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Mutator bacteria are frequently found in natural populations of bacteria and although coevolution with parasitic viruses (phages) is thought to be one reason for their persistence, it remains unclear how the presence of mutators affects coevolutionary dynamics. We hypothesized that phages must themselves adapt more rapidly or go extinct, in the face of rapidly evolving mutator bacteria. We compared the coevolutionary dynamics of wild‐type Pseudomonas fluorescens SBW25 with a lytic phage to the dynamics of an isogenic mutator of P. fluorescens SBW25 together with the same phage. At the beginning of the experiment both wild‐type bacteria and mutator bacteria coevolved with phages. However, mutators rapidly evolved higher levels of sympatric resistance to phages. The phages were unable to “keep‐up” with the mutator bacteria, and these rates of coevolution declined to less than the rates of coevolution between the phages and wild‐type bacteria. By the end of the experiment, the sympatric resistance of the mutator bacteria was not significantly different to the sympatric resistance of the wild‐type bacteria. This suggests that the importance of mutators in the coevolutionary interactions with a particular phage population is likely to be short‐lived. More generally, the results demonstrate that coevolving enemies may escape from Red‐Queen dynamics.  相似文献   

Host-parasite coevolution is believed to influence a range of evolutionary and ecological processes, including population dynamics, evolution of diversity, sexual reproduction and parasite virulence. The impact of coevolution on these processes will depend on its rate, which is likely to be affected by the energy flowing through an ecosystem, or productivity. We addressed how productivity affected rates of coevolution during a coevolutionary arms race between experimental populations of bacteria and their parasitic viruses (phages). As hypothesized, the rate of coevolution between bacterial resistance and phage infectivity increased with increased productivity. This relationship can in part be explained by reduced competitiveness of resistant bacteria in low compared with high productivity environments, leading to weaker selection for resistance in the former. The data further suggest that variation in productivity can generate variation in selection for resistance across landscapes, a result that is crucial to the geographic mosaic theory of coevolution.  相似文献   

Host–parasite interactions are often characterized by large fluctuations in host population size, and we investigated how such host bottlenecks affected coevolution between a bacterium and a virus. Previous theory suggests that host bottlenecks should provide parasites with an evolutionary advantage, but instead we found that phages were rapidly driven to extinction when coevolving with hosts exposed to large genetic bottlenecks. This was caused by the stochastic loss of sensitive bacteria, which are required for phage persistence and infectivity evolution. Our findings emphasize the importance of feedbacks between ecological and coevolutionary dynamics, and how this feedback can qualitatively alter coevolutionary dynamics.  相似文献   

Antagonistic coevolution between hosts and parasites is a key process in the genesis and maintenance of biological diversity. Whereas coevolutionary dynamics show distinct patterns under favourable environmental conditions, the effects of more realistic, variable conditions are largely unknown. We investigated the impact of a fluctuating environment on antagonistic coevolution in experimental microcosms of Pseudomonas fluorescens SBW25 and lytic phage SBWΦ2. High‐frequency temperature fluctuations caused no deviations from typical coevolutionary arms race dynamics. However, coevolution was stalled during periods of high temperature under intermediate‐ and low‐frequency fluctuations, generating temporary coevolutionary cold spots. Temperature variation affected population density, providing evidence that eco‐evolutionary feedbacks act through variable bacteria–phage encounter rates. Our study shows that environmental fluctuations can drive antagonistic species interactions into and out of coevolutionary cold and hot spots. Whether coevolution persists or stalls depends on the frequency of change and the environmental optima of both interacting players.  相似文献   

Host-parasite coevolution is a key driver of biological diversity and parasite virulence, but its effects depend on the nature of coevolutionary dynamics over time. We used phenotypic data from coevolving populations of the bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens SBW25 and parasitic phage SBW25Φ2, and genetic data from the phage tail fibre gene (implicated in infectivity evolution) to show that arms race dynamics, typical of short-term studies, decelerate over time. We attribute this effect to increasing costs of generalism for phages and bacteria with increasing infectivity and resistance. By contrast, fluctuating selection on individual host and parasite genotypes was maintained over time, becoming increasingly important for the phenotypic properties of parasite and host populations. Given that costs of generalism are reported for many other systems, arms races may generally give way to fluctuating selection in antagonistically coevolving populations.  相似文献   

