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Plants emit complex blends of volatiles, including chiral compounds that might be detected by vertebrates and invertebrates. Insects are ideal model organisms for studying the underlying receptor neuron mechanisms involved in olfactory discrimination of enantiomers. In the present study, we have employed two-column gas chromatography linked to recordings from single olfactory receptor neurons of Mamestra brassicae, in which separation of volatiles in a polar and a chiral column was performed. We here present the response properties of olfactory receptor neurons tuned to linalool. The narrow tuning of these receptor neurons was demonstrated by their strong responses to (R)-(-)-linalool, the weaker responses to the (+)-enantiomer as well as a few structurally related compounds, and no responses to the other numerous plant released volatiles. The enantioselectivity was verified by parallel dose-response curves, that of (R)-(-)-linalool shifted 1 log unit to the left of the (S)-(+)-linalool curve. A complete overlap of the temporal response pattern was found when comparing the responses of the same strength. Analysis of the spike amplitude and waveform indicated that the responses to the two enantiomers originated from the same neuron.  相似文献   

A central feature of the serpin inhibition mechanism is insertion of the reactive center loop into the central beta-sheet (beta-sheet A). This insertion also occurs when the reactive center loop is cleaved without protease inhibition. Using this effect, we have measured the enthalpy (DeltaH) of loop cleavage and insertion for plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (PAI-1) as -38 kcal/mol. Because loop insertion can be blocked by incorporating a peptide into the central beta-sheet, it was possible to assign -7 kcal/mol to loop cleavage and -31 kcal/mol to loop insertion. These values are lower than values reported for the serpins alpha 1 -proteinase inhibitor and antithrombin of -53 to -63 kcal/mol, respectively, for loop insertion with negligible enthalpy for loop cleavage. A free energy difference of -9 kcal/mol has been reported between the active and spontaneously loop inserted "latent forms" of PAI-1, which is significantly smaller in magnitude than the -31 kcal/mol of enthalpy we measured for loop insertion. Because the enthalpy should relate closely to those regions of PAI-1 that have moved to lower potential energy, a difference distance matrix is presented that identifies regions of PAI-1 that move during loop insertion.  相似文献   

The posterior lateral line system (PLL) of teleost fish comprises a number of mechanosensory organs arranged in defined patterns on the body surface. Embryonic patterns are largely conserved among teleosts, yet adult patterns are highly diverse. Although changes in pattern modify the perceptual abilities of the system, their developmental origin remains unknown. Here we compare the processes that underlie the formation of the juvenile PLL pattern in Thunnus thynnus, the bluefin tuna, to the processes that were elucidated in Danio rerio, the zebrafish. In both cases, the embryonic PLL comprises five neuromasts regularly spaced along the horizontal myoseptum, but the juvenile PLL comprises four roughly parallel anteroposterior lines in zebrafish, whereas it is a simple dorsally arched line in tuna fish. We examined whether this difference involves evolutionary novelties, and show that the same mechanisms mediate the transition from embryonic to juvenile patterns in both species. We conclude that the marked difference in juveniles depends on a single change (dorsal vs. ventral migration of neuromasts) in the first days of larval life.  相似文献   

These experiments utilized ex vivo gastric chamber preparations in both fed rats and rats fasted for 14--18 h. A new, simple technique is described for the quantification of cells in small volumes of fluid. The data indicate that exposure to solutions of 50 mM HCl was accompanied by greater cell loss in fasted vs. fed animals. The gastric potential differences of mucosae exposed to Ringer's mammalian saline, and subsequently to 50 mM HCl, were consistently at least 10 mV more negative in fasted animals.  相似文献   

