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We investigated whether administration of monosodium l-glutamate (MSG) to neonatal rats would disrupt immune responses in intact and orchidectomized adult male rats. Neonatal male rats were treated with saline or MSG which causes severe endocrine abnormalities. Half of each group of animals were orchidectomized as adults and killed one week later along with intact rats. MSG treatment resulted in suppressed serum LH levels in intact rats. Thymus weight and spleen cellularity in intact animals were not affected by MSG treatment, but thymus weight increased within one week after orchidectomy in both saline- and MSG-treated groups. In intact rats, lymphocyte stimulation by the T cell specific mitogens (concanavalin A or phytohemagglutinin) or the B cell specific mitogen (lipopolysaccharide) was unaffected by prior treatment with MSG. However, MSG treatment blocked the decrease attributable to orchidectomy in concanavalin A and phytohemagglutinin stimulation of lymphocyte blastogenesis. The results suggest that administration of MSG to neonatal male rats can alter some immune responses in the adult animal.  相似文献   

Preterm neonates are at risk to acquire infections. In addition to the high mortality associated with sepsis, these patients are at risk for long-term disabilities, particularly neurodevelopment impairment. Several interventions have been evaluated to reduce rates of infections in neonates but have not proven efficacy. Lactoferrin (LF), a milk glycoprotein with anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory and anti-microbial properties, has the potential to prevent infections in young children. We performed a review of current and ongoing clinical trials of LF for prevention of neonatal sepsis, and found eleven registered clinical trials that include more than 6,000 subjects. Few of these trials have finished; despite their small sample size, the preliminary results show a trend towards a positive protective effect of LF on neonatal infections. Larger trials are underway to confirm the findings of these initial studies. This information will help to define LF’s role in clinical settings and, if proven effective, would profoundly affect the treatment of low birth weight neonates as a cost-effective intervention worldwide.  相似文献   

Palatal length in cleft palate as a predictor of speech outcome   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In an attempt to predict which patients might benefit from primary posterior pharyngeal flaps done at the time of palatal repair, palatal length was assessed before palatal repair and the patient was placed in one of four categories. Patients with longer palates preoperatively had statistically better speech outcomes than patients with shorter palates. Statistical significance was found for most speech parameters. Information on presurgical palatal length can be useful in predicting which patients might profit from primary "pharyngoplasties."  相似文献   

It is generally considered that Parkinson's disease is induced by specific agents that degenerate a clearly defined population of dopaminergic neurons. Data commented in this review suggest that this assumption is not as clear as is often thought and that aging may be critical for Parkinson's disease. Neurons degenerating in Parkinson's disease also degenerate in normal aging, and the different agents involved in the etiology of this illness are also involved in aging. Senescence is a wider phenomenon affecting cells all over the body, whereas Parkinson's disease seems to be restricted to certain brain centers and cell populations. However, reviewed data suggest that Parkinson's disease may be a local expression of aging on cell populations which, by their characteristics (high number of synaptic terminals and mitochondria, unmyelinated axons, etc.), are highly vulnerable to the agents promoting aging. The development of new knowledge about Parkinson's disease could be accelerated if the research on aging and Parkinson's disease were planned together, and the perspective provided by gerontology gains relevance in this field.  相似文献   

On the basis of the experimental discovery of characteristic eigenfrequencies of the human body, the living organism is considered as a quantum system and a dissipative structure, the long-range coherence of which is provided by electromagnetic interaction.Among dissipative structures a special class is discerned for stable intact systems. Included along with living objects in this class are other fundamental structural material units with discrete characteristic frequencies of single-particle type (the nucleus, atom, molecule).  相似文献   

