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The Sulu Sea in the western equatorial Pacific is presently a shallowly-silled, dysaerobic, deep-marine basin. Deep waters in the Sulu Sea are ventilated through a single sill at 420 m depth which connects it to the China Sea. Benthic and planktonic foraminiferal oxygen and carbon isotope records, benthic and planktonic foraminiferal census data and total organic carbon measurements have been used to evaluate changes in water mass conditions in the Sulu Sea between the last glacial maximum (18,000 yrs. B.P.) and the present day.An increase in the abundance of the planktonic foraminiferaNeogloboquadrina dutertrei and relatively light planktonic foraminiferal δ18O values suggest that during the last glacial maximum surface water salinities were reduced in the Sulu Sea. Enhanced isolation of the basin due to glacio-eustatic lowering of sea level and reduced surface salinities resulted in stagnation of deep water and an expansion of the mid-water oxygen minimum layer. Increased organic carbon preservation at mid-water depths occurs at this time. Benthic carbon isotope data and an increase in the abundance of benthic foraminiferal species considered to prefer low oxygen environments support the conclusion of an oxygen-minimum expansion at mid-water depths during the last glacial maximum. At water depths greater than 4000 m, bottom waters appear to have maintained some degree of oxygenation during the last glacial maximum. Stronger Pacific Ocean trade winds at this time may have caused the influx of denser Celebes Sea surface water into the southern part of the Sulu Sea. The slow sinking of this water would have then ventilated bottom waters in this part of the basin.At the transition from glacial to interglacial conditions, rising sea level caused denser water to flow over the deepest sill into the Sulu Sea. Vertical circulation increased, resulting in a greater downward flux of oxygen and a dissipation of the oxygen minimum. Continued post-glacial sea level rise caused periodic ventilation of deep water until the present dysaerobic conditions were established.  相似文献   

Identifying characteristics of foraging activity is fundamental to understanding an animals’ lifestyle and foraging ecology. Despite its importance, monitoring the foraging activities of marine animals is difficult because direct observation is rarely possible. In this study, we use an animal-borne imaging system and three-dimensional data logger simultaneously to observe the foraging behaviour of large juvenile and adult sized loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) in their natural environment. Video recordings showed that the turtles foraged on gelatinous prey while swimming in mid-water (i.e., defined as epipelagic water column deeper than 1 m in this study). By linking video and 3D data, we found that mid-water foraging events share the common feature of a marked deceleration phase associated with the capture and handling of the sluggish prey. Analysis of high-resolution 3D movements during mid-water foraging events, including presumptive events extracted from 3D data using deceleration in swim speed as a proxy for foraging (detection rate = 0.67), showed that turtles swam straight toward prey in 171 events (i.e., turning point absent) but made a single turn toward the prey an average of 5.7±6.0 m before reaching the prey in 229 events (i.e., turning point present). Foraging events with a turning point tended to occur during the daytime, suggesting that turtles primarily used visual cues to locate prey. In addition, an incident of a turtle encountering a plastic bag while swimming in mid-water was recorded. The fact that the turtle’s movements while approaching the plastic bag were analogous to those of a true foraging event, having a turning point and deceleration phase, also support the use of vision in mid-water foraging. Our study shows that integrated video and high-resolution 3D data analysis provides unique opportunities to understand foraging behaviours in the context of the sensory ecology involved in prey location.  相似文献   

