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ECoG of both hemispheres, EOG, neck EMG and EKG were recorded in 2 white (age 10 days) and 2 gray pups (age 1 month) of harp seal. The active wakefulness occupied 23.4 +/- 3.8% of total recording time, the relaxed wakefulness--32.6 +/- 3.6%, drowsiness--4.8 +/- 1.1%, slow wave sleep--31.5 +/- 3.0%, paradoxical sleep--7.7 +/- 0.8%. The sleep cycle averaged 18.2 +/- 1.4 min. Interhemispheric asymmetry of the ECoG was not seen in all 4 pups. The respiration was fast and regular in the relaxed wakefulness, then long respiration pauses were alternated with episodes of hyperventilation during slow wave sleep and there was rare and irregular respiration in the paradoxical sleep. The heart rate was lowest during the paradoxical sleep. It is suggested that this pattern of sleep, allowing seals to delay their breathing during sleep for a long time may be considered as an adaptation to existence in freezing seas.  相似文献   

The unihemispheric slow-wave sleep, the ability to sleep during swimming with one open eye and the absence of paradoxical sleep in its form observed in all terrestrial mammals are unique features of sleep in cetaceans. Visual observation supplement electrophysiological studies and allow obtaining novel data about sleep of cetaceans. In the present study we examined behavior of 3 adult Commerson's dolphins Cephalorhynchus commersonii kept in the oceanarium Sea World (San Diego, CA, USA). The behavior of the dolphins can be subdivided into 5 swimming types: (1) active swimming marked by variable and irregular trajectory of movement (for 3 dolphins, on average, 35.1 ± 2.7% of the 24-h period) was the active wakefulness; (2) circular swimming was divided into the slow and fast swimming and occupied, on average, 44.4 ± 3.8 and 9.7 ± 0.8% of the 24-h period, respectively; during the circular swimming, dolphins performed from 1 to 6 circular swimming during one respiration pause; (3) quiet chaotic swimming (3.9 ± 1.2%) that occurred at the bottom and was not accompanied by signs of activity; (4) hanging, and (5) slow swimming at the surface (4.1 ± 0.5 and 2.8 ± 0.4%) respectively; the latter two swimming types were accompanied by frequent respiration (hyperventilation). We suggest that the sleep state in Commerson's dolphins occurs predominantly during the circular and quiet swimming. From time to time the dolphins decreased the speed, up to complete stop. Such episodes appeared to be the deepest sleep episodes. In all dolphins, muscle jerks as well erection in male are observed. Most jerks and erections occurred during the circular and quiet chaotic swimming. Thus, Commerson's dolphins, like other studied small cetaceans, are swimming for 24 h per day and they sleep during the swimming. Some muscle jerks that were observed in the dolphins in this study might have been brief episodes of paradoxical sleep.  相似文献   

Sleep and wakefulness of northern fur seals were studied on three subadult bulls carrying the implanted electrodes for recording the electrocorticogram of the two hemispheres, the neck electromiogram, the electrooculogram and the electrocardiogram. The active wakefulness accounted for 32.0 +/- 5.3% of total recording time, the relaxed wakefulness -31.7 +/- 3.1%, the slow wave sleep -30.5 +/- 5.1% and the paradoxical sleep -5.8 +/- 0.9%. The sleep cycle averaged 22,6 +/- 1.2 minutes. Interhemispheric asymmetry of the ECoG slow waves was pronounced in all three animals. Different forms of the asymmetry occupied 15.0 +/- 0.7% of total recording time. Such interhemispheric asymmetry was found in pinnipeds for the first time, in this respect the northern fur seals differ from the Caspean seals but resemble the dolphins.  相似文献   

