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The marine otter (Lontra felina) inhabits patches of rocky coastline from central Peru to southern Chile and is classified as Endangered by the IUCN. Given the limited information available about the species, we set out to assess marine otter diet with a view to detecting latitudinal differences, and to assess marine otter activity budgets and interspecific interactions (including anthropogenic) at Peruvian fishing villages and to compare results with similar Chilean studies. Nine study sites from central Chile to southern Peru were sampled for otter spraints to assess relative frequency of prey types and two fishing ports in southern Peru were monitored through focal and scan observations to assess activity patterns, interspecific interactions, habitat use patterns, and dive durations. Results indicate that toward the northern part of its range, crustaceans become less important and fish more important in the diet. Interactions were observed between marine otters and other species, including stray dogs and cats. The strong dependence of marine otters on the availability of safe rocky shelters, and the species’ apparent tolerance to living alongside humans raise conservation concerns about vulnerability to anthropogenic threats. These factors, if not correctly managed, could turn some of these rocky seashore patches into population sinks.  相似文献   

Understanding the biology of rare species is a very important part of conservation biology. Most of our current understanding of rarity has, however, come from studies of terrestrial plants, birds, mammals and some insects. Freshwater and marine habitats are underrepresented in published studies of rare species or conservation biology. We therefore have little knowledge about how well our understanding of what makes particular species rare and how rare species persist applies to marine invertebrates which form a major component of coastal biodiversity. In this review, I examine some theories about rarity with respect to intertidal and shallow subtidal invertebrates to identify whether there are adequate data to apply these theories to marine invertebrates and how well such theories apply. The general conclusions are that the lack of quantitative data on abundances, ranges, habitat-requirements, dispersal and connectedness among populations for marine invertebrates means that their status as rare species cannot really be assessed appropriately. It is also unlikely that, without extensive sampling programmes and considerable expense, adequate data could be obtained for these small, cryptic animals, which typically have very patchy, variable and unpredictable patterns of distribution and abundance. Intertidal and subtidal assemblages are diverse, including species with many different life-histories from many phyla, occupying the same suite of habitats. It is therefore suggested that future research on rare organisms in marine habitats should build upon the long and successful history of experimental marine studies to test specific hypotheses about processes influencing rarity in the field. Such studies would not only add a new dimension to our current understanding of rarity, but would also provide badly-needed data on the status of rare marine invertebrates. abundances, invertebrates, marine, range, rarity  相似文献   

Relatively few studies have been done to define or assess rarity in the marine environment. Published studies have focused on shallow-water and intertidal habitats, and the available information appears to reflect the same pattern observed in terrestrial environments, i.e., that there are many rare species and few common species in any one given area. However, our studies of the abundance of new and/or supposedly rare taxa of decapod crustaceans from the deep, steep slopes of the island of Balicasag, in the central Philippines, have raised questions on how rarity should be defined in marine invertebrates. Examples of such supposedly rare species of crabs and lobsters (Crustacea: Decapoda) are presented here. That these animals come from deep, steep slopes, a relatively under-studied habitat, highlights the major gaps in current knowledge of marine biodiversity that are in part due to the inadequacy of both traditional and high technology sampling methodologies and the limited habitat types that the former can target. Low-technology, artisanal tangle nets have proved to be an optimal capture technique for deep-water decapod crustaceans on deep, steep slopes; many new taxa have been discovered and, in other cases, perceptions of rarity and endemicity have been corrected.  相似文献   

Sea lice (Copepoda, Caligidae) are the most widely distributed marine pathogens in the salmon industry. Vaccination could be an environmentally friendly alternative for sea lice control; however, research on the development of such vaccines is still at an early stage of development. Recent results have suggested that subolesin/akirin/my32 are good candidate antigens for the control of arthropod infestations, including sea lice, but background knowledge about these genes in crustaceans is limited. Herein, we characterize the my32 gene/protein from two important sea lice species, Caligus rogercresseyi and Lepeophtheirus salmonis, based on cDNA sequence isolation, phylogenetic relationships, three dimensional structure prediction and expression analysis. The results show that these genes/proteins have the main characteristics of akirins from invertebrates. In addition, immunization with purified recombinant my32 from L. salmonis elicited a specific antibody response in mice and fish. These results provide an improvement to our current knowledge about my32 proteins and their potential use as vaccine candidates against sea lice in fish.  相似文献   

