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The (H3-H4)2 histone tetramer forms the central core of nucleosomes and, as such, plays a prominent role in assembly, disassembly and positioning of nucleosomes. Despite its fundamental role in chromatin, the tetramer has received little structural investigation. Here, through the use of pulsed electron-electron double resonance spectroscopy coupled with site-directed spin labelling, we survey the structure of the tetramer in solution. We find that tetramer is structurally more heterogeneous on its own than when sequestered in the octamer or nucleosome. In particular, while the central region including the H3-H3′ interface retains a structure similar to that observed in nucleosomes, other regions such as the H3 αN helix display increased structural heterogeneity. Flexibility of the H3 αN helix in the free tetramer also illustrates the potential for post-translational modifications to alter the structure of this region and mediate interactions with histone chaperones. The approach described here promises to prove a powerful system for investigating the structure of additional assemblies of histones with other important factors in chromatin assembly/fluidity.  相似文献   

Multifrequency electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), combined with site-directed spin labeling, is a powerful spectroscopic tool to characterize protein dynamics. The lineshape of an EPR spectrum reflects combined rotational dynamics of the spin probe's local motion within a protein, reorientations of protein domains, and overall protein tumbling. All these motions can be restricted and anisotropic, and separation of these motions is important for thorough characterization of protein dynamics. Multifrequency EPR distinguishes between different motions of a spin-labeled protein, due to the frequency dependence of EPR resolution to fast and slow motion of a spin probe. This gives multifrequency EPR its unique capability to characterize protein dynamics in great detail. In this review, we analyze what makes multifrequency EPR sensitive to different rates of spin probe motion and discuss several examples of its usage to separate spin probe dynamics and overall protein dynamics, to characterize protein backbone dynamics, and to resolve protein conformational states.  相似文献   

Recent developments including pulse and multi-frequency techniques make the combination of site-directed spin labeling and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy an attractive approach for the study of protein-protein or protein-oligonucleotide interaction. Analysis of the spin label side chain mobility, its solvent accessibility, the polarity of the spin label micro-environment and distances between spin label side chains allow the modeling of protein domains or protein-protein interaction sites and their conformational changes with a spatial resolution at the level of the backbone fold. Structural changes can be detected with millisecond time resolution. Inter- and intra-molecular distances are accessible in the range from approximately 0.5 to 8 nm by the combination of continuous wave and pulse EPR methods. Recent applications include the study of transmembrane substrate transport, membrane channel gating, gene regulation and signal transfer.  相似文献   

Identifying conformational changes with site-directed spin labeling   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Site-direct spin labeling combined with electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy is a powerful tool for detecting structural changes in proteins. This review provides examples that illustrate strategies for interpreting the data in terms of specific rearrangements in secondary and tertiary structure. The changes in the mobility and solvent accessibility of the spin label side chains, and in the distances between spin labels, report (i) rigid body motions of alpha-helices and beta-strands (ii) relative movements of domains and (iii) changes in secondary structure. Such events can be monitored in the millisecond time-scale, making it possible to follow structural changes during function. There is no upper limit to the size of proteins that can be investigated, and only 50-100 picomoles of protein are required. These features make site-directed spin labeling an attractive approach for the study of structure and dynamics in a wide range of systems.  相似文献   

J. Pilet  J. Brahms 《Biopolymers》1973,12(2):387-403
DNA-oriented samples of various origins were studied under different conditions of humidiity and sodium chloride content by means of infrared spectroscopy. (1) Oriented DNA (M. Lysodeikticus, E. coli, calf thymus and salmon sperm) films at 3–4% sodium chloride yield polarized spectra which show drastic changes at relative humidities (r.h.) between 94% and 0% indicative of conformational changes: B form → a form → disordered form The measurements of the infrared dichroism at frequencies of about 1230 cm?1 and at about 1090 cm?1 allow one to determine the orientation of the phosphate group, whereas the measurements at 1710 cm?1 characterize the base orientation. At humidities higher than 90% r.h. (B form) the bisector of OPO forms an angle of 70° relative to the helix axis, whereas at lower humidities, between 75% and 50% r.h. (A form) a rotation to about 45° is observed. Simultaneously, the 0—0 line of phosphate group changes its orientation from 55° to 65° to the helix when B → A transition takes place. The results are in general agreement with that of X-ray diffraction and allow one to determine the orientation of the phosphate group with greater precision. (2) The B–A conformational change is not observed for satellite DNA, isolated from Cancer pagurus, of which the guanine + cytosine content is below 5%. As a function of decreasing humidities, one observes the transition: B form → disordered form A diagram of conformational changes of DNA's as a function of base composition and of r.h., suggests that B–A transition will occur for DNA of relatively higher G + C content, whereas for high (A + T) content, base sequence may be of importance. The B–A transition is prevented in DNA at a relatively high or very low sodium chloride content.  相似文献   

