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A proteomic survey of rat cerebral cortical synaptosomes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Previous findings from our laboratory and others indicate that two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) can be used to study protein expression in defined brain regions, but mainly the proteins which are present in high abundance in glia are readily detected. The current study was undertaken to determine the protein profile in a synaptosomal subcellular fraction isolated from the cerebral cortex of the rat. Both 2-DE and liquid chromatography - tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) procedures were used to isolate and identify proteins in the synaptosomal fraction and accordingly >900 proteins were detected using 2-DE; the 167 most intense gel spots were isolated and identified with matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization - time of flight peptide mass fingerprinting or LC-MS/MS. In addition, over 200 proteins were separated and identified with the LC-MS/MS "shotgun proteomics" technique, some in post-translationally modified form. The following classes of proteins associated with synaptic function were detected: (a) proteins involved in synaptic vesicle trafficking-docking (e.g., SNAP-25, synapsin I and II, synaptotagmin I, II, and V, VAMP-2, syntaxin 1A and 1B, etc.); (b) proteins that function as transporters or receptors (e.g., excitatory amino acid transporters 1 and 2, GABA transporter 1); (c) proteins that are associated with the synaptic plasma membrane (e.g., post-synaptic density-95/synapse-associated protein-90 complex, neuromodulin (GAP-43), voltage-dependent anion-selective channel protein (VDACs), sodium-potassium ATPase subunits, alpha 2 spectrin, septin 7, etc.); and (d) proteins that mediate intracellular signaling cascades that modulate synaptic function (e.g., calmodulin, calcium-calmodulin-dependent protein kinase subunits, etc.). Other identified proteins are associated with mitochondrial or general cytosolic function. Of the two proteins identified as endoplasmic reticular, both interact with the synaptic SNARE complex to regulate vesicle trafficking. Taken together, these results suggest that the integrity of the synaptosomes was maintained during the isolation procedure and that this subcellular fractionation technique enables the enrichment of proteins associated with synaptic function. The results also suggest that this experimental approach can be used to study the differential expression of multiple proteins involved in alterations of synaptic function.  相似文献   

1. Transmembrane pH gradients (acidic inside) and electrical gradients (negative inside) were estimated in cortical synaptosomes from the distribution of the weak base methylamine and the lipophilic cation tetraphenylphosphonium, respectively. 2. Acidic interior pH gradients were produced by outwardly directed K+ gradients in Na+-free media. External K+ accelerated the dissipation of preformed H+ gradients. The appearance of H+ in the medium was directly demonstrated by pH-stat titration of a weakly buffered medium. Amiloride failed to inhibit K+-induced H+ release. 3. Elevating K+ in the absence of Na+ did not affect the endogenous contents of noradrenaline, dopamine, and serotonin, as determined by high-performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection. 4. H+ diffusion potentials were generated when outwardly directed H+ gradients were imposed onto the plasma membrane indicating an electrogenic H+ efflux which is not coupled to other ions. 5. At low K+ in the Na+-free sucrose medium, the plasma membrane potential Em (derived from distribution of tetraphenylphosphorium cation) did not approach a value for EK, the K+ equilibrium potential (calculated from K+ gradients). The deviation of Em from EK could be quantitatively described by a modified constant-field equation, taking a relative H+/K+ permeability coefficient of 12,400 into consideration. 6. It is concluded that synaptosomes have a H+ conductance pathway in their plasma membrane in addition to the Na+/H+ antiporter. H+ influx is driven by and leads to a reduction of Em. K+/H+ exchange resulted from the electrical coupling of K+ and H+ fluxes via parallel K+ and H+ channels. Since the Na+/H+ antiporter counteracts passive equilibration of H+ under physiological conditions, a continuous cycling of H+ across the plasma membrane will take place. A possible physiological role of the H+ leak in pHi regulation is discussed.  相似文献   

