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This is the first documentation of the complete mitochondrial genome sequence of the Malaysian Mahseer, Tor tambroides. The 16,690 bp mitogenome with GenBank accession number JX444718 contains 13 protein genes, 22 tRNAs, two rRNAs, and a noncoding control region (D-loop) as is typical of most vertebrates. The phylogenomic reconstruction of this newly generated data with 21 Cypriniformes GenBank accession ID concurs with the recognized status of T. tambroides within the subfamily Cyprininae. This is in agreement with previous hypotheses based on morphological and partial mitochondrial analyses.  相似文献   

The complete mitochondrial genome is of great importance for better understanding the genome-level characteristics and phylogenetic relationships among related species. In the present study, we determined the complete mitochondrial genome DNA sequence of the mud crab (Scylla paramamosain) by 454 deep sequencing and Sanger sequencing approaches. The complete genome DNA was 15,824 bp in length and contained a typical set of 13 protein-coding genes, 22 transfer RNA (tRNA) genes, two ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes and a putative control region (CR). Of 37 genes, twenty-three were encoded by the heavy strand (H-strand), while the other ones were encoded by light strand (L-strand). The gene order in the mitochondrial genome was largely identical to those obtained in most arthropods, although the relative position of gene tRNAHis differed from other arthropods. Among 13 protein-coding genes, three (ATPase subunit 6 (ATP6), NADH dehydrogenase subunits 1 (ND1) and ND3) started with a rare start codon ATT, whereas, one gene cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) ended with the incomplete stop codon TA. All 22 tRNAs could fold into a typical clover-leaf secondary structure, with the gene sizes ranging from 63 to 73 bp. The phylogenetic analysis based on 12 concatenated protein-coding genes showed that the molecular genetic relationship of 19 species of 11 genera was identical to the traditional taxonomy.  相似文献   

Copepoda is the most diverse and abundant group of crustaceans, but its phylogenetic relationships are ambiguous. Mitochondrial (mt) genomes are useful for studying evolutionary history, but only six complete Copepoda mt genomes have been made available and these have extremely rearranged genome structures. This study determined the mt genome of Calanus hyperboreus, making it the first reported Arctic copepod mt genome and the first complete mt genome of a calanoid copepod. The mt genome of C. hyperboreus is 17,910 bp in length and it contains the entire set of 37 mt genes, including 13 protein-coding genes, 2 rRNAs, and 22 tRNAs. It has a very unusual gene structure, including the longest control region reported for a crustacean, a large tRNA gene cluster, and reversed GC skews in 11 out of 13 protein-coding genes (84.6%). Despite the unusual features, comparing this genome to published copepod genomes revealed retained pan-crustacean features, as well as a conserved calanoid-specific pattern. Our data provide a foundation for exploring the calanoid pattern and the mechanisms of mt gene rearrangement in the evolutionary history of the copepod mt genome.  相似文献   

Characteristics of mitochondrial (mt) DNA such as gene content and arrangement, as well as mt tRNA secondary structure, are frequently used in comparative genomic analyses because they provide valuable phylogenetic information. However, most analyses do not characterize the relationship of tRNA genes from the same mt genome and, in some cases, analyses overlook possible novel open reading frames (ORFs) when the 13 expected protein-coding genes are already annotated. In this study, we describe the sequence and characterization of the complete mt genome of the silver-lip pearl oyster, Pinctada maxima. The 16,994-bp mt genome contains the same 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs) and two ribosomal RNA genes typical of metazoans. The gene arrangement, however, is completely distinct from that of all other available bivalve mt genomes, and a unique tRNA gene family is observed in this genome. The unique tRNA gene family includes two trnS− AGY and trnQ genes, a trnM isomerism, but it lacks trnS− CUN. We also report the first clear evidence of alloacceptor tRNA gene recruitment (trnP → trnS− AGY) in mollusks. In addition, a novel ORF (orfUR1) expressed at high levels is present in the mt genome of this pearl oyster. This gene contains a conserved domain, “Oxidored_q1_N”, which is a member of Complex I and thus may play an important role in key biological functions. Because orfUR1 has a very similar nucleotide composition and codon bias to that of other genes in this genome, we hypothesize that this gene may have been moved to the mt genome via gene transfer from the nuclear genome at an early stage of speciation of P. maxima, or it may have evolved as a result of gene duplication, followed by rapid sequence divergence. Lastly, a 319-bp region was identified as the possible control region (CR) even though it does not correspond to the longest non-coding region in the genome. Unlike other studies of mt genomes, this study compares the evolutionary patterns of all available bivalve mt tRNA and atp8 genes.  相似文献   