Temporal resource fluctuations could affect the strength of antagonistic coevolution through population dynamics and costs of adaptation. We studied this by coevolving the prey bacterium Serratia marcescens with the predatory protozoa Tetrahymena thermophila in constant and pulsed-resource environments for approximately 1300 prey generations. Consistent with arms race theory, the prey evolved to be more defended, whereas the predator evolved to be more efficient in consuming the bacteria. Coevolutionary adaptations were costly in terms of reduced prey growth in resource-limited conditions and less efficient predator growth on nonliving resource medium. However, no differences in mean coevolutionary changes or adaptive costs were observed between environments, even though resource pulses increased fluctuations and mean densities of coevolving predator populations. Interestingly, a surface-associated prey defence mechanism (bacterial biofilm), to which predators were probably unable to counter-adapt, evolved to be stronger in pulsed-resource environment. These results suggest that temporal resource fluctuations can increase the asymmetry of antagonistic coevolution by imposing stronger selection on one of the interacting species.  相似文献   

We still know very little about how the environment influences coevolutionary dynamics. Here, we investigated both theoretically and empirically how nutrient availability affects the relative extent of escalation of resistance and infectivity (arms race dynamic; ARD) and fluctuating selection (fluctuating selection dynamic; FSD) in experimentally coevolving populations of bacteria and viruses. By comparing interactions between clones of bacteria and viruses both within‐ and between‐time points, we show that increasing nutrient availability resulted in coevolution shifting from FSD, with fluctuations in average infectivity and resistance ranges over time, to ARD. Our model shows that range fluctuations with lower nutrient availability can be explained both by elevated costs of resistance (a direct effect of nutrient availability), and reduced benefits of resistance when population sizes of hosts and parasites are lower (an indirect effect). Nutrient availability can therefore predictably and generally affect qualitative coevolutionary dynamics by both direct and indirect (mediated through ecological feedbacks) effects on costs of resistance.  相似文献   

Coevolution—reciprocal evolutionary change among interacting species driven by natural selection—is thought to be an important force in shaping biodiversity. This ongoing process takes place within tangled networks of species interactions. In microbial communities, evolutionary change between hosts and parasites occurs at the same time scale as ecological change. Yet, we still lack experimental evidence of the role of coevolution in driving changes in the structure of such species interaction networks. Filling this gap is important because network structure influences community persistence through indirect effects. Here, we quantified experimentally to what extent coevolutionary dynamics lead to contrasting patterns in the architecture of bacteria–phage infection networks. Specifically, we look at the tendency of these networks to be organized in a nested pattern by which the more specialist phages tend to infect only a proper subset of those bacteria infected by the most generalist phages. We found that interactions between coevolving bacteria and phages become less nested over time under fluctuating dynamics, and more nested under arms race dynamics. Moreover, when coevolution results in high average infectivity, phages and bacteria differ more from each other over time under arms race dynamics than under fluctuating dynamics. The tradeoff between the fitness benefits of evolving resistance/infectivity traits and the costs of maintaining them might explain these differences in network structure. Our study shows that the interaction pattern between bacteria and phages at the community level depends on the way coevolution unfolds.  相似文献   

In spatially structured populations, host–parasite coevolutionary potential depends on the distribution of genetic variation within and among populations. Inoculation experiments using the plant, Silene latifolia, and its fungal pathogen, Microbotryum violaceum, revealed little overall differentiation in infectivity/resistance, latency or spore production among host or pathogen populations. Within populations, fungal strains had similar means, but varied in performance across plant populations. Variation in resistance among seed families indicates the potential for parasite‐mediated selection, whereas there was little evidence for local pathogen genotype × plant genotype interactions assumed by most theoretical coevolution models. Lower spore production on sympatric than allopatric hosts confirmed local fungal maladaptation already observed for infectivity. Correlations between infectivity and latency or spore production suggest a common mechanism for variation in these traits. Our results suggest low variation available to this pathogen for tracking its coevolving host. This may be caused by random drift, breeding system or migration characteristic of metapopulation dynamics.  相似文献   