Rats with implanted electrodes for recording of EEG and EMG underwent 12-h recordings during the light period starting after i.p. injections of clonidine (0.1 mg/kg) alone or in combination with different alpha-adrenoceptor antagonists. Clonidine increased the proportion of time the rats spent in the drowsy stage of wakefulness which corresponds to behavioural sedation and inhibited both deep slow wave sleep and REM sleep for 6-9 hours. The amount of active wakefulness or light slow wave sleep were unaffected by clonidine. Yohimbine (1 mg/kg) reversed the increase in drowsy wakefulness by clonidine and increased active wakefulness without affecting sleep. Phentolamine (10 mg/kg) was ineffective against clonidine. Phenoxybenzamine (20 mg/kg) accentuated the sedative effect and prolonged the REM sleep inhibiting effect of clonidine. Prazosin (3 mg/kg) prolonged both the drowsy stage inducing and deep slow wave plus REM sleep inhibiting effects of clonidine. These electrophysiological results support the view that the sedative effect of clonidine in the rat is mediated by alpha-2 adrenoceptors, whereas in this species other mechanisms, possibly another population of alpha-2 receptors, may be involved in the clonidine-induced suppression of deep slow wave sleep and REM sleep.  相似文献   

Effects of thermal environment on sleep and circadian rhythm   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABSTRACT: The thermal environment is one of the most important factors that can affect human sleep. The stereotypical effects of heat or cold exposure are increased wakefulness and decreased rapid eye movement sleep and slow wave sleep. These effects of the thermal environment on sleep stages are strongly linked to thermoregulation, which affects the mechanism regulating sleep. The effects on sleep stages also differ depending on the use of bedding and/or clothing. In semi-nude subjects, sleep stages are more affected by cold exposure than heat exposure. In real-life situations where bedding and clothing are used, heat exposure increases wakefulness and decreases slow wave sleep and rapid eye movement sleep. Humid heat exposure further increases thermal load during sleep and affects sleep stages and thermoregulation. On the other hand, cold exposure does not affect sleep stages, though the use of beddings and clothing during sleep is critical in supporting thermoregulation and sleep in cold exposure. However, cold exposure affects cardiac autonomic response during sleep without affecting sleep stages and subjective sensations. These results indicate that the impact of cold exposure may be greater than that of heat exposure in real-life situations; thus, further studies are warranted that consider the effect of cold exposure on sleep and other physiological parameters.  相似文献   

Cortical synchronization during NREM sleep, characterized by electroencephalographic slow waves (SW <4Hz and >75 μV), is strongly related to the number of hours of wakefulness prior to sleep and to the quality of the waking experience. Whether a similar increase in wakefulness length leads to a comparable enhancement in NREM sleep cortical synchronization in young and older subjects is still a matter of debate in the literature. Here we evaluated the impact of 25-hours of wakefulness on SW during a daytime recovery sleep episode in 29 young (27y ±5), and 34 middle-aged (51y ±5) subjects. We also assessed whether age-related changes in NREM sleep cortical synchronization predicts the ability to maintain sleep during daytime recovery sleep. Compared to baseline sleep, sleep efficiency was lower during daytime recovery sleep in both age-groups but the effect was more prominent in the middle-aged than in the young subjects. In both age groups, SW density, amplitude, and slope increased whereas SW positive and negative phase duration decreased during daytime recovery sleep compared to baseline sleep, particularly in anterior brain areas. Importantly, compared to young subjects, middle-aged participants showed lower SW density rebound and SW positive phase duration enhancement after sleep deprivation during daytime recovery sleep. Furthermore, middle-aged subjects showed lower SW amplitude and slope enhancements after sleep deprivation than young subjects in frontal and prefrontal derivations only. None of the SW characteristics at baseline were associated with daytime recovery sleep efficiency. Our results support the notion that anterior brain areas elicit and may necessitate more intense recovery and that aging reduces enhancement of cortical synchronization after sleep loss, particularly in these areas. Age-related changes in the quality of wake experience may underlie age-related reduction in markers of cortical synchronization enhancement after sustained wakefulness.  相似文献   

