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In mouse, XY embryos are committed to the male sex determination pathway after the transient expression of the Y-linked Sry gene in the Sertoli cell lineage between 10.5 and 12.5 dpc. In the C57BL/6J strain, male sex determination program can be modulated by some autosomal genes. The C57BL/6J alleles at these autosomal loci can antagonize male sex determination in combination with specific Sry alleles. In this report, the authors have identified an effect of these C57BL/6J specific alleles in combination with a mutated Sox9 allele, Sox9(Ods). Authors report the mapping of three of these genetic loci on mouse chromosome 5 and 10 in a backcross of the Ods mutation to the C57BL/6J background. Our study confirms the importance of the strain C57BL/6J for the investigation of the genetic mechanisms that control sex determination.  相似文献   

Reptiles occupy a crucial position with respect to vertebrate phylogeny, having roamed the earth for more than 300 million years and given rise to both birds and mammals. To date, this group has been largely ignored by contemporary genomics technologies, although the green anole lizard was recently recommended for whole genome sequencing. Future experiments using flow-sorted chromosome libraries and high-throughout genomic sequencing will help to discover important findings regarding sex chromosome evolution, early events in sex determination, and dosage compensation. This information should contribute extensively toward a general understanding of the genetic control of development in amniotes.  相似文献   

蜜蜂性别决定与性比调控机理研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
叙述了 4个主要蜜蜂性别决定机理的假说 :即性位点假说、基因平衡假说、蜜蜂性别决定综合假说和性基因数量决定假说。然后就蜜蜂性比由蜂王操纵 ,或是由工蜂操纵进行了论述 ,并对蜜蜂性比调控机理研究提出了一些建议  相似文献   

Weird mammals are of two types. Highly divergent mammals, such as the marsupials and monotremes, have informed us of the evolutionary history of the Y chromosome and sex-determining gene, and the recently specialized rodents can help us predict its future. The Y chromosome has had a short but eventful history, and is already heading briskly for oblivion. It originated as a homologous partner of the X when it acquired a sex-determining gene (not necessarily SRY). Most of the genes on the Y, even those with a male-specific function, evolved from genes now on the X. At the mercy of a high rate of variability and the forces of drift and selection, the Y has lost genes at a rate of 3-6 genes/million years, sparing those that acquired critical male-specific functions. Even these genes have disappeared from one mammalian lineage or another as their functions were usurped by genes elsewhere in the genome. The mammalian testis-determining gene, SRY, is a typical Y-borne gene. It arose by truncation of a gene (SOX3) on the X that is expressed in brain development, and it may work by interacting with (inhibiting?) related genes, including SOX9. Variant sex-determining systems in rodents show that the action of SRY can change, as it evidently has in the mouse, and SRY can be inactivated, as in akodont rodents, or even completely superseded, as in mole voles.  相似文献   

Identifying the genetic input for fetal growth will help to understand common, serious complications of pregnancy such as fetal growth restriction. Genomic imprinting is an epigenetic process that silences one parental allele, resulting in monoallelic expression. Imprinted genes are important in mammalian fetal growth and development. Evidence has emerged showing that genes that are paternally expressed promote fetal growth, whereas maternally expressed genes suppress growth. We have assessed whether the expression levels of key imprinted genes correlate with fetal growth parameters during pregnancy, either early in gestation, using chorionic villus samples (CVS), or in term placenta. We have found that the expression of paternally expressing insulin-like growth factor 2 (IGF2), its receptor IGF2R, and the IGF2/IGF1R ratio in CVS tissues significantly correlate with crown–rump length and birthweight, whereas term placenta expression shows no correlation. For the maternally expressing pleckstrin homology-like domain family A, member 2 (PHLDA2), there is no correlation early in pregnancy in CVS but a highly significant negative relationship in term placenta. Analysis of the control of imprinted expression of PHLDA2 gave rise to a maternally and compounded grand-maternally controlled genetic effect with a birthweight increase of 93/155 g, respectively, when one copy of the PHLDA2 promoter variant is inherited. Expression of the growth factor receptor-bound protein 10 (GRB10) in term placenta is significantly negatively correlated with head circumference. Analysis of the paternally expressing delta-like 1 homologue (DLK1) shows that the paternal transmission of type 1 diabetes protective G allele of rs941576 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) results in significantly reduced birth weight (−132 g). In conclusion, we have found that the expression of key imprinted genes show a strong correlation with fetal growth and that for both genetic and genomics data analyses, it is important not to overlook parent-of-origin effects.  相似文献   

