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Characterizing trait variation across different ecological scales in plant communities has been viewed as a way to gain insights into the mechanisms driving species coexistence. However, little is known about how changes in intraspecific and interspecific traits across sites influence species richness and community assembly, especially in understory herbaceous communities. Here we partitioned the variance of four functional traits (maximum height, leaf thickness, leaf area and specific leaf area) across four nested biological scales: individual, species, plot, and elevation to quantify the scale-dependent distributions of understory herbaceous trait variance. We also integrated the comparison of the trait variance ratios to null models to investigate the effects of different ecological processes on community assembly and functional diversity along a 1200-m elevational gradient in Yulong Mountain. We found interspecific trait variation was the main trait variation component for leaf traits, although intraspecific trait variation ranged from 10% to 28% of total variation. In particular, maximum height exhibited high plasticity, and intraspecific variation accounted for 44% of the total variation. Despite the fact that species composition varied across elevation and species richness decreased dramatically along the elevational gradient, there was little variance at our largest (elevation) scale in leaf traits and functional diversity remained constant along the elevational gradient, indicating that traits responded to smaller scale influences. External filtering was only observed at high elevations. However, strong internal filtering was detected along the entire elevational gradient in understory herbaceous communities, possibly due to competition. Our results provide evidence that species coexistence in understory herbaceous communities might be structured by differential niche-assembled processes. This approach--integrating different biological scales of trait variation--may provide a better understanding of the mechanisms involved in the structure of communities.  相似文献   

Abstract. Comparisons of the positions of species on Grimes'C-S-R triangular ordination model with their responses to individual environmental gradients indicates that the C-S-R model does not necessarily predict species ecological behaviour. The importance of the stress, productivity and disturbance gradients relative to other environmental gradients needs to be determined. In studies of species behaviour along a biomass/productivity gradient the collective vegetation property, biomass, has been confused with the environmental factor, fertility. Patterns of responses to biomass gradients e.g. Keddy's centrifugal model, should be examined in a two-dimensional environmental space to avoid such confounding effects. Assumptions regarding the shapes of species responses to environmental gradients remain untested. A recent model of species response functions to environmental gradients suggested that skewed responses curves show a pattern in the direction of the skew, always with the tail towards the presumed most mesic position on the gradient. Further evidence is presented to support this model for a temperature gradient in eucalypt forest in south-eastern Australia. 21 out of 24 species tested conform to the model.  相似文献   

Abstract. The observed distribution of a species along an environmental gradient is strongly affected by environmental variability within a quadrat. Because a quadrat does not represent a point along an environmental gradient, but rather a range of conditions, it is likely to contain species not typically associated with the mean conditions in the quadrat. Systematic relationships exist between a species' true distribution, the observed distribution as a function of mean quadrat environment, and the frequency distribution of the environment within that quadrat. The observed species habitat breadth increases and the observed maximum abundance decreases as within-quadrat environmental heterogeneity increases. If species distributions or beta diversities are to be compared among species or coenoclines, they should be correctedforintra-quadratheterogeneity.Wederive simple corrections for environmental heterogeneity. The distributions of hardwood forest understory species along a soil acidity gradient in the North Carolina piedmont are presented as an example.  相似文献   

Aim To understand global patterns of genetic variation in plant species on mountains and to consider the significance of mountains for the genetic structure and evolution of plant species. Location Global. Methods We review published studies. Results Genetic diversity within populations can vary along altitudinal gradients in one of four patterns. Eleven of 42 cited studies (26% of the total) found that populations at intermediate altitudes have greater diversity than populations at lower and higher altitudes. This is because the geographically central populations are under optimal environmental conditions, whereas the peripheral populations are in suboptimal situations. The second pattern, indicating that higher populations have less diversity than lower populations, was found in eight studies (19%). The third pattern, indicating that lower populations have lower diversity than higher populations, was found in 10 studies (24%). In 12 studies (29%), the intrapopulation genetic variation was found to be unaffected by altitude. Evidence of altitudinal differentiation was found in more than half of these studies, based on measurements of a range of variables including genome size, number of chromosomes or a range of loci using molecular markers. Furthermore, great variation has been found in phenotypes among populations at different altitudes in situ and in common garden experiments, even in cases where there was no associated variation in molecular composition. Mountains can be genetic barriers for species that are distributed at low elevations, but they can also provide pathways for species that occupy high‐elevation habitats. [Correction added after publication 9 October 2007: ‘less diversity’ changed to ‘greater diversity’ in the second sentence of the Results section of the Abstract] Main conclusions Genetic diversity within populations can vary along altitudinal gradients as a result of several factors. The results highlight the importance of phenotypic examinations in detecting altitudinal differences. The influence of mountain ridges on genetic differentiation varies depending, inter alia, on the elevation at which the species occurs. Based on these findings, zoning by altitudes or ridges would be helpful for the conservation of tree populations with the onset of global warming.  相似文献   

