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为了解人博卡病毒(Human Bocavirus,HBoV)VP1基因进化关系;阐明HBoV目前具体的变化规律,用PCR的方法扩增了1株HBoV的全基因和9株HBoV的VP1基因,克隆并测序,在此基础上,将HBoV的全基因序列和衣壳序列分别与细小病毒亚科其他14个有代表性的病毒进行遗传分析,构建进化树,对目前所有可得到的HBoV的17个衣壳蛋白进行二级结构分析和抗原性分析。结果显示:HBoV全基因序列与B19关系较远,但衣壳序列遗传关系较近。以有典型性的猫瘟细小病毒(Feline parvovirus,FPV)衣壳蛋白为参照,分析多个HBoV衣壳序列之间的变异情况,显示HBoV衣壳的二级结构基础表现出较高的保守性,序列之间的变化主要发生在高抗原区域和感染活性区域。衣壳病毒变异情况显示HBoV在稳定自身的情况下表现出一定的活跃性以逃避免疫反应,也表现出一定的感染适应力。  相似文献   



Human bocavirus species 1–4 (HBoV1–4) have been associated with respiratory and enteric infections in children. However, the immunological mechanisms in response to HBoV infections are not fully understood. Though previous studies have shown cross-reactivities between HBoV species, the epitopes responsible for this phenomenon remain unknown. In this study, we used genomic and immunologic approaches to identify the reactive epitopes conserved across multiple HBoV species and explored their potential as the basis of a novel diagnostic test for HBoVs.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We generated HBoV1–3 VP2 gene fragment phage display libraries (GFPDLs) and used these libraries to analyze mouse antisera against VP2 protein of HBoV1, 2, and 3, and human sera positive for HBoVs. Using this approach, we mapped four epitope clusters of HBoVs and identified two immunodominant peptides–P1 (1MSDTDIQDQQPDTVDAPQNT20), and P2 (162EHAYPNASHPWDEDVMPDL180)–that are conserved among HBoV1–4. To confirm epitope immunogenicity, we immunized mice with the immunodominant P1 and P2 peptides identified in our screen and found that they elicited high titer antibodies in mice. These two antibodies could only recognize the VP2 of HBoV 1–4 in Western blot assays, rather than those of the two other parvoviruses human parvovirus B19 and human parvovirus 4 (PARV4). Based on our findings, we evaluated epitope-based peptide-IgM ELISAs as potential diagnostic tools for HBoVs IgM antibodies. We found that the P1+P2-IgM ELISA showed a higher sensitivity and specificity in HBoVs IgM detection than the assays using a single peptide.


The identification of the conserved B-cell epitopes among human bocavirus species contributes to our understanding of immunological cross-reactivities of HBoVs, and provides important insights for the development of HBoV diagnostic tools.  相似文献   

