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Our aim is to document the dimensions of current squamate reptile biodiversity in the Americas by integrating taxonomic, phylogenetic and functional data, and assessing how this may vary across phylogenetic scales. We also explore the potential underlying mechanisms that may be responsible for the observed geographical diversity patterns.


The Americas.

Time period


Major taxa

Squamate reptiles.


We used published data on the distribution, phylogeny, and body size of squamate reptiles to document the current dimensions of their alpha diversity in the Americas. We overlapped species ranges to estimate taxonomic diversity (TD) and calculated phylogenetic diversity (PD) using mean pairwise phylogenetic distance (MPD), speciation rate (DivRate) and Faith's phylogenetic index (PD). We estimated functional diversity (FD) as trait dispersion in the multivariate space using body size and leg development data. We implemented a deconstructive macroecological approach to understand how spatial mismatches between the three facets of diversity vary across phylogenetic scales, and the potential eco-evolutionary mechanisms driving these patterns across space.


We found a strong latitudinal gradient of TD with a large accumulation in tropical regions. PD and FD patterns were largely similar likely due to the high phylogenetic signal in the traits used, and higher values tended to be concentrated in harsh and/or heterogeneous environments. We found differences between major clades within Squamata that display contrasting geographical patterns. Several regions across the continent shared the same spatial mismatches between dimensions across clades, suggesting that similar eco-evolutionary processes are shaping these regional reptile assemblages. However, we also found evidence that non-mutually exclusive processes can operate differently across clades.

Main conclusions

The deconstructive approach implemented here is based on a solid macroecological framework. We can extend this to other taxonomic groups to establish whether there are particularities about how different eco-evolutionary mechanisms shape biodiversity facets in a spatially explicit context.  相似文献   

Evolutionary diversification of clades of squamate reptiles   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We analysed the diversification of squamate reptiles (7488 species) based on a new molecular phylogeny, and compared the results to similar estimates for passerine birds (5712 species). The number of species in each of 36 squamate lineages showed no evidence of phylogenetic conservatism. Compared with a random speciation-extinction process with parameters estimated from the size distribution of clades, the alethinophidian snakes (2600 species) were larger than expected and 13 clades, each having fewer than 20 species, were smaller than expected, indicating rate heterogeneity. From a lineage-through-time plot, we estimated that a provisional rate of lineage extinction (0.66 per Myr) was 94% of the rate of lineage splitting (0.70 per Myr). Diversification in squamate lineages was independent of their stem age, but strongly related to the area of the region within which they occur. Tropical vs. temperate latitude exerted a marginally significant influence on species richness. In comparison with passerine birds, squamates share several clade features, including: (1) independence of species richness and age; (2) lack of phylogenetic signal with respect to clade size; (3) general absence of exceptionally large clades; (4) over-representation of small clades; (5) influence of region size on clade size; and (6) similar rates of speciation and extinction. The evidence for both groups suggests that clade size has achieved long-term equilibrium, suggesting negative feedback of species richness on the rate of diversification.  相似文献   

Convergent evolution of phenotypes is considered evidence that evolution is deterministic. Establishing if such convergent phenotypes arose through convergent evolutionary pathways is a stronger test of determinism. We studied the evolution of snake‐like body shapes in six clades of lizards, each containing species ranging from short‐bodied and pentadactyl to long‐bodied and limbless. We tested whether body shapes that evolved in each clade were convergent, and whether clades evolved snake‐like body shapes following convergent evolutionary pathways. Our analyses showed that indeed species with the same numbers of digits in each clade evolved convergent body shapes. We then compared evolutionary pathways among clades by considering patterns of evolutionary integration and shape of relationship among body parts, patterns of vertebral evolution, and models of digit evolution. We found that all clades elongated their bodies through the addition, not elongation, of vertebrae, and had similar patterns of integration. However, patterns of integration, the body parts that were related by a linear or a threshold model, and patterns of digit evolution differed among clades. These results showed that clades followed different evolutionary pathways. This suggests an important role of historical contingency as opposed to determinism in the convergent evolution of snake‐like body shapes.  相似文献   

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Abstract: We studied morphological variation of the bivalve Buchia over its geographical and temporal range. Buchia was widely distributed during the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous, and, while previous quantitative studies have shown that species are characterized by large amounts of variation, there have been no prior attempts to measure how morphology varies geographically. We employed traditional morphometric techniques using nine linear/angular measurements on 1855 buchiid shells from eight localities taken from widely separated, but mostly coeval, sections across its range. Principal component and canonical variate analyses indicate that geographical morphospace of buchiids varied significantly, but we did not find evidence of a latitudinal gradient in shell shape. The amount of variation between localities was similar to the amount of variation between species, indicating the importance of geographical effects on morphology. Disparity (morphological diversity within a taxon, calculated by the sum of variances) and diversity (number of species) were calculated for each location and time period (age). Disparity and diversity reached ultimate lows just before the genus’ extinction in the Hauterivian, and is suggestive that extinction was morphologically selective. We did not find significant trends for either metric, but there were discordances throughout its temporal range. Latitudinal trends of disparity and diversity within Buchia are not apparent. This research adds to the growing body of work on geographical variation and is a preliminary step to understanding the nature and variation of buchiid species and of biodiversity in general.  相似文献   

