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There The Wattled Crane Bugeranus carunculatus is one of the top five most threatened bird species in South Africa, with the main threat being the loss of undisturbed breeding habitat. A basic understanding of this species' use of its environment is needed to implement conservation action. This quantitative study focused on determining the home range size of active breeding pairs in the KwaZulu-Natal midlands of South Africa, and assessing the land use composition of these home ranges. Wattled Cranes were found to have an average home range size of 16.64km2, consisting mostly of open natural grassland (mean of 75.5% of the overall home range of pairs). Other significant land use contributions to the home ranges were temporary irrigated and dryland cultivated agriculture. The core breeding area (wetland) of the home range constituted only 2.3% of the overall home range size, consisting of similar proportions of both wetland (48.9%) and grassland (51.8%) habitat. This indicates the dependence of Wattled Cranes on specific wetland habitats, surrounded by natural grassland. Wattled Cranes show home range sizes larger than other similar-sized crane species, suggesting that this may be as a result of their large body size and their occupation of highly transformed and fragmented habitats in an agricultural landscape. However, the occurrence of transformed land use types in home ranges suggests that breeding pairs tolerate some degree of disturbance within their home ranges. The home ranges do not appear to be currently restricted by surrounding land use types, indicating that factors other than habitat loss may be contributing to breeding site losses. The study has therefore indicated the need for closer working relationships between conservationists and agricultural communities to promote the conservation of valuable natural grasslands surrounding wetlands.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Identifying and protecting breeding habitat for imperiled species requires an understanding of the spatial and temporal movements of breeding individuals. During the 2003 and 2004 breeding seasons, we examined space use by Piping Plovers ( Charadrius melodus ) in the federally endangered Great Lakes population. We used coordinate geometry to estimate home range sizes of individual birds and examined relationships between home range size and breeding stage (incubation versus chick rearing), year, sex, number of locations, minimum plover age, distance to the nearest nest, and human beach use (high, medium, or low). The mean size of home ranges of Piping Plovers that fledged at least one chick was 2.9 ± 0.5 (SE) ha (range = 0.4–11.2 ha), and the mean linear beach distance traversed was 475 ± 53 m (range = 130–1435 m). Individuals used 3 times more beach area and 1.5 times more shoreline distance in 2003 than in 2004. Females used smaller areas than males overall and during chick rearing. Home ranges were smallest on beaches with low public use, suggesting that human disturbance may cause greater movement by individual plovers and that larger protected areas may be warranted on beaches frequented by the public to minimize disturbance to breeding birds. Our results demonstrate that nesting Great Lakes Piping Plovers occupy relatively small ranges and, therefore, that even relatively small areas of suitable habitat can have a high conservation value for this endangered population. However, the total area of habitat used varied substantially among individuals, and this should be considered when protecting habitat for the species.  相似文献   

A comprehensive understanding of spatiotemporal ecology is needed to develop conservation strategies for declining species. The king rail (Rallus elegans) is a secretive marsh bird whose range historically extended across the eastern United States. Inland migratory populations have been greatly reduced with most remaining populations inhabiting the coastal margins. Our objectives were to determine the migratory status of breeding king rails on the mid‐Atlantic coast and to characterize home range size, seasonal patterns of movement, and habitat use. Using radiotelemetry, we tracked individual king rails among seasons, and established that at least a segment of this breeding population is resident. Mean (±SE) home range size was 19.8 ± 5.0 ha (95% kernel density) or 2.5 ± 0.9 (50% kernel density). We detected seasonal variation and sex differences in home range size and habitat use. In the nonbreeding season, resident male home ranges coincided essentially with their breeding territories. Overwintering males were more likely than females to be found in natural emergent marsh with a greater area of open water. Females tended to have larger home ranges than males during the nonbreeding season. We report for the first time the use of wooded natural marsh by overwintering females. Brood‐rearing king rails led their young considerable distances away from their nests (average maximum distance: ~600 ± 200 m) and used both wooded natural and impounded marsh. King rails moved between natural marsh and managed impoundments during all life stages, but the proximity of these habitat types particularly benefitted brood‐rearing parents seeking foraging areas with shallower water in proximity to cover. Our results demonstrate the importance of interspersion of habitat types to support resident breeders. Summer draining of impounded wetlands that are seasonally flooded for wintering waterfowl allows regrowth of vegetation and provides additional habitat at a critical time for wading birds.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation involves a reduction in the effective area available to a population and the imposition of hard patch edges. Studies seeking to measure effects of habitat fragmentation have compared populations in fragments of different size to estimate and area effect but few have examined the effect of converting open populations to closed ones (an effect of edges). To do so requires a shift in spatial scope-from comparison of individual fragments to that of fragmented versus unfragmented landscapes. Here we note that large-scale, controlled studies of habitat fragmentation have rarely been performed and are needed. In making our case we develop a simple computer simulation model based on how individual animals with home ranges are affected by the imposition of habitat edges, and use it to predict population-level responses to habitat fragmentation. We then compare predictions of the model with results from a field experiment on Peromyscus and Microtus. Our model treats the case where home ranges/territories fall entirely within or partially overlap with that of sample areas in continuous landscapes, but are restricted to areas within habitat fragments in impacted landscapes. Results of the simulations demonstrate that the imposition of hard edges can produce different population abundances for similar-sized areas in continuous and fragmented landscapes. This edge effect is disproportionately greater in small than large fragments and for species with larger than smaller home ranges. These predictions were generally supported by our field experiment. We argue that large-scale studies of habitat fragmentation are sorely needed, and that control-experiment contrasts of fragmented and unfragmented microlandscapes provide a logical starting point.  相似文献   