Human bocavirus (HBoV) was recently discovered and classified in the Bocavirus genus (family Parvoviridae, subfamily Parvovirinae) on the basis of genomic similarity to bovine parvovirus and canine minute virus. HBoV has been implicated in respiratory tract infections and gastroenteric disease in children worldwide, yet despite numerous epidemiological reports, there has been limited biochemical and molecular characterization of the virus. Reported here is the three-dimensional structure of recombinant HBoV capsids, assembled from viral protein 2 (VP2), at 7.9-Å resolution as determined by cryo-electron microscopy and image reconstruction. A pseudo-atomic model of HBoV VP2 was derived from sequence alignment analysis and knowledge of the crystal structure of human parvovirus B19 (genus Erythrovirus). Comparison of the HBoV capsid structure to that of parvoviruses from five separate genera demonstrates strong conservation of a β-barrel core domain and an α-helix, from which emanate several loops of various lengths and conformations, yielding a unique surface topology that differs from the three already described for this family. The highly conserved core is consistent with observations for other single-stranded DNA viruses, and variable surface loops have been shown to confer the host-specific tropism and the diverse antigenic properties of this family.Human bocavirus (HBoV), a newly discovered member of the family Parvoviridae, was originally isolated in randomly selected nasopharyngeal aspirates (5). Since this initial discovery, HBoV has also been detected worldwide, predominantly in children under the age of 2 years with respiratory infections, in serum, urine, and fecal samples (40). Symptomatic children commonly exhibit acute diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tracts (7, 36, 44, 56) and, possibly, gastroenteritis (31, 56) though the link to gastroenteritis outbreaks has been questioned (12). It is still unclear if HBoV is the sole etiologic agent of respiratory disease as higher rates of coinfections with other respiratory pathogens such as human rhinovirus and Streptococcus spp. are often observed (4). However, Allander et al. recently reported (4) that HBoV was found in 19% of children with acute wheezing, thereby making it the fourth most common virus, after rhinoviruses, enteroviruses, and respiratory syncytial virus, detected in children exhibiting this symptom. These findings suggest that, at high viral load, HBoV could be an etiologic agent of respiratory tract disease (4). HBoV infection is common in the first few years of life, and clinical research suggests it may follow the primary period for acquisition of human parvovirus B19 (B19) though there is no antigenic cross-reactivity between B19 and HBoV (28, 30). By age 5, most people have circulating antibodies against HBoV, as is also true for other respiratory viruses such as respiratory syncytial virus, rhinoviruses, and human metapneumovirus (17). HBoV has also been identified in adults, with ∼63% of samples tested being seropositive, showing a positive correlation with age and a slight positive bias toward women (14).The Parvoviridae is a family of small, nonenveloped viruses that package a single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) genome of ∼5,000 bases. These viruses are subdivided into two subfamilies: Parvovirinae and Densovirinae (Table (Table1).1). The Parvovirinae are further subdivided into five genera, all of whose members infect vertebrates. The Densovirinae (four genera) infect only invertebrates. Phylogenetic analysis places HBoV in the recently classified Bocavirus genus (Table (Table1).1). In addition to HBoV, numerous parvoviruses circulate among the human population. Among these are the following: several dependoviruses; adeno-associated virus (AAV) serotypes AAV1 to AAV3, AAV5, and AAV9; the Erythrovirus B19; and the newly discovered human parvovirus genotypes 4 (Parv4) and 5 (Parv5) (23, 27, 50). Of these, only B19 had been implicated in disease until the discovery of HBoV and Parv4, which has been isolated from patients who present symptoms of acute HIV infection (50).


