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Escherichia coli serotype O9:K(A)30 and Klebsiella O1:K20 produce thermostable capsular polysaccharides or K antigens, which are chemically and serologically indistinguishable. Plasmid pULB113 (RP4::mini-Mu) has been used to mediate chromosomal transfer from E. coli O9:K30 and Klebsiella O1:K20 to a multiply marked, unencapsulated, E. coli K12 recipient. Analysis of the cell surface antigens of the transconjugants confirmed previous reports that the genetic determinants for the E. coli K(A) antigens are located near the his and rfb (O antigen) loci on the E. coli linkage map. The Klebsiella K20 capsule genes were also found to be in close proximity to the his and rfb loci. Electron microscopy revealed significant differences in the structural organization of capsular polysaccharides in these two microorganisms and the morphological differences were also readily apparent in transconjugants expressing the respective K antigens. These results are consistent with the interpretation that at least some of the organizational properties of capsular polysaccharides may be genetically determined, rather than being a function of the outer membrane to which the capsular polysaccharides are ultimately attached.  相似文献   

The structure of the O-specific side-chain of the lipopolysaccharide from Escherichia coli O:7 has been investigated, using n.m.r. spectroscopy, methylation analysis, partial hydrolysis, and Smith degradation as the principal methods. It is concluded that the polysaccharide is constructed of repeating pentasaccharide units having the structure (formula; see text) where D-QuipNAc stands for 4-acetamido-4,6-dideoxy-D-glucopyranose. The 13C-n.m.r. spectrum of the polysaccharide has been interpreted completely.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli K30 produces a thermostable group I capsular polysaccharide. Two classes of mutants were isolated with defects in the synthesis or expression of capsule. The most common mutant phenotype was acapsular (K-), with no K-antigen synthesized. A second class of mutants, termed Ki or intermediate forms, produced colonies which were indistinguishable from those of acapsular forms yet K-antigenicity was expressed. Previous studies had demonstrated that E. coli strains that produce K30 antigen synthesize a lipopolysaccharide (LPS) fraction that is recognised by monoclonal antibodies against the K30 antigen. Synthesis of this LPS fraction was not affected in Ki forms. The results of morphological examination, LPS analysis and phage sensitivity studies are consistent with the interpretation that the defect in Ki strains results from an inability to polymerize the K30 antigen. Using plasmid pULB113 (RP4::mini-Mu), mutations resulting in both K- and Ki phenotypes were localized near the his region of the chromosome.  相似文献   

A V Franco  D Liu    P R Reeves 《Journal of bacteriology》1996,178(7):1903-1907
The modal distribution of O-antigen chain length is determined by the Wzz (Cld/Rol) protein in those cases in which it has been studied. The system of O-antigen synthesis in Escherichia coli serotypes O8 and O9 is different from that reported for most other bacteria, and chain length distribution is thought not to be determined by a Wzz protein. We report the existence in E. coli O8 and O9 strains of wzz genes which are very similar to and have sequences within the range of variation of those which determine the chain length of typical O antigens. We also find that wzz genes previously identified by their effect on O-antigen chain length, when cloned and transferred to O8 and O9 strains, affect the chain length of a capsule-related form of LPS, K(LPS). We conclude that in at least some O8 and O9 strains there is a wzz gene which controls the chain length of K(LPS) but has no effect on the O8 or O9 antigen.  相似文献   

We have examined the killing of E. coli and kinetics of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) release after the exposure of the bacteria to normal human serum (NHS) and sera deficient in complement components, or with inactivated complement components. LPS of the galactose epimerase-deficient strain E. coli J5 were specifically radiolabeled by growing the bacteria in a medium containing [3H]galactose. Exposure of the washed bacteria to NHS resulted in a significant reduction (greater than 99%) in viability within 15 min and the concomitant release of radiolabeled LPS. However, maximal release of LPS was consistently 30% of the total radiolabel incorporated into the LPS molecules. The amount of tritium-labeled LPS released was shown to be directly proportional to the concentration of bacteria exposed to NHS, suggesting that release of LPS was not limited by the availability of some critical serum component(s). The consumption of complement in NHS by incubation with E. coli was demonstrated by decreased alternative and classical pathway-specific hemolytic activity. The use of Factor D-depleted and VEM-treated human sera demonstrated that, with these bacteria, both the alternative and classical pathways of complement contribute to bacterial killing and release of LPS. It is noteworthy that, in VEM-treated and Factor D-depleted sera, the rate of killing and the kinetics of LPS release were somewhat slower as compared to control serum. Bacterial killing in C7-depleted and C9-deficient human sera was minimal. Neither killing nor LPS release occurred in heat-inactivated (56 degrees C, 30 min) human serum. The amount of [3H]LPS released by C9-deficient serum was qualitatively similar to the amount released by the action of NHS. Tritium-labeled LPS was not released in C7-depleted serum. These data indicate that bacterial killing can be dissociated from LPS release, and suggest that, whereas LPS release may be necessary for the bactericidal effects of serum complement, it is probably not sufficient to effect killing. Furthermore, a significant fraction of LPS can be removed from the outer membrane of the bacteria without an apparent affect on viability.  相似文献   