A kinetic study has been made of the release ofd-aspartate from rat cortical synaptosomes following pre-loading with labelled D-aspartate, and the results compared to a previous study of the release of the acidic amino acids glutamate plus aspartate following pre-loading with labeledl-glutamate. Qualitatively, the results of the two studies are similar. The D-aspartate taken up during the preload period appears to be totally releasable. However, release is greatly increased by depolarizing media. The increased rate of release induced by increasing [K]o is independent of the [Ca]o, while veratrine-induced release is inhibited by [Ca]o. Release is from more than a single compartment, since plots of the log10 of the synaptosomal D-aspartate content (calculated from the label content) as a function of the incubation time are non-linear for all incubation solutions. In the previous study which utilizedl-glutamate pre-loading, the results were consistent with either a model consisting of two passive compartments (that is, synaptosomal content T as a function of time is given by Ae–Kat+Be–Kbt, in which A and B are compartment sizes, Ka and Kb are exchange constants, and t is incubation time) or a model consisting of one passive compartment (Ae–Kat) and one saturated carrier compartment (T-Kbt, in which T=total content at zero time and Kb=maximal velocity). The present results withd-aspartate also give excellent fits to these models. However, there are some quantitative differences in the estimates of the compartment sizes and exchange constants, which are obtained by optimizing the fit of the data to the equation for each model. Although most of these quantitative differences appear to be minor, one difference between the two studies is of potential significance in interpretation of the results. In the glutamate study, all depolarizing media were found to reduce the exchange constant for the carrier mechanism, while in the present study, depolarizing media were found to increase the exchange constant, with the exception of veratrine-containing medium without calcium.  相似文献   

Hypoxia affects mammalian mitochondrial function, as well as mitochondria-based energy metabolism. The detail mechanism has not been fully understood. In this study, we detected protein expression levels in mitochondrial fractions of Wistar rats exposed to hypobaric hypoxia by use of proteomic methods. Adult male Wistar rats were randomized into an hypoxic (4,500?m, 30 days) group and a normoxic control group (sea level). Gastrocnemius muscles mitochondria were extracted and purified. Mitochondrial oxygen consumption was measured with a Clark oxygen electrode; mitochondrial transmembrane potential was detected with Rhodamine 123 as a fluoresce probe. Using 2-DE and MALDI-TOF MS analysis, we identified eight mitochondrial protein spots that were differentially expressed in the hypoxic group compared with the normoxic control. These proteins included Chain A of F1-ATPase, voltage dependent anion channel 1 (VDAC), hydroxyacyl Coenzyme A dehydrogenase α-subunit, mitochondrial F1 complex γ-subunit, androgen-regulated protein and tripartite motif protein 50. Two of the spots, VDAC and ATP synthase α-subunit, were confirmed by Western blotting analysis. Oxygen consumption during State 3 respiration, as well as the respiratory control ratio (RCR) was significantly higher in the control than that in the hypoxic group; mitochondrial transmembrane potential was significantly higher in hypoxic group than that in the control. With successful use of multiple proteomic analysis techniques, we demonstrates that 30 days hypoxia exposure has effects on the expression of mitochondrial proteins involved in ATP production and lipid metabolism, decrease the stability of mitochondrial membrane, and affect the mitochondrial electron transport chain.  相似文献   

The uptake ofl-[3H]arginine into synaptosomes prepared from rat cerebellum and cortex occurred by a high-affinity carrier-mediated process. The uptake of arginine appeared to be potentiated by removal of extracellular Na+, inhibited by high levels of extracellular K+, but not by depolarization with veratridine or 4-amino pyridine. The effect of Na+ removal or K+ elevation did not seem to be due to changes in intracellular Ca2+ or pH. In both brain regions, uptake was significantly inhibited byl-arginine,l-lysine,l-ornithine, andl-homoarginine, but not byd-arginine norl-citrulline. Uptake was also inhibited by NG-monomethyl-l-arginine acetate, but not by NG-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester nor NG-nitro-l-arginine except in the cortex at a concentration of 1 mM. The results indicate that the carrier system operating in synaptosomes showed many of the characteristics of the ubiquitous y+ system seen in many other tissues, although its apparent sensitivity to variations in extracellular Na+ was unusual.  相似文献   

Summary The electron cytochemical demonstration of adenylate cyclase activity was carried out in rat cortical synaptosomes. Reaction product was found in 60–70% of the synaptosomes in three predominant localizations: (i) on the postsynaptic density; (ii) on the outer aspect of the synaptosomal membrane; (iii) inside the synaptosome. Results suggest that in addition to postsynaptic localization adenylate cyclase activity is cytochemically demonstrable also at presynaptic sites.  相似文献   

