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Tandem arrays of TTAGG repeats show a highly conserved location at the telomeres across the phylogenetic tree of arthropods. In giant water bugs Belostoma, the chromosome number changed during speciation by fragmentation of the single ancestral X chromosome, resulting in a multiple sex chromosome system. Several autosome–autosome fusions and a fusion between the sex chromosome pair and an autosome pair resulted in the reduced number in several species. We mapped the distribution of telomeric sequences and interstitial telomeric sequences (ITSs) in Belostoma candidulum (2n = 12 + XY/XX; male/female), B. dentatum (2n = 26 + X1X2Y/X1X1X2X2), B. elegans (2n = 26 + X1X2Y/X1X1X2X2), B. elongatum (2n = 26 + X1X2Y/X1X1X2X2), B. micantulum (2n = 14 + XY/XX), and B. oxyurum (2n = 6 + XY/XX) by FISH with the (TTAGG)n probes. Hybridization signals confirmed the presence of TTAGG repeats in the telomeres of all species examined. The three species with reduced chromosome numbers showed additional hybridization signals in interstitial positions, indicating the occurrence of ITS. From the comparison of all species here analyzed, we observed inverse relationships between chromosome number and chromosome size, and between presence/absence of ITS and chromosome number. The ITS distribution between these closely related species supports the hypothesis that several telomere–telomere fusions of the chromosomes from an ancestral diploid chromosome number 2n = 26 + XY/XX played a major role in the karyotype evolution of Belostoma. Consequently, our study provide valuable features that can be used to understand the karyotype evolution, may contribute to a better understanding of taxonomic relationships, and also elucidate the high plasticity of nuclear genomes at the chromosomal level during the speciation processes.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic and cytotaxonomic studies (G, C, sequential G/C, and NOR banding) were performed on 110 specimens representing the four genera of South American primates of the family Callitrichidae: Cebuella (C. pygmaea), Callithrix, groups argentata (C. argentata, C. emiliae, C. chrysoleuca, C. humeralifera, C. mauesi), and jacchus (C. aurita, C. geoffroyi, C. jacchus, C. kuhli, C. penicillata), Leontopithecus (L. chrysomelas, L. rosalia), and Saguinus (S. midas midas, S. m. niger). Mitotic chromosomes are characterized, and the rearrangements distinguishing the karyotypes of the taxa are inferred from arm homologies. The results were then converted into numerical data and submitted to cladistic analysis. The following conclusions were achieved: 1) Five karyotypic classes were observed, which correspond to the five taxa studied. Differences between them are as follows: a) Cebuella (2n = 44, 10 acrocentrics, A + 32 bi‐armed autosomes, bi) and the argentata group (2n = 44, 10A + 32bi) are different from each other due to a reciprocal translocation; b) both can be distinguished from the jacchus group (2n = 46, 14A + 30bi) by a centric fusion/fission rearrangement and a paracentric inversion; c) Leontopithecus (2n = 46, 14A + 30bi) and Saguinus (2n = 46, 14A + 30bi) differ from the jacchus group by a reciprocal translocation and three paracentric inversions; and d) Saguinus is different from the others by one paracentric inversion and pericentric inversions in at least four pairs of acrocentric autosomes. 2) The cladistic analysis separates Cebus (used as an outgroup) from the Callitrichidae groups, which forms a clade. Among the Callitrichidae, marmosets (Cebuella and Callithrix) form a sub‐clade, Cebuella and the argentata group being more closely related to each other than both are to the jacchus group. Tamarins (Leontopithecus and Saguinus) are also quite close, so that if one was not derived from the other, they with the marmosets share a common ancestor. Among the tamarins, Leontopithecus is karyotypically closest to the marmosets, specifically to the jacchus group. 3) Based on the chromosome information and considering the possible direction of the evolutionary changes (primitivity or phyletic dwarfism hypothesis, previously advanced by other authors), it was possible to propose the ancestral karyotypes and to develop two alternatives for the origin, differentiation and dispersion of the callitrichid. Both proposals are plausible, but when the geographical distribution is considered, the phyletic dwarfism hypothesis seems to be the most probable. Am. J. Primatol. 49:133–152, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Aletris,containing approximately 21 species,is the largest genus in Nartheciaceae,and is disjunctively distributed in eastern Asia and eastern North America.Its delimitation has been controversial beca...  相似文献   

