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A recA-like gene was identified in the Caenorhabditis elegans genome project database. The putative product of the gene, termed Ce-rdh-1 (C. elegans RAD51 and DMC1/LIM15 homolog 1), consists of 357 amino acid residues. The predicted amino acid sequence of Ce-rdh-1 showed 46-60% identity to both RAD51 type and DMC1/LIM15 type genes in several eukaryote species. The results of RNAi (RNA-mediated interference) indicated that repression of Ce-rdh-1 blocked chromosome condensation of six bivalents and dissociation of chiasmata in oocytes of F1 progeny. Oogenesis did not proceed to the diakinesis stage. Accordingly, all the eggs produced (F2) died in early stages. These results suggest that Ce-rdh-1 participates in meiotic recombination.  相似文献   

Global analysis of dauer gene expression in Caenorhabditis elegans   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

The signal for sex determination in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans is the ratio between the number of X chromosomes and the number of sets of autosomes (the X/A ratio). Animals with an X/A ratio of 0.67 (a triploid with two X chromosomes) or less are males. Animals with an X/A ratio of 0.75 or more are hermaphrodites. Thus, diploid males have one X chromosome and diploid hermaphrodites have two X chromosomes. However, the difference in X-chromosome number between the sexes is not reflected in general levels of X-linked gene expression because of the phenomenon of dosage compensation. In dosage compensation, X-linked gene expression appears to be 'turned down' in 2X animals to the 1X level of expression. An intriguing and unexplained finding is that mutations and X-chromosome duplications that elevate X-linked gene expression also feminize triploid males. One way that this relationship between sex determination and X-linked gene expression may be operating is discussed.  相似文献   

Using DNA sequences 5′ to open reading frames, we have constructed green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusions and generated spatial and temporal tissue expression profiles for 1,886 specific genes in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. This effort encompasses about 10% of all genes identified in this organism. GFP-expressing wild-type animals were analyzed at each stage of development from embryo to adult. We have identified 5′ DNA regions regulating expression at all developmental stages and in 38 different cell and tissue types in this organism. Among the regulatory regions identified are sequences that regulate expression in all cells, in specific tissues, in combinations of tissues, and in single cells. Most of the genes we have examined in C. elegans have human orthologs. All the images and expression pattern data generated by this project are available at WormAtlas (http://gfpweb.aecom.yu.edu/index) and through WormBase (http://www.wormbase.org).  相似文献   

The analysis of cell fate patterning during the vulval development of Caenorhabditis elegans has relied mostly on the direct observation of cell divisions and cell movements (cell lineage analysis). However, reconstruction of the developing vulva from EM serial sections has suggested seven different cell types (vulA, vulB1, vulB2, vulC, vulD, vulE, and vulF), many of which cannot be distinguished based on such observations. Here we report the vulval expression of seven genes, egl-17, cdh-3, ceh-2, zmp-1, B0034.1, T04B2.6 and F47B8.6 based on gfp, cfp and yfp (green fluorescent protein and color variants) reporter fusions. Each gene expresses in a specific subset of vulval cells, and is therefore useful as a marker for vulval cell fates. Together, expressions of markers distinguish six cell types, and reveal a strict temporal control of gene expression in the developing vulva.  相似文献   

The analysis of cell fate patterning during the vulval development of Caenorhabditis elegans has relied mostly on the direct observation of cell divisions and cell movements (cell lineage analysis). However, reconstruction of the developing vulva from EM serial sections has suggested seven different cell types (vulA, vulB1, vulB2, vulC, vulD, vulE, and vulF), many of which cannot be distinguished based on such observations. Here we report the vulval expression of seven genes, egl-17, cdh-3, ceh-2, zmp-1, B0034.1, T04B2.6 and F47B8.6 based on gfp, cfp and yfp (green fluorescent protein and color variants) reporter fusions. Each gene expresses in a specific subset of vulval cells, and is therefore useful as a marker for vulval cell fates. Together, expressions of markers distinguish six cell types, and reveal a strict temporal control of gene expression in the developing vulva.  相似文献   