A recently published comment on a report of Plasmodium knowlesi infections in Vietnam states that this may not accurately represent the situation in the study area because the PCR primers used may cross-hybridize with Plasmodium vivax. Nevertheless, P. knowlesi infections have been confirmed by sequencing. In addition, a neighbour-joining tree based on the 18S S-Type SSUrRNA gene shows that the Vietnamese samples clearly cluster with the P. knowlesi isolates identified in Malaysia and are distinct from the corresponding P. vivax sequences. All samples came from asymptomatic individuals who did not consult for fever during the months preceding or following the survey, indicating that asymptomatic P. knowlesi infections occur in this population, although this does not exclude the occurrence of symptomatic cases. Large-scale studies to determine the extent and the epidemiology of P. knowlesi malaria in Vietnam are further needed.  相似文献   

We describe a fetus with hydrocephalus and the cranial and cervical findings of iniencephaly (enlarged foramen magnum, fusion of the upper cervical vertebrae, and a retroflexed, webbed neck) who had an unusual palatal abnormality ("palatal anteversion"). The posterio-lateral border of the secondary palate arose at the oral commissures, giving the palate an appearance of being folded so that the uvula was directed anteriorly. There were no clefts. Histologic sections of the junction of the secondary palate with the inner aspect of the oral commissures revealed continuity of the epithelial basement membranes and no unusual disarray of collagen fibers. This indicates that the unusual palatal orientation occurred during palatal formation and was not due to adhesion formation later in development. Failure of rotation of the palatal shelves prior to fusion and merging could account for the observed findings.  相似文献   

An overwhelming virus infection that spreads within a few days throughout the host can cause deletion of the specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL). This phenomenon is known as ‘clonal exhaustion’. Current explanations for this phenomenon are ‘clonal’, and consider either the terminal differentiation of the virus-specific CTL to an effector phenotype, or the lack of help and antigen presentation for a specific CTL clone. The virus remains controlled by some other form of immunity in the exhausted state. Candidates are innate immunity (especially NK cells andmacrophages) and a T helper type 2 based immune response. Surprisingly, the role of this other form of immunity in causing exhaustion has been ignored so far. Developing a mathematical model, we here investigate the possibility that this inter-clonal immunity is responsible for exhaustion by down regulating the CTL response. The model is based on previously published exhaustion data for Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus as an in vivo model. We demonstrate that several complicated experiments on clonal exhaustion are consistentwith inter-clonal regulation. By interpreting the available data with a mathematical model, we compare this novel mechanism with the mechanisms suggested previously.  相似文献   

The direct correlation between teratological cases and phytoplasma infections was ascertained in spontaneous and cultivated plant species. Plants, belonging to 31 species and 12 families, showing symptoms of growth abnormalities were collected and analysed. Attempted detection of Rhodococcus fascians by isolation, PCR indexing and 16S rRNA sequencing from fasciated tissues allowed to exclude its presence. Nested PCR by universal primers and 16S rRNA sequence analyses indicated the presence of phytoplasmas, belonging to six groups, in the 44% of symptomatic samples. Among the infected species, Austrocylindropuntia exaltata, Opuntia subulata, Euphorbia characias, Euphorbia dendroides, Euphorbia linifolia, Euphorbia myrsinites, Rumex buchephalophorus, Linaria multicaulis and Fedia cornucopiae represent new phytoplasma hosts world-wide. Moreover this is the first report of phytoplasma belonging to subgroup 16SrRNA II-I in Italy. These findings together with the known erratic distribution in plant tissues of these phloem-restricted prokaryotes indicate a close correlation between fasciation and similar growth disorders and phytoplasma infections.  相似文献   