Seasonal energy allocation and deficits of marine juvenile fishes have considerable effects on their survival. To explore the winter survival mechanism of marine fishes with low lipid reserves in their early life, juvenile walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma were collected along the continental shelf of northern Japan over a 2-year period, and energy allocation and deficit patterns were compared between wild and laboratory-starved fish. Contrary to expectations, wild fish generally continued to accumulate protein mass and concurrently tended to reduce lipid mass from late autumn through winter. The most plausible explanation for the continuous structural growth is that juvenile pollock give priority to reducing mortality risk from size-selective predators under quasi-prey-limited conditions. Exceptionally, inshore small fish reduced both constituents during a winter. The inshore fish consumed 2.5 times more lipid energy than protein energy in November–December, but protein was more important than lipids as a source of energy in December–January and in February–March. However, dependence upon protein reserves was lower for the wild fish than for the laboratory-starved fish, suggesting milder nutritional stress of the wild fish than that observed in the starvation experiment. Moreover, the lipid contents of mortalities in the starvation experiment were mostly <1%, whereas few wild fish had such lipid contents in the field. These results suggest that juvenile pollock are able to avoid both starvation and predation by accumulating protein reserves.  相似文献   

An analysis was made of the micro-distribution patterns of five phylogenetically closely related species belonging to the genus Iberobathynella, a group of subterranean aquatic crustaceans (Syncarida, Parabathynellidae). The two-step model of colonization and speciation seems to provide a valid explanation for the current distribution of a large number of stygobiontic taxa of marine origin (thalassoid). However, with respect to the Iberobathynella, only the colonization of the subterranean environment at the mesoscale level can be explained. The second phase of the model, marine regression, can only explain the colonization of the region by the ancestor; the subsequent evolution and speciation at a smaller scale remain to be explained. Local geological constraints – Upper Triassic gypsiferous mudstone deposits plus faults and thrusting linked to the Alpine Orogeny – are responsible for the appearance of local palaeogeographic phenomena. These may have been the vicariant processes responsible for the geographical and genetic isolation of the ancestral populations of this group, which eventually led to clade divergence. Together with small-scale passive dispersion (11 dispersal events) and local extinction, these processes could be responsible for the current distribution of the five sister taxa inhabiting the caves of the Sierra de la Collada, Spain. A plausible palaeogeographical scenario is offered to explain their present distribution, that clearly came about through chance events.  相似文献   

In aquatic environments heterotrophic flagellates are an important component within the microbial loop and the food web, owing to their involvement in the energy transfer and flux and as an intermediate link between bacteria and primary producers, and greater organisms, such as other protists and metazoan consumers. In the microbial loop heterotrophic flagellates highly contribute to fast biomass and nutrient recycling and to the production in aquatic environments. In fact, these protists consume efficiently viruses, bacteria, cyanobacteria and picophytoplankton, and are grazed mainly by other protists, rotifers and small crustaceans. In this paper the knowledge about these unicellular organisms is reviewed, taking into particular account their ecological relationships and trophic role within the plankton community of marine and freshwater environments.  相似文献   

The Ponto-Caspian (Black and Caspian seas) brackish-water fauna represents a special case of the endemic diversification in world's ancient lakes; it also involves a hotspot of continental diversity in the predominantly marine mysid crustaceans. We explored the origins and history of the mysid diversification in a phylogenetic analysis of some 20 endemic Ponto-Caspian species mainly of the genus Paramysis and their marine congeners, using sequences of two nuclear protein-coding genes, two nuclear rRNA genes, the mitochondrial COI gene and morphological data. A nearly completely resolved phylogeny was recovered, with no indication of rapid diversification bursts. Deep divergences were found among the main endemic clades, attesting to a long independent faunal history in the continental Paratethys waters. The current marine Paramysis species make a monophyletic cluster secondarily derived from the continental Paratethyan (Ponto-Caspian) Paramysis ancestors. The good phylogenetic resolution was mainly due to the two nuclear protein-coding genes, opsin and EPRS, here for the first time applied to peracarid systematics. In contrast, 'conventional' mtDNA and nuclear rRNA genes provided poor topological resolution and weak congruence of divergence rates. The two nuclear protein-coding genes had more congruent rates of evolution, and were about 10-15 times slower than the mitochondrial COI gene.  相似文献   

