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We describe here two mouse mutants, yellow submarine (Ysb) and light coat and circling (Lcc). Ysb arose as the result of insertions of a transgene, pAA2, into the genome. Lcc is an independent, radiation-induced mutation. Both mutants are characterized by recessive circling behavior and deafness, associated with a non-segregating, semi-dominant yellow coat color. Complementation tests showed that Ysb and Lcc are allelic. We attribute the yellow coat in Ysb and Lcc mice to the absence of black awl overhairs, increased agouti zigzag underhairs, and the presence of agouti awls with long subapical yellow pigment. Chromosomal mapping and genomic characterization showed the Ysb and Lcc mutations involve complex chromosomal rearrangements in overlapping regions of mouse chromosome 3, A2/A3-B/C and B-E1, respectively. Ysb and Lcc show for the first time, to our knowledge, the presence of genes in the B-C region of chromosome 3 important for balance and hearing and the pigmentation and specification of coat hair.  相似文献   

The mouse doublefoot (Dbf) mutant exhibits preaxial polydactyly in association with craniofacial defects. This mutation has previously been mapped to mouse chromosome 1. We have used a positional cloning strategy, coupled with a comparative sequencing approach using available human draft sequence, to identify putative candidates for the Dbf gene in the mouse and in homologous human region. We have constructed a high-resolution genetic map of the region, localizing the mutation to a 0. 4-cM (±0.0061) interval on mouse chromosome 1. Furthermore, we have constructed contiguous BAC/PAC clone maps across the mouse and human Dbf region. Using existing markers and additional sequence tagged sites, which we have generated, we have anchored the physical map to the genetic map. Through the comparative sequencing of these clones we have identified 35 genes within this interval, indicating that the region is gene-rich. From this we have identified several genes that are known to be differentially expressed in the developing mid-gestation mouse embryo, some in the developing embryonic limb buds. These genes include those encoding known developmental signaling molecules such as WNT proteins and IHH, and we provide evidence that these genes are candidates for the Dbf mutation.  相似文献   

S100A8/A9 promotes NADPH oxidase in HaCaT keratinocytes and subsequently increases NFκB activation, which plays important roles in the balance between epidermal growth and differentiation. S100A8/A9-positive HaCaT cells present with a significantly reduced rate of cell division and greater expression of two keratinocyte differentiation markers, involucrin and filaggrin, than control cells. S100A8/A9 mutants fail to enhance NFκB activation, TNFα-induced IL-8 gene expression and NFκB p65 phosphorylation, and S100A8/A9-positive cells demonstrate better cell survival in forced suspension culture than mutant cells. S100A8/A9 is induced in epithelial cells in response to stress. Therefore, S100A8/A9-mediated growth arrest could have implications for tissue remodeling and repair.  相似文献   

Culturing of human peripheral blood CD14 positive monocytes is a method for generation of dendritic cells (DCs) for experimental purposes or for use in clinical grade vaccines. When culturing human DCs in this manner for clinical vaccine production, we noticed that 5–10% of cells within the bulk culture were binuclear or multiple nuclear, but had typical dendritic cell morphology and immunophenotype. We refer to the cells as binuclear cells in dendritic cell cultures (BNiDCs). By using single cell PCR analysis of mitochondrial DNA polymorphisms we demonstrated that approximately 20–25% of cells in DC culture undergo a fusion event. Flow sorted BNiDC express low HLA-DR and IL-12p70, but high levels of IL-10. In mixed lymphocyte reactions, purified BNiDC suppressed lymphocyte proliferation. Blockade of dendritic cell-specific transmembrane protein (DC-STAMP) decreased the number of binuclear cells in DC cultures. BNiDC represent a potentially tolerogenic population within DC preparations for clinical use.  相似文献   

