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Medaka (Oryzias latipes) is a teleost fish with an XX/XY sex determination system. Recently, it was reported that XX medaka can be sex‐reversed into phenotypic males by exposure to high water temperature (HT) during gonadal sex differentiation, possibly by elevation of cortisol, the major glucocorticoid produced by the interrenal cells in teleosts. Yet, it remains unclear how the elevation of cortisol levels by HT causes female‐to‐male sex reversal. This paper reports that exposure to cortisol or HT after hatching inhibited both the proliferation of female‐type germ cells and the expression of ovarian‐type aromatase (cyp19a1), which encodes a steroidogenic enzyme responsible for the conversion of androgens to estrogens, and induced the expression of gonadal soma‐derived growth factor (gsdf) in XX gonads during gonadal sex differentiation. In contrast, exposure to either cortisol or HT in combination with 17β‐estradiol (E2) did not produce these effects. Moreover, E2 completely rescued cortisol‐ and HT‐induced masculinization of XX medaka. These results strongly suggest that cortisol and HT cause female‐to‐male sex reversal in medaka by suppression of cyp19a1 expression, with a resultant inhibition of estrogen biosynthesis. This mechanism may be common among animals with temperature‐dependent sex determination. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 79: 719–726, 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Genetic female fetuses were exposed transplacentally to testosterone propionate injected into their mothers either early (Days 40 through 64) or late (Days 115 through 139) in gestation. Early and late androgenized females (EAFs and LAFs, respectively) were raised with normal males and females that served as criteria for evaluating degree of behavioral masculinization induced by the prenatal androgen. EAFs were genitally virilized and LAFs were not. Males and untreated females differed reliably on five behavioral measures: males showed more mother-mounting, more peer-mounting, more rough play with peers, a preference for initiating play with male partners, and less grooming of mothers. Neither type of prenatally androgenized female showed masculinization of all five types of behavior. Compared with females, EAFs showed more mother-mounting, more peer-mounting, less mother-grooming, did not differ from females in rough play, and did not manifest a preference for male partners. LAFs, like females, groomed but did not mount their mothers, and did not show a preference for male partners; but unlike females they showed elevated rough play and mounting with peers. EAFs showed a statistically significant delay in puberty onset (menarche), but LAFs did not. Mothers inspected genitalia of their offspring more often if they were males than if they were females. Mothers of EAFs inspected their offspring's genitalia as often as mothers of males, but mothers of LAFs did not. No aspect of maternal behavior was associated with either the amount or kind of masculine behavior shown toward peers. We interpret the results to mean that genital virilization is independent of, and largely irrelevant to, the expression of those behavioral traits that characterize the juvenile male social role. Moreover, the individual behavior traits that are components of the juvenile male role are independently regulated by the organizing actions of androgen and have separable critical periods. Of the two major traits, mounting peers and rough play with peers, the latter has a greater requirement for androgenic stimulation late in prenatal life.  相似文献   

The morphology and behavior of female rodents is partially masculinized as a result of residence near males in the same uterine horn (Clemens effect). Two hypothetical mechanisms have been proposed to account for this effect. In the first hypothesis (“contiguity”) androgens secreted by males in utero are proposed to diffuse across the amniotic membrane, reaching adjacent fetuses. In the second hypothesis (“caudal male”) androgens are transported via the cervical-to-ovarian blood flow and may diffuse directly between closely apposed uterine veins and arteries. This study was designed to test directly which of these mechanisms appears more influential in masculinizing the morphology of female rats. Pregnant Sprague-Dawley rats were decapitated early on Day 22 of gestation and pups were Caesarean delivered. Their anogenital distance and body weight were recorded, location in utero coded by means of footpad tatooing, and each litter fostered to a maternal female. Measurements were taken again when the animals were weaned. Statistical analysis revealed that the presence of one or more males caudal to a female in the uterine horn has a more critical influence on that female's morphology than contiguity per se. Such a mechanism may result in partial masculinization of dimorphic behaviors later in life.  相似文献   

