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Chimeras and the Origin of Lateral Root Primordia in Zea mays   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
CLOWES  F. A. L. 《Annals of botany》1978,42(4):801-807
The difficulty of determining the contribution made by the pericycleand endodermis of mother roots to lateral primordia in the Gramineaehas been solved by inducing polyploid chimeras at initiation. The endodermis forms a layer covering the primordium, but thislayer does not form the epidermis of the lateral. It does formthe root cap of the young primordium, but this is replaced ata variable stage of development by the quiescent centre donatinga new set of cap initials of pericyclic origin. Reasons forthe previous diversity of interpretations are presented. chimera, lateral root primordia, Zea mays  相似文献   

有关心脏前体位置的报道并不一致.主要对心脏前体的研究,包括命运图、细胞移植和培养及在心脏发育过程中起作用的组织相互作用、信号分子及基因调控机制几个方面进行了综述.另外,对最近报道的次生心脏形成区也进行了介绍.早期心脏发育的调控事件的确定可为新的治疗心肌症的途径提供必要的基础.  相似文献   

Endogenous Development of Adventitious Root Primordia in Lettuce Hypocotyls   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
KORDAN  H. A. 《Annals of botany》1985,55(2):267-268
Rudimentary adventitious root primordia were observed in optically-sectionedFeulgen-stained hypocotyls of 8-d-old lettuce seedlings germinatedin the dark and in a low light intensity environment. It issuggested that formation of these primordia may represent anaspect of normal development in the seedling. Adventitious, root primordia, hypocotyls, lettuce, Lactuca sativa  相似文献   

Distribution of Lateral Root Primordia in Root Tips of Musa   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The distribution of lateral root primordia in the root tipsof four Musa landraces (Grande Naine, Pisang Berlin, Ngok Egomeand Yangambi Km5) grown in the field has been investigated toevaluate the range of genetic variation of lateral root initiation.In banana (Musa sp.), lateral roots are initiated in the roottip, 0.6–4 mm behind the root/cap junction and arise inseveral protoxylem-based longitudinal rows or ‘ranks’.Significant differences were observed among landraces for theposition of the most distal primordium, however the longitudinalspacing between successive primordia along the ranks was similarfor all landraces. All ranks were involved in lateral root initiation.The number of ranks also showed significant variations amonglandraces and was proportional to the stelar diameter. Hencethe density of lateral roots (roots cm-1) was affected by stelardiameter variations. Finally, root elongation in the root tipwas landrace-specific and not necessarily exponential, unlikesuggested in previous studies. It is concluded that lateralroot initiation in Musa is not involved in the genetic variationsof root architecture in the field. A dissection of root architectureinto components which may account for these variations is proposedin relation to the improvement of root system architecture.Copyright 1999 Annals of Botany Company Lateral root initiation, root architecture, Musa, banana.  相似文献   


Phytoremediation by aquatic macrophytes is a promising technology with higher efficiency and no energy consumption. For this purpose, two macrophytes (Pistia stratiotes, Eichhornia crassipes), and an alga (Oedogonium sp.) were used to treat textile effluents rich in COD, BOD, dyes, and heavy metals (Pb, Fe, Cd, Cu). The aim of the study was to focus on comparative phytoremediation potential of these species by their metal removal capability. During 7?days experiment (day 0–day 6), the results showed that Oedogonium sp. was the best for COD removal and decolorization. Eichhornia crassipes was the best for BOD and heavy metal removal and proves more efficient than Pistia stratiotes and Oedogonium sp. However, Pistia stratiotes was found to accumulate more concentrations of Pb and Fe than Eichhornia stratiotes.  相似文献   