While global variation in taxonomic diversity is strongly linked to latitude, the extent to which morphological disparity follows geographical gradients is less well known. We estimated patterns of lineage diversification, morphological disparity and rates of phenotypic evolution in the Old World lizard family Lacertidae, which displays a nearly inverse latitudinal diversity gradient with decreasing species richness towards the tropics. We found that lacertids exhibit relatively constant rates of lineage accumulation over time, although the majority of morphological variation appears to have originated during recent divergence events, resulting in increased partitioning of disparity within subclades. Among subclades, tropical arboreal taxa exhibited the fastest rates of shape change while temperate European taxa were the slowest, resulting in an inverse relationship between latitudinal diversity and rates of phenotypic evolution. This pattern demonstrates a compelling counterexample to the ecological opportunity theory of diversification, suggesting an uncoupling of the processes generating species diversity and morphological differentiation across spatial scales.  相似文献   

Collectively, ray-finned fishes (Actinopterygii) display far more diversity in many reproductive and genomic features than any other major vertebrate group. Recent large-scale comparative phylogenetic analyses have begun to reveal the evolutionary patterns and putative causes for much of this diversity. Several such recent studies have offered clues to how different reproductive syndromes evolved in these fishes, as well as possible physiological and genomic triggers. In many cases, repeated independent origins of complex reproductive strategies have been uncovered, probably reflecting convergent selection operating on common suites of underlying genes and hormonal controls. For example, phylogenetic analyses have uncovered multiple origins and predominant transitional pathways in the evolution of alternative male reproductive tactics, modes of parental care and mechanisms of sex determination. They have also shown that sexual selection in these fishes is repeatedly associated with particular reproductive strategies. Collectively, studies on reproductive and genomic diversity across the Actinopterygii illustrate both the strengths and the limitations of comparative phylogenetic approaches on large taxonomic scales.  相似文献   

Phymaturus comprises 44 species mainly distributed along the south‐west of South America on both sides of the Andes. In this study we present a phylogenetic analysis of Phymaturus of the palluma group, one of its two large clades, including almost all described species. This analysis duplicates the number of in‐group taxa compared with previous contributions. We performed a total‐evidence analysis, combining molecular and morphological characters: sequencing fragments of cytochome b (cytb), 12S, and ND4, for all terminals; describing 45 new morphological characters; and incorporating all DNA sequences available from GenBank. Separate analyses of morphology and DNA partitions are presented and discussed in detail. Seven subclades are recognized here. We named three new subclades and redefined another, found to be paraphyletic. In order to recognize lineages within the traditional Phymaturus palluma group we proposed to treat it as a natural group, containing within it the ranks of clade, subclade, and lineages, respectively. The palluma group is composed by the vociferator and the bibronii clades. The vociferator clade, composed of Chilean and Argentinean species, would be the most basal in the group. Within the bibronii clade, the roigorum subclade includes the Phymaturus verdugo lineage, whereas the mallimaccii subclade would consist of 13 terminal taxa, for which three Chilean species have been added. In this study, morphological apomorphies are identified for all clades and the evolution of ‘male head melanism’ is discussed. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

Rates of phenotypic evolution have changed throughout the history of life, producing variation in levels of morphological, functional, and ecological diversity among groups. Testing for the presence of these rate shifts is a key component of evaluating hypotheses about what causes them. In this paper, general predictions regarding changes in phenotypic diversity as a function of evolutionary history and rates are developed, and tests are derived to evaluate rate changes. Simulations show that these tests are more powerful than existing tests using standardized contrasts. The new approaches are distributed in an application called Brownie and in r8s.  相似文献   

Geographic isolation is known to contribute to divergent evolution, resulting in unique phenotypes. Oftentimes morphologically distinct populations are found to be interfertile while reproductive isolation is found to exist within nominal morphological species revealing the existence of cryptic species. These disparities can be difficult to predict or explain especially when they do not reflect an inferred history of common ancestry which suggests that environmental factors affect the nature of ecological divergence. A series of laboratory experiments and observational studies were used to address what role biogeographic factors may play in the ecological divergence of Hyalella amphipods. It was found that geographic isolation plays a key role in the evolution of reproductive isolation and divergent morphology and that divergence cannot be explained by molecular genetic variation.  相似文献   

