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Silva RC  Báo SN  Jivago JL  Lucci CM 《Theriogenology》2011,76(9):1647-1657
The objective of this study was to characterize the morphometry and ultrastructure of porcine preantral and antral follicles, especially the lipid component evolution. Ovarian tissue was processed for light microscopy. Ovarian tissue and dissected antral follicles (< 2, 2-4, and 4-6 mm) were also processed for transmission electron microscopy using routine methods and using an osmium-imidazole method for lipid detection. Primordial follicles (34 ± 5 μm in diameter, mean ± SD) had one layer of flattened-cuboidal granulosa cells around the oocyte, primary follicles (40 ± 7 μm) had a single layer of cuboidal granulosa cells around the oocyte, and secondary follicles (102 ± 58 μm) had two or more layers of cuboidal granulosa cells around the oocyte. Preantral follicle oocytes had many round mitochondria and both rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum. In oocytes of primordial and primary follicles, lipid droplets were abundant and were mostly located at the cell poles. In secondary and antral follicles, the zona pellucida completely surrounded the oocyte, whereas some microvilli and granulosa cells projected through it. Numerous electron-lucent vesicles and vacuoles were present in the oolemma of secondary and antral follicles. Based on osmium-imidazole staining, most of these structures were shown to be lipid droplets. As the follicle developed, the appearance of the lipid droplets changed from small and black to large and gray, dark or dark with light streaks, suggesting that their nature may change over time. In summary, although porcine follicles and oocytes had many similarities to those of other mammalian species, they were rich in lipids, with lipid droplets with varying morphological patterns as the follicle developed.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to characterize the morphometry and ultrastructure of porcine preantral and antral follicles, especially the lipid component evolution. Ovarian tissue was processed for light microscopy. Ovarian tissue and dissected antral follicles (< 2, 2–4, and 4–6 mm) were also processed for transmission electron microscopy using routine methods and using an osmium-imidazole method for lipid detection. Primordial follicles (34 ± 5 μm in diameter, mean ± SD) had one layer of flattened-cuboidal granulosa cells around the oocyte, primary follicles (40 ± 7 μm) had a single layer of cuboidal granulosa cells around the oocyte, and secondary follicles (102 ± 58 μm) had two or more layers of cuboidal granulosa cells around the oocyte. Preantral follicle oocytes had many round mitochondria and both rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum. In oocytes of primordial and primary follicles, lipid droplets were abundant and were mostly located at the cell poles. In secondary and antral follicles, the zona pellucida completely surrounded the oocyte, whereas some microvilli and granulosa cells projected through it. Numerous electron-lucent vesicles and vacuoles were present in the oolemma of secondary and antral follicles. Based on osmium-imidazole staining, most of these structures were shown to be lipid droplets. As the follicle developed, the appearance of the lipid droplets changed from small and black to large and gray, dark or dark with light streaks, suggesting that their nature may change over time. In summary, although porcine follicles and oocytes had many similarities to those of other mammalian species, they were rich in lipids, with lipid droplets with varying morphological patterns as the follicle developed.  相似文献   

Porcine follicular fluid (pFF), as a supplement of maturation media, has been shown several times to improve the in vitro production (IVP) of porcine embryos. As a transudate of serum, pFF contains locally produced factors in addition to the ones derived from serum. The objective of this study was to determine the additional positive effects of these pFF specific factors on the nuclear and cytoplasmic maturation of porcine oocytes. Follicular fluid and autologous serum were collected from sows in the preovulatory phase of the estrous cycle. Subsequently, oocytes from prepubertal gilts were matured in NCSU23 supplemented with either 10% pFF or 10% autologous serum derived from the same sow. Oocytes were then fertilized and the putative zygotes were cultured for 7 days. Nuclear maturation and cumulus expansion were assessed after the maturation culture. For evaluation of cytoplasmic maturation, oocyte glutathione (GSH) content, fertilization parameters and embryonic development were evaluated. After in vitro maturation (IVM) of the oocytes, both cumulus expansion rate and oocyte GSH content were increased for oocytes matured in pFF (P<0.05). More monospermic penetration was found when cumulus-intact oocytes had been matured in 10% pFF but this effect was lost after fertilization of cumulus denuded oocytes indicating that the pFF was acting through the cumulus. We speculate that the increased cumulus expansion and increased glutathione content, which were prevalent after IVM in pFF, are responsible for the positive effects on fertilization and the pre-implantation development of the embryos.  相似文献   