Cell Population Studies in Developing Root Primordia   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The proliferation of polyploid and diploid cells was followedduring the development of lateral root primordia of Vicia faba.Presumptive primordial cells were treated with weak solutionsof colchicine, 0.003, 0.006, and 0.0125 per cent, for 3 h. Somecells are induced to become polyploid and they form a markedsub-population. The relative frequencies of diploid and polyploidcells were determined from the time small primordia were presenttill lateral roots were fully emerged. These frequencies havebeen found to change in a regular fashion and the changes reflectdifferent levels of mitotic activity in different parts of aprimordia as it develops. Polyploid cells occupy the centralcore of the primordia and they divide actively except for theperiod just before lateral root emergence. Coincident with thistemporary quiescence of the core cells, the peripheral cells,which remain diploid after treatment with the weaker solutionsof colchicine, continue to divide. These changes in mitoticactivity of the central and peripheral cells are shown bothin the changes in the relative frequencies of polyploid anddiploid mitoses as a primordium grows and in changes in mitoticindex. A microspectrophotometric study indicates that the centralcells are held, temporarily in the G1 phase of the cell cycle.  相似文献   

Reserve Lipids in Stem Root Primordia of Poplar   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lipids are reserve substances in stem root primordia of poplarand occur as droplets approximately uniformly in all cells ofroot primordia. In ultrathin sections they appear as sphericalelectron-dense particles (0.5–1.4 µm diameter),filling up virtually all the available space in the cytoplasm.The presence of lipids in stem root primordia was demonstratedin several species of the genus Populus from the section Aigeirosand Tacamahaca, as well as in another representative of thefamily Salicaceae, viz. in the genus Salix.  相似文献   

Patterns of Distribution of Lateral Root Primordia   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
CHARLTON  W. A. 《Annals of botany》1983,51(4):417-427
The distribution of lateral root primordia has been examinedin Pistia stratiotes and Potentilla palustris, and re-examinedin Pontederia cordata. The major feature of the distributionpattern is a rather regular spacing along protoxylem-based ranks.There appears to be some correlation of activity between ranks,but simulations of patterns based on the data from Pontederiasuggest that the observed correlation is spurious. Pistia stratiotes, Pontederia cordata, Potentilla palustris, roots, lateral roots, pattern  相似文献   

Distribution of Lateral Root Primordia in Root Tips of Musa acuminata Colla   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
CHARLTON  W. A. 《Annals of botany》1982,49(4):509-520
The distribution of lateral root primordia in Musa acuminatashows discrete elements of pattern, a major element of whichis the rather regular spacing of laterals along protoxylem-basedranks. There is some co-ordination of positions of lateralsin different ranks. Laterals are apparently not initiated ina single acropetal sequence within the root tip as a whole althoughthey are initiated in acropetal sequence within each rank. Musa acuminata, banana, roots, lateral roots  相似文献   

Relationship Between Lateral Root Primordia in Different Ranks   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
CHARLTON  W. A. 《Annals of botany》1987,60(4):455-458
Comparisons with theoretical random distributions indicate thatthe longitudinal positional relationships between lateral rootsin different ranks are random in roots of Musa acuminata, Pistiastratiotes and i, species in which lateral root primordia arisein the root tip. In Potentilla palustris, where lateral rootprimordia arise further back in the root, there is a deficiencyof close spacings, which indicates that there is some interactionbetween ranks. Musa acuminata, Pistia stratiotes, Pontederia cordat, Potentilla palustris, roots, lateral roots, pattern  相似文献   

MACLEOD  R. D. 《Annals of botany》1976,40(3):551-562
Lateral root primordia in i are first initiated 2–3 daysfollowing the onset of germination, after which they take 5.17–6.35days to complete their development and emerge as lateral roots.Variation in the amount of time elapsing between primordiuminitiation and emergence as a lateral is probably a reflectionof the cell number attained by any one primordium at the timeof emergence. The number of primordia produced per cm of primaryroot growth (5.35–6.65) was not affected by variationin the rate of root elongation, although the number of primordiaproduced each day increased with increase in the rate of rootgrowth. In colchicine-treated roots, the amount of time between primordiuminitiation in the C-tumour and the subsequent emergence of alateral (5.43–6.43 days) was similar to the value obtainedin control roots. Primordia which were present at the time ofcolchicine treatment responded to treatment in a number of differentways, depending on the stage of development reached. Primordiain the first 2.66 days of their development die following treatment;those between 2.66 and 3.69 days old have their developmentinhibited but stay alive; primordia which have been developingfor 3.69–4.91 days following initiation grow out as straightlaterals, while those between 4.91 and 5.77 days old form C-tumoursand emerge as inhibited laterals.  相似文献   

