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Like many other parasitoids, Brachymeria intermedia (Hymenoptera: Chalcididae) uses olfactory cues to find its host, but in addition it appears to use learned visual cues to focus its searching efforts at the macrohabitat level. In laboratory experiments, females were held in cages where Lymantria dispar pupae were hidden either in a vertical, tree-like structure or on the floor. After four days females had learned to search for hosts in the structure in which they previously had found pupae. Such training was reversible. During similar tests in a semi-natural situation, in which pupae were hung from a tree trunk or were hidden under leaf litter, females also tailored their subsequent searching to favour the macrohabitat where hosts previously had been found. This parasitoid most likely uses a combination of visual and olfactory cues during host searching.  相似文献   

Abstract. Mated female Brachymeria intermedia (Hymenoptera: Chalcididae) deprived, since emergence, from pupae of their host Lymantria dispar (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae), accumulated eggs but had a very low rate of hostacceptance. Parasitoids that were host-deprived after encountering pupae early in life also accumulated eggs, but maintained a high acceptance rate. Thus early exposure to hosts promoted active reproductive behaviour. Total egg production depended on the total number of pupae encountered, indicating that B.intermedia adjust their egg production to host availability. Hence, in B. intermedia both the physiological state of the parasitoid (age and egg load) and the informational state (in this case host-availability and experience) interact to shape oviposition behaviour.  相似文献   

Through a single oviposition experience on their natural host in presence of vanilla odor, femaleBrachymeria intermedia were induced to drum and drill in a vanilla-scented artificial host. We examined which behaviors in the oviposition sequence mediated this conditioning: conditioning was most successful when odor exposure coincided with oviposition. Wasps were also conditioned when exposure to odor coincided with preoviposition drumming on the host, if drumming was followed by oviposition, and when exposure to odor coincided with drilling in an empty pupal case. Evidently, conditioning occurred through the formation of an association between the odor and the aroused state underlying host acceptance. These results support the hypothesis that conditioning occurs through a stimulus-arousal association rather than, as is generally assumed, through a stimulus-stimulus association.  相似文献   

Summary The midgut pH of late instar gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar L.) larvae is strongly alkaline, and varies with diet, larval stadium, and time since feeding. Midgut pH rises with time since feeding, and does so more quickly, reaching greater maximum values, on some diets than others. Leaf tissues of 23 tree species resist increases in alkalinity differentially; this trait and differing initial leaf pH may explain the impact of diet on gut pH. Third instar larvae may have gut conditions favorable for tannin-protein binding shortly after ingesting certain foods, but with time midgut alkalinity becomes great enough to dissociate tannin-protein complexes. Older instars rarely exhibit gut pHs low enough to permit tannin activity. Alkaline gut conditions may explain the gypsy moth's ability to feed on many tanniniferous plant species, especially in later instars. Consequences for pathogen effectiveness are discussed.  相似文献   

Adaptation of the gypsy moth to an unsuitable host plant   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The pattern of adaptation with regard to life history traits and traits thought to be important in feeding habits of caterpillars in two populations of the gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar L.; Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) originating from the locust tree (Robinia pseudoacacia; Fabaceae) and oak (Quercus petrea; Fagaceae) forests were investigated in the laboratory. The Robinia population has experienced unsuitable locust tree leaves as an exclusive food resource for more than 40 years. Since Quercus species are the principal host plants of the gypsy moth, the specific objectives of this study have been to measure the extent of differentiation between ancestral and derived populations in several life history traits (egg-to-adult viability, duration of larval and pupal stages, and pupal weight) and nutritional indices – relative growth rate (RGR), relative consumption rate (RCR), assimilation efficiency (AD), gross growth efficiency (ECI), and net growth efficiency (ECD). Significant differences between the Quercus and Robinia populations were detected in pupal duration, RGR, RCR, and AD. The presence of a significant population × host interaction in traits such as preadult viability, duration of pupal stage, RGR, and ECI suggests that adaptation of the gypsy moth to the unsuitable host might be ongoing. Using a full-sib design, we screened for genetic variation in life history traits within both populations, and examined the genetic correlations of performance across oak and locust leaves within both populations. The genetic variances for analyzed life history traits were lower under conditions that are commonly encountered in nature. Our data show that positive cross-host genetic correlations preponderate within both populations.  相似文献   

