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Alate swarms are one of the major visible signs of the expansion of the Formosan subterranean termite, Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae), in an area. Successful establishment of an incipient colony is thought to mainly rely on available food resources and moisture. The large-scale use of tree-based mulches in landscapes may inadvertently contribute to local establishment and growth of C. formosanus colonies. This research investigated the nutritional ecology of incipient colonies of C. formosanus feeding on seven tree-based, weathered, and nonweathered landscape mulches: pine straw, pine bark, cedar wood, water oak, eucalyptus, cypress, and melaleuca. Incipient colonies of C. formosanus feeding on pine straw, either weathered or nonweathered, produced significantly more progeny over the course of 1-yr feeding than colonies feeding on the other mulches tested. Regardless of weathered or not, the incipient colonies feeding on pine straw, eucalyptus, bald cypress, and water oak mulches had significantly greater survival rates after 360 d (53-77%) than colonies feeding on the other mulches tested (0-13%), but colonies feeding on nonweathered water oak had significantly lower survival (8%) than those kept on weathered water oak (58%). Colony fitness values were significantly different between the weathering treatment groups and among the different types of mulches. With regard to colony growth characteristics, three distinct growth patterns were identified: a high number of progeny (>100) with high colony survival rate (>50%), a medium number of progeny (12-50) with high colony survival rate (>50%), and a small number of progeny (0-10) with low colony survival rate (<5%). These findings suggest that different types of mulch substrates could significantly impact the nutritional ecology of the founding pairs and the successful establishment of incipient colonies during the swarming season.  相似文献   

The inference of extrazooidal feeding currents in fossil bryozoan colonies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Taylor, Paul D. 1979 01 15: The inference of extrazooidal feeding currents in fossil bryozoan colonies. Lethaia , Vol. 12, pp. 47–56. Oslo. ISSN 0024–1164.
Previous studies on live bryozoan colonies have shown that the feeding autozooids in a colony may cooperate in differing ways to produce an extrazooidal watercurrent system organised on a colony-wide or subcolony-wide basis. The presence of an extrazooidal current system may be inferred in fossil stenolaemate bryozoans which exhibit either a differential spacing of open autozooecial apertures or a systematic variation across the marial surface in the orientation of automoecial distal portions. By inference, aggregations of autozooecial apertures represented loci of inhalant extrazooidal flow whereas zoarial protuberances (e.g. monticules) with outwardly leaning autozooecia acted as loci of exhalant extrazooidal flow. Bryozoans having automoecia opening obliquely into gaps or fenestrules in their zoaria probably drew a unidirectional extrazooidal current of water through the fenestrules. Extrazooidal water currents may function to accelerate colony clearance rate, decrease the chances of recycling filtered water, aid spermatoman and larval dispersal, and clear sediment from the colony surface.  相似文献   

The effects of ambient flow velocity, colony size, and the presence of an actively-feeding colony upstream on the feeding success of the encrusting bryozoan Conopeum reticulum (Linnaeus) were studied. Zooids from both large and small colonies showed a reduction in feeding as flow velocity increased, however, the reduction in feeding was less for zooids from large colonies except at very fast ambient flow velocities. The greater pumping capacity of large colonies may result in a relatively greater per zooid feeding success from moving water. The presence of an actively-feeding colony upstream was found to enhance the feeding of zooids on downstream colonies. Diversion of flowing water by actively-feeding colonies upstream may account for the observed enhancement of feeding by zooids on colonies downstream.The results from this study on an encrusting species are compared with results from a previous study on feeding from flow by an arborescent bryozoan, and the feeding performances of these two colony types are related to their respective flow microhabitats.  相似文献   

A review of evidence for parasitism on graptoloid graptolites is presented. The phenomenon is rare, having been recorded in only a few biserial forms and straight monograptids. Most periderm outgrowths secreted as a response to parasitism are small and blister-like, but in two new specimens remarkable tubular outgrowths occur. These would have had a detrimental, but clearly not fatal, influence on the functioning of these graptolites, particularly with regard to the hydrodynamics and buoyancy of the rhabdosome and the energy expended in secreting additional periderm.  相似文献   

