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白菜型油菜自交亲和性变异分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对不同来源的85份白菜型油菜品种的自交亲和指数研究表明,白菜型油菜的自交亲和性存在较大幅度的变异,自交亲和指数在0.00~9.28之间,这种变异不仅存在于品种间,而且存在于品种内不同个体间。85份参试材料中,自交亲和指数小于1的有50个品种;35个品种自交亲和指数大于1,自交亲和指数在1.00~9.28之间,其中亲和指数大于4的材料有28、44、45、55x、75、119、123、139号品种等。依据自交亲和指数,可将参试材料分为4种类型:高自交亲和类型(自交亲和指数>4.00);自交亲和类型(自交亲和指数1.00~3.99);自交不亲和类型(0.00< 自交亲和指数<1.00);高自交不亲和类型(自交亲和指数=0.00)。自交亲和性因地区而异,一般西部地区的品种自交亲和性高于其它地区的品种。  相似文献   

Over 50 years ago, Baker (1955, 1967) suggested that self-compatible species were more likely than self-incompatible species to establish new populations on oceanic islands. His logic was straightforward and rested on the assumption that colonization was infrequent; thus, mate limitation favored the establishment of self-fertilizing individuals. In support of Baker's rule, many authors have documented high frequencies of self-compatibility on islands, and recent work has solidified the generality of Baker's ideas. The genus Lycium (Solanaceae) has ca. 80 species distributed worldwide, and phylogenetic studies suggest that Lycium originated in South America and dispersed to the Old World a single time. Previous analyses of the S-RNase gene, which controls the stylar component of self-incompatibility, have shown that gametophytically controlled self-incompatibility is ancestral within the genus, making Lycium a good model for investigating Baker's assertions concerning reproductive assurance following oceanic dispersal. Lycium is also useful for investigations of reproductive evolution, given that species vary both in sexual expression and the presence of self-incompatibility. A model for the evolution of gender dimorphism suggests that polyploidy breaks down self-incompatibility, leading to the evolution of gender dimorphism, which arises as an alternative outcrossing mechanism. There is a perfect association of dimorphic gender expression, polyploidy, and self-compatibility (vs. cosexuality, diploidy, and self-incompatibility) among North American Lycium. Although the association between ploidy level and gender expression also holds for African Lycium, to date no studies of mating systems have been initiated in Old World species. Here, using controlled pollinations, we document strong self-incompatibility in two cosexual, diploid species of African Lycium. Further, we sequence the S-RNase gene in 15 individuals from five cosexual, diploid species of African Lycium and recover 24 putative alleles. Genealogical analyses indicate reduced trans-generic diversity of S-RNases in the Old World compared to the New World. We suggest that genetic diversity at this locus was reduced as a result of a founder event, but, despite the bottleneck, self-incompatibility was maintained in the Old World. Maximum-likelihood analyses of codon substitution patterns indicate that positive Darwinian selection has been relatively strong in the Old World, suggesting the rediversification of S-RNases following a bottleneck. The present data thus provide a dramatic exception to Baker's rule, in addition to supporting a key assumption of the Miller and Venable (2000) model, namely that self-incompatibility is associated with diploidy and cosexuality.  相似文献   

Distyly inLinum tenuifolium L. is associated with a high degree of self-incompatibility. Breakdown in this system has occurred without the morphological rearrangement expected as the result of cross-over within the distyly supergene. Pollen-flow in both distylous and monomorphic populations is leptokurtic. A high proportion of intra-flower pollination occurs. Pollen production per ovule is reduced in the self-compatible race. Mean seed-set is increased. Individuals of the self-compatible race produce less vegetative growth and require a shorter time to reach reproductive maturity under cultivation. Increased fecundity appears to provide the selective advantage promoting the breakdown of self-incompatibility in this species. This is achieved through a massive shift of resources toward female reproductive function in plants of the monomorphic race. Subsequent colonization by this race has led to its increased distribution in C. & S. Europe.  相似文献   