Resource availability can affect the coevolutionary dynamics between host and parasites, shaping communities and hence ecosystem function. A key finding from theoretical and in vitro studies is that host resistance evolves to greater levels with increased resources, but the relevance to natural communities is less clear. We took two complementary approaches to investigate the effect of resource availability on the evolution of bacterial resistance to phages in soil. First, we measured the resistance and infectivity of natural communities of soil bacteria and phage in the presence and absence of nutrient-providing plants. Second, we followed the real-time coevolution between defined bacteria and phage populations with resource availability manipulated by the addition or not of an artificial plant root exudate. Increased resource availability resulted in increases in bacterial resistance to phages, but without a concomitant increase in phage infectivity. These results suggest that phages may have a reduced impact on the control of bacterial densities and community composition in stable, high resource environments.  相似文献   

Cross‐fertilization is predicted to facilitate the short‐term response and the long‐term persistence of host populations engaged in antagonistic coevolutionary interactions. Consistent with this idea, our previous work has shown that coevolving bacterial pathogens (Serratia marcescens) can drive obligately selfing hosts (Caenorhabditis elegans) to extinction, whereas the obligately outcrossing and partially outcrossing populations persisted. We focused the present study on the partially outcrossing (mixed mating) and obligately outcrossing hosts, and analyzed the changes in the host resistance/avoidance (and pathogen infectivity) over time. We found that host mortality rates increased in the mixed mating populations over the first 10 generations of coevolution when outcrossing rates were initially low. However, mortality rates decreased after elevated outcrossing rates evolved during the experiment. In contrast, host mortality rates decreased in the obligately outcrossing populations during the first 10 generations of coevolution, and remained low throughout the experiment. Therefore, predominant selfing reduced the ability of the hosts to respond to coevolving pathogens compared to outcrossing hosts. Thus, we found that host–pathogen coevolution can generate rapid evolutionary change, and that host mating system can influence the outcome of coevolution at a fine temporal scale.  相似文献   

The consequences of host–parasite coevolution are highly contingent on the qualitative coevolutionary dynamics: whether selection fluctuates (fluctuating selection dynamic; FSD), or is directional towards increasing infectivity/resistance (arms race dynamic; ARD). Both genetics and ecology can play an important role in determining whether coevolution follows FSD or ARD, but the ecological conditions under which FSD shifts to ARD, and vice versa, are not well understood. The degree of population mixing is thought to increase host exposure to parasites, hence selecting for greater resistance and infectivity ranges, and we hypothesize this promotes ARD. We tested this by coevolving bacteria and viruses in soil microcosms and found that population mixing shifted bacteria–virus coevolution from FSD to ARD. A simple theoretical model produced qualitatively similar results, showing that mechanisms that increase host exposure to parasites tend to push dynamics towards ARD. The shift from FSD to ARD with increased population mixing may help to explain variation in coevolutionary dynamics between different host–parasite systems, and more specifically the observed discrepancies between laboratory and field bacteria–virus coevolutionary studies.  相似文献   



The dynamics of antagonistic host-parasite coevolution are believed to be crucially dependent on the rate of migration between populations. We addressed how the rate of simultaneous migration of host and parasite affected resistance and infectivity evolution of coevolving meta-populations of the bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens and a viral parasite (bacteriophage). The increase in genetic variation resulting from small amounts of migration is expected to increase rates of adaptation of both host and parasite. However, previous studies suggest phages should benefit more from migration than bacteria; because in the absence of migration, phages are more genetically limited and have a lower evolutionary potential compared to the bacteria.  相似文献   