Plants evolved in response to climatic conditions, which shaped their geographic distribution, functional traits and genetic composition. In the face of climatic changes, plants have to react by either genetic adaptation, phenotypic plasticity or geographic range shift. Their reaction potential depends on their phenotypic and genetic variability which can be evaluated through regional scale trait estimates, however, little is known here about tropical African plants. To start filling this gap of knowledge, the aim of this study was to estimate the phenotypic variability in a widespread perennial herb from the understorey of tropical African rainforests: Sarcophrynium prionogonium (Marantaceae). We surveyed 211 individuals from eight populations distributed across four sites in Cameroon covering largely the climatic range of the study species. Fourteen key functional traits were measured monthly for 18 months (2013–2014). Individuals of the study species persisted under a wide range of environmental conditions and there was considerable intraspecific variability within and across populations. Still, plant vegetative growth decreased with dryness. Productivity was positively related to a combination of high temperatures and precipitation and under these favourable conditions strongly shaped by light. Seasonal patterns of flower and fruit development were strongly associated with seasonal rainfall. Thus, the predicted increased dryness in tropical Africa might be disadvantageous for the study species. In the past, plants reacted to such aridification tendencies (e.g. during the Pleistocene glacial cycles) by retracting to moist refugia. The current climatic changes, however, being much faster and larger might provide new challenges.  相似文献   

Background and AimsNon-native plant species are not restricted to lowlands, but increasingly are invading high elevations. While for both native and non-native species we expected variability of plant functional traits due to the changing environmental conditions along elevational gradients, we additionally assumed that non-native species are characterized by a more acquisitive growth strategy, as traits reflecting such a strategy have been found to correlate with invasion success. Furthermore, the typical lowland introduction of non-native species coming from multiple origins should lead to higher trait variability within populations of non-native species specifically at low elevations, and they might therefore occupy a larger total trait space.MethodsAlong an elevational gradient ranging from 55 to 1925 m a.s.l. on Tenerife, we collected leaves from eight replicate individuals in eight evenly distributed populations of five native and six non-native forb species. In each population, we measured ten eco-morphological and leaf biochemical traits and calculated trait variability within each population and the total trait space occupied by native and non-native species.Key ResultsWe found both positive (e.g. leaf dry matter content) and negative (e.g. leaf N) correlations with elevation for native species, but only few responses for non-native species. For non-native species, within-population variability of leaf dry matter content and specific leaf area decreased with elevation, but increased for native species. The total trait space occupied by all non-native species was smaller than and a subset of that of native species.ConclusionsWe found little evidence that intraspecific trait variability is associated with the success of non-native species to spread towards higher elevations. Instead, for non-native species, our results indicate that intermediate trait values that meet the requirements of various conditions are favourable across the changing environmental conditions along elevational gradients. As a consequence, this might prevent non-native species from overcoming abruptly changing environmental conditions, such as when crossing the treeline.  相似文献   

Intraspecific trait variation within natural populations (i.e. intra‐population trait variation, IPTV) is the basic source for selection and can have significant ecological consequences. Higher IPTV may increase a population's niche breath and benefit interspecies competition under a resource‐limited environment, thus affecting the ability of a species to move into novel habitats. However, the reciprocal influences of variation in environmental conditions and phenotypic trait expression in spreading plant populations are not clearly defined. We propose that during invasion, IPTV and its relative change in response to key resource enrichment may increase with the resource deficit of invaded sites, and that this relationship may facilitate plant invasions into resource‐limited environments. We analyzed the invasion trend, IPTV and its response to water enrichment, and moisture variability among populations of an annual grass Brachypodium hybridum in California, United States. We incorporated a genotyping‐by‐sequencing approach, a common garden experiment that had two water level treatments, and public plant and climate databases. Our hypothesis was supported by the observation that for populations that invaded sites with higher spring moisture deficit, both their seed biomass IPTV (for the water‐enriched treatment only) and relative change of the IPTV across water treatments were larger when examined in the common garden experiment. A generally north to south spreading direction was found in these B. hybridum populations, towards a drier and warmer climate exhibiting higher moisture deficit for plant growth. Our results suggest a role for interactions between IPTV (rather than trait means) and environmental resource availability in promoting plant invasions, providing new insights into the significance of IPTV in shaping plant geographic distributions.  相似文献   

研究植物群落功能性状间的相关关系及其对环境变化的响应,能够有效揭示植物功能性状的权衡模式及其对环境的适应策略。藏东昌都地区位于横断山脉西北部,复杂气候地貌孕育了丰富的植物资源,是青藏高原森林灌丛生态系统主要组分和国际生物多样性保护的热点地区。以藏东森林灌丛群落优势木本植物为研究对象,在大量野外调查基础上,采用相关分析、主成分分析、线性回归和方差分析等方法,研究了该区域植物功能性状间的相关关系、功能性状对环境变量的响应规律以及功能性状的变异来源。结果表明:(1)藏东木本植物表现出适应高寒环境的性状权衡模式,即:比叶面积、叶体积较小而叶干物质含量较大,叶磷含量和叶钾含量协同变化;(2)海拔和气候变量共同驱动着藏东木本植物功能性状的变化,并且藏东木本植物倾向于采取“高投入—慢回报”提高御寒能力的保守型适应策略;(3)海拔是影响藏东植物功能性状变异最显著的环境变量,种间变异在藏东植物群落功能性状随环境变化中起主要作用。研究结果揭示了藏东木本植物功能性状的权衡模式及其对高寒环境的适应策略,有助于加深对藏东自然植物资源分布规律和生态功能的认识,为区域生态系统功能和生物多样性保护提供科学依据。  相似文献   

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