Understanding wildlife movements and habitat selection are critical to drafting conservation and management plans. We studied a population of eastern Hermann’s tortoise (Testudo hermanni boettgeri) in a traditionally managed rural landscape in Romania, near the northern edge of the species geographic distribution. We used telemetry to radio-track 24 individuals between 2005 and 2008 and performed a Euclidian distance-based habitat selection analysis to investigate habitats preferred by tortoises at both landscapes (second-order order selection) and individual (third-order selection) home range scales. The home range size for tortoises in our study area was 3.79?±?0.62 ha and did not differ by gender or season (pre- and post-nesting seasons). Their movement ecology was characterized by short-distance movements (daily mean?=?31.18?±?1.59 m), apparently unaffected by habitat type. In contrast to other studies, movements of males and females were of similar magnitude. At the landscape (population home range) scale, grasslands and shrubs were preferred, but tortoises also showed affinity to forest edges. At the individual home range scale, tortoises selected grassland and shrub habitats, avoided forests, and used forest edges randomly. Creeks were avoided at both spatial scales. Our results suggest that tortoise home ranges contain well-defined associations of habitats despite a higher selection for grasslands. As such, avoiding land conversion to other uses and maintaining habitat heterogeneity through traditional practices (e.g., manual mowing of grasslands, livestock grazing) are critical for the persistence of tortoise populations.  相似文献   

Northern bobwhites thrive in fine-grained landscapes with a diversity of early succession woodland, grassland, and agriculture-associated habitat types. Bobwhite conservation has proved challenging in the increasingly coarse-grained Midwestern landscape as simplified agricultural cropping systems are implemented at larger spatial scales. Regardless, managing agricultural landscapes on private lands is the primary opportunity to restore bobwhite populations in the Midwestern United States. Although bobwhite habitat requirements are well understood, habitat selection in contemporary Midwestern landscapes is not well understood, especially on private lands where populations are declining. We used compositional analysis to investigate second- (study area) and third- (home range) order habitat selection by radiomarked bobwhite coveys on 4 private land study areas in southwestern Ohio. Mean covey home range size was 26.1 ± 2.2 ha (n = 48). Although home ranges were established in areas with more grassland cover, bobwhites most strongly selected early succession woody habitat (e.g., fencerows and ditches) at all scales, and selection for grassland diminished between the study area and home range scales. Grassland selection varied among sites and was strongest on sites with more row crop area. Woodlots were avoided at the study area scale, but were selected within home ranges. Grassland cover, like that provided by contemporary conservation programs, is an essential component of bobwhite habitat in the Midwest, but our results suggest more emphasis should be placed on early succession woody cover. Woody cover associated with fencerows, ditches, and woodlots adjacent to food sources and breeding habitat will likely improve non-breeding season survival, which is an influential vital rate in northern populations. © 2012 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Populations on the limits of species’ distribution can show different behavioral adaptations to strong ecological pressure than in the central part of the range. We investigated space use patterns of alpine mountain hare (Lepus timidus) at two areas on the southern edge of the species’ range. We monitored 34 hares between 2005 and 2008, estimating home range size, overlap, and site fidelity, and compared our results with space use in Scottish and North-European populations. Home ranges of mountain hares did not differ between two study areas with different habitat types. Subadult animals used larger ranges than adults and both age groups reduced home range size in autumn, a period that might be critical for hares due to changes in diet and/or high energy expenditure during the previous breeding season. Home ranges in these alpine populations were smaller than in Scandinavian populations but within the range of populations in different habitat types in Scotland. Seasonal home ranges overlapped considerably, but differed among the sexes: male–female overlap was higher than same sex (male–male and female–female) spatial overlap. Seasonal shifts of home ranges were small, and site fidelity remained high over the seasons, suggesting that resource distribution remained constant throughout the year and that the knowledge of an intensively frequented area is an important element of habitat quality. We concluded that habitat structure and availability of mates interact in affecting mountain hare space use in alpine habitats.  相似文献   