This work aims towards developing research concerning the improvement of animal reproduction, embryo development and genetic engineering. In our laboratory, an attempt has been made to standardize in vitro conditions able to optimally support bovine oocyte maturation and fertilization in order to yield viable embryos. Ovaries from cows and heifers, obtained from local slaughter-house, were used for recovery of oocytes from antral follicles. Cumulus-oocyte complexes were statically cultured for 24h at 39 degrees C in medium TCM 199 supplemented with fetal calf serum inactivated, hormones, glucose and granulosa cells under a 5% CO2 and 95% humidity atmosphere. A first group of oocytes was used for fixing and staining procedure for evidence of in vitro maturation. After culture 69.4% (77/111) of oocytes reached full maturation showing cumulus expansion, first polar body extrusion and the 2nd metaphase plate. A 2nd group was used for in vitro fertilization. In vitro semen capacitation was obtained with swim-up system (8.9) with separation of high motility fraction in Talp Hepes medium. Oocytes and spermatozoa were coincubated for 18-20h in Talp medium at 39 degrees C with 5% CO2 and 95% humidity. At the end of culture stereoscope and microscope observations were made for evidence of fertilization. After IVF 67.4% (58/86) resulted fertilized. Most of them showed two pronuclei and residual sperm tail. In few cases oocytes with 1 pronucleus and the swollen sperm head or with syngamy or polyspermic were found. In these experiments high percentages of in vitro matured and in vitro fertilized oocytes have been obtained. These bovine zygotes can be considered an essential step to develop new technologies in cattle breeding.  相似文献   

The objective was to investigate the effects of oxygen tension and follicle cells (FCs) during in vitro maturation of porcine oocytes in only porcine (Sus scrofa domesticus) follicular fluid (pFF), using static and non-static (rotating) culture systems, on the nuclear maturation and subsequent in vitro fertilization of the oocytes. In the first experiment, cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs) were matured for 48 h in pFF supplemented with (+) or without (−) FCs (5.2 × 106 cells/mL), using the static (S) and rotating (R) culture systems (+FC/S, −FC/S, +FC/R, and −FC/R) under 5% or 20% O2. Co-culture with FCs in the static culture system (+FC/S) had a detrimental effect on the meiotic competence of oocytes, whereas co-culture with FCs in the rotating culture system (+FC/R) increased maturation rates. In both culture systems, oxygen tension had no apparent effects on meiotic competence of oocytes, irrespective of culture system and FC addition. In the second experiment, COCs were matured under 5% or 20% O2 using the −FC/S or +FC/R culture systems and then fertilized. Oxygen tension had no significant effects on fertilization parameters, irrespective of the culture system. The rotating culture system increased rates of sperm penetration and male pronuclear formation and decreased polyspermic fertilization compared with the static culture system (P < 0.05). In conclusion, both −FC/S and +FC/R culture systems supported meiotic competence, irrespective of oxygen tension. However, the +FC/R culture system may be superior to the −FC/S culture system for promoting fertilization.  相似文献   

Based on the morphology and expansion of the cumulus cells, several different classes of porcine cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs) can be distinguished, during their maturation in vitro. The goal of the present study was to find out the rate of each morphologic category in case of COCs and granulosa-cumulus-oocyte complexes (GCOCs), the characteristics of their nuclear progression, cytoplasmic maturation, and the frequency of monospermy after IVF. It was found that the frequency of cumulus expansion is higher in case of GCOCs than that of COCs. Nuclear progression of COCs was more accelerated than that of GCOCs. Oocytes attached to the bottom of culture dish with dark, compact cumulus underwent nuclear and acquired their ability to be activated earlier than that of oocytes showing normal cumulus expansion. The rate of monospermic fertilization after IVF of normal COCs showing normal cumulus expansion was higher than that of COCs attached to the dish. These results suggest that diverse behavior of cumulus cells during in vitro culture affects nuclear and cytoplasmic maturation of porcine oocytes, which also affects IVF results. It can be concluded that granulosa cells promote normal cumulus expansion thus decrease heterogeneity in nuclear and cytoplasmic maturation amongst oocytes.  相似文献   