The LET-60 (Ras)/LIN-45 (Raf)/MPK-1 (MAP kinase) signaling pathway plays a key role in the development of multiple tissues in Caenorhabditis elegans. For the most part, the identities of the downstream genes that act as the ultimate effectors of MPK-1 signaling have remained elusive. A unique allele of mpk-1, ga111, displays a reversible, temperature-sensitive, tissue-specific defect in progression through meiotic prophase I. We performed gene expression profiling on mpk-1(ga111) animals to identify candidate downstream effectors of MPK-1 signaling in the germ line. This analysis delineated a cohort of genes whose expression requires MPK-1 signaling in germ cells in the pachytene stage of meiosis I. RNA in situ hybridization analysis shows that these genes are expressed in the germ line in an MPK-1-dependent manner and have a spatial expression pattern consistent with the location of activated MPK-1. We found that one MPK-1 signaling-responsive gene encoding a C2H2 zinc finger protein plays a role in meiotic chromosome segregation downstream of MPK-1. Additionally, discovery of genes responsive to MPK-1 signaling permitted us to order MPK-1 signaling relative to several events occurring in pachytene, including EFL-1/DPL-1 gene regulation and X chromosome reactivation. This study highlights the utility of applying global gene expression methods to investigate genes downstream of commonly used signaling pathways in vivo.  相似文献   

All eukaryotes so far studied, including animals, plants, yeasts and trypanosomes, have two pathways to target proteins to peroxisomes. These two pathways are specific for the two types of peroxisome targeting signal (PTS) present on peroxisomal matrix proteins. Remarkably, the complete genome sequence of Caenorhabditis elegans lacks the genes encoding proteins specific for the PTS2 targeting pathway. Here we show, by expression of green fluorescent protein (GFP) reporters for both pathways, that the PTS2 pathway is indeed absent in C. elegans. Lack of this pathway in man causes severe disease due to mislocalization of PTS2-containing proteins. This raises the question as to how C. elegans has accommodated the absence of the PTS2 pathway. We found by in silico analysis that C. elegans orthologues of PTS2-containing proteins have acquired a PTS1. We propose that switching of targeting signals has allowed the PTS2 pathway to be lost in the phylogenetic lineage leading to C. elegans.  相似文献   

One hundred years after Weismann's seminal observations, the mechanisms that distinguish the germline from the soma still remain poorly understood. This review describes recent studies in Caenorhabditis elegans, which suggest that germ cells utilize unique mechanisms to regulate gene expression. In particular, mechanisms that repress the production of mRNAs appear to be essential to maintain germ cell fate and viability.  相似文献   

The KH domain protein MEX-3 is central to the temporal and spatial control of PAL-1 expression in the C. elegans early embryo. PAL-1 is a Caudal-like homeodomain protein that is required to specify the fate of posterior blastomeres. While pal-1 mRNA is present throughout the oocyte and early embryo, PAL-1 protein is expressed only in posterior blastomeres, starting at the four-cell stage. To better understand how PAL-1 expression is regulated temporally and spatially, we have identified MEX-3 interacting proteins (MIPs) and characterized in detail two that are required for the patterning of PAL-1 expression. RNA interference of MEX-6, a CCCH zinc-finger protein, or SPN-4, an RNA recognition motif protein, causes PAL-1 to be expressed in all four blastomeres starting at the four-cell stage. Genetic analysis of the interactions between these mip genes and the par genes, which provide polarity information in the early embryo, defines convergent genetic pathways that regulate MEX-3 stability and activity to control the spatial pattern of PAL-1 expression. These experiments suggest that par-1 and par-4 affect distinct processes. par-1 is required for many aspects of embryonic polarity, including the restriction of MEX-3 and MEX-6 activity to the anterior blastomeres. We find that PAL-1 is not expressed in par-1 mutants, because MEX-3 and MEX-6 remain active in the posterior blastomeres. The role of par-4 is less well understood. Our analysis suggests that par-4 is required to inactivate MEX-3 at the four-cell stage. Thus, PAL-1 is not expressed in par-4 mutants because MEX-3 remains active in all blastomeres. We propose that MEX-6 and SPN-4 act with MEX-3 to translate the temporal and spatial information provided by the early acting par genes into the asymmetric expression of the cell fate determinant PAL-1.  相似文献   