Bisphenol A (BPA), a synthetic additive used to harden polycarbonate plastics and epoxy resin, is ubiquitous in our everyday environment. Many studies have indicated detrimental effects of BPA on the mammalian reproductive abilities. This study is aimed to test the potential effects of BPA on methylation of imprinted genes during oocyte growth and meiotic maturation in CD-1 mice. Our results demonstrated that BPA exposure resulted in hypomethylation of imprinted gene Igf2r and Peg3 during oocyte growth, and enhanced estrogen receptor (ER) expression at the levels of mRNA and protein. The relationship between ER expression and imprinted gene hypomethylation was substantiated using an ER inhibitor, ICI182780. In addition, BPA promoted the primordial to primary follicle transition, thereby speeding up the depletion of the primordial follicle pool, and suppressed the meiotic maturation of oocytes because of abnormal spindle assembling in meiosis I. In conclusion, neonatal exposure to BPA inhibits methylation of imprinted genes during oogenesis via the ER signaling pathway in CD-1 mice.  相似文献   

Summary The simplest possible model of the sex determination process adding autosomal influence to a minimal number of sex chromosomes was developed to explain matings of Tilapia (Sarotherodon) species. Eighteen different genotypes, each having two autosomes (AA, Aa, or aa) and two sex chromosomes (WX, WY, WW, XY, XX or YY) involved in sex determination, are predicted by the theory. Their sex (10 males and 8 females) were determined using a series of directed graphs, showing the relative strength of the chromosome pairs, developed on the basis of Chen's sex ratio results (Chen 1969). This theoretical model predicts eight different sex ratios (01, 13, 35, 11, 97, 53, 31, 10 ); three of them are not predicted by the WXYZ theory. The greatest part of these sex ratios have been obtained experimentally in extensive series of crosses between related species of Tilapia and their hybrids, carried out by several authors. The theory succeeds in explaining all of Chen's results, including those ratios 53 and 01 seen in certain crosses but not predicted by the WXYZ theory. The importance of the autosomes is seen in comparisons of the genotype pairs (AaWY, aaWY), (AaXY, aaXY) and (AAWW, AaWW) in which the first genotype in each case is male while the second is female as proven by the sex ratio results. The members of the pair differ only in the substitution of one autosome for the other. To test the theory, experiments consisting of hormonal sex reversion and a series of crosses are proposed. Finally, theoretical and practical implications of the theory are discussed.  相似文献   

Li  Xi-Yin  Mei  Jie  Ge  Chu-Tian  Liu  Xiao-Li  Gui  Jian-Fang 《中国科学:生命科学英文版》2022,65(6):1091-1122
Science China Life Sciences - Aquaculture is one of the most efficient modes of animal protein production and plays an important role in global food security. Aquaculture animals exhibit...  相似文献   

Although variation in population sex ratios is predicted to increase the extinction rate of clades with environmental sex determination (ESD), ESD is still seen in a wide array of natural systems. It is unclear how this common sex-determining system has persisted despite this inherent disadvantage associated with ESD. We use simulation modelling to examine the effect of the sex ratio variance caused by ESD on population colonization and establishment. We find that an accelerating function of establishment success on initial population sex ratio favours a system that produces variance in sex ratios over one that consistently produces even sex ratios. This sex ratio variance causes ESD to be favoured over genetic sex determination, even when the mean global sex ratio under both sex-determining systems is the same. Data from ESD populations suggest that the increase in population establishment can more than offset the increased risk of extinction associated with temporal fluctuations in the sex ratio. These findings demonstrate that selection in natural systems can favour increased variance in a trait, irrespective of the mean trait value. Our results indicate that sex ratio variation may provide an advantage to species with ESD, and may help explain the widespread existence of this sex-determining system.  相似文献   