Song behavior and the neural song system that serves it are sexually dimorphic in zebra finches. In this species, males sing and females normally do not. The sex differences in the song system include sex differences in the proportion of neurons that express androgen receptors, which is higher in specific brain regions of males. Estradiol (E2) administered in early development profoundly masculinizes the song system of females, including the proportion of neurons expressing androgen receptors. We examined whether or not the expression of these androgen receptors was causally related to the E2-induced masculinization of this system by co-administering Flutamide, which blocks androgen action at the receptor, along with E2 at hatching. E2 alone had its usual masculinizing effect on the female song system, measured in adulthood: increasing the size of song nuclei, the size of neurons in HVC, RA, and 1MAN, and the number of neurons in HVC. E2's masculinizing action, however, was significantly diminished on all measures by co-administering Flutamide. Indeed, females receiving both E2 and Flutamide were never significantly more masculine than controls on any measure. Flutamide alone had no effect. Our results strongly suggest that the activation of androgen receptors is necessary for the E2-induced masculinization of the song system in females.  相似文献   

Chronic stress in various forms increases the risk for cognitive dysfunction, dementia and Alzheimer's disease. While the pathogenesis behind these findings is unknown, growing evidence suggests that chronic increase in neurosteroid levels, such as allopregnanolone, is part of the mechanism. We treated wild-type C57BL/6J mice with allopregnanolone for 5 months, using osmotic pumps. This treatment led to moderately increased levels of allopregnanolone, equivalent to that of mild chronic stress. After an interval of no treatment for 1 month, female mice showed impaired learning and memory function in the Morris water maze (MWM) in combination with diminished hippocampus weight and increased cerebellum weight, both correlating to MWM performance. Male mice showed a minor reduction in memory function and no differences in brain structure. We conclude that chronic allopregnanolone elevation can lead to cognitive dysfunction and negative brain alterations. We suggest that allopregnanolone could play a key role in the pathogenesis of stress-induced cognitive disturbances and perhaps dementia.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to obtain new insights into fish gonadal sex differentiation by comparing the effects of two different masculinizing treatments on some candidate gene expression profiles. Masculinization was induced in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, genetic all-female populations using either an active fish androgen (11betaAnd, 11beta-hydroxyandrostenedione) or an aromatase inhibitor (ATD, 1,4,6-androstatriene-3,17-dione). The expression profiles of 100 candidate genes were obtained by real-time RT-PCR, and 46 profiles displayed a significant differential expression between control populations (males and females) and ATD/11betaAnd-treated populations. These expression profiles were grouped in four temporally correlated expression clusters. Among the common responses shared by the two masculinizing treatments, the inhibition of some early female differentiating genes (cyp19a1, foxl2a, fst, and fshb) appears to be crucial for effective masculinization, suggesting that these genes act together via a short regulation loop to maintain high sex-specific ovarian expression of cyp19a1. This simultaneous down-regulation of female-specific genes could be triggered by some testicular genes, such as dmrt1, nr0b1 (also known as dax1), and pdgfra, which are quickly up-regulated by the two masculinizing treatments. In contrast to 11betaAnd, ATD quickly restored the expression levels of steroidogenesis related genes (cyp11b2.1, cyp11b2.2, hsd3b1, cyp17a, star, and nr5a1) and some Sertoli cell markers (sox9a2 and amh) to the expression levels observed during control testicular differentiation. This demonstrates that these genes are probably not needed for active masculinization and that the inhibition of endogenous estrogen synthesis produces a much more complete and specific testicular pattern of gene expression than that observed following androgen-induced masculinization.  相似文献   



Growing evidence indicates that elevated body temperature after stroke is associated with unfavorable outcome. The aim of the current study was to investigate which factors predict temperature elevation within 48 h of stroke onset. Specifically, we hypothesized that temperature elevation would be associated with stroke symptom severity and that hemorrhagic stroke would cause a more pronounced temperature increase compared to ischemic stroke.