The ubiquitin-like (Ubl) system has been shown to be ubiquitous in all three kingdoms of life following the very recent characterization of ubiquitin-like small archaeal modifier proteins (SAMP1 and 2) from Haloferax volcanii. The ubiquitin (Ub) and Ubl molecules in eukaryotes have been studied extensively and their cellular functions are well established. Biochemical and structural data pertaining to prokaryotic Ubl protein (Pup) continue to be reported. In contrast to eukaryotes and prokaryotes, no structural information on the archaeal Ubl molecule is available. Here we determined the crystal structure of SAMP1 at 1.55 Å resolution and generated a model of SAMP2. These were then compared with other Ubl molecules from eukaryotes as well as prokaryotes. The structure of SAMP1 shows a β-grasp fold of Ub, suggesting that the archaeal Ubl molecule is more closely related to eukaryotic Ub and Ubls than to its prokaryotic counterpart. The current structure identifies the location of critical elements such a single lysine residue (Lys4), C-terminal di-glycine motif, hydrophobic patches near leucine 60, and uniquely inserted α-helical segments (α1 and α3) in SAMP1. Based on the structure of SAMP1, several Ub-like features of SAMPs such as poly-SAMPylation and non-covalent interactions have been proposed, which should provide the basis for further investigations concerning the molecular function of archaeal Ubls and the large super-family of β-grasp fold proteins in the archaeal kingdom.  相似文献   

Do Van Truong 《广西植物》2016,36(4):503-506
凹脉马兜铃(Aristolochia impressinervis C.F.Liang)曾被认为是中国广西的特有种.该文首次报道了越南植物区系中凹脉马兜铃的分布新纪录,并讨论了凹脉马兜铃的分类及其与A.pierrei L.的区别特征.  相似文献   

From the Late Permian Zechstein reefs (Lopingian: Wuchiapingian) of eastern Thuringia, Germany, the new ophiocistioid goniodont Linguaserra spandeli sp. nov., is described, figured, and discussed, within the Linguaserridae Reich and Haude, 2004. The (para)genus Linguaserra is redefined; the stratigraphical and regional distribution as well as the phylogenetic position are briefly discussed. Linguaserra spandeli sp. nov. is the stratigraphically youngest record of this echinoderm group (Echinozoa: Ophiocistioidea) worldwide.  相似文献   

Cross, C. E., and Longhorne J. 1998.Plasmodium chabaudi chabaudi(AS): Inflammatory cytokines and pathology in an erythrocytic-stage infection in mice.Experimental Parasitology90220–229. We have sought to characterizePlasmodium chabaudi chabaudiinfection in mice for use as a model for malaria pathology. Different mouse strains vary in their susceptibility to the erythrocytic stages of this parasite and this is manifested not only in the outcome of infection (survival versus death) but also by differences in the numbers of circulating parasites at the peak of infection. We have shown that regardless of final outcome, both resistant and susceptible mice exhibit other parameters of disease such as loss in body weight and anemia. By contrast, other parameters such as hypothermia appear more severe in susceptible mice. The severe symptoms coincide with high levels of inflammatory cytokines in the circulation of susceptible mice, not seen in H-2-matched resistant mice. However, levels of mRNA for the same cytokines, measured in the spleen of the same mice was not significantly different between the two strains. Neutralization of IFN-γin vivoled to an increase in parasitemia, in both susceptible and resistant mice, but did not affect the final outcome of disease. Indeed, symptoms were exacerbated in the absence of IFN-γ, presumably because of larger numbers of circulating parasites. These data suggest that IFN-γ does not directly contribute to the lethal outcome of infection in susceptible strains of mice.  相似文献   

Guanylate cyclases constitute a gene family of enzymes that synthesize the second messenger guanosine 3′,5′-cyclic monophosphate (cGMP) and play important roles in diverse physiological functions. Here we report a novel, simple and highly sensitive method for measurement intracellular cGMP concentrations using a cAMP-responsive element (CRE) and cGMP-dependent protein kinase (cGK). Transient transfection of the CRE reporter plasmid, encoding a luciferase reporter gene under the control of a modified promoter containing a CRE, and a cGK expression vector into HEK293 cells followed by treatment with 8-bromo-cGMP showed a dose dependent increase in luciferase activity. Moreover, HEK293 cells expressing GC-A or GC-B natriuretic peptide receptors and harboring this reporter system responded to specific ligands in a dose dependent manner. Our results indicate that this reporter gene method enables high throughput screening of receptor-type GC selective agonists in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases and homeostatic dysfunctions.  相似文献   