Understanding how and why certain clades diversify greatly in morphology whereas others do not remains a major theme in evolutionary biology. Projecting families of phylogenies into multivariate morphospaces can distinguish two scenarios potentially leading to unequal morphological diversification: unequal magnitude of change per phylogenetic branch, and unequal efficiency in morphological innovation. This approach is demonstrated using a case study of skulls in sister clades within the South American fish superfamily Anostomoidea. Unequal morphological diversification in this system resulted not from the morphologically diverse clade changing more on each phylogenetic branch, but from that clade distributing an equal amount of change more widely through morphospace and innovating continually. Although substantial morphological evolution occurred throughout the less diverse clade's history, most of that clade's expansion in morphospace occurred in the most basal branches, and more derived portions of that radiation oscillated within previously explored limits. Because simulations revealed that there is a maximum 2.7% probability of generating two clades that differ so greatly in the density of lineages within morphospace under a null Brownian model, the observed difference in pattern likely reflects a difference in the underlying evolutionary process. Clade-specific factors that may have promoted or arrested morphological diversification are discussed.  相似文献   

The structure of communities may be largely a result of evolutionary changes that occurred many millions of years ago. We explore the historical ecology of squamates (lizards and snakes), identify historically derived differences among clades, and examine how this history has affected present-day squamate assemblages globally. A dietary shift occurred in the evolutionary history of squamates. Iguanian diets contain large proportions of ants, other hymenopterans, and beetles, whereas these are minor prey in scleroglossan lizards. A preponderance of termites, grasshoppers, spiders, and insect larvae in their diets suggests that scleroglossan lizards harvest higher energy prey or avoid prey containing noxious chemicals. The success of this dietary shift is suggested by dominance of scleroglossans in lizard assemblages throughout the world. One scleroglossan clade, Autarchoglossa, combined an advanced vomeronasal chemosensory system with jaw prehension and increased activity levels. We suggest these traits provided them a competitive advantage during the day in terrestrial habitats. Iguanians and gekkotans shifted to elevated microhabitats historically, and gekkotans shifted activity to nighttime. These historically derived niche differences are apparent in extant lizard assemblages and account for some observed structure. These patterns occur in a variety of habitats at both regional and local levels throughout the world.  相似文献   



Recent studies of floral disparity in the asterid order Ericales have shown that flowers vary strongly among families and that disparity is unequally distributed between the three flower modules (perianth, androecium, gynoecium). However, it remains unknown whether these patterns are driven by heterogeneous rates of morphological evolution or other factors.


Here, we compiled a data set of 33 floral characters scored for 414 species of Ericales sampled from 346 genera and all 22 families. We conducted ancestral state reconstructions using an equal-rates Markov model for each character. We estimated rates of morphological evolution for Ericales and for a separate angiosperm-wide data set of 19 characters and 792 species, creating “rate profiles” for Ericales, angiosperms, and major angiosperm subclades. We compared morphological rates among flower modules within each data set separately and between data sets, and we compared rates among angiosperm subclades using the angiosperm data set.


The androecium exhibits the highest evolutionary rates across most characters, whereas most perianth and gynoecium characters evolve more slowly in both Ericales and angiosperms. Both high and low rates of morphological evolution can result in high floral disparity in Ericales. Analyses of an angiosperm-wide floral data set reveal that this pattern appears to be conserved across most major angiosperm clades.


Elevated rates of morphological evolution in the androecium of Ericales may explain the higher disparity reported for this floral module. Comparing rates of morphological evolution through rate profiles proves to be a powerful tool in understanding floral evolution.  相似文献   

Current studies on fetal membranes of reptiles are providing insight into three major historical transformations: evolution of the amniote egg, evolution of viviparity, and evolution of placentotrophy. Squamates (lizards and snakes) are ideal for such studies because their fetal membranes sustain embryos in oviparous species and contribute to placentas in viviparous species. Ultrastructure of the fetal membranes in oviparous corn snakes (Pituophis guttatus) shows that the chorioallantois is specialized for gas exchange and the omphalopleure, for water absorption. Transmission and scanning electron microscopic studies of viviparous thamnophine snakes (Thamnophis, Storeria) have revealed morphological specializations for gas exchange and absorption in the intra-uterine environment that represent modifications of features found in oviparous species. Thus, fetal membranes in oviparous species show morphological differentiation for distinct functions that have been recruited and enhanced under viviparous conditions. The ultimate in specialization of fetal membranes is found in viviparous skinks of South America (Mabuya) and Africa (Trachylepis, Eumecia), in which placentotrophy accounts for nearly all of the nutrients for development. Ongoing research on these lizards has revealed morphological specializations of the chorioallantoic placenta through which nutrient transfer is accomplished. In addition, African Trachylepis show an invasive form of implantation, in which uterine epithelium is replaced by invading chorionic cells. Ongoing analysis of these lizards shows how integration of multiple lines of evidence can provide insight into the evolution of developmental and reproductive specializations once thought to be confined to eutherian mammals.  相似文献   