Increase in cell number, anlage volume and length have beeninvestigated during the overall period of lateral root primordiumdevelopment in excised primaries and in attached roots of Zeamays L. Each of these aspects of anlage growth was found toincrease more or less exponentially during the interval betweenprimordium initiation and subsequent emergence as a lateralin both batches of roots. Values were then determined for celldoubling time (Td), the size of the proliferative fraction (Pf),and for anlage volume (Tv) and length (Tt) doubling times duringthe overall period of primordium development and at intervalsduring this period in both the excised and attached roots. Thepattern of change which took place in Td, Tv, Tl and Pf duringlateral primordium development was found to be similar in bothbatches of roots. However, the overall period of anlage developmentwas shorter in the excised roots than in the attached ones.Moreover, when laterals grew out of the excised roots they didso with fewer cells than comparable laterals emerging from theattached roots. Zea mays L., maize, root primordia, lateral emergence, cell doubling time  相似文献   

In the rooting of disbudded azuki bean stem cuttings, actinomycinD and 2,4- dinitrophenol (DNP) acted as auxin synergists. Althoughcuttings treated with actinomycin D or DNP alone formed almostthe same number of roots as water-treated cuttings, cuttingstreated with actinomycin D or DNP for 24 hr then with auxinfor another 24 hr formed more roots than cuttings treated onlywith auxin during the second 24 hr. Both actinomycin D and DNPincreased the number of root primordia with longitudinally dividedcells, but they acted differently on the first transverse celldivision which led to root primordium formation. ActinomycinD delayed the start of the first transverse cell division, butDNP hastened it. (Received July 7, 1981; Accepted September 21, 1981)  相似文献   

HICKS  G. S. 《Annals of botany》1982,50(3):291-300
The state of determination of the two emergent carpel primordiaof Nicotiana tabacum was tested. Carpel rudiments were excisedand cultured singly or in pairs. The basal medium was that ofLinsmaier and Skoog, supplemented with 1.0 mg 1–1 kinetin.Over the ensuing 4 week period, whole differentiated pistilsformed from the pairs and half pistils grew from the singlecarpels. It is concluded that these emergent organs show a certaindegree of autonomy and that they may have been determined atthe time of isolation. Nicotiana tabacum L, tobacco, carpel, organ determination, tissue culture, morphogenesis  相似文献   

Lateral root primordium development has been examined in primaryroots of Vicia faba L., Pisum sativum L., Zea mays L. and Phaseolusvulgaris L. Following their initiation from an estimated minimumnumber of 77–162, 20–57, 17 and 12 cells respectivelyin Vicia, Phaseolus, Pisum and Zea, the primordia rapidly increasedin cell number to emerge as secondary roots about 2.8–3.6days later depending on the species being examined. Cell doublingtimes were estimated directly from cell numbers at differenttimes following primordium inception and were found to increasewith increase in primordium size in each of the species investigated. The number of primordia formed per cm of root growth per daywas greatest in Zea and least in Pisum. A comparison of thedata obtained for Vicia with that in the literature led to theconclusion that although the number of primordia produced percm of root growth was independent of the rate of primary elongation,the number produced per day increased in a linear fashion withincrease in the rate at which the primary lengthened. Vicia faba L, Pisum sativum L, Zea mays L, Phaseolus vulgaris L, broad bean, garden pea, maize, dwarf bean, root primordia, cell division, cell doubling time  相似文献   

