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1. The complete inactivation of antistaphylococcal phage by HgCl2 (2.8 per cent for 216 hours) can be reversed by precipitation of Hg++ with restoration of the phage to its original titre. 2. This behavior seems more compatible with the known properties of certain enzymes than with those of living protoplasm.  相似文献   

1. The rate of inactivation of an anti-coli phage by filtrates of cultures of the homologous bacteria has been studied. 2. The inactivation rate at 37°C. is proportional to phage concentration and filtrate concentration. 3. At 0°C. the rate of phage inactivation becomes proportional to the square root of the filtrate concentration. 4. A reaction scheme to account for these observations is suggested and discussed. 5. This coli-phage is also inactivated by relatively large concentrations of soluble starch, inulin, gum arabic, and acetylated gum arabic. 6. The inactivation is markedly influenced by salt concentration, being rapid at moderate salt concentrations and slow at high or extremely low salt concentrations. 7. The inactivated phage cannot be regenerated by high salt concentrations, or by soaps.  相似文献   

《BMJ (Clinical research ed.)》1938,2(4047):221-222

1. The inactivation of antistaphylococcus bacteriophage suspended in infusion broth at pH 7.6 and 22°C. by HgCl2 proceeds according to the equation dP/dt = k [HgCl2] [Po – Pi] over the range studied. 2. This inactivation can be reversed by precipitation of Hg++ with H2S. In the present experiments the inactivation was carried out until only some 5 per cent of the initial phage remained active. After reactivation the [P] had increased to 100 per cent of the initial [P].  相似文献   

用带水稻苯丙氨酸解氨酶PAL 2启动子和GUS读码框嵌合基因的水稻悬浮细胞证明毛地黄皂苷能诱导水稻PAL 2的转录。NAD-PH、NADH、过氧化氢、超氧歧化酶、过氧化氢酶、甘露醇、1,2-羟基苯-3,5-二磺酸(Tiron)、paraquat、精氨酸、还原型和氧化型的谷胱甘肽、N-乙酰-L-半胱氨酸、二硫苏糖醇等都不影响毛地黄皂苷诱导的PAL2转导。只有在超氧歧化酶和过氧化氢酶或超氧歧化酶和Tiron一起时才微弱地抑制这种诱导。毛地黄皂苷能在缺钙培养基中诱导胞外介质碱性化,但它只在含钙离子的条件下才诱导PAL 2转录。钙离子载体A 23187及Stauros-poline不诱导PAL 2基因转录和胞外介质碱性化。钙调素的拮抗剂N-(6-Aminohexy1)-5-chloro-1-naphthalenesulfonamide(W7)和trifluoperazine(TFP)能抑制毛地黄皂苷诱导的PAL 2转录,但一些蛋白激酶的激活剂和抑制剂包括phorbol-12-myristate(TPA)、1-(5-Isoquinoline sulfony1)-2-methylpiperaz-ine(H7)、staurosporine及genestein不干扰它对PAL 2转录的诱导,G蛋白激活剂GTP-γS和抑制剂百日咳毒素也不影响这种诱导。毛地黄皂苷不诱导几丁酶转录。二硫苏糖醇能抑制几丁酶转录。伴刀豆球蛋白及麦胚凝集素能微弱地促进几丁酶基因转录,但对PAL 2表达没有影响。看来毛地黄皂苷诱导的水稻悬浮细胞PAL 2转录与活性氧激活没有简单和直接的关系。但它依赖于胞外介质碱性化和钙-钙调素,它的信号传导途径与诱导几丁酶转录的信号传导途径是不同的。  相似文献   

本试验结果表明,免疫缺陷无胸腺裸鼠对乙型脑炎强毒株病毒神经外感染较正常鼠敏感,病毒容易入脑,在脑内的繁殖滴度高,并引起脑细胞严重病理改变。乙脑14-2弱毒株神经外感染则不引起裸鼠发病,脑组织未见病理改变;若脑内直接注射,则引起部分裸鼠发病死亡,但病理变化仍然很轻。以上说明以7.0Log TC(?) 14-2株病毒0.1~0.6ml接种时,对免疫功能不全的裸鼠也是安全的。  相似文献   

非病毒载体转基因法,如注射裸DNA或脂质体转染,不产生细胞毒性,但除了肌肉组织外其他组织的转导效率均不高。电脉冲可使细胞膜产生临时的微孔允许一些分子通过,因此应用此方法可将药物或基因转入动物组织。电穿孔常用于培养的细胞转基因,理论上,低强度、长脉冲,或高强度、短脉冲有利于电转导,选择适合的参数是电转导的关键。本实验比较了不同电压和脉冲时间对小鼠卵巢在体转入绿色荧光蛋白基因的效果,确定了最适的电转导参数,为卵巢疾病的药物、基因治疗和研究卵泡发育中的基因调控提供了实验手段。超声波是临床常用的诊断方法,对人体无害…  相似文献   