Many previous studies have focused on the foraging behaviors and strategies of the red imported fire ants, Solenopsis invicta Buren on solid food or granular bait; little attention has been paid to how liquid sugar is fed upon. In the present study, behavioral responses of S. invicta to 25% sucrose water droplets were observed. Five foraging patterns were identified in S. invicta colonies under laboratory conditions: (i) no feeding, no sucrose water feeding was observed; (ii) surround feeding, ants surrounded and fed along the edge of the sucrose droplet; (iii) stacked feeding, ants stacked and fed along the edge of the sucrose droplet; (iv) droplet‐break feeding, ants broke the liquid droplet and sucked sucrose water that spread on surface of the substance or soil particles previously transported by ants; and (v) cover feeding, whole surface of the sucrose droplet was covered by layers of feeding ants. This is the first time cover feeding in S. invicta has been reported, which obviously requires more ants compared to the other patterns. In addition, individual ants were tracked in videos under laboratory conditions, and behavioral repertoires that led to stacking, covering and droplet‐breaking were identified and described. The field investigation showed that surround feeding was most frequently performed by S. invicta foragers; however, cover feeding was not observed under field conditions during this study. Both laboratory and field studies showed colony‐level variations in sugar‐water feeding.  相似文献   

Rhabdopleura shows several features of skeleton growth that are also seen in graptoloids. The similarities between the growth patterns, in terms of the plan towards which the zooids aimed and of their response to environmental disturbance, are profound. Both demonstrate a high degree of genetic control, not only on the gross morphology of the tube or theca but also on the pattern of increments by which this must be achieved. The execution of this 'blueprint' is facilitated by spatial awareness in the zooids of both groups. The main variable left to the graptoloid zooid was the number of increments used in building a theca. Variations in the number of increments probably reflect differences in the productivity of the environment and hence the amount of spare energy in the colony budget. An important new observation is that mortality is common amongst zooids in both Rhabdopleura and graptoloids, with new animals taking over tube or thecal building from where the previous zooid left off. This is identifiable in the increment patterns of tubes and thecae. Several generations of zooids can inhabit a rhabdopleuran tube and can be demonstrated to have inhabited a graptolite theca. This means that innate senescence was not a major cause of death for graptolite colonies. It also means that all thecae might have been continuously occupied and that the colony could have survived significantly bleak environmental conditions by large-scale zooid mortality followed by regeneration. □ Graptolite, ecology, hemichordate, pterobranch, RHABDOPLEURA, growth.  相似文献   

Capsule Using simulations in a geographical information system our results showed that systematic sampling with quadrats was the most accurate, precise and cost-effective method to survey Magellanic Penguin colonies.

Aims To determine which sampling method gives better estimations of penguin abundance.

Methods A virtual colony was generated deriving spatial parameters from a real survey and applying Kriging interpolation. Three sampling methods were then applied on this virtual colony: random sampling with quadrats; systematic sampling with quadrats; systematic sampling with fixed-width transects. The estimated abundance for each trial was compared to the abundance of the virtual colony to have a measure of accuracy and precision.

Results Systematic sampling with quadrats estimated penguin abundance better than random or systematic sampling with transects since it achieved 100% accuracy and great precision after sampling only 2.1% of the virtual colony.

