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Maternal deprivation (MD) is a well-established protocol used to investigate neurobiological changes that are associated with the etiology of and vulnerability to stress-related diseases in animal models. The resulting psychophysiological effects, the timing and duration of these adverse stimuli, and the method by which they exert their effects on the animals remain unclear. This study characterized differences in the hippocampal expression of glucocorticoid receptors (GRs) and the calcium-binding proteins calretinin (CALR) and calbindin-D28k (CALB) in male and female rats that underwent different MD paradigms during the stress hyporesponsive period (SHRP). Both GRs and the two calcium-binding proteins were much more abundant in females than in males. MD paradigms had a significant effect on CALR and CALB expression in both males and females but affected GR levels only in males. Additionally, expression of the two calcium-binding proteins in the hippocampus responded differently to MD-induced stress, especially in females. Taken together, these results indicate that females are able to modulate their response to stress better than males.  相似文献   

Aminopeptidases (APs) play a major role in the metabolism of circulating and local peptides, such as angiotensins and vasopressin, substances involved in the control of blood pressure and water balance. In the present work, we studied the influence of dehydration on angiotensinases and vasopressin-degrading activity. Since sex differences may exist in the regulation of water balance by angiotensin II and differential sexual steroid modulation of vasopressin secretion, in response to osmotic stimulation have been reported, gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH)-degrading activity was also analysed in serum, neurohypophysis and adrenal glands of male and female rats. Our results did not suggest sex differences in the response to changes in osmolality. GnRH-degrading activity decreased in serum of dehydrated males and females, which suggests a longer action of the peptide under these conditions. In neurohypophysis, there was an increase in the activity of aminopeptidase A (APA), the enzyme responsible for the metabolism of angiotensin II to angiotensin III. This occurs with a decrease in alanyl aminopeptidase activity, which would lead to a prolonged action of angiotensin III by reduction of its metabolism. In adrenals of dehydrated animals, the results would imply a high degree of metabolism of angiotensin III and vasopressin.  相似文献   

Early-life socio-environmental factors are crucial for normal developmental processes; adverse experiences early in life can therefore lead to detrimental effects in several physiological systems. The aim of this study was to examine short-term effects of early adverse experiences in a maternal separation (MS) rodent model. In this study two separation conditions were used: daily 15- (MS15) or 360-min (MS360) separation of the litter from the dam during postnatal day 1–21. In early adolescence, male and female offspring were subjected to a single-isolation procedure with analysis of corticosterone levels prior to and after isolation. In addition, social play behavior was assessed during mid-adolescence. There was a clear difference between male and female offspring in both tests performed. There was no difference in corticosterone levels between the female MS groups, whereas MS360 males showed higher baseline and recovery corticosterone levels than MS15 males. The amount of pinning, a specific social play behavior, was affected by rearing with MS360 males having a higher frequency than MS15 males, while there was no difference between the female MS groups. The observation that males but not females are affected by MS360 has previously been reported for adult animals, and herein we show that this difference is present already in adolescence. Changes in corticosterone levels and social behavior following early-life adversity have been associated with adult behavioral alterations, and our results confirm that these changes emerge already within adolescence.  相似文献   

Studies examining the roles of estrogens and progestins on spatial cognition have been highly contradictory. To determine if the hormonal environment of pregnancy affects spatial cognition, pregnant (n = 7) and virgin (n = 7) Hooded Long-Evans rats were tested in a Morris water maze throughout the 3 weeks of pregnancy and the second week postpartum. Latency to platform, path length, swim velocity, and time in quadrant were compared over trial-days. To compare water maze performance with changes in hormone levels, serum concentrations of estradiol and progesterone were measured on the first, third, and fifth days of testing during the third week of pregnancy. Subjects learned to find the platform as indicated by decreased time and distance to platform over each trial-week and increased time spent in the quadrant where the platform had been located the previous week. However, there were no differences between treatment groups on time or distance to platform over trial-days. Swim velocity did not differ between or within groups over the 4 weeks of testing. Although primigravid and virgin females were similar in their abilities to learn the novel location of a submerged platform and return to it over time, pregnant animals demonstrated less perseveration to previously learned information and were quicker to locate the platform when it moved to a new location. Thus, reproductive status did not affect reference memory but enhanced working memory in the Morris water maze.  相似文献   