A modification of Taylor's Power law was used to compare the degree of overdispersion in frequency distributions from 38 datasets of marine parasites, data that had originally been collected for fish stock discrimination. The results strongly indicate that the overriding factor contributing to overdispersion in these helminths and crustaceans is the number of hosts in the life cycle. This was particularly well shown by juveniles of Anisakis 1 from different fish species. Data on the cestode Otobothrium cysticum and the monogenean Pricea multae appear anomalous and lead to conclusions about their biology not at first evident from the literature.  相似文献   

Fatty acid and stable isotope analyses have previously been used to investigate foraging patterns of fish, birds, marine mammals and most recently cephalopod species. To evaluate the application of these methods for dietary studies in squid, it is important to understand the degree to which fatty acid and stable isotope signatures of prey species are reflected in the squids' tissue. Four groups of Lolliguncula brevis were fed on prey species with distinctly different fatty acid and stable isotope profiles over 30 consecutive days. One group of squid were fed fish for fifteen days, followed by crustaceans for a further fifteen days. A second and third group were fed exclusively on fish or crustaceans for thirty days. And a fourth group was fed on a mixture of fish and crustaceans for thirty days. Analysis of squid tissue showed that, after 10 days of feeding, fatty acid profiles of squid tended to reflect those of their prey. Squid that fed on a single prey type, i.e. fish or crustacean, showed only minor modifications in fatty acid proportions after the initial change and fatty acid profiles were clearly distinguishable between the two feeding groups. Shifts in fatty acid proportions towards respective prey profiles could clearly be observed in squid the diet of which was swapped after 15 days. Clear differences could also be seen in fatty acid profiles of squid feeding on a mixed diet with trends towards either fish or crustacean fatty acid signatures. Stable isotope signatures of squid tissues clearly distinguished between animals feeding on different diets and supported findings from fatty acid analysis, thus indicating both methods to be viable tools in feeding studies on squid species.  相似文献   

海洋渔业资源是自然资源的重要组成部分,海洋经济物种体内重金属含量直接影响到人们身体健康。利用2018年春季惠州市海洋渔业资源调查样品,分析了贝类、甲壳类、鱼类等3类27种海洋经济物种体内重金属Cu、Pb、Cd的含量特征,利用单因子污染指数(SFI)、金属污染指数(MPI)和目标危险系数(THQ)分别进行了重金属污染水平评价和健康风险评估,并探讨了海洋经济物种体内重金属的来源及影响因素。结果显示,(1)2018年春季,惠州海域3类海洋经济物种体内重金属元素含量由大到小皆为Cu>Pb>Cd。不同类海洋经济物种对同种重金属的富集能力有明显差异,方差分析显示,贝类体内Cu含量显著高于鱼类,Cd含量显著高于甲壳类和鱼类。(2)惠州海洋经济物种体内3种重金属元素含量的Pearson相关分析结果显示,Cu与Pb、Cd显著正相关,反映其具有同源性和类似生物地球化学行为,受到人为活动的影响。(3)SFI值反映,3类海洋经济物种体内Cu含量为正常背景值水平,Pb含量为轻度污染;贝类、鱼类体内Cd含量分别为轻度污染和中度污染,值得引起重视。MPI值由大到小为贝类>甲壳类>鱼类。整体说明,不同海洋经济物种体内重金属含量特征对生存环境质量有明显响应。(4)根据《无公害食品水产品中有毒有害物质限量》(NY 5073-2006),从1996年到2018年春季,惠州海域海洋经济物种体内Cu含量稳定,无超标样品;甲壳类、鱼类体内Pb、Cd含量超标需引起关注。(5)3类海洋经济物种的THQ值皆<1,由大到小顺序为贝类>甲壳类>鱼类,对人身健康无影响。  相似文献   