Niche conservatism has been proposed as a mechanism influencing large‐scale patterns of taxonomic richness. We document the species richness patterns of five monophyletic squamate reptile groups (gekkonids, cordylids‐scincids, lacertids, chameleons and alethinophidian snakes) in eastern and southern Africa, and explore if observed patterns reflect niche conservatism processes. We quantified richness and its relationships with current climatic conditions by gridding species' range maps at 110 × 110 km. Also, dated phylogenies and palaeoclimatic reconstructions, coupled with evidence from the fossil record, were used to approximate the areas and climate characteristics in which each group originated and/or radiated. Mean species richness and geographically corrected confidence intervals in current climate types were calculated for each group in order to establish their climatic preferences. On average, the species richness of older groups (gekkonids, cordylids‐scincids and lacertids) was lower in equatorial climates and higher in arid and temperate conditions, whereas more recent groups (chameleons and alethinophidian snakes) were richer in equatorial and temperate climates and less rich in arid conditions. Across all groups, higher richness was associated with climatic characteristics similar to those prevailing at the time in which each group originated/radiated. The congruence of the current climates where reptile groups are richer and the past climates amidst which those groups originated is consistent with an explanation for their diversity gradients based on niche conservatism.  相似文献   

Sexual selection reflects the joint contributions of precopulatory selection, which arises from variance in mating success, and postcopulatory selection, which arises from variance in fertilization success. The relative importance of each episode of selection is variable among species, and comparative evidence suggests that traits targeted by precopulatory selection often covary in expression with those targeted by postcopulatory selection when assessed across species, although the strength and direction of this association varies considerably among taxa. We tested for correlated evolution between targets of pre‐ and postcopulatory selection using data on sexual size dimorphism (SSD) and testis size from 151 species of squamate reptiles (120 lizards, 31 snakes). In squamates, male–male competition for mating opportunities often favors large body size, such that the degree of male‐biased SSD is associated with the intensity of precopulatory selection. Likewise, competition for fertilization often favors increased sperm production, such that testis size (relative to body size) is associated with the intensity of postcopulatory selection. Using both conventional and phylogenetically based analyses, we show that testis size consistently decreases as the degree of male‐biased SSD increases across lizards and snakes. This evolutionary pattern suggests that strong precopulatory selection may often constrain the opportunity for postcopulatory selection and that the relative importance of each selective episode may determine the optimal resolution of energy allocation trade‐offs between traits subject to each form of sexual selection.  相似文献   

Many of the classic examples of adaptive radiation, including Caribbean Anolis lizards, are found on islands. However, Anolis also exhibits substantial species richness and ecomorphological disparity on mainland Central and South America. We compared patterns and rates of morphological evolution to investigate whether, in fact, island Anolis are exceptionally diverse relative to their mainland counterparts. Quite the contrary, we found that rates and extent of diversification were comparable--Anolis adaptive radiation is not an island phenomenon. However, mainland and Caribbean anoles occupy different parts of morphological space; in independent colonizations of both island and mainland habitats, island anoles have evolved shorter limbs and better-developed toe pads. These patterns suggest that the two areas are on different evolutionary trajectories. The ecological causes of these differences are unknown, but may relate to differences in predation or competition among mainland and island communities.  相似文献   

Exceptional species and phenotypic diversity commonly are attributed to ecological opportunity (EO). The conventional EO model predicts that rates of lineage diversification and phenotypic evolution are elevated early in a radiation only to decline later in response to niche availability. Foregut fermentation is hypothesized to be a key innovation that allowed colobine monkeys (subfamily Colobinae), the only primates with this trait, to successfully colonize folivore adaptive zones unavailable to other herbivorous species. Therefore, diversification rates also are expected to be strongly linked with the evolution of traits related to folivory in these monkeys. Using dated molecular phylogenies and a dataset of feeding morphology, I test predictions of the EO model to evaluate the role of EO conferred by foregut fermentation in shaping the African and Asian colobine radiations. Findings from diversification methods coupled with colobine biogeographic history provide compelling evidence that decreasing availability of new adaptive zones during colonization of Asia together with constraints presented by dietary specialization underlie temporal changes in diversification in the Asian but not African clade. Additionally, departures from the EO model likely reflect iterative diversification events in Asia.  相似文献   

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