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Jerboas belonging to the genus Jaculus are widely distributed rodents inhabiting Palearctic desert and semi‐desert areas. Previous studies on the lesser Egyptian jerboa Jaculus jaculus showed the existence of various morphological forms of controversial taxonomic status. They were sometimes related to two different species, J. jaculus and Jaculus deserti, although this has not been recognized in recent taxonomic updates. To clarify the systematic status of J. jaculus in Tunisia, we performed molecular (phylogenetic analyses of cytochrome b sequences), morphological (multivariate analyses of 13 skull measurements) and karyotypic (standard preparations from bone marrow cells) analyses on a number of specimens collected from ten localities. Our analyses revealed two monophyletic, well differentiated clades, with a mean genetic divergence value (K2P = 10.9 ± 0.01%), which is within the range of distances generally observed between rodent species. Morphometric analyses clearly separated populations of the two genetic clades from each other. However, karyotypes of individuals from both clades appeared similar. Individuals from both molecular clades/morphometric groups were found in sympatry in most of the localities sampled. These results, as obtained from a restricted area of the total distribution, suggest that there are two separate species within the currently accepted J. jaculus in Tunisia. Alternative hypotheses such as the occurrence of a strong, ancient phylogeographic structure, or the presence of pseudogenes, are also considered to account for the results obtained. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 99 , 673–686.  相似文献   

A new species of murid rodent belonging to the ‘shrew‐mouse’ genus Archboldomys is described from Kalinga Province in northern Luzon Island, Philippines. This is the third known species of this endemic Philippine genus. The new species is distinguished from its congeners by consistent differences in adult body size, limb and tail proportions, coloration and texture of the pelage, and cranial and dental dimensions. Members of this genus are small, diurnal rodents that feed mainly on earthworms and other soil invertebrates, and occur in high elevation montane and mossy forests habitats. The new species may be restricted to the northern portion of the Cordillera Central, whereas its congeners occur in widely separated highland areas in other portions of Luzon. The fact that similar distribution patterns are seen for members of other endemic genera suggests that habitat vicariance may have shaped much of the diversification of murid rodents on Luzon.  相似文献   

Integrative taxonomy seeks to approach the complex topic of species diagnosis using independent, complementary lines of evidence. Despite their ubiquity throughout North and Central America, taxonomy of the American leopard frogs (Anura: Ranidae: Rana: subgenus Pantherana) remains largely unresolved, and this is arguably nowhere truer than in the Central American country of Honduras, where there are two nominal species, the taxonomy of which remains unresolved. Leopard frogs from several mountainous areas along the continental divide in Honduras have previously been considered putative hybrids between Rana brownorum and R. cf. forreri, as opposed to two alternate hypotheses: one that they represent a high-altitude eco-morph of a single widespread species that included both lowland forms, or a second that there is an undescribed highland species distinct from either of the recognized lowland forms. We examine this set of hypotheses using three independent lines of evidence. First, we used species distribution modelling to examine potential geographic isolation of the highland form and the two putative parental lowland species, and found strong ecological separation between the highland and lowland forms. Second, mitochondrial and nuclear DNA supports the distinction of the highland form from both putative parental species, with mtDNA data refuting the hypothesis that representatives of either species may represent a matrilineal founder. Morphologically, the highland form is significantly smaller than, and otherwise readily differentiated from, both R. brownorum and R. cf. forreri, as well as all other Rana found in Honduras and adjacent areas. As a result, we formally describe the highland leopard frog as a new species.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:BE53F587-3618-4433-9651-E495808E5474  相似文献   

The new recent genus and species of three‐toed jerboas (Rodentia: Dipodinae), from southern Ningxia, China, is described. This form demonstrated a unique mixture of external, cranial, and dental characters that individually are typical for one or another of all known genera of Dipodinae. Based on morphological characters, it is recovered as the part of Dipodinae tree, distinct from all other members due to its unique combination of morphological characters, and appears to be a nearly ideal living ancestor of all other dipodines. In contrast to morphology, the molecular data indicate a relatively young age for this lineage and consistently place it as the sister group to Stylodipus. The results of the molecular clock analysis suggest that the separation of the two lineages dates back to the Early Pliocene or the Pliocene/Miocene boundary. The estimated geographic range of the new form seems extremely small. The conservational status of the new species remains to be determined; however, the available information suggests that it requires protection.  相似文献   

Two new species of the genus Euglossa Latreille, subgenus Glossurella Dressler are here presented. Euglossa (Glossurella) embera sp. n., from the Pacific lowlands of Colombia, and Euglossa (Glossurella) adiastola sp. n., from the Atlantic Forest of Brazil. Their taxonomic association and distinction are discussed, as well as the correct understanding of the subgenus Glossurella.  相似文献   

