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Summary Hen coprodeum absorbs sodium electrogenically and, when stimulated by theophylline, secretes chloride. In this study the vibrating microprobe technique was used to localize the transport of these ions to intestinal villi/folds and crypts. With the isolated, stretched epithelium, controlled by light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy, in open circuit, currents were inward, 40±7 A/cm2, 50 m vertically above villi, and outward, 36±7 A/cm2 above crypts. The currents decayed exponentially to near zero at 300 m with the same length constant. A physical model simulating the observed loci of current sources and sinks predicts potential profiles consistent with our data. Extrapolation of the currents gives a surface potential of 45 V, negative on villi and positive above crypts. Short circuiting increased villus current to 86±27 A/cm2 at 50 m, and amiloride treatment reduced it to –8 A/cm2; in both cases crypt currents were abolished. The inward currents are compatible with sodium absorption. Induction of chloride secretion after amiloride treatment, resulted in current circuits similar to those induced by sodium absorption, with villus currents of 23±7 A/cm2. This is in accord with chloride secretion at the villi. Quantitative estimates of crypt number (860/cm2) and opening diameter (15 m), in conjunction with isotopic measurements of active and electrical potential-driven ion fluxes demonstrate, however, that only 4% of the potential-driven co-ion transport occurs through the crypts. This indicates that nearly all chloride secretion comes from the sodium-absorbing villar area. Were the chloride secretion to occur solely from the crypts, the current should have been in the opposite direction and 10,000-fold larger.  相似文献   

Metallothionein (MT) has been assigned a role in intestinal Zn absorption and secretion. The influence of MT was investigated in isolated segments of the small intestine from mice lacking the expression of MT I and II genes (MT−/−). To measure Zn absorption, washed 10- to 12-cm segments of the proximal and distal small intestine of MT−/− and control MT+/+ mice were filled with 65Zn as ZnSO4 (10 μg/mL), and the amount of 65Zn appearing in the external buffer was measured over 4 h. To measure Zn secretion, the same procedure was followed using everted gut segments. The 65Zn absorption from the small intestine was significantly greater in MT−/− mice, but only in the absence of albumin. In the proximal small intestine, the inclusion of 2% albumin in the external buffer significantly increased Zn absorption from 6.8% (no albumin) to 13.2% (with albumin) for MT−/−, and from 4.9% (no albumin) to 14.2% (with albumin) for MT+/+. In the distal segment, the respective values, with and without albumin respectively were 9.5% and 15.1% for MT−/− mice and 4.3% and 16.1% for MT+/+ mice. Regarding 65Zn secretion, there was no difference between MT+/+ and MT−/− in either segment. However, the rate of secretion was higher in the proximal small intestine for both genotypes. Although it can be demonstrated that MT limits Zn absorption under controlled conditions in vitro, the ability of albumin to overcome this effect emphasizes the importance of circulating ligands in Zn transport.  相似文献   

Summary The influence of adrenal steroids on sodium transport in hen coprodeum was investigated by electrophysiological methods. Laying hens were maintained on low-NaCl diet (LS), or on high-NaCl diet (HS). HS hens were pretreated with aldosterone (128 g/kg) or dexamethasone (1 mg/kg) before experiment. A group of LS hens received spironolactone (70 or 160 mg/kg, for three days). The effects of these dietary and hormonal manipulations on the amiloride-sensitive part of the short-circuit current were examined. This part is in excellent agreement with the net Na flux, and therefore a direct electrical measurement for Na transport. After depolarizing the basolateral membrane potential with a high K concentration, the apical Na permeability and the intracellular Na activity were investigated by currentvoltage relations for the different experimental conditions.Plasma aldosterone concentrations (PA) were low in HS hens, dexamethasone-treated HS hens and spironolactonetreated LS hens (<70pm). In contrast LS hens and aldosteronetreated HS hens had a PA concentration of 596±70 and 583±172pm, respectively. LS diet (chronic stimulation) had the largest stimulatory effect on Na transport and apical Na permeability. Hormone-treated animals had three- to fourfold lower values. Spironolactone supply in LS hens decreased Na transport and apical Na permeability about 50%.The results provide evidence that both mineralo- and glucocorticoids stimulate Na transport in this tissue by increasing the apical Na permeability. Quantitative differences between acute and chronic stimulation reveal a secondary slower adaptation in apical membrane properties.  相似文献   

We have used polyclonal antibodies generated against purified bovine renal amiloride-sensitive Na+ channels to localize amiloride-sensitive Na+ channels within the lower intestine (colon and coprodeum) of the hen. These antibodies cross-reacted with two polypeptides exhibiting Mr's of 235 and 150 kDa on immunoblots of detergent-solubilized apical membrane fractions from both the colon and coprodeum. The apparent molecular masses of theses polypeptides are in agreement with the Mr's of 2 of the subunits of the renal high amiloride-affintiy Na+ channel, namely the and the (=amiloride binding) subunits. The cellular distribution of Na+ channels was determined by immunoperoxidase and indirect immunofluorescence cytochemical techniques. The apical (luminal) membrane and cytoplasm of villar principal cells in both colon and coprodeum exhibited immunoreactivity, whereas goblet cells were nagative. Both principal and goblet cells of the crypts were also negative. We conclude that the amiloride-sensitive Na+ channels are localized to the principal cells of the intestinal villi and that these cells are responsible for intestinal Na+ absorption.  相似文献   