The Scotia Sea is one of the most productive regions of the Southern Ocean, but its surface waters are experiencing a rapid increase in temperature, which may be changing the behaviour and distribution of many myctophids and their prey species. Electrona antarctica and Electrona carlsbergi are two of the most abundant myctophids in the region, but their ecology is poorly understood and their response to ongoing environmental change is difficult to determine. This study investigated spatial and temporal patterns in their abundance, population structure and diets using mid-water trawl nets deployed across the Scotia Sea during spring, summer and autumn. E. antarctica was the most numerically abundant species (0.09–0.21 ind. 1,000 m?3), with greatest concentrations occurring in the sea-ice sectors. E. carlsbergi occurred in more northern regions, comprising densities of 0.02–0.11 ind. 1,000 m?3. There was evidence of seasonal variation in depth distribution, size-related sexual dimorphism and size-specific vertical stratification for both species. Latitudinal trends in sex ratio and female body size were apparent for E. antarctica. Its diet varied between regions, seasons and size classes, but overall, Euphausia superba, Metridia spp. and Themisto gaudichaudii were the dominant prey items. E. carlsbergi appeared not to recruit in the Scotia Sea. Its diet was dominated by copepods, particularly Rhincalanus gigas and Metridia spp., but regional, seasonal and ontogenetic variations were evident. This study contributes to our understanding of how mid-water food webs are structured in the Southern Ocean and their sensitivity to ongoing environmental change.  相似文献   

Marine fishes often experience major habitat shifts during their life history, and previous studies have shown that the learning capability of fish change ontogenetically and in accordance with such habitat shifts. However, because all of these studies used a single type of conditioned stimuli (CS), they failed to detect qualitative changes in learning capability. Here we tested the hypothesis that preparedness for learning changes ontogenetically in jack mackerel Trachurus japonicus, which undergo a drastic change in habitat preference during their life history as they move from offshore pelagic waters to coastal and demersal rocky reefs. Groups of juveniles measuring 40 mm standard length (SL) (pelagic stage) and 60 mm SL (demersal stage) were conditioned to food rewards in response to three different CS; the presence of a surface structure, mid-water structure, and aeration. The results showed that small juveniles tended to become conditioned to the surface stimulus faster than they did to the mid-water stimulus. Conversely, large juveniles responded to the mid-water stimulus significantly more quickly than they did to the surface stimulus. These results suggest that stimulus-specific learning capability in T. japonicus changes ontogenetically, facilitating adaptation to their life-history strategy.  相似文献   

Synopsis G. multisquamatus is abundant in the Sepik River, preferring floodplain lakes and marginal areas of floodplain with moderate turbidity. It is the only rainbowfish documented to inhabit river floodplains. Migrations onto and off the floodplain occur in response to changes in flood conditions. Seasonality is evident in reproduction, condition factor and fat deposit and stomach fullness indices; all increasing in the flood season. Fecundity is high compared with stream dwelling rainbowfish species mainly due to decreased egg size. The reproductive strategy ofG. multisquamatus is interpreted as a response to increased adult mortalities encountered on floodplains in comparison to more stable stream habitats occupied by related species.G. multisquamatus is carnivorous, its diet being similar to other rainbowfishes, consisting of a variety of small invertebrates taken from mid-water or the water surface. The ecology and behaviour ofG. multisquamatus is explained as a partial colonisation of newly developed floodplains in this river.  相似文献   

The sedimentation patterns of Asterionella formosa Hass. wereobserved in two lake basins, in one of which a mid-water populationmaximum of the diatom occurred. Comparison of the alga's distributionwith vertical profiles of temperature and dissolved reactivesilicon suggested that the formation of a mid-water maximumwas associated with a sharp silicon gradient. Sinking velocitiesof the diatom were reduced at the maximum compared to thoseat lesser or greater depths. The suspension of cultures at differentdepths, in either nutrient-replete medium or exposed to theprevailing nutrient conditions, following thermal stratification,confirmed that an increase of sinking velocity occurred in silicon-or light-deficient populations. It is suggested that the mid-watermaximum of A.formosa was formed by differential colony sinkingvelocities with depth in response to variations in silicon availability.The formation of a strong silicon gradient was dependent uponthe growth of the population being restricted to the epilimnionby the onset of thermal stratification.  相似文献   