Administration of hepatocarcinogens to rats results in an increase in tRNA methyltransferase activity in the target tissues. Ethionine is active as a carcinogen only in female rats and only in females is this increase in enzyme activity seen. However, ethionine also causes the formation of methyl-deficient tRNA in the liver. Other hepatocarcinogens do not do this. Ethionine is equally effective in this action in males and females. Thus, the two actions of ethionine are completely separable, and the methyl-deficiency of tRNA is caused by an activity not identical with the carcinogenic one.  相似文献   

It has previously been shown that pre-pubertal or adult gonadectomy (GX) increases ethanol intake in male rats. This study examined whether this sex-selective increase reflects a GX-induced maintenance in males of more adolescent-typical responsiveness to ethanol characterized by enhanced sensitivity to positive (e.g., socially facilitating) and a decreased sensitivity to adverse (e.g., socially inhibitory) effects of ethanol. Male and female Sprague-Dawley rats were pre-pubertally GX, sham (SH)-operated, or non-manipulated (NM) at postnatal day (P) 25. During the late adolescent transition into adulthood (P48 — baseline day), rats were given a saline injection, placed alone into a familiar test apparatus for 30 min and then exposed for 10 min to an unfamiliar partner of the same age and sex. On the following day (P49), similar testing occurred after administration of 0.5, 0.75, 1.0 or 1.25 g/kg ethanol. At baseline, GX males and females displayed higher levels of social activity (especially adolescent-typical play and contact behavior) than SH and NM animals, with GX females displaying greater social activity than GX males. Neither males nor females demonstrated social facilitation at lower ethanol doses, regardless of hormonal status. Whereas the social inhibitory effects of higher doses of ethanol were similar across groups among females, SH males were less sensitive than both GX and NM males to ethanol-induced social inhibition. These results suggest that enhanced ethanol intake in GX males is not related to alterations in sensitivity to ethanol's social inhibitory effects. GX, however, results in retention of adolescent-typical social behaviors, with older GX adolescent rats resembling early adolescents in exhibiting elevated social activity—particularly play and contact behavior.  相似文献   

Juvenile rats are known to show certain elements of maternal behavior. In this experiment, to investigate sex difference and postnatal change of retrieving and pup-cleaning (licking) behaviors in juvenile rats, these behaviors were recorded using new observation method at 20, 30 and 45 days of age in female and male Wistar rats. At 20 days of age, maternal behavior was observed in a common plastic observation cage (test A) and then test B was performed. In the test B, observation was carried out using a cage with a wooden box that was open on one side, helping the juveniles to establish a nest. As the results of day 20, most rats in all groups showed licking behavior in both the test A and B. The incidence of retrieving behavior increased from the test A to the test B with the box in both sexes, especially in males (p<0.01). The box is thought to play a facilitative role in induction of retrieving. Moreover, the incidence in males was higher than that in females in the test B (p<0.001). At 30 and 45 days of age, only a test B with box was performed. The incidences of licking and retrieving behaviors at 30 days of age were decreased significantly compared to those at 20 days of age in both sexes(p<0.001). Further decrease from 30 days to 45 days was observed. These results suggest that in juvenile rat, incidence of retrieving behavior in males is higher than that in females but there is no sex difference in incidence of licking behavior. Potency to show these behaviors decreases acutely before puberty in rats.  相似文献   