The role of ionic currents on procaine-elicited action potential bursts was studied in an identifiable RP1 neuron of the African snail, Achatina fulica Ferussac, using the two-electrode voltage clamp method. The RP1 neuron generated spontaneous action potentials and bath application of procaine at 10 mM reversibly elicited action potential bursts in a concentration-dependent manner. Voltage clamp studies revealed that procaine at 10 mM decreased [1] the Ca2+ current, [2] the Na+ current, [3] the delayed rectifying K+ current I(KD), and [4] the fast-inactivating K+ current (I(A)). Action potential bursts were not elicited by 4-aminopyridine (4-AP), an inhibitor of I(A), whereas they were seen after application of tetraethylammonium chloride (TEA), a blocker of the I(K)(Ca) and I(KD) currents, and tacrine, an inhibitor of I(KD). Pretreatment with U73122, a phospholipase C inhibitor, blocked the action potential bursts elicited by procaine. U73122 did not affect the I(KD) of the RP1 neuron; however, U73122 decreased the inhibitory effect of procaine on the I(KD). Tacrine decreased the TEA-sensitive I(KD) of RP1 neuron but did not significantly affect the I(A). Tacrine also successfully induced action potential bursts in the RP1 neuron. It is concluded that the inhibition on the I(KD) is responsible for the generation of action potential bursts in the central snail RP1 neuron. Further, phospholipase C activity is involved in the procaine-elicited I(KD) inhibition and action potential bursts.  相似文献   

In an effort to develop an AIDS vaccine that elicits high-frequency cytotoxic-T-lymphocyte (CTL) responses with specificity for a diversity of viral epitopes, we explored two prototype multiepitope plasmid DNA vaccines in the simian-human immunodeficiency virus/rhesus monkey model to determine their efficiency in priming for such immune responses. While a simple multiepitope vaccine construct demonstrated limited immunogenicity in monkeys, this same multiepitope genetic sequence inserted into an immunogenic simian immunodeficiency virus gag DNA vaccine elicited high-frequency CTL responses specific for all of the epitopes included in the vaccine. Both multiepitope vaccine prototypes primed for robust epitope-specific CTL responses that developed following boosting with recombinant modified vaccinia virus Ankara vaccines expressing complete viral proteins. The natural hierarchy of immunodominance for these epitopes was clearly evident in the boosted monkeys. These studies suggest that multiepitope plasmid DNA vaccine-based prime-boost regimens can efficiently prime for CTL responses of increased breadth and magnitude, although they do not overcome predicted hierarchies of immunodominance.  相似文献   

Salla  Tamiris D.  Astarita  Leandro V.  Santarém  Eliane R. 《Planta》2016,243(4):1055-1070
Planta - Elicitation of E. grandis plants with Streptomyces PM9 reduced the gray-mold disease, through increasing the levels of enzymes directly related to the induction of plant defense responses,...  相似文献   

Cholera toxin (CT) may induce uncontrolled firing in recurrent networks of secretomotor neurons in the submucous plexus. This hypothesis was tested in chloralose-anesthetized rats in vivo. The secretory reflex response to graded intestinal distension was measured with or without prior exposure to luminal CT. The transmural potential difference (PD) was used as a marker for electrogenic chloride secretion. In controls, distension increased PD, and this response was reduced by the neural blocker tetrodotoxin given serosally and the vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) receptor antagonist [4Cl-d-Phe(6),Leu(17)]VIP (2 mug.min(-1).kg(-1) iv) but unaffected by the serotonin 5-HT(3) receptor antagonist granisetron, by the nicotinic receptor antagonist hexamethonium, by the muscarinic receptor antagonist atropine, or by the cyclooxygenase inhibitor indomethacin. Basal PD increased significantly with time in CT-exposed segments, an effect blocked by granisetron, by indomethacin, and by [4Cl-d-Phe(6),Leu(17)]VIP but not by hexamethonium or atropine. In contrast, once the increased basal PD produced by CT was established, [4Cl-d-Phe(6),Leu(17)]VIP and indomethacin had no significant effect, whereas granisetron and hexamethonium markedly depressed basal PD. CT significantly reduced the increase in PD produced by distension, an effect reversed by granisetron, indomethacin, and atropine. CT also activated a specific motility response to distension, repeated cluster contractions, but only in animals pretreated with granisetron, indomethacin, or atropine. These data are compatible with the hypothesis that CT induces uncontrolled activity in submucous secretory networks. Development of this state depends on 5-HT(3) receptors, VIP receptors, and prostaglandin synthesis, whereas its maintenance depends on 5-HT(3) and nicotinic receptors but not VIP receptors. The motility effects of CT (probably reflecting myenteric activity) are partially suppressed via a mechanism involving 5-HT(3) and muscarinic receptors and prostaglandin synthesis.  相似文献   

