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Hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotyping is the most significant predictor of the response to antiviral therapy. The aim of this study was to develop and evaluate a novel real-time PCR method for HCV genotyping based on the NS5B region.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Two triplex reaction sets were designed, one to detect genotypes 1a, 1b and 3a; and another to detect genotypes 2a, 2b, and 2c. This approach had an overall sensitivity of 97.0%, detecting 295 of the 304 tested samples. All samples genotyped by real-time PCR had the same type that was assigned using LiPA version 1 (Line in Probe Assay). Although LiPA v. 1 was not able to subtype 68 of the 295 samples (23.0%) and rendered different subtype results from those assigned by real-time PCR for 12/295 samples (4.0%), NS5B sequencing and real-time PCR results agreed in all 146 tested cases. Analytical sensitivity of the real-time PCR assay was determined by end-point dilution of the 5000 IU/ml member of the OptiQuant HCV RNA panel. The lower limit of detection was estimated to be 125 IU/ml for genotype 3a, 250 IU/ml for genotypes 1b and 2b, and 500 IU/ml for genotype 1a.


The total time required for performing this assay was two hours, compared to four hours required for LiPA v. 1 after PCR-amplification. Furthermore, the estimated reaction cost was nine times lower than that of available commercial methods in Brazil. Thus, we have developed an efficient, feasible, and affordable method for HCV genotype identification.  相似文献   

Globally, hepatitis C Virus (HCV) infection is responsible for a large proportion of persons with liver disease, including cancer. The infection is highly prevalent in sub-Saharan Africa. West Africa was identified as a geographic origin of two HCV genotypes. However, little is known about the genetic composition of HCV populations in many countries of the region. Using conventional and next-generation sequencing (NGS), we identified and genetically characterized 65 HCV strains circulating among HCV-positive blood donors in Kumasi, Ghana. Phylogenetic analysis using consensus sequences derived from 3 genomic regions of the HCV genome, 5''-untranslated region, hypervariable region 1 (HVR1) and NS5B gene, consistently classified the HCV variants (n = 65) into genotypes 1 (HCV-1, 15%) and genotype 2 (HCV-2, 85%). The Ghanaian and West African HCV-2 NS5B sequences were found completely intermixed in the phylogenetic tree, indicating a substantial genetic heterogeneity of HCV-2 in Ghana. Analysis of HVR1 sequences from intra-host HCV variants obtained by NGS showed that three donors were infected with >1 HCV strain, including infections with 2 genotypes. Two other donors share an HCV strain, indicating HCV transmission between them. The HCV-2 strain sampled from one donor was replaced with another HCV-2 strain after only 2 months of observation, indicating rapid strain switching. Bayesian analysis estimated that the HCV-2 strains in Ghana were expanding since the 16th century. The blood donors in Kumasi, Ghana, are infected with a very heterogeneous HCV population of HCV-1 and HCV-2, with HCV-2 being prevalent. The detection of three cases of co- or super-infections and transmission linkage between 2 cases suggests frequent opportunities for HCV exposure among the blood donors and is consistent with the reported high HCV prevalence. The conditions for effective HCV-2 transmission existed for ~ 3–4 centuries, indicating a long epidemic history of HCV-2 in Ghana.  相似文献   