Selected properties of representative members of the Parvoviridae
Subfamily (host) and genusMember(s)aNo. of VPsbGroupcMajor VP(s)d
Parvovirinae (vertebrate)
    ParvovirusMVM*, CPV*, FPV*3IVP2
    ErythrovirusB19*, SPV2IIIVP2
    DependovirusAAV2*, AAV4*, GPV3IIIVP3
    BocavirusHBoV, BPV, CnMV2NAVP2
Densovirinae (invertebrate)
    DensovirusGmDNV*, JcDNV4IIVP4
    BrevidensovirusAaeDNV, AalDNV2-3NAVP1 or VP2/3
Open in a separate windowaAalDNV, Aedes albopictus densovirus; AaeDNV, Aedes aegypti densovirus; BmDNV, Bombyx mori densovirus; BPV, bovine parvovirus; CnMV, canine minute virus; CPV, canine parvovirus; FPV, feline panleukopenia virus; GPV, goose parvovirus; JcDNV, Junonia coenia densovirus; PfDNV, Periplaneta fuliginosa densovirus; SPV, simian parvovirus. *, structure determined by X-ray crystallography; †, structure determined by cryo-EM.bThe number of VPs in the virion capsid.cGroup refers to the surface topologies described in Results and Discussion (HBoV is currently the only bocavirus with a known structure; there is no structure available for Periplaneta fuliginosa densovirus or the brevidensoviruses). NA, structural group not assigned.dThe VP(s) that comprises most of the wild-type virion.The HBoV genome, like that of all members of the Bocavirus genus, contains three open reading frames (ORFs). The first ORF, at the 5′ end, encodes NS1, a nonstructural protein. The next ORF, unique to the bocaviruses, encodes NP1, a second nonstructural protein. The third ORF, at the 3′ end, encodes the two structural capsid viral proteins (VPs), VP1 and VP2. The HBoV VPs share 42% and 43% amino acid sequence identity with the corresponding VPs of bovine parvovirus and canine minute virus, respectively (5). More recently, two additional HBoV-like viruses, HBoV-2 and HBoV-3, were identified in stool samples from children (8, 31). The genome organization of these viruses is identical to that of HBoV, with the NS1, NP1, and VP proteins of HBoV-2 and HBoV-3 being, respectively, ∼80 and 90%, ∼70 and 80%, and ∼80 and 80% identical to the respective proteins in HBoV (8, 31).Parvovirus genomes are packaged into a T=1 icosahedral capsid that is assembled from 60 copies of a combination of up to six types of capsid VPs (VP1 to VP6), all of which share a C terminus. VP1 is always a minor component, typically comprising about five copies per capsid, whereas the smallest VP is always the major component. The unique N-terminal region of VP1 (VP1u) contains a conserved phospholipase A2 (PLA2) motif within the first 131 amino acids that is essential for infection (49, 61). Interestingly, Aleutian mink disease virus (AMDV), the only member of the Amdovirus genus, is the only exception in that this motif is absent, which suggests that this virus employs a different mechanism to escape the endosome during infection (54).The X-ray crystal structures of several parvoviruses show that all VPs contain a conserved, eight-stranded β-barrel motif (βB to βI) that forms the core of the capsid (15). There is also a conserved α-helix (αA) observed in all parvovirus structures determined to date. The bulk of the VP consists of elaborate loops between the strands that form the surface of the capsid. For example, the GH loop between the βG and βH strands is ∼230 residues. The composition and topology of these loops encode several important functions, including tissue tropism, pathogenicity, and the antigenic response directed against each parvovirus during infection (2).A number of parvoviruses have been studied by cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) and three-dimensional (3D) image reconstruction in concert with and complementary to X-ray crystallographic studies (reviewed in reference 15). Reported here is the 3D structure of a recombinant HBoV capsid solved to 7.9-Å resolution using cryo-EM. The capsid of HBoV was compared to that of representative members of the Parvoviridae (Table (Table1)1) with known atomic structures (AAV2, minute virus of mice [MVM], B19, and Galleria mellonella densovirus [GmDNV]) or pseudo-atomic models built into cryo-EM reconstructed density (AMDV) to identify similarities and differences. The capsid topology of the newly emerging HBoV incorporates a combination of surface structural features seen in other members of the Parvovirinae and is closest to that of B19, the only other structurally characterized parvovirus that is pathogenic to humans. A pseudo-atomic model of the HBoV VP2, built into the reconstructed density, identified conserved core secondary structure elements, which are known to be important for parvovirus capsid assembly, and variable surface loops, which likely govern host specific interactions.  相似文献   

The adenovirus fiber knob causes the first step in the interaction of adenovirus with cell membrane receptors. To obtain information on the receptor binding site(s), the interaction of labeled cell membrane proteins to synthetic peptides covering the adenovirus type 3 (Ad3) fiber knob was studied. Peptide P6 (amino acids [aa] 187 to 200), to a lesser extent P14 (aa 281 to 294), and probably P11 (aa 244 to 256) interacted specifically with cell membrane proteins, indicating that these peptides present cell receptor binding sites. Peptides P6, P11, and P14 span the D, G, and I β-strands of the R-sheet, respectively. The other reactive peptides, P2 (aa 142 to 156), P3 (aa 153 to 167), and P16 (aa 300 to 319), probably do not present real receptor binding sites. The binding to these six peptides was inhibited by Ad3 virion and was independent of divalent cations. We have also screened the antigenic epitopes on the knob with recombinant Ad3 fiber, recombinant Ad3 fiber knob, and Ad3 virion-specific antisera by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The main antigenic epitopes were presented by P3, P6, P12 (aa 254 to 269), P14, and especially the C-terminal P16. Peptides P14 and P16 of the Ad3 fiber knob were able to inhibit Ad3 infection of cells.  相似文献   

Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) non-structural protein 1 (NS1) contributes to virus replication and elicits protective immune responses during infection. JEV NS1-specific antibody responses could be a target in the differential diagnosis of different flavivirus infections. However, the epitopes on JEV NS1 are poorly characterized. The present study describes the full mapping of linear B-cell epitopes in JEV NS1. We generated eleven NS1-specific monoclonal antibodies from mice immunized with recombinant NS1. For epitope mapping of monoclonal antibodies, a set of 51 partially-overlapping peptides covering the entire NS1 protein were expressed with a GST-tag and then screened using monoclonal antibodies. Through enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), five linear epitope-containing peptides were identified. By sequentially removing amino acid residues from the carboxy and amino terminal of peptides, the minimal units of the five linear epitopes were identified and confirmed using monoclonal antibodies. Five linear epitopes are located in amino acids residues 5AIDITRK11, 72RDELNVL78, 251KSKHNRREGY260, 269DENGIVLD276, and 341DETTLVRS348. Furthermore, it was found that the epitopes are highly conserved among JEV strains through sequence alignment. Notably, none of the homologous regions on NS1 proteins from other flaviviruses reacted with the MAbs when they were tested for cross-reactivity, and all five epitope peptides were not recognized by sera against West Nile virus or Dengue virus. These novel virus-specific linear B-cell epitopes of JEV NS1 would benefit the development of new vaccines and diagnostic assays.  相似文献   

严重急性呼吸综合征 (SARS) 是一种新出现的人类传染病,该病的病原是 SARS 冠状病毒 (SARS-CoV). S 蛋白是 SARS 冠状病毒的一种主要结构蛋白,它在病毒与宿主细胞受体结合以及诱导机体产生中和抗体中起重要作用 . 研究表明 S 蛋白与受体结合的核心区域为第 318 ~ 510 氨基酸残基的片段 . 首先克隆并用 pGEX-6p-1 载体融合表达了该受体结合结构域,并且通过蛋白质印迹分析表明,该受体结合结构域融合蛋白能被 SARS 康复患者血清和 S 蛋白特异的单克隆抗体所识别 . 为了对这一区域进行抗原表位作图,进一步设计了一套 23 个覆盖受体结合结构域的长 16 个氨基酸残基的部分重叠短肽,并进行了 GST 融合表达 . 用免疫动物血清和单克隆抗体 D3D1 对 23 个融合蛋白进行蛋白质印迹和 ELISA 免疫反应性分析,结果鉴定出两个抗原表位 SRBD3(F334PSVYAWERKKISNCV349) 和表位 D3D1 (K447LRPFERDI455). 其结果对进一步分析 S 蛋白结构与功能以及诊断试剂和基因工程疫苗的研究有一定意义 .  相似文献   

林峰 《病毒学报》2007,23(2):161-164
细小病毒科属于DNA病毒,其中的细小病毒亚科可进一步分成五个种属,大多数细小病毒属主要感染家畜并致病。直到2005年,研究人员认为B19是唯一的一个对人类致病的细小病毒属病毒。但是2005年10月瑞典科学家Al-lander等从小儿下呼吸道感染分泌物中发现一种新的细小病毒,该病毒能引  相似文献   