The inability to see the fetus makes the assessment of fetal behavior difficult. To circumvent this problem we implanted a Plexiglas window in the left flank of the ewe. Fetuses were instrumented for measurements of sleep, breathing, and swallowing. Ten fetal sheep were studied on 32 occasions. Six fetuses were delivered through the window at term, and postnatal behavior was compared with intrauterine behavior. Fetuses observed during resting conditions alternated between periods of quiet sleep [high-voltage electrocortical activity (ECoG)] and active or rapid-eye-movement sleep (low-voltage ECoG). In quiet sleep, movements were absent except for periodic generalized electromyographic discharges. Eye and breathing movements were rare or absent. Swallowing was also absent. In active sleep, movements were increased with powerful breathing and swallowing activity. Fetal wakefulness defined by open eyes and purposeful movements of the head was never seen in utero but was clearly observed after delivery. We conclude that fetal wakefulness as defined postnatally was not able to be demonstrated in utero.  相似文献   

Dolphin sleep is unlike typical mammalian sleep in that slow wave sleep occurs in one hemisphere at a time and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep is apparently reduced or absent (Mukhametov 1987). Lilly (1964) observed that bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) sleep with one eye open and one eye closed and suggested that the open eye monitored the immediate area for predators. Mukhametov (1987) and Supin et al. (1978) found no physiological correlation between the active brain hemisphere and the open eye, and suggested that no sentinel function exists. I describe the behavioral and social aspects of sleep in a captive school of four Pacific white-sided dolphins (Lagenorhynchus obliquidens) at Long Marine Lab at the University of California at Santa Cruz for 32 nights. As the animals swam in formation, I recorded their positions and eye condition. Dolphins did not close their eyes or switch positions in the school randomly. While in formation, dolphins switched positions in bouts while concurrently changing eye condition. This resulted in a sleeping formation in which the dolphins likely had the eye open towards schoolmates, not toward the external environment. I suggest that this allows sleep to proceed while allowing dolphins to maintain visual contact with group members.  相似文献   

The function of the brain activity that defines slow wave sleep (SWS) and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep in mammals is unknown. During SWS, the level of electroencephalogram slow wave activity (SWA or 0.5-4.5 Hz power density) increases and decreases as a function of prior time spent awake and asleep, respectively. Such dynamics occur in response to waking brain use, as SWA increases locally in brain regions used more extensively during prior wakefulness. Thus, SWA is thought to reflect homeostatically regulated processes potentially tied to maintaining optimal brain functioning. Interestingly, birds also engage in SWS and REM sleep, a similarity that arose via convergent evolution, as sleeping reptiles and amphibians do not show similar brain activity. Although birds deprived of sleep show global increases in SWA during subsequent sleep, it is unclear whether avian sleep is likewise regulated locally. Here, we provide, to our knowledge, the first electrophysiological evidence for local sleep homeostasis in the avian brain. After staying awake watching David Attenborough's The Life of Birds with only one eye, SWA and the slope of slow waves (a purported marker of synaptic strength) increased only in the hyperpallium--a primary visual processing region--neurologically connected to the stimulated eye. Asymmetries were specific to the hyperpallium, as the non-visual mesopallium showed a symmetric increase in SWA and wave slope. Thus, hypotheses for the function of mammalian SWS that rely on local sleep homeostasis may apply also to birds.  相似文献   