Pupal parasitism of the gypsy moth,Lymantria dispar (L.), was monitored in 15 study plots in New Jersey from 1978 to 1988. The predominant parasitoid was a chalcidid wasp,Brachymeria intermedia (Nees), which was found in only six plots. Parasitism was generally observed in the year of or preceding the peak numbers of gypsy moth egg masses. Parasitism exceeded 4% in only one plot. Percentage parasitism was correlated significantly with numbers of egg masses per hectare in the current season and with numbers of pupae per plot in the previous season, suggesting delayed density dependence. A multiple regression analysis found percentage parasitism to be correlated significantly with percentage infection by nuclear polyhedrosis virus, density of male host pupae, and mean minimum temperature in August and March. A canonical discriminant analysis carried out to distinguish study plots with and without the parasitoid was significant. Plots withB. intermedia had relatively higher host populations and defoliation.  相似文献   

Climate suitability and management of the gypsy moth invasion into Canada   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The gypsy moth has become established throughout southern Canada east of Lake Superior where the climate is suitable for the completion of its univoltine life cycle. The spread of the gypsy moth to the north and west in Canada has so far been prevented by climatic barriers and host plant availability as well as by aggressive eradication of incipient populations. Climate change is expected to increase the area of climatic suitability and result in greater overlap with susceptible forest types throughout Canada, especially in the west. At the same time, the gypsy moth is spreading west in the USA into states bordering western Canadian provinces. These circumstances all lead to a greatly increased risk of further invasion into Canadian forests by the gypsy moth. Management actions need to be intensified in different ways in different parts of the country to reduce the impacts of spread in eastern Canada and to prevent the gypsy moth from invading western regions.  相似文献   

Brachymeria intermedia (Nees) (Hymenoptera: Chalcididae) is a solitary endoparasitoid of the gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar (L.) (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae). The probability that a wasp will parasitise this host is increased if she had a previous oviposition experience. We investigated which types of pre-oviposition and oviposition behaviour induced this change by comparing the acceptance behaviour of wasps with zero to five oviposition experiences as well as wasps with various partial host handling experiences (from no contact with a host to one complete oviposition sequence). The percentage of females accepting the host increased gradually with both the number of previous oviposition experiences and the amount of handling of a single host. Furthermore, the naive females were less likely (44%) to walk to the host than females with a variety of experiences (72–100%). A single antennal contact with the host was sufficient to increase the probability of walking to the host. Additional handling and additional oviposition experiences further elevated the propensity to oviposit. Thus, the modification of the acceptance behaviour through experience was essentially a gradual process in which antennal contact with a pupa was a major element. It is suggested that naive wasps learned the host odour when they first antennated a pupa. As a result, they were attracted to the host odour in subsequent encounters.  相似文献   

Haynes KJ  Liebhold AM  Johnson DM 《Oecologia》2009,159(2):249-256
Outbreaks of many forest-defoliating insects are synchronous over broad geographic areas and occur with a period of approximately 10 years. Within the range of the gypsy moth in North America, however, there is considerable geographic heterogeneity in strength of periodicity and the frequency of outbreaks. Furthermore, gypsy moth outbreaks exhibit two significant periodicities: a dominant period of 8–10 years and a subdominant period of 4–5 years. In this study, we used a simulation model and spatially referenced time series of outbreak intensity data from the Northeastern United States to show that the bimodal periodicity in the intensity of gypsy moth outbreaks is largely a result of harmonic oscillations in gypsy moth abundance at and above a 4 km2 scale of resolution. We also used geographically weighted regression models to explore the effects of gypsy moth host-tree abundance on the periodicity of gypsy moths. We found that the strength of 5-year cycles increased relative to the strength of 10-year cycles with increasing host tree abundance. We suggest that this pattern emerges because high host-tree availability enhances the growth rates of gypsy moth populations.  相似文献   