L Surchev 《Acta anatomica》1988,131(2):132-135
The shape of the synaptic sites (specialized contact areas) was examined on the synaptic membrane fracture faces of freeze-etched rat cortical synaptosomes. Simple and complex synapses were differentiated on the basis of the absence or presence of unspecialized areas in the synaptic sites. The particle-free nature of these areas is discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of the plasma membrane potential delta psi p on the transport rate and steady state distribution of Li+ was assessed in rat cortical synaptosomes. Up to 15 mM Li+ failed to saturate Li+ influx into polarized synaptosomes in a Na+-based medium with 3 mM external K+. Veratridine increased and tetrodotoxin, ouabain, or high external K+ decreased the rate of Li+ influx. At steady state, Li+ was concentrated about 3-fold in resting synaptosomes at 0.3 to 1 mM Li+ externally. Subsequent depolarization of the plasma membrane by veratridine or high external K+ induced an immediate release of Li+. When graded depolarizations were imposed onto the plasma membrane by varying concentrations of ouabain, veratridine, or external K+, steady state distribution of Li+ was linearly related with K+ distribution or electrochemical activity coefficients. It was concluded that uptake rate and steady state distribution of Li+ depend significantly on delta psi p. However, Li+ gradients were lower than predicted from delta psi p, suggesting that (secondary) active transport systems counteracted passive equilibration by uphill extrusion of Li+. The electrochemical potential difference delta mu Li+ maintained at a delta psi p of -72 mV was calculated to 4.2 kJ/mol of Li+. At physiological external K+, Li+ was not actively transported by the sodium pump. The ouabain sensitivity resulted from the coupling of Li+ uptake to the pump-dependent K+ diffusion potential. In low K+ and K+-free media, however, active transport of Li+ by the sodium pump contributed to total uptake. In the absence of K+, Li+ substituted for K+ in generating a delta psi p of -64 mV maximally, as calculated from TPMP+ distribution at 40 mM external Li+. Since Li+ gradients were far too low to account for a diffusion potential, it was assumed that Li+ gave rise to an electrogenic pump potential.  相似文献   

Ethanol was shown to cause a redistribution of synaptic vesicles in incubated synaptosomes. While the number of synaptosomes containing synaptic vesicles attached to the presynaptic membrane decreased markedly, an increase in the number of synaptosomes lacking membrane-vesicle associations was observed. The findings support the possibility of a presynaptic action of ethanol and point to the role of membrane-attached vesicles in synaptic transmission.  相似文献   

Initial velocities of uptake ofl-glutamic acid and 2-deoxy-d-glucose (2-Dg) have been measured in cortical synaptosomes from rats which had been exposed to oxygen at high pressure (OHP) and compared to similar measurements in normobaric controls. Exposure to OHP had no significant effect on glutamate uptake at any combination of sodium and glutamate used. In contrast, OHP reduced 2-Dg uptake by an average of 17.5%. Although Kt was little affected, OHP exposure reduced apparent maximal transport capacity by 15%. Since hyperbaria with normal pO2 had no significant effect on uptake, the effect of OHP is an oxygen effect, rather than a pressure effect. The effects of OHP on uptake do not parallel the effects of age; glutamate transport capacity was reduced in aged animals, while 2-Dg transport was unaffected.  相似文献   

The therapeutic benefits of dopamine (DA) agonists after traumatic brain injury (TBI) imply a role for DA systems in mediating functional deficits post‐TBI. We investigated how experimental TBI affects striatal dopamine systems using fast scan cyclic voltammetry (FSCV), western blot, and d‐amphetamine‐induced rotational behavior. Adult male Sprague–Dawley rats were injured by a controlled cortical impact (CCI) delivered unilaterally to the parietal cortex, or were naïve controls. Amphetamine‐induced rotational behavior was assessed 10 days post‐CCI. Fourteen days post‐CCI, animals were anesthetized and underwent FSCV with bilateral striatal carbon fiber microelectrode placement and stimulating electrode placement in the medial forebrain bundle (MFB). Evoked DA overflow was assessed in the striatum as the MFB was electrically stimulated at 60 Hz for 10 s. In 23% of injured animals, but no naïve animals, rotation was observed with amphetamine administration. Compared with naïves, striatal evoked DA overflow was lower for injured animals in the striatum ipsilateral to injury (p < 0.05). Injured animals exhibited a decrease in Vmax (52% of naïve, p < 0.05) for DA clearance in the hemisphere ipsilateral to injury compared with naïves. Dopamine transporter (DAT) expression was proportionally decreased in the striatum ipsilateral to injury compared with naïve animals (60% of naïve, p < 0.05), despite no injury‐related changes in vesicular monoamine transporter or D2 receptor expression (DRD2) in this region. Collectively, these data appear to confirm that the clinical efficacy of dopamine agonists in the treatment of TBI may be related to disruptions in the activity of subcortical dopamine systems.  相似文献   