Water currents are a dominant feature of the open sea and often play an important part in the life cycle of the fish that live there. For over three decades, a focus of research at Lowestoft has been the role of tidal water currents as a part of wider understanding of the population dynamics of plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) in the North Sea. Increasingly sophisticated telemetry methods have been developed and used, initially to describe the migratory behaviour of individual fish, and latterly to describe the spatial dynamics of whole populations. Here, the authors review cues and clues for environmental transport at different life stages, with a critical evaluation of the facultative use of selective tidal stream transport in relation to water current speed. The clues that trigger movement into mid-water by adult fish are reconsidered in light of new findings. Finally, the orientation capabilities of plaice, together with evidence of repeat migrations and spawning site fidelity were examined.  相似文献   

The seasonal abundance of Calanus finmarchicus and Calanus helgolandicusin the North Channel and stratified region of the western IrishSea is reviewed using data collected between 1992 and 1996.Both species occur in the western Irish Sea, but were more abundantin the stratified region during spring. Increased abundanceduring May/June was attributed to an increase in copepoditestages. Calanus helgolandicus dominated in both regions, exhibitingspring and autumn peaks in abundance in the stratified region.It is argued that the presence of ripe females and naupliarstages in the stratified region is evidence of an in situ breedingpopulation, rather than advection of individuals from populationcentres outside the Irish Sea. The lack of geographical separationof the two species in the western Irish sea, and reports thatboth species occur in the Celtic Sea and Malin Shelf, limitthe use of either species as indicators of exchange processesbetween the Irish Sea and neighbouring waters.  相似文献   

Forty lakes in Sweden and Finland were sampled in 1990 with activity traps to evaluate the effects of trapped predators on invertebrate catch. Vertebrate (fish, newts) and invertebrate (leeches, dragonflies, water beetles, backswimmers and water scorpions) predators were considered separately. Invertebrate predators affected neither the abundance nor the taxonomic diversity of the catches. Vertebrate predators had no effect on the abundance but reduced the taxonomic diversity of the catches significantly. Thus, vertebrate predators are a possible source of bias in activity trap catches, but only concerning taxonomic diversity. Within the depth gradient studied (0.25–0.75 m), trap position (suspended in mid-water versus on the bottom) did not affect the percentages of nektonic and benthic invertebrates in the catches. The relative abundance of all taxa was similar in the catches from different trap positions, but the relative abundance of the most numerous taxa as well as the diversity of the catches differed between trap positions. We conclude that both mid-water and bottom traps are suitable for monitoring aquatic invertebrates, and that bottom traps may be preferred for practical reasons.  相似文献   

Distribution patterns of planktonic foraminifera in four sediment cores from the Red Sea are studied. The most common species are Globigerinoides ruber, G. sacculifer, Globigerinella siphonifera and Orbulina universa. G. ruber and G. sacculifer show opposite trends of distribution in the sediment cores. Abundance of the foraminifera during the glacial periods suggests that the connection of the Red Sea to the Indian ocean was not completely interrupted and the salinity conditions were not extreme.However, higher salinities appear to have existed in the northern Red Sea, where most of the planktonic foraminifera that occur in the southern Red Sea are absent. It is inferred that the salinity in the southern Red Sea during the glacial period was less than 50%, whereas higher salinity might have existed in the north where the influence of the Indian Ocean was minimal.  相似文献   

The effects of opening the Suez Canal as a connection between the Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea were reported for a number of marine species. However, the evolutionary origin of the seagrasses in the Red Sea and the linking population genetics of seagrasses between the Arabian Sea, the Gulf of Aden, the Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea have not yet been investigated in detail. The invasion of Halophila stipulacea Asch. from the Red Sea into the Mediterranean Sea after the opening of the Suez Canal was already recorded. We hypothesize that Halophila ovalis populations in the Red Sea developed through long-term historical processes such as vicariant evolutionary diversification. Seagrass samples were collected along the Egyptian coastline of the Red Sea and analysed by the molecular marker ITS. The sequences were compared with published ITS sequences from seagrasses collected in the whole area of interest. In this study, we reveal the linking population genetics, phylogeography and phylogenetics of two dominant seagrass species, Halophila stipulacea and Halophila ovalis, among species collected in the Red Sea and worldwide. The results indicate that the Red Sea Halophila ovalis populations do not group to Halophila ovalis worldwide, and Halophila major, Halophila ovalis collected worldwide and Halophila ovalis collected at the Red Sea are sister clades. Hence, vicariant evolutionary diversification for Halophila ovalis may occur in the Red Sea.  相似文献   