The group 1 K30 antigen from Escherichia coli (O9a:K30) is present on the cell surface as both a capsular structure composed of high-molecular-weight K30 polysaccharide and as short K30 oligosaccharides linked to lipid A-core in a lipopolysaccharide molecule (K30LPS). To determine the molecular processes that are responsible for the two forms of K antigen, the 16 kb chromosomal cps region has been characterized. This region encodes 12 gene products required for the synthesis, polymerization and translocation of the K30 antigen. The gene products include four glycosyltransferases responsible for synthesis of the K30 repeat unit; a PST (1) exporter (Wzx), required to transfer lipid-linked K30 units across the plasma membrane to the periplasmic space; and a K30-antigen polymerase (Wzy). These gene products are typical of those seen in O-antigen biosynthesis gene clusters and they interact with the lipopolysaccharide translocation pathway to express K30LPS on the cell surface. The same gene products also provide the biosynthetic intermediates for the capsule assembly pathway, although they are not in themselves sufficient for synthesis of the K30 capsule. Three additional genes, wza, wzb and wzc, encode homologues to proteins that are encoded by gene clusters involved in expression of a variety of bacterial exopolysaccharides. Mutant analysis indicates that Wza and Wzc are required for wild-type surface expression of the capsular structure but are not essential for polymerization and play no role in the translocation of K30LPS. These surface expression components provide the key feature that distinguishes the assembly systems for O antigens and capsules.  相似文献   

Abstract Monoclonal antibodies of subclasses IgG1 and IgG2b and specific for the O4 antigen of Escherichia coli 20025 (O4 : K12 : H) and the capsular K12 polysaccharide of the same strain (IgM) were obtained with the hybridoma technique using spleen cells from Balb/c mice, immunized with a crude bacterial extract, and Sp2/O-Ag8 myeloma cells. The anti-O4 antibodies reacted exclusively with the O4 lipopolysaccharide and not with those from serologically O-cross reactive E. coli . The anti-K12 antibodies recognized as epitope (part of) the KDO moiety of the capsular K12 polysaccharide. Not only anti-K12, but also anti-O4 antibodies effectively phagoopsonized encapsulated E. coli 20025. The opsonized bacteria were killed in subsequent in vitro phagocytosis by human leokocytes in the presence of human serum complement.  相似文献   

The capsular polysaccharide of the bacterium Escherichia coli O9:K32(A):H19 was analyzed using chemical methods (hydrolysis, sequential Smith degradation, methylation analysis) together with 1H- and 13C-n.m.r. spectroscopy. 13C-N.m.r. spectroscopy and chemical analyses indicated that the K32 polysaccharide is composed of equimolar proportions of glucose, galactose, rhamnose, and glucuronic acid, and carries O-acetyl groups. 1H-N.m.r. analysis of native K32 polysaccharide revealed five resonances in the anomeric region (delta 5.52, 5.16, 5.12, 5.02, and 4.73) and the presence of an acetyl group (delta 2.18). O-Deacetylation of the polysaccharide resulted in the loss of the resonance at delta 2.18 and one of the resonances (delta 5.52) in the anomeric region. The "extra" anomeric resonance in the 1H-n.m.r. spectrum of the native K32 polymer was assigned to H-2 of rhamnose, which experiences a large downfield shift when the 2-position is O-acetylated. This was confirmed by a 2D-COSY n.m.r. experiment and studies of model compounds. The K32 capsular polysaccharide is of the "2 + 2" type, comprised of the following repeating unit: (sequence; see text) This structure is identical to that of Klebsiella K55 capsular polysaccharide.  相似文献   

A strain of Citrobacter sedlakii showing serological cross-reaction with Escherichia coli O157 antisera was demonstrated to produce a lipopolysaccharide O-antigen having an identical structure with that of the E. coli O157 O-antigen. A strain of Citrobacter freunndii showing similar cross-reaction with E. coli O157 specific monoclonal antibody was shown to produce a lipopolysaccharide O-antigen composed of a trisaccharide repeating unit having the structure [ 2)-alpha-D Rhap-(1-3)-beta-D-Rhap-(1-4)-beta-D-Glcp-(1-]. This O-antigen differs from that of the E. coli O157 O-antigen and also lacks a component 2-substituted 4-amino-4,6-dideoxy-alpha-D-mannopyranosyl residue implicated as the common epitope in the lipopolysaccharide O-antigens of previously investigated bacterial species showing serological cross-reactivity with E. coli O157 antisera. The C freundii O-antigen presents an interesting example of structural mimicry within a bacterial polysaccharide antigen.  相似文献   