The time course and conditions necessary for oocyte maturation and subsequent fertilization in vitro were studied in the domestic cat. Darkly pigmented oocytes surrounded by cumulus cells and a tight corona radiata were collected from ovaries removed at ovariohysterectomy. After culture in Eagle's minimum essential medium, oocytes were evaluated for nuclear maturation by analyzing chromosomal spreads. Oocytes achieved metaphase II after intervals of 40–48 hr of in vitro incubation. The incidence of maturation was enhanced (P<0.05) when oocytes were recovered from inactive (54%) or follicular (56%) stage donors compared to those recovered from luteal phase (29%) or pregnant (35%) cats. The proportion of oocytes successfully maturing in vitro in medium containing no hormone supplementation (37%) was less (P<0.01) than counterparts cultured in follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) only (48%) or FSH and luteinizing hormone (LH) (54%). The efficiency of maturation was not influenced (P >0.05) by either maintenance/transport temperature (4°C vs. 22°C) or delaying recovery of oocytes from antral follicles (2–8 hr vs. 24–32 hr). Approximately 36% of the in vitro matured oocytes cocultured with spermatozoa demonstrated evidence of fertilization; however, there appeared to be a critical development period for maximizing the incidence of fertilization. These results demonstrate that domestic cat antral oocytes are capable of maturing in vitro, and maturation is influenced by the reproductive status of the donor and the presence of gonadotropins in the culture medium. These oocytes are capable of forming embryos and developing to at least the 16-cell stage in vitro.  相似文献   

Steroid metabolism by avian ovarian cells during follicular maturation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The profiles of steroid hormones produced by ovarian cells from the domestic hen were examined. Theca cells from the immature, small white follicles (SWFT), the third largest (T3), and largest (T1) preovulatory follicles, and the ruptured, postovulatory follicle (POFT) were incubated for 3 h at 37 degrees with [3H] progesterone (Prog) or [3H] pregnenolone (Preg). Granulosa cells from the largest preovulatory follicle were incubated with [3H] Preg or were coincubated with theca cells and [3H] Preg. The production of specific steroid metabolites was determined on the basis of coelution of radioactivity with known standard compounds, using an isocratic high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) technique. Granulosa cells converted 93% of [3H] Preg substrate to Prog. More Prog was utilized by T3 cells than by T1 and SWFT cells, either when [3H] Prog was the substrate or when coincubated with granulosa cells and [3H] Preg. The major metabolites of Prog were androstenedione, 17-hydroxyprogesterone, and an unidentified compound with an elution time of 53 min. The POFT cells metabolized [3H] Prog to the same extent as T3 cells did, but their profile of steroidogenesis favored production of the unidentified 53 min metabolite. SWFT cells utilized the least amount of [3H] Preg substrate. The results point to marked changes in enzyme activities in theca cells during maturation and following ovulation.  相似文献   

Output of progesterone, the end product of the steroidogenic pathway, was studied in isolated chicken granulosa cells in relation to follicular maturation and during the ovulation cycle with particular reference to the period between the LH peak and ovulation. The evidence gathered from a series of experiments conducted during the past 2-3 years in the authors' laboratory indicate that the steroidogenic capacity of granulosa cells during follicular maturation is regulated not so much by receptor-coupled adenylate cyclase activity as has been proposed by other investigators, but by the activity of key steroidogenic enzymes, particularly the cholesterol 20,22 desmolase. Furthermore, granulosa cells undergo cyclic sensitization following the endogenous LH surge reaching maximal responsiveness about 1 hr before oviposition. This is followed by a rapid desensitization shortly before ovulation. This desensitization extends to the second and subsequent developing follicles probably in proportion to the evolving LH receptors. It is suggested that granulosa cells remain in such a desensitized state for several hours postovulation, during which time progesterone responses to LH are attenuated and consequently ovulation does not occur prematurely. It is proposed that this intraovarian mechanism is an important component of the physiological events that regulate the ovulation cycle in the domestic fowl.  相似文献   