Ninety-eight piglets from 10 sows were used to study their neonatal agonistic and ingestive behavior after stimulation of the preparturient sow with adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH). The sows were randomly assigned to either an ACTH or a control group on the 104th day of gestation. Sows in the ACTH group were catheterized and infused with 1IU porcine ACTH kg−1 day−1 in 1 l of saline. Control sows were similarly catheterized and infused with the same volume of saline, both treatments being maintained until parturition. A blood sample was collected daily from all sows. At birth piglets were weighed, bled and freed in the rear of the farrowing crate. They were then observed for the first 6 h of life to record their birth to suckle (BTS) interval. At the same time all instigator and victim interactions were recorded. Three subsequent blood samples were then collected from the piglets at 2, 4 and 6 h of life, and analyzed for glucose and cortisol. In both groups the concentration of plasma cortisol proved to be decreased (P<0.05) after birth while glucose increased within 2 h. The total number of instigations observed was higher (P<0.05) in pigs born to control sows than in those born to ACTH-treated sows. When values were expressed as instigations per pig or number of instigations relative to the total number of possible interactions within the litter, piglets of the ACTH group also exhibited less (P<0.05) aggressive instigations than those born to the control sows. Victimizations were not influenced either by treatment or sex. ACTH pigs had slightly shorter BTS intervals (P<0.05) than those in the control group. Females were lighter (P<0.05) than males at birth but they took less time to suckle than males. Accordingly it is concluded that the prenatal treatment of the sows with ACTH reduces the rate of agonistic interactions and tends to reduce the time required for first-time successful suckling.  相似文献   

This study examines indirect effects in a trophic system with three levels, consisting of two prey species, a top predator, and an intermediate predator. Qualitative data showed that the activity of both the top predator Aeshna juncea (Odonata) and the active prey Heterocope saliens, (Copepoda) caused bouts of swimming in the sedentary prey Sida crystallina (Cladocera). These swimming bouts caused encounters, reactions, attacks and captures of S. crystallina by the intermediate predator Coenagrion hastulatum (Odonata). Quantitative data showed that C. hastulatum had a higher encounter frequency and a higher attack frequency on the sedentary prey when the active prey was present. This result was an effect of encounters between the two prey which increased swimming activity of the sedentary S. crystallina. The results suggest that interactions between prey 1 and prey 2, and between prey and predators, could influence the structure of natural communities.  相似文献   

Modelling cellular senescence as a result of telomere state   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Telomeres in mammalian cells end in large duplex T loops. These loops protect the single-strand overhangs from degradation and/or interactions with signalling proteins. This protection is sometimes referred to as capping. At each cell division, telomeres shorten and there is a general consensus that telomere shortening triggers cell cycle exit. However, the exact mechanism by which telomere shortening causes cell cycle arrest is not known. Mathematical models of telomere shortening have been developed to help us understand the processes involved. Until now most models have assumed that the trigger for cell cycle arrest is the first telomere or a group of telomeres reaching a critically short length. However, there is evidence that cells stop cycling over a wide range of telomere lengths. This suggests that telomere length per se may not in fact be the trigger for cellular senescence. In this paper we develop a model which examines the hypothesis that uncapping of a telomere is the main trigger. By letting the probability of uncapping depend upon telomere length, we show that the hypothesized model provides a good fit to experimental data.  相似文献   

Autoimmunity as a result of escape from RNA surveillance   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In previous studies, we detected a frame shift mutation in the gene encoding the autoantigen La of a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus. The mutant La mRNA contains a premature termination codon. mRNAs that prematurely terminate translation should be eliminated by RNA quality control mechanisms. As we find Abs specific for the mutant La form in approximately 30% of sera from anti-La-positive patients, we expected that mutant La mRNAs circumvent RNA control and the expression of mutant La protein could become harmful. Indeed, real-time PCR, immunostaining, and immunoblotting data of mice transgenic for the mutant La form show that mutant La mRNAs are not repressed in these animals and are translated to mutant La protein. In addition to the mutant La protein, we detected a minor portion of native human La in the mutant La-transgenic mice. Therefore, ribosomal frame shifting may allow the mutant La mRNA to escape from RNA control. Interestingly, expression of the mutant La mRNA results in a lupus-like disease in the experimental mice. Consequently, escape of mutant La mRNA from RNA control can have two effects: it 1) results in the expression of an immunogenic (neo)epitope, and 2) predisposes to autoimmunity.  相似文献   

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