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Connexin (Cx) and pannexin (Panx) proteins form large conductance channels, which function as regulators of communication between neighbouring cells via gap junctions and/or hemichannels. Intercellular communication is essential to coordinate cellular responses in tissues and organs, thereby fulfilling an essential role in the spreading of signalling, survival and death processes. The functional properties of gap junctions and hemichannels are modulated by different physiological and pathophysiological stimuli. At the molecular level, Cxs and Panxs function as multi‐protein channel complexes, regulating their channel localisation and activity. In addition to this, gap junctional channels and hemichannels are modulated by different post‐translational modifications (PTMs), including phosphorylation, glycosylation, proteolysis, N‐acetylation, S‐nitrosylation, ubiquitination, lipidation, hydroxylation, methylation and deamidation. These PTMs influence almost all aspects of communicating junctional channels in normal cell biology and pathophysiology. In this review, we will provide a systematic overview of PTMs of communicating junction proteins and discuss their effects on Cx and Panx‐channel activity and localisation.  相似文献   

Chen C  Huang C  Chen S  Liang J  Lin W  Ke G  Zhang H  Wang B  Huang J  Han Z  Ma L  Huo K  Yang X  Yang P  He F  Tao T 《Proteomics》2008,8(3):508-520
Ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis is mediated by the proteasome. To understand the structure and function of the human 26S proteasome, we cloned complete ORFs of 32 human proteasome subunits and conducted a yeast two-hybrid analysis of their interactions with each other. We observed that there are 114 interacting-pairs in the human 26S proteasome. About 10% (11/114) of these interacting-pairs was confirmed by the GST-pull down analysis. Among these observed interacting subunits, 58% (66/114) are novel and the rest 42% (48/114) has been reported previously in human or in other species. We observed new interactions between the 19S regulatory particle and the beta-rings of the 20S catalytic particle and therefore proposed a modified model of the 26S proteasome.  相似文献   

The Ubiquitin Proteasome System (UPS) was discovered in two steps. Initially, APF-1 (ATP-dependent proteolytic Factor 1) later identified as ubiquitin (Ub), a hitherto known protein of unknown function, was found to covalently modify proteins. This modification led to degradation of the tagged protein by – at that time – an unknown protease. This was followed later by the identification of the 26S proteasome complex which is composed of a previously identified Multi Catalytic Protease (MCP) and an additional regulatory complex, as the protease that degrades Ub-tagged proteins. While Ub conjugation and proteasomal degradation are viewed as a continued process responsible for most of the regulated proteolysis in the cell, the two processes have also independent roles. In parallel and in the years that followed, the hallmark signal that links the substrate to the proteasome was identified as an internal Lys48-based polyUb chain. However, since these initial findings were described, our understanding of both ends of the process (i.e. Ub-conjugation to proteins, and their recognition and degradation), have advanced significantly. This enabled us to start bridging the ends of this continuous process which suffered until lately from limited structural data regarding the 26S proteasomal architecture and the structure and diversity of the Ub chains. These missing pieces are of great importance because the link between ubiquitination and proteasomal processing is subject to numerous regulatory steps and are found to function improperly in several pathologies. Recently, the molecular architecture of the 26S proteasome was resolved in great detail, enabling us to address mechanistic questions regarding the various molecular events that polyubiquitinated (polyUb) substrates undergo during binding and processing by the 26S proteasome. In addition, advancement in analytical and synthetic methods enables us to better understand the structure and diversity of the degradation signal. The review summarizes these recent findings and addresses the extrapolated meanings in light of previous reports. Finally, it addresses some of the still remaining questions to be solved in order to obtain a continuous mechanistic view of the events that a substrate undergoes from its initial ubiquitination to proteasomal degradation. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Ubiquitin-Proteasome System. Guest Editors: Thomas Sommer and Dieter H. Wolf.  相似文献   

There is growing appreciation for the fundamental role of structural dynamics in the function of macromolecules. In particular, the 26S proteasome, responsible for selective protein degradation in an ATP dependent manner, exhibits dynamic conformational changes that enable substrate processing. Recent cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) work has revealed the conformational dynamics of the 26S proteasome and established the function of the different conformational states. Technological advances such as direct electron detectors and image processing algorithms allowed resolving the structure of the proteasome at atomic resolution. Here we will review those studies and discuss their contribution to our understanding of proteasome function.  相似文献   