The breeding systems of five species of Ranunculus that co-occur in the Australian alpine region were investigated in the field and glasshouse. Ranunculus muelleri, R.dissectifolius, R.graniticola, R.millanii and R.niphophilus are all facultatively xenogamous. Flowers appear to promote outcrossing by incomplete protogyny (flowers are female for 1–3 days, then bisexual for 3–10 days). Hand pollinations on plants in the field demonstrate that R.muelleri, R.graniticola, R.niphophilus and R.millanii are fully self-compatible, while R.dissectifolius is only partly self-compatible. However, low index of self-incompatibility values for R.graniticola indicate that this species may also be only partly self-compatible. Moderate levels of seed set from bagged flowers indicate that autogamous seed set due to automatic and/or possible thrips mediated intrafloral pollination may be common in all five species. Polled ovule ratios ranged from 992 to 3045 for these species of Ranunculus which are consistent with facultative xenogamy. The breeding systems of the Australian Ranunculus species in the alpine region are compared to that of other Ranunculus and examined in relation to the alpine environment.  相似文献   

In cruciferous plants, self-pollination is prevented by the action of genes situated at the self-incompatibility locus or S-locus. The self-incompatibility reaction is associated with expression of stigma glycoproteins encoded by the S-locus glycoprotein (SLG) gene. Only a few cases of self-compatible plants derived from self-incompatible lines in the crucifer Brassica have been reported. In these cases, self-compatibility was generally ascribed to the action of single genes unlinked to the S-locus. In contrast, we report here a line of Brassica oleracea var acephala with a self-compatible phenotype linked to the S-locus. By means of both biochemical and immunochemical analyses, we showed that this self-compatible (Sc) line nonetheless possesses stigmatic SLGs (SLG-Sc) that are expressed with a similar spatial and temporal pattern to that described for the SLGs of self-incompatible Brassica plants. Moreover, the SLG-Sc products segregate with the self-compatibility phenotype in F2 progeny, suggesting that changes at the S-locus may be responsible for the occurrence of the self-compatibility character. A cDNA clone encoding the SLG-Sc product was isolated, and the deduced amino acid sequence showed this glycoprotein to be highly homologous to the pollen recessive S2 allele glycoprotein. Hence, self-compatibility in this Brassica Sc line correlates with the expression of a pollen recessive-like S allele in the stigma.  相似文献   

The widely distributed Pinus subsection Ponderosae is a species complex that has a transition zone among taxa in the southwestern United States. In southern Arizona and New Mexico at least two recognized taxa, Pinus ponderosa var. scopulorum and Pinus arizonica or P. ponderosa var. arizonica, are known to coexist in close proximity. In this study, we report the existence of populations where the taxa are sympatric. One of the key characteristics distinguishing taxa is the number of needles per fascicle; P. ponderosa typically has three, P. arizonica has five. We examined the spatial distribution of needle-number types in a belt transect that covers a transition zone from nearly pure three-needle types at the top of Mount Lemmon to five-needle types downslope, in the Santa Catalina Mountains, Arizona. The spatial distribution is inconsistent with there being both free interbreeding among types and selective neutrality of types. Trees with intermediate types, having combinations of three, four, and five needles and/or mean numbers of needles between 3.0 and 5.0, are spatially concentrated in the middle of the transition zone. The spatial distribution supports the occurrence of hybridization and introgression, and this is consistent with reported crossabilities of the types. The results suggest that selection is acting, either on needle number per se or on other traits of the ecotype with which it may be in linkage disequilibrium, to maintain the observed steep clinal differentiation.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that clonality provides reproductive assurance in cross-fertilizing species subject to pollen limitation, relieving one of the main selective pressures favoring the evolution of self-fertilization. According to this hypothesis, cross-fertilizing species subject to pollen limitation should often be clonal. Here, we investigated the association between clonality and a genetic mechanism enforcing outcrossing, self-incompatibility, in Solanum (Solanaceae). We collected self-incompatibility and clonality information on 87 species, and looked for an association between these two traits. To account for the contribution of shared evolutionary history to this association, we incorporated phylogenetic information from chloroplast (NADH dehydrogenase subunit F) sequence data. We found that self-incompatibility is strongly associated with clonal reproduction: all self-incompatible species reproduce clonally, while the absence of clonality is widespread among self-compatible taxa. The observed correlation persists after taking into account shared phylogenetic history, assumptions about the evolutionary history of self-incompatibility, uncertainty associated with phylogeny estimation, and associations with life history (annual/perennial). Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that clonality provides reproductive assurance, and suggest that the consequences of clonal growth in the evolution of plant reproductive strategies may be more significant than previously thought.  相似文献   

