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鸡、鸭甲状腺激素应答基因(THRSP)的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
詹凯  杨宁  徐桂云  许月英  赵瑞宏 《遗传》2009,31(2):131-136
甲状腺激素应答Spot 14(Thyroid hormone responsive spot 14, THRSP)是一个参与多种脂肪合成限速酶基因表达的转录调控因子, 在动物肝脏、乳腺和脂肪组织中高度表达。家禽中鸡和鸭THRSP基因在cDNA水平均发现THRSPα和THRSPβ两种同工型, 其中鸡THRSPα基因编码区碱基的插入/缺失影响鸡体重和腹脂性状, 与鸡的生长发育和脂肪代谢有关。文章综述了鸡THRSP基因与鸭同源基因结构特性和表达差异, 以及鸡、鸭THRSP基因多态性及其遗传效应。  相似文献   

In vertebrates, thyroid hormone and its cognate nuclear receptors are involved in a complex arrangement of physiological and developmental function. Since thyroid hormone has also been shown to affect immune responses, we investigated the DNA binding status of T3 receptors of spleen nuclear extracts in a) rats with adjuvant arthritis (AA); b) adrenalectomized rats (ADX), and c) animals with adjuvant arthritis followed by adrenalectomy (AA + ADX). A marked diminution in the functional binding of nuclear thyroid hormone receptors to DR4 thyroid hormone responsive DNA element was found in the spleens of AA and AA + ADX rats when compared to a control group or ADX rats. The data based on in vivo experiments suggest that the nuclear receptor--thyroid hormone responsive element complex status within the cell nucleus may be altered in adjuvant arthritis.  相似文献   

Attempts were made in the present case-control study to investigate the association of polymorphism in the genes encoding proteins involved in toxication–detoxication and dopaminergic pathways and susceptibility to Parkinson’s disease (PD). Seventy patients suffering from PD and one hundred healthy controls belonging to the same geographical location and same ethnicity were included in the study. PCR-RFLP and allele-specific PCR-based methodology were used to identify the genotypes. Multivariate logistic regression analysis revealed that heterozygous genotypes of cytochrome P4502D6*4(CYP2D6*4), CYP2E1*5B (RsaI) polymorphism and homozygous mutant genotypes of CYP2E1*6 (Dra1) were found to be overrepresented in PD cases when compared to the controls. Risk was also found to be increased in patients carrying glutathione S-transferase T1 (GSTT1) null or homozygous variant genotypes of GSTP1. Significant association was observed for monoamine oxidase-B(MAO-B) variant allele G and PD, whereas no difference in genotype and allele frequencies was observed for manganese-superoxide dismutase (MnSOD), dopamine receptor-D2(DRD2), and dopamine transporter (DAT) genes between controls and PD cases. Genotype combinations characterized by the presence of two variant genotypes on their corresponding loci revealed that four combinations of GSTT1 null and MnSOD(-9Val) or GST null and MAOB-G or CYP2E1*5B and MAO-B-AG or CYP2E1*5B and DRD2 (Taq1A-het) genotypes in the patients exhibited severalfold higher and significant association with risk to PD. Our data suggest that polymorphism in the genes involved in detoxification and dopamine regulation may modulate the susceptibility to PD and could be important risk factors in the pathogenesis of PD.  相似文献   

More than 300 kidneys from the local bacon factory were investigated and it was shown that the enzyme sorbitol dehydrogenase (EC exhibits a genetically determined polymorphism. While homozygous individuals yield only a single enzyme band after starch gel electrophoresis, heterozygotes show multiple bands.
On the same material also 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (EC and lactate dehydrogenase were investigated, the former showed also clear genetic variants while the latter appeared only in one form.
Gene frequencies for different breeds and types of pigs are given and the results discussed.  相似文献   

Measurement of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) in human urine   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using a highly sensitive and specific immunoradiometric assay kit for human TSH, we measured TSH concentrations in unprocessed urines in normal subjects, in patients with primary hypothyroidism, and patients with renal disease. In five of ten normal subjects TSH was detectable in urine samples (less than 20-69 microU/day). In five patients with hypothyroidism, the urinary TSH excretion was increased. In seven out of ten patients with nephrotic syndrome, eight out of nine patients with chronic renal failure and two patients with tubular dysfunction, the urinary TSH excretion was increased. The urinary TSH excretion correlated significantly with both urinary protein excretion and urinary beta 2-microglobulin excretion. These results suggest that the renal handling of TSH involves both glomerular filtration and tubular re-absorption, and that urinary TSH excretion is increased when serum TSH is increased and either glomerular or tubular function is impaired.  相似文献   