Species diagnosis in Trogolaphysa has been based, until now, almost exclusively on number of eyes and shape of claws and mucro. Chaetotaxy, a character system important to diagnose species in other genera of scaled Entomobryoidea, has been described only for a few Trogolaphysa species. Here the complete dorsal chaetotaxy of six species of Trogolaphysa is described using the AMS and Szeptycki’s systems for head and body, respectively. A morphology-based parsimony analysis was performed to evaluate whether chaetotaxic characters overcome the influence of putatively cave adaptive convergent characters to resolve species level relationships, and to evaluate the evolution of the dorsal macrochaetae of the head. Phylogenetic analysis using only putative cave-adaptive characters support clades of unrelated taxa, but the addition of chaetotaxy overcomes the influence of convergent characters. A phylogeny based on all characters supports a trend towards reduced head macrochaetae number. Head macrochaetae are lost beginning with A3 and followed, in order, by S5, S3 and M3. In addition, a checklist of New World Trogolaphysa is provided and two new species, Trogolaphysa giordanoae sp. n. and Trogolaphysa jacobyi sp. n., are described on the basis of material collected in six caves in southern Belize.  相似文献   

This paper report on a new species of mites of the genus Myrmozercon associated with ant in Iran – Myrmozercon cyrusi Ghafarian and Joharchi sp. n. was collected associated of the Monomorium sp. in Kenevist Rural District in the Central District of Mashhad County, Khorasan Razavi Province, Iran. This new species is described and illustrations provided. Myrmozercon ovatum Karawajew, 1909 is suspected to be a junior synonym of Myrmozercon brevipes Berlese, 1902 and host-specificity and host range of Myrmozercon are also reviewed.  相似文献   

Six new species of the genus Taridius Chaudoir, 1875 (Coleoptera, Carabidae) are described from Vietnam: Taridius ornatussp. n., Taridius piceussp. n., Taridius fasciatussp. n., Taridius abdominalissp. n., Taridius coriaceussp. n., and Taridius disjunctussp. n.. The generic characters are redescribed, based on fresh material, with a key provided to all congeners.  相似文献   

Partial DNA sequences of three genes, that is, mitochondrial large ribosomal subunit (16S), nuclear large ribosomal subunit (28S D2) and mitochondrial NADH1 dehydrogenase (NADH1) gene, were sequenced from different microgas trine species(Braconidae: Microgastrinae) collected fresh from paddy fields. The DNA sequences were used to determine the extent of sequence variation among species in order to evaluate the specific status of each species. Cladistic analysis was also used to infer a phylogenetic relationship among these species. The results showed that sequence divergence among species of the same genus Cotesia was much lower than those among different genera, such as Cotesia, Exoryza and Apanteles; the sequence similarity of 16S rDNA and NADH 1 genes between Cotesia sp. and C. chilonis was higher than that between C. sp. and C. ruficrus.Phylogenetic analyses suggested that four species of Cotesia were always grouped in the same clade regardless of using different analysis methods; Cotesia sp. and C. chilonis are more closely related to each other than to C. ruficrus, different from previous morphological results. Additionally, sequence analyses indicated that NADH1 gene has more parsimony informative characters than 28S rDNA D2 and 16S rDNA at the species-level analysis,indicating that NADH1 gene might be a useful marker for species-level analysis.  相似文献   

Behavioural novelties observed in adult leaf beetles of two new Orthaltica Crotch species include: 1) the use of low cost leaf-hole shelters, either in pre-formed holes produced by larger beetles that fed on the same leaf, or artificially created holes as part of an experiment; and 2) the use of faeces to partition the hole. Two new southern Indian species of the genus Orthaltica are described and illustrated: Orthaltica syzygium and Orthaltica terminalia. Host plants are identified for both species. A key to the Indian species of Orthaltica is provided.  相似文献   