Wolf JB  Trillmich F 《Oecologia》2007,152(3):553-567
Site fidelity has been widely discussed, but rarely been related explicitly to a species’ social context. This is surprising, as fine-scale site fidelity constitutes an important structural component in animal societies by setting limits to an individual’s social interaction space. The study of fine-scale site fidelity is complicated by the fact that it is inextricably linked to patterns of habitat use. We here document fine-scale site fidelity in the Galapagos sea lion (Zalophus wollebaeki) striving to disentangle these two aspects of spatial behaviour. Regardless of sex and age, all individuals used small, cohesive home ranges, which were stable in size across the reproductive and non-reproductive season. Home ranges showed a large individual component and did not primarily reflect age- or sex-specific habitat requirements. Site specificity could be illustrated up to a resolution of several metres. Long-term site fidelity was indicated by home range persistence over 3 years and the degree of site fidelity was unaffected by habitat, but showed seasonal differences: it was lower between reproductive and non-reproductive periods than between reproductive seasons. We further examined static and social interaction within mother–offspring pairs, which constitute a central social unit in most mammalian societies. Regardless of the occupied habitat type, adult females with offspring had smaller home range sizes than non-breeding females, demonstrating the importance of spatial predictability for mother–offspring pairs that recurrently have to reunite after females’ foraging sojourns. While social interaction with the mother dropped to naught in both sexes after weaning, analysis of static interaction suggested female-biased home range inheritance. Dispersal decisions were apparently not based on habitat quality, but determined by the offspring’s sex. We discuss the implication of observed fine-scale site fidelity patterns on habitat use, dispersal decisions and social structure in colonial breeding pinnipeds.  相似文献   

Mathematical models can identify different drivers and/or habitat preferences depending on the size and area of the analysis. Important criteria for survival, such as water access, may be seen at various spatial ranges while features such as human disturbance may only impact wildlife at a coarse scale. This study analyses the impact of roads surrounding Karongwe Private Game Reserve, South Africa, on a herd of African elephants (Loxodonta africana) over 6 years at three separate spatial ranges—coarse (the entire available area), home (95% isopleth) and core (50% isopleth). The purpose was to determine which anthropogenic (eastern and western public roads) and natural features (rivers, dams and vegetation) elephants avoided and preferred within each range. Coarse‐scale analysis indicates a clear avoidance by elephants for all public roads. Home and core range analyses showed a seasonal avoidance of roads by the breeding herd but not by bulls. Results indicate the importance in interpreting data at various ranges to improve identifying wildlife movement drivers.  相似文献   