Thyroid hormone has profound effects on metabolic homeostasis, regulating both lipogenesis and lipolysis, primarily by modulating adrenergic activity. We generated mice with a point mutation in the thyroid hormone receptor alpha (TRalpha) gene producing a dominant-negative TRalpha mutant receptor with a proline to histidine substitution (P398H). The heterozygous P398H mutant mice had a 3.4-fold (p < 0.02) increase in serum thyrotropin (TSH) levels. Serum triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) concentrations were slightly elevated compared with wild-type mice. The P398H mice had a 4.4-fold increase in body fat (as a fraction of total body weight) (p < 0.001) and a 5-fold increase in serum leptin levels (p < 0.005) compared with wild-type mice. A 3-fold increase in serum fasting insulin levels (p < 0.002) and a 55% increase in fasting glucose levels (p < 0.01) were observed in P398H compared with wild-type mice. There was a marked reduction in norepinephrine-induced lipolysis, as reflected in reduced glycerol release from white adipose tissue isolated from P398H mice. Heart rate and cold-induced adaptive thermogenesis, mediated by thyroid hormone-catecholamine interaction, were also reduced in P398H mice. In conclusion, the TRalpha P398H mutation is associated with visceral adiposity and insulin resistance primarily due to a marked reduction in catecholamine-stimulated lipolysis. The observed phenotype in the TRalpha P398H mouse is likely due to interference with TRalpha action as well as influence on other metabolic signaling pathways. The physiologic significance of these findings will ultimately depend on understanding the full range of actions of this mutation.  相似文献   

We have previously demonstrated that binding of in vitro synthesized thyroid hormone receptor (TR) to thyroid hormone response elements (TREs) is enhanced by the addition of nuclear extracts from several different cell types, suggesting that binding of TR is partially dependent on a T3 receptor auxiliary protein (TRAP). We have used the avidin-biotin complex DNA-binding assay to discriminate between regions of TREs that bind TR alone and sites that are influenced by interactions with TRAP. Mutations in the TREs from rat GH and glycoprotein hormone alpha-subunit genes show that a specific DNA sequence is required for TRAP-mediated enhancement of TR binding. Mutations in the B half-site of the rat GH TRE or in similar sequences [(T/A)GGGA] in the alpha-subunit TRE ablate the enhancement of TR binding by TRAP. Furthermore, binding of TR to a natural half-site in the TSH beta-subunit gene (bases -16 to 6), which lacks an additional AGGGA-like sequence, is not enhanced by the addition of TRAP. Binding of TR to TREs was also tested at physiological salt concentrations in the avidin-biotin complex DNA-binding assay. Binding of human TR beta to TREs decreases dramatically at 140 mM KCl compared to binding at 50 mM KCl; however, the addition of TRAP enhances the binding to almost 4-fold of basal binding, suggesting that TRAP may be important for stabilization of TR binding to TREs in the cell.  相似文献   

We investigated the association between repeat polymorphism in intron 4 of the tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) gene and two personality traits, activity-impulsivity and inattention, in German Shepherd Dogs. The behaviour of 104 dogs was characterized by two instruments: (1) the previously validated Dog-Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Rating Scale (Dog-ADHD RS) filled in by the dog owners and (2) the newly developed Activity-impulsivity Behavioural Scale (AIBS) containing four subtests, scored by the experimenters. Internal consistency, inter-observer reliability, test-retest reliability and convergent validity were demonstrated for AIBS.Dogs possessing at least one short allele were proved to be more active-impulsive by both instruments, compared to dogs carrying two copies of the long allele (activity-impulsivity scale of Dog-ADHD RS: p = 0.007; AIBS: p = 0.023). The results have some potential to support human studies; however, further research should reveal the molecular function of the TH gene variants, and look for the effect in more breeds.  相似文献   

Guadalupe fur seals are a threatened species with few breeding locations, which potentially makes them sensitive to environmental or anthropogenic stressors. We present the first study to quantify adrenal and thyroid function in this species in an effort to measure their stress response to capture. We analyzed a suite of corticosteroid hormones released over time during capture in both adult females (n = 10) and weanling pups (n = 26) during March 2016. Multiple corticosteroids were released during capture, and aldosterone was associated with the response to stress in adults only. These results suggest the regulation of aldosterone secretion in association with the HPA axis in otariids as reported in other marine mammals. Individuals varied markedly in the magnitude of their endocrine response to capture. A lower total integrated stress response to capture for both cortisol and corticosterone was associated with decreased concentrations of thyroid hormone T3 and elevated concentrations of reverse T3 (rT3), suggesting parallel downregulation of adrenal and thyroid endocrine axes in some individuals. A scaled body condition index was negatively associated with T3 and positively associated with rT3 in adults. Together these findings suggest utility in using endocrine responses to capture stress to evaluate individual and population health.  相似文献   