水韭属(Isoëtes)是起源最为古老的水生维管植物,全属物种均被列为国家一级重点保护植物。通过对全国水韭属植物的调查和研究发现,不同产地的四倍体植株在形态上存在显著差异。基于形态学、孢粉学和细胞学证据,将分布于中国湖南省长沙地区和怀化地区的四倍体居群分别命名为隆平水韭(Isoëtes longpingii)和湘妃水韭(I. xiangfei),并详细描述了其形态特征。隆平水韭形态上与中华水韭(I. sinensis)相似,不同之处在于其大孢子具小的瘤状或冠状纹饰,叶细长而柔弱,长达60 cm; 该种也与六倍体东方水韭(I. orientalis)相似,不同之处在于其染色体44条,大孢子具瘤状或冠状纹饰。湘妃水韭的大孢子纹饰虽与二倍体云贵水韭(I. yunguiensis)相似,但在小孢子纹饰、孢子囊形状和染色体数目方面却不同。隆平水韭仅少数植株生长于湖南省宁乡市一处池塘,完全沉水生长,而湘妃水韭则分布于怀化市通道县和会同县的湿地。由于这两个新种的分布区狭窄,野生居群数量和个体数较少,栖息地环境受到人为干扰,因此根据IUCN红色名录评估标准,将隆平水韭评为极危(CR)等级,湘妃水韭评为易危(VU)等级。所编制的中国已知水韭属物种的分种检索表,为本属物种的鉴定和保护工作提供了重要参考。  相似文献   

Fossil teeth and bones of aardvarks are relatively common at Langebaanweg, an Early Pliocene site in western Cape Province, South Africa. The remains are compatible in size and most details of morphology to extant Orycteropus afer, and are the earliest fossils attributed to this species. Other Late Miocene to Early Pliocene localities in Africa have yielded smaller species of aardvarks, suggesting that the extant lineage evolved in southern Africa. Morphologically the genus Orycteropus has been remarkably conservative since at least the Early Miocene but it witnessed an overall increase in size through the Neogene. The species O. afer has been morphometrically stable since the Early Pliocene. These observations indicate that the evolutionary process in aardvarks is extremely bradytelic. To cite this article: M. Pickford, C. R. Palevol 4 (2005).  相似文献   

Summary  A new genus, Cleistesiopsis, was segregated from Cleistes based on morphological and molecular characteristics, and two new species of Cleistes: C. batistana and C. elongata, both occurring in the Brazilian Central Plateau (Central-Western Brazil), are described and illustrated. Furthermore, a key to genera currently recognised within Pogonieae is presented.
Resumo  Um novo gênero, Cleistesiopsis, é segregado de Cleistes com base em caracteres morfológicos e moleculares, e duas novas espécies de Cleistes: C. batistana e C. elongata, que ocorrem no Planalto Central, no Centro-Oeste do Brasil, s?o descritas e ilustradas. Além disso, uma chave para os gêneros que atualmente comp?em a tribo Pogonieae é apresentada.

The distribution of intravenously injected A-layer protein and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) purified from the outer surface of the fish pathogen Aeromonas salmonicida, was studied in Atlantic salmon. Radiolabelling was achieved by conjugating the antigens to tyramine cellobiose (TC) or fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) which were radioiodinated either before or after conjugation. Since both TC and FITC are trapped intralysosomally at the cellular site of uptake, the ligands are advantageous in studies on tissue distribution of antigens. Injection of TC-A-layer protein and TC-LPS resulted in high specific radioactivity (cpm g−1tissue) in both head kidney and trunk kidney. In contrast, only low specific radioactivity was recovered in spleen, heart and liver. Surprisingly, use of FITC-LPS as the antigen changed the uptake to be high in both spleen and head kidney. Radiolabelled (125I-TC-) LPS and A-protein, administered by a dorsal aorta catheterisation technique, were cleared from the blood within 24 h. In immunised fish, the antibody activity against the A-layer protein was diminished even within 10 min after administration, in contrast to the level of anti-LPS antibodies which remained high. These results suggest that immune-complex formation took place at least with the A-layer protein, but the uptake of A-layer protein in the various tissues did not differ significantly in vaccinated (A. salmonicida bacterin) and non-vaccinated fish.  相似文献   