Novel experimental methods, including a modified single fiber in vitro motility assay, X‐ray diffraction experiments, and mass spectrometry analyses, have been performed to unravel the molecular events underlying the aging‐related impairment in human skeletal muscle function at the motor protein level. The effects of old age on the function of specific myosin isoforms extracted from single human muscle fiber segments, demonstrated a significant slowing of motility speed (< 0.001) in old age in both type I and IIa myosin heavy chain (MyHC) isoforms. The force‐generating capacity of the type I and IIa MyHC isoforms was, on the other hand, not affected by old age. Similar effects were also observed when the myosin molecules extracted from muscle fibers were exposed to oxidative stress. X‐ray diffraction experiments did not show any myofilament lattice spacing changes, but unraveled a more disordered filament organization in old age as shown by the greater widths of the 1, 0 equatorial reflections. Mass spectrometry (MS) analyses revealed eight age‐specific myosin post‐translational modifications (PTMs), in which two were located in the motor domain (carbonylation of Pro79 and Asn81) and six in the tail region (carbonylation of Asp900, Asp904, and Arg908; methylation of Glu1166; deamidation of Gln1164 and Asn1168). However, PTMs in the motor domain were only observed in the IIx MyHC isoform, suggesting PTMs in the rod region contributed to the observed disordering of myosin filaments and the slowing of motility speed. Hence, interventions that would specifically target these PTMs are warranted to reverse myosin dysfunction in old age.  相似文献   

The microtubular cytoskeleton of plant cells provides support for several functions (including the anchoring of proteins, assembly of the mitotic spindle, cytoplasmic streaming and construction of cell walls). Both α‐ and β‐tubulins are encoded through multigene families that are differentially expressed in different organs and tissues. To increase the variability of expression, both protein subunits are subjected to post‐translational modifications, which could contribute to the assembly of specific microtubule structures. This review aims to highlight the role of specific post‐translational modifications of tubulin in plant cells. We initially describe the expression and accumulation of α‐ and β‐tubulin isoforms in different plants and at different stages of plant development. Second, we discuss the different types of post‐translational modifications that, by adding or removing specific functional groups, increase the isoform heterogeneity and functional variability of tubulin. Modifications are proposed to form a ‘code’ that can be read by proteins interacting with microtubules. Therefore, the subpopulations of microtubules may bind to different associated proteins (motor and non‐motor), thus creating the physical support for various microtubule functions.  相似文献   

Yeast Prp19 has been shown to involve in pre-mRNA splicing and DNA repair as well as being an ubiquitin ligase. Mammalian homologue of yeast Prp19 also plays on similar functional activities in cells. In the present study, we isolated mouse SUG1 (mSUG1) as binding partner of mouse Prp19 (mPrp19) by the yeast two-hybrid system. We confirmed the interaction of mPrp9 with mSUG1 by GST pull-down assay and co-immunoprecipitation assay. The N-terminus of mPrp19 including U-box domain was associated with the C-terminus of mSUG1. Although, mSUG1 is a regulatory subunit of 26S proteasome, mPrp19 was not degraded in the proteasome-dependent pathway. Interestingly, GFP-mPrp19 fusion protein was co-localized with mSUG1 protein in cytoplasm as the formation of the speckle-like structures in the presence of a proteasome inhibitor MG132. In addition, the activity of proteasome was increased in cells transfected with mPrp19. Taken together, these results suggest that mPrp19 involves the regulation of protein turnover and may transport its substrates to 26S proteasome through mSUG1 protein.  相似文献   

Pathological cardiac hypertrophy involves excessive protein synthesis, increased cardiac myocyte size and ultimately the development of heart failure. Thus, pathological cardiac hypertrophy is a major risk factor for many cardiovascular diseases and death in humans. Extensive research in the last decade has revealed that post‐translational modifications (PTMs), including phosphorylation, ubiquitination, SUMOylation, O‐GlcNAcylation, methylation and acetylation, play important roles in pathological cardiac hypertrophy pathways. These PTMs potently mediate myocardial hypertrophy responses via the interaction, stability, degradation, cellular translocation and activation of receptors, adaptors and signal transduction events. These changes occur in response to pathological hypertrophy stimuli. In this review, we summarize the roles of PTMs in regulating the development of pathological cardiac hypertrophy. Furthermore, PTMs are discussed as potential targets for treating or preventing cardiac hypertrophy.  相似文献   