Carbon and nitrogen mineralization from decomposing gypsy moth frass   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
Defoliation of forests by insects is often assumed to produce a pulse of available nitrogen (N) from the decomposition of frass pellets. In this study we measured rates of carbon (C) and N mineralization from gypsy moth frass incubated with and without soil, and for soil alone. Incubations were at constant temperature and soil moisture conditions and lasted for 120 days. We found that gypsy moth frass contains much labile C as well as extractable N, and that the stimulation of microbial growth by the labile C results in immobilization of essentially all of the extractable N in the frass. The response of the microbes is fast, beginning within 1 day and lasting at least 90 days. This immobilization response represents an efficient mechanism for conserving N within a forest ecosystem after a defoliation event.  相似文献   

Mark-release studies of Calosoma sycophanta L. (Carabidae) in two 40000 m2 areas were done using traps deployed in 10 by 10 grids. In both areas, gypsy moths, Lymantria dispar L. (Lymantriidae), were abundant the first but not the second year of sampling. The distribution of carabid larvae was also investigated in the first year at one of the sites and the distribution of gypsy moth larvae found under burlap bands determined for 2 years at the other site. Dispersions of beetles and prey were evaluated by Taylor's logarithmic meanvariance method and Iwao's mean-mean crowding method. Taylor's method gave the most consistent results, and the slopes of the regression lines were used to determine degree of clumping.To evaluate dispersal of adult beetles, recapture data were analysed using the Fisher-Ford and Jolly-Seber methods in conjunction with Jackson's method for separating survival and emigration. A new method for estimating emigration was found to be most consistent with the Fisher-Ford-Jackson procedure. The tendency of the beetles to aggregate (measured via Taylor's method) was generally highest for males. In one site, emigration and degree of aggregation for males appeared to vary together, while at the other site no relationship was evident. Females showed few tendencies to aggregate. Both beetle larvae and gypsy moth larvae had clumped distributions.
Résumé L'étude par capture-recapture de Calosoma sycophanta L. (Carabidae) a été effectuée dans deux parcelles de 4 ha en utilisant des pièges distribués sur une grille de 10 sur 10. Pendant la première année d'échantillonnage, Lymantria dispar L. (Lymantriidae) était abondant et les calosomes se sont reproduits, tandis que la seconde année les papillons étaient beaucoup moins nombreux. La distribution des larves de carabes a été examinée aussi pendant la première année sur l'une des stations, et celle des chenilles pendant les deux années avec des toiles d'emballage sur l'autre station. Les dispersions des adultes et larves de calosomes et des chenilles de Lymantria ont été calculées en utilisant la régression du logarithme naturel de la variance de l'échantillon sur le logarithme naturel de la moyenne (méthode de Taylor) et la régression de l'indice de Lloyd d'agrégation moyenne sur la moyenne (méthode d'Iwao). La méthode de Taylor a donné les résultats les plus logiques, et les pentes ont servi à mesurer le degré d'agrégation. Les recaptures de calosomes adultes ont été analysées par les méthodes de Fisher-Ford et Jolly-Seber, associées à la méthode de Jackson pour séparer survie et migration. De même, une nouvelle méthode pour déterminer directement la migration en découvrant combien d'insectes recapturés ont abandonné les microparcelles s'est révélée comme la plus cohérente avec le procédé Fisher-Ford-Jackson. La tendance à l'agrégation est plus forte chez les mâles (d'après la pente du logarithme de la moyenne par rapport au logarithm e de la variance de l'échantillon). La migration et le degré d'agrégation paraissent varier ensemble dans une station, tandis que dans l'autre une telle relation n'apparaît pas clairement. Les femelles malgré des taux de migration variés mais généralement faibles, n'ont jamais pr'esenté de tendance significative à l'agrégation. A l'opposé, les larves de calosomes et de Lymantria ont presenté des distributions agrégatives.

Previous work shows that predation by small mammals is a dominant cause of mortality of low-density gypsy moths in North America and that declines in small mammal density result in increases in gypsy moth density. Here we examined whether predation by small mammals is density dependent by way of a type III functional response, and how predation is influenced by alternative prey. First we showed that the preference of predators for gypsy moth pupae was low compared to other experimental prey items, such as mealworm pupae and sunflower seeds. Predation on gypsy moth pupae was characterized by a type II functional response with percent predation highest at the lowest prey densities, whereas the functional response to sunflower seeds was characterized by a type III functional response in which predation increased with increasing prey density. These results suggest that predation by small mammals is unlikely to stabilize low-density gypsy moth populations.  相似文献   

