predominance (11-fold). In contrast to single-base substitutions, deletions display a sex ratio of unity. Analysis of the parental age at transmission of a new mutation suggests that germ-line mutations are associated with a small increase in parental age in females but little, if any, increase in males. Although direct genomic sequencing offers a general method for defining the origin of mutation in specific families, accurate estimates of the sex ratios of different mutational classes require large sample sizes and careful correction for multiple biases of ascertainment. The biases in the present data result in an underestimate of the enhancement of mutation in males.  相似文献   

Hemophilia A is an X chromosome-linked recessive disorder resulting in defective or deficient factor VIII (FVIII) molecules, which, in its severe form, is a life-threatening and crippling hemorrhagic disease. Infusion of homologous FVIII to patients with severe hemophilia A results, in 25% of patients, in the emergence of alloantibodies against FVIII (inhibitors)( ref. 1) that inhibit FVIII procoagulant activity by steric hindrance of the interaction of FVIII either with stabilizing molecules, with molecules essential for its activity or with activating molecules. Here, we report on the proteolysis of FVIII by alloantibodies of two patients with severe hemophilia A, demonstrating a previously unknown mechanism by which FVIII inhibitors may prevent the pro-coagulant function of FVIII. The kinetic parameters of FVIII hydrolysis indicate a functional role for the catalytic immune response in the inactivation of FVIII in vivo. The characterization of alloantibodies against FVIII as site-specific proteases may provide new approaches to the treatment of FVIII inhibitors.  相似文献   

Hemophilia A, an X-linked disease caused by deficiency of factor VIII, is characterized by variation in clinical severity and coagulation activity. This variation is though to reflect heterogeneity of mutations in the factor VIII gene. Here we describe a CG-to-CA mutation within a potential cryptic donor splice site in intron 4 of the factor VIII gene from a patient with mild disease. This mutation makes the cryptic sequence resemble more closely the consensus sequence for donor splice sites. We infer that the mutation activates the cryptic donor splice site, which in turn causes a defect in RNA processing.  相似文献   

Cryoprecipitate and the more purified factor VIII concentrates are all heterogeneous preparations that contain not only a high concentration of factor VIII but also various other materials, some of which might be injurious, causing liver damage after long-term exposure. The efficiency of three standard cryoprecipitate filters, two microaggregate filters and the appropriate factor VIII concentrate filters in reducing the amount of particulate matter delivered to the patient was assessed. Filtration of cryoprecipitate through the standard filters removed less than 20% of the contaminating microaggregates and very few of the large number of intact platelets, although the total dose of factor VIII was delivered. Microaggregate filters were no better in reducing the platelet contamination, although the total number of particles delivered was halved. However, 25% of the factor VIII was retained in the bed volume of the filter. The concentrate preparations also contained significant amounts of particulate matter that was unrelated to factor VIII and was not removed following filtration through the designated filter. These findings indicate that a new filter should be developed for administration of factor VIII concentrate that would remove the particulate matter while delivering all of the factor VIII to the patient.  相似文献   

To date the only point mutations demonstrated to cause hemophilia are C to T transitions in TaqI sites. These were detected by screening Southern blots with cloned factor VIII probes. During the development of improved methods for detecting and analyzing mutations in genomic DNA, a novel G to C transversion mutation has been identified. This rare transversion results in a missense mutation, with proline being substituted for arginine in one of the active domains of the factor VIII molecule. The results suggest that the improved methods will be useful for detecting mutations in hemophilia as well as in other genetic disorders. In this method, specific DNA sequences in genomic DNA are amplified using oligonucleotide primers and a heat-resistant DNA polymerase. Mutations are detected and localized in the amplified samples by RNase A cleavage, and the altered region is then sequenced.  相似文献   

The occurrence of the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) in patients with hemophilia has suggested that an infectious agent transmitted through the frequent use of pooled blood products could be responsible. To determine if the amount or type of factor VIII preparation alters the risk of acquiring immune defects, three groups of asymptomatic heterosexual men were studied: 34 with severe classic hemophilia who were receiving lyophilized factor VIII concentrate, 10 with either mild classic hemophilia or moderately severe von Willebrand''s disease who were receiving cryoprecipitate and 22 normal men who served as controls. Anergy was noted in 68%, 57% and 5% respectively of the three groups. In comparison with the control group, the group treated with lyophilized factor VIII concentrate had a significantly decreased mean ratio of helper to suppressor T lymphocytes, poor responses of the lymphocytes to mitogens, high unstimulated background activity of these cells and significantly elevated serum IgG levels. Although some of the patients with classic hemophilia who were treated with cryoprecipitate were also anergic, they did not manifest these in-vitro abnormalities. The data indicate that a majority of apparently immunocompetent individuals with classic hemophilia show in-vivo and in-vitro evidence of impaired cellular immunity and may be at risk for the development of opportunistic infections and neoplasms.  相似文献   

Haemophilia A is an X-linked bleeding disorder caused by mutations in the coagulation factor VIII (FVIII) gene. The identification and characterization of naturally occurring disease-producing mutations allows the recognition of new mechanisms of pathogenesis in haemophilia A. Analysis of the illegitimately transcribed FVIII mRNA in a severely affected patient has revealed that the AG transition at position –2 of the acceptor splice site of intron 4 results in the skipping of exon 5 in 90% of the processed pre-mRNA. Another minor mRNA species arising from the skipping of exons 4 and 5 has also been observed. The skipping of exon 5 predicts the removal of the corresponding 13 amino acids from the A1 domain of FVIII. A novel missense mutation, C329S, in exon 8 of FVIII gene has been identified in another patient.  相似文献   

A restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) has been found in the gene for clotting factor VIII. Defects in this gene are the cause of hemophilia A. The DNA polymorphism affects an XbaI site in intron 22 of the gene. Two alleles occur in a frequency of 59 and 41 percent of the X chromosomes tested. Furthermore, about 25 percent of females who are homozygous for the previously reported BclI RFLP in the factor VIII gene are heterozygous for the XbaI polymorphism. This new RFLP thus represents a significant addition to available probes for the DNA-based prenatal diagnosis and carrier detection of this disease.  相似文献   

Hemophilia A is an X-linked congenital bleeding disorder caused by Factor VIII deficiency. Different mutations including point mutations, deletions, insertions and inversions have been reported in the FVIII gene, which cause hemophilia A. In the current study, with the use of conformational sensitive gel electrophoresis (CSGE) analysis, we report a novel 1-nt deletion in the A6 sequence at codons 1328-1330 (4040-4045 nt delA) occurring in exon 14 of the FVIII gene in a seven-year-old Iranian boy with severe hemophilia A. This mutation that causes frameshift and premature stop-codon at 1331 has not previously been reported in the F8 Hemophilia A Mutation, Structure, Test and Resource Site (HAMSTeRS) database.  相似文献   

Summary A hereditary disease with excess mortality such as haemophilia is maintained in the population by the occurrence of new cases, i.e. mutations. In haemophilia, mutations may arise in female or male ancestors of a new patient. The ratio of the mutation frequencies in males over females determines the prior risk of carriership of the mother of an isolated patient. An estimate of this prior risk is required for the application of Bayes' theorem to probability calculations in carriership testing. We have developed a method to estimate the sex ratio of the mutation frequencies; it does not depend on the assumption of genetic equilibrium, nor require an estimate of the reproductive fitness of haemophilia patients and carriers. Information from 462 patients with severe or moderately severe haemophilia A was gathered by postal questionnaires in a survey that included practically all Dutch haemophiliacs. Pedigree analysis was performed for the 189 patients of these 462, who were the first haemophiliacs in their family. By the maximum likelihood method, the ratio of the mutation frequencies in males and females was estimated at 2.1, with a 95% confidence interval of 0.7–6.7. In addition, we performed a meta-analysis of all published studies on the sex ratio of the mutation frequencies. When the results of six studies were pooled, it was estimated that mutations originated 3.1 times as often in males as in females. The 95% confidence interval was 1.9–4.9. This implies that 80% of mothers of an isolated patient are expected to be haemophilia carriers.  相似文献   

On the basis of the indirectly established statement that activated forms of the coagulation factor are also present in PPSB fractions of own production, the activated concentrate of factor IX and of the prothrombin complex were applied in haemophilia-A patients with antibodies against factor VIII. The fraction was administered to 4 patients during 14 bleeding times, mostly during bleedings of joints an soft tissues, twice during haematuria in a dose of 40-200 E-factor IX per kg of body weight and per day. The total dose was mainly administered in a fractionized way at an interval of 8 or 12 hours. This treatment lasted for 2 to 7 days. With regard to haemostasis no fundamental improvement of global blood coagulation tests (which have pathological results in haemophilia-A patients) could be identified in the course of the treatment. However, the increase of factor II, VII, and X in the patient's plasma was striking. Contrary to exceptations, there was a less distinct increase of factor IX activity. Concluding from these findings it may be assumed that the "strengthening" of the "extrinsic system" is decisive for the haemostatic effect in the treatment mentioned.  相似文献   

The distribution of hemophilia A was studied in Bashkortostan. The factor VIII gene of the blood coagulation system was analyzed in 34 patients with hemophilia A and 48 of their close relatives. Inversion of intron 22 of the factor VIII gene was revealed in nine cases, which comprised 30% of the total sample analyzed. The type II and type III of this mutation occurred at a relatively high frequency, which may be explained by the founder effect and genetic drift. The allelic frequencies of the polymorphic locus HindIII at intron 19 were similar; a substantial allelic heterogeneity of both microsatellite (CA)-repeats at intron 13 and the DXS52 locus were found on normal and mutant X chromosomes. The molecular genetic analysis of (CA)-repeats and the loci HindIII and DXS52 in families with hemophilia A makes it possible to reveal up to 89% of the informative families.  相似文献   

Paradoxical bleedings are complications occurring under replacement therapy in haemophiliacs by disturbancies of the primary haemostasis. They have been observed during treatment with factor-VIII- and prothrombin-complex concentrates of long duration and in high dosage. Clinical complications, for example delayed wound healing as well as spontaneous bleedings into the skin and from the mucous membranes, have been observed in one quarter of haemophiliacs under substitution therapy. In one third of these patients pathological parameters of primary haemostasis (prolonged bleeding time, reduced retention, retraction, ADP- and collagen-induced aggregation and the platelet factor 3 release) were found out. The following mechanisms or substances may be the cause for these disturbancies: 1. fibrinogen and factor-VIII split products 2. high content of proteins predominantly fibrinogen and factor-VIII-related antigen 3. antigen-antibody reactions 4. development of inhibitors against the Willebrand factor. For treatment of the paradoxical bleedings freshly prepared cryoprecipitate, prednison and Etamsylatum have been used.  相似文献   

To define the molecular basis of a TaqI site alteration in the factor VIII gene of a patient with moderately severe hemophilia A, we used a combination of genomic amplification followed by direct sequencing and oligonucleotide hybridization, to demonstrate an A-to-G substitution in exon 7 (codon 291) of this gene. This mutation generates a Gly in place of Glu at amino acid 272 of the mature factor VIII protein. The mutation arose de novo in a germ cell of the patient's mother.  相似文献   

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