1. The effect of thyroidectomy on turnover rates of liver, kidney and brain mitochondrial proteins was examined. 2. In the euthyroid state, liver and kidney mitochondria show a synchronous turnover with all protein components showing more or less identical half-lives compared with the whole mitochondria. The brain mitochondrial proteins show asynchronous turnover, the soluble proteins having shorter half-lives. 3. Mitochondrial DNA (m-DNA) of liver and kidney has half-lives comparable with that of whole mitochondria from these tissues. 4. Thyroidectomy results in increased half-lives of liver and kidney mitochondria, with no apparent change in the half-life of brain mitochondria. 5. A detailed investigation of the turnover rates of several protein components revealed a significant decrease in the turnover rates of mitochondrial insoluble proteins from the three tissues under study. 6. The turnover rates of m-DNA of liver and kidney show a parallel decrease. 7. Thus it is apparent that thyroid hormone(s) may have a regulatory role in maintaining the synchrony of turnover of liver and kidney mitochondria in the euthyroid state. Turnover of brain mitochondria may perhaps be regulated by some other factor(s) in addition to thyroid hormone(s). 8. It seems likely that during mitochondrial turnover m-DNA and insoluble proteins may constitute a major unit. 9. The mitochondrial protein contents of the three tissues are not affected by thyroidectomy. 10. No correlation was seen between the turnover rate of mitochondria and cathepsin activity in any of the tissues under study in normal or thyroidectomized animals. 11. On the other hand, mitochondrial proteinase activity shows good correlation with the turnover rates of mitochondria in normal animals, and a parallel decrease in activity comparable with the decreased rates of turnover is observed after thyroidectomy. 12. It is concluded that mitochondrial proteinase activity may play a significant role in their protein turnover.  相似文献   

Amphibian metamorphosis affords a useful experimental system in which to study thyroid hormone regulation of gene expression during postembryonic vertebrate development. In order to isolate gene-specific cDNA probes which correspond to thyroid hormone-responsive mRNAs, we employed differential colony hybridization of a cDNA library constructed from poly(A)+ RNA of thyroxine-treated premetamorphic tadpole liver. From an initial screening of about 6000 transformants, 32 "potentially positive" colonies were obtained. The recombinant cDNA-plasmids from 13 of these colonies plus two "potentially negative" colonies were purified for further study. Southern blot analysis of the plasmid DNA was employed to determine whether different cDNAs encoded for the same mRNA. The effect of thyroid hormone on the relative levels of specific mRNA species was examined by Northern analysis of liver RNA from premetamorphic tadpoles, thyroxine-treated tadpoles, and adult bullfrogs. Three independent cDNA clones were obtained which encoded thyroid hormone-enhanced mRNAs. We also obtained two independent cDNA clones encoding thyroid hormone-inhibited mRNAs and three independent clones encoding thyroid hormone-unresponsive mRNAs. The levels of two thyroid hormone-enhanced mRNAs and one thyroid hormone-inhibited mRNA were essentially the same in the thyroid hormone-treated tadpole liver and adult liver, suggesting that thyroid hormone induces stable changes in liver gene expression during spontaneous metamorphosis. Using selected cDNAs, RNA dot blot analysis of liver mRNA from tadpoles at different stages of metamorphosis showed that the level of one thyroid hormone-enhanced mRNA increased during late prometamorphosis and metamorphic climax. Similarly, a mRNA which was strongly inhibited by thyroid hormone treatment was observed to decline during prometamorphosis and reach undetectable levels during metamorphic climax. One mRNA was detected which was reproducibly inhibited by thyroid hormone treatment but which remained essentially unchanged during spontaneous metamorphosis. These results provide the first direct evidence for the coordinate and selective pretranslational regulation by thyroid hormone of several liver genes during the developmental process of metamorphosis.  相似文献   

Growth hormone receptor (GHR) has a major role in the regulation of growth hormone action, and thus, is an obvious candidate gene associated with milk production traits in mammals. The present authors have sequenced 273 bp of the 3' flanking region of the bovine GHR , and found three length variants and one base substitution polymorphism in this region. Allele frequencies of the length variants differ between Finnish native and commercial dairy cattle breeds. The chromosomal localization of GHR was confirmed to bovine chromosome 20 by synteny mapping and linkage analysis.  相似文献   

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