非病毒载体转基因法。如注射裸DNA或脂质体转染,不产生细胞毒性。但除了肌肉组织外其他组织的转导效率均不高。电脉冲可使细胞膜产生临时的微孔允许一些分子通过。因此应用此方法可将药物或基因转人动物组织。电穿孔常用于培养的细胞转基因,理论上,低强度、长脉冲。或高强度、短脉冲有利于电转导。选择适合的参数是电转导的关键。本实验比较了不同电压和脉冲时间对小鼠卵巢在体转入绿色荧光蛋白基因的效果.确定了最适的电转导参数。为卵巢疾病的药物、基因治疗和研究卵泡发育中的基因调控提供了实验手段。  相似文献   

1. An anti-Escherichia coli phage has been isolated and its behavior studied. 2. A plaque counting method for this phage is described, and shown to give a number of plaques which is proportional to the phage concentration. The number of plaques is shown to be independent of agar concentration, temperature of plate incubation, and concentration of the suspension of plating bacteria. 3. The efficiency of plating, i.e. the probability of plaque formation by a phage particle, depends somewhat on the culture of bacteria used for plating, and averages around 0.4. 4. Methods are described to avoid the inactivation of phage by substances in the fresh lysates. 5. The growth of phage can be divided into three periods: adsorption of the phage on the bacterium, growth upon or within the bacterium (latent period), and the release of the phage (burst). 6. The rate of adsorption of phage was found to be proportional to the concentration of phage and to the concentration of bacteria. The rate constant ka is 1.2 x 10–9 cm.8/min. at 15°C. and 1.9 x 10–9 cm.8/min. at 25°. 7. The average latent period varies with the temperature in the same way as the division period of the bacteria. 8. The latent period before a burst of individual infected bacteria varies under constant conditions between a minimal value and about twice this value. 9. The average latent period and the average burst size are neither increased nor decreased by a fourfold infection of the bacteria with phage. 10. The average burst size is independent of the temperature, and is about 60 phage particles per bacterium. 11. The individual bursts vary in size from a few particles to about 200. The same variability is found when the early bursts are measured separately, and when all the bursts are measured at a late time.  相似文献   

Laser Raman spectra of the DNA bacteriophage P22 and of its precursor particles and related structures have been obtained using 514.5-nm excitation. The spectra show that P22 DNA exists in the B form both inside of the phage head and after extraction from the phage. The major coat protein (gp5) contains a secondary structure composed of 18% α-helix, 20% β-sheet and 62% irregular conformations. The scaffolding protein (gp8) in the phage prohead is substantially richer than gp5 in α-helical content. Among the amino acid residues which give prominent Raman lines, the spectra show that tryptophans are exposed to solvent and most tyrosines are hydrogen bonded to positive donor groups. The above features of phage DNA and protein structures are nearly invariant to changes in temperature up to 80°C, indicating a remarkable thermal stability of the phage head and its encapsulated DNA.  相似文献   

The above data relating to the antistaphylococcus phage and single strain of S. aureus with which previous papers have been concerned (9, 10, 11, 12), bring out the following points. (a) For live, resting, susceptible B suspended in broth as well as for B in a P-B mixture during the logarithmic phases of B growth and P formation, P is distributed in a manner typical of numerous materials soluble in both phases of a two phase system, i.e., distribution proceeds in accordance with the equation Cb/Ca = K where Cb = extracellular P/ml. of broth and Ca = intracellular P/ml. of B. The combination is quantitatively reversible. (b) With heat-killed, susceptible B, P distribution is of the adsorptive type, expressible in the form of the adsorption isotherm equation a = kC 1/n. The average value of 1/n is 0.80 in agreement with the results of von Angerer (2). Under ordinary conditions dead B take up much more P than do live B, the reaction proceeding to > 99 per cent completion. The combination of P with dead B is not demonstrably reversible and with high initial P/B ratios saturation of B with P is effected. Bacteria killed at 65°C., 80°C. and 100°C. show no differences in adsorptive ability. (c) The rates at which live, resting, susceptible B and heat-killed, susceptible B remove P from solution do not differ significantly. Velocity constants of the process calculated from See PDF for Equation agree satisfactorily. It is shown that the time interval consumed is concerned with an actual reaction between P and B and not with diffusion of P through the broth to B. (d) P determinations have been found to serve as satisfactory indicators for B growth in P-B mixtures where [B] is to be maintained at a constant level. Very small increments in [B] give rise to measurable increases in P by virtue of the fact that dP/dt is proportional to a power of the rate dB/dt (9). (e) Similarly [P] estimations will detect death of B cells in P-live B suspensions. Dead B take up large amounts of P irreversibly; such P cannot function in the titration and the result is a sharp drop in [P] of controls.  相似文献   


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