Cochliopodium is a very distinctive genus of discoid amoebae covered by a dorsal tectum of carbohydrate microscales. Its phylogenetic position is unclear, since although sharing many features with naked "gymnamoebae", the tectum sets it apart. We sequenced 18S ribosomal RNA genes from three Cochliopodium species (minus, spiniferum and Cochliopodium sp., a new species resembling C. minutum). Phylogenetic analysis shows Cochliopodium as robustly holophyletic and within Amoebozoa, in full accord with morphological data. Cochliopodium is always one of the basal branches within Amoebozoa but its precise position is unstable. In Bayesian analysis it is sister to holophyletic Glycostylida, but distance trees mostly place it between Dermamoeba and a possibly artifactual long-branch cluster including Thecamoeba. These positions are poorly supported and basal amoebozoan branching ill-resolved, making it unclear whether Discosea (Glycostylida, Himatismenida, Dermamoebida) is holophyletic; however, Thecamoeba seems not specifically related to Dermamoeba. We also sequenced the small-subunit rRNA gene of Vannella persistens, which constantly grouped with other Vannella species, and two Hartmannella strains. Our trees suggest that Vexilliferidae, Variosea and Hartmannella are polyphyletic, confirming the existence of two very distinct Hartmannella clades: that comprising H. cantabrigiensis and another divergent species is sister to Glaeseria, whilst Hartmannella vermiformis branches more deeply.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships of the Poaceae subfamily, Pooideae, were estimated from the sequences of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of nuclear ribosomal DNA. The entire ITS region of 25 species belonging to 19 genera representing seven tribes was directly sequenced from polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-amplified DNA fragments. The published sequence of rice, Oryza saliva, was used as the outgroup. Sequences of these taxa were analyzed with maximum parsimony (PAUP) and the neighbor-joining distance method (NJ). Among the tribes, the Stipeae, Meliceae and Brachypodieae, all with small chromosomes and a basic number more than x=7, diverged in succession. The Poeae, Aveneae, Bromeae and Triticeae, with large chromosomes and a basic number of x=7, form a monophyletic clade. The Poeae and Aveneae are the sister group of the Bromeae and Triticeae. On the ITS tree, the Brachypodieae is distantly related to the Triticeae and Bromeae, which differs from the phylogenies based on restriction-site variation of cpDNA and morphological characters. The phylogenetic relationships of the seven pooid tribes inferred from the ITS sequences are highly concordant with the cytogenetic evidence that the reduction in chromosome number and the increase in chromosome size evolved only once in the pooids and pre-dated the divergence of the Poeae, Aveneae, Bromeae and Triticeae.This paper reports factually on available data; however, the USDA neither guarantees nor warrants the standard of the product, and the use of the name by USDA implies no approval of the product to the exclusion of others that may also be suitableThis paper is a cooperative investigation of USDA-ARS and the Utah Agricultural Experiment Station. Logan, Utah 84322. Journal Paper No. 4581  相似文献   

Platyrrhini (New World monkeys, NWm) are a group of primates characterized by behavioral and reproductive traits that are otherwise uncommon among primates, including social monogamy, direct paternal care, and twin births. As a consequence, the study of Platyrrhine primates is an invaluable tool for the discovery of the genetic repertoire underlying these taxon‐specific traits. Recently, high conservation of vasopressin (AVP) sequence, in contrast with high variability of oxytocin (OXT), has been described in NWm. AVP and OXT functions are possible due to interaction with their receptors: AVPR1a, AVPR1b, AVPR2, and OXTR; and the variability in this system is associated with the traits mentioned above. Understanding the variability in the receptors is thus fundamental to understand the function and evolution of the system as a whole. Here we describe the variability of AVPR1b coding region in 20 NWm species, which is well‐known to influence behavioral traits such as aggression, anxiety, and stress control in placental mammals. Our results indicate that 4% of AVPR1b sites may be under positive selection and a significant number of sites under relaxed selective constraint. Considering the known role of AVPR1b, we suggest that some of the changes described here for the Platyrrhini may be a part of the genetic repertoire connected with the complex network of neuroendocrine mechanisms of AVP–OXT system in the modulation of the HPA axis. Thus, these changes may have promoted the emergence of social behaviors such as direct paternal care in socially monogamous species that are also characterized by small body size and twin births.  相似文献   