Using a cell-based replicon screen, we identified a class of compounds with a thiazolidinone core structure as inhibitors of hepatitis C virus (HCV) replication. The concentration of one such compound, BMS-824, that resulted in a 50% inhibition of HCV replicon replication was ∼5 nM, with a therapeutic index of >10,000. The compound showed good specificity for HCV, as it was not active against several other RNA and DNA viruses. Replicon cells resistant to BMS-824 were isolated, and mutations were identified. A combination of amino acid substitutions of leucine to valine at residue 31 (L31V) and glutamine to leucine at residue 54 (Q54L) in NS5A conferred resistance to this chemotype, as did a single substitution of tyrosine to histidine at amino acid 93 (Y93H) in NS5A. To further explore the region(s) of NS5A involved in inhibitor sensitivity, genotype-specific NS5A inhibitors were used to evaluate a series of genotype 1a/1b hybrid replicons. Our results showed that, consistent with resistance mapping, the inhibitor sensitivity domain also mapped to the N terminus of NS5A, but it could be distinguished from the key resistance sites. In addition, we demonstrated that NS5A inhibitors, as well as an active-site inhibitor that specifically binds NS3 protease, could block the hyperphosphorylation of NS5A, which is believed to play an essential role in the viral life cycle. Clinical proof of concept has recently been achieved with derivatives of these NS5A inhibitors, indicating that small molecules targeting a nontraditional viral protein like NS5A, without any known enzymatic activity, can also have profound antiviral effects on HCV-infected subjects.Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is the major causative agent for non-A, non-B hepatitis worldwide, which affects more than 3% of the world population. HCV establishes chronic infections in a large percentage of infected individuals, increasing the risk for developing liver cirrhosis and, in some cases, hepatocellular carcinoma. Although the current standard of care for HCV infection involves the use of PEGylated interferon and ribavirin, a large proportion of patients fail to respond to this therapy, and treatment is associated with frequent and sometimes serious side effects (9). Given the limited efficacy of the current therapy, the development of safer and more effective therapies is of tremendous importance.HCV is a positive-strand RNA virus belonging to the family Flaviviridae. The HCV genome consists of a ∼9.6-kb RNA with a large open reading frame encoding a polyprotein of ∼3,010 amino acids. The polyprotein is cleaved co- and posttranslationally by both cellular and viral proteases into at least 10 different products (10, 11). The viral proteins required for RNA replication include NS3, NS4A, NS4B, NS5A, and NS5B (4, 19). NS3 consists of an amino-terminal protease domain required for the cleavage of the remaining nonstructural proteins and a carboxyl-terminal helicase/NTPase domain (8, 11, 30). NS4A serves as a cofactor for NS3 protease and helicase activities (8). NS4B is an integral membrane protein involved in the formation of the membranous web, where HCV replication complexes are thought to assemble (7). NS5A is a membrane-associated phosphoprotein present in basally phosphorylated (p56) and hyperphosphorylated (p58) forms (15, 31). It was previously reported that only p58-defective mutants could be complemented in trans (1), and NS5A is involved in HCV virion production (22, 34), suggesting that different forms of NS5A exert multiple functions at various stages of the viral life cycle. The N terminus of NS5A (domain I) has been crystallized in alternative dimer forms and contains zinc- and RNA-binding domains (20, 33). The ability of NS5A to bind to zinc (32) and RNA (14) has been demonstrated in vitro. NS5A has been shown to interact with a number of host proteins, is implicated in interferon resistance in vivo, and has been the subject of several reviews (13, 21). NS5B functions as the viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (2). Previous studies have shown that the NS3-NS5B proteins are all essential for HCV replication and are believed to form the HCV replicase complex (4, 18, 19).The development of the cell-based HCV replicon system provides a means for the large-scale screening of HCV inhibitors against multiple viral targets. The use of a cell-based replication assay likely includes essential functions that previously could not be evaluated with in vitro enzyme assays. The disadvantages for the advancement of HCV inhibitors targeting nonenzymatic proteins are (i) the potential for structure-activity relationships (SAR) to be difficult to interpret based on the complexity of cell-based systems, (ii) the lack of a system for validation, and (iii) difficulty in predicting if in vitro potency can translate into in vivo effect. Therefore, during the process of developing HCV NS5A inhibitors, we established a series of assays and checkpoints prior to entering the clinic. This is the first report in a series of articles detailing the development of HCV NS5A inhibitors that has culminated in the demonstration of clinical efficacy for this novel mechanistic class of HCV inhibitor (25).In this report, we have used a previously described cell-based approach (26) to identify a novel compound that specifically inhibits HCV RNA replication. Through the use of resistance selection, we have demonstrated that the inhibitor targets the HCV NS5A protein, thereby establishing that the function of NS5A in replication can be inhibited by small molecules. In addition, using genotype-specific inhibitors, we have further shown that the N terminus of NS5A plays an essential role in compound activity by both 50% effective concentration (EC50) determinations as well as a functional assay to evaluate NS5A hyperphosphorylation.  相似文献   