Liu Y  Cui Z 《Marine Genomics》2009,2(2):133-142
Mitochondrial genome sequence and structure analysis has become a powerful tool for studying molecular evolution and phylogenetic relationships. To understand the systematic status of Trichiurus japonicus in suborder Scombroidei, we determined the complete mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) sequence using the long-polymerase chain reaction (long-PCR) and shotgun sequencing method. The entire mitogenome is 16,796 bp in length and has three unusual features, including (1) the absence of tRNAPro gene, (2) the possibly nonfunctional light-strand replication origin (OL) showing a shorter loop in secondary structure and no conserved motif (5'-GCCGG-3'), (3) two sets of the tandem repeats at the 5' and 3' ends of the control region. The three features seem common for Trichiurus mitogenomes, as we have confirmed them in other three T. japonicus individuals and in T. nanhaiensis. Phylogenetic analysis does not support the monophyly of Trichiuridae, which is against the morphological result. T. japonicus is most closely related to those species of family Scombridae; they in turn have a sister relationship with Perciformes members including suborders Acanthuroidei, Caproidei, Notothenioidei, Zoarcoidei, Trachinoidei, and some species of Labroidei, based on the current dataset of complete mitogenome. T. japonicus together with T. brevis, T. lepturus and Aphanopus carbo form a clade distinct from Lepidopus caudatus in terms of the complete Cyt b sequences. T. japonicus mitogenome, as the first discovered complete mitogenome of Trichiuridae, should provide important information on both genomics and phylogenetics of Trichiuridae.  相似文献   

We present the complete mitogenome of a stonefly, Cryptoperla stilifera Sivec (Plecoptera; Peltoperlidae). The mitogenome was a circular molecule consisting of 15,633 nucleotides, 37 genes and a A + T-rich region. C. stilifera mitogenome was similar to Pteronarcys princeps mitogenome (Plecoptera; Pteronarcyidae). All transfer RNA genes (tRNAs) had typical cloverleaf secondary structures except for trnSer (AGN), where the stem-loop structure of the dihydrouridine (DHU) arm was missing. The A + T-rich region of C. stilifera had two stem-loops and each had two interlink. Three conserved sequence blocks (CSBs) were present in the A + T-rich regions of C. stilifera, Peltoperla tarteri and Peltoperla arcuata. Moreover, many polynucleotide stretches (Poly N, N = A, T and C) in the A + T-rich region of C. stilifera Phylogenetic relationships of Polyneopteran species were constructed based on the nucleotide sequences of 13 protein coding genes (PCGs). Both maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian inference (BI) analyses supported Grylloblattodea as the sister group to Plecoptera + Dermaptera and Embiidina and Phasmatodea as sister groups.  相似文献   

The complete mitochondrial genome of the sycamore lace bug, Corythucha ciliata, was sequenced in this study. It represents the first sequenced mitogenome of family Tingidae in Heteroptera. The mitogenome of C. ciliata is 15,257 bp and contains 37 genes including 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs), 22 tRNA genes, two rRNA genes and a large non-coding region. Gene arrangement, nucleotide content, codon usage, and amino acid composition and asymmetry indicate a high degree of conservation with six other species of Cimicomorpha. The 13 PCGs initiated with ATN as the start codon and terminated with TAA, TA or T as stop codon. The evolutionary rate of each PCG was different, among which ATP8 showed the highest rate while ATP6 indicated the lowest rate. The 22 tRNAs genes apparently fold into a typical cloverleaf structure; however, the anticodon (TTC) of trnSer (AGN) differs from other Heteropteran insects. Secondary structure modeling of rRNA genes revealed similarity to other insects, except for two incomplete helices (H1648 and H2735) in lrRNA. The predicted secondary structure of lrRNA indicates 45 helices in six domains, whereas srRNA has 27 helices in three domains. Three potential stem–loops and two tandem repeats (–TCTAAT–) were identified in the A+T-rich region. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that C. ciliata is a sister group to other Heteroptera species based on analysis of the 13 PCGs.  相似文献   