The incidence of spontaneous lung tumors in relation toH-2, the major histocompatibility complex, was studied in congenic strains of mice on the B10-, A-, and C3H-backgrounds.The most relevant results were obtained with congenic strains on the B10-background. The strains could be divided into two groups: one with a low frequency of spontaneous lung tumors carrying the haplotypesH-2 b ,H-2 h4 ,H-2 d ,H-2 i H-2 r and one with a higher incidence of lung tumors carrying the haplotypesH-2 f ,H-2 m ,H-2 h2 ,H-2 a . The differences between these two groups were highly significant.Analysis of the results obtained with the recombinant strains indicated that genes in theIB region determined the susceptibility to the development of spontaneous lung tumors.The comparison of the results in the B10, B10.A and A strain has shown that the incidence in the B10.A strain carrying the haplotypeH-2 a derived from the highly susceptible strain A (H-2 a ) on the resistant background strain B10 (H-2 b ) is intermediate between these two strains. This shows, that other genes of the background are also involved.The lung tumor incidence in (B10.A × B10)F1 hybrids was intermediate between the two parental strains.The results obtained in the strains C3H with the haplotypeH-2 k , C3H.B10 with the haplotypeH-2 b and C3H.NB with the haplotypeH-2 p , were inconclusive because of the early mortality which occurred among the animals of these strains. The strains A (H-2a) and A.SW (H-H-2 s ) were both equally susceptible.  相似文献   

The Arvicolidae is a widely distributed rodent group with several interesting characteristics in their sex chromosomes. Here, we summarize the actual knowledge of some of these characteristics. This mammalian group has species with abnormal sex determination systems. In fact, some species present the same karyotype in both males and females, with total absence of a Y chromosome, and hence of SRY and ZFY genes. Other species present fertile, sex-reversed XY females, generally due to mutations affecting X chromosomes. Furthermore, in Microtus oregoni males and females are gonosomic mosaic (the females are XO in the soma and XX in the germ cells, while the males are XY in the soma and OY in the germ cells). Regarding sex chromosomes, some species present enlarged (giant) sex chromosomes because of the presence of large blocks of constitutive heterochromatin, which have been demonstrated to be highly heterogeneous. Furthermore, we also consider the alterations affecting composition and localization of sex-linked genes or repeated sequences. Finally, this rodent group includes species with synaptic and asynaptic sex chromosomes. In fact, several species with asynaptic sex chromosomes have been described. It is interesting to note that within the genus Microtus both types of sex chromosomes are present.  相似文献   

Through the sequence analysis of 27 imprinted human genes and a set of 100 control genes we have developed a novel approach for identifying candidate imprinted genes based on the differences in sequence composition observed. The imprinted genes were found to be associated with significantly reduced numbers of short interspersed transposable element (SINE) Alus and mammalian-wide interspersed repeat (MIR) repeat elements, as previously reported. In addition, a significant association between imprinted genes and increased numbers of low-complexity repeats was also evident. Numbers of the Alu classes AluJ and AluS were found to be significantly depleted in some parts of the flanking regions of imprinted genes. A recent study has proposed that there is active selection against SINE elements in imprinted regions. Alternatively, there may be differences in the rates of insertion of Alu elements. Our study indicates that this difference extends both upstream and downstream of the coding region. This and other consistent differences between the sequence characteristics of imprinted and control genes has enabled us to develop discriminant analysis, which can be used to screen the genome for candidate imprinted genes. We have applied this function to a number of genes whose imprinting status is disputed or uncertain.  相似文献   