Neural mechanisms underlying selection of motor responses are largely unknown in vertebrates. This study shows that in immobilized Xenopus embryos, brief mechanical or electrical stimulation of the trunk skin can trigger sustained fictive swimming, whereas sustained pressure or repetitive electrical stimulation can evoke fictive struggling. These two rhythmic motor patterns are distinct: alternating single motor root spikes propagate from head to tail during swimming; alternating motor root bursts propagate from tail to head during struggling. As both motor patterns can be evoked in embryos with the CNS transected caudal to the cranial roots, the sensory pathway responsible must have direct access to the spinal cord. Rohon-Beard sensory neurons provide the only such pathway known. They respond appropriately to brief stimuli applied to the trunk skin, and also to repetitive electrical stimuli and sustained pressure. The results suggest that Rohon-Beard sensory neurons can both trigger sustained swimming and 'gate in' struggling motor patterns, and thus effect behavioural selection according to their pattern of activity.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Jatropha curcas is a drought-resistant tree whose seeds are a good source of oil that can be used for producing biodiesel. A successful crop establishment depends on a rapid and uniform germination of the seed. In this work we aimed to characterize the responses of J. curcas seeds to temperature and water availability, using thermal time and hydrotime analysis,


Thermal and hydrotime analysis was performed on germination data obtained from the incubation of seeds at different temperatures and at different water potentials.

Key Results

Base and optimum temperatures were 14·4 and 30 °C, respectively. Approximately 20 % of the seed population displayed absolute dormancy and part of it displayed relative dormancy which was progressively expressed in further fractions when incubation temperatures departed from 25 °C. The thermal time model, but not the hydrotime model, failed to describe adequately final germination percentages at temperatures other than 25 °C. The hydrotime constant, θH, was reduced when the incubation temperature was increased up to 30 °C, the base water potential for 50 % germination,Ψb(50), was less negative at 20 and 30 °C than at 25 °C, indicating either expression or induction of dormancy. At 20 °C this less negative Ψb(50) explained satisfactorily the germination curves obtained at all water potentials, while at 30 °C it had to be corrected towards even less negative values to match observed curves at water potentials below 0. Hence, Ψb(50) appeared to have been further displaced to less negative values as exposure to 30 °C was prolonged by osmoticum. These results suggest expression of dormancy at 20 °C and induction of secondary dormancy above 25 °C. This was confirmed by an experiment showing that inhibition of germination imposed by temperatures higher than 30 °C, but not that imposed at 20 °C, is a permanent effect.


This study revealed (a) the extremely narrow thermal range within which dormancy problems (either through expression or induction of dormancy) may not be encountered; and (b) the high sensitivity displayed by these seeds to water shortage. In addition, this work is the first one in which temperature effects on dormancy expression could be discriminated from those on dormancy induction using a hydrotime analysis.  相似文献   

Levetiracetam (LEV), a new anticonvulsant agent primarily used to treat epilepsy, has been used in pain treatment but the cellular mechanism of this action remains unclear. This study aimed to investigate effects of LEV on the excitability and membrane depolarization-induced calcium signaling in isolated rat sensory neurons using the whole-cell patch clamp and fura 2–based ratiometric Ca2+-imaging techniques. Dorsal root ganglia (DRG) were excised from neonatal rats, and cultured following enzymatic and mechanical dissociation. Under current clamp conditions, acute application of LEV (30 µM, 100 µM and 300 µM) significantly increased input resistance and caused the membrane to hyperpolarize from resting membrane potential in a dose-dependent manner. Reversal potentials of action potential (AP) after hyperpolarising amplitudes were shifted to more negative, toward to potassium equilibrium potentials, after application of LEV. It also caused a decrease in number of APs in neurons fired multiple APs in response to prolonged depolarization. Fura-2 fluorescence Ca2+ imaging protocols revealed that HiK+ (30 mM)-induced intracellular free Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i) was inhibited to 97.8 ± 4.6% (n = 17), 92.6 ± 4.8% (n = 17, p < 0.01) and 89.1 ± 5.1% (n = 18, p < 0.01) after application of 30 µM, 100 µM and 300 µM LEV (respectively), without any significant effect on basal levels of [Ca2+]i. This is the first evidence for the effect of LEV on the excitability of rat sensory neurons through an effect which might involve activation of potassium channels and inhibition of entry of Ca2+, providing new insights for cellular mechanism(s) of LEV in pain treatment modalities.  相似文献   