Wang Y  Guo R  Li H  Zhang X  Du J  Song Z 《Marine Genomics》2011,4(3):221-228
The complete mitochondrial DNA genome of the Sichuan taimen (Hucho bleekeri) was determined by the long and accurate polymerase chain reaction (LA-PCR) and primer walking sequence method. The entire mitochondrial genome of this species is 16,997 bp in length, making it the longest among the completely sequenced Salmonidae mitochondrial genomes. It consists of two ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes, 13 protein-coding genes, 22 transfer RNA (tRNA) genes, and one control region (CR). The gene arrangement, nucleotide composition, and codon usage pattern of the mitochondrial genome are similar to those of other teleosts. A T-type mononucleotide microsatellite and an 82 bp tandem repeat were identified in the control region, which were almost identical among the three H. bleekeri individuals examined. Both phylogenetic analyses based on 12 concatenated protein-coding genes of the heavy strand and on just the control region show that H. bleekeri is a basal species in Salmoninae. In addition, Salmo, Salvelinus and Oncorhynchus all represent monophyletic groups, respectively. All freshwater species occupied basal phylogenetic positions, and also possessed various tandem repeats in their mitochondrial control regions. These results support established phylogenetic relationships among genera in Salmonidae based on morphological and molecular analyses, and are consistent with the hypothesis that Salmonidae evolved from freshwater species.  相似文献   

The mt genome of Paa spinosa (Anura: Ranoidae) is a circular molecule of 18,012 bp in length, containing 38 genes (including an extra copy of tRNA-Met gene). This mt genome is characterized by three distinctive features: a cluster of rearranged tRNA genes (LTPF tRNA gene cluster), a tandem duplication of tRNA-Met gene (Met1 and Met2), and distinct repeat regions at both 5′ and 3′-sides in the control region. Comparing the locations and the sequences of all tRNA-Met genes among Ranoidae, and constructing NJ tree of the nucleotide of those tRNA-Met genes, we suggested a tandem duplication of tRNA-Met gene can be regarded as a synapomorphy of Dicroglossinae. To further investigate the phylogenetic relationships of anurans, phylogenetic analyses (BI, ML and MP) based on the nucleotide dataset and the corresponding amino acid dataset of 11 protein-coding genes (except ND5 and ATP8) arrived at the similar topology.  相似文献   

We sequenced mitogenomes of five skippers (family Hesperiidae, Lepidoptera) to obtain further insight into the characteristics of butterfly mitogenomes and performed phylogenetic reconstruction using all available gene sequences (PCGs, rRNAs, and tRNAs) from 85 species (20 families in eight superfamilies). The general genomic features found in the butterflies also were found in the five skippers: a high A + T composition (79.3%–80.9%), dominant usage of TAA stop codon, similar skewness pattern in both strands, consistently length intergenic spacer sequence between tRNAGln and ND2 (64–87 bp), conserved ATACTAA motif between tRNASer (UCN) and ND1, and characteristic features of the A + T-rich region (the ATAGA motif, varying length of poly-T stretch, and poly-A stretch). The start codon for COI was CGA in four skippers as typical, but Lobocla bifasciatus evidently possessed canonical ATG as start codon. All species had the ancestral arrangement tRNAAsn/tRNASer (AGN), instead of the rearrangement tRNASer (AGN)/tRNAAsn, found in another skipper species (Erynnis). Phylogenetic analyses using all available genes (PCGs, rRNAS, and tRNAs) yielded the consensus superfamilial relationships ((((((Bombycoidea + Noctuoidea + Geometroidea) + Pyraloidea) + Papilionoidea) + Tortricoidea) + Yponomeutoidea) + Hepialoidea), confirming the validity of Macroheterocera (Bombycoidea, Noctuoidea, and Geometroidea in this study) and its sister relationship to Pyraloidea. Within Rhopalocera (butterflies and skippers) the familial relationships (Papilionidae + (Hesperiidae + (Pieridae + ((Lycaenidae + Riodinidae) + Nymphalidae)))) were strongly supported in all analyses (0.98–1 by BI and 96–100 by ML methods), rendering invalid the superfamily status for Hesperioidea. On the other hand, current mitogenome-based phylogeny did not find consistent superfamilial relationships among Noctuoidea, Geometroidea, and Bombycoidea and the familial relationships within Bombycoidea between analyses, requiring further taxon sampling in future studies.  相似文献   