Conclusion The use of a simulated colony allowed the comparison of several sampling methods traditionally used in Magellanic Penguin surveys. The results of this study are important in order to standardize sampling protocols for Magellanic Penguins and to have more comparable estimations to detect trends over time. Also, the methodological approach used here could be used to assess sampling methods for other colonial bird species.  相似文献   

本文在测定油松毛虫幼虫静态格局和动态格局的条件下,全面而系统地进行了株抽样、轮抽样和“枝”抽样的研究。根据幼虫在各轮垂直分布的特征和喜食二年生针叶的特性,建立回归模型,从轮抽样发展到“枝”抽样,通过检验,预报精度在91—98%之间。轮抽样比株抽样平均提高效率6倍,“枝”抽样比轮抽样又平均提高1.5倍。如费用以每株0.20元计,轮抽样比株抽样每株平均减少0.16元,“枝”抽样每株又减少0.032元。  相似文献   

Monitoring the number of bacterial colony-forming units is an important step in assuring compliance with the recommendation that water from dental units contain <200 CFU mL–1. Media that have been used for this purpose include R2A, a standard plate counting medium for water samples, and the Millipore HPC Sampler device, designed to facilitate sampling in dental offices. Discrepancies between the two media have been observed. This study tested the hypothesis that differences in counts on the two media were due to the failure of some bacteria to grow on the HPC sampler or to grow at less efficiency than on R2A. Of four different bacterial colony phenotypes tested in three independent experimental trials, one phenotype did not grow on the HPC device, and another grew inconsistently and at lower efficiency. These results confirmed the hypothesis. From these findings, users of the HPC sampler should be aware that microbial undercounts may occur.  相似文献   

During the chick-rearing period, little auks Alle alle adopt a bimodal foraging strategy, alternating long trips with several short ones. It has been postulated that they reach more remote areas during long feeding trips than during short ones. However, the range of their foraging flights has never actually been measured. The aims of this study were to find the exact location of the little auk feeding grounds and to investigate whether they reach remote areas during long foraging trips using miniature GPS and temperature loggers. The study was conducted in 2009 in Magdalenefjorden (79°34′N, 11°04′E), one of the main breeding grounds of little auks on Spitsbergen. The temperature logger records indicated that during short trips, little auks visit warmer waters (situated close to the colony) than during long ones. The tracks of two GPS-equipped birds indicated that during long trips little auks foraged in the distant, food-abundant marginal sea ice zone, at least 100 km away from the colony. During long trips, birds make several stops at sea, perhaps sampling the foraging area with respect to prey distribution. Since food conditions near the studied colony are usually suboptimal, little auks may be exploiting distant feeding areas to compensate for the poorer-quality food available at nearby foraging grounds. The extended duration of long foraging trips may enable birds to collect food for chicks on food-abundant, remote foraging grounds as well as acquire, process and excrete food needed for self-maintenance, reducing the costs of flight to the colony.  相似文献   

The cryptic habits of subterranean termites impair studies of colony delimitation and the organization of foraging. Whereas feeding sites can be identified and the movements of foragers between them can be assessed using traditional mark-release techniques, the assignment of the termites found at feeding sites to their parent colonies remains problematical. Thus the extent and overlap of individual colony foraging territories are unknown. We used microsatellite markers to delineate colonies of R. grassei and compared the results with data from a mark-release-recapture study (Nobre et al., 2007) carried out in the same population and over the same period of time. The majority of colonies exhibited only a single-feeding site, but presented, even at a local scale, a high degree of variability in colony structure and no evidence of inbreeding. F-statistics for some colonies were consistent with pleometrosis. The population as a whole contained individual colonies that were separately identified as Mendelian, mixed family or pleometrotic families. Furthermore, microsatellite data suggest that what was represented by the MRR technique as a single foraging group could be drawn from more than one colony. Colony delineation is discussed as a tool for understanding overall population structure and termite feeding strategies. Received 5 July; revised 3 October 2007; accepted 19 October 2007.  相似文献   

Choanoflagellates exist as both single‐celled and colonial forms and filter‐feed by generating water currents using a single apical flagellum. Hydrodynamic modeling studies have differed in predictions of whether single cells or colonies produce greater fluid flow to enhance feeding, and a recent study reported no increase in feeding efficiency of stalked colonies of choanoflagellates compared with single cells. We report that rosette colonies of Salpingoeca rosetta demonstrate higher rates of food vacuole formation compared with unicellular, slow swimmers.  相似文献   