The study of the control of aldosterone synthesis and secretion by the rat adrenal gland has over the past thirty years involved the application of many different in vivo and in vitro techniques. In this review the relationship between the data that each of these methods has produced is compared. There are striking differences in overall steroid production rates, and in the qualitative nature of the steroid profile which the various methods produce. In particular, aldosterone is secreted at higher rates in vivo, and when whole tissue preparations are used in vitro, than in incubations of isolated glomerulosa cells. In addition, while corticosterone is a major product of glomerulosa tissue in vitro, the available evidence suggests that it is not a major glomerulosa product in vivo.  相似文献   

A new model tissue (pseudoislet) is described for studies of pancreatic polypeptide (PP) secretion and biochemistry. It consists of islet-like aggregates of canine pancreatic endocrine cells which are formed and maintained on tissue culture. Immunocytochemical staining revealed that pseudoislets prepared from the duodenal end of the pancreas contained a predominance (40-60%) of F cells (the PP secreting cell). Also present were 10-25% exocrine cells and an equal proportion of A, B and D cells. Several studies were conducted to characterize the pseudoislets' capacity to secrete PP. Basal rates of PP release and the concentration of PP per pseudoislet remained constant during four weeks of culture. Stimulation at weekly intervals by carbachol (0.1 mM) resulted in a stable secretory rate for 2 weeks, that declined progressively at weeks 3 and 4. When studied in a perfusion system, carbachol-stimulated PP release occurred in a biphasic pattern, similar to the well-recognized biphasic release of insulin from perifused rat islets. Dose-response curves of four cholinergic agonists revealed clear differences in secretagogue activity. Acetylcholine and methacholine were found to be equipotent, followed in order of potency by carbachol and bethanechol. These histologic and secretory data show that canine pseudoislets are healthy tissues composed of a high proportion of F cells which secrete PP in response to cholinergic stimulation. The data suggest that the cultured canine pseudoislet model provides an excellent system useful in studies of PP secretion and biosynthesis.  相似文献   

In vivo experiments with Sprague-Dawley rats were conducted in order to explore the influence of Cu2+, Zn2+ as well as of the combinations of both on the activity of trypsin. The solutions of the trace elements were given per os, the animals were killed 30 min after the applications, and the activity of trypsin was determined in the juice of the small intestine by usingN α-benzoyl-L-arginine-p-nitroanilide (L-BAPA) as the substrate. The activity of trypsin depends on the concentration of the trace elements. When Cu2+ ions are applied, there is a minimum activity at 10−5 mol Cu2+/L and a maximum at 10−4 mol Cu2+/L. When giving Zn2+ ions, a minimum of trypsin activity is found at 10−5 mol Zn2+/L and a maximum at 5×10−6 mol Zn2+/L. On the whole, the trypsin activity is lower when the Cu2+/Zn2+ combinations are applied compared to the addition of the single trace elements. On principle, a good conformity of the in vivo results was found with in vitro results.  相似文献   

Blood serum and testicular tissue samples were collected from 3 to 13-month-old African catfish (groups A-G) in order to study their pubertal development. The sampling covered the period from before the beginning of spermatogenesis until full maturity. Testes of fish in group A contained spermatogonia alone. In testes of group B, spermatogonia, spermatocytes and spermatids were present. Spermatozoa were first observed in group C and became predominant as the fish attained full maturity (group G). Several sex steroids were determined in the blood samples. Testosterone was the quantitatively dominating androgen in the blood serum (3–5 ng·ml-1) in groups B and C (fish in group A were too small to collect blood samples). In group D, the concentrations of 11-ketotestosterone and 11-hydroxyandrostenedione increased to levels similar to those of testosterone. Androstenedione that was undetectable before (below 0.4 ng·ml serum-1), also increased to 3–5 ng·ml-1 in group D. The levels of androgens kept increasing until the fish attained full maturity (group G). In order to monitor the responsiveness to gonadotropic hormone and the steroid secretion capacity, the in vitro secretion of two steroids (11-hydroxyandrostenedione and 17,20-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one) by testicular tissue was quantified at the different stages of development. Testicular maturation was accompanied by changes of both the steroid secretion capacities and of the sensitivity to gonadotropic hormone. The most important changes occurred just after the initiation of spermatogenesis, as spermatocyte/spermatid formation was associated with a drop of the secretory capacity (amount of steroid secreted per milligram of tissue incubated) and with a reduced sensitivity to gonadotropic hormone. At later stages, when the testicular weight substantially increased concurrently with the formation of numerous spermatozoa, both the secretory capacity and the responsiveness to gonadotropic hormone increased again to reach the levels typical of adult fish. The blood levels of androgens appeared to be positively related to the increasing testicular weight in the later phases of development.Abbreviations 17,20P 17,20-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one - A2 androstenedione - A3 androstenetrione - BPG-axis brain-pituitary-gonadal axis - FSH follicle stimulating hormone - GnRH gonadotropin-releasing hormone - GTH gonadotropic hormone - GSI gonado-somatic index - hCG human chorionic gonadotropin - HEPES N-(2-hydroxyethyl)piperazine-N-(2-ethanesulphonic acid) - KT 11-ketotestosterone - LH luteinizing hormone - OHA 11-hydroxyandrostenedione - OHT 11-hydroxytestosterone - PE pituitary extract from adult fish - PEjuv pituitary extract from juvenile fish - RIA radio immunoassay - T testosterone  相似文献   

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