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Three new species, Hiptage calcicola, H. gracilis , and H. monopteryx are described. A key to the species of Hiptage found in Thailand is provided.  相似文献   

A new species of Anteon Jurine, 1807 is described from Thailand, Nan Province: Anteon huettingeri sp. n. Morphologically the new species is similar to Anteon borneanum Olmi, 1984, Anteon jurineanum Latreille, 1809, Anteon insertum Olmi, 1991, Anteon yasumatsui Olmi, 1984, Anteon sarawaki Olmi, 1984, Anteon thai Olmi, 1984 and Anteon krombeini Olmi, 1984, but it is clearly different for the numerous sensorial processes present on the inner side of the paramere; these processes are absent in the other above species. Published identification keys to the Oriental species of Anteon are modified to include the new species.  相似文献   

Three new megophryid species, Leptolalax melanoleucus, L. fuliginosus, and L. solus, are described from southwestern and southern Thailand on the bases of acoustic and morphological characteristics. Leptolalax melanoleucus and L. fuliginosus are similar to L. pelodytoides from northern Thailand, but differ from it completely in advertisement call characteristics and ventral color. Leptolalax solus is similar to L. heteropus from peninsular Malaysia, but differs from it by advertisement call, as well as by some body proportions. The distributional pattern of Leptolalax within Thailand is discussed.  相似文献   

Three new species of Ripipteryx Newman (Orthoptera: Tridactyloidea: Ripipterygidae) are described from Colombia; namely Ripipteryx diegoi sp. n. (Forceps Group) and Ripipteryx guacharoensis sp. n. (Marginipennis Group) from Parque Nacional Natural Cueva de los Guacharos in Huila, and Ripipteryx gorgonaensis sp. n. (Crassicornis Group) from Parque Nacional Natural Gorgona in Cauca. Ripipteryx diegoi sp. n. is characterized by the antennae black with white spots on flagellomeres 3–7, male subgenital plate with median ridge forming a bilobed setose process, epiproct produced laterally near its base and phallic complex with virga thickened distally and not reaching beyond the membrane. Ripipteryx guacharoensis sp. n. is characterized by the antennae thick with white spots present dorsally on flagellomeres 1–4 and 8, epiproct narrow and triangular, uncus reduced and lacking a distal hook, phallic complex with a concave ventral plate and a dorsal elevation in the middle extended to the virga, and the virga itself with two small projections basally. Ripipteryx gorgonaensis sp. n. is characterized by the epiproct with a lateral notch, antennae with a white dorsal spot on flagellomere 1 and flagellomeres 4–7 entirely white. The antennal color pattern of Ripipteryx gorgonaensis sp. n. strongly resembles that of Ripipteryx atra but differs from the latter in the absence of any significant morphological modification of the flagellomeres.  相似文献   

Khaosokia caricoides , D.A. Simpson, Chayam. & J. Parn., a newly discovered genus and species of Cyperaceae is described and illustrated. The genus is characterized by a narrowly paniculate dioecious inflorescence with 2–4 nodes, each of the nodes having a leaf-like inflorescence bract that exceeds the inflorescence. Spikelets in both sexes are linear-cylindric and each flower has seven perianth bristles. The nutlet was immature in the specimens examined. The photosynthetic pathway is C3. Khaosokia is endemic to limestone cliffs in peninsular Thailand; its conservation status is assessed as Vulnerable (VU B1a + 2a). It has affinities to tribes Cariceae, Dulichieae and some members of Scirpeae, but the exact nature of these relationships has yet to be determined. A revised key to the genera of Cyperaceae in Thailand is presented.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 149 , 357–364.  相似文献   

Three new species of Caulokaempferia from Thailand, C. appendiculata, C. bracteata , and C. violacea , are described and illustrated. The diversity of genus is discussed. A key to the species known from Thailand is provided.  相似文献   