重组蛋白NE2包含了戊型肝炎病毒(HEV)衣壳蛋白(pORF2)的aa394~606片段.在NE2上已鉴定出了2个HEV中和表位,并获得了3个识别中和表位的单克隆抗体(MAb)8C11、13D8和8H3.这3个MAb间的交叉阻断ELISA实验发现,8C11和13D8可以彼此完全阻断,8H3对8C11和13D8均不能阻断,而8C11非但不能阻断8H3,反而显著增强了8H3与抗原的结合.用生物传感器进行的抗体与抗原结合的动力学分析也证实了这一现象.这些结果提示,在NE2上8H3表位区域受到抗原上某些结构的掩盖,而8C11与NE2的结合引起了抗原空间结构的改变,导致了掩盖8H3表位的结构的去除和8H3表位的充分暴露.免疫捕获RT-PCR发现,8C11同样可以显著增强8H3对天然HEV病毒的捕获能力,提示这种结合诱导的衣壳蛋白空间构象改变在天然HEV病毒颗粒上同样存在.  相似文献   

用免疫荧光单克隆抗体对脊髓灰质炎病毒抗原表位的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用间接免疫荧光与中和试验筛选出来的抗脊髓灰质炎2型与3型不同毒株的12个单克隆抗体,其中3个仅有免疫荧光活性,9个具有中和与免疫荧光活性。用免疫荧光活性的单克隆抗体进行试验,发现它们在识别特异性抗原表位方面与中和性单克隆抗体相似,显示出株特异的、几个毒株共同特异的或型特异的抗原表位。根据表位分布关系及特征,可以用来鉴别型内毒株的特征、毒株的抗原分析、抗原变异的研究以及疫苗相关病例的鉴别。所得结果与中和性单克抗隆抗体及T1-寡核苷酸指纹图谱分析一致。而免疫荧光单克隆抗体识别抗原表位的活性范围比中和性单克隆抗体更广。另外还发现某些兼有荧光与中和两活性的同一个单克隆抗体,用不同方法(IF与NT)进行试验时,与相同毒株出现不同表位反应,这点是值得引起注意需待进一步证实的重要问题。  相似文献   

一种实用的筛选病毒抗原表位方法的建立(英)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用基因分段克隆、表达结合蛋白质印迹, 筛选到了口蹄疫病毒非结构蛋白3ABC上高结合力、保守的感染相关线性表位,分别位于3ABC蛋白上第106~155和156~190位氨基酸.这两个表位可与感染不同血清型口蹄疫病毒动物康复血清反应,但不与来自健康免疫动物和未接触病毒动物的血清发生反应.实验表明,用基因工程表达的多肽筛选抗原表位的方法是可行的.  相似文献   



The aim of this study was to investigate the antimetastatic effect of multiple antigenic polypeptide (MAP) vaccine based on B-cell epitopes of heparanase (HPSE) on human hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in vivo.


The antiserum against B-cell epitopes of HPSE was isolated, purified and characterized after immunizing white-hair-black-eye (WHBY) rabbit with freshly synthesized MAP vaccine. Tumor-bearing murine models of orthotopic implants using HCC-97H cell line were built in BALB/c nude mice. Anti-MAP polyclonal antibodies induced by MAP vaccine were administrated to the models. The impact on metastasis was assessed, the expressions of VEGF/bFGF in hepatoma tissues and in murine sera were evaluated, and the micro-vessel density (MVD) was counted as well. In addition, the possible impairments of the HPSE MAP vaccine on certain HPSE positive normal organs and blood cells were investigated.


The antiserum was harvested, purified and identified. The antibodies induced by MAP vaccine could specifically react with the dominant epitopes of both precursor protein and large subunit monomer of HPSE, markedly decrease HPSE activity, suppress the expressions of both VEGF and bFGF, and reduce the MVD. Pulmonary metastasis was also attenuated significantly by the anti-MAP polyclonal antibodies. In addition, no obvious impairment could be observed in certain HPSE positive organs and cells.


MAP vaccine based on B-cell epitopes of HPSE is capable of alleviating HCC metastasis in vivo, mainly through inhibiting the HPSE activity and tumor associated angiogenesis, by virtue of the specific anti-MAP polyclonal antibodies. Furthermore, these HPSE-specific antibodies do not cause obvious abnormalities on certain HPSE positive blood cells and organs. Our study provides theoretical evidences for the clinical use of the synthesized MAP vaccine based on B-cell epitopes of HPSE in preventing HCC metastasis.  相似文献   

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