Q丙型肝炎是由丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)引起的一种严重的传染病。丙型肝炎病毒主要通过输血和应用不洁的血液制品传播,所以利用敏感、特异的检测方法筛选献血员对丙型肝炎的预防尤为重要。现在第二代HCV检测试剂已大批应用,加入NS5A抗原的第三代试剂也正在研制中...  相似文献   

Nonstructural protein 5B (NS5B) is essential for hepatitis C virus (HCV) replication as it carries the viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase enzymatic activity. HCV replication occurs in a membrane-associated multiprotein complex in which HCV NS5A and host cyclophilin A (CypA) have been shown to be present together with the viral polymerase. We used NMR spectroscopy to perform a per residue level characterization of the molecular interactions between the unfolded domains 2 and 3 of NS5A (NS5A-D2 and NS5A-D3), CypA, and NS5BΔ21. We show that three regions of NS5A-D2 (residues 250–262 (region A), 274–287 (region B), and 306–333 (region C)) interact with NS5BΔ21, whereas NS5A-D3 does not. We show that both NS5BΔ21 and CypA share a common binding site on NS5A that contains residues Pro-306 to Glu-323. No direct molecular interaction has been detected by NMR spectroscopy between HCV NS5BΔ21 and host CypA. We show that cyclosporine A added to a sample containing NS5BΔ21, NS5A-D2, and CypA specifically inhibits the interaction between CypA and NS5A-D2 without altering the one between NS5A-D2 and NS5BΔ21. A high quality heteronuclear NMR spectrum of HCV NS5BΔ21 has been obtained and was used to characterize the binding site on the polymerase of NS5A-D2. Moreover these data highlight the potential of using NMR of NS5BΔ21 as a powerful tool to characterize in solution the interactions of the HCV polymerase with all kinds of molecules (proteins, inhibitors, RNA). This work brings new insights into the comprehension of the molecular interplay between NS5B, NS5A, and CypA, three essentials proteins for HCV replication.  相似文献   

目的:比较寡核苷酸芯片法、实时荧光PCR和测序法在对慢性乙肝患者病毒基因分型的比较和方法学评价。方法:对126例不同基因型的慢性乙肝患者的血清样本分别用寡核苷酸芯片法、实时荧光PCR法和测序法进行基因分型,并评价各种方法的临床表现、所需时间和检测成本。结果:寡核苷酸芯片法、实时荧光PCR分别能检测到1%和0.1%比例的基因型。在126例慢性乙肝患者的临床样本中,寡核苷酸芯片法、实时荧光PCR和测序法分别检测出41(33%)、41(33%)和45(36%)例为B型,76(60%)、76(60%)、81(64%)例为C型。寡核苷酸芯片法、实时荧光PCR均检出9例B、C混合基因型。在三种检测方法中实时荧光PCR是最快速和廉价的。结论:寡核苷酸芯片法、实时荧光PCR能检出B、C混合基因型,而测序法只能检测出样本的主导基因型。  相似文献   

用RT-PCR方法从北京株丙型肝炎病毒中扩增出NS3区基因片段,该片段经pGEX-T载体克隆到大肠杆菌DH5α菌株中.经自动序列分析仪测出NS3基因的728bp长的核酸序列.发现在该片段中第31位核苷酸发生A→T突变,产生一个终止突变.这表明,丙型肝炎病毒北京株存在一定的变异,产生缺陷型病毒,这类缺陷型病毒的出现可能是丙型肝炎病毒持续性感染的原因之一.  相似文献   