Temporal and spatial analyses are seldom utilized in the study of colony genetic structure, but they are potentially powerful methods which can yield novel insights into the mechanisms underlying variation in breeding systems. Here we present the results of a study which incorporated both of these dimensions in an examination of genetic structure of subterranean termites in the genus Reticulitermes (primarily R. flavipes). Most colonies of this species (70%) were simple families apparently headed by outbred primary reproductives, while most of the remaining (27% of the total) colonies contained low effective numbers of moderately inbred reproductives. Mapping the spatial distribution of colony foraging sites over time revealed that despite the high colony density, the absolute foraging boundaries of most R. flavipes colonies were persistent and exclusive of other conspecific colonies, which suggests that this species is more territorial than has been implied by laboratory studies of intraspecific aggression. Nevertheless, we found a single colony (3% of all colonies) which contained the offspring of more than two unrelated reproductives. Although other studies have also described subterranean termite colonies with a similarly complex genetic composition, we demonstrate here that such colonies can form under natural conditions via the fusion of whole colonies. This study underscores how repeated sampling from individual colonies over time and space can yield information about colony spatial and genetic structure that cannot be obtained from conventional analyses or sampling methods.  相似文献   

A factorial experiment was designed to examine the effect on compensatory growth (CG) of Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus fed diets containing different protein and lipid levels under normal and temporally restricted feeding regimes. Four diets were formulated to contain either 30% or 36% crude protein, and 5% or 11% crude lipid. Triplicate replicates of each treatment were assigned to 24 150‐L tanks (20 fish/tank density). Fish (mean initial weight ± SD = 8.79 ± 0.34 g) were then fed either the normal feeding regime (thrice daily to apparent satiation) or the restricted regime (1 day feed deprivation followed by 3 days of feeding to apparent satiation) over a 44‐days study period. Fish receiving a diet under the restricted regime achieved weight gains (WG) comparable to fish consuming the diet containing 30% protein and 5% lipids under the normal feeding regime. Fish maintained on the restricted feeding regime exhibited reduced feed intake (FI), WG, feed efficiency ratio (FE), protein efficiency rate (PER) and hepatosomatic index versus fish on the normal feeding regime, except WG in fish fed the diet with 30% protein and 5% lipids. However, the resultant FI (85%~94%) was higher than the excepted 75% intake when fish were subjected to the restricted regime. Feeding 11% lipid diets led to improved FI, WG, FE, and PER compared to feeding the 5% lipid diets. Increased FI, WG, and FE, but reduced PER were observed in fish fed with 36% protein versus fish fed 30% protein. Fish receiving the 36% protein diets had lower whole‐body moisture and ash contents, but elevated whole‐body protein and lipid contents compared to those receiving the 30% protein diets. Whole‐body moisture contents were lower, but whole‐body protein, lipid and ash contents were higher in fish fed 11% lipid diets than in fish fed 5% lipid diets. There was an increase in whole‐body moisture content, but a decrease in protein and lipid content in response to the restricted feeding regime. Ash content was not affected by the feeding regime. The present study shows that Nile tilapia fed diets subjected to a restricted feeding regime exhibited growth comparable to those fed the diet at 30% protein and 5% lipid levels under a normal feeding regime. This positive effect was more pronounced in diets at a high protein level or in a combination of high protein and lipid levels.  相似文献   

A blood‐feeding system that utilizes a small amount of whole heparinized human blood in parafilm bags is described in detail, and similarities and differences between artificially fed and naturally rodent‐fed bed bugs (Hemiptera: Cimicidae) are discussed. Blood with high levels of heparin (10%) was unsuitable for artificial colony rearing, whereas bed bugs fed on 1% heparinized blood and those that naturally ingested rat blood completed their lifecycle with similar stage structures over time, with no significant differences in mortality. No differences in feeding efficiency or fertility were found in a direct comparison of bed bugs maintained under each of these two treatments, but analysis of the full lifecycle revealed that artificially fed bed bugs became significantly smaller and laid fewer eggs than rodent‐fed bed bugs. The level of membrane stretching regulated the number of bed bugs that fed. When the membrane was stretched to twice its length and width, 96% of bed bugs successfully fed through the parafilm. Whole heparinized blood that was stored at 6 °C for ≥ 14 days failed to retain its nutritional value and the amount of blood consumed and number of consecutive moults were significantly reduced.  相似文献   