Effects of habitat loss and fragmentation on the behavior of individual organisms may have direct consequences on population viability in altered forest ecosystems. The American marten (Martes americana) is a forest specialist considered as one of the most sensitive species to human-induced disturbances. As some studies have shown that martens cannot tolerate >30–40% clear-cuts within their home range, we investigated marten space use (home range size and overlap) and habitat selection in landscapes fragmented by 2 different patterns of timber harvesting in the black spruce boreal forest: dispersed-cut landscapes (10–80 ha cut-blocks) and clustered-cut landscapes (50–200 ha cut-blocks). We installed radio-collars on female martens and determined 20 winter home ranges (100% minimum convex polygons and 60–90% kernels) in dispersed-cut (n = 8) and clustered-cut (n = 12) landscapes. Home range size was not related to the proportion of clear-cuts (i.e., habitat loss), but rather to the proportion of mixedwood stands 70–120 years old. However, female body condition was correlated to habitat condition inside their home ranges (i.e., amount of residual forest and recent clear-cuts). At the home range scale, we determined that mixedwood forests were also among the most used forest stands and the least used were recent clear-cuts and forested bogs, using resource selection functions. At the landscape scale, home ranges included more mixedwood forests than random polygons and marten high activity zones were composed of more residual forest and less human-induced disturbances (clear-cuts, edges, and roads). These results suggest that mixedwood forests, which occupy approximately 10% of the study area, play a critical role for martens in this conifer-dominated boreal landscape. We recommend permanent retention or special management considerations for these isolated stands, as harvesting mixedwood often leads to forest composition conversion that would reduce the availability of this highly used habitat. © The Wildlife Society, 2013  相似文献   

We investigated why some mature females of New?Zealand?s critically endangered parrot, the kakapo (Strigops habroptilus), did not attempt to breed during the 2005 breeding season on Codfish Island. At a population level, the initiation of kakapo breeding appears to correspond with years of mast fruiting of rimu (Dacrydium cupressinum) trees, with the proportion of females that breed each season dependent on the quantity of rimu fruit available. This research investigates possible links between habitat quality within individual home ranges and the breeding status of adult females during 2005, when the abundance of available rimu fruit was low. We assessed the importance of both home range size and habitat characteristics in determining breeding attempts. Foraging home ranges were characterised using radio-tracking and triangulation techniques. The relative importance of habitat variables in optimal breeding habitat was assessed using ecological niche factor analysis. Our results show that female kakapo breeding in 2005 had, on average, home ranges twice the size of those females that did not breed that season and the ranges contained a significantly greater quantity of mature rimu forest. Multivariate analysis illustrates female kakapo were effectively partitioning available habitat, as breeders? foraging locations were positively correlated with high-abundance rimu forest with a tall canopy, described as optimal breeding habitat. In contrast non-breeders? locations were weakly correlated with short forest containing little or no mature rimu forest. To maximise reproductive output each breeding season, conservation managers need to ensure that all breeding-aged females occupy optimal breeding habitat on Codfish Island. Removal to other islands of kakapo not required in the breeding population may enable females to increase their home range size and occupy better breeding habitat.  相似文献   

Ilse Storch 《Oecologia》1993,95(2):257-265
The use of habitat by female and male adult capercaillie Tetrao urogallus during summer and autumn was studied by comparing the distribution of radio locations of birds with the availability of habitat at forest stand, home range and landscape level in an area of the Bavarian Alps, Germany. Capercaillie preferred forests with structural features typical of their main distribution range, the boreal forest: they selected large patches of old forest with moderate canopy cover of about 50%, and a well developed field layer with high proportions of bilberry Vaccinium myrtillus. Hens selected both home ranges and sites within home ranges in old forest. Ranges selected by cocks did not differ from availability in the study area, but they preferred old forest within their ranges. The size of home ranges was negatively related to bilberry cover both in hens and cocks. The distribution of bilberry also determined habitat use by capercaillie at the landscape scale. The study demonstrated that bilberry is the major determinant of the selection of habitat by capercaillie in landscapes with sparse and fragmentary cover of ericaceous shrubs, such as central Europe.  相似文献   

Glenn A. Marvin 《Oecologia》1998,114(1):133-144
To investigate the possible influence of variation in ecological and demographic factors on the spatial organization of the terrestrial plethodontid salamander Plethodon kentucki, I conducted a 3-year capture-recapture study and determined home-range characteristics and spatial relationships of individuals at two field sites that differed in predominant cover type and population density. Home ranges of adults were fixed and the home ranges of same-sex adult neighbors were mostly exclusive. The spatial arrangement of adult home ranges exhibited overall regularity or regularity within aggregations, whereas the distribution of juvenile home ranges was usually random. Analysis of nearest-neighbor sex indicated a positive intersexual association of adult home ranges. Removal studies provided evidence for defense of adult home ranges only at the high-density site. The distribution of home ranges was influenced by the presence of cover objects, but there was no significant relationship between adult body size and percent of home-range area with cover. Males overlapped the home ranges of gravid females significantly more often than those of non-gravid females, indicating that the distribution of gravid females had a strong influence on the distribution of male home ranges. In laboratory tests, increased male-male aggression during the breeding season suggests that males may compete for access to mates. At the high-density site, larger males may have benefited by having greater reproductive success than smaller males because they were more dominant and their home ranges overlapped a greater number of gravid-female home ranges. My results indicate that habitat structure and population density may influence the spatial organization and mating system of P. kentucki. Received: 26 May 1997 / Accepted: 9 October 1997  相似文献   