Plant species differ broadly in their responses to an elevated CO2 atmosphere, particularly in the extent of nitrogen dilution of leaf tissue. Insect herbivores are often limited by the availability of nutrients, such as nitrogen, in their host plant tissue and may therefore respond differentially on different plant species grown in CO2-enriched environments. We reared gyspy moth larvae (Lymantria dispar) in situ on seedlings of yellow birch (Betula allegheniensis) and gray birch (B. populifolia) grown in an ambient (350 ppm) or elevated (700 ppm) CO2 atmosphere to test whether larval responses in the elevated CO2 atmosphere were species-dependent. We report that female gypsy moths (Lymantria dispar) reared on gray birch (Betula populifolia) achieved similar pupal masses on plants grown at an ambient or an elevated CO2 concentration. However, on yellow birch (B. allegheniensis), female pupal mass was 38% smaller on plants in the elevated-CO2 atmosphere. Larval mortality was significantly higher on yellow birch than gray birch, but did not differ between the CO2 treatments. Relative growth rate declined more in the elevated CO2 atmosphere for larvae on yellow birch than for those on gray birch. In preference tests, larvae preferred ambient over elevated CO2-grown leaves of yellow birch, but showed no preference between gray birch leaves from the two CO2 atmospheres. This differential response of gypsy moths to their host species corresponded to a greater decline in leaf nutritional quality in the elevated CO2 atmosphere in yellow birch than in gray birch. Leaf nitrogen content of yellow birch dropped from 2.68% to 1.99% while that of gray birch leaves only declined from 3.23% to 2.63%. Meanwhile, leaf condensed tannin concentration increased from 8.92% to 11.45% in yellow birch leaves while gray birch leaves only increased from 10.72% to 12.34%. Thus the declines in larval performance in a future atmosphere may be substantial and host-species-specific.  相似文献   

The length of the time young gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar L. (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae), larvae remain in litter after failing from trees would help in understanding the impact of predation by ants, as ants appear to be important predators of gypsy moths only in litter. To obtain information on caterpillar litter residence times, visual activity of larvae was investigated in the laboratory by presenting them with vertical dark silhouettes of various widths in a 1 m wide cylindrical arena. Their limit of angular resolution was about 1°. This value helped to determine distances to trees caterpillars could be expected to orient toward from randomly-located points in a forest. These data were used with results on litter crawling speed of instars 1, 2, and 3 in a simulation model that generated litter residence times averaging serveral hours. By combining results with a previously-developed model of ant predation in forest litter, it was estimated that about half of unfed first instars falling into the litter would survive, whereas only about 10% of 2nd and 3rd instars would. The implications these results have for control of the gypsy moth are discussed.
Résumé La prédation par les fourmis du genre Formica spp. a une influence importante sur les premiers stades de L. dispar (Lepido., Lymantriidae) en Amérique du Nord. La durée du temps passé dans la litière par les jeunes chenilles après être tombées des arbres doit permettre de comprendre l'impact de la prédation par les fourmis. Pour connaître le temps de séjour des chenilles dans la litière, l'acuité visuelle des chenilles a été examinée au laboratoire en leur présentant des silhouettes noires verticales de différentes largeurs dans une arène circulaire de 1 m de diamètre. La limite de leur angle de résolution était d'environ 1°. Cette valeur a été utilisée pour déterminer les distances (jusqu'à 5 m) quelles que soient les orientations dans la forêt, d'arbres supposés susceptibles d'orienter les chenilles. Les arbres aux silhouettes acceptables étaient distribués uniformément entre 1 et 5 m.Les vitesses de déplacement dans la litière des stades 1, 2, et 3 ont été mesurées par observation directe dans la forêt (elles variaient de 0.9 à 1,54 cm/min). La distance des arbres et la vitesse de déplacement on servi à construire un modèle de simulation qui a donné un temps moyen de séjour de plusieurs heures. En combinant ces résultats avec un modèle précédemment publié de la prédation par les fourmis dans la litière de la forêt, qui utilisait le temps de contact des chenilles avec les fourmis et les taux de captures victorieuses pour estimer la mortalité, nous avons déterminé que la moitié environ des chenilles non alimentées de premier stade tombées dans la litière pourraient survivre, tandis que la survie pour le second et le troisième stade ne serait que de 10%. La discussion porte sur l'importance de ces résultats dans la lutte contre L. dispar.

