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It is accepted that aldehyde-based fixation of cells can affect immunodetection of antigens; however, the effects of tissue processing on immunodetection have not been analyzed systematically. We investigated the effects of aldehyde-based fixation and the various cumulative steps of tissue processing on immunohistochemical detection of specific antigens. DU145 (prostate) and SKOV3 (ovarian) cancer cell lines were cultured as monolayers on microscope slides. Immunohistochemical detection of Ki67/MIB-1 and proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) was evaluated after various fixation times in 10% neutral buffered formalin and after each of the several cumulative steps of tissue processing. The effect of antigen retrieval (AR) was evaluated concomitantly as an additional variable. Our results indicate that in addition to fixation, each of the tissue processing steps has effects on immunorecognition of the epitopes recognized by these antibodies. Extensive dehydration through ethanols to absolute ethanol had only modest effects, except for the detection of Ki67/MIB-1 in SKOV-3 cells where the effect was stronger. In general, however, establishment of a hydrophobic environment by xylene resulted in the greatest decrease in immunorecognition. AR compensated for most, but not all, of the losses in staining following fixation and exposure to xylene; however, AR gave consistent results for most steps of tissue processing, which suggests that AR also should be used for staining PCNA. The cellular variations that were observed indicate that the effects of fixation and other steps of tissue processing may depend on how antigens are packaged by specific cells.  相似文献   

An experimental murine model of chronic lead retention is established. This model excludes joint communication and synovial fluid solubility of lead ions recognized in human gunshot injury. Degenerative changes in the visceral organs and bone appear in these mice 30 days after implantation of lead spheres in the subcutaneous tissues of the posterior body wall. Degeneration, necrosis and interstitial fibrosis of the lung, kidney and remodeling of femoral bone are noted during the course of the experiment (120 days). It is concluded that the systemic diffusion of lead ions from a central focus is related to the development of an absorptive circulatory mechanism around the retained peripheral lead mass.  相似文献   

The influence of fixation and tissue preparation on the immunohistochemical localization of human fibronectin in gastrointestinal tract tissue has been examined using indirect immunoperoxidase technique. The most optimal staining result with strong intensity and well defined localization was obtained on frozen sections of unfixed material. Nearly identical results with improved morphology were obtained when staining paraffin sections of tissue fixed in 96% ethanol, 96% + 1% acetic acid and absolute acetone. All other fixatives tested, 10% neutral buffered formalin. Lillie's AAF, Bouin's fixative, Clarke's fixative, 4% formaldehyde, 4% formaldehyde + 0.5% cetylpyridiniumchloride (F-CPC), 4% formaldehyde +0.1% glutaraldehyde gave unsatisfactory results. However, proteolytic digestion with pepsin of paraffin sections prior to staining of buffered formalin and F-CPCfixed material gave results comparable with those obtained on unfixed frozen sections are regards definition of the staining whereas staining intensity was decreased in some degree. No improvement was observed when using proteolytic digestion of tissue fixed in other fixatives.  相似文献   

Summary The influence of fixation and tissue preparation on the immunohistochemical localization of human fibronectin in gastrointestinal tract tissue has been examined using indirect immunoperoxidase technique. The most optimal staining result with strong intensity and well defined localization was obtained on frozen sections of unfixed material. Nearly identical results with improved morphology were obtained when staining paraffin sections of tissue fixed in 96% ethanol, 96%+1% acetic acid and absolute acetone. All other fixatives tested, 10% neutral buffered formalin, Lillie's AAF, Bouin's fixative, Clarke's fixative, 4% formaldehyde, 4% formaldehyde+ 0.5% cetylpyridiniumchloride (F-CPC), 4% formaldehyde +0.1% glutaraldehyde gave unsatisfactory results. However, proteolytic digestion with pepsin of paraffin sections prior to staining of buffered formalin and F-CPCfixed material gave results comparable with those obtained on unfixed frozen sections as regards definition of the staining whereas staining intensity was decreased in some degree. No improvement was observed when using proteolytic digestion of tissue fixed in other fixatives.  相似文献   