Cw and pulsed high-field EPR (95 GHz, 3.4 T) are performed on site-directed spin labeled bacteriorhodopsin (BR) mutants. The enhanced Zeeman splitting leads to spectra with resolved g-tensor components of the nitroxide spin label. The g(xx) component shift determined for 10 spin labels located in the cytoplasmic loop region and in the protein interior along the BR proton channel reveals a maximum close to position 46 between the proton donor D96 and the retinal. A plot of g(xx) versus A(zz) of the nitrogen discloses grouping of 12 spin labeled sites in protic and aprotic sites. Spin labels at positions 46, 167 and 171 show the aprotic character of the cytoplasmic moiety of the proton channel whereas nitroxides at positions 53, 194 and 129 reveal the protic environment in the extracellular channel. The enhanced sensitivity of high-field EPR with respect to anisotropic reorientational motion of nitroxides allows the characterization of different motional modes for spin labels bound to positions 167 and 170. The motional restriction of the nitroxide at position 167 of the double mutant V167C/D96N is decreased in the M(N) photo-intermediate. An outward shift of the cytoplasmic moiety of helix F in the M(N) intermediate would account for the high-field EPR results and is in agreement with diffraction and recent X-band EPR data.  相似文献   

The in situ structure of human cardiac troponin C (hcTnC) has been studied with site-directed, spin labelling, electron paramagnetic resonance (SDSL-EPR). Analysis of the in situ structures of hcTnC is essential for elucidating the molecular mechanism behind its Ca(2+)-sensitive regulation. We prepared two hcTnC mutants (C35S and C84S) containing one native cysteine residue (84 and 35, respectively) for spin labelling. The mutants were labelled with a methane thiosulfonate spin label (MTSSL) and the TnC was reconstituted into permeabilized muscle fibres. The mobility of Cys84-MTSSL changed markedly after addition of Ca2+, while that of the Cys35 residue did not change in the monomer state or in fibres. The rotational correlation time of Cys84-MTSSL decreased from 32ns to 13ns upon Ca(2+)-binding in the monomer state, whereas in fibres the spectrum of Cys84-MTSSL was resolved into mobile (16ns) and immobile (35ns) components and the addition of Ca2+ increased the immobile component. Moreover, the accessibility of Cys84-MTSSL to molecular oxygen increased slightly in the presence of Ca2+. These data suggest that Cys35 remains in the same location regardless of the addition of Ca2+, whereas Cys84 is located at the position that interacts with B and C helices of hcTnC and interacts with troponin I (TnI) at high concentrations of Ca2+. We determined the distances between Cys35 and Cys84 by measuring pulsed electron-electron double resonance spectra. The distances were 26.0 angstroms and 27.2 angstroms in the monomer state and in fibres, respectively, and the addition of Ca2+ decreased the distance to 23.2 angstroms in fibres but only slightly in the monomer state, showing that Ca2+ binding to the N-domain of hcTnC induced a larger structural change in muscle fibres than in the monomer state.  相似文献   

Access to the active site of human pancreatic lipase (HPL) is controlled by a surface loop (the lid) that undergoes a conformational change in the presence of amphiphiles and lipid substrate. The question of how and when the lid opens still remains to be elucidated, however. A paramagnetic probe was covalently bound to the lid via the D249C mutation, and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy was used to monitor the conformational change in solution. Two EPR spectral components, corresponding to distinct mobilities of the probe, were attributed to the closed and open conformations of the HPL lid, based on experiments performed with the E600 inhibitor. The open conformation of the lid was observed in solution at supramicellar bile salt concentrations. Colipase alone did not induce lid opening but increased the relative proportions of the open conformation in the presence of bile salts. The opening of the lid was found to be a reversible process. Using various colipase to lipase molar ratios, a correlation between the proportion of the open conformation and the catalytic activity of HPL was observed.  相似文献   