Feunteun  Eric  Marion  Loïc 《Hydrobiologia》1994,(1):327-344
The fish predation rate by Grey Heron Ardea cinerea was studied during two breeding seasons (1987–88) in the largest European colony at the Lake of Grand-Lieu (Loire-Atlantique, France). The herons' diet was compared to the available fish population of its main feeding area, the marsh of Bourgneuf (16000 ha) which is composed of former salt pans and meadows drained by a dense network of shallow ditches. This study is the first attempt to assess the predation exerted by an ardeid colony on a fish community over such an extensive natural environment. It also provides the first data about the abundance and the structure of fish communities in shallow coastal dyked marshes. For this purpose, two different sampling methods were used according to the water's salinity. In fresh waters, electrofishing was used as the removal method, and density estimates were calculated with Carle & Strub estimator (1978). Fish were caught in randomly selected stations (sections of ditches enclosed by two 5 mm mesh nets). In brackish waters, pools and ditches were drained. The distribution of the herons at the feeding areas was determined by direct observations, by counting flights from the colony, and by radio-tracking. The diet was investigated by observing adult herons on the foraging areas, and by analyzing the prey regurgitations of the young at the nests. The global food consumption was assessed from Marion (1988), according to the birds' activity determined during 5 years of radio-tracking. Altogether, at least 39 species of fish were available in the herons' feeding area (during the reference period, 87–88) and the mean fish biomass was 270 kg per ha of open water, or 30 kg per ha of marsh (open water = 11.2% of the marsh area). The fish community was dominated by eel Anguilla anguilla (145 kg ha–1, 50,8% of the total biomass), and catfish Ictalurus melas (40 kg ha–1, 14%). Except for small and inaccessible species (living in the deepest parts of the marsh), heron diet was very similar to fish species composition of the community occurring in the marsh. The catfish was the species captured most frequently by the heron (45% of the mass), the eel was second with 28% of the mass. The catfish was probably over represented in the diet considering that they are caught in catfish-dumps created by professional fishermen at Grand-Lieu lake, in order to reduce the density of this undesirable species. Inversely, small species such as Gasterosteus aculeatus were not found in the diet whereas they are very numerous in the marsh. On average herons of Grand-Lieu colony catch 1.92 kg of fish per ha of marsh (6% of the fish standing crops in the marsh) during the breeding season, the main predation period.  相似文献   

Eusocial insects often live in colonies comprised of an extensive network of interconnected nests and estimating colony spatial structure and colony boundaries may be difficult, especially in cryptic, subterranean species. A combination of aggression assays and protein marking was used to estimate nest spatial distribution in field populations of the highly polydomous cornfield ant, Lasius neoniger. The estimates were first obtained via 1-on-1 aggression tests for workers collected from different nests within the research plots. The aggression tests were followed by mark-recapture field studies which utilized rabbit IgG protein. The ants were allowed to self-mark by feeding on sucrose solution spiked with the IgG protein. Colony spatial structure was detected by sampling ants from different nests and analyzing them for the presence of the marker using an ELISA test. Estimates based on aggression tests were substantially higher relative to those based on protein marking. The average colony size based on aggression tests was 2.0 ± 0.2 m2 and was significantly higher than the 1.1 ± 0.4 m2 estimate based on protein marking. The estimate based on protein marking was even lower, 0.2 ± 0.1 m2, when a Fluon-coated ring restricted ant feeding to the focal nest and prevented ants from other nests from feeding on the protein-marked sucrose. No significant correlation was detected between internest aggression and internest distance. Likewise, no correlation was detected between distance from the focal nest and the percentage of workers testing positive for the protein marker. The results show that both approaches have their own limitations, but their simultaneous use allows for a more accurate assessment of colony spatial structure. The advantages and limitations of each technique are discussed.  相似文献   