We investigated habitat selection and movement characteristics of male weaselsMustela nivalis Linnaeus, 1766 during the breeding season through radio-telemetry in Kielder Forest (KF) in order to assess how weasel movement is influenced by prey dynamics, mate searching and predation risk, and whether the scale of weasel movement corresponds to the spatial scale of the asynchronous, multi-annual vole population cycles observed in KF. Weasels used habitats with a high proportion of grass cover to a much larger extend than habitats with less grass cover and moved through the latter habitats faster and / or straighter. Habitats with high amounts of grass cover also had the highest field vole abundance, although total rodent abundance did not differ between habitats. The selection of this habitat by weasels might reflect weasels preferring field voles as prey or avoiding habitats with little grass cover and high intraguild predation risk. Five out of 8 male weasels radio-tracked had low day-to-day site fidelity and moved between different clear cuts. Three other males were resident in a single clear cut. This variation may reflect mate searching by male weasels. The observation that most weasels (5 out of 8) roamed over large areas and the scale of their dispersal potential suggests, that if they regulated vole populations, they should have a greater synchronising effect on the spatial scale of vole population dynamics than what is observed in vole populations in KF.  相似文献   

Abstract: Identifying how habitat use is influenced by environmental heterogeneity at different scales is central to understanding ungulate population dynamics on complex landscapes. We used resource selection functions (RSF) to study summer habitat use in a reintroduced and expanding elk (Cervus elaphus nelsoni) population in the Chequamegon National Forest, Wisconsin, USA. Factors were examined that influenced where elk established home ranges and that influenced habitat use within established home ranges. We also determined grain sizes over which elk responded to environmental heterogeneity and the number of categories of habitat selection from low to high that the elk distinguished. At a large spatial extent, elk home-range establishment was largely explained by the spatial distribution of wolf (Canis lupus) territories. Forage abundance was also influential but was relatively more important at a small spatial extent when elk moved within established home ranges. Areas near roads were avoided when establishing a home-range, but areas near roads were selected for use within the established home range. Elk distinguished among 4 different categories of habitat selection when establishing and moving within home ranges. Spatial and temporal cross validation demonstrated that to improve the predictive strength of habitat models in areas of low inter-annual variability in the environment, it is better to follow more individuals across diverse environmental conditions than to follow the same individuals over a longer time period. Last, our results show that the effects of environmental variables on habitat use were scale-dependent and reemphasize the necessity of analyzing habitat use at multiple scales that are fit to address specific research questions.  相似文献   

Detailed information about space use during the breeding season is limited for most Nearctic‐Neotropical migratory species of songbirds because of their small size and often cryptic behaviors. We monitored male Cerulean Warblers (Setophaga cerulea), a species of conservation concern, using radio‐telemetry during the 2006–2008 breeding seasons in northern Alabama to better understand their space use and habitat selection. We estimated diurnal home range and core areas using information theoretic criteria, located nocturnal roost sites, and related day and evening locations to surrounding landscape habitat, including features representative of canopy disturbances. Mean home range size was 6.7 ha (= 10), and home ranges included an average of at least 2 core areas encompassing 0.7 ha. We located 53 nocturnal roost sites that were an average 159.0 m from the center of the nearest core area. More than one‐third (36.6%) of roost sites were located outside the diurnal home ranges of male Cerulean Warblers; only 13.6% were located in core areas. Males in our study moved much farther than reported in previous studies, with some singing in areas > 300 m from previously used song perches, a behavior suggesting pursuit of extra‐pair copulations. Cerulean Warblers in our study preferentially selected a heavily forested landscape composed of mesic, floodplain bottomlands with little man‐made disturbance. Within their home ranges, diurnal locations of males in core areas were located significantly closer to a creek than locations outside of core areas. Our results suggest that male Cerulean Warblers require much larger areas than previously reported and underscore the importance of a predominately forested landscape in their habitat selection process. Although edge habitats appeared to influence space use by male Cerulean Warblers in our study, the extent to which this is an essential requirement is unclear. Our results and those of previous studies suggest that specific habitat requirements of this species can vary at the local scale throughout its breeding range.  相似文献   