Acute intermittent hypoxia (AIH) elicits a form of respiratory plasticity known as long-term facilitation (LTF). Here, we tested four hypotheses in unanesthetized, spontaneously breathing rats using radiotelemetry for EEG and diaphragm electromyography (Dia EMG) activity: 1) AIH induces LTF in Dia EMG activity; 2) diaphragm LTF (Dia LTF) is more robust during sleep vs. wakefulness; 3) AIH (or repetitive AIH) disrupts natural sleep-wake architecture; and 4) preconditioning with daily AIH (dAIH) for 7 days enhances Dia LTF. Sleep-wake states and Dia EMG were monitored before (60 min), during, and after (60 min) AIH (10, 5-min hypoxic episodes, 5-min normoxic intervals; n = 9), time control (continuous normoxia, n = 8), and AIH following dAIH preconditioning for 7 days (n = 7). Dia EMG activities during quiet wakefulness (QW), rapid eye movement (REM), and non-REM (NREM) sleep were analyzed and normalized to pre-AIH values in the same state. During NREM sleep, diaphragm amplitude (25.1 ± 4.6%), frequency (16.4 ± 4.7%), and minute diaphragm activity (amplitude × frequency; 45.2 ± 6.6%) increased above baseline 0-60 min post-AIH (all P < 0.05). This Dia LTF was less robust during QW and insignificant during REM sleep. dAIH preconditioning had no effect on LTF (P > 0.05). We conclude that 1) AIH induces Dia LTF during NREM sleep and wakefulness; 2) Dia LTF is greater in NREM sleep vs. QW and is abolished during REM sleep; 3) AIH and repetitive AIH disrupt natural sleep patterns; and 4) Dia LTF is unaffected by dAIH. The capacity for plasticity in spinal pump muscles during sleep and wakefulness suggests an important role in the neural control of breathing.  相似文献   

Sleep EEG spectral analysis in a diurnal rodent:Eutamias sibiricus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1. Sleep was studied in the diurnal rodent Eutamias sibiricus, chronically implanted with EEG and EMG electrodes. Analysis of the distribution of wakefulness, nonrapid eye movement (NREM) sleep, and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep over the 24 h period (LD 12:12) showed that total sleep time was 27.5% of recording time during the 12 h light period and 74.4% during the 12 h dark period. Spectral analysis of the sleep EEG revealed a progressive decay in delta power density in NREM sleep during darkness. Power density of the higher frequencies increased at the end of darkness. Power density of the higher frequencies decreased and that of the lower frequencies increased during light. 2. Analysis of the distribution of vigilance states under three different photoperiods (LD 18:6; 12:12; 6:18) revealed that changes in daylength mainly resulted in a redistribution of sleep and wakefulness over light and darkness. Under long days the percentage of sleep during light was enhanced. The time course of delta power density in NREM sleep was characterized by a long rising part and a short falling part under long days, while a reversed picture emerged under short days. As a consequence, the power density during days. As a consequence, the power density during light was relatively high under long days. 3. After 24 h sleep deprivation by forced activity, no significant changes in the percentages of wakefulness and NREM were observed, whereas REM sleep was slightly enhanced. EEG power density, however, was significantly increased by ca. 50% in the 1.25-10.0 Hz range in the first 3 h of recovery sleep. This increase gradually decayed over the recovery night. 4. The same 24 h sleep deprivation technique led to a ca. 25% increase in oxygen consumption during recovery nights. While the results of the EEG spectral analysis are compatible with the hypothesis that delta power density reflects the 'intensity' of NREM sleep as enhanced by prior wakefulness and reduced by prior sleep, such enhanced sleep depth after sleep deprivation is not associated with reduced energy expenditure as might be anticipated by some energy conservation hypotheses on sleep function.  相似文献   

Single-hemisphere low-wave sleep was shown to be the dominant form of natural sleep according to quantitative analysis of duration of ECoG sleep phases. Combined variants of bilateral and unilateral ECoG synchronization total 33.4% of the 24-h cycle, of which unilateral slow-wave sleep accounts for 28.8%. Each of the bottlenose dolphin's two hemispheres remains in a state of slow-wave ECoG for an average of 19% of the cycle. The highest percentage duration of sleep occurred during the afternoon and nighttime. Overall duration of ECoG synchronization may differ in the two hemispheres but evens out in the dolphin over a number of 24-h cycles. Spells of single-hemisphere sleep tend to alternate between the two different hemispheres.A. N. Severtsov Institute of Evolutionary Morphology and Animal Ecology. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 20, No. 4, pp. 532–538, July–August, 1988.  相似文献   