The complete mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) of the Chinese pistacia looper Biston panterinaria was sequenced and annotated (15,517 bp). It contains the typical 37 genes of animal mitogenomes and a high A + T content (79.5%). All protein coding genes (PCGs) use standard ATN initiation codons except for cytochrome c oxidase 1 (COX1) with CGA. Eleven PCGs use a common stop codon of TAA or TAG, whereas COX2 and NADH dehydrogenase 4 (ND4) use a single T. All transfer RNA (tRNA) genes have the typical clover-leaf structure with the exception of tRNASer(AGN). We reconstructed a preliminary mitochondrial phylogeny of six ditrysian superfamilies and performed comparative analyses of inference methods (Bayesian Inference (BI), Maximum Likelihood (ML), and Maximum Parsimony (MP)), dataset compositions (including and excluding 3rd codon positions), and alignment methods (Muscle, Clustal W, and MAFFT). Our analyses indicated that inference methods and dataset compositions more significantly affected the phylogenetic results than alignment methods. BI analysis consistently revealed uncontroversial relationships with all dataset compositions. By contrast, ML analysis failed to reconstruct stable phylogeny at two nodes, whereas MP analysis had more difficulties in the tree resolution and nodal support. Distinct from most previous studies, our analyses revealed that Geometroidea had a closer lineage relationship with Bombycoidea than Noctuoidea. Similar to previous molecular studies, our analyses revealed that Hesperiidae were nested in the Papilionoidea clade, providing further evidence to the previous concept that Papilionoidea was paraphyletic, and none of the butterflies were associated with the Macroheterocera.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial tRNA(Leu(UUR)) gene (MTTL) is a hot spot for pathogenic mutations that are associated with mitochondrial diseases with various clinical features. Among these mutations, the A3243G mutation was associated with various types of mitochondrial multisystem disorders, such as MIDD, MELAS, MERRF, PEO, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, and a subtype of Leigh syndrome. We screened 128 Tunisian patients for the A3243G mutation in the mitochondrial tRNA(Leu(UUR)) gene. This screening was carried out using PCR-RFLP with the restriction endonuclease ApaI. None of the 128 patients or the 100 controls tested were found to carry the mitochondrial A3243G mutation in the tRNA(Leu(UUR)) gene in homoplasmic or heteroplasmic form. After direct sequencing of the entire mitochondrial tRNA(Leu(UUR)) gene and a part of the mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase 1, we found neither mutations nor polymorphisms in the MTTL1 gene in the tested patients and controls, and we confirmed the absence of the A3243G mutation in this gene. We also found a T3396C transition in the ND1 gene in one family with NSHL which was absent in the other patients and in 100 controls. Neither polymorphisms nor other mutations were found in the mitochondrial tRNA(Leu(UUR)) gene in the tested patients.  相似文献   

Wang X  Wang J  He S  Mayden RL 《Gene》2007,399(1):11-19
The complete mitochondrial genome sequence of the Chinese hook snout carp, Opsariichthys bidens, was newly determined using the long and accurate polymerase chain reaction method. The 16,611-nucleotide mitogenome contains 13 protein-coding genes, two rRNA genes (12S, 16S), 22 tRNA genes, and a noncoding control region. We use these data and homologous sequence data from multiple other ostariophysan fishes in a phylogenetic evaluation to test hypothesis pertaining to codon usage pattern of O. bidens mitochondrial protein genes as well as to re-examine the ostariophysan phylogeny. The mitochondrial genome of O. bidens reveals an alternative pattern of vertebrate mitochondrial evolution. For the mitochondrial protein genes of O. bidens, the most frequently used codon generally ends with either A or C, with C preferred over A for most fourfold degenerate codon families; the relative synonymous codon usage of G-ending codons is greatly elevated in all categories. The codon usage pattern of O. bidens mitochondrial protein genes is remarkably different from the general pattern found previously in the relatively closely related zebrafish and most other vertebrate mitochondria. Nucleotide bias at third codon positions is the main cause of codon bias in the mitochondrial protein genes of O. bidens, as it is biased particularly in favor of C over A. Bayesian analysis of 12 concatenated mitochondrial protein sequences for O. bidens and 46 other teleostean taxa supports the monophyly of Cypriniformes and Otophysi and results in a robust estimate of the otophysan phylogeny.  相似文献   