The hepatitis C virus (HCV) NS5B is an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRP), a central catalytic enzyme of HCV RNA replication. We previously identified five novel residues of NS5B in a JK-1 isolate indispensable for RdRP activity in vitro (Qin, W., Yamashita, T., Shirota, Y., Lin, Y., Wei, W., and Murakami, S. (2001) Hepatology 33, 728-737). We addressed the role of these residues in HCV RNA replication using a HCV replicon system derived from an M1LE isolate (Kishine, H., Sugiyama, K., Hijikata, M., Kato, N., Takahashi, H., Noshi, T., Nio, Y., Hosaka, M., Miyanari, Y., and Shimotohno, K. (2002) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 293, 993-999). The five residues of NS5B in M1LE were found to be critical for HCV replication in vivo and also indispensable for RdRP activity in vitro along with purified bacterial recombinant proteins. We also found a chimeric replicon of JK-1 and M1LE in which only the NS5B sequence derived from JK-1 could not replicate in Huh-7 cells. The residues responsible for the phenomenon were mapped by several chimeric and substituted forms of NS5B M1LE and/or JK-1 isolates in the HCV RNA replicon. Two residues, amino acids 220 and 288, were critical, and two residues, amino acids 213 and 231, were important for efficient HCV replication. Mutant JK-1 NS5B harboring all four residues of M1LE was replication-competent in the chimeric replicon and was as efficient as the original M1LE replicon. By comparing the replication competence in vivo and RdRP activity in vitro with various chimeric and mutated versions of NS5B, the HCV replication ability was found to correlate well with the RdRP activity. However, heat- and dilution-sensitive NS5Bs exhibiting weaker RdRP activity in vitro were found to be replication-incompetent, suggesting that HCV replication requires RdRP activity higher than a certain critical threshold.  相似文献   

NS5A of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a highly phosphorylated protein involved in resistance against interferon and required most likely for replication of the viral genome. Phosphorylation of this protein is mediated by a cellular kinase(s) generating multiple proteins with different electrophoretic mobilities. In the case of the genotype 1b isolate HCV-J, in addition to the basal phosphorylated NS5A (designated pp56), a hyperphosphorylated form (pp58) was found on coexpression of NS4A (T. Kaneko, Y. Tanji, S. Satoh, M. Hijikata, S. Asabe, K. Kimura, and K. Shimotohno, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 205:320-326, 1994). Using a comparative analysis of two full-length genomes of genotype 1b, competent or defective for NS5A hyperphosphorylation, we investigated the requirements for this NS5A modification. We found that hyperphosphorylation occurs when NS5A is expressed as part of a continuous NS3-5A polyprotein but not when it is expressed on its own or trans complemented with one or several other viral proteins. Results obtained with chimeras of both genomes show that single amino acid substitutions within NS3 that do not affect polyprotein cleavage can enhance or reduce NS5A hyperphosphorylation. Furthermore, mutations in the central or carboxy-terminal NS4A domain as well as small deletions in NS4B can also reduce or block hyperphosphorylation without affecting polyprotein processing. These requirements most likely reflect the formation of a highly ordered NS3-5A multisubunit complex responsible for the differential phosphorylation of NS5A and probably also for modulation of its biological activities.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is the main agent of acute and chronic liver diseases leading to cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. The current standard therapy has limited efficacy and serious side effects. Thus, the development of alternate therapies is of tremendous importance. HCV NS5A (nonstructural 5A protein) is a pleiotropic protein with key roles in HCV replication and cellular signaling pathways. Here we demonstrate that NS5A dimerization occurs through Domain I (amino acids 1-240). This interaction is not mediated by nucleic acids because benzonase, RNase, and DNase treatments do not prevent NS5A-NS5A interactions. Importantly, DTT abrogates NS5A-NS5A interactions but does not affect NS5A-cyclophilin A interactions. Other reducing agents such as tris(2-carboxyethyl)phosphine and 2-mercaptoethanol also abrogate NS5A-NS5A interactions, implying that disulfide bridges may play a role in this interaction. Cyclophilin inhibitors, cyclosporine A, and alisporivir and NS5A inhibitor BMS-790052 do not block NS5A dimerization, suggesting that their antiviral effects do not involve the disruption of NS5A-NS5A interactions. Four cysteines, Cys-39, Cys-57, Cys-59, and Cys-80, are critical for dimerization. Interestingly, the four cysteines have been proposed to form a zinc-binding motif. Supporting this notion, NS5A dimerization is greatly facilitated by Zn(2+) but not by Mg(2+) or Mn(2+). Importantly, the four cysteines are vital not only for viral replication but also critical for NS5A binding to RNA, revealing a correlation between NS5A dimerization, RNA binding, and HCV replication. Altogether our data suggest that NS5A-NS5A dimerization and/or multimerization could represent a novel target for the development of HCV therapies.  相似文献   