The structure of the capsular polysaccharide from E. coli O9:K37 (A 84a) has been studied, using methylation analysis, Smith degradation, and graded acid hydrolysis. The configurations at the anomeric centres were assigned by 1H-n.m.r. spectroscopy of the polysaccharide and its derivatives and oligosaccharide fragments. The polysaccharide has the following trisaccharide repeating-unit which is unique in the E. coli series of capsular polysaccharides in possessing a 1-carboxyethylidene group as the sole acidic function. (Formula: see text) E. coli capsular polysaccharides have been classified into seventy-four serotypes. The structures of about twenty of these polysaccharides have been elucidated, one of which, K29, has been reported to contain a 1-carboxyethylidene group. In continuation of a programme aimed at establishing the structural basis for the serology and immunochemistry of the E. coli capsular antigens, we now report on the structure of the capsular polysaccharide from E. coli O9:K37.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies were produced against the capsular antigen of Escherichia coli serotype K(A)30, using a mouse hybridoma system. The antibodies also recognised the chemically identical capsular polysaccharide produced by Klebsiella K20. Chemical modification of the K30 polysaccharide indicated that the glucuronic acid residues found in the E. coli K30 capsular antigen were important in the epitope recognised by these antibodies. Use of the antibodies as molecular probes revealed the presence of two discrete forms of the K30 antigen. One form was comprised of high molecular weight polysaccharide, present as a surface capsular layer. The second form of the antigen was of low molecular weight and was associated with lipopolysaccharide fractions from cell surface polysaccharide extracts. Separation of lipopolysaccharide fractions using gel chromatography in the presence of detergent showed that the low molecular weight K-antigenic fraction comigrated with a lipopolysaccharide lipid A core fraction present in encapsulated E. coli K30 bacteria but absent in acapsular mutants.  相似文献   

Summary A method for the positive selection of dadA mutants defective in Dolor-amino acid dehydrogenase has been devised. It consists in isolating mutants resistant to -chroro-Dolor-alanine and screening for mutant colony color on a special agar medium. All 70 Escherichia coli K12 dadA mutants isolated either by this method or by other selection procedures map at a locus which is near to hemA and closely linked with dadR. Since some of the dadA mutants are thermosensitive in Dolor-methionine utilization in vivo and have thermolabile Dolor-amino acid dehydrogenase in vitro, it is proposed that the dadA gene codes for the enzyme structure. The broad substrate specificity, apparent membrane localization, inducibility by alanine, and repressibility by glucose strongly suggest that the Dolor-amino acid dehydrogenase coded by the dadA gene is a species variant of the enzyme described under the same name in Salmonella typhimurium. It may be identical or homologous with the enzymes described under the names alaninase, Dolor-alanine oxidase or Dolor-alanine dehydrogenase in E. coli K12 or B.  相似文献   

Molecular beacons (MBs) are oligonucleotide probes that fluoresce upon hybridization. In this paper, we described the development of a real-time PCR assay to detect the presence of Escherichia coli O157:H7 using these fluorogenic reporter molecules. MBs were designed to recognize a 26-bp region of the rfbE gene, coding for an enzyme necessary for O-antigen biosynthesis. The specificity of the MB-based PCR assay was evaluated using various enterohemorrhagic (EHEC) and Shiga-like toxin-producing (STEC) E. coli strains as well as bacteria species that cross-react with the O157 antisera. All E. coli serotype O157 tested was positively identified while all other species, including the closely related O55 were not detected by the assay. Positive detection of E. coli O157:H7 was demonstrated when >10(2) CFU/ml was present in the samples. The capability of the assay to detect E. coli O157:H7 in raw milk and apple juice was demonstrated. As few as 1 CFU/ml was detected after 6 h of enrichment. These assays could be carried out entirely in sealed PCR tubes, enabling rapid and semiautomated detection of E. coli O157:H7 in food and environmental samples.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli serotype O9a O‐antigen polysaccharide (O‐PS) is a model for glycan biosynthesis and export by the ATP‐binding cassette transporter‐dependent pathway. The polymannose O9a O‐PS is synthesized as a polyprenol‐linked glycan by mannosyltransferase enzymes located at the cytoplasmic membrane. The chain length of the O9a O‐PS is tightly regulated by the WbdD enzyme. WbdD first phosphorylates the terminal non‐reducing mannose of the O‐PS and then methylates the phosphate, stopping polymerization. The 2.2 Å resolution structure of WbdD reveals a bacterial methyltransferase domain joined to a eukaryotic kinase domain. The kinase domain is again fused to an extended C‐terminal coiled‐coil domain reminiscent of eukaryotic DMPK (Myotonic Dystrophy Protein Kinase) family kinases such as Rho‐associated protein kinase (ROCK). WbdD phosphorylates 2‐α‐d ‐mannosyl‐d ‐mannose (2α‐MB), a short mimic of the O9a polymer. Mutagenesis identifies those residues important in catalysis and substrate recognition and the in vivo phenotypes of these mutants are used to dissect the termination reaction. We have determined the structures of co‐complexes of WbdD with two known eukaryotic protein kinase inhibitors. Although these are potent inhibitors in vitro, they do not show any in vivo activity. The structures reveal new insight into O‐PS chain‐length regulation in this important model system.  相似文献   

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