Orexin A injected into the lateral hypothalamus (LH) stimulates feeding and activates neurons in brain sites regulating feeding and arousal. The feeding effects of orexin A have been demonstrated during the light cycle, a time when rats are normally resting, and the effect of orexin A on activity after injection into the LH has not been previously measured. Thus, it is unclear whether LH orexin A-induced feeding is secondary to enhanced arousal. To address this, LH-cannulated rats habituated to a running wheel were injected with either orexin A (1000 pmol) or vehicle during light and dark cycles. Food intake and running wheel rotations were measured for 2 h. Spontaneous physical activity (SPA) was also measured during the dark cycle. During the light cycle, orexin A in the LH stimulated feeding in the presence and absence of a running wheel and increased number of running wheel rotations in the presence and absence of food. During the dark cycle, orexin A in the LH induced SPA (+/- presence of food), but had no effect on feeding. These data show that LH orexin A stimulation of feeding is not always coincident with increased activity, suggesting that feeding induced by LH-injected orexin A is not consequent to enhanced arousal.  相似文献   

There is evidence that repeated maternal isolation of neonatal rats may influence both emotional behavior and Hypothalamic-Pituitary Adrenal (HPA) activity. On the other hand the Anterodorsal Thalami Nuclei (ADTN) exerts an inhibitory influence on the hypophyso-adrenal system under basal and stressful conditions. In the present work we investigated whether neonatal maternal deprivation produces long term effects on the ADTN regulation of behavioral patterns (open field test) and on HPA axis activity. Specifically, we sought to determine whether adult female rats with ADTN lesions, previously isolated for 4.5 hours daily during the first 3 weeks of life, react in endocrinologically and behaviourally distinct manner as compared to controls. The examined groups were: non maternally deprived (NMD)/sham lesioned, NMD/lesioned, maternally deprived (MD)/sham lesioned, MD/lesioned with and without the open field test. At 3 months MD/sham lesioned animals showed a marked decrease in ambulation (P < 0.01), and with ADTN lesion, the rearing values were lower (P < 0.01) and grooming higher (P < 0.05) than NMD. This last data would indicate a high emotional index. Regarding the activity of the HPA axis, maternal deprivation induced a significant decrease in plasma ACTH concentration both in sham and lesioned animals (P < 0.001), and plasma Corticosterone (C) increased in sham animals (P < 0.001). This data would indicate a higher sensitivity of the adrenal glands. After the open field test ACTH and C were different between deprived and non-deprived animals depending on the ADTN lesion. Taking into consideration the increase of ACTH levels in sham lesioned MD animals exposed to the test, we could conclude that this new situation was a stressful situation. Finally in the present work, it was very difficult to relate the behavioral parameters with the endocrine data. It is known that depending on the context, corticosteroids may produce opposite effects on emotional behavior via different receptors in the brain.In summary, neonatal maternal deprivation induced alterations of behavioral patterns and affected the ADTN inhibitory influence on ACTH and C secretion.  相似文献   

Bisschop, Anja, Ghislaine Gayan-Ramirez, HélèneRollier, P. N. Richard Dekhuijzen, René Dom, Vera de Bock, andMarc Decramer. Effects of nandrolone decanoate on respiratory and peripheral muscles in male and female rats. J. Appl.Physiol. 82(4): 1112-1118, 1997.Thirty maleand 18 female adult rats received weekly an intramuscular injection ofeither saline (control; C), 1.5 mg/kg (low-dose; LD) nandrolonedecanoate or 7.5 mg/kg (high-dose; HD) nandrolone decanoate during 5 wk. Compared with respective C, growth rate was stunted in male HD ratsfrom 2 wk of treatment on, whereas it was enhanced in female LD and HDrats after 1 wk. Mass of all muscles studied varied proportionally tobody weight, except for the gastrocnemius (males: 0.49 ± 0.04 vs. C: 0.52 ± 0.03%, not significant; females: 0.17 ± 0.01 vs. C: 0.15 ± 0.01%, P < 0.05). In vitro contractile andfatigue properties of the diaphragm remained unchanged, except for adecrease in twitch kinetics (time to peak tension: C, 21 ± 2; LD,19 ± 1; HD, 19 ± 2 ms, P < 0.05; half-relaxation time: C, 26 ± 5, LD, 25 ± 5, HD, 23 ± 3 ms, P < 0.01).Histochemistry of the diaphragm and the gastrocnemius revealed asignificant increase in type IIx/b dimensions. In the gastrocnemius,type I fiber dimensions also increased. A pair-fed study, includinganother 24 female rats, showed that the changes in oral food intakeonly partly accounted for the observed anabolic effects.