Population densities of two species of night (or owl) monkeys (Aotus nancymai and Aotus vociferans) were estimated using transect census methods. Densities of Aotus nancymai were approximately 46.3 individuals/km2 in lowland forests and 24.2 individuals/km2 in highland forests. For Aotus vociferans densities were 33.0 individuals/km2 in lowland forests and 7.9 individuals/km2 in highland forests. A. vociferans occurs north of the Río Amazonas-Marañon and A. nancymai south of it, except for the northern enclave between the Ríos Tigre and Pastaza. The two species are nowhere sympatric. However, the two known karyotypic forms of A. vociferans occupy the same habitats throughout the Peruvian range of the species.  相似文献   

The DNA breakage detection-fluorescence in situ hybridization (DBD-FISH) procedure was applied to analyze the effect of Wortmannin (WM) in the rejoining kinetics of ionizing radiation-induced DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) in the whole genome and in the long interstitial telomeric repeat sequence (ITRS) blocks from Chinese hamster cell lines. The results indicate that the ITRS blocks from wild-type Chinese hamster cell lines, CHO9 and V79B, exhibit a slower initial rejoining rate of ionizing radiation-induced DSBs than the genome overall. Neither Rad51C nor the catalytic subunit of DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PKcs) activities, involved in homologous recombination (HR) and in non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ) pathways of DSB repair respectively, influenced the rejoining kinetics within ITRS in contrast to DNA sequences in the whole genome. Nevertheless, DSB removal rate within ITRS was decreased in the absence of Ku86 activity, though at a lower affectation level than in the whole genome, thus homogenizing both rejoining kinetics rates. WM treatment slowed down the DSB rejoining kinetics rate in ITRS, this effect being more pronounced in the whole genome, resulting in a similar pattern to that of the Ku86 deficient cells. In fact, no WM effect was detected in the Ku86 deficient Chinese hamster cells, so probably WM does not add further impairment in DSB rejoining than that resulted as a consequence of absence of Ku activity. The same slowing effect was also observed after treatment of Rad51C and DNA-PKcs defective hamster cells by WM, suggesting that: (1) there is no potentiation of the HR when the NHEJ is impaired by WM, either in the whole genome or in the ITRS, and (2) that this impairment may probably involve more targets than DNA-PKcs. These results suggest that there is an intragenomic heterogeneity in DSB repair, as well as in the effect of WM on this process.  相似文献   

The family Leiognathidae, commonly known as ponyfish or slip mouth, comprises three genera, each being characterized mainly by mouth morphology. To date, however, neither the phylogenetic relationships within the family nor monophyly of the genera has been tested. The phylogenetic relationships among 14 species of Leiognathidae, inferred from two protein coding mitochondrial genes (ND4 and 5), indicated monophyly of the studied species form genera Gazza and Secutor, and paraphyly of the genus Leiognathus, with L. equulus occupying a basal branch of the family. The relationships allowed phylogenetic analyses of mouthpart structures and light organ systems. The results suggested that the morphology of the upwardly and forwardly protractile mouth types (latter with canine-like teeth) are phylogenetically informative, and the downwardly protractile mouth type being ancestral in the family. The results also suggested that internal sexual dimorphism of the light organ system was present in the common ancestor of a sister clade to L. equulus, whereas external sexual dimorphism seems to have evolved subsequently in two monophyletic subgroups.  相似文献   

We hybridized whole human chromosome specific probes to metaphases of the black-and-red howler monkey Alouatta belzebul in order to establish chromosomal homology between humans and black-and-red howlers. The results show that the black-and-red howler monkey has a highly rearranged genome and that the human chromosome homologs are often fragmented and translocated. The number of hybridization signals we obtained per haploid set was 40. Nine human chromosome probes gave multiple signals on different howler chromosomes, showing that their synteny is disturbed in A. Belzebul. Fourteen black-and-red howler autosomes were completely hybridized by one human autosomal paint, six had two signals, three had three signals, and one chromosome had four signals. Howler chromosomes with multiple signals have produced 12 chromosomal syntenies or hybridization associations which differ from those found in humans: 1/2, 2/20, 3/21, 4/15, 4/16, 5/7, 5/11, 8/18, 9/12, 10/16, 14/15, and 15/22. The hybridization pattern was then compared with those found in two red howler taxa and other mammals. The comparison shows that even within the genus Alouatta numerous interchromosomal rearrangements differentiate each taxa: A. belzebul has six unique apomorphic associations, A. seniculus sara and A. seniculus arctoidea share seven derived associations, and additionally A. seniculus sara has four apomorphic associations and A. seniculus arctoideaseven apomorphic associations. A. belzebul appears to have a more conserved karyotype than the red howlers. Both red and black-and-red howlers are characterized by Y-autosome translocations; the peculiar chromosomal sex system found in the red howler taxa could be considered a further transformation of the A. belzebul sex system. The finding that apparently morphologically similar or even identical taxa have such extreme genomic differences has important implications for speciation theory and neotropical primate conservation. Am. J. Primatol. 46:119–133, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The chromosomes of 26 taxa from Mexico of the tribes Passalini (three species) and Proculini (23 species) have been studied, increasing the karyotypically known species of the family Passalidae to 56. Karyotypic dynamism is high since the diploid number varies from 18 to 44 in the tribe Proculini. and from 25 to 31 in the tribe Passalini. In addition, supernumerary chromosomes, chromosome heteromorphism, translocations and possible sex multivalents have been found. These results contrast with the numerical conservatism found in related families of the superfamily Scarabaeoidea. However, both tribes are conservative with regard to sex determination, as all species of Proculini have male XY chromosomes whereas species of the Passalini have male XO chromosomes. It is postulated that differences in patterns shown by these two tribes are mainly due to population structure, because many species of Proculini are endemic to restricted areas of Meso and South America, favouring the settlement of karyotypic changes, whereas species of Passalini are distributed over large areas in the lowlands. It is also postulated that the ancestral karyotypic formula of the family is close to 12–14 pairs of autosomes although the ancestral male sex determination may be either XY or XO. At present only a weak relationship between morphological and karyotypic evolution has been found, which together with the marked numerical variability found within and between genera make it difficult to obtain phylogenetic conclusions from karyotypic results.  相似文献   