Effects of bovine follicular fluid on maturation of bovine oocytes   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Three experiments were conducted to determine the effects of follicular fluid and media on bovine oocyte maturation. Experiments 1 and 3 test the effects of follicular fluid obtained at different times after the LH surge on bovine oocyte maturation in vitro, while Experiment 2 was designed to compare TALP and Medium 199 as serum-free maturation media. Bovine follicular fluid (BFF) was obtained from preovulatory follicles either before (0 h BFF) or at 4, 8, 12 or 20 h after a GnRH-induced LH surge. Oocytes were obtained from follicles 1 to 6 mm in diameter from ovaries retrieved from a slaughterhouse. In Experiment 1, both 0 h and 4 h BFF inhibited resumption of meiosis, whereas BFF collected at 8, 12 and 20 h did not. When oocytes were cultured in media that contained equal portions of 0 and 8 h BFF, meiosis was not inhibited. In Experiment 2, Medium 199 supplemented with bovine serum albumin (BSA) was superior to Tyrode's medium with albumin, lactate and pyruvate for oocyte maturation. In Experiment 3, a higher percentage (P<0.05) of oocytes cultured for 18 h in 40% 20 h BFF in Medium 199 reached Metaphase-II (64%) than those cultured in 0 h BFF (41%) or control medium (39%). There was a transient meiotic arrest due to 0 h BFF as evidenced by the higher percentage of oocytes with germinal vesicles at 8 h of incubation (35% with 0 h vs 20% with 20 h; P<0.05). Furthermore, expansion of cumulus cells was induced in 8 and 20 h BFF, but not 0 h BFF.  相似文献   

Shi L  Yue W  Zhang J  Lv L  Ren Y  Yan P 《Animal reproduction science》2009,113(1-4):299-304
The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of ovarian cortex cells (OCCs) monolayers on the nuclear maturation of sheep oocytes with or without cumulus cells during IVM. Sheep ovaries collected from a local abattoir were transported to the laboratory in warm PBS containing antibiotics within 2-3h after collection. Cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs) were obtained by aspiration and evaluated in a pre-incubated Hepes-modified TCM 199 medium. The selected COCs were randomly divided into six treatment groups: group 1 (control group): oocytes enclosed by cumulus cells were cultured in maturation medium; group 2 (co-culture group): oocytes enclosed by cumulus cells co-cultured with OCCs monolayers; group 3 (conditioned group): oocytes enclosed by cumulus cells were cultured in OCCs-conditioned medium; group 4 (denuded group): denuded oocytes were cultured in the maturation medium; group 5 (denuded co-culture group): denuded oocytes co-cultured with OCCs monolayers in maturation medium; group 6 (denuded conditioned group): denuded oocytes were cultured in OCCs-conditioned medium. After maturation for 24h, the oocytes in each treatment group were fixed, stained and the nuclear status of the oocytes were assessed under an inverted microscope. The highest percentage of metaphase II (M-II) stage oocyte was observed in group 2 (86.3%) and the lower percentage was observed in the denuded groups (group 4-6). The removal of cumulus cells dramatically decreased the percentage of M-II stage oocyte. The comparison of the nuclear maturation status in group 4-6 showed that the co-culture of oocyte with OCCs monolayers resulted in progression to completing the GVBD stage to reach the M-II stage. The results demonstrated that the presence of OCCs could positively influence the meiotic resumption and progression of sheep oocytes during IVM.  相似文献   