Sex determination in major vertebrate groups appears to be very variable, including systems of male heterogamety, female heterogamety and a variety of genetic and environmental sex determining systems. Yet comparative studies of sex chromosomes and sex determining genes now suggest that these differences are more apparent than real. The sex chromosomes of even widely divergent groups now appear to have changed very little over the last 300+ million years, and even independently derived sex chromosomes seem to have followed the same set of evolutionary rules. The sex determining pathway seems to be extremely conserved, although the control of the genes in this pathway is vested in different elements. We present a scenario for the independent evolution of XY male heterogamety in mammals and ZW female heterogamety in birds and some reptiles. We suggest that sex determining genes can be made redundant, and replaced by control at another step of a conserved sex determining pathway, and how choice of a gene as a sex switch has led to the evolution of new sex chromosome systems. J. Exp. Zool. 290:449-462, 2001.  相似文献   

In this review, we discuss and compare data obtained from animal and plant models, focusing our attention on the mechanisms that affect sex linkage and changes in sex‐determining pathways. Patterns in data across taxa suggest that sex bias and the dynamics that occurs within hybrid zones can play an important role in these processes that enable the spread of some otherwise handicapped genotypes. We discuss the data obtained from several main plant model species in the light of the patterns demonstrated in animal models. In several plant models, we discuss possible differences in the age of their sex‐determining pathways and the age of their current sex chromosomes. We also address an open question: how can an X/A ratio based sex‐determining system evolve from a sex‐determining system based on two genes on the Y chromosome that control two separate sex‐determining pathways (for the control of gynoecium suppression and anther promotion)? Taking inspiration from the well described mechanisms involved in sex determination dynamics in animals, we suggest a hypothetical stepwise scenario of change of the plant sex‐determining system based on two separate sex‐determining pathways (for the control of gynoecium suppression and anther promotion) into the other sex‐determining systems. We suppose that an intermediate step occurs before shift to X/A based sex determination. At that phase, sex determination in plants is still based on an active Y chromosome, although there exists already a connected control of both sex‐determining pathways. We suggest that this connection is enabled by the existence of the genes that control sexual dimorphism in the vegetative state of plant development, and that, in some circumstances, these genes can become sex‐determining genes. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 100 , 737–752.  相似文献   

Eleven representatives of the superorder Amphiesmenoptera (Trichoptera + Lepidoptera) were examined for sex chromatin status. Three species represent stenopsychoid, limnephiloid and leptoceroid branches of the Trichoptera; eight species belong to the primitive, so-called nonditrysian Lepidoptera and represent the infra-orders Zeugloptera, Dacnonypha, Exoporia, Incurvariina, Nepticulina and Tischeriina. The female-specific sex chromatin body was found in the interphase somatic nuclei of Tischeria ekebladella (Bjerkander 1795) (Lepidoptera, Tischeriina). The sex chromatin was absent in all investigated Trichoptera species as well as in all representatives of the nonditrysian Lepidoptera except Tischeria ekebladella . The sex chromosome mechanism of Limnephilus lunatus Curtis 1834 (Trichoptera, Limnephilidae) is Z/ZZ. The sex chromosome mechanism of Tischeria ekebladella (Lepidoptera, Tischeriina) is ZW/ZZ including the W chromosome as the largest element in the chromosome set. The data obtained support the hypothesis that the Z/ZZ sex chromosome system, the female heterogamety and the absence of the sex chromatin body in interphase nuclei are ancestral traits in the superorder Amphiesmenoptera. These ancestral characters are probably kept constant in all the Trichoptera and in the most primitive Lepidoptera. The W sex chromosome and the sex chromatin evolved later in the nonditrysian grade of the Lepidoptera. It is proposed that the sex chromatin is a synapomorphy of Tischeriina and Ditrysia.  相似文献   

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