We used DNA sequence data of the mitochondrial control region and cytochrome b gene to assess phylogenetic relationships among 32 gull species and two outgroup representatives. We tentatively estimated divergence times from transversional substitutions calibrated against DNA–DNA hybridization data. Several strongly supported species groups are identified, but the relationships between these species groups and the rooting of the gull tree remain unresolved. Geographical range extension appears as a factor of speciation, but several related, well‐differentiated species seem to have evolved within comparatively restricted areas. Some plumage characters used in the past for delimiting species groups appear inappropriate. The dark hooded species, for instance, do not constitute a natural assemblage. Molecular data also allowed the identification of several striking plumage convergences that had obscured the true relationships between gull species until now. For example, the dark tropical gulls analysed here each belong to totally different clades and are independent examples of convergent plumage evolution under common environmental constraints. The reverse situation also happened, with two arctic‐distributed species, the ivory gull (Pagophila eburnea) and the Sabine’s gull (Xema sabini), appearing as sister taxa despite completely different plumage features. Molecular data have thus significantly improved our understanding of gull evolution.  相似文献   

In this study, two mitochondrial genes, cyt b and ND5, and the D2 expansion segment of the 28S nuclear ribosomal gene were used to reconstruct a phylogeny of the mosquito subfamily Anophelinae. The ingroup consisted of all three genera of Anophelinae and five of six subgenera of Anopheles. Six genera of Culicinae were used as the outgroup. Extreme conservation at the protein level coupled with rapid saturation of synonymous positions probably accounted for the lack of meaningful phylogenetic signal in the cyt b gene. In contrast, abundant variation at all codon positions of the ND5 gene allowed recovery of the basal and most of the recent relationships. Phylogenetic analysis of D2 produced results consistent with those of ND5. Combined analysis indicated well-supported monophyletic Anophelinae (with Chagasia basal), Anopheles + Bironella, and subgeneric clades within the genus Anopheles. Moreover, subgenera Nyssorhynchus and Kerteszia were supported as a monophyletic lineage. The Kishino-Hasegawa test could not reject the monophyly of Anopheles, whereas the recently proposed hypothesis of close affinity of Bironella to the subgenus Anopheles was rejected by the analyses of ND5 and combined data sets. The lack of resolution of Bironella and Anopheles clades, or basal relationships among subgeneric clades within Anopheles, suggests their rapid diversification. Recovery of relationships consistent with morphology and previous molecular studies provides evidence of substantial phylogenetic signal in D2 and ND5 genes at levels of divergence from closely related species to subfamily in mosquitoes.  相似文献   

