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It was found previously that the enzyme ubiquitin-protein ligase (E3) contains specific protein substrate binding sites that are responsible for the selection of proteins for degradation by the ubiquitin system. In the present study, we have tried to gain more insight into the mode of action of E3 by the characterization of other binding sites of this enzyme. Following the ligation of ubiquitin to 125I-lysozyme, the conjugates produced are very tightly bound to E3, as indicated by size analysis on glycerol density gradient centrifugation. The strong binding of ubiquitin-protein conjugates to the enzyme may account for the apparently processive addition of multiple molecules of ubiquitin to the protein substrate. Both the protein substrate moiety and the ubiquitin moiety participate in the interaction of ubiquitin-protein conjugates with E3, as indicated by competition with specific agents and by the comparison of the binding of ubiquitin-conjugated protein to that of free protein. In addition to the binding of its substrates and products, E3 also appears to interact with some of the enzymes with which it acts in concert. When E3 is incubated with the ubiquitin-carrier protein E2, a complex is formed between the two enzymes as analyzed on glycerol gradients. The formation of an E2.E3 complex may facilitate the transfer of activated ubiquitin from E2 to the protein substrate bound to the ligase.  相似文献   

Covalent ligation of multiple copies of ubiquitin to proteins is known to target intracellular proteins for degradation by large molecular weight cytosolic proteinase(s). Ubiquitin protein conjugates are found in cytosolic cell compartments suggesting that ubiquitination may have multiple roles. We have detected ubiquitinated proteins in the lysosomal apparatus of normal fibroblasts and fibroblasts treated with lysosomal proteinase inhibitors. In contrast rabbit reticulocytes lack lysosomes. We present here direct evidence for ubiquitination of mitochondrial proteins during rabbit reticulocyte maturation. In addition ubiquitination appears to be associated with the terminal differentiation of human keratinocytes. These results suggest that: 1. ubiquitin-protein conjugates may be degraded lysosomally 2. organellar proteins may be degraded by the ubiquitin system 3. ubiquitination is involved in the programmed elimination of proteins and organelles from several cell types during differentiation.  相似文献   

Occurrence of a polyubiquitin structure in ubiquitin-protein conjugates   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
In the ubiquitin-mediated pathway for the degradation of intracellular proteins, several molecules of ubiquitin are linked to the protein substrate by amide linkages. It was noted that the number of ubiquitin-protein conjugates and their apparent molecular size are higher than expected from the number of amino groups in the protein. When the amino groups of ubiquitin were blocked by reductive methylation, it was efficiently conjugated to lysozyme, but the higher-molecular-weight conjugates were not formed. This suggests that the higher-molecular-weight conjugates with native ubiquitin contain structures in which one molecule of ubiquitin is linked to an amino group of another molecule of ubiquitin. Methylated ubiquitin stimulated protein breakdown at about one half the rate obtained with native ubiquitin, and isolated conjugates of 125I-lysozyme with methylated ubiquitin were broken down by reticulocyte extracts. These findings indicate that the formation of polyubiquitin chains is not obligatory for protein breakdown, though it may accelerate the rate of this process.  相似文献   

Changes in both free ubiquitin and ubiquitin-protein conjugateswere followed in cotyledons of lupin (Lupinus albus L.) duringthe course of seed formation, from the flower to the dry seed,and during germination and seedling growth, from the dry seedto the senescing cotyledons. The observed levels of ubiquitinconjugates, detected by immunoblotting using antiubiquitin antibodiesand by autoradiography using 125I-labelled ubiquitin, suggestan intense involvement of the ubiquitin-mediated proteolyticpathway during the highly regulated phases of seed formationand germination. High amounts of free ubiquitin are presentat all stages in all tissues examined. With the exception ofthe dry seed, the high molecular mass ubiquitin-protein conjugatesare also present at all stages. Higher amounts of these conjugateswere found during the initial stages of pod development andseed germination and during the most active phases of storageprotein deposition and degradation. Germination and seedlinggrowth in total darkness not only delays the degradation ofthe storage proteins, but also extends the period characterizedby the presence of a high amount of these conjugates. No suchconjugates were detected in the dry seeds, probably reflectingthe extremely low metabolic activity observed in these organs.A number of smaller molecular mass polypeptides were also detectedat different stages of seed development, germination and seedlinggrowth. Of particular interest is the abrupt accumulation ofan abundant 20 kDa polypeptide in the cotyledons during the4th day after imbibition, which is maintained in high amountsin these organs, rapidly declining after about 12–14 d.The pattern of accumulation of the 20 kDa polypeptide is controlledneither by light nor by the embryo axes, and large variationsin its concentration are observed during heat shock. Key words: Ubiquitin, ubiquitin-protein conjugates, seed storage proteins, protein synthesis, protein degradation  相似文献   