90 species of Euplectrus are treated: 55 newly described, all from Area de Conservación Guanacaste (ACG), and 35 previously described species, of which 20 occur in ACG. Three of the previously described species (Euplectrus brasiliensis Ashmead, Euplectrus hircinus (Say), Euplectrus ronnai (Brèthes)) have unknown status, owing to missing or severely damaged type material. The new species, all authored by C. Hansson, are: Euplectrus alejandrovalerioi, Euplectrus alexsmithi, Euplectrus alvarowillei, Euplectrus andybennetti, Euplectrus andydeansi, Euplectrus annettewalkerae, Euplectrus billbrowni, Euplectrus bobwhartoni, Euplectrus carlosarmientoi, Euplectrus carlrettenmeyeri, Euplectrus charlesmicheneri, Euplectrus charlesporteri, Euplectrus chrisdarlingi, Euplectrus chrisgrinteri, Euplectrus corriemoreauae, Euplectrus daveroubiki, Euplectrus davesmithi, Euplectrus davidwahli, Euplectrus dianariasae, Euplectrus donquickei, Euplectrus eowilsoni, Euplectrus garygibsoni, Euplectrus gavinbroadi, Euplectrus gerarddelvarei, Euplectrus henrytownesi, Euplectrus howelldalyi, Euplectrus hugokonsi, Euplectrus iangauldi, Euplectrus jacklonginoi, Euplectrus jesusugaldei, Euplectrus jimwhitfieldi, Euplectrus jjrodriguezae, Euplectrus johnheratyi, Euplectrus johnlasallei, Euplectrus johnnoyesi, Euplectrus josefernandezi, Euplectrus lubomirmasneri, Euplectrus markshawi, Euplectrus mikegatesi, Euplectrus mikeschauffi, Euplectrus mikesharkeyi, Euplectrus ninazitaniae, Euplectrus pammitchellae, Euplectrus paulhansoni, Euplectrus paulheberti, Euplectrus paulhurdi, Euplectrus philwardi, Euplectrus robbinthorpi, Euplectrus ronaldzunigai, Euplectrus roysnellingi, Euplectrus scottshawi, Euplectrus sondrawardae, Euplectrus sydneycameronae, Euplectrus victoriapookae, Euplectrus wonyoungchoi. The species are described or redescribed, and thoroughly and uniformly illustrated, and included in two identification keys, one for females and one for males. Lectotypes are designated for eight species: Euplectrus catocalae Howard (♂), Euplectrus junctus Gahan (♀), Euplectrus leucotrophis Howard (♂), Euplectrus marginatus Ashmead (♀), Euplectrus pachyscaphus Girault (♀), Euplectrus platyhypenae Howard (♂), Euplectrus semimarginatus Girault (♀), Heteroscapus ronnai Brèthes (♂). One synonym is established: Euplectrus walteri Schauff is a junior synonym of Euplectrus testaceipes (Cameron). Brief image notes and host records are provided on the natural history of the wasps as well as the details of their morphology. Hosts are known for 74 Euplectrus species.  相似文献   

The stonefly genus Zealeuctra (Plecoptera: Leuctridae) is endemic to the central and eastern Nearctic regions and is presently comprised of 10 species. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to examine and redescribe two important diagnostic features typically used to identify and define the adult male stage: the large, anteriorly-recurved epiproct and the medial cleft of the ninth abdominal tergite. SEM was also employed to depict the posteromedial portion of female 7th sternum. A new species, Z. ukayodi sp. n., is described from the Cumberland Plateau region of northeastern Alabama and Tennessee. The new species appears superficially similar to Z. talladega Grubbs, but is easily differentiated by characteristics of the male medial cleft. An updated taxonomic key to the males of Zealeuctra is provided.  相似文献   

Neocarus proteus sp. n., is described from caves and the surrounding epigean environment of ferruginous outcrops (Cangas) in Minas Gerais, Brazil. In addition, some notes about development in this species are presented. Neocarus proteus is the only species in the genus that has smooth or barbed genital setae and that carries coronidia on the basitarsi, tibiae and genua of legs II–III. Females carry additional setae with rounded tips on the subcapitulum, and are, on average, larger than males. This distinct sexual dimorphism appears in the tritonymphal instar and is maintained in the adults.  相似文献   

The aploactinid fish Ptarmus gallus is redescribed and recorded from the Gulf of Suez (Egypt) for the first time. The species is apparently endemic to the Red Sea. Identification keys to the genera of aploactinid fishes, and to species of the genus Ptarmus are presented.  相似文献   

A new species of Caponiidae, Tarsonops irataylori sp. n. is described from southern Belize, and a key to the genera of the subfamily Nopinae is provided.  相似文献   

34 Palaearctic species of Rhorus are considered, 9 groups of species are distinguished, and 24 new species from the Eastern Palaearctic (mainly from the Russian Far East) and one new species reared in St. Petersburg from Phyllocolpa leucosticta are described. A key to all these species is given.  相似文献   

A new species of humicolous buthid scorpion is described on the basis of a single male specimen collected in a rainforest in French Guiana. The collection was performed by extraction with the use of Winkler methods. New considerations about the ecology and biogeography of micro-scorpions of the 'Ananteris group' (sensu subfamily Ananterinae Pocock, 1900), are proposed in relation to their possible evolution from endogeous to epygean environments.  相似文献   

