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In the Japanese Archipelago, Upper Palaeolithic Accessories, Pigment and Portable Art are discovered, but very few. We introduce the Palaeolithic Art in Japan including new discoveries. The majority of accessories is discovered in Hokkaido, for example the sites of Yunosato 4, Pirika 1, Kashiwadai1 and Obarubetsu 2, but very few in Honshu, the largest island of Japan: Togeyamabokujo 1 in Iwate and Fujiishi in Shizuoka. A lot of pigments are discovered in Hokkaido like Kawanishi C, Kashiwadai 1, Marukoyama and Kiusu 5, without those of Deguchi-Kanezuka in Chiba in Honshu. Kashiwadai 1 in Hokkaido and Kamihikikiri in Chiba are the sites with portable art. In Ehime in Shikoku, one of four large islands of Japan, engraved pebbles called “Kamikuroiwa Venus”, of the Incipient Jomon followed after the Upper Palaeolithic period, before about 14,500 years, are researched again recently. The Palaeolithic art in Japan has a strong relation with Northeast Asia's art, because the lithic materials of Palaeolithic accessories in Hokkaido came from the Continent, and the engraved pebbles have some characters common with Siberian figurines, but also there are accessories and pigment of which the stones are native of the region from the beginning of the Upper Palaeolithic period.  相似文献   

The dosimetric information takes a more and more important place in the diagnostic application of ionizing radiation (radiology and nuclear medicine) and several regulatory texts make obligation to address or report such information. This one must be adapted to the context (quality control, risk assessment…). Also a large number of quantities, measured or calculated are available, depending on the domain (radiology, CT or nuclear medicine) but also the context. In practice if the professionals directly involved (radiologists, nuclear physicians, radiographers, physicists…) are familiar with these quantities it is different for the general practitioners and the patients. For these last ones the concept of effective dose, in spite of its drawbacks is currently the most relevant indicator.  相似文献   



Describe the clinical and therapeutic aspects of penile cancer in Senegal.

Patients and methods

We conducted a retrospective study that looked at records of patients followed for penile cancer in the urology service of the Aristide Le Dantec hospital between January 2000 and December 2011.


Eight patients of mean age of 51.5, with extremes of 27 and 77 have been identified. They were all circumcised in childhood. Clinical examination had highlighted ulcerated and burgeoning tumor affecting glans and a part of the penis in five cases; in two cases, it concerned the entire penis, while one case was limited to the glans. Patients were thus classified according cT3 (three cases) and cT1 (one case). The histological type of the tumour was, in all patients, squamous cell carcinoma. There was no secondary location in the thoracic-flow-pelvic scanner. Therapeutically, a partial penectomy was conducted in five cases, a total penectomy with ganglionic flushing in one case. Two patients refused surgical treatment. There was no recurrence in five patients who underwent a partial amputation of the penis. Overall survival was therefore of 83.3 for surgical patients.


cancer of the penis is rare in Senegal. The support is delicate because of late diagnosis associated with advanced lesions, hence the importance of awareness of the population.  相似文献   

In the Sahara, wherever there are naked rock surfaces, engravings and paintings have been found in large numbers. This rock art includes various types of images — the oldest dating about ten millenniums — among which human beings, wild or domesticated animals, therianthrops and non-explicit images can be identified. According to periods and styles, the human being has been represented under extremely varied aspects from particularly realistic — similar to the reality — till very simplified, even caricatural drawings. For some realistic representations of women and men, we can observe anatomical or morphological peculiarities which, without being frequent, show cases of steatopygy and gynoïd or androïd obesity, pathological or not. For certain periods, we also find imaginary, fantastic or caricatural representations. These images characterize particularly styles previous to that called “Round Heads”. So, in the Saharan art, the human being has been represented either in his physical truth, or according to multiple stylistic conventions or graphic stereotypes, which could characterize certain ethnic groups.  相似文献   

Functional imaging by 18fluorodesoxyglucose (FDG) positron emission tomography (PET) and morphological imaging by computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) hold an important and complementary role in characterization of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). Based on an exhaustive literature, the recommendations and perspectives of their use in the initial assessment and the post-therapeutic management of HNSCC are presented.  相似文献   



Describe clinical and therapeutic aspects of andrologic emergencies in an urban area, received in a university teaching hospital in Cameroon.


We prospectively studied during 36 months all andrologic emergencies received at Laquintinie Hospital of Douala.


We had a total of 291 patients. The mean age was 42.50 years. Most of our patients?? age was between 0 and 45 years. The most frequent lesion was genito-urinary trauma (51.50%) and uro-genital infections (23.71%). Priapism and torsion of the spermatic cord were also frequent. We carried out 185 emergency surgical interventions. Exploration and suture of wounds of the external genitalia (38.91%) and the exploratory scrototomy (21.62%) were the main emergency procedures.