A new simple and rapid method for immunochemical quantitation called immunocapillarymigration is described. It is based upon the attachment of antibodies to a porous insoluble support and the subsequent capillarymigration of the antigen-containing solution in the porous support. The migration of the antigen solute is specifically delayed in comparison to the migration of the solvent and other solutes in the process and the relative delay decreases with increasing antigen concentration. When applied to the quantitation of transferrin in human plasma, immunocapillarymigration gave results which agreed with those obtained by single radial immunodiffusion.  相似文献   

A sensitive and rapid ELISA for quantitation of seed globulins is described. This method employs conjugation of pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) globulin antibodies and the enzyme peroxidase together with dextran. Using this conjugate, proteins as low as 0.1 ng were detected. Dextran conjugate has a ten-fold greater efficiency of quantitating pigeon pea globulins than the commercial goat anti-rabbit IgG conjugate, and is three-fold more efficient than pigeon pea globulin IgG peroxidase conjugate. The method can be conveniently adapted for quantitation of other proteins also.  相似文献   

The human spleen ferritin--horseradish peroxidase conjugate (HRP--Fer) was synthesized by periodate oxidation of the enzyme carbohydrate fragment. The protein fraction containing 1-2 peroxidase molecules and characterized by kinetic homogeneity was obtained in the peroxidatic ortho-dianisidine (o-DA) oxidation reaction. Gel diffusion precipitation of HRP--Fer with peroxidases and ferritin antibodies was carried out. The precipitation confirms the retention by peroxidase and ferritin of their antigenic properties. The kinetics of peroxidatic oxidation of o-DA by the HRP--Fer conjugate was studied within the temperature interval of 15-37 degrees C. The value of catalytic constant for this reaction exceeds that for native peroxidase 1.75-fold. A kinetic analysis of thermal inactivation of peroxidase and its conjugate was performed within the temperature range of 40-65 degrees C. The effective rate constants of inactivation obtained from the first order equation are higher for HRP--Fer than for the native enzyme. The effect of pH on the rates of inactivation of HRP--Fer and the non-modified enzyme was studied at 50 degrees C. The enzyme and its conjugate were shown to stabilize in acid media. The HRP--Fer conjugate can be used as an effective tool in immunoenzymatic assays of ferritin.  相似文献   

Ubiquitin and ubiquitin-protein conjugates in PC12h cells were detected with in vitro [125I]ubiquitination, and quantified by immunoblotting. These levels were altered by nerve growth factor (NGF), which promotes neuronal differentiation. (i) Levels of high molecular weight (HMW) ubiquitin-protein conjugates ranging from 40 to 1,000kDa were increased by 2 days of NGF treatment, and remained high up to 10 days of NGF treatment. (ii) Ubiquitin and a 23-kDa conjugate tended to be decreased from days 2 to 10 of NGF treatment. 10-Day culture with 10 nM staurosporine, an protein kinase inhibitor, that blocks NGF-induced neurite outgrowth suppressed the NGF-induced increases in levels of HMW conjugates. Cyclic AMP and forskolin, both of which promote neurite outgrowth, mimicked the NGF-induced changes in ubiquitin and HMW conjugates, but phorbol ester and epidermal growth factor had little effect. These findings suggest that changes in ubiquitin-protein conjugates are closely coupled with neuronal differentiation.  相似文献   

Certain proteins insoluble in aqueous salt solutions are difficult to separate from impurities by immunoaffinity techniques, even when the proteins are solubilized with denaturants due to interference of the antigen-antibody reaction. Representative examples of such proteins are the ubiquitin-protein conjugates that accumulate in neuronal tissues of neurodegenerative diseases, the hallmark of such disorders. In this study, we developed a novel sample preparation method comprising two successive steps: Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) removal from the SDS-containing extracts and renaturation of the denatured proteins. The application of this method was tested on ubiquitin-protein conjugates in the brains of Niemann-Pick type C disease mouse and in heat-shocked K562 erythroleukemia cells. The ubiquitin-protein conjugates in both cases are insoluble in Tris-buffered saline but soluble in 2% SDS. The SDS-solubilized fractions prepared from each of the samples were further pretreated by the method mentioned above, and the ubiquitin-protein conjugates were efficiently immunoprecipitated with the anti-ubiquitin antibody from them. This method was also applied successfully to the immunoprecipitation of flotillin-1, a lipid raft protein, from mouse brain extract prepared with 2% SDS. These results indicate that this simple protocol has potential applications for excellent immunoaffinity separation of the less-soluble proteins in diverse cells and tissues.  相似文献   