It has been reported that auxin accelerates cytoplasmic streamingat low concentrations and inhibits it at high concentrationsin several plant cells. In the present study, the mechanismof inhibition of cytoplasmic streaming by naphthalene aceticacid (NAA) at high concentrations was analyzed in root haircells of Hydrocharis. Because the effective concentration ofNAA inhibiting cytoplasmic streaming decreased when the extracellularpH (pHo) was lowered, it was hypothesized that cytoplasmic streamingis inhibited by NAA via acidification of the cytoplasm. Thispossibility was supported by the fact that acetic acid, pro-pionicacid and decanoic acid also inhibited cytoplasmic streamingat low pHo. Acidification of the cytoplasm disturbed the orientationof actin filaments (AFs) and disrupted cortical microtubules(MTs). The effects of NAA were reversible; both cytoplasmicstreaming and organization of the cytoskeleton were recoveredupon removal of NAA. During the recovery, tracks of cytoplasmicstreaming in the subcortical region temporarily showed a helicalpattern along the longitudinal direction of the cell. Fluorescencestaining of cytoskeletons revealed that both AFs and MTs alignedobliquely to the longitudinal axis of the cell. The helicalstreaming returned to the original reverse fountain streamingafter several hours. The simultaneous changes in the organizationof both cytoskeletons supported our previous report that theorganization of AFs is regulated by MTs. 1Author for correspondence. Fax, 81-7915-8-0175. e-mail: tomy-@sci.himeji-tech.ac.jp  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2020,30(3):455-464.e7
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Cuttings of Agathis australis undergo complex anatomical changesin the sub-base and base. These changes include wound responsesin addition to the processes leading to adventitious root production.Although the root pnmordia form in the mid cortex the firstevents are associated with divisions in the interfasicular regiona few millimetres above the base of the Cutting. This is followedby differentiation into tracheids and phloem which then areoutwards and downwards into the mid cortex. When the inducedvascular strand is only a few cells wide, conditions at theadvancing front are most favourable for primordium formation.If sheets of vascular tissue occur, there is neither the spacenor the focal point for primordia to initiate. In cuttings fromolder material there are abundant resin canals, sclerenchymaand branch traces. These may reduce the amount of parenchymatissue to such a low level that potential primordial sites areno longer present and root formation is prevented. Organization is not observed until over 1500 cells are presentand at about this stage the beginning of organized cell arrangementcan be seen at the site of the apex of the primordium. Untilthis time the progress towards a primordium could not be saidto be ‘determined’. Although the lag phase before any morphological or anatomicalchanges are observed is variable in duration, the time takenfor the period of tracheid development and then for primordiumorganization and outgrowth is fairly constant, taking about2 weeks for each of the two phases. Evidence suggests that thevariation between species is probably in the duration of thelag phase and in the precise site of origin and pattern of theearly events. Once the primordium has formed the events leadingto root formation are probably similar for most species bothfor adventitious and lateral roots. Agathis australis (D. Don) Lindl, kauri, cuttings, wound responses, vascular connections, root primordia, root anatomy  相似文献   

Water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) and water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes) were analyzed to determine their effectiveness in aquaculture wastewater treatment in Malaysia. Wastewater from fish farm in Semanggol Perak, Malaysia was sampled and the parameters determined included, the pH, turbidity, dissolved oxygen (DO), chemical oxygen demand (COD), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), nitrite phosphate (PO4(3-)), nitrate (NO(3-)), nitrite (NO(-2)), ammonia (NH3), and total kjedahl nitrogen (TKN). Also, hydroponics system was set up and was added with fresh plants weights of 150 +/- 20 grams Eichhornia crassipes and 50 +/- 10 grams Pistia stratiotes during the 30 days experiment. The phytoremediation treatment with Eichhornia crassipes had pH ranging from 5.52 to 5.59 and from 4.45 to 5.5 while Pistia stratiotes had its pH value from 5.76 to 6.49 and from 6.24 to 7.07. Considerable percentage reduction was observed in all the parameters treated with the phytoremediators. Percentage reduction of turbidity for Eichhornia crassipes were 85.26% and 87.05% while Pistia stratiotes were 92.70% and 93.69% respectively. Similar reductions were observed in COD, TKN, NO(3-), NH3, and PO4(3-). The capability of these plants in removing nutrients was established from the study. Removal of aquatic macrophytes from water bodies is recommended for efficient water purification.  相似文献   

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