Coenzyme Q (Q) and the genes involved in its biosynthesis are involved in aging and development of Caenorhabditis elegans. Q is synthesized by at least eight highly conserved nuclear coq genes, but this biosynthesis pathway and its regulation is not known. The coq-8 gene sequence has homology to the ABC-1 family kinases and is the only known candidate for a possible regulation of this pathway. To study coq-8 expression pattern, we have developed a C. elegans transgenic strain expressing ubiquinone biosynthesis coq-8 gene promoter and GFP construct. We show here an age-dependent specific pattern from embryo to senescence for COQ-8 protein expression. Expression in embryo was triggered by a defined group of blastomers before morphogenesis. In elderly nematodes expression was only observed in nervous system, whilst expression in larvae was also detected in hypodermis, muscles and coelomocytes. Global expression provide a regulated pattern during life cycle of the nematode.  相似文献   

Actin gene family of Caenorhabditis elegans   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
Four actin genes have been isolated from Caenorhabditis elegans that account for all of the major actin hybridization to total genomic DNA. Actin genes I, II and III are clustered within a 12 X 10(3) base region; gene IV is unlinked to the others. All four genes have been sequenced from at least nucleotide -109 to +250. Genes I and III are identical for the first 307 coding nucleotides. Genes I and II differ in 14 positions within the first 250 coding nucleotides; one difference substitutes an aspartic acid for a glutamic acid at codon 5. Genes I and IV differ in 18 positions within the first 259 coding nucleotides without causing any amino acid differences. Genes I, II and III have introns after the first nucleotide of codon 64 and gene IV has an intron between codons 19 and 20. The four nucleotide sequences thus far define two different amino acid sequences. Both of the amino acid sequences resemble vertebrate cytoplasmic actin more than vertebrate muscle actin. A DNA polymorphism between the Bristol and Bergerac strains has been used as a phenotypic marker in genetic crosses to map the cluster of actin genes within a 2% recombination interval on linkage group V between unc-23 and sma-1 in order to begin a molecular genetic analysis of the actin loci.  相似文献   

We examined the expression of a Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans) elav-like gene, which we designated elr-1. The elr-1 gene encodes a predicted 456-amino-acid protein containing three putative RNA-binding domains and belongs to the ELAV family, which is functionally involved in neuronal differentiation. Northern blot analysis suggested that the levels of elr-1 mRNA are regulated developmentally. A elr-1::gfp reporter gene under the control of the elr-1 promoter was expressed specifically in the ring ganglia near the nerve ring, the ventral nerve cord (VNC), and the pre-anal and lumbar ganglia. In the VNC, GFP-positive cells were shown to be acetylcholine-producing motor neurons which increased in number as development proceeded, suggesting that elr-1 is expressed in mature neurons. Ectopic expression of ELR-1 protein at the L4 larval and adult stages, but not earlier stages, caused irreversible death, accompanied by uncoordinated movement (Unc), clear (Clr), and egg-laying defective (Egl) phenotypes, which are often observed in mutants with neuronal defects. These results suggest that ELR-1 may have important functions in specific mature neurons in C. elegans.  相似文献   

The meiotically expressed Zip3 protein is found conserved from Saccharomyces cerevisiae to humans. In baker's yeast, Zip3p has been implicated in synaptonemal complex (SC) formation, while little is known about the protein's function in multicellular organisms. We report here the successful targeted gene disruption of zhp-3 (K02B12.8), the ZIP3 homolog in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Homozygous zhp-3 knockout worms show normal homologue pairing and SC formation. Also, the timing of appearance and the nuclear localization of the recombination protein Rad-51 seem normal in these animals, suggesting proper initiation of meiotic recombination by DNA double-strand breaks. However, the occurrence of univalents during diplotene indicates that C. elegans ZHP-3 protein is essential for reciprocal recombination between homologous chromosomes and thus chiasma formation. In the absence of ZHP-3, reciprocal recombination is abolished and double-strand breaks seem to be repaired via alternative pathways, leading to achiasmatic chromosomes and the occurrence of univalents during meiosis I. Green fluorescent protein-tagged C. elegans ZHP-3 forms lines between synapsed chromosomes and requires the SC for its proper localization.  相似文献   

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