In the rook, Corvus frugilegus, electrographic and behavioural correlates of sleep and wakefulness have been determined under natural lighting conditions. Slow wave sleep (SWS) was characterized by high amplitude slow EEG activity, low neck EMG, and behavioural inactivity. Paradoxical sleep (PS) was characterized by low amplitude fast EEG activity and inconsistent decrease in EMG. PS episodes always commenced with head downward. Several eye movements occurred activity were present. The rook spent in sleep 31.8% of the 24-h period. PS however, eye movements, high tonic neck EMG activity, and behavioural activity were present. The rook spent in sleep 31.8% of the 24-h period. PS constituted 1.8% of total sleep, while the rest of total sleep was occupied by SWS. On the average, episodes of SWS and PS lasted 10.8 min and 24 s respectively. The daily percentage of SWS was highly correlated with the mean episode duration. PS amount was better correlated with the number of episodes than with their mean duration. Our data suggest that over-short period of recovery from surgery and adaptation with implanted electrodes could lead to underestimation of sleep duration in rook.  相似文献   

Hypothalamic neurons expressing neuropeptide orexins are critically involved in the control of sleep and wakefulness. Although the activity of orexin neurons is thought to be influenced by various neuronal input as well as humoral factors, the direct consequences of changes in the activity of these neurons in an intact animal are largely unknown. We therefore examined the effects of orexin neuron-specific pharmacogenetic modulation in vivo by a new method called the Designer Receptors Exclusively Activated by Designer Drugs approach (DREADD). Using this system, we successfully activated and suppressed orexin neurons as measured by Fos staining. EEG and EMG recordings suggested that excitation of orexin neurons significantly increased the amount of time spent in wakefulness and decreased both non-rapid eye movement (NREM) and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep times. Inhibition of orexin neurons decreased wakefulness time and increased NREM sleep time. These findings clearly show that changes in the activity of orexin neurons can alter the behavioral state of animals and also validate this novel approach for manipulating neuronal activity in awake, freely-moving animals.  相似文献   

Four individuals of the lizard Ctenosaura pectinata were chronically implanted for electroencephalographic (EEG), electromyographic (EMG) and electro-oculographic (EOG) recordings. Four different vigilance states were observed throughout the nyctohemeral cycle. These states were: Active wakefulness (Aw), quiet wakefulness (Qw), quiet sleep (Qs) and active sleep (As). Each state displayed its own behavioral and electrophysiological characteristics. EEG waves were similar during Aw and Qw but they diminished in amplitude and frequency when passing from these states to Qs, and both parameters increased during As. Muscular activity was intense in Aw, it decreased during Qw and almost disappeared during Qs. This activity reappeared in a phasic way during As, coinciding with generalized motor manifestations. Ocular activity was intense during Aw but minimal during Qw, it disappeared in Qs and was present intermittently in As. Aw, Qw, Qs and As occupied 5.9%, 25.7%, 67.7% and 0.6% of the 24 hr period, respectively. The frequency and duration of As episodes showed great inter-animal variability and the mean duration was of 12.9 sec. Stimuli reaction threshold was highest during sleep. In conclusion, the lizard Ctenosaura pectinata exhibit two sleep phases (Qs and As) that may be assimilated to slow wave sleep (SWS) and paradoxical sleep (PS) of birds and mammals.  相似文献   