《Small Ruminant Research》2007,69(3):291-295
This study was carried out to investigate the role of maturation by cumulus cells and the initial bond between the cumulus cells and the oocyte on nuclear maturation of sheep oocytes. Ovaries collected from the local abattoir were transported to the laboratory in saline at 30–35 °C within 1–3 h after collection. The oocytes of follicles, 2–6 mm in diameter, were recovered by aspiration and collected in a pre-incubated (at 38.6 °C, 5% CO2, and 100% humidity) Hepes-modified TCM 199 medium. After preliminary evaluation, the oocytes with evenly granulated cytoplasm and which were surrounded with at least two layers of cumulus cells (good quality oocytes) were selected and subjected to culture in pre-incubated bicarbonate-buffered TCM 199 supplemented with 0.05 IU/ml recombinant human follicle stimulating hormone (rhFSH), 1 IU/ml human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), and 1 μg/ml estradiol (OCM: oocyte culture medium). Before culturing, the selected oocytes were randomly divided into four treatment groups: Group 1, cumulus enclosed oocytes cultured in OCM; Group 2, denuded oocytes cultured in OCM; Group 3, denuded oocytes co-cultured with a cumulus cell monolayer in OCM; Group 4, denuded oocytes cultured in OCM in the presence of cumulus cells-conditioned medium. After an incubation period (26–27 h), the nuclear status of the oocytes in each treatment group was assessed using a 2% orcein stain. The rate of oocytes reaching the metaphase II (MII) stage (metaphase of second stage of meiosis division) was 82%, 5%, 11%, and 47% for Groups 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively. The differences between groups were significantly (P < 0.05) different. The percentage of MII oocytes in Group 4 (47%) was higher than that obtained in Group 3 (11%), indicating a higher efficiency in a cumulus cell-conditioned medium, compared to the cumulus cells monolayer in providing the proper condition for sheep oocyte nuclear maturation. The results suggest the ability of sheep oocytes to resume meiosis in the absence of gap junctional communication (GJC) between the cumulus cells and oocyte being drastically interrupted while for optimum oocyte nuclear maturation, the intact physical contact between the oocyte and cumulus cells is essential.  相似文献   

Development of technologies to mature oocytes in vitro is important for in vitro fertilization research. Here, we investigated the ability of preantral follicular granulosa cells (PAGCs) to restrain apoptosis and to promote the growth and meiotic resumption of immature murine oocytes in vitro. The oocytes of 55–65 μm derived from 12 to 14 days old juvenile mice were co-cultured with PAGCs in vitro. The results showed that the oocytes co-cultured with PAGCs for 7 days grew faster and 14.6% of immature oocytes were able to complete the first meiotic division and arrive at the MII stage. 71 oocytes co-cultured with PAGCs were fertilized and 16 embryos were able to form morula-blastocysts. Following the co-culture of immature oocytes with/without PAGCs for 7 days, the percentage of apoptotic oocytes were 33.5 and 51.4%, respectively (p < 0.01). Furthermore, the inhibition of apoptosis was communicated between oocytes and PAGCs through the GDF9-PI3 K-Akt signaling pathway. In conclusion, the co-culture with PAGCs has a beneficial effect on the growth and maturation of immature oocytes.  相似文献   

Temperature-induced abnormalities in sheep oocytes during maturation   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The susceptibility of sheep oocytes to temperature changes during maturation in vitro was tested by reducing the incubation temperature to 20 degrees C at various stages of meiosis. Cooling induced chromosomal abnormalities including disorganized metaphase plates and multipolar spindles in 28-54% of oocytes cooled at all stages of meiosis from germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) to metaphase II. The time of GVBD (8-11 h after the start of culture) was the most sensitive to cooling, whereas fewest abnormalities were found in oocytes cooled in late metaphase I (16-19 h). In addition to the chromosomal abnormalities, unusual vesicles appeared in the cytoplasm of oocytes cooled at 8-11 h and 12-15 h. No abnormalities in protein synthesis were detected by one-dimensional SDS gel electrophoresis. The consequences of the abnormalities for the developmental potential of the cooled oocytes were tested by transfer to recipient ewes and fertilization in vivo. After 12 days of development only 6% and 11% oocytes cooled at 12-15 h and 20-23 h respectively had developed to expanded blastocysts, compared with 44% of control oocytes. The results demonstrated that maturing sheep oocytes are very sensitive to a drop in temperature.  相似文献   