Levetiracetam (LEV), a new anticonvulsant agent primarily used to treat epilepsy, has been used in pain treatment but the cellular mechanism of this action remains unclear. This study aimed to investigate effects of LEV on the excitability and membrane depolarization-induced calcium signaling in isolated rat sensory neurons using the whole-cell patch clamp and fura 2-based ratiometric Ca(2+)-imaging techniques. Dorsal root ganglia (DRG) were excised from neonatal rats, and cultured following enzymatic and mechanical dissociation. Under current clamp conditions, acute application of LEV (30 μM, 100 μM and 300 μM) significantly increased input resistance and caused the membrane to hyperpolarize from resting membrane potential in a dose-dependent manner. Reversal potentials of action potential (AP) after hyperpolarising amplitudes were shifted to more negative, toward to potassium equilibrium potentials, after application of LEV. It also caused a decrease in number of APs in neurons fired multiple APs in response to prolonged depolarization. Fura-2 fluorescence Ca(2+) imaging protocols revealed that HiK(+) (30 mM)-induced intracellular free Ca(2+) ([Ca(2+)](i)) was inhibited to 97.8 ± 4.6% (n = 17), 92.6 ± 4.8% (n = 17, p < 0.01) and 89.1 ± 5.1% (n = 18, p < 0.01) after application of 30 μM, 100 μM and 300 μM LEV (respectively), without any significant effect on basal levels of [Ca(2+)](i). This is the first evidence for the effect of LEV on the excitability of rat sensory neurons through an effect which might involve activation of potassium channels and inhibition of entry of Ca(2+), providing new insights for cellular mechanism(s) of LEV in pain treatment modalities.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Quantitative genetic studies revealed that not all of the phenotypic variance in PTC taste perception is heritable. AIM: To study quantitative variations in PTC tasting ability in twins and to estimate heritability of PTC taste perception on the taste of twin data on males and females sexes separately. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: The data for PTC taste sensitivity following the classic method of Harris & Kalmus (1949) were collected on a sample of 141 twin pairs (66 MZ and 75 DZ) and 275 singletons (128 males and 147 females) from Chandigarh, India. Genetic analyses were performed following Christian (1979), Donner (1986) and Sham (1998). RESULTS: Frequency of non-tasters was similar in twins (33 %) and singletons (32 %), but significant sex differences were observed. No differences were found between zygosities for mean thresholds. Similarly, no evidence of variance heterogeneity and environmental covariance was seen between zygosities. Since no basic assumption of the twin method was found violated, within-pair estimates of genetic variance would be unbiased. These estimates were highly significant in both males and females. However, dominance and additive components of genetic variance were found to differ between sexes. CONCLUSION: PTC thresholds do not seem to be significantly affected by environmental factors as no variance inequality was observed between twin zygosities. Intensity of bitterness (scalar dimensions) of PTC is a separate trait having no commonality with the genetic basis of recognition threshold for PTC tasting ability. The receptors recognizing bitter taste are different from the receptors determining intensity of taste. The absolute difference between co-twins in PTC thresholds can be used as a simple tool in the twin zygosity diagnosis. The results show that none of the MZ co-twins had manifested difference of more than 3 in their PTC threshold.  相似文献   

Both enantiomers of amlodipine, whose calcium antagonist action resides almost exclusively in the R(-) enantiomer, reversed chloroquine resistance in Plasmodium falciparum in vitro. R(-) enantiomer was slightly more effective than the S(+) enantiomer in potentiating chloroquine action against chloroquine-resistant strains of parasites. No potentiating effect was observed in chloroquine-sensitive parasites. Both enantiomers entered rapidly into parasitized erythrocytes to the same extent. Reversal of chloroquine resistance by the enantiomers of amlodipine was related to dose-dependent increase in the accumulation of chloroquine inside the erythrocytes parasitized by resistant parasites. These results suggest that the potentiating effect on chloroquine is independent of calcium metabolism of malaria parasites.  相似文献   

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