Lina Herhaus  Ivan Dikic 《EMBO reports》2015,16(9):1071-1083
Ubiquitylation is among the most prevalent post‐translational modifications (PTMs) and regulates numerous cellular functions. Interestingly, ubiquitin (Ub) can be itself modified by other PTMs, including acetylation and phosphorylation. Acetylation of Ub on K6 and K48 represses the formation and elongation of Ub chains. Phosphorylation of Ub happens on multiple sites, S57 and S65 being the most frequently modified in yeast and mammalian cells, respectively. In mammals, the PINK1 kinase activates ubiquitin ligase Parkin by phosphorylating S65 of Ub and of the Parkin Ubl domain, which in turn promotes the amplification of autophagy signals necessary for the removal of damaged mitochondria. Similarly, TBK1 phosphorylates the autophagy receptors OPTN and p62 to initiate feedback and feedforward programs for Ub‐dependent removal of protein aggregates, mitochondria and pathogens (such as Salmonella and Mycobacterium tuberculosis). The impact of PINK1‐mediated phosphorylation of Ub and TBK1‐dependent phosphorylation of autophagy receptors (OPTN and p62) has been recently linked to the development of Parkinson's disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, respectively. Hence, the post‐translational modification of Ub and its receptors can efficiently expand the Ub code and modulate its functions in health and disease.  相似文献   

Protein post‐translational modifications (PTMs) allow the cell to regulate protein activity and play a crucial role in the response to changes in external conditions or internal states. Advances in mass spectrometry now enable proteome wide characterization of PTMs and have revealed a broad functional role for a range of different types of modifications. Here we review advances in the study of the evolution and function of PTMs that were spurred by these technological improvements. We provide an overview of studies focusing on the origin and evolution of regulatory enzymes as well as the evolutionary dynamics of modification sites. Finally, we discuss different mechanisms of altering protein activity via post‐translational regulation and progress made in the large‐scale functional characterization of PTM function.  相似文献   

The 19S regulatory complex (RC) of 26S proteasomes is a 900–1000 kDa particle composed of 18 distinct subunits (S1–S15) ranging in molecular mass from 25 to 110 kDa. This particle confers ATP-dependence and polyubiquitin (polyUb) recognition to the 26S proteasome. The symmetry and homogenous structure of the proteasome contrasts sharply with the remarkable complexity of the RC. Despite the fact that the primary sequences of all the subunits are now known, insight has been gained into the function of only eight subunits. The six ATPases within the RC constitute a subfamily (S4-like ATPases) within the AAA superfamily and we have shown that they form specific pairs in vitro[1]. We have now determined that putative coiled-coils within the variable N-terminal regions of these proteins are likely to function as recognition elements that direct the proper placement of the ATPases within the RC. We have also begun mapping putative interactions between non-ATPase subunits and S4-like ATPases. These studies have allowed us to build a model for the specific arrangement of 9 subunits within the human regulatory complex. This model agrees with recent findings by Glickman et al. [2] who have reported that two subcomplexes, termed the base and the lid, form the RC of budding yeast 26S proteasomes.  相似文献   

Mass spectrometry (MS) analysis of peptides carrying post‐translational modifications is challenging due to the instability of some modifications during MS analysis. However, glycopeptides as well as acetylated, methylated and other modified peptides release specific fragment ions during CID (collision‐induced dissociation) and HCD (higher energy collisional dissociation) fragmentation. These fragment ions can be used to validate the presence of the PTM on the peptide. Here, we present PTM MarkerFinder, a software tool that takes advantage of such marker ions. PTM MarkerFinder screens the MS/MS spectra in the output of a database search (i.e., Mascot) for marker ions specific for selected PTMs. Moreover, it reports and annotates the HCD and the corresponding electron transfer dissociation (ETD) spectrum (when present), and summarizes information on the type, number, and ratios of marker ions found in the data set. In the present work, a sample containing enriched N‐acetylhexosamine (HexNAc) glycopeptides from yeast has been analyzed by liquid chromatography‐mass spectrometry on an LTQ Orbitrap Velos using both HCD and ETD fragmentation techniques. The identification result (Mascot .dat file) was submitted as input to PTM MarkerFinder and screened for HexNAc oxonium ions. The software output has been used for high‐throughput validation of the identification results.  相似文献   

HDACs (histone deacetylases) are enzymes that remove the acetyl moiety from N‐?‐acetylated lysine residues in histones and non‐histone proteins. In recent years, it has turned out that HDACs themselves are also subject to post‐translational modification. Such structural alterations can determine the stability, localization, activity and protein—protein interactions of HDACs. This subsequently affects the modification of their substrates and the co‐ordination of cellular signalling networks. Intriguingly, physiologically relevant non‐histone proteins are increasingly found to be deacetylated by HDACs, and aberrant deacetylase activity contributes to several severe human diseases. Targeting the catalytic activity of these enzymes and their post‐translational modifications are therefore attractive targets for therapeutical intervention strategies. To achieve this ambitious goal, details on the molecular mechanisms regulating post‐translational modifications of HDACs are required. This review summarizes aspects of the current knowledge on the biological role and enzymology of the phosphorylation, acetylation, ubiquitylation and sumoylation of HDACs.  相似文献   