Ali A  Coenen K  Bousquet D  Sirard MA 《Theriogenology》2004,62(9):1596-1606
Protein supplementation during in vitro maturation can profoundly affect both the rate and overall efficiency of the maturation procedure. The present study was conducted to assess the ability of different concentrations (1, 5, and 10%) of bovine follicular fluid (bFF) to support in vitro maturation of oocytes and subsequent developmental capacity. The bFF was derived either from competent follicles ( > 8 mm) obtained by transvaginal recovery following superovulation or from a pool of small follicles (2-5 mm) from abbatoir-derived ovaries. Bovine oocytes were cultured for 24 h in synthetic oviduct fluid medium (m-SOF) supplemented with polyvinylpyrrolidone. Following fertilization and embryo culture, more oocytes (P < 0.05) reached the blastocyst stage when oocytes were cultured with 5% bFF from competent follicles (41 +/- 3.7%) compared with bFF derived from small follicles (16 +/- 2.9%). Estradiol and recombinant human follicle stimulating hormone added to the competent bFF during maturation acted in synergy to increase blastocyst production rate (P < 0.05); this blastocyst production rate (57 +/- 1.2%) was higher than those obtained with the addition of these two hormones to bFF derived from small follicles (26 +/- 2.9%). The quality of blastocysts obtained was reflected by inner cell mass (51.30 +/- 3.5 and 25.50 +/- 3.7) and trophectoderm cell numbers (99.72 +/- 2.5 and 94.80 +/- 4.7) for bFF from competent and small follicles, respectively. In conclusion, follicular fluid originating from competent follicles increased the developmental competence of abbatoir-derived oocytes.  相似文献   

We have investigated the role of theca cells in the control of apoptosis and proliferation of granulosa cells during bovine ovarian follicular development using a coculture system in which granulosa and theca cells were grown on opposite sides of a collagen membrane. A DNA fluorescence flow cytometry was used to determine the extent of apoptosis and proliferation in populations of granulosa cells. When granulosa cells were isolated from small follicles (3-5 mm), the percentage of apoptotic cells gradually increased by 1.8-fold during the 3 days of culture. This change was reduced (3.1-fold) by the presence of theca cells. When the cells were isolated from large follicles (15-18 mm), the percentage of apoptotic granulosa cells was gradually reduced (3.4-fold) during the 3 days of culture in single-cultured groups. The percentage of apoptosis on Day 1 was reduced (1.6-fold) by the presence of theca cells. However, such an effect was not detected on Days 2 and 3 of the culture. Theca cells did not affect the proliferation of granulosa cells obtained from either small or large follicles. The present study suggests that theca cells regulate the fate of granulosa cells throughout the follicular maturation process by secreting factors that suppress apoptosis.  相似文献   

The uptake of 125I-labelled LH by equal numbers of granulosa cells from small, medium or large follicles was greater by cells from large follicles. In contrast, granulosa cells obtained from small follicles bound much more 125I-labelled FSH per cell than did cells obtained from medium and large follicles. Competition studies with unlabelled hormones indicated that porcine granulosa cells have specific receptors for LH and FSH. The addition of diethylstilboestrol enhanced the binding of 125I-labelled LH and inhibited the binding of 125I-labelled FSH to granulosa cells harvested from small and medium-sized follicles, but had no effect on those from large follicles.  相似文献   

The potential for rescuing immature oocytes from the ovaries of females of rare felid species which die or undergo medical ovariohysterectomy was evaluated. Ovaries were recovered from 13 species representing 35 individuals in good-to-poor health. Although the majority of females were 10 yr of age or older and in fair-to-poor health, a total of 846 oocytes were recovered of which 608 (71.9%) were classified as fair-to-excellent quality. One hundred of these oocytes were used for initial maturation classification and as parthogenetic controls. Overall, of the 508 fair-to-excellent quality oocytes placed in culture, 164 (32.3%) matured to metaphase II in vitro. For species in which 3 or more individuals yielded oocytes, mean oocyte maturation rates were as follows: 36.2%, tiger; 27.9% leopard; and 8.3%, cheetah. In vitro insemination of oocytes resulted in fertilization (2 polar bodies, 2 pronuclei, or cleavage) rates of 9.1% to 28.6% (leopard) using homologous fresh spermatozoa and 4.0% (lion) to 40.0% (puma) using homologous frozen-thawed spermatozoa. Inseminations using heterologous (domestic cat) spermatozoa also resulted in fertilized oocytes in the tiger, leopard, snow leopard, puma, serval, and Geoffroy's cat (range in fertilization rate, 5.0% for leopard to 46.2% for puma). Cleaved embryos resulted from the insemination of leopard oocytes with homologous sperm (n = 1 embryo) and puma oocytes with domestic cat sperm (n = 3 embryos). These results demonstrate that immature ovarian oocytes from rare felid species can be stimulated to mature in vitro despite an excision-to-culture interval as long as 36 h.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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