Nine alkaloids (acridine, aristolochic acid, atropine, berberine, caffeine, nicotine, scopolamine, sparteine, and strychnine) were evaluated as feeding deterrents for gypsy moth larvae (Lymantria dispar (L.); Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae). Our aim was to determine and compare the taste threshold concentrations, as well as the ED50 values, of the nine alkaloids to determine their potency as feeding deterrents. The alkaloids were applied to disks cut from red oak leaves (Quercus rubra) (L.), a plant species highly favored by larvae of this polyphagous insect species. We used two-choice feeding bioassays to test a broad range of biologically relevant alkaloid concentrations spanning five logarithmic steps. We observed increasing feeding deterrent responses for all the alkaloids tested and found that the alkaloids tested exhibited different deterrency threshold concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 10 mM. In conclusion, it appears that this generalist insect species bears a relatively high sensitivity to these alkaloids, which confirms behavioral observations that it avoids foliage containing alkaloids. Berberine and aristolochic acid were found to have the lowest ED50 values and were the most potent antifeedants. Handling Editor: Joseph Dickens.  相似文献   

Bioassay studies were conducted to investigate the influence of Dimilin (diflubenzuron), a chitinsynthetase inhibitor used for insecticidal control of the gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar, on the development and viability of a microsporidian pathogen of L. dispar. Before or after an infection with a Nosema species, L. dispar larvae were fed Dimilin in sublethal dosages. Dimilin fed to L. dispar larvae at 0.65 ng/cm2 diet surface resulted in a total larval mortality of 53%. Although the microsporidian infection alone did not cause high mortality rates (9%), mortality increased to 96% when L. dispar larvae were inoculated with both Dimilin and Nosema spores. When Dimilin was fed to the larvae 24 h before or 6 days after inoculation with the microsporidium, the number of mature spores produced was significantly reduced. When Dimilin was fed to the larvae 24 h after microsporidian inoculation, the number of spores produced was not significantly reduced. Spores that were produced in larvae after Dimilin had been ingested with the diet were less infectious than spores produced in control larvae; the experimental infection rate decreased from 94% when spores obtained from control larvae were used, to 48 or 10% when spores obtained from larvae fed Dimilin 24 h or 6 days after Nosema inoculation, respectively, were used. Mature microsporidian spores washed in Dimilin solution prior to oral inoculation, however, were as infectious as spores stored in liquid nitrogen. We have shown that Dimilin interferes with the establishment of the parasite in its host. In addition, when Nosema sp. succeeds in infecting the L. dispar host despite treatment with Dimilin, the microsporidium does not develop optimally and spore production is reduced.  相似文献   