The Naticidae is a species-rich family of predatory marine gastropods with substantial interspecific morphological diversity. The classification of the Naticidae has been traditionally based on morphology data, but the phylogenetic relationships within the family are debated due to conflicting molecular results, especially regarding the monophyly of subfamilies Polinicinae and Naticinae. To further resolve the phylogenetic controversies within the Naticidae, we undertake a phylogenetic approach using 14 newly sequenced complete or nearly complete (only lacking a control region) mitochondrial genomes. Both the maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference analyses supported monophyly of the Polinicinae, but paraphyly of the Naticinae due to the placement of the enigmatic genus Notocochlis. The ancestral character reconstruction suggests that the operculum, a character that currently defines the two subfamilies, evolved from an ancestor with a calcareous operculum in the evolutionary history of naticids. In addition, the chronogram estimates that naticids was originated in late Triassic (about 227 million years ago), consistent with previous hypotheses. Our study highlights the importance of using complete mitochondrial genomes while reconstructing phylogenetic relationships within the Naticidae. The evolution scenario of the naticid operculum contributes new insights into the classification of Naticidae.  相似文献   

The taxonomy and phylogeny of Penaeoidea have long been fraught with controversy. Here, we carried out the first mitochondrial phylogenomic analysis on all the penaeoid families and tribes, including nine newly sequenced and 14 published mitogenomes, towards elucidating the phylogeny and evolutionary history of Penaeoidea. All these nine mitogenomes exhibit the pancrustacean ground pattern, except that Benthonectes filipes contains two additional clusters of tRNAAla, tRNAArg and tRNAAsn and an uncommon noncoding region. The resulted phylogenetic tree is generally well resolved with Benthesicymidae sister to Aristeidae, forming a clade with Solenoceridae. Contrary to traditional classification, this clade has a sister relationship with the tribe Penaeini of the family Penaeidae. The family Sicyoniidae is deeply nested within the penaeid tribe Trachypenaeini which forms a sister clade with the remaining penaeid tribe, Parapenaeini. As the family Penaeidae is recovered to be polyphyletic, the three tribes in Penaeidae are all elevated to familial status. On the other hand, the family Sicyoniidae is retained to accommodate Trachypenaeini because they are now synonyms and the former name is more senior. This work is the first molecular analysis concurring with the latest findings in fossil assessments showing that Parapeaneini is the most primitive in Penaeoidae. Our results also illustrate a shallow‐water origin and an onshore–offshore evolutionary shift in penaeoid shrimps.  相似文献   

使用杂鳞库蚊复组COI部分序列和ITS序列构建分子发育树,并基于COI序列计算该复组种内和种间的Kimura-two-Parameter(K2P)距离,探讨环带库蚊的分类地位和杂鳞库蚊复组内各亲缘种的系统发育关系。环带库蚊和杂鳞库蚊的种间K2P距离为0.24%-0.72%,支持"环带库蚊是杂鳞库蚊的同物异名"这一观点;杂鳞库蚊(环带库蚊)和伪杂鳞库蚊、三带喙库蚊的种间K2P距离为4.41%-9.68%,同时分子系统树显示各个种分别聚类,互为姐妹群,再次证明三者互为独立的种;环带库蚊和杂鳞库蚊聚类的分支最接近树的端部,三带喙库蚊分支最接近树的基部,提示三带喙库蚊最早发生分化,而杂鳞库蚊(环带库蚊)最晚发生分化;采集自日本的三带喙库蚊种内K2P距离为0.48%-2.68%,而它们与采集自中国、印度的该种K2P距离为4.17%-6.76%,日本产三带喙库蚊聚集成一支,并与中印产地的聚类分支互为姐妹群,这些结果提示日本的三带喙库蚊有种下,甚至种级分化的趋势。  相似文献   

Golden moles (Chrysochloridae) are small, subterranean mammals endemic to sub-Saharan Africa that together with tenrecs constitute one of six orders in Afrotheria. Here we present a comprehensive karyotypic comparison among six species/subspecies of golden moles based on G-banding and chromosome painting. By expanding the species representation to include a further five species recently published in a companion paper, we were able to map the distribution of telomeric repeats in ten species/subspecies that are representative of six of the nine currently recognized genera. We conclude that: (i) the monophyly of Amblysomus is supported by the amplification of heterochromatin in several pericentric regions and one intrachromosomal rearrangement; (ii) A. hottentotus meesteri groups as sister to a clade that contains A. h. hottentotus, A. h. longiceps, A. h. pondoliae and A. robustus, an association that is underpinned by a shared intrachromosomal rearrangement and the detection of telomeric sequences in the centromeres of all chromosomes of the three A. hottentotus subspecies and A. robustus but, importantly, not in those of A. h. meesteri. These findings indicate an absence of gene flow suggesting that A. h. meesteri should be elevated to specific status. We hypothesize that the lack of gene flow may, in part, reflect hybrid dysgenesis resulting from abnormal meiotic segregation as a consequence of differences in the nature of the centromeric specific satellites; (iii) chromosomes 7 and 13 of Chrysochloris asiatica are fused in both Calcochloris obtusirostris and Eremitalpa granti, but that the position of the centromere in the fused chromosome differs in each species. This suggests that rather than being indicative of common ancestry, the fusion is more likely a convergent character which has arisen independently in each lineage. Furthermore our painting data show two centromeric shifts that are probably autapomorphic for C. obtusirostris. Finally, we conclude that (iv) golden moles are characterized by strong karyotypic conservatism but in marked contrast to the constrained rates of change exhibited by most species, A. robustus is unique in that three autapomorphic fissions define its evolutionary history, and hence the more extensive reshuffling of its genome.  相似文献   