Cumacea and Tanaidacea are marginal groups in continental waters. Although many euryhaline species from both groups are found in estuaries and coastal lagoons, most occur only temporarily in non-marine habitats, appearing unable to form stable populations there. A total of 21 genuinely non-marine cumaceans are known, mostly concentrated in the Ponto-Caspian region, and only four tanaids have been reported from non-marine environments. Most non-marine cumaceans (19 species) belong in the Pseudocumatidae and appear restricted to the Caspian Sea (with salinity up to 13‰) and its peripheral fluvial basins, including the northern, lower salinity zones of the Black Sea (Sea of Azov). There are nine Ponto-Caspian genera, all endemic to the region. Only two other taxa (in the family Nannastacidae) occur in areas free of any marine–water influence, in river basins in North and South America. Both seem able to survive in waters of raised salinity of the lower reaches of these fluvial systems; but neither has been recorded in full salinity marine environments. The only non-marine tanaidacean thus far known lives in a slightly brackish inland spring in Northern Australia. The genus includes a second species, from a brackish-water lake at the Bismarck Archipelago, tentatively included here as non-marine also. Two additional species of tanaidaceans have been reported from non-marine habitats but both also occur in the sea. Guest editors: E. V. Balian, C. Lévêque, H. Segers & K. Martens Freshwater Animal Diversity Assessment  相似文献   

This paper reviews the current state of research into viruses of microorganisms in the Baltic Sea. Field and experimental studies reveal the great phenotypic and genotypic variety of the Baltic Sea viruses and highlights the importance of phages in the Baltic Sea food-web dynamics. In total, 93 virus isolates from the Baltic Sea have been described, the genome sequence being available for 39 of these. However, these isolates were derived from only eight host species and, therefore, underrepresent the overall viral diversity in the Baltic Sea. The most studied group of viruses is bacteriophages that infect Bacteroidetes, whereas, by contrast, phages of Cyanobacteria, Proteobacteria and Actinobacteria, as well as algal viruses, have been investigated to a lesser extent. No reports on viruses infecting Baltic Sea fungi and archaea isolates have been reported to date. This paper also identifies gaps in our knowledge of the aquatic virology of the Baltic Sea and emphasizes the need for more comprehensive analysis of those viruses that occur in one of the world's largest brackish water ecosystems.  相似文献   

Galeus piperatus Springer & Wagner, the peppered shark, is a dwarf shark found in the Gulf of California north of the City of Guaymas, Sonora. It has been taken in June and August 1971 and in February and March 1972, and is found from 130–550 m with maximum abundances from 170–420 m deep. Numbers are higher in June and August (up to 110 individuals/ha) than in February and March. In June and August 1971 the area of distribution included all the waters north of Isla Tiburón and Isla Angel de la Guarda, and below the 130 m isobath. During these months Galeus piperatus was found at 12 and 33 stations respectively, but was taken at only one station in the same area during February and March 1972. The fishing effort expended during these periods was 16, 42 and 60 units respectively. It seems likely that a strong migratory movement causes these differences in abundance and distribution. Galeus piperatus has been taken from 50–100 m off the bottom in mid-water trawls at night and is clearly a mid-water and demersal form. Sexually mature females carrying olive green egg cases were taken in large numbers in June 1971 and were also present in reduced numbers in August 1971. Only females 18 cm or more in total length carried egg cases. The migration of Galeus piperatus into the North Gulf of California appears to coincide with sexual maturity.  相似文献   