The present study was performed to investigate the effects of Valeriana wallichi (VW) aqueous root extract on sleep-wake profile and level of brain monoamines on Sprague-Dawley rats. Electrodes and transmitters were implanted to record EEG and EMG in freely moving condition and the changes were recorded telemetrically after oral administration of VW in the doses of 100, 200 and 300 mg/kg body weight. Sleep latency was decreased and duration of non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep was increased in a dose dependent manner. A significant decrease of sleep latency and duration of wakefulness were observed with VW at doses of 200 and 300 mg/kg. Duration of NREM sleep as well as duration of total sleep was increased significantly after treatment with VW at the doses of 200 and 300 mg/kg. VW also increased EEG slow wave activity during NREM sleep at the doses of 200 and 300 mg/kg. Level of norepinephrine (NE), dopamine (DA), dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC), serotonin (5-HT) and hydroxy indole acetic acid (HIAA) were measured in frontal cortex and brain stem after VW treatment at the dose of 200mg/kg. NE and 5HT level were decreased significantly in both frontal cortex and brain stem. DA and HIAA level significantly decreased only in cortex. DOPAC level was not changed in any brain region studied. In conclusion it can be said that VW water extract has a sleep quality improving effect which may be dependent upon levels of monoamines in cortex and brainstem.  相似文献   

Animal studies have shown activation of upper airway muscles prior to inspiratory efforts of the diaphragm. To investigate this sequence of activation in humans, we measured the electromyogram (EMG) of the alae nasi (AN) and compared the time of onset of EMG to the onset of inspiratory airflow, during wakefulness, stage II or III sleep (3 subj), and CO2-induced hyperpnea (6 subj). During wakefulness, the interval between AN EMG and airflow was 92 +/- 34 ms (mean +/- SE). At a CO2 level of greater than or equal to 43 Torr, the AN EMG to airflow was 316 +/- 38 ms (P < 0.001). During CO2-induced hyperpnea, the AN EMG to airflow interval and AN EMG magnitude increased in direct proportion to CO2 levels and minute ventilation. During stages II and III of sleep, the interval between AN EMG and airflow increased when compared to wakefulness (P < 0.005). We conclude that a sequence of inspiratory muscle activation is present in humans and is more apparent during sleep and during CO2-induced hyperpnea than during wakefulness.  相似文献   

The transition from wakefulness to sleep is marked by pronounced changes in brain activity. The brain rhythms that characterize the two main types of mammalian sleep, slow‐wave sleep (SWS) and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, are thought to be involved in the functions of sleep. In particular, recent theories suggest that the synchronous slow‐oscillation of neocortical neuronal membrane potentials, the defining feature of SWS, is involved in processing information acquired during wakefulness. According to the Standard Model of memory consolidation, during wakefulness the hippocampus receives input from neocortical regions involved in the initial encoding of an experience and binds this information into a coherent memory trace that is then transferred to the neocortex during SWS where it is stored and integrated within preexisting memory traces. Evidence suggests that this process selectively involves direct connections from the hippocampus to the prefrontal cortex (PFC), a multimodal, high‐order association region implicated in coordinating the storage and recall of remote memories in the neocortex. The slow‐oscillation is thought to orchestrate the transfer of information from the hippocampus by temporally coupling hippocampal sharp‐wave/ripples (SWRs) and thalamocortical spindles. SWRs are synchronous bursts of hippocampal activity, during which waking neuronal firing patterns are reactivated in the hippocampus and neocortex in a coordinated manner. Thalamocortical spindles are brief 7–14 Hz oscillations that may facilitate the encoding of information reactivated during SWRs. By temporally coupling the readout of information from the hippocampus with conditions conducive to encoding in the neocortex, the slow‐oscillation is thought to mediate the transfer of information from the hippocampus to the neocortex. Although several lines of evidence are consistent with this function for mammalian SWS, it is unclear whether SWS serves a similar function in birds, the only taxonomic group other than mammals to exhibit SWS and REM sleep. Based on our review of research on avian sleep, neuroanatomy, and memory, although involved in some forms of memory consolidation, avian sleep does not appear to be involved in transferring hippocampal memories to other brain regions. Despite exhibiting the slow‐oscillation, SWRs and spindles have not been found in birds. Moreover, although birds independently evolved a brain region—the caudolateral nidopallium (NCL)—involved in performing high‐order cognitive functions similar to those performed by the PFC, direct connections between the NCL and hippocampus have not been found in birds, and evidence for the transfer of information from the hippocampus to the NCL or other extra‐hippocampal regions is lacking. Although based on the absence of evidence for various traits, collectively, these findings suggest that unlike mammalian SWS, avian SWS may not be involved in transferring memories from the hippocampus. Furthermore, it suggests that the slow‐oscillation, the defining feature of mammalian and avian SWS, may serve a more general function independent of that related to coordinating the transfer of information from the hippocampus to the PFC in mammals. Given that SWS is homeostatically regulated (a process intimately related to the slow‐oscillation) in mammals and birds, functional hypotheses linked to this process may apply to both taxonomic groups.  相似文献   