Three new species in Polygonum section Polygonum (Polygonaceae) from Xinjiang, China, are described and illustrated. Polygonum urumqiense F. Z. Li, Y. T. Hou & F. J. Lu is similar to P. aviculare L. in habit, but differs by having flowers densely clustered and spicate in the upper part of branches, stamens 5–6, and two types of achenes (the longer one densely and irregularly granulate on surface). Polygonum tachengense F. Z. Li, Y. T. Hou & F. J. Lu is similar to P. aviculare in the flowers not forming a raceme in the upper part of branches, the stamens 8, and the achenes striate-granulate on surface, but differs by the leaf blades linear-lanceolate, the midvein and lateral veins conspicuously raising abaxially, the ochreae longer, up to 1.1 cm, 15–20-veined, the flowers 3–6 clustered together in the upper axils of branches. This species is also similar to P. patulum M. Bieb. in the erect stem, and the flowers 3–6 clustered together in the axils of the upper part of branches, but differs by the midvein and lateral veins of leaves conspicuously raising abaxially, the ochreae longer, up to 1.1 cm, 15–20-veined, the leaves in the upper part of branches not becoming smaller gradually, and the flowers clustered in the upper axils of branches not forming a raceme, and the achenes striate-granulate on surface. Polygonum shiheziense F. Z. Li, Y. T. Hou & F. J. Lu is similar to P. argyrocoleon Steud. ex Kunze in the erect stem, the 3–6 flowers clustered in the upper axils of branches, the stamens 8, and the slightly smooth achenes, but differs by the midvein and lateral veins of leaves conspicuously raising abaxially, the ochreae longer, up to 1.1 cm, 15–20-veined, and the flowers clustered in the upper axils of branches not forming a raceme. This species is also similar to P. tachengense in habit, but differs in the leaves borne in the upper part of branches becoming smaller gradually and the smooth, slightly shiny achenes. The pollen morphology, leaf epidermal characters and achene micromorphology of the three new species and their relatives were comparatively observed under the scanning electron microscope (SEM).  相似文献   

描述了中国新疆蓼科Polygonaceae蓼属萹蓄组Polygonum section Polygonum 3新种。乌鲁木齐萹蓄P. urumqiense F. Z. Li, Y. T. Hou &; F. J. Lu在体态上与萹蓄P. aviculare L.很相近, 但花在枝上部叶腋簇生成穗状花序, 雄蕊5–6枚, 瘦果两型, 长果表面密具不规则排列的小点, 易于区别。塔城萹蓄P. tachengense F. Z. Li, Y. T. Hou &; F. J. Lu在枝上部的花不形成总状花序, 雄蕊8枚, 瘦果表面具成行的小点等方面与萹蓄近缘, 其区别在于3–6花仅簇生于枝上部叶腋, 叶片条状披针形, 背面主、侧脉极其隆起, 托叶鞘较长, 约达1.1 cm, 具15–20条纵脉; 又因其茎直立, 花簇生于枝上部叶腋而与展枝萹蓄P. patulum M. Bieb.相近, 其区别在于叶背面中脉和侧脉极其隆起, 托叶鞘较长, 达1.1 cm, 具15–20条纵脉, 枝上部的叶不渐小, 花在枝上部叶腋簇生, 不形成总状花序, 瘦果表面具成行的小点。石河子萹蓄Polygonum shiheziense F. Z. Li, Y. T. Hou &; F. J. Lu茎直立, 花3–6朵簇生于枝上部叶腋, 雄蕊8枚, 瘦果表面光滑, 略具光泽, 与帚萹蓄P. argyrocoleon Steud. ex Kunze相近, 区别在于叶背面中脉和侧脉极其隆起, 托叶鞘长, 达1.1 cm, 具15–20条纵脉, 花在枝上部叶腋簇生, 不形成总状花序; 同时在体态上又与塔城萹蓄十分相近, 但其枝上部的叶逐渐变小,瘦果表面光滑, 略具光泽,易于区别。对3个新种及其近缘种的花粉形态、叶表皮特征和瘦果微形态进行了光镜和扫描电镜比较观察。  相似文献   

Nine new species of the genus Stedocys Ono,1995 are described:Stedocys gaolingensis Wu & Lisp.n.(♂♀,Guangxi),S.huangniuensis Wu & Lisp.n.(♀,Guangxi),S.ludiyanensis Wu & Lisp.n.(♂♀,Guangxi),S.matuoensis Wu & Lisp.n.(♀,Guangxi),S.pulianensis Wu & Lisp.n.(♂,Guangxi),S.shilinensis Wu & Lisp.n.(♂♀,Hainan),S.xianrenensis Wu & Lisp.n.(♂♀,Guangxi),S.xiangzhouensis Wu & Li sp.n.(♂♀,Guangxi) from China,and S.zhaoi Wu & Lisp.nov.(♂♀,Kanchanaburi) from Thailand.Diagnoses of nine new species are provided.DNA barcodes for six new species are documented for future use and as proof of molecular differences between these species.  相似文献   