Ubiquitin-protein conjugates are found in the primary (azurophilic) lysosome-related granules but not in the secondary (specific) granules in mature polymorphonuclear neutrophils prepared from bone marrow. This is the first reported demonstration of ubiquitin-protein conjugates in lysosome-related membrane-bound vesicles in granulocytes and complements our previous findings of ubiquitinated proteins in lysosomes of fibroblasts. The significance of the selective presence of conjugates in only one of the two main types of neutrophil granules remains to be elucidated but may relate to the presence of the complement of acid hydrolases, including proteases, in the azurophilic granules compared to the specific granules. Ubiquitin-protein conjugates may enter the primary granules during neutrophil maturation by an autophagic process or by a heterophagic process during the fusion of phagosomes with primary granules. Alternatively protein ubiquitination may be involved in granule biogenesis.  相似文献   

We have previously identified a 15-kDa interferon-induced protein that is recognized by affinity-purified rabbit polyclonal antibodies against ubiquitin (Haas, A. L., Ahrens, P., Bright, P. M., and Ankel, H. (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 11315-11323). This ubiquitin cross-reactive protein (UCRP) possesses significant homology to a tandem diubiquitin sequence. Since the biological effects of ubiquitin arise from its covalent ligation to intracellular target proteins, we hypothesized that the multiple cellular responses to inteferon are mediated in part by an analogous conjugation pathway for UCRP. Rabbit polyclonal antibodies specific for UCRP were prepared against homogeneous recombinant protein. Affinity-purified anti-UCRP antibodies detected the induction of UCRP in interferon-beta-treated A549 cells and recognized a group of high molecular weight UCRP conjugates on immunoblots of sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis-resolved cell extracts. Both free and conjugated UCRP are constitutively present at low levels in untreated cells, suggesting a role for UCRP ligation in normal cellular regulation, and significantly accumulate following interferon treatment. The temporal induction of free UCRP following interferon treatment preceded a delayed increase in UCRP conjugates. Treatment of A549 cells with type I interferons (alpha and beta) strongly induced the expression of free and conjugated UCRP, whereas the response to type II interferon (gamma) was significantly less. A survey of selected cultured cell lines showed differential induction of free versus conjugated UCRP pools in response to interferon. Interferon-beta treatment of A549, MG63, and U937 cells induced high levels of both free and conjugated UCRP, whereas only free UCRP levels increased in Daudi, Namalwa, and K562 cells. These results confirm that UCRP represents a functional ubiquitin homolog participating in a parallel pathway of post-translational ligation and provides a novel mechanism for the response of susceptible cells to the effects of interferon exposure.  相似文献   

Specific antisera were prepared against the Bowman-Birk trypsin inhibitor and four other trypsin inhibitors of low molecular weight isolated from soybeans (Glycine max L. cv. Tracy). These antisera were used to detect the presence and amount of the inhibitors in: (a) seeds and protein extracts of soybean meal; (b) seedlings; and (c) the water surrounding the seeds and roots of seedlings. Lectin activities in seeds, seedlings, and water were also determined at the same time as the protease inhibitor activities. By competitive inhibition of immunoprecipitation, the combined five low molecular weight protease inhibitors were found to constitute the following percentages of proteins (w/w): 6.3% in defatted soybean meal; 8.1% of the protein extracted from the meal by a buffer of pH 8.6; 8.3, 14.7, 15.2, 16.1, 17.2, and 18.9% of the protein in a lyophilisate of water in which seeds were incubated for 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, and 24 hours, respectively; 8.2% in a lyophilisate of water in which roots of seedlings grew for 20 days; 1.5% in cotyledons; and less than 0.1% in epicotyls, hypocotyls, and roots of 12-day-old seedlings. Hemagglutination activities, expressed as the lowest amount of protein required to give a positive agglutination of 0.2 ml of 2% rabbit red blood cells, were as follows: purified soybean lectin, 0.08 μg; lyophilisate of water in which seeds were incubated for 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, and 24 hours, 10, 2.5, 5, 5, and 2.5 μg, respectively; lyophilisate of water in which roots grew for 20 days, 5 μg; 12-day-old cotyledons, roots, epicotyls, and hypocotyls, 12.5, 100, >1,000, and >500 μg, respectively. The results indicate that a large amount of protease inhibitors as well as lectins are released from seeds during the first 8 hours of imbibition. Neither lima bean trypsin inhibitor (mol wt, 10,000) nor Kunitz soybean trypsin inhibitor (mol wt, 21,500) showed competitive inhibition in tests with antisera against low molecular weight soybean protease inhibitors.  相似文献   