Paramagnetic relaxation has been used to monitor the formation of structure in the folding peptide chain of guanidinium chloride-denatured acyl-coenzyme A-binding protein. The spin label (1-oxyl-2,2,5,5-tetramethyl-3-pyrroline-3-methyl)methanesulfonate (MTSL) was covalently bound to a single cysteine residue introduced into five different positions in the amino acid sequence. It was shown that the formation of structure in the folding peptide chain at conditions where 95% of the sample is unfolded brings the relaxation probe close to a wide range of residues in the peptide chain, which are not affected in the native folded structure. It is suggested that the experiment is recording the formation of many discrete and transient structures in the polypeptide chain in the preface of protein folding. Analysis of secondary chemical shifts shows a high propensity for alpha-helix formation in the C-terminal part of the polypeptide chain, which forms an alpha-helix in the native structure and a high propensity for turn formation in two regions of the polypeptide that form turns in the native structure. The results contribute to the idea that native-like structural elements form transiently in the unfolded state, and that these may be of importance to the initiation of protein folding.  相似文献   

Site-directed spin labeling and pulsed electron–electron double resonance (PELDOR or DEER) have previously been applied successfully to study the structure and dynamics of nucleic acids. Spin labeling nucleic acids at specific sites requires the covalent attachment of spin labels, which involves rather complicated and laborious chemical synthesis. Here, we use a noncovalent label strategy that bypasses the covalent labeling chemistry and show that the binding specificity and efficiency are large enough to enable PELDOR or DEER measurements in DNA duplexes and a DNA duplex bound to the Lac repressor protein. In addition, the rigidity of the label not only allows resolution of the structure and dynamics of oligonucleotides but also the determination of label orientation and protein-induced conformational changes. The results prove that this labeling strategy in combination with PELDOR has a great potential for studying both structure and dynamics of oligonucleotides and their complexes with various ligands.  相似文献   

Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is one of the most abundant peptides in the central nervous system of mammals. It belongs to the best-conserved peptides in nature, i.e., the amino acid sequences of even evolutionary widely separated species are very similar to each other. Using porcine NPY, which differs from human NPY only at position 17 (a leucine residue exchanged for a methionine), labeled with a TOAC spin probe at the 2nd, 32nd, or 34th positions of the peptide backbone, the membrane binding and penetration of NPY was determined using EPR and NMR spectroscopy. The vesicular membranes were composed of phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylserine at varying mixing ratios. From the analysis of the EPR line shapes, the spectral contributions of free, dimerized, and membrane bound NPY could be separated. This analysis was further supported by quenching experiments, which selected the contributions of the bound NPY fraction. The results of this study give rise to a model where the α-helical part of NPY (amino acids 13-36) penetrates the membrane interface. The unstructured N-terminal part (amino acids 1-12) extends into the aqueous phase with occasional contacts with the lipid headgroup region. Besides the mixing ratio of zwitterionic and negatively charged phospholipid species, the electrostatic peptide membrane interactions are influenced by the pH value, which determines the net charge of the peptide resulting in a modified membrane binding affinity. The results of these variations indicate that NPY binding to phospholipid membranes depends strongly on the electrostatic interactions. An estimation of the transfer energy of the peptide from aqueous solution to the membrane interface ΔG supports the preferential interaction of NPY with negatively charged membranes.  相似文献   