During the last several decades, numerous studies have been performed aiming at the question of whether or not exposure to radiofrequency radiation (RFR) influences the permeability of the blood-brain barrier (BBB). The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of RFR on the permeability of BBB in male and female Wistar albino rats. Right brain, left brain, cerebellum, and total brain were analyzed separately in the study. Rats were exposed to 0.9 and 1.8 GHz continuous-wave (CW) RFR for 20 min (at SARs of 4.26 mW/kg and 1.46 mW/kg, respectively) while under anesthesia. Control rats were sham-exposed. Disruption of BBB integrity was detected spectrophotometrically using the Evans-blue dye, which has been used as a BBB tracer and is known to be bound to serum albumin. Right brain, left brain, cerebellum, and total brain were evaluated for BBB permeability. In female rats, no albumin extravasation was found in in the brain after RFR exposure. A significant increase in albumin was found in the brains of the RF-exposed male rats when compared to sham-exposed male brains. These results suggest that exposure to 0.9 and 1.8 GHz CW RFR at levels below the international limits can affect the vascular permeability in the brain of male rats. The possible risk of RFR exposure in humans is a major concern for the society. Thus, this topic should be investigated more thoroughly in the future.  相似文献   

During the last several decades, numerous studies have been performed aiming at the question of whether or not exposure to radiofrequency radiation (RFR) influences the permeability of the blood-brain barrier (BBB). The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of RFR on the permeability of BBB in male and female Wistar albino rats. Right brain, left brain, cerebellum, and total brain were analyzed separately in the study. Rats were exposed to 0.9 and 1.8?GHz continuous-wave (CW) RFR for 20?min (at SARs of 4.26?mW/kg and 1.46?mW/kg, respectively) while under anesthesia. Control rats were sham-exposed. Disruption of BBB integrity was detected spectrophotometrically using the Evans-blue dye, which has been used as a BBB tracer and is known to be bound to serum albumin. Right brain, left brain, cerebellum, and total brain were evaluated for BBB permeability. In female rats, no albumin extravasation was found in in the brain after RFR exposure. A significant increase in albumin was found in the brains of the RF-exposed male rats when compared to sham-exposed male brains. These results suggest that exposure to 0.9 and 1.8?GHz CW RFR at levels below the international limits can affect the vascular permeability in the brain of male rats. The possible risk of RFR exposure in humans is a major concern for the society. Thus, this topic should be investigated more thoroughly in the future.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of neonatally placed septal lesions (SL) in male, female, and androgenized female rats on reproductive behavior. Animals were castrated as adults and tested for both feminine and masculine sexual behavior. After treatment with estradiol benzoate (EB) alone (2 μg daily for 3 days), only the females with SL which had not been given testosterone propionate (TP) neonatally showed a facilitation of lordosis behavior. Following EB (2 μg for 3 days) plus 0.5 mg progesterone (P), both the lesioned and the sham-operated female groups showed an increase in the display of lordosis in either hormonal condition. All animals were given a pretest for masculine sexual behavior and tested on Days 4, 7, 11, and 15 of daily TP treatment (150 μg/day). There was no effect of the neonatally placed SL on masculine sexual behavior in female rats or in female rats androgenized with 30 μg TP. However, lesioned females treated neonatally with 1 mg TP showed a marginal enhancement of masculine sexual behavior. Male rats given SL neonatally showed a marked enhancement of masculine sexual behavior compared to that of controls. These results suggest that, depending on the neonatal hormone environment, SL selectively increase behavioral sensitivity to hormones. Although neonatally lesioned females show behavioral responses similar to females given SL as adults, male rats given SL neonatally are unique in that they show enhanced masculine sexual behavior whereas males lesioned as adults do not.  相似文献   