Reproducibility and quantitation of amplicon sequencing-based detection   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To determine the reproducibility and quantitation of the amplicon sequencing-based detection approach for analyzing microbial community structure, a total of 24 microbial communities from a long-term global change experimental site were examined. Genomic DNA obtained from each community was used to amplify 16S rRNA genes with two or three barcode tags as technical replicates in the presence of a small quantity (0.1% wt/wt) of genomic DNA from Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 as the control. The technical reproducibility of the amplicon sequencing-based detection approach is quite low, with an average operational taxonomic unit (OTU) overlap of 17.2%±2.3% between two technical replicates, and 8.2%±2.3% among three technical replicates, which is most likely due to problems associated with random sampling processes. Such variations in technical replicates could have substantial effects on estimating β-diversity but less on α-diversity. A high variation was also observed in the control across different samples (for example, 66.7-fold for the forward primer), suggesting that the amplicon sequencing-based detection approach could not be quantitative. In addition, various strategies were examined to improve the comparability of amplicon sequencing data, such as increasing biological replicates, and removing singleton sequences and less-representative OTUs across biological replicates. Finally, as expected, various statistical analyses with preprocessed experimental data revealed clear differences in the composition and structure of microbial communities between warming and non-warming, or between clipping and non-clipping. Taken together, these results suggest that amplicon sequencing-based detection is useful in analyzing microbial community structure even though it is not reproducible and quantitative. However, great caution should be taken in experimental design and data interpretation when the amplicon sequencing-based detection approach is used for quantitative analysis of the β-diversity of microbial communities.  相似文献   

The peptides DRPVPY and MDWNMHAA, which were identified as mimics of the cell-surface polysaccharides of Streptococcus Group A and Shigella flexneri Y, respectively, were used in this study to develop experimental vaccines directed against these two bacteria. Both oligopeptides were synthesized employing the Fmoc solid-phase strategy and linked via the amino end to a bifunctional linker, diethylsquarate. These adducts were then conjugated to the two carrier proteins, bovine serum albumin (BSA) and tetanus toxoid (TT) to yield the peptide conjugate vaccines. The average level of incorporation of DRPVPY and MDWNMHAA on TT was 65% and 75%, respectively, whereas that of both peptide haptens on BSA was 100%. A polysaccharide conjugate against S. flexneri Y, which comprises about 10 tetrasaccharide repeating units, was also prepared based on reductive amination at the reducing end with 1,3-diaminopropane, followed by coupling of the aminated polysaccharide to diethylsquarate, and subsequent coupling of the adduct to TT. An average incorporation of 73% of polysaccharide haptens was achieved. The glycoconjugate and the oligopeptide conjugates were shown to bind effectively to the respective monoclonal antibodies directed against the cell-surface polysaccharides.  相似文献   

The structural chromatin protein A24 (uH2A) is a conjugate of histone H2A and a non-histone protein, ubiquitin. Eukaryotic cells contain an enzyme, generically termed isopeptidase, which can cleave A24 stoichiometrically into H2A and ubiquitin in vitro. Isopeptidase, free of proteinase activity, has been partially purified from calf thymus by ion-exchange chromatography, gel filtration and affinity chromatography, and analyzed for its substate specificity. There are three major types of isopeptide bonds besides the epsilon-(alpha-glycyl)lysine bond between H2A and ubiquitin; namely, the disulfide bridge, the aldol and aldimide bonds and the epsilon-(gamma-glutamyl)lysine crosslink. Under conditions where A24 was completely cleaved into H2A and ubiquitin, none of these naturally occurring isopeptide bonds was cleaved by isopeptidase. Furthermore, the bonds formed in vitro by transglutaminase reaction between casein and putrescine, through the gamma-NH2 of glutamine residue and the NH2 of putrescine, were not cleaved by the enzyme. The enzyme also failed to cleave the glycyl-lysyl and other orthodox peptide linkages within proteins. Among various proteins examined, the substrates for isopeptidase reaction were confined to conjugates between ubiquitin and other proteins, formed through epsilon-(alpha-glycyl)lysine bonds. Since ubiquitin released by isopeptidase is re-usable for an ATP-dependent conjugation with other proteins, its carboxyl terminal -Gly-Gly-COOH most likely is preserved intact, and is not blocked. These results suggest that isopeptidase specifically recognizes and cleaves the epsilon-(alpha-glycyl)lysine bond. A possible biological significance of this enzyme is discussed.  相似文献   

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