Marine hydrocarbonoclastic bacteria, like Alcanivorax borkumensis, play a globally important role in bioremediation of petroleum oil contamination in marine ecosystems. Accumulation of storage lipids, serving as endogenous carbon and energy sources during starvation periods, might be a potential adaptation mechanism for coping with nutrient limitation, which is a frequent stress factor challenging those bacteria in their natural marine habitats. Here we report on the analysis of storage lipid biosynthesis in A. borkumensis strain SK2. Triacylglycerols (TAGs) and wax esters (WEs), but not poly(hydroxyalkanoic acids), are the principal storage lipids present in this and other hydrocarbonoclastic bacterial species. Although so far assumed to be a characteristic restricted to gram-positive actinomycetes, substantial accumulation of TAGs corresponding to a fatty acid content of more than 23% of the cellular dry weight is the first characteristic of large-scale de novo TAG biosynthesis in a gram-negative bacterium. The acyltransferase AtfA1 (ABO_2742) exhibiting wax ester synthase/acyl-coenzyme A:diacylglycerol acyltransferase (WS/DGAT) activity plays a key role in both TAG and WE biosynthesis, whereas AtfA2 (ABO_1804) was dispensable for storage lipid formation. However, reduced but still substantial residual TAG levels in atfA1 and atfA2 knockout mutants compellingly indicate the existence of a yet unknown WS/DGAT-independent alternative TAG biosynthesis route. Storage lipids of A. borkumensis were enriched in saturated fatty acids and accumulated as insoluble intracytoplasmic inclusions exhibiting great structural variety. Storage lipid accumulation provided only a slight growth advantage during short-term starvation periods but was not required for maintaining viability and long-term persistence during extended starvation phases.  相似文献   

Theoretical predictions for the relationships between duration of dormancy, reproductive life span, and dispersal ability developed for plants in temporally varying environments are applied here to crustaceans. Mathematical models suggest that diapause duration should negatively covary with adult life span, and that both diapause and life span should negatively covary with dispersal ability. A survey of 167 crustacean species from 20 orders and three classes confirms that species with prolonged diapause have short adult life spans and those with long adult lives either have diapause lasting less than a year, or do not diapause at all. Prolonged diapause is more common among small or inland water crustaceans than it is among large or marine species, whereas large or marine species have significantly longer adult life spans on average than do those that are small or from inland waters. A greater fraction of species in the Branchiopoda exhibit prolonged diapause than do members of the Maxillopoda which, in turn, are more likely to exhibit prolonged diapause than are the Malacostraca. A greater fraction of malacostracan species have adult life spans exceeding one year than do species in either the Branchiopoda or the Maxillopoda. Cladistic analysis shows that phylogenetic constraint is likely to be at least in part responsible for the expression of diapause among the Crustacea. We conclude that both natural selection and macroevolutionary pattern have influenced the distribution of diapause among modern crustaceans.  相似文献   

Adult specimens of two species of clams, Ruditapes decussatus and Venerupis pullastra, were starved for 84 days to determine the effect of starvation on their metabolism. The energy cost of metabolism in starvation was assessed using the oxygen consumption rates (respiration rates) of the clams and assessing the type of fuel used to provide this energy by analyzing their biochemical composition. Respiration rates decreased in both species after 15 days of starvation and remained at basal levels throughout the rest of the experimental period. Both during the first period and also after the metabolism had slowed down, the amount of energy consumed in respiration was higher in V. pullastra than in R. decussatus. The energy needed to maintain vital functions in both species is obtained from catabolism of body components, with a reduction in dry mass of the specimens, and consequently their energy content, in both species. This reduction was greater in V. pullastra given that energy demand is higher in this species. In both species carbohydrates made the largest contributions to energy output, followed by lipids in males and proteins in females. However, the energy contribution of each biochemical component differs according to species: R. decussatus obtains its energy from the catabolism of carbohydrates and proteins in equal proportion, while V. pullastra obtains it from proteins and lipids. In both species, albeit to a greater extent in R. decussatus, we observed that female specimens conserved their lipids until the later stages of the period of starvation (day 70), after which they started to metabolise their lipid components more intensely. The interspecific differences are interpreted in relation to the different habitat occupied by the two species.  相似文献   

The marine otter ( Lutra felina ) lives exclusively along exposed rocky shorelines on the South American Pacific coast from Peru (6°S), to Cape Horn, Chile (56°S), and Isla de los Estados, Argentina. L. felina diet and its relationship to prey availability and energy content was assessed by spraint and prey remains analysis, direct observation, and the use of crab pots and fish traps, at four sites on the Valdivian coast in the south of Chile, between June 1999 and June 2000. Based on spraints analysis, the diet was composed of 25 species; 52% (13/25) of the species identified were crustaceans, 40% (10/25) were fish, and 8% (2/25) were mollusks. Crustaceans were found in 78% of 475 spraints, 100% of 929 prey remains, and 90.8% of prey determined by direct observation, fish in 20% of spraints and 9.0% of prey determined by direct observation, and mollusks in 2% of spraints and 0.2% of prey determined by direct observation. Observed seasonal variation in prey availability was reflected in the otter diet. Fourteen prey species were trapped; 43% (6/14) were crustaceans and 57% (8/14) fish, crustaceans were 93% of 566 trapped individuals, fish 7%. L. felina showed opportunistic feeding behavior, selecting prey seasonally according to their availability rather than to their energy input.  相似文献   