We surveyed ribonuclease activity in the styles of Nicotiana spp. and found little or no activity in self-compatible species and in a self-compatible accession of a self-incompatible species. All self-incompatible species had high levels of ribonuclease activity in their style. Interestingly, one self-compatible species, N. sylvestris, had a level of stylar ribonuclease activity comparable to that of some self-incompatible Nicotiana species. A ribonuclease with biochemical properties similar to those of the self-incompatibility (S-)RNases of N. alata was purified from N. sylvestris styles. The N-terminal sequence of this protein was used to confirm the identity of a cDNA corresponding to the stylar RNase. The amino acid sequence deduced from the cDNA was related to those of the S-RNases and included the five conserved regions characteristic of these proteins. It appears that the N. sylvestris RNase may have evolved from the S-RNases and is an example of a 'relic S-RNase'. A number of features distinguish the N. sylvestris RNase from the S-RNases, and the role these may have played in the presumed loss of the self-incompatibility response during the evolution of this species are discussed.  相似文献   

We studied the relationships between self-incompatibility mechanisms and floral parameters in the genus Hypochaeris L. sect. Hypochaeris (consisting of H. glabra, H. radicata, H. arachnoidea, and H. salzmanniana). We assessed at intra- and interspecific levels (1) the self-incompatibility (SI) mechanism and its distribution among populations, (2) the relationship between SI and floral parameters, and (3) the relationship of SI to reproductive success. Hypochaeris salzmanniana is semi-incompatible, H. glabra is self-compatible, and H. arachnoidea and H. radicata are self-incompatible. Floral parameters differed among populations of H. salzmanniana: plants in self-compatible populations had fewer flowers per head, a smaller head diameter on the flower, and a shorter period of anthesis than self-incompatible populations. We also detected this pattern within a semi-compatible population of H. salzmanniana, and these differences were also found between species with different breeding mechanisms. Fruit to flower ratio in natural populations was generally high (>60%) in all species, regardless of breeding system. It is hypothesized that self-compatibility may have arisen through loss of allelic diversity at the S locus due to bottleneck events and genetic drift.  相似文献   

Natural selection should favor the integration of floral traits that enhance pollen export and import in plant populations that rely upon pollinators. If this is true, then phenotypic correlations between floral traits should weaken in self-fertilizing groups that do not require pollinator visitation to produce seed. We tested this hypothesis in Leavenworthia, a plant genus in which there have been multiple independent losses of the sporophytic self-incompatibility system found throughout the Brassicaceae. In particular, we conducted phylogenetically independent contrasts of floral trait correlations between two pairs of self-incompatible (SI) and self-compatible (SC) sister taxa. In support of the hypothesis that pollinator-mediated selection integrates floral traits, we found that both SC Leavenworthia taxa have weaker overall floral correlations in comparison to sister taxa that rely upon pollinators. The two independently derived SC Leavenworthia flowers have significantly weaker stamen-petal or pistil-petal correlations, respectively, whereas the stamen-pistil correlation remains constant. These patterns suggest that relaxation of pollinator-mediated selection weakens the integration of traits associated with pollen export and import. The retention of high stamen-pistil correlations in the SC taxa of Leavenworthia further implies that the integration of these traits is either constrained or maintained by selection favoring the successful transfer of pollen within flowers to secure self-pollination.  相似文献   