The Serrasalmidae family is composed of a number of commercially interesting species, mainly in the Amazon region where most of these fishes occur. In the present study, we investigated the genomic organization of the 18S and 5S rDNA and telomeric sequences in mitotic chromosomes of four species from the basal clade of the Serrasalmidae family: Colossoma macropomum, Mylossoma aureum, M. duriventre, and Piaractus mesopotamicus, in order to understand the chromosomal evolution in the family. All the species studied had diploid numbers 2n = 54 and exclusively biarmed chromosomes, but variations of the karyotypic formulas were observed. C-banding resulted in similar patterns among the analyzed species, with heterochromatic blocks mainly present in centromeric regions. The 18S rDNA mapping of C. macropomum and P. mesopotamicus revealed multiple sites of this gene; 5S rDNA sites were detected in two chromosome pairs in all species, although not all of them were homeologs. Hybridization with a telomeric probe revealed signals in the terminal portions of chromosomes in all the species and an interstitial signal was observed in one pair of C. macropomum.  相似文献   

 The internal transcribed spacers (ITS1 and ITS2) of nuclear ribosomal DNA were amplified and sequenced from 19 samples representing all species of the genus Mercurialis and two outgroup species, Ricinus communis and Acalypha hispida. The length of ITS1 in the ingroups ranged from 223 to 246 bp and ITS2 from 210 to 218 bp. Sequence divergence between pairs of species ranged from 1.15% to 25.88% among the ingroup species in the combined data of ITS1 and ITS2. Heuristic phylogenetic analyses using Fitch parsimony on the combined data of ITS1 and ITS2 with gaps treated as missing generated 45 equally parsimonious trees. The strict consensus tree was principally concordant with morphological classification. Within the genus, the ITS sequences recognised two main infrageneric clades: the M. perennis complex including three Eurasian stoloniferous species (M.␣leiocarpa, M. ovata and M. perennis) and the western Mediterranean group including eight both annual and perennial species. Of the western Mediterranean clade, the annual and perennial species grouped respectively into two different groups, and the annual life form is revealed as a synapomorphic character derived from perennial, whereas in the Eurasian clade ITS phylogeny suggested M. leiocarpa as basal clade sister to M.␣perennis and M. ovata. ITS phylogeny failed to resolve the relationships among the different cytotypes of M. ovata and M. perennis. ITS phylogeny also suggested rapid karyotypic evolution for the genus. The karyotypic divergence among the perennial species of western Mediterranean region did not corroborate the nucleotide sequence divergence among the species. Optimisation of chromosome numbers onto the ITS phylogeny suggested x=8 to be the ancestral basic chromosome number of the genus. ITS phylogeny confirmed that the androdioecy of M. ambigua is derived from dioecy. The nucleotide heterozygosity and additivity in ITS sequences clearly confirm the interspecific hybridisation in the genus Mercurialis. Received December 22, 2001; accepted May 21, 2002?Published online: November 14, 2002 Address of the authors: Martin Kr?henbühl, Yong-Ming Yuan (correspondence) and Philippe Küpfer, Institut de Botanique, Laboratoire de botanique évolutive, Université de Neuchatel, Emile-Argand 11, CH-2007 Neuchatel, Suisse. (e-mail: yong-ming.yuan@unine.ch)  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships among the three subfamilies (Salmoninae, Coregoninae and Thymallinae) in the Salmonidae have not been addressed extensively at the molecular level. In this study, the whole mitochondrial genomes of two Thymallinae species, Thymallus arcticus and Thymallus thymallus were sequenced, and the published mitochondrial genome sequences of other salmonids were used for Bayesian and maximum‐likelihood phylogenetic analyses. These results support an ancestral Coregoninae, branching within the Salmonidae, with Thymallinae as the sister group to Salmoninae.  相似文献   

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