We propose that a sleep-induced decrement in the activity of the tensor palatini (TP) muscle could induce airway narrowing in the area posterior to the soft palate and therefore lead to an increase in upper airway resistance in normal subjects. We investigated the TP to determine the influence of sleep on TP muscle activity and the relationship between changing TP activity and upper airway resistance over the entire night and during short sleep-awake transitions. Seven normal male subjects were studied on a single night with wire electrodes placed in both TP muscles. Sleep stage, inspiratory airflow, transpalatal pressure, and TP moving time average electromyogram (EMG) were continuously recorded. In addition, in two of the seven subjects the activity (EMG) of both the TP and the genioglossus muscle simultaneously was recorded throughout the night. Upper airway resistance increased progressively from wakefulness through the various non-rapid-eye-movement sleep stages, as has been previously described. The TP EMG did not commonly demonstrate phasic activity during wakefulness or sleep. However, the tonic EMG decreased progressively and significantly (P less than 0.05) from wakefulness through the non-rapid-eye-movement sleep stages [awake, 4.6 +/- 0.3 (SE) arbitrary units; stage 1, 2.6 +/- 0.3; stage 2, 1.7 +/- 0.5; stage 3/4, 1.5 +/- 0.8]. The mean correlation coefficient between TP EMG and upper airway resistance across all sleep states was (-0.46). This mean correlation improved over discrete sleep-awake transitions (-0.76). No sleep-induced decrement in the genioglossus activity was observed in the two subjects studied.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The purposes of this study were 1) to characterize the immediate inspiratory muscle and ventilation responses to inspiratory resistive loading during sleep in humans and 2) to determine whether upper airway caliber was compromised in the presence of a resistive load. Ventilation variables, chest wall, and upper airway inspiratory muscle electromyograms (EMG), and upper airway resistance were measured for two breaths immediately preceding and immediately following six applications of an inspiratory resistive load of 15 cmH2O.l-1 X s during wakefulness and stage 2 sleep. During wakefulness, chest wall inspiratory peak EMG activity increased 40 +/- 15% (SE), and inspiratory time increased 20 +/- 5%. Therefore, the rate of rise of chest wall EMG increased 14 +/- 10.9% (NS). Upper airway inspiratory muscle activity changed in an inconsistent fashion with application of the load. Tidal volume decreased 16 +/- 6%, and upper airway resistance increased 141 +/- 23% above pre-load levels. During sleep, there was no significant chest wall or upper airway inspiratory muscle or timing responses to loading. Tidal volume decreased 40 +/- 7% and upper airway resistance increased 188 +/- 52%, changes greater than those observed during wakefulness. We conclude that 1) the immediate inspiratory muscle and timing responses observed during inspiratory resistive loading in wakefulness were absent during sleep, 2) there was inadequate activation of upper airway inspiratory muscle activity to compensate for the increased upper airway inspiratory subatmospheric pressure present during loading, and 3) the alteration in upper airway mechanics during resistive loading was greater during sleep than wakefulness.  相似文献   

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