A new bristletail species, Pedetontus phuketi sp. n., is described from Phuket Island, Thailand. It is most similar to P. hainanensis Yu, Zhang W.-W. et Zhang J.-Y., 2010 described from Hainan Island (China). The genus Pedetontus comprises 33 described species in two subgenera: Pedetontus s. str. (6 species) and Verhoeffilis (27 species). The subgenus Verhoeffilis has originated in the southeastern part of the Palaearctic Region. Its representatives migrated to North America in the Paleocene through the Bering Land Bridge which was sunken in the Eocene, so that the Nearctic centre of Pedetontus speciation became isolated and the subgenus Pedetontus s. str. has been formed. The Bering Land Bridge was formed at the end of the Miocene, and the backward migration of bristletails of the subgenus Pedetontus s. str. from the Nearctic to the Palaearctic occurred. Pedetontus palaearcticus was formed on Kamchatka. The southward migration of bristletails of the subgenus Verhoeffilis has led to formation of 10 Indo-Malayan species.  相似文献   

One new species Savarna kraburiensis sp. n. (♂♀) is reported from southern Thailand.  相似文献   

Three species, Triplaris dugandii Brandbyge, T. moyobambensis Brandbyge, and T. physocalyx Brandbyge, all from lowland Amazonian South America are described as new to science.  相似文献   

The larva of Loxosoma pectinaricola Franzén has been studied using scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The embryo develops surrounded by an egg envelope attached to the brood chamber. The newly released larva measures about 100 μm in length and is characterized by a prominent apical organ, stalked vesicles, paired lateral sense organs and a prototroch. The apical organ consists of at least four cell types: (1, 2) two types of ciliated cells, (3) vacuolated cells and (4) myoepithelial cells. The apical organ and frontal ganglion are tightly juxtaposed in the upper tier of the episphere. The stalked vesicles each consisting of two cells are unique evaginations of the epidermis. There are about twenty stalked vesicles with a maximum diameter of about 20.0 μm. The ciliated, knob-shaped, paired lateral sense organs are situated fronto-laterally on the episphere. The prototroch is comprised of a row of contiguous prototroch cells each containing about eighteen long cilia. The apical organ, frontal ganglion and paired lateral sense organs are suggested to be sensory structures that play an important role in active locomotion, settlement site selection and metamorphosis.  相似文献   

Three species of copepods are reported from hard clams, Meretrix meretrix (L.), obtained from the market in Phuket, Thailand. They are: Conchyliurus bombasticus Reddiah (Clausidiidae), Ostrincola portonoviensis Reddiah (Myicolidae), and Lichomolgus similis Ho & Kim (Lichomolgidae). The first two species are redescribed based on the newly collected material. Conchyliurus fragilis Reddiah is proposed to be relegated to a synonym of C. bombasticus. L. similis is recorded for the first time from the Indian Ocean.  相似文献   

The genus Piper L. is estimated to contain over 1000 species which are distributed mainly in tropical regions of the world. Several species have great economic and cultural importance and are used as foods, medicines, stimulants, antiseptics and antioxidants. Moreover, their essential oil and leaf extracts possess activities against several bacterium strains and fungi. Leaves of P. hispidinervum C. DC. contain a high level of safrole (83%–93%) which is an important raw material for chemical…  相似文献   

Three new cicadas are described from Thailand and Cambodia: Megapomponia atrotunicata Lee and Sanborn, sp. nov., Megapomponia sitesi Sanborn and Lee, sp. nov., and Megapomponia castanea Lee and Sanborn, sp. nov. Megapomponia decem and Megapomponia rajah are transferred to the genus Pomponia: Pomponia decem (Walker) and Pomponia rajah Moulton. A key to the species of the genus Megapomponia is provided.  相似文献   

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