徐雨  张凯  窦亮  杨楠  王彬  冉江洪 《生态学报》2021,41(8):3248-3254
生境选择研究是野生动物保护工作中的一项重要内容。黄喉雉鹑(Tetraophasis szechenyii)是我国I级保护动物,先前对其生境选择进行过一定研究,但缺乏对生境选择层次性的考虑和界定。研究遵循学界对生境选择层次性的定义,从景观尺度(第2级尺度)调查四川省雅江县帕姆岭黄喉雉鹑在繁殖期的生境选择。通过设置80个样点,运用录音回放技术调查样点250 m缓冲半径内黄喉雉鹑的占域情况,然后通过地形数据和解译卫片提取有关生境变量,使用逻辑斯蒂回归模型预测影响占域的重要因素。结果显示,冷红杉林、高山栎丛和高山松林的面积占比是决定黄喉雉鹑占域与否的最重要因子。冷红杉林和高山栎丛的占比高、高山松林的占比低,则黄喉雉鹑占域可能性大。该生境选择形式可能与逃避天敌和有利于觅食相关,建议在未来保护管理中注重对冷红杉林和高山栎丛的优先保护。同时,也需对生境的镶嵌式结构进行保护。  相似文献   

Habitat selection can be influenced by the distribution of the habitat types in the landscape as well as net gain in visiting patches of resources, causing individual variation in habitat selection. Moreover, the hypothesis of functional response in habitat selection predicts that the degree of selection of a resource depends on its relative availability. We used radio-telemetry data from individual moose on an island off the coast of northern Norway to evaluate whether the selection of habitat types at the landscape scale differed from the choice of habitat types within the home range, and investigated the functional response in habitat selection by relating individual habitat selection to home range characteristics. At the landscape scale, moose selected for habitat types that provided both good forage and cover, with small differences between sex and age groups. At the home range scale, all individuals selected habitat types that were associated with cover and low human impact. Habitat selection was not modified by local moose density, but was related to home range size at both spatial scales. Larger home ranges contained larger proportions of non-preferred habitat types compared to smaller home ranges. At the home range scale, the selection for a habitat type decreased with its relative availability, indicating a functional response in habitat selection. This suggests that habitat selection is modified by home range size, which influences the availability of habitat types and shapes individual habitat selection patterns. Our results support previous suggestions that analyses of habitat or resource selection should follow a multi-scale approach. Both the relative availability of habitat types as well as individual variation in home range size should be accounted for in order to disentangle the complex mechanisms that contribute to shape patterns of resource selection in animals.  相似文献   

《Mammalian Biology》2008,73(5):371-378
This study investigated habitat availability and its selection and preference by adult, resident raccoon dogs inhabiting the countryside in north-eastern Germany. Habitat composition within home ranges and within the whole study area was almost equal. Although percentage share of farmland and meadow was 16.35% smaller and 12.06% higher within the home ranges, respectively. All nine habitat types (farmland, forest, settlement, water, meadows, maize fields, small woods, reeds and hedges) were used opportunistically by raccoon dogs. No significant, recognisable difference for habitat preferences between seasons was detected. Male and female raccoon dog showed equal habitat preference pattern. A comparison of active and inactive locations in different habitats found no remarkable differences.Habitat composition of individual home ranges was used to classify animals. If the percentage of forest within a home range exceeded 50% the individual was classified as a ‘forest type’ raccoon dog. If the percentage of forest habitats within a home range was less than 5%, the share of pastureland was mean 81.82%±16.92 SD. Consequently the individual was classified as a ‘agrarian type’ raccoon dog. Neither habitat preference nor habitat selection process differed between the two ‘types’. Habitat use and preference is discussed with relation to the ability of the raccoon dog to expand its range towards Western Europe.  相似文献   

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