The medical records of 400 stroke patients were retrospectively reviewed. Multiple linear regression analysis was used to determine which factors were associated with elevated body temperature.


Several factors were significantly associated with peak body temperature (the highest recorded body temperature) within 48 h of stroke onset: stroke severity measured by the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) (regression coefficient; (RC) 0.022), female gender (RC 0.157), tympanic/non-rectal temperature reading (RC ?0.265), swallowing difficulties (RC 0.335), intubation (RC 0.470), antipyretic treatment (RC 0.563), and C-reactive protein?>?50 or signs of infection at admission (RC 0.298). Contrary to our expectations, patients with intracerebral hemorrhage did not have higher peak body temperatures than patients with ischemic stroke.


In conclusion, temperature elevation within the first 48 h of stroke onset is common, can be partially predicted using information at admission and is strongly associated with stroke severity. The strong association with stroke severity may, at least partly, explain the previously described association between post-stroke temperature elevation and unfavorable outcome.

Songbirds have a specialized steroid-sensitive network of brain nuclei, the song system, for controlling song. Most nuclei of the song system express androgen receptors, and the sensory-motor integration nucleus High Vocal Center (HVC) alone also expresses estrogen receptors. Apart from expressing estrogen receptors in the vocal control system, songbirds are unique among birds because they have high concentrations of the estrogen-synthesizing enzyme aromatase in the neostriatum surrounding HVC. However, the role of estrogen in controlling the development of the song structure has been scarcely investigated. In this work, we show that blocking the production of estrogen during testosterone-induced song motor development in adult female canaries alters the song pattern compared to control females treated with testosterone only. These effects were correlated with inhibition of the expression of estrogen-sensitive genes, such as brain-derived nerve growth factor, in HVC. The expression of the ATP-synthase gene, an indicator of cell activity, in HVC, and the size of HVC, were not affected by the treatment. Our results provide the first example of estrogen-sensitive mechanisms controlling the structural features of adult birdsong.  相似文献   

Ichthyological Research - Oryzias marmoratus and Oryzias profundicola in Lake Towuti in Sulawesi are considered to have experienced ancient admixture with a lineage phylogenetically close to the...  相似文献   

We determined whether female Japanese medaka (Oryzias laiipes)copied the choice of other females or independently preferredactively courting males. We allowed focal females to observeand subsequently choose between a male that courted and potentiallyspawned with a receptive female and a male that courted andwas rejected by an unreceptive female. When the receptive femaledid not spawn, the focal female preferred the male with thehigher courtship rate; whereas when the receptive female spawned,the focal female preferred the spawning male. Our results suggestthat female medaka prefer actively courting males, unless theyhave the opportunity to copy the mate choice of another female.  相似文献   

Common carp Cyprinus carpio, stressed by fish handling practices, responded with a decrease in cortisol secretion when temperature was lowered from 20 to 14° C within 3·5 h compared to those kept at 20° C.  相似文献   

A phytosociological study of the juniper (locally called huito), pine (locally called sacch), pine-alder and fir forests of the Sierra de los Cuchumatanes and Cadena Volcánica in Guatemala was carried out. The Zürich-Montpellier approach was followed. In total 119 relevés were sampled and the data were organised in phytosociological tables to distinguish vegetation clusters. TWINSPAN was used to evaluate major differences among plant communities. Seven zonal plant communities were distinguished and described, namely: (1)Relbunium microphyllum-Agrostis tolucensis, (2)Werneria nubigena-Agrostis exserta, (3)Lachemilla vulcanica-Pinus hartwegii, (4)Holodiscus argenteus-Pinus hartwegii, (5)Hypnum cypressiforme-Juniperus standleyi, (6)Agave hurteri-Alnus firmifolia and (7)Sabazia pinetorum-Abies guatemalensis. This paper provides a thorough floristic characterisation of each community and outlines the major anthropogenic activities. To conclude, ecologic and floristic (dis)similarities between plant communities of the study area and those of Central Mexico, like the different altitudinal distribution of fir forests and the establishment of mid-successional communities such as theAgave hurteri-Alnus firmifolia were discussed.  相似文献   