Eleven proximal and ten intermediate partial or complete hominoid phalanges have been recovered from the middle Miocene site of Pa?alar in Turkey. Based on species representation at Pa?alar, it is likely that most or all of the phalanges belong to Griphopithecus alpani rather than Kenyapithecus kizili, but both species may be represented. All of the complete or nearly complete phalanges appear to be manual, so comparisons to extant and other fossil primate species were limited to manual phalanges. Comparisons were made to extant hominoid and cercopithecoid primate genera expressing a variety of positional repertoires and varying degrees of arboreality and terrestriality. The comparisons consisted of a series of bivariate indices derived from previous publications on Miocene catarrhine phalangeal morphology. The proximal phalanges have dorsally expanded proximal articular surfaces, which is characteristic of cercopithecoids and most other Miocene hominoids, and indicates that the predominant positional behaviors involved pronograde quadrupedalism. Among the extant primates, many of the proximal and intermediate phalangeal indices clearly distinguish more habitually terrestrial taxa from those that are predominantly arboreal, and especially from taxa that commonly engage in suspensory activities. For nearly every index, the values of the Pa?alar phalanges occupy an intermediate position-most similar to values for Pan and, to a lesser extent, Macaca-indicating a generalized morphology and probably the use of both arboreal and terrestrial substrates. At least some terrestrial activity is also compatible with reconstructions of the Pa?alar habitat. Most proximal and intermediate phalanges of other middle and late Miocene hominoids have similar index values to those of the Pa?alar specimens, revealing broadly similar manual phalangeal morphology among many Miocene hominoids.  相似文献   

The high frequency of dioecy on oceanic islands has attracted a great deal of attention in plant evolution. In this study we quantify variation in the breeding system of two sympatricDombeya species on La Réunion island. BothDombeya species are cryptically dioecious, each sex retaining non-functional morphological structures of the other sex. One species is strictly dioecious, whilst the other shows leaky dioecy, with 8/13 males producing fruit during two years of study. Males that set fruit did so following outcrossing but not after self-pollination despite the growth of self-pollen tubes in the style. This suggests the occurrence of a late-acting self-incompatibility system. Several morphologically intermediate individuals are recognized and suggested to be a result of interspecific hybridization. These purported hybrids are hermaphrodite and self-compatible, consistent with a complementary breakdown in dioecy and self-compatibility.  相似文献   

Gametophytic self-incompatibility (SI) in plants is a widespread mechanism preventing self-fertilization and the ensuing inbreeding depression, but it often evolves to self-compatibility. We analyze genetic mechanisms for the breakdown of gametophytic SI, incorporating a dynamic model for the evolution of inbreeding depression allowing for partial purging of nearly recessive lethal mutations by selfing, and accounting for pollen limitation and sheltered load linked to the S-locus. We consider two mechanisms for the breakdown of gametophytic SI: a nonfunctional S-allele and an unlinked modifier locus that inactivates the S-locus. We show that, under a wide range of conditions, self-compatible alleles can invade a self-incompatible population. Conditions for invasion are always less stringent for a nonfunctional S-allele than for a modifier locus. The spread of self-compatible genotypes is favored by extremely high or low selfing rates, a small number of S-alleles, and pollen limitation. Observed parameter values suggest that the maintenance of gametophytic SI is caused by a combination of high inbreeding depression in self-incompatible populations coupled with intermediate selfing rates of the self-compatible genotypes and sheltered load linked to the S-locus.  相似文献   

Levels of neutral genetic diversity within and between populations were compared between outcrossing (self-incompatible) and inbreeding populations in the annual plant genus Leavenworthia. Two taxonomically independent comparisons are possible, since self-incompatibility has been lost twice in the group of species studied. Within inbred populations of L.uniflora and L.crassa, no DNA sequence variants were seen among the alleles sampled, but high diversity was seen in alleles from populations of the outcrosser L. stylosa, and in self-incompatible L. crassa populations. Diversity between populations was seen in all species. Although total diversity values were lower in the sets of inbreeding populations, between-population values were as high or higher, than those in the outcrossing taxa. Possible reasons for these diversity patterns are discussed. As the effect of inbreeding appears to be a greater than twofold reduction in diversity, we argue that some process such as selection for advantageous mutations, or against deleterious mutations, or bottlenecks occurring predominantly in the inbreeders, appears necessary to account for the findings. If selection for advantageous mutations is responsible, it appears that it must be some form of local adaptive selection, rather than substitution of alleles that are advantageous throughout the species. This is consistent with the finding of high between-population diversity in the inbreeding taxa.  相似文献   