Riboflavin-binding proteins (RBP) purified from chicken egg white, yolk and the serum of laying hens differ in their carbohydrate compositions reflecting tissue-specific modifications of a single gene product. All three are complex glycoproteins having more than twice as many N-acetylglucosamine residues (>12) as mannose residues (approx. 6). Egg white RBP is distinctive in having only one sialic acid and two galactose residues. Serum RBP contains approx. five sialic acid and seven galactose residues. In addition there is one residue of fucose. The carbohydrate composition of yolk RBP indicates the hydrolysis, respectively, of one, one, two and 3 residues of sialic acid, fucose, galactose, and N-acetylglucosamine from its precursor, serum RBP. The effect of these differing levels of glycosylation on plasma clearance, ovarian uptake and tissue distribution of 125I-labeled riboflavin-binding proteins in laying hens were compared. 2 h after intravenous injection, 19% of the egg white RBP, 29% of the yolk RBP, and 37% of the serum RBP remained in circulation. The kinetics of plasma clearance was distinctly biphasic for each of the radioiodinated proteins. The initial rapid-turnover component (t12=13 min) ranged from 27% of the serum RBP sample to 48% of the egg white RBP sample. The remaining slow-turnover components were cleared with half-lives fo 81 min (egg white RBP), 101 min (yokl RBP), and 121 min (serum RBP). 16 h after injection, only 4% of the egg white RBP was deposited in the yolk of developing oocytes while about 12% of the serum RBP and yolk RBP was deposited. This higly significant difference is apparently due to preferential, carbohydrate-dependent clearance of egg white RBP by the liver rather than preferential uptake of serum and yolk RBP by the ovarian follicle. We find no evidence for carbohydrate-directed uptake of riboflavin-binding protein by the ovarian follicle.  相似文献   

The tissue factor (TF) pathway is the primary mechanism for initiation of blood coagulation. Circulating blood contains TF, which originates mainly from monocytes and is thrombogenic. The presence of somatostatin (SMS) receptors on monocytes suggests the possibility that SMS may regulate TF synthesis and/or release. Circulating TF procoagulant activity (TF-PCA), factor VIIa activity (FVIIa; clotting assays), TF antigen (TF-Ag; ELISA), prothrombin fragment 1.2 (F1.2), thrombin-antithrombin complexes (ELISAs), CD40 ligand expression on platelets, and monocyte-platelet aggregates (flow cytometry) were determined in blood from normal volunteers undergoing 24 h of basal glucose/basal insulin (BG/BI) clamps and high-glucose/high-insulin (HG/HI) clamps with and without SMS. Infusions of SMS under basal conditions (BG/BI) raised TF-PCA 1.8-fold (P < 0.03), TF-Ag 2.3-fold (P < 0.001), and TF expression on monocytes by 36% (P < 0.001) and decreased plasma levels of FVIIa by 30% (P < 0.001). Infusion of SMS reduced the 8.6-fold HG/HI-induced increase in TF-Ag by 26% and the 8.6-fold increase in TF-PCA by 100%. SMS also prevented the 60% increase in TF expression on monocytes, the 2.2-fold increase in F1.2, the 40% increase in CD40L expression on platelets, and the 17% increase in monocyte-platelet aggregates seen during HG/HI. We conclude that SMS completely prevented HG/HI-induced TF activation in normal volunteers and may be of use to reduce the procoagulant state and acute vascular events in hyperinsulinemic insulin-resistant patients with type 2 diabetes.  相似文献   

Summary The reactions between osmium tetroxide and glutaraldehyde and formaldehyde were investigated. It was found that they react together to form intermediate products which then break down to form osmium black. Glutaraldehyde reacts much more rapidly with osmium tetroxide than formaldehyde. The rates of the reactions are increased by increasing the glutaraldehyde concentration or adding bovine serum albumin to the reaction mixture. The reaction rates increase with temperature. The mixtures of fixatives were also tried on tissues and the results paralleled the model experiments. The crosslinking of bovine serum albumin by osmium tetroxide, formaldehyde and glutaraldehyde singly and in mixtures was quantitatively assessed by viscosimetry, gel filtration and disc electrophoresis coupled with densitometry. The crosslinking of bovine serum albumin by pairs of fixatives was less than that produced by the most effective of the pair. After 5 min reaction osmium tetroxide was the most effective crosslinking agent according to viscosimetric experiments, but after one hour's reaction with bovine serum albumin, glutaraldehyde was revealed as the most effective crosslinking agent by gel filtration and electrophoresis.  相似文献   