The process of sexual differentiation leaves genetically female individuals at risk of being masculinized by exogenous androgens. Previous research with sheep indicates that exposure to excess testosterone from Gestational Day (GD) 30 to GD 90 of the 147-day gestation masculinizes and defeminizes behavior as well as genitalia. Lower doses and shorter durations produce animals with varying degrees of genital virilization and alterations of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis, but to our knowledge, the effects on complex behavior and its prediction by the amount of external virilization have not been explored. Previous research in rodents has suggested that sexual differentiation of the central nervous system and the external genitalia can be dissociated. Therefore, we hypothesized that the extent of virilization of external genitalia would not be predictive of the lack of female-typical, or the presence of male-typical, mating behavior. To test this hypothesis, we compared control females, females exposed to exogenous testosterone from GD 30 to GD 90 (T60 females) that have virilized genitalia, and females exposed to testosterone from GD 60 to GD 90 (T30 females) that have female-typical genitalia. Both natural behavioral estrus in the flock and hormonally controlled behavioral tests were used to explore reproductive behavior. The T60 and T30 females exhibited more masculinized reproductive behavior than the controls; however, the T30 females also exhibited feminine behavior. Neither testosterone-treated group was receptive or was mounted at rates comparable to those of controls. These data illustrate that variation in the timing or duration of exposure to prenatal testosterone during a critical period for masculinization can have variable effects on defeminization and that the effects of testosterone on genitalia are not entirely predictive of behavior.  相似文献   

We examined Cortisol (F) dynamics in female baboons (Papio anubis) treated with diethylstilbestrol (DES) or estradiol (E2) and compared values with those previously measured in nonpregnant and pregnant animals. Five regularly menstruating baboons (12–18 kg, BW) were administered 5 mg DES daily via fruit or 0.5 mg E2/0.1ml oil sc for 30 days. Blood samples, obtained before and after treatment, were assayed for serum F concentrations and serum Cortisol binding capacity (CBC). The metabolic clearance (MCR) and production rate (PR) of F and the catabolism of i.v. administered [3H] F were examined 25 and 30 days after initiation of estrogen treatment. Compared with values in nonpregnant baboons, F metabolism in estrogen treated animals is significantly altered and is characterized by increased formation of unconjugated metabolites, decreased glucuronylation, increased excretion of unconjugated F, cortisone, and highly polar metabolites, and increased CBC. These changes induced by estrogen are similar to those observed in intact pregnant baboons and permit the suggestion that the pattern of F metabolism and the level of CBC in baboon pregnancy are the result of elevated estrogen production.However, estrogen also caused a significant decrease in the MCR and PR of F, parameters which, by contrast, are similar in intact pregnant and nonpregnant baboons. These findings indicate that while estrogen also influences the rate of F clearance and F production, these effects of estrogen are not apparent during pregnancy. Collectively, these findings allow the suggestion that estrogen is a major factor which alters F metabolism and increases serum CBC in baboon gestation. However, additional factors are operative in primate pregnancy which maintain PR and MCR of F at levels similar to those of nonpregnant baboons.  相似文献   