Sea-skaters in the genus Halobates Eschscholtz 1822 include some of the most specialised water striders and are found in tropical and subtropical seas around the world. Even though species of Halobates occur in both the Atlantic Ocean and the Red Sea, no extant sea-skater has been reported from the Mediterranean Sea. A fossil, Halobates ruffoi Andersen et al., 1994, described from Middle–Upper Eocene (45 Ma) Italy indicates that sea skaters were present in this part of the world in the past. Other geological evidence points to dramatic changes in the Mediterranean Sea during the Tertiary and Quaternary that may have led to their later extinction. In this paper we review briefly the distribution, systematics, evolution and ecology of Halobates, and discuss the potential for the Mediterranean to be recolonised following expected environmental changes due to global warming.  相似文献   

Relationships were analyzed between sea surface temperature (SST) and annual growth characteristics (density, extension rate and calcification rate) of the Caribbean reef-building coral Montastraea annularis. Colonies were collected from 12 localities in the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea. Two well-separated relationships were found, one for the Gulf of Mexico and the other for the Caribbean Sea. Calcification rate and skeletal density increased with increasing SST in both regions, while extension rate tended to decrease. Calcification rate increased ∼0.57 g cm−2 year−1 for each 1 °C increase in SST. Zero calcification was projected to occur at 23.7 °C in corals from the Gulf of Mexico and at 25.5 °C in corals from the Caribbean Sea. The 24 °C annual average SST isotherm marks the northern limit of distribution of M. annularis. Montastraea annularis populations of the Gulf of Mexico are isolated from those of the Caribbean Sea, and results indicate that corals from the Gulf of Mexico are adapted to growth at lower minimum and average annual SST. Corals from both the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea, growing at lower SSTs and having lower calcification rates, extend their skeletons the same or more than those growing at higher SSTs. They achieve this by putting more of their calcification resources into extension and less into thickening, i.e., by sacrificing density.  相似文献   

Synopsis Baikal sculpin-oilfishes (Comephorus baicalensis and C. dybowskii) were captured from Lake Baikal by mid-water trawl. External morphology was assessed using camera lucida drawings of whole heads. Retinal morphology was examined in material prepared for light and electron microscopy. A single rod-like photoreceptor is present in the retina, and this is at low density compared with marine species of similar depth distribution. C. baicalensis displays tubular eyes, with a dorsally displaced spherical lens and pupil, creating a dorsally directed visual axis. This corresponds to an area with a high density of photoreceptors in the ventral retina. Retinal structure is very similar in C. dybowskii with the exception that regional variation of cell densities within the retina is less marked than in C. baicalensis. In contrast to C. baicalensis, C. dybowskii has a caudal aphakic space and highest photoreceptor density in the rostral retina. Both species display changes in body attitude in association with diurnal vertical migration. We suggest that this may facilitate inspection of the water column from which predator strikes are most likely to occur. Comephorus in general display less specialization for vision in low light than marine counterparts with similar depth distributions.  相似文献   

The diets and population characteristics of three abundant speciesof Conns, nux, diadema and princeps, from the Sea of Cortezare described. All were found to feed predominantly upon polychaeteworms. In addition, food notes are presented for six less abundantspecies from the same area. Comparison of the diversity of thediets of the three dominant species in the Sea of Cortez withcognate species in the Indo-West Pacific, where significantlymore congeneric species occur in any single habitat, indicatedno significant increases in diversity of prey. This lack ofecological release with respect to food in the presence of fewercompeting congeners was attributed to the presence of significantlyfewer prey species when compared to the Indo-West Pacific. (Received 23 March 1978;  相似文献   

Hyvönen  Terho  Nummi  Petri 《Hydrobiologia》2000,432(1-3):121-125
We compared the picture of aquatic invertebrate fauna given by three types of sampling methods: the corer as well as bottom and mid-water activity traps. The corer mainly caught benthic animals (89%), the most numerous groups of which were chironomids and sphaerids. Nekton was more abundant in activity traps (77% in bottom and 63% in mid-water), the most numerous groups were Cladocera and water mites. The size distributions in catch of the corer and the activity traps differed but there was no difference between the two types of activity traps. In activity traps, individuals of the smallest size class were most abundant, wheras animals of the second smallest size class were most numerous in the corer. We suggest that activity traps and the corer could be used as complementary methods to sample aquatic invertebrate communities.  相似文献   

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