It is well established that nitric oxide (NO) inhibits vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) proliferation by modulating cell cycle proteins. The 26S proteasome is integral to protein degradation and tightly regulates cell cycle proteins. Therefore, we hypothesized that NO directly inhibits the activity of the 26S proteasome. The three enzymatic activities (chymotrypsin-like, trypsin-like and caspase-like) of the 26S proteasome were examined in VSMC. At baseline, caspase-like activity was approximately 3.5-fold greater than chymotrypsin- and trypsin-like activities. The NO donor S-nitroso-N-acetylpenicillamine (SNAP) significantly inhibited all three catalytically active sites in a time- and concentration-dependent manner (P < 0.05). Caspase-like activity was inhibited to a greater degree (77.2% P < 0.05). cGMP and cAMP analogs and inhibitors had no statistically significant effect on basal or NO-mediated inhibition of proteasome activity. Dithiothreitol, a reducing agent, prevented and reversed the NO-mediated inhibition of the 26S proteasome. Nitroso-cysteine analysis following S-nitrosoglutathione exposure revealed that the 20S catalytic core of the 26S proteasome contains 10 cysteines which were S-nitrosylated by NO. Evaluation of 26S proteasome subunit protein expression revealed differential regulation of the α and β subunits in VSMC following exposure to NO. Finally, immunohistochemical analysis of subunit expression revealed distinct intracellular localization of the 26S proteasomal subunits at baseline and confirmed upregulation of distinct subunits following NO exposure. In conclusion, NO reversibly inhibits the catalytic activity of the 26S proteasome through S-nitrosylation and differentially regulates proteasomal subunit expression. This may be one mechanism by which NO exerts its effects on the cell cycle and inhibits cellular proliferation in the vasculature.  相似文献   

The 26S proteasome complex, which consists of a 20S proteasome and a pair of 19S regulatory particles, plays important roles in the degradation of ubiquitinated proteins in eukaryotic cells. The alpha7 subunit of the budding yeast 20S proteasome is a major phosphorylatable subunit; serine residue(s) in its C-terminal region are phosphorylated in vitro by CKII. However, the exact in vivo phosphorylation sites have not been identified. In this study, using electrospray ionization quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry analysis, we detected a mixture of singly, doubly, and triply phosphorylated C-terminal peptides isolated from a His-tagged construct of the alpha7 subunit by nickel-immobilized metal affinity chromatography. In addition, we identified three phosphorylation sites in the C-terminal region using MS/MS analysis and site-directed mutagenesis: Ser258, Ser263, and Ser264 residues. The MS/MS analysis of singly phosphorylated peptides showed that phosphorylation at these sites did not occur successively.  相似文献   

26S蛋白酶体是真核细胞内负责蛋白质降解的主要分子机器,通过特异性降解目的蛋白质,几乎参与了生物体的绝大多数生命活动.26S蛋白酶体在结构上可分为19S调节颗粒和20S核心颗粒两部分.19S调节颗粒负责识别带有泛素链标记的蛋白质底物及对其进行去折叠,并最终将去折叠的蛋白质底物传送至20S核心颗粒中进行降解.由于26S蛋白酶体的结构组成复杂,分子量十分巨大,现有的X-ray技术和NMR技术对其完整结构的解析都无能为力,仅能解析出部分单个蛋白成员或分子量较低的亚复合物晶体结构.而冷冻电镜技术在相当一段时间内处于发展的初级阶段,导致其三维结构的研究进展曾经十分缓慢,严重阻碍了人们对其结构和功能的了解.近年来,随着在X-ray技术领域对大分子复合物结构解析的经验积累和冷冻电镜技术领域的技术革命,完整的26S蛋白酶体三维结构解析取得了飞速的发展.本文回顾了近几年在26S蛋白酶体结构生物学领域的重要进展,并展望了该领域未来的发展及面临的挑战.  相似文献   

Various post‐translational modifications (PTMs) fine‐tune the functions of almost all eukaryotic proteins, and co‐regulation of different types of PTMs has been shown within and between a number of proteins. Aiming at a more global view of the interplay between PTM types, we collected modifications for 13 frequent PTM types in 8 eukaryotes, compared their speed of evolution and developed a method for measuring PTM co‐evolution within proteins based on the co‐occurrence of sites across eukaryotes. As many sites are still to be discovered, this is a considerable underestimate, yet, assuming that most co‐evolving PTMs are functionally associated, we found that PTM types are vastly interconnected, forming a global network that comprise in human alone >50 000 residues in about 6000 proteins. We predict substantial PTM type interplay in secreted and membrane‐associated proteins and in the context of particular protein domains and short‐linear motifs. The global network of co‐evolving PTM types implies a complex and intertwined post‐translational regulation landscape that is likely to regulate multiple functional states of many if not all eukaryotic proteins.  相似文献   

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