The impact of coevolutionary interaction between species on adaptive radiation processes is analysed with reference to pollination biology case studies. Occasional colonization of archipelagos can bring together coevolving partners and cause coradiation of the colonizing species, e.g. the drepanidids and the lobelioids on Hawaii. Permanent reciprocal selective pressure between pairs of coevolving species can lead to a coevolutionary race and rapid evolutionary change. This is exemplified by spurred flowers and long-tongued flower-visitors. The geographic patterning of diffuse coevolution systems can lead to dramatic changes in species interactions. In different populations, interaction between pollinating and seed-parasitizing Greya moths and their host plants varies from mutualism to commensalism and antagonism, depending on the presence of copollinators. Asymmetrical coevolution between angiosperms and oligolectic flower-visitors may facilitate rapid reproductive isolation of populations following a food-plant switch, if the oligoleges use their specific food plants as the rendezvous sites. Diffuse coevolution between angiosperm species and pollinating insects may cause frequent convergent evolution of floral traits such as nectar reward instead of pollen reward, floral guides, zygomorphic flowers, or mimicry of pollen signals, since the multiple plant species experience similar selective pressures via the coevolving partners. Patterns of angiosperm adaptive radiation are highlighted in the context of coevolution with pollinators.  相似文献   

The fitness consequences of deleterious mutations are sometimes greater when individuals are parasitized, hence parasites may result in the more rapid purging of deleterious mutations from host populations. The significance of host deleterious mutations when hosts and parasites antagonistically coevolve (reciprocal evolution of host resistance and parasite infectivity) has not previously been experimentally investigated. We addressed this by coevolving the bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens and a parasitic bacteriophage in laboratory microcosms, using bacteria with high and low mutation loads. Directional coevolution between bacterial resistance and phage infectivity occurred in all populations. Bacterial population fitness, as measured by competition experiments with ancestral genotypes in the absence of phage, declined with time spent coevolving. However, this decline was significantly more rapid in bacteria with high mutation loads, suggesting the cost of bacterial resistance to phage was greater in the presence of deleterious mutations (synergistic epistasis). As such, resistance to phage was more costly to evolve in the presence of a high mutation load. Consistent with these data, bacteria with high mutation loads underwent less rapid directional coevolution with their phage populations, and showed lower levels of resistance to their coevolving phage populations. These data suggest that coevolution with parasites increases the rate at which deleterious mutations are purged from host populations.  相似文献   

The geographic mosaic theory of coevolution suggests that population spatial structure may have a strong impact on coevolutionary dynamics. Therefore, coevolution must be studied across geographic scales, not just in single populations. To examine the impact of movement rate on coevolutionary dynamics, we developed a spatially explicit model of host–parasitoid coevolution. We described space as a coupled-map lattice and assumed that resistance (defined as the ability of a host to encapsulate a parasitoid egg) and virulence (defined as the successful parasitization of a host) traits were graded and costly. The model explicitly detailed population and evolutionary dynamics. When holding all parameters constant and varying only the movement rate of the host and parasitoid, profoundly different dynamics were observed. We found that fluctuations in the mean levels of resistance and virulence in the global population were greatest when the movement rate of the host and parasitoid was high. In addition, we found that the variation in resistance and virulence levels among neighboring patches was greatest when the movement rates of the host and parasitoid was low. However, as the distance among patches increased, so did the variation in resistance and virulence levels regardless of movement rate. These generalizations did not hold when spatial patterns in the distribution of resistance and virulence traits, such as spirals, were observed. Finally, we found that the evolution of resistance and virulence caused the abundance of hosts to increase and the abundance of parasitoids to decrease. As a result, the spatial distribution of hosts and parasitoids was influenced.  相似文献   

Evaluating the importance of coevolution for a wide range of evolutionary questions, such as the role parasites play in the evolution of sexual reproduction, requires that we understand the genetic basis of coevolutionary interactions. Despite its importance, little progress has been made identifying the genetic basis of coevolution, largely because we lack tools designed specifically for this purpose. Instead, coevolutionary studies are often forced to re‐purpose single species techniques. Here, we propose a novel approach for identifying the genes mediating locally adapted coevolutionary interactions that relies on spatial correlations between genetic marker frequencies in the interacting species. Using individual‐based multi‐locus simulations, we quantify the performance of our approach across a range of coevolutionary genetic models. Our results show that when one species is strongly locally adapted to the other and a sufficient number of populations can be sampled, our approach accurately identifies functionally coupled host and parasite genes. Although not a panacea, the approach we outline here could help to focus the search for coevolving genes in a wide variety of well‐studied systems for which substantial local adaptation has been demonstrated.  相似文献   