Site-directed spin labeling (SDSL), the site-specific incorporation of nitroxide spin-labels into a protein, has allowed us to investigate ligand-induced conformational changes in the ligand-binding domain of human estrogen receptor alpha (hERalpha-LBD). EPR (electron paramagnetic resonance) spectroscopy of the nitroxide probe attached to ER produces different spectra depending upon the identity of the bound ligand; these differences are indicative of changes in the type and degree of motional character of the spin-label induced by different ligand-induced conformations of labeled ER. Visual inspection of EPR spectra, construction of B versus C cross-correlation plots, and cross-comparison of spectral pairs using a relative squared difference (RSD) calculation allowed receptor-ligand complexes to be profiled according to their conformational character. Plotting B and C parameters allowed us to evaluate the liganded receptor according to the motional characteristics of the attached spin-label, and they were particularly illustrative for the receptor labeled at position 530, which had motion between the fast and intermediate regimes. RSD analysis allowed us to directly compare the similarity or difference between two different spectra, and these comparisons produced groupings that paralleled those seen in B versus C cross-correlation plots, again relating meaningfully with the pharmacological nature of the bound ligand. RSD analysis was also particularly useful for qualifying differences seen with the receptor labeled at position 417, which had motion between the intermediate and slow motional regimes. This work demonstrates that B and C formulas from EPR line shape theory are useful for qualitative analysis of spectra with differences subtler than those that are often analyzed by EPR spectroscopists. This work also provides evidence that the ER can exist in a range of conformations, with specific conformations resulting from preferential stabilization of ER by the bound ligand. Furthermore, it documents the complexity and uniqueness of the ligand-receptor structure, and highlights the fact that structural differences exist between the receptor bound with ligands of different pharmacological character that, nevertheless, produce similar crystal structures.  相似文献   

Exposure of isolated spinach thylakoids to high intensity illumination (photoinhibition) results in the well-characterized impairment of Photosystem II electron transport, followed by degradation of the D1 reaction centre protein. In the present study we demonstrate that this process is accompanied by singlet oxygen production. Singlet oxygen was detected by EPR spectroscopy, following the formation of stable nitroxide radicals from the trapping of singlet oxygen with a sterically hindered amine TEMP (2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine). There was no detectable singlet oxygen production during anaerob photoinhibition or in the presence of sodium-azide. Comparing the kinetics of the loss of PS II function and D1 protein with that of singlet oxygen trapping suggests that singlet oxygen itself or its radical product initiates the degradation of D1.Abbreviations HEPES 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazine ethanesulphonle acid - PS Photosystem - TEMP 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine - TEMPO 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl  相似文献   

Spin labels have been extensively used to study the dynamics of oligonucleotides. Spin labels that are more rigidly attached to a base in an oligonucleotide experience much larger changes in their range of motion than those that are loosely tethered. Thus, their electron paramagnetic resonance spectra show larger changes in response to differences in the mobility of the oligonucleotides to which they are attached. An example of this is 5-(2,2,5,5-tetramethyl-3-ethynylpyrrolidine-1-oxyl)-uridine (1). How ever, the synthesis of this modified DNA base is quite involved and, here, we report the synthesis of a new spin-labeled DNA base, 5-(2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4-ethynylpiperidyl-3-ene-1-oxyl)-uridine (2). This spin label is readily prepared in half the number of steps required for 1, and yet behaves in a spectroscopically analogous manner to 1 in oligonucleotides. Finally, it is shown here that both spin labels 1 and 2 can be used to detect the formation of both double-stranded and triplex DNA.  相似文献   

After reduction with nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH), NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase (complex I) of the strictly aerobic yeast Yarrowia lipolytica shows clear signals from five different paramagnetic iron-sulfur (FeS) clusters (N1-N5) which can be detected using electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy. The ligand environment and the assignment of several FeS clusters to specific binding motifs found in several subunits of the complex are still under debate. In order to characterize the hyperfine interaction of the surrounding nuclei with FeS cluster N1, one- and two-dimensional electron spin echo envelope modulation experiments were performed at a temperature of 30 K. At this temperature only cluster N1 contributes to the overall signal in a pulsed EPR experiment. The hyperfine and quadrupole tensors of a nitrogen nucleus and the isotropic and dipolar hyperfine couplings of two sets of protons could be determined by numerical simulation of the one- and two-dimensional spectra. The values obtained are in perfect agreement with a ferredoxin-like binding structure by four cysteine amino acid residues and allow the assignment of the nitrogen couplings to a backbone nitrogen nucleus and the proton couplings to the beta-protons of the bound cysteine residues.  相似文献   

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