Next to its well-described ecological advantages, clonal growth in plants may incur fitness costs, which are associated with the effects of typically large clonal individuals on the patterns of pollen dispersal. These fitness costs include increased selfing and inbreeding depression in self-compatible species, and reduced mate availability in self-incompatible species. Although fitness costs may affect mating system evolution, there is currently no strong evidence available that either self-compatibility or self-incompatibility is associated with clonality. One reason for this may be the variety in growth forms (from guerrilla to phalanx habits) within clonal species, and the fact that growth form may strongly affect mating patterns. We present the results of a formal meta-analysis of 72 published studies, aiming at reporting genotypic diversities across studies and at relating mating system with clonal growth form and genotypic diversity. We found lower genotypic diversities in clonal self-incompatible species compared to self-compatible species, suggesting that mate availability may indeed be reduced in clonal self- incompatible species. We also cannot confirm that mating system is associated with clonal growth form.  相似文献   

Breeding systems and mating systems of plants in a previously studied secondary deciduous forest were reanalysed in the context of new data. In this analysis, we increased the number of plant species (up to approximately 25% of the plant species in the community), included other life forms (23 annual and perennial species, plus habitat disturbance categories), and considered information about pollinator specificity. The frequencies of species with different sexual systems in a sample of 51 species were 82% hermaphrodite, 14% monoecious, and 4% dioecious. The frequencies of breeding systems in the sample of 49 hermaphroditic and monoecious species were 53% self-incompatible and 47% self-compatible. Self-compatible species included seven partially self-compatible, three self-compatible non-autogamous, and 13 self-compatible autogamous species. None of the species evaluated proved to be agamospermous. Fifty-five percent of the species tested were obligate outbreeders. The proportion of self-incompatible species was higher among trees and shrubs than among annual herbs. The proportion of self-compatible species for perennial herbs and lianas was not different. The association between annual herbs and autogamy was not strong: seven of 13 species were autogamous, five were partially self-compatible, and one was self-incompatible. The main characteristics or factors associated with breeding system were life cycle and successional stage. Short-lived species were mostly self-compatible, and xenogamy tended to be associated with forest and forest-border. In contrast, pollination specificity and life form were not consistently related to breeding system (self-compatibility or self-incompatibility) and mating system (xenogamy or autogamy).  相似文献   

? Premise of the study: We examined two accounts of the relationship between breeding system and life history variation in a clade of evening primroses (Oenothera, Onagraceae): (1) selection for reproductive assurance should generate an association between self-compatibility and monocarpy and (2) phylogenetic conservatism leads to retention of breeding system and life history traits among closely related taxa. ? Methods: We performed over 4000 hand pollinations under greenhouse conditions to determine the compatibility of 10 Oenothera taxa (sections Anogra [17 taxa] and Kleinia [2 taxa)] for which breeding systems had not previously been reported. We used generalized linear mixed models to evaluate the influence of pollination treatment, parents, and population on fruiting success. ? Key results: Among the taxa tested, six were self-incompatible, two were variable in compatibility, and two were self-compatible. We combined these data with published studies in Anogra and Kleinia and mapped breeding system and life history onto a published phylogeny. ? Conclusions: We found no evidence for phylogenetic conservatism, but detected considerable evolutionary lability in both traits. Additionally, we found no evidence for a consistent relationship between breeding system and life history. Only eight of 19 taxa followed the predicted association between self-incompatibility and polycarpy vs. self-compatibility and monocarpy. Instead, many taxa have retained self-incompatibility, regardless of monocarpy or polycarpy.  相似文献   

We investigate mate availability in different models of multiallelic self-incompatibility systems in mutation-selection-drift balance in finite populations. Substantial differences among self-incompatibility systems occur in average mate availability, and in variances of mate availability among individual plants. These differences are most pronounced in small populations in which low mate availability may reduce seed set in some types of sporophytic self-incompatibility. In cases where the pollination system causes a restriction in the number of pollen genotypes available to an individual plant, the fecundity of that plant depends on the availability of compatible pollen, which is determined by its genotype at the incompatibility locus. This leads to an additional component of selection acting on self-incompatibility systems, which we term “fecundity selection.” Fecundity selection increases the number of alleles maintained in finite populations and increases mate availability in small populations. The strength of fecundity selection is dependent on the type of self-incompatibility. In some cases, fecundity selection markedly alters the equilibrium dynamics of self-incompatibility alleles. We discuss the population genetic consequences of mate availability and fecundity selection in the contexts of conservation management of self-incompatible plant species and experimental investigations on self-incompatibility in natural populations.  相似文献   

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