Summary The preservation of lysozyme (LZM) antigenicity was studied in paraffin embedded tissue blocks. The reactivity for LZM varied with the type of tissue studied, the fixative used, the osmolarity and pH of the fixative, fixation time and temperature, and the method of dehydration. In both rat and human tissues equeous fixatives were superior to nonaqueous fixatives in retaining LZM antigenicity. Brief fixation in fixatives of low osmolarity enhanced LZM staining in the parenchymatous tissues but diminished staining in human cartilage; prolonged fixation in fixatives of high osmolarity gave opposite results. Least affected by fixation was the LZM antigenicity in the serous cells of the glands of the respiratory tract. These cells also stained most intensely for LZM of all autopsy material studied.Studies supported by grants from the Sigrid Jusélius Foundation and Finska Läkaresällskapet  相似文献   

Effect of tricomplex fixation on lung tissue   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Learning and mental abilities of farm animals are important for their adaptation to new environments and could serve as an indicator for welfare and performance. This study assessed the learning ability and memory retention of broiler breeders through a T-maze test with a reward v. no reward set-up. Feed supplemented with or without meal worms served as a reward. Two trials were conducted with either parent stock (PS) breeders or pure line A (PL) breeders and with the same dietary treatment namely a control (C) group fed with standard commercial diets and a reduced balanced protein (RP) group fed with RP diets (25% reduction of CP and amino acids). To maintain similar target BW, the RP group received on average 10% more feed. A tonic immobility (TI) test was performed to estimate the fearfulness of PS breeders. Most breeders were capable of completing the T-maze tests, but the C group needed less time compared with the RP group when their own feed was given as a reward. However, when meal worms were provided as an extra incentive, the RP group completed the maze significantly faster than the C group. Compared to the C breeders, the RP breeders remained longer in a TI state, indicating a higher level of fearfulness. Long-term memory retention in the T-maze test was observed in both groups. It is concluded that the RP diet had no influences on the learning ability of the reward v. no reward discrimination test and its memory retention of broiler breeders. The increased amount of time the RP breeders needed to solve the test was probably due to a higher sense of fear. Furthermore, the RP diet enhanced the motivation of breeders to obtain an alternative feed such as meal worms.  相似文献   

The effect of reduced balanced protein (RP) diet in the F0 and F1 generation of broiler breeders on the learning ability and memory retention of the F2 generation was investigated by means of a reward v. no reward discrimination T-maze test. There were two treatments for the F0 generation: control (C) group, reared on standard commercial diets, and reduced balanced protein (RP) group, fed with RP diets (25% reduction in CP and amino acids). The female F0-progeny of each treatment was again separated into the two dietary treatments, resulting in four treatments for the F1 generation: C/C, C/RP, RP/C and RP/RP (breeder feed in F0/F1 generation). The RP diets fed breeders received on average 10% more feed than C diets fed breeders to achieve a similar target BW. The F2 generation was composed of four treatments coming from the female F1-progeny of the four treatments and were all fed with C diet (namely C/C/C, C/RP/C, RP/C/C and RP/RP/C). All four F2 generation groups were able to complete the T-maze learning test with a slight difference in success rate but a significant difference within groups was observed regarding the time needed to complete the test. In general, the RP/RP/C group needed more time for completing the test compared with the other three groups and the shortest time was recorded for the RP/C/C group. At similar ages, breeders with early learning experience spent significantly less time in completing the test compared with unexperienced breeders. Long-term memory retention was observed in all four groups whereas the learning ability in solving the test decreased with age. It took longer for the breeders to complete the test at older ages. In conclusion, under our experimental conditions, the RP dietary treatment in previous generations had no influence on the T-maze learning ability and memory retention of broiler breeders of the third generation, although it might have effects on the working performance in the T-maze learning test of F2 generation breeders.  相似文献   

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