Synopsis FemaleGambusia affinis affinis were masculinized with the degraded products of 65% stigmastanol-30% B-sitosterol, a phytosterol. The masculinized females were paired with non-treated males, non-treated females, and other masculinized females. The pairs were analyzed for reproductive and aggressive behaviors exhibited. The behavioral patterns of these pairs were compared statistically to the behavior patterns of the following non-treated pairs: male with male, female with female, and male with female. The masculinized females behaved like males in that they followed, swung, and thrust their gonopodia at non-treated females and larger masculinized females. However, the male-like behavior of the masculinized females was not as intense as that of normal males. Also, the effect of masculinization on the behavior of the treated female was context-dependent as seen when placed with a male or a smaller masculinized female. Under these conditions the masculinized females behaved like typical females and exhibited no masculinized behaviors. The effects of anal spots and size differences are discussed as possible explanations for the variability in behaviors exhibited. The masculinized females displayed no change in aggressive behaviors.  相似文献   

Songbirds have a specialized steroid‐sensitive network of brain nuclei, the song system, for controlling song. Most nuclei of the song system express androgen receptors, and the sensory‐motor integration nucleus High Vocal Center (HVC) alone also expresses estrogen receptors. Apart from expressing estrogen receptors in the vocal control system, songbirds are unique among birds because they have high concentrations of the estrogen‐synthesizing enzyme aromatase in the neostriatum surrounding HVC. However, the role of estrogen in controlling the development of the song structure has been scarcely investigated. In this work, we show that blocking the production of estrogen during testosterone‐induced song motor development in adult female canaries alters the song pattern compared to control females treated with testosterone only. These effects were correlated with inhibition of the expression of estrogen‐sensitive genes, such as brain‐derived nerve growth factor, in HVC. The expression of the ATP‐synthase gene, an indicator of cell activity, in HVC, and the size of HVC, were not affected by the treatment. Our results provide the first example of estrogen‐sensitive mechanisms controlling the structural features of adult birdsong. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Neurobiol 54: 370–379, 2003  相似文献   

AimsCortisol is a glucocorticoid in mammals, but has both gluco- and mineralocorticoid activities in teleost fish. Our previous in vivo studies on osmoregulatory esophagi of euryhaline fish showed that epithelial apoptosis for the simple epithelium in seawater and cell proliferation for the stratified epithelium in fresh water are both induced by cortisol. The aim of the present study was to examine the mechanism of these dual cortisol effects on esophageal cell turnover.Main methodsWe developed a tissue culture method for the esophagus from euryhaline medaka (Oryzias latipes) and assessed cell proliferation and apoptosis in vitro in response to cortisol and 11-deoxycorticosterone (DOC), a recently identified agonist of the teleostean mineralocorticoid receptor.Key findingsEpithelial apoptosis, a well-established glucocorticoid function, was stimulated by treatment of the esophagus culture with 10 nM cortisol for 8 days, but no effects were seen at higher doses (100 and 1000 nM). In contrast, cell proliferation was induced by 1000 nM cortisol treatment for 8 days and this response was dose-dependent. Both effects were blocked by RU-486, a glucocorticoid receptor antagonist. DOC showed no significant effects at 10–1000 nM.SignificanceIn the esophageal epithelium in euryhaline fish, cortisol induces either apoptosis or cell proliferation via the glucocorticoid receptor, depending on the cortisol concentration. The glucocorticoid signaling may play a more important role than mineralocorticoid signaling in differentiation of the osmoregulatory esophagus in euryhaline fishes.  相似文献   

DMY is the second vertebrate sex-determining gene identified from the fish, Oryzias latipes. In this study, we used two different ways of sex reversal, DMY knock-down and estradiol-17beta (E2) treatment, to determine the possible function of DMY during early gonadal sex differentiation in XY medaka. Our findings revealed that the mitotic and meiotic activities of the germ cells in the 0 day after hatching (dah) DMY knock-down XY larvae were identical to those of the normal XX larvae, suggesting the microenvironment of these XY gonads to be similar to that of the normal XX gonad, where DMY is naturally absent. Conversely, E2 treatment failed to initiate mitosis in the XY gonad, possibly due to an active DMY, even though it could initiate meiosis. Present study is the first to prove that the germ cells in the XY gonad can resume the mitotic activity, if DMY was knocked down.  相似文献   

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