丙型肝炎病毒的非结构蛋白3抑制剂   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
丙型肝炎严重威胁人类健康,非结构蛋白3(NS3)在丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)多聚蛋白水解过程中起重要作用,被公认为治疗丙型肝炎的有效药物靶标。该文介绍目前国内外有关NS3蛋白酶抑制剂(包括寡肽类抑制剂和非肽小分子抑制剂)的研究进展。  相似文献   

The hepatitis C virus (HCV) non-structural protein 5B (NS5B) is an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase that is essentially required for viral replication. Although previous studies revealed important properties of static NS5B-RNA complexes, the nature and relevance of dynamic interactions have yet to be elucidated. Here, we devised a single molecule Förster Resonance Energy Transfer (SM-FRET) assay to monitor temporal changes upon binding of NS5B to surface immobilized RNA templates. The data show enzyme association-dissociation events that occur within the time resolution of our setup as well as FRET-fluctuations in association with stable binary complexes that extend over prolonged periods of time. Fluctuations are shown to be dependent on the length of the RNA substrate, and enzyme concentration. Mutations in close proximity to the template entrance (K98E, K100E), and in the center of the RNA binding channel (R394E), reduce both the population of RNA-bound enzyme and the fluctuations associated to the binary complex. Similar observations are reported with an allosteric nonnucleoside NS5B inhibitor. Our assay enables for the first time the visualization of association-dissociation events of HCV-NS5B with RNA, and also the direct monitoring of the interaction between HCV NS5B, its RNA template, and finger loop inhibitors. We observe both a remarkably low dissociation rate for wild type HCV NS5B, and a highly dynamic enzyme-RNA binary complex. These results provide a plausible mechanism for formation of a productive binary NS5B-RNA complex, here NS5B slides along the RNA template facilitating positioning of its 3′ terminus at the enzyme active site.  相似文献   

用PCR分析HCV-RNANS5部分序列变异魏来,王宇,陈红松,陶其敏(北京医科大学人民医院肝病研究所,北京100044)对丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)cDNA的序列分析是验证HCV基因分型,确定新的型与亚型的基础 ̄[1].经典的序列分析方法需经繁琐的分子...  相似文献   

河北省丙型肝炎病毒基因分型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
丙型肝炎病毒 (Hepatitis C virus, HCV)感染是输血后肝炎的主要原因[1],主要通过输血或使用污染的血制品传播[2],且与肝硬化和肝细胞癌的发生有密切关系.  相似文献   

Using nested RT-PCR and type special primers of HCV, we performed genotype analysis of HCV RNA from five representative cities in Hebei Province. Among 168 samples with HCV RNA, 104 sera was typelb(61.9%), type 2a account for 22.6% (38/168) , and lb/2a mixed-type was 15.5% (26/168) . The results indicate that typelb is the dominance strain in Hebei Province. Compared with type 2a, typelb has important relationship with chronic hepatitis C. This study build up some foundations for diagnosis, treatment and vaccine study of hepatitis C.  相似文献   