High affinity transport of glutamic acid has been studied in cortical and hypothalamic synaptosomes from castrated male rats and compared to normal controls. For hypothalamic synaptosomes, both initial velocity of uptake and Va (apparent maximal velocity) were found to be about one-third lower in the castrated animals. Kt (glutamate concentration giving Va/2), however, was reduced by only 5%.Initial velocity of uptake in cortical synaptosomes was measured as a function of both sodium and glutamate concentration. Reductions in uptake subsequent to castration were found to be much less for cortical synaptosomes (2–15%) than for hypothalamic synaptosomes. Fit for these data to various models for the sodium dependence of transport resulted in the same minimal best fit model as that found for control animals. Thus castration does not alter the fundamental nature of the mechanism by which carrier, sodium, and glutamate interact in the process of transport. However quantitative changes were found to occur, as reflected in the best fit constants. These constants were used along with the rate equation for the minimal best fit model to calculate certain parameters which were then used to delineate the quantitative changes in the transporter following castration. A neuroregulatory role for glutamate in gonadotropin secretion has been recently proposed; the present study now provides additional information on the relationship between reproductive function and one aspect of glutamatergic synaptic function, namely, the high affinity transport system.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of neuronal proteins have been implicated in regulation of synaptic transmission. Studies were performed to determine if synaptophysin was phosphorylated or dephosphorylated during exposure of synaptosomes to botulinum toxin A (BoTX/A). Cholinergic-enriched synaptosomes were preincubated in the presence of 3H-choline to label newly synthesized acetylcholine (3H-ACh). This was followed by incubation with low or high potassium to stimulate release of newly synthesized 3H-ACh. BoTX/A inhibited total Ach release by 15-19% and inhibited release of newly synthesized 3H-ACh by 35%. A 165% increase in synaptophysin phosphorylation occurred in a dose-dependent manner over a range of doses (0.2 nM, 2 nM, 20 nM, 100 nM) of BoTX/A. When 4-Aminopyridine was added to synaptosomes that were BoTX/A treated, synaptophysin was dephosphorylated to control levels. Synaptosomes incubated with BoTX/A exhibited an inhibition of potassium stimulated ACh release and an increase in synaptophysin phosphorylation. Synaptophysin phosphorylation may be involved in inhibition of acetylcholine release.  相似文献   

1. Anticonvulsants: phenytoin, phenobarbital, carbamazepine and valium at concentrations of 10-100 microM had a significantly inhibitory effect on both K+-stimulated Ca2+-uptake and 32Pi incorporation into phospholipids of rat cortical synaptosomes. 2. Other anticonvulsant, valproic acid, at concentration upto 100 microM had no effect on these two events. 3. Our results suggest that there is a link between Ca2+-influx and polyphosphoinositide turnover in synaptosomes, and this link may relate to the inhibitory effect of these drugs on neurotransmitter release mechanisms of this preparation.  相似文献   

The PC3 gene is transiently expressed during neurogenesis in precursor cells of the telencephalic ventricular/subventricular zone, and is rapidly downregulated before cell migration and differentiation. It is thought to have a role in controlling cell proliferation, but its precise function is not known. Here we present evidence that PC3, when overexpressed in vitro by retroviral-mediated gene transfer, acts by interfering with the normal pattern of cell division. Firstly, we report evidence that PC3 overexpression reduces the rate of cell proliferation in both NIH 3T3 cells and embryonic precursor cells from the rat cerebral cortex. Secondly, when studying the pattern of BrdU dilution in clones of cortical precursors, we observe that clones transduced with PC3 show an asymmetric pattern of BrdU dilution more frequently than clones transduced with a control vector. We discuss the hypothesis that the higher number of PC3 transduced clones showing an asymmetric pattern of BrdU dilution may be due to an increase in asymmetric cell divisions.  相似文献   