Effects of 72 h water-deprivation on plasma corticosterone concentration have been investigated in male Brattleboro rats homozygous for hypothalamic diabetes insipidus (DI) and in male Long-Evans rats (LE), as controls. To determine the global effect of water deprivation, drinking water deprived rats were compared with hydrated animals. Because water deprived rats showed a depressed food intake, to elucidate the specific effect of dehydration alone, drinking water deprived rats were compared with similar food-restricted but water supplied animals. Increases in adrenal weights and in plasma corticosterone content, following 72 h water-deprivation, were greater in DI than in LE rats. In LE rats, they seemed to be the result of both dehydration and denutrition. Conversely in DI rats lacking vasopressin, dehydration alone increased neither adrenal weights nor plasma concentration of corticosterone; the whole plasma corticosterone content was reduced. So, in DI rats, the global response to drinking water deprivation was essentially due to food restriction, whose effect was partly suppressed by dehydration. Whatever the circumstances, plasma concentrations of corticosterone were higher in DI than in LE rats. Interrelationships between water deprivation, stress, vasopressin and glucocorticoids are discussed.  相似文献   

Mothers were removed from rat litters for 1 or 10 hr per day on days 3 to 9 following birth. This procedure resulted in reduced open field defaecation and increased body weight in the offspring tested at approximately 70 days, but did not affect open field ambulation, comparing with untreated control litters. Since 1- and 10-hr maternally deprived groups did not differ from one another it is not possible to attribute conclusively the effects to maternal absence per se, and the effects could be due to incidental disturbance of the pups in treated litters or to maternal reaction to the pups when the mother is replaced.  相似文献   

Daily subcutaneous injections of 100 micrograms melatonin given to prepubertal female rats housed in 14L:10D or 12L:12D failed to delay puberty as evidenced by the age at which vaginal opening occurred; neither the Sprague-Dawley nor the Wistar strain rats were responsive to melatonin treatment. Reproductive organ weights (ovaries and uteri) at vaginal opening were unaffected by such treatment. Administration of melatonin through the drinking water in doses of 100, 500 or 1000 micrograms/day did not alter the timing of puberty or the reproductive organ weights in rats of the Sprague-Dawley or Long-Evans strains (housed in 12L:12D). Our experimental methods are identical to a previous report and we have no explanation for our failure to reproduce the earlier results.  相似文献   

Endocrine disruptors, chemicals that disturb the actions of endogenous hormones, have been implicated in birth defects associated with hormone-dependent development. Phytoestrogens are a class of endocrine disruptors found in plants. In the current study we examined the effects of exposure at various perinatal time periods to genistein, a soy phytoestrogen, on reproductive development and learning in male rats. Dams were fed genistein-containing (5 mg/kg feed) food during both gestation and lactation, during gestation only, during lactation only, or during neither period. Measures of reproductive development and body mass were taken in the male offspring during postnatal development, and learning and memory performance was assessed in adulthood. Genistein exposure via the maternal diet decreased body mass in the male offspring of dams fed genistein during both gestation and lactation, during lactation only, but not during gestation only. Genistein decreased anogenital distance when exposure was during both gestation and lactation, but there was no effect when exposure was limited to one of these time periods. Similarly, spatial learning in the Morris water maze was impaired in male rats exposed to genistein during both gestation and lactation, but not in rats exposed during only one of these time periods. There was no effect of genistein on cued or contextual fear conditioning. In summary, the data indicate that exposure to genistein through the maternal diet significantly impacts growth in male offspring if exposure is during lactation. The effects of genistein on reproductive development and spatial learning required exposure throughout the pre- and postnatal periods.  相似文献   

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