HCV infection is an urgent global health problem that has triggered a drive to discover therapies that specifically target the virus. BMS-791325 is a novel direct antiviral agent specifically targeting HCV NS5B, an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase. Robust viral clearance of HCV was observed in infected patients treated with BMS-791325 in combination with other anti-HCV agents in Phase 2 clinical studies. Biochemical and biophysical studies revealed that BMS-791325 is a time-dependent, non-competitive inhibitor of the polymerase. Binding studies with NS5B genetic variants (WT, L30S, and P495L) exposed a two-step, slow binding mechanism, but details of the binding mechanism differed for each of the polymerase variants. For the clinically relevant resistance variant (P495L), the rate of initial complex formation and dissociation is similar to WT, but the kinetics of the second step is significantly faster, showing that this variant impacts the final tight complex. The resulting shortened residence time translates into the observed decrease in inhibitor potency. The L30S variant has a significantly different profile. The rate of initial complex formation and dissociation is 7–10 times faster for the L30S variant compared with WT; however, the forward and reverse rates to form the final complex are not significantly different. The impact of the L30S variant on the inhibition profile and binding kinetics of BMS-791325 provides experimental evidence for the dynamic interaction of fingers and thumb domains in an environment that supports the formation of active replication complexes and the initiation of RNA synthesis.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) non-structural protein 5B (NS5B) is an RNA replicase. We expressed full-length NS5B (591 amino acid residues) in Escherichia coli as a fusion protein with maltose binding protein (MBP-NS5B). MBP-NS5B was recovered in the soluble fraction after centrifugation at 40,000 x g and affinity-purified with amylose resin. The purified MBP-NS5B had a high-level of poly (A), oligo (U)-dependent UMP incorporation with a Km of 2 microM for UTP. Surprisingly, the enzymatically active MBP-NS5B was sedimented by ultracentrifugation at 160,000 x g. The pellet contained 16S and 23S ribosomal RNAs, suggesting that ribosomes were associated with MBP-NS5B. Ribosomes and MBP-NS5B were subsequently co-purified on amylose resin. Deletion study revealed that either the N-terminal (amino acid residues 1-107) or the C-terminal (amino acid residues 498-591) region of NS5B were sufficient for this association with ribosomes. We further found that NS5B also bound with human ribosomes. Our results implicate a novel mechanism of coupling between replication and translation of the viral genome in the life cycle of HCV.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) non-structural proteins are major components of replication complex that is modulated by several host factors. We previously reported that nucleolin, a representative nucleolar marker, interacts with the NS5B through two separated sequences, amino acids (aa) 208-214 and 500-506, and that W208 in the former stretch is essential for both nucleolin-binding and HCV replication. Here we evaluated the role of the latter stretch aa 500-506 of WRHRARS in nucleolin-binding and HCV replication scanned by alanine-substituted clustered mutant (cm) or point mutant (pm). One tryptophan and three arginine residues in the sequence were found to be essential both for nucleolin-binding in vivo and HCV replication detected with a HCV subgenomic replicon transfected into Huh7 cells. NS5B-binding of nucleolin was further delineated by truncation and clustered mutants of nucleolin. Arginine-glycine-glycine (RGG) repeat in the Glycine arginine rich (GAR) domain were defined to be indispensable for NS5B-binding immunologically detected in in vivo and in vitro although short internal-truncations of RGG repeat are tolerable for NS5B-binding. These results indicate that nucleolin is a critical host factor for HCV replication through the direct interaction between W208 and several residues at the sequence, aa 500-505, of NS5B, and the long-turn motif including RGG repeat at nucleolin C-terminal.  相似文献   

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