Treatment of rat cortical synaptosomes with micromolar concentrations of L-glutamate stimulated the release of the secreted form of amyloid precursor protein in a concentration-dependent, however biphasic manner as assayed by semiquantitative Western blot analysis. The secreted amyloid precursor protein released from synaptosomes into the incubation medium was highest in the presence of 500 microM L-glutamate (about 64% over the level assayed in the incubation medium in the absence of any drug). In contrast, direct stimulation of protein kinase C by phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate resulted in a concentration-independent increase in secretory amyloid precursor protein release by about 100% already detectable at a concentration of 0.1 microM but with no significant change at higher concentrations up to 10 microM. The presented data show that there is a constitutive release of secretory amyloid precursor protein from synaptosomes and suggest that (i) processing of amyloid precursor protein at the synaptic level is controlled by L-glutamate presumably via activation of protein kinase C, and (ii) isolated cortical synaptosomes represent a useful experimental approach to selectively study amyloid precursor protein metabolism at the synaptic level.  相似文献   

A Bavec  A Juréus  B Cigi?  U Langel  M Zorko 《Peptides》1999,20(2):177-184
Peptitergent PD1 shows complex effects on GTPase activity of rat brain cortical membranes: inhibition in the presence of lower concentrations of GTP and activation at a higher concentration, above 0.5 microM, of GTP. Its effect is dose dependent and is characterized by an EC50 of 1.8 +/- 0.2 microM and a Hill coefficient of 1.6 +/- 0.3, and it increases both Km and Vmax of the GTP hydrolysis. PD1 that was unable to solubilize G-proteins from the membranes probably acts on them by direct binding near the C-terminal alpha-helical region of the Galpha subunit, similarly to mastoparan.  相似文献   

1. The possible involvement of guanosine 5'-triphosphate (GTP)-binding proteins in the receptor mediated polyphosphoinositide (PPI) turnover event was investigated in rat cortical synaptosomes. 2. It was studied under the effects of guanine nucleotides on 32Pi incorporation into synaptosomal phospholipids in the absence or presence of carbachol. 3. The basal 32Pi incorporation into these phospholipids was altered by the presence of 1 mM carbachol: i.e. a decrease in 32Pi incorporation into phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate and phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate and an increase in the incorporation of 32Pi into phosphatidylinositol and phosphatidic acid. 4. In the presence of guanine nucleotides: GTP, Gpp(NH)p and GDP at suitable concentrations, there was a general decreasing effect on 32Pi incorporation into all 4 phospholipids, which are all involved in PPI turnover cycle, either in the basal or carbachol-stimulated levels. 5. There was no selective effect among the guanine nucleotides studied on this PPI turnover event. It is, therefore, likely that these nucleotides have a direct inhibitory effect on PPI turnover, and this action may not act through a GTP-binding protein.  相似文献   

Abstract: The removal of extracellular sodium decreased L-tryptophan (L-TRP) uptake into brain slices but in-creased uptake into synaptosomes. The uptake of 5-hy-droxytryptamine (5-HT) was inhibited in both preparations under these conditions. It is suggested that the dif-ferent effects on L-TRP uptake may be due to differencesin cellular composition between the two preparationsrather than to any differences in sample handling.  相似文献   

Presynaptic modulation by eicosanoids in cortical synaptosomes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In continuing experiments to determine the ionic basis of inhibitory presynaptic modulation, rat cortical synaptosomes were employed and receptor-activated K+ efflux was determined with a K+ sensitive electrode. When synaptosomes were sub-optimally depolarized by veratridine, the addition of agents that activated purinergic, 2, muscarinic and opioid receptors all promoted K+ efflux. With 2-chloroadenosine as a model inhibitory presynaptic modulator, the increased K+ efflux evoked by this agent was blocked by the cyclooxygenase inhibitor indomethacin suggesting that arachidonic acid or its metabolites was an intermediary in opening the channel. When arachidonic acid and PGE2 were tested, both promoted K+ efflux that was inhibited by dendrotoxin and mast cell degranulating peptide, two agents that are known to inhibit a delayed rectifier K+ current. Our results suggest that via eicosanoid second messengers, inhibitory presynaptic modulators open a sub-class of K channels that hyperpolarize nerve terminals, therefore less Ca2+ would enter per nerve impulse and thus the evoked release of neurotransmitters would be decreased.Abbreviations DTX dendrotoxin - MCDP mast cell degranulating peptide - NHGA norhydroguairetic acid - PGE2 prostaglandin E2  相似文献   

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