Several forms of plasticity of feeding behavior were investigated in Navanax. Navanax is a gastropod mollusc which lacks a radula, and ingests prey with suction caused by rapid pharyngeal expansion. Feeding is little affected by handling or posture and is resistant to the noxious stimulus of cutting through the body wall. Feeding is affected by arousal, as shown by a decrease in latency following initial exposure to food. The feeding response also habituates, as shown by an increase in latency when feeding responses are elicited without allowing animals to engulf food. The latency increase is not likely to be due to motor fatigue, since it can be partially reversed by dishabituation with an alternate prey species. Continued feeding causes satiation, as shown by increased feeding latencies and eventual cessation of feeding after a mean weight gain of 42.0% of initial animal weight (N = 12). Another form of plasticity occurs when Navanax are presented with food too large to swallow whole. Navanax either cease to respond after a few presentations, perhaps due to habituation, or maintain suction on the partially swallowed prey for an extended period of time. During extended sucks, the more deeply ingested portions are digested.  相似文献   

Flamingos forage in both commercial salt pans and natural marshes and lagoons along the French Mediterranean coast. In order to assess the impact of changes in management of commercial salt pans and hydrological fluctuations on this flagship species, we evaluated the foraging areas of breeding flamingos using the resightings of 283 breeding flamingos marked with dye at the colony in 1987 and 1989, two years with contrasting hydrological conditions. Teams of observers searched all suitable habitats within 80 km of the colony during the four days following marking and recorded presence of off-duty flamingos. About one-third of the birds were found within 10 km of the colony, but some were seen up to 70 km away. About 24–54% of the birds were found in permanent brackish lagoons and 18–60% in the salt pans, the two most important habitats. In 1989, a dry year with lower water levels in the natural wetlands, the proportion of breeding flamingos using salt pans was twice as high [53%, range (47–60%)] as in 1987 [26%, range (18–29%)], this habitat thus acting as a refuge. Most of the feeding areas shown to be important for flamingos breeding in the Camargue are thus susceptible to variations according to rainfall and to transformations or drying out if the salt pans are abandoned. Our results provide essential benchmarks to reconsider the conservation of this flagship species when management of commercial salt pans changes.  相似文献   

Summary Many folivorous insects are selective feeders which consume specific leaf tissues. For specialist herbivores feeding on plants of overall low nutritional quality, selective feeding may allow consumption of a high quality resource. Selective feeding may also allow insects to avoid structural or allelochemical defenses. We examined the structure and chemistry of leaves of American holly, Ilexopaca Aiton, and the feeding site of its principal insect herbivore, the native holly leafminer, Phytomyza ilicicola Loew (Diptera: Agromyzidae), to test the hypothesis that the leafminer consumes tissues which are of greater nutritional quality than the leaf as a whole. Holly leaves have a continuous layer of palisade mesophyll, uninterrupted by fibers or vascular bundles. The leafminer feeds entirely within this layer. The palisade mesophyll contained 196 mg/g dry wt extractable protein, more than twice as much as the leaf as a whole, and 375 mg/g dry wt saponins, more than 9 times that of the leaf as a whole. The water content of the palisade mesophyll was 66% higher than that of the leaf as a whole. The palisade mesophyll is 3–4 cell layers thick in leaves grown in full sun, but only 2 layers thick in shaded leaves. Crystals, probably of calcium oxalate, are abundant in the abaxial cell layer. These may impose mechanical constraints on larval feeding in shade leaves, which are thinner than sun leaves. Selective feeding on the middle palisade mesophyll of sun leaves allows the leafminer to consume a resource which is lacking in mechanical barriers and is rich in protein and water, but which contains large amounts of saponins.The investigation reported in this paper (No. 86-8-7-117) is in connection with a project of the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station and is published with the approval of the Director  相似文献   

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