碱液提取箬叶多糖的纯化及其结构性质的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过高碘酸氧化、Smith降解、部分酸水解分析、NMR分析等多种方法对以不同浓度的NaOH溶液箬叶中提取的两种多糖FⅢ-a及FⅣ-a进行了研究,结果表明二者均具有多分枝结构,FⅢ-a主链以α(1→3)连接的木糖为主,分子侧链由半乳糖、阿拉伯糖、葡萄糖醛酸构成,葡萄糖醛酸主要位于分子的末端;FⅣ-a主链由α(1→3)木糖和β(1→6)半乳糖构成,以阿拉伯糖、葡萄糖醛酸组成侧链,葡萄糖醛酸主要位于分子的末端.  相似文献   

Toll like receptor (TLR)4 is a pattern recognition receptor expressed in endothelial and other cells, responsible for the sensing of endotoxin and host derived ligands. Our group has shown previously that the absence of TLR4 is associated with reduced endothelial dependent vasodilator responses and left heart hypertrophy in animal models. However, the mechanism behind reduced endothelial cell function in TLR4−/− mice is not known.We have used en face confocal imaging of mesenteric arteries from mice deficient in the TLR4 receptor stained with dihydroethidium (DHE) to measure superoxide production. Using the isometric wire myograph, mesenteric artery vasodilator responses to acetylcholine and MnCl2 (a superoxide dismutase mimetic) were measured. Mesenteric arteries from TLR4−/− mice had a reduced endothelial dependent relaxant response and increased superoxide levels when stimulated with acetylcholine. Increased levels of superoxide, as detected by DHE staining, were seen in vessels from TLR4−/− mice, which were reduced to control levels in the presence of MnCl2.Our observations suggest that loss of TLR4 increases superoxide generation which reduces the biological activity of endothelial derived nitric oxide and thereby explains the endothelial dysfunction and associated cardiovascular phenotype in TLR4−/− mice. These data implicate a novel cardio-protective role for TLR4 in vascular homeostasis.  相似文献   

A mandible fragment of a medium-sized creodont mammal representing a new species of Apterodon, A. intermedius has been discovered in a open cast mine near Leipzig (Germany), dated Late Ruppelian (MP22). For the first time an Apterodon species is well dated in Europe. The dental wear of molars is investigated under SEM. It looks like those described extant carnivores known as preferential flesh eaters. The new specimen together other mammal species questions possible migration ways from Africa to Europe, between the upper Eocene and lower Oligocene.  相似文献   

The closely related genera Carestiella, Schizoxylon and Stictis (Stictidaceae, Ostropales, Ascomycota) are revised in northern Scandinavia, and a revised phylogenetic hypothesis, including all seven species of this group in the area, is presented. A key to the species of Stictis s. lat. (including Carestiella, Schizoxylon and Stictis) in Northern Scandinavia is presented. S. albescens and S. confusum are described as new to science, and the new name S. brunnescens is introduced for S. mollis ssp. populorum, when treated as a distinct species. C. socia and S. albescens are the only representatives of their genera in northern Scandinavia, but a total of five species of Stictis are present in the area (S. brunnescens, S. confusum, S. mollis, S. populorum and S. radiata). Substantial within-species variation in ascoma morphology and wall pigmentation is revealed and discussed, and found to correlate with fungal lifestyles; optional lichenization apparently affects several details in fungal anatomy and morphology.  相似文献   

This paper reports a new species of ancient badger – Meles iberica n. sp. – discovered at the Fonelas P-1 Plio-Pleistocene site (Cuenca de Guadix, Granada, Spain). The anatomical features of its fossils, which identify it as a new species of Meles, include: the great robustness and small size of the specimens found, orbits nearly closed by well-developed zygomatic processes of the frontal bone, very small and rounded infraorbital foramens that open above the fourth upper premolar metacone, upper carnassial teeth with a concave linguodistal outline, the reduction of the talon of the first upper molar, a very deep masseteric fossa, whose anterior margin reaches the mesial limit of the second lower molar, an extensive horizontal platform at the base of this fossa, and a very long and narrow angular apophysis. This species is the most ancient of the genus recorded for the Iberian Peninsula.  相似文献   

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