A potential consequence of host-parasite coevolution in spatially structured populations is parasite local adaptation: local parasites perform better than foreign parasites on their local host populations. It has been suggested that the generally shorter generation times of parasites compared with their hosts contributes to parasites, rather than hosts, being locally adapted. We tested the hypothesis that relative generation times of hosts and parasites affect local adaptation of hosts and parasites, using the bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens and a lytic phage as host and parasite, respectively. Generation times were not directly manipulated, but instead one of the coevolving partners was regularly removed and replaced with a population from an earlier time point. Thus, one partner underwent more generations than the other. Manipulations were carried out at both early and later periods of coevolutionary interactions. At early stages of coevolution, host and parasites that underwent relatively more generations displayed higher levels of resistance and infectivity, respectively. However, the relative number of generations that bacteria and phages underwent did not change the level of local adaptation relative to control populations. This is likely because generalist hosts and parasites are favoured during early stages of coevolution, preventing local adaptation. By contrast, at later stages manipulations had no effect on either average levels of resistance or infectivity, or alter the level of local adaptation relative to the controls, possibly because traits other than resistance and infectivity were under strong selection. Taken together, these data suggest that the relative generation times of hosts and parasites may not be an important determinant of local adaptation in this system.  相似文献   

Parasites can promote diversity by mediating coexistence between a poorer and superior competitor, if the superior competitor is more susceptible to parasitism. However, hosts and parasites frequently undergo antagonistic coevolution. This process may result in the accumulation of pleiotropic fitness costs associated with host resistance, and could breakdown coexistence. We experimentally investigated parasite‐mediated coexistence of two genotypes of the bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens, where one genotype underwent coevolution with a parasite (a virulent bacteriophage), whereas the other genotype was resistant to the evolving phages at all time points, but a poorer competitor. In the absence of phages, the resistant genotype was rapidly driven extinct in all populations. In the presence of the phages, the resistant genotype persisted in four of six populations and eventually reached higher frequencies than the sensitive genotype. The coevolving genotype showed a reduction in the growth rate, consistent with a cost of resistance, which may be responsible for a decline in its relative fitness. These results demonstrate that the stability of parasite‐mediated coexistence of resistant and susceptible species or genotypes is likely to be affected if parasites and susceptible hosts coevolve.  相似文献   

In bacteria and archaea, viruses are the primary infectious agents, acting as virulent, often deadly pathogens. A form of adaptive immune defense known as CRISPR-Cas enables microbial cells to acquire immunity to viral pathogens by recognizing specific sequences encoded in viral genomes. The unique biology of this system results in evolutionary dynamics of host and viral diversity that cannot be fully explained by the traditional models used to describe microbe-virus coevolutionary dynamics. Here, we show how the CRISPR-mediated adaptive immune response of hosts to invading viruses facilitates the emergence of an evolutionary mode we call distributed immunity - the coexistence of multiple, equally-fit immune alleles among individuals in a microbial population. We use an eco-evolutionary modeling framework to quantify distributed immunity and demonstrate how it emerges and fluctuates in multi-strain communities of hosts and viruses as a consequence of CRISPR-induced coevolution under conditions of low viral mutation and high relative numbers of viral protospacers. We demonstrate that distributed immunity promotes sustained diversity and stability in host communities and decreased viral population density that can lead to viral extinction. We analyze sequence diversity of experimentally coevolving populations of Streptococcus thermophilus and their viruses where CRISPR-Cas is active, and find the rapid emergence of distributed immunity in the host population, demonstrating the importance of this emergent phenomenon in evolving microbial communities.  相似文献   

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