Yu DJ  Xu L  Nardi F  Li JG  Zhang RJ 《Gene》2007,396(1):66-74
The complete mitochondrial genome of the oriental fruit fly Bactrocera dorsalis s.s. has been sequenced, and is here described and compared with the homologous sequences of Bactrocera oleae and Ceratitis capitata. The genome is a circular molecule of 15,915 bp, and encodes the set of 37 genes generally found in animal mitochondrial genomes. The structure and organization of the molecule is typical and similar to the two closely related species B. oleae and C. capitata, although it presents an interesting case of putative intra-molecular recombination. The relevance of the growing comparative dataset of tephritid complete mitochondrial genomes is discussed in relation to the possibility to develop robust assays for species discrimination in quarantine and agricultural monitoring practices, as well as basic phylogeography/population genetic studies.  相似文献   

Sasakia funebris, a member of the lepidopteran family, Nymphalidae (superfamily Papilionoidea) is a rare species and is found only in some areas of South China. In this study, the 15,233 bp long complete mitochondrial genome of S. funebris was determined, and harbors the gene arrangement identical to all other sequenced lepidopteran insects. The nucleotide composition of the genome is highly A + T biased, accounting for 81.2%. All protein-coding genes (PCGs) start with typical ATN codons, except for COI which begins with the CGA codon. All tRNAs have a typical clover-leaf secondary structure, except for tRNASer(AGN), the dihydrouridine (DHU) arm of which forms a simple loop. The S. funebris A + T-rich region of 370 bp contains several features common to the Lepidoptera insects, including the motif ATAGA followed by a 19 bp poly-T stretch, and two tandem repeats consisting of 18 bp repeat units and 14 bp repeat units. The phylogenetic analyses of Apaturinae based on mitogenome sequences showed: (S. funebris + Sasakia charonda) + (Apatura metis + Apatura ilia). This result is consistent with the morphological classification.  相似文献   

The complete mitogenomes of Asiotmethis zacharjini, Filchnerella helanshanensis and Pseudotmethis rubimarginis are 15,660 bp, 15,657 bp and 15,661 bp in size, respectively. All three mitogenomes contain a standard set of 13 protein - coding genes, 22 transfer RNA genes (tRNAs), 2 ribosomal RNA genes (rRNAs) and an A + T-rich region in the same order as those of the other analysed caeliferan species, including the rearrangement of trnAsp and trnLys. The putative initiation codon for the cox1 gene in the three species is CCG. The long polythymine stretch (T-stretch) in the A + T-rich region of the three species is not adjacent to the trnIle but inside the stem–loop sequence in the majority strand. The mitogenomes of F. helanshanensis and P. rubimarginis have higher overall similarities. The characterization of the three mitogenomes will enrich our knowledge on the Pamphagidae mitogenome. The phylogenetic analyses indicated that within the Caelifera, Pyrgomorphoidea is a sister group to Acridoidea. The species from the Pamphagidae form a monophyletic group, as is the case for Acrididae. Furthermore, the two families cluster as sister groups, supporting the monophyly of Acridoidea. The relationships among eight acridid subfamilies were (Cyrtacanthacridinae + (Calliptaminae + (Catantopinae + (Oxyinae + (Melanopline + (Acridinae + (Oedipodinae + Gomphocerinae))))))).  相似文献   

To characterize aphid mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) features, we sequenced the complete mitogenome of the Russian wheat aphid, Diuraphis noxia. The 15,784-bp mitogenome with a high A + T content (84.76%) and strong C skew (− 0.26) was arranged in the same gene order as that of the ancestral insect. Unlike typical insect mitogenomes, D. noxia possessed a large tandem repeat region (644 bp) located between trnE and trnF. Sequencing partial mitogenome of the cotton aphid (Aphis gossypii) further confirmed the presence of the large repeat region in aphids, but with different repeat length and copy number. Another motif (58 bp) tandemly repeated 2.3 times in the control region of D. noxia. All repeat units in D. noxia could be folded into stem-loop secondary structures, which could further promote an increase in copy numbers. Characterization of the D. noxia mitogenome revealed distinct mitogenome architectures, thus advancing our understanding of insect mitogenomic diversities and evolution.  相似文献   