Thiel  Martin  Kruse  Inken 《Hydrobiologia》2001,456(1-3):21-32
The ecology of nemertean predators in marine ecosystems is reviewed. Nemerteans occur in most marine environments although usually in low abundances. Some species, particularly in intertidal habitats, may reach locally high densities. During specific time periods appropriate for hunting, nemerteans roam about in search of prey. Upon receiving a stimulus (usually chemical cues), many nemertean species actively pursue their prey and follow them into their dwellings or in their tracks. Other species (many hoplonemerteans) adopt a sit-and-wait strategy, awaiting prey items in strategic locations. Nemerteans possess potent neurotoxins, killing even highly mobile prey species within a few seconds and within the activity range of its attacker. Most nemertean species prey on live marine invertebrates, but some also gather on recently dead organisms to feed on them. Heteronemerteans preferentially feed on polychaetes, while most hoplonemerteans prey on small crustaceans. The species examined to date show strong preferences for selected prey species, but will attack a variety of alternative prey organisms when deprived of their favourite species. Ontogenetic changes in prey selection appear to occur, but no further information about, e.g. size selection, is available. Feeding rates as revealed from short-term laboratory experiments range on the order of 1–5 prey items d–1. These values apparently are overestimates, since long-term experiments report substantially lower values (0.05–0.3 prey items d–1). Nemerteans have been reported to exert a strong impact on the population size of their prey organisms through their predation activity. Considering low predation rates, these effects may primarily be a result of indirect and additive interactions. We propose future investigations on these interactive effects in combination with other predators. Another main avenue of nemertean ecological research appears to be the examination of their role in highly structured habitats such as intertidal rocky shore and coral reef environments.  相似文献   

为何海洋中的昆虫种类如此稀少?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
昆虫种类丰富,占所有动物总数的23。已知的水生昆虫约30000种,而在海洋生活的昆虫仅为250~300种。根据在海洋中的栖息地不同,海洋昆虫一般可分为远洋昆虫、潮池昆虫和海滨昆虫。该文介绍了目前科学界对于海洋昆虫种类为何如此稀少的主流观点与假说,包括海水高渗管压、低氧、营养物质缺乏、昆虫与显花植物间的协同进化以及与甲壳类动物的生态位竞争等。  相似文献   

Despite the major role of genome size for physiology, ecology, and evolution, there is still mixed evidence with regard to proximate and ultimate drivers. The main causes of large genome size are proliferation of noncoding elements and/or duplication events. The relative role and interplay between these proximate causes and the evolutionary patterns shaped by phylogeny, life history traits or environment are largely unknown for the arthropods. Genome size shows a tremendous variability in this group, and it has a major impact on a range of fitness‐related parameters such as growth, metabolism, life history traits, and for many species also body size. In this study, we compared genome size in two major arthropod groups, insects and crustaceans, and related this to phylogenetic patterns and parameters affecting ambient temperature (latitude, depth, or altitude), insect developmental mode, as well as crustacean body size and habitat, for species where data were available. For the insects, the genome size is clearly phylogeny‐dependent, reflecting primarily their life history and mode of development, while for crustaceans there was a weaker association between genome size and phylogeny, suggesting life cycle strategies and habitat as more important determinants. Maximum observed latitude and depth, and their combined effect, showed positive, and possibly phylogenetic independent, correlations with genome size for crustaceans. This study illustrate the striking difference in genome sizes both between and within these two major groups of arthropods, and that while living in the cold with low developmental rates may promote large genomes in marine crustaceans, there is a multitude of proximate and ultimate drivers of genome size.  相似文献   

The collection of shells is a popular tourist activity in coastal areas of tropical countries. Tourists also buy shells, particularly large gastropods, which may be important species in marine ecosystems. While some, though outdated, information exists on the magnitude of the international trade with ornamental shells, virtually nothing is known about the extent of the regional tourist-related curio trade. A survey in Zanzibar, Tanzania, showed that 39% of the tourists had collected shells and 7% had bought shells, contributing US$ 136,000 to the local economy. The weight of shells exported from Zanzibar by tourists may have been in the order of 13t. Regarding other marine species, tourists consume only 1% of the fish catches, but they have substantially increased the consumption of crustaceans and the trade in shark teeth and jaws.  相似文献   

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