Genito-urinary trauma are the most encountered andrologic emergencies in an urban area of Cameroon. Priapism and torsion of the spermatic cord were not rare.  相似文献   

Résumé La pars intermedia de l'Anguille (Anguilla anguilla L. et Anguilla japonica) contient deux catégories de cellules. L'une, colorable avec l'hématoxyline au plomb, varie peu au cours de l'adaptation à l'eau de mer, mais elle est souvent plus active et moins granulée chez les Anguilles à livrée foncée.L'autre catégorie, PAS positive, est beaucoup plus active chez l'Anguille Japonaise d'élevage, en eau douce. La comparaison de la composition des eaux douces de Tokyo et Paris révèle une teneur environ 5 fois plus élevée en calcium dans celle de Paris, alors que celles en sodium, potassium et chlore sont similaires.Chez ces deux espèces, les cellules PAS positives réagissent au transfert direct en eau de mer par une atrophie nucléaire (réduction très significative du diamètre nucléaire de 4,50 à 3,82 m après 6 mois pour l'Anguille Européenne et de 5,02 à 4,13 m après 48 jours pour l'Anguille Japonaise, P<0,001) et cellulaire (chute très marquée de la surface cellulaire chez Anguilla anguilla de 50,26 à 29,90 m2 en 17 jours à 2 mois, et chez Anguilla japonica de 96,36 à 30,03 m2 en 48 jours, P<0,001) et une perte des granulations, la différence entre les deux espèces s'atténuant fortement en eau de mer.Dans les cas d'hyperactivité des cellules PAS+, l'établissement d'un contact avec la membrane basale limitant le tissu intermédiaire semble important. Il disparaît lors de l'hypoactivité induite par le séjour en eau de mer.Le neurosécrétat du tractus hypothalamo-hypophysaire est rapidement mobilisé; la réaction est initialement synchrone de celle des éléments PAS positifs; la quantité de neurosécrétat se normalise assez vite dans le noyau préoptique, plus lentement dans la neurohypophyse, alors que la régression des cellules PAS se poursuit et s'intensifie.Ces résultats sont comparés à ceux d'autres auteurs ayant effectué des changements de salinité bien que les données sur les cellules du lobe intermédiaire soient très limitées chez les Téléostéens.L'hypothèse du rôle des cellules PAS positives dans le métabolisme hydro-minéral, déjà formulée à propos de leur hyperplasie et leur hypertrophie considérables en eau désionisée, est à nouveau discutée. Par contre, la production d'intermédine par les cellules colorées avec l'hématoxyline au plomb apparaît probable, hypothèse renforcée par les résultats d'une étude cytologique de greffons hypophysaires.
Neuro-intermediate lobe and osmoregulation: comparison of the European eel and the cultured Japanese eel during a transfer from fresh water to sea water
Summary The pars intermedia of the eel (Anguilla anguilla and Anguilla japonica) contains two types of cells. One, stainable with lead haematoxylin, is not clearly affected during the adaptation to sea water, but is often more active and less granulated in eels with a dark pigmentation.The other cell type, PAS positive, is much more active in cultured Japanese eels than in European eels in fresh water. The comparison of the water composition in Tokyo and Paris shows that the calcium content is about 5 times higher in Paris water, the sodium, potassium and chlore levels being similar.In both species, the PAS positive cells react to a direct transfer in sea water with a nuclear atrophy (highly significant decrease of nuclear diameter from 4,50 to 3,82 m after 6 months in the European eel, and from 5,02 to 4.13 m after 48 days in the Japanese eel, P< 0.001) and with cellular atrophy (important reduction of the cell surface in the European eel from 50.26 to 29.90 m2 after 17 days to 2 months, and in the Japanese eel from 96.36 to 30.03 m2 after 48 days, P<0.001) and with a loss of granulation. The difference between the two species in fresh water is not evident in sea water.When these PAS cells are hyperactive, the establishment of a contact with the basal membrane limiting the pars intermedia seems important. It disappears when hypoactivity is induced by a stay in sea water.The neurosecretory material of the hypothalamo-hypophysial tract is rapidly mobilized: at the beginning, its reduction occurs simultaneously with the reaction of the PAS positive cells; then the amount of neurosecretory substance returns rather quickly to normal values in the preoptic nucleus, more slowly in the neurohypophysis, but the regression of the PAS cells continues and becomes more marked.These results are compared with those of other authors who performed changes of salinity, despite the scarcity of data on the cytology of the pars intermedia in Teleosts. Once again, the hypothesis concerning the role of the PAS positive cells in the water and electrolyte metabolism, previously suggested because they show a considerable hypertrophy and hyperplasia in deionized water, is discussed. On the other hand, the elaboration of intermedin by the lead haematoxylin cells seems probable. This hypothesis is also supported by the results of a cytological study of pituitary autografts.

Nous remercions bien vivement le Pr. S. Utida, de l'Université de Tokyo, qui a mis à notre disposition toutes les Anguilles Japonaises utilisées dans cette expérience réalisée dans son Laboratoire. Nous adressons aussi nos remerciements à Melle Shirai qui nous a apporté une aide très précieuse lors de la dissection de ces animaux. Les expériences sur les Anguilles Européennes sont effectuées dans le cadre des recherches du Laboratoire Associé d'Endocrinologie Comparée, dirigé par le Pr. M. Fontaine que nous remercions. Notre reconnaissance va également à Melle J. Olivereau, du C.N.R.S., pour son excellente collaboration technique et les mesures planimétriques qu'elle a faites.  相似文献   

《Médecine Nucléaire》2014,38(5):355-360
In PET imaging, quantification of the acquired data can be achieved by using a series of correction techniques to minimize the effects inherent in the imaging process of emission tomography. Quantitative images can be reconstructed after correcting the detected emission data for the presence of random and scattered coincidences, attenuation effects, effects associated with the variable detectors sensitivity, effects related to the geometry of the device and the effects of dead-time. All these effects are well accounted for in the PET imaging market. However, other effects can degrade the quality of the PET images, such as the finite spatial resolution generating partial volume effects, or the patient movements including respiratory and cardiac physiological movements. In the thoracic field, the effects of respiratory motion on PET images are characterized by a loss of detection sensitivity due to the associated blur. Several methods have been developed to correct for these effects, but still without a wide acceptance in clinical routine. These research areas are therefore still very active.  相似文献   

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