In contrast to the extreme conservation of nuclear-encoded tRNAs, organization of the mitochondrial (mt) tRNA gene family in invertebrates is highly dynamic and rapidly evolving. While gene duplication and loss, gene isomerism, recruitment, and rearrangements have occurred sporadically in several invertebrate lineages, little is known regarding the pattern of their evolution. Comparisons of invertebrate mt genomes at a generic level can be extremely helpful in investigating evolutionary patterns of variation, as intermediate stages of the process may be identified. Variation of mitochondrial tRNA organization among Meretrix clams provides good materials to investigate mt tRNA evolution. We characterized the complete mt genome of the lyrate Asiatic hard clam Meretrix lyrata, re-annotated tRNAs of four previously sequenced Meretrix clams, and undertook an intensive comparison of tRNA gene families in these clams. Our results 1) provide evidence that the commonly observed duplication of trnM may have occurred independently in different bivalve lineages and, based on the higher degree of trnM gene similarity, may have occurred more recently than expected; 2) suggest that “horizontal” evolution may have played an important role in tRNA gene family evolution based on frequent gene duplications and gene recruitment events; and 3) reveal the first case of isoacceptor “vertical” tRNA gene recruitment (VTGR) and present the first clear evidence that VTGR allows rapid evolution of tRNAs. We identify the trnS− UCR gene in Meretrix clams, previously considered missing in this lineage, and speculate that trnS− UCR lacking the D-arm in both M. lyrata and Meretrix lamarckii may represent the ancestral status. Phylogenetic analysis based on 13 concatenate protein-coding genes provided opportunities to detect rapidly evolved tRNA genes via VTGR and gene isomerism processes. This study suggests that evolution of the mt tRNA gene family in bivalves is more complex than previously thought and that comparison of several congeneric species is a useful strategy in investigating evolutionary patterns and dynamics of mt tRNA genes.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) can provide information for genomic structure as well as for phylogenetic analysis and evolutionary biology. In this study, we present the complete mitogenome of the atlas moth, Attacus atlas (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae), a well-known silk-producing and ornamental insect with the largest wing surface area of all moths. The mitogenome of A. atlas is a circular molecule of 15,282 bp long, and its nucleotide composition shows heavily biased towards As and Ts, accounting for 79.30%. This genome comprises 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs), two ribosomal RNA genes (rRNAs), 22 transfer RNA genes (tRNAs), and an A + T-rich region. It is of note that this genome exhibits a slightly positive AT skew, which is different from the other known Saturniidae species. All PCGs are initiated by ATN codons, except for COI with CGA instead. Only six PCGs use a common stop codon of TAA or TAG, whereas the remaining seven use an incomplete termination codon T or TA. All tRNAs have the typical clover-leaf structure, with an exception for tRNASer(AGN). The A. atlas A + T-rich region contains non-repetitive sequences, but harbors several features common to the Bombycoidea insects. The phylogenetic relationships based on Maximum Likelihood method provide a well-supported outline of Saturniidae, which is in accordance with the traditional morphological classification and recent molecular works.  相似文献   

Cheng J  Ma GQ  Song N  Gao TX 《Gene》2012,491(2):210-223
The monophyly and phylogenetic relationships of Pseudosciaeniae have long been controversial. Here we describe the mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) sequence of Collichthys niveatus. It is a circular double-stranded DNA molecule of 16,450 base pairs (bp) in length with a standard set of 22 transfer RNA genes (tRNAs), 2 ribosomal RNA genes (rRNAs), 13 protein-coding genes as well as a non-coding control region. The mitogenome of C. niveatus shared common features with those of other bony fishes in terms of gene arrangement, base composition, and tRNA structures. The C. niveatus mitogenome exhibited pronounced strand-specific asymmetry in nucleotide composition, which was also reflected in the codon usage of genes oriented in opposite directions. Contrary to the typical structure of the control region, the central conserved blocks (CSB-D, -E, and -F) could not be detected in C. niveatus mitogenome. Phylogenetic analysis based on whole mitogenome sequences provided strong support for the monophyly of Pseudosciaeniae, and sister-group relationships of C. niveatus + Collichthys lucidus and Larimichthys crocea + Larimichthys polyactis, which was consistent with the traditional taxonomy. Unexpected divergence was found in two C. niveatus mitogenomes and several hypotheses were proposed to explain this observation including misidentification and introgressive hybridization between C. niveatus and L. polyactis, and polyphyletic origin of C. niveatus. We considered species misidentification to be the main hypothesis. However, additional data is essential to test these proposed hypotheses.  相似文献   

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