Summary Survival and body composition of starving gypsy moth larvae initially reared on aspen foliage or artificial diet differeing in nitrogen (N) and carbohydrate concentration were examined under laboratory conditions. Diet nitrogen concentration strongly affected starvation resistance and body composition, but diet carbohydrate content had no effects on these. Within any single diet treatment, greater body mass afforded greater resistance to starvation. However, starving larvae reared on 1.5% N diet survived nearly three days longer than larvae reared on 3.5% N diet. Larvae reared on artificial diet survived longer than larvae reared on aspen. Differences in survival of larvae reared on artificial diet with low and high nitrogen concentrations could not be attributed to variation in respiration rates, but were associated with differences in body composition. Although percentage lipid in larvae was unaffected by diet nitrogen concentration, larvae reared on 1.5% N diet had a higher percentage carbohydrate and lower percentage protein in their bodies prior to starvation than larvae reared on 3.5% N diet. Hence, larger energy reserves of larvae reared on low nitrogen diet may have contributed to their greater starvation resistance. Whereas survival under food stress was lower for larvae reared on high N diets, growth rates and pupal weights were higher, suggesting a tradeoff between rapid growth and survival. Larger body size does not necessarily reflect larger energy reserves, and, in fact, larger body size accured via greater protein accumulation may be at the expense of energy reserves. Large, fast-growing larvae may be more fit when food is abundant, but this advantage may be severely diminished under food stress. The potential ecological and evolutionary implications of a growth/survival tradeoff are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Hemolymph ecdysteroid titers and in vitro prothoracic gland ecdysteroid synthesis have been examined in last-instar larval (5th instar) females of Lymantria dispar. Ecdysteroids were quantified by radioimmunoassay and characterized by co-elution with known standards of ecdysteroids on reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. Analysis of hemolymph yielded ecdysone and 20-OH-ecdysone in ratios of 1:1 (day 6, shortly after attainment of maximum weight) and 1:28 (day 10, molting peak). Analysis of in vitro culture media from glands challenged with extracts of brains or retrocerebral complexes, or left unchallenged, revealed only immunoreactive material co-eluting with a known standard of ecdysone. Time-course studies of in vitro prothoracic gland ecdysone secretion demonstrated a major peak on day 10, 1–2 days prior to pupal ecdysis, and a small elevation on days 5–6. On days 5 and 6, 2.29±0.41 and 2.65±0.72 ng ecdysone per gland, respectively, were secreted in 6-h cultures. On day 10, 25.69±4.36 ng was secreted in 6-h culture. The ability of prothoracic glands of various ages to respond to brain extracts containing prothoracicotropic hormone activity was tested by determining an activation ratio for each day of the instar. The activation ratio was determined over a 90-min period by dividing the amount of ecdysone secreted by one member of a pair of prothoracic glands in the presence of brain extract by that of its contralateral control gland in Grace's medium. Prior to the addition of brain extract, the activity of the glands was allowed to subside to basal level for 180 min in Grace's medium. The activition ratio was highest on days 3–7 and fell throughout the remainder of the instar as the inherent ability of the prothoracic gland to maintain high levels of ecdysteroid synthesis in vitro in the absence of prothoracicotropic hormone increased. A two-phase in vitro assay for prothoracicotropic hormone was established using activition ratios. This assay showed saturable doseresponse kinetics for prothoracic gland ecdysone secretion and specificity to extracts prepared from brain or retrocerebral complexes. A comparable assay for prothoracicotropic hormone purification, based on net synthesis and requiring half the number of prothoracic glands was also established.Abbreviations A r activation ratio - HPLC high performance liquid chromatography - HPSEC high performance size-exclusion chromatography - PG prothoracic gland - PTTH prothoracicotropic hormone - RIA radioimmunoassay  相似文献   

We examined the effects of CO2-mediated changes in the foliar chemistry of paper birch (Betula papyrifera) and white pine (Pinus strobus) on performance of the gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar). Trees were grown under ambient or enriched CO2 conditions, and foliage was subjected to plant chemical assays and insect bioassays. Enriched CO2 atmospheres reduced foliar nitrogen levels and increased condensed tannin levels in birch but not in pine. Foliar carbohydrate concentrations were not markedly altered by CO2 environment. Gypsy moth performance was significantly affected by CO2 level, species, and the CO2 x species interaction. Under elevated CO2 conditions, growth was reduced for larvae fed birch, while development was prolonged for larvae fed pine. Although gypsy moths performed better overall on birch than pine, birch-fed larvae were influenced more by CO2-mediated changes in host quality.  相似文献   

The brain-suboesophageal ganglion complex of the gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar, contains pheromonotropic activity detectable using a Helicoverpa zea in vivo bioassay for pheromone-biosynthesis-activating neuropeptide. Pheromonotropic activity was detected as early as the third larval instar and was present throughout development and through day 6 post-eclosion. Activity in the adult is presumably associated with pheromone production, while it is speculated that larval activity may be related to melanization. Adult pheromonotropic activity is associated with a peptide of approximately 3.500 kDa. It is heat labile and only partially stable when incubated at 35°C or exposed to freeze-thawing. Isolation of L. dispar pheromonotropic factor should facilitate the elucidation of the mechanism of pheromone production in this insect pest.Abbreviations ED 50 dose at which one-half maximal response is observal - eq equivalent - MRCH melanization and reddish colorization hormone - MW molecular weight - PBAN pheromone biosynthesis activating neuropeptide - SOG suboesophageal ganglion - TFA trifluoroacetic acid - Z11-16: Ald (Z)-11-hexadecenal  相似文献   

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