We discuss 45 Costa Rican species of Ethmia Hübner, 1819, including 23 previously described: Ethmia delliella (Fernald), Ethmia bittenella (Busck), Ethmia festiva Busck, Ethmia scythropa Walsingham, Ethmia perpulchra Walsingham, Ethmia terpnota Walsingham, Ethmia elutella Busck, Ethmia janzeni Powell, Ethmia ungulatella Busck, Ethmia exornata (Zeller), Ethmia phylacis Walsingham, Ethmia mnesicosma Meyrick, Ethmia chemsaki Powell, Ethmia baliostola Walsingham, Ethmia duckworthi Powell, Ethmia sandra Powell, Ethmia nigritaenia Powell, Ethmia catapeltica Meyrick, Ethmia lichyi Powell, Ethmia transversella Busck, Ethmia similatella Busck, Ethmia hammella Busck, Ethmia linda Busck, and 22 new species: Ethmia blaineorum, Ethmia millerorum, Ethmia dianemillerae, Ethmia adrianforsythi, Ethmia stephenrumseyi, Ethmia berndkerni, Ethmia dimauraorum, Ethmia billalleni, Ethmia ehakernae, Ethmia helenmillerae, Ethmia johnpringlei, Ethmia laphamorum, Ethmia petersterlingi, Ethmia lesliesaulae, Ethmia turnerorum, Ethmia normgershenzi, Ethmia nicholsonorum, Ethmia hendersonorum, Ethmia randyjonesi, Ethmia randycurtisi, Ethmia miriamschulmanae and Ethmia tilneyorum. We illustrate all species and their male and female genitalia, along with distribution maps of Costa Rican localities. Immature stages are illustrated for 11 species, and food plants are listed when known. Gesneriaceae is added as a new food plant family record for Ethmia. CO1 nucleotide sequences (“DNA barcodes”) were obtained for 41 of the species.  相似文献   

Pearsonellum lemusi n. sp. (Digenea: Aporocotylidae) infects the blood vascular system of the gag grouper, Mycteroperca microlepis (Perciformes: Serranidae), in the north central Gulf of Mexico, approximately 80 km south of Dauphin Island, Alabama (29°34'09″N, 88°22'16″W). The new species can be most easily differentiated from its only congeners Pearsonellum corventum Overstreet and K?ie, 1989 (type species) and Pearsonellum pygmaeus Nolan and Cribb, 2004 , both of which infect Australian serranids, by the combination of having a large adult body (3,237 × 570 μm), a cecal intersection comprising an elongated medial channel, anterior ceca >10% of total body length, ovary narrower than testis, and pre-ovarian uterus not looping between testis and ovary. The embryonated eggs of the new species infect gill epithelium, are spheroid, and measure 25-30 μm in diameter. Sympatric Gulf of Mexico serranids were negative for aporocotylid infections: coney, Cephalopholis fulva (n = 1); Nassau grouper, Epinephelus striatus (3); red grouper, Epinephelus morio (32); yellowedge grouper, Epinephelus flavolimbatus (1); rock hind, Epinephelus adscensionis (1); red hind, Epinephelus guttatus (2); Warsaw grouper, Epinephelus nigritus (3); graysby, Cephalopholis cruentata (1); black grouper, Mycteroperca bonaci (1), and tattler, Serranus phoebe (2). The new species is the first aporocotylid described from a serranid outside of the southwestern Pacific Ocean. The diagnosis of Pearsonellum Overstreet and K?ie, 1989 is herein emended to include anterior sucker having concentric rows of spines anterior to mouth, pharynx absent, esophagus length <1/2 total body length, vas deferens connecting with cirrus sac anteromedially, ovary occupying posterior 1/4-1/3 of body, primary vitelline duct dextral, and oviducal seminal receptacle extending posteriad in parallel with lateral body margin, not transverse nor constricted anteriorly or posteriorly by sharp bends or kinks.  相似文献   

This is the second communication on Ichneumonidae, parasitoids of gall-making sawflies on Salix. Twenty-one Palaearctic species of the specialized genus Saotis are revised and classified into 12 species groups. Original data on 29 species of Saotis hosts are given: 18 spp. of Phyllocolpa, 10 Pontania and 1 species of Pontopristia. A key to species and subspecies is given and illustrated by 55 figures. For each species the literature, synonymy, diagnosis, material and hosts are given. Four new species are described: Saotis alpinator sp. n., S. boreator sp. n., S. granulator sp. n. and S. subarctor sp. n.  相似文献   

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