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燕麦属(Avena L.)植物中有5个栽培种即普通栽培燕麦(A. sativa L.)、埃塞俄比亚燕麦(A. abyssinica Hochst.)、地中海燕麦(A. byzantina Koch)、砂燕麦(A. strigosa Schreb.)和大粒裸燕麦又称莜麦(A. nuda L.),其中大粒裸燕麦的子粒不带稃皮为裸燕麦,其他物种均带稃皮为皮燕麦。国际上主要种植皮燕麦,而我国主要种植大粒裸燕麦,由此不难看出,大粒裸燕麦在世界燕麦中占有特殊的地位。然而,关于大粒裸燕麦的起源和分类地位问题,迄今学者们的意见仍不尽相同。笔者通过参阅有关文献和研究实践,对这两个问题进行探讨,认为大粒裸燕麦起源于我国山西和内蒙古一带,在植物学分类上应为一个独立的物种即A. nuda L.。  相似文献   

白桦AFLP遗传连锁图谱的构建   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
高福玲  姜廷波 《遗传》2009,31(2):213-218
以80个中国白桦(Betula platyphylla Suk)×欧洲白桦(Betula pendula Roth)的F1个体为作图群体, 利用扩增片段长度多态性(Amplified fragment length polymorphism, AFLP)标记, 按照拟测交作图策略, 分别构建了中国白桦和欧洲白桦的分子标记遗传连锁图谱。从64对AFLP引物组合中筛选出34对多态性丰富的引物组合, 这些入选的引物组合在分离群体中共检测到451个多态性位点。χ2检验结果表明, 有362个位点符合1∶1分离(拟测交分离位点), 41个位点符合3∶1分离, 20个位点符合1∶3分离, 28个位点属偏分离位点。在符合拟测交分离的位点中, 201个位点来自中国白桦, 161个位点来自欧洲白桦。利用2点连锁分析, 来自中国白桦的201个标记构成了14个连锁群(4个以上标记), 10个三连体和14个连锁对, 45个为非连锁位点, 连锁标记覆盖的总图距为1 296.1 cM, 平均图距15.5 cM。而来自欧洲白桦的161个标记构成了17个不同的连锁群(4个以上标记), 8个三连体和4个连锁对, 15个为非连锁位点, 连锁标记覆盖的总图距为1 035.8 cM, 平均图距12 cM。  相似文献   

用AFLP的方法分析中国白桦×欧洲白桦的78个F1个体,并按照拟测交作图策略,建立了中国白桦和欧洲白桦遗传连锁图谱。从群体的45对引物组合中分离出343个分离位点,χ^2检验表明,其中有311个符合1:1拟测交分离位点。在这些位点中168个来自中国白桦,143个来自欧洲白桦。软件分析表日月,中国白桦的168个位点构成9个连锁群,11个三联体和14个连锁对,55个为非连锁位点,连锁标记覆盖的总距离为1909.2cM,平均图距为16.9cM;来自欧洲白桦的143个位点构成12个连锁群,4个三联体和9个连锁对,21个为非连锁位点,连锁标记覆盖的总距离为1857.3cM,平均图距为15.2cM。  相似文献   

虾夷扇贝遗传连锁图谱的初步构建   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
用AFLP标记首次构建了虾夷扇贝遗传连锁图谱。用56对引物组合对父母本和52个F1代个体进行遗传连锁分析, 共得到1 855个标记, 其中多态位点为598(32.2%)个, 而354个符合孟德尔1: 1分离比。用这些标记和23个偏分离标记(0.01相似文献   

中国明对虾AFLP分子标记遗传连锁图谱的构建   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
以中国明对虾抗WSSV(白斑综合症病毒,WhiteSpotSyndromeVirus)选育群体第四代为母本,野生中国明对虾为父本,采用单对杂交方式产生F1代,F1代个体姊妹交产生F2代共42个个体为做图群体。62对AFLP选择性引物组合共产生529个分离位点,符合1∶1孟德尔分离类型位点共253个,3∶1孟德尔分离类型位点共276个。利用拟测交理论分别构建中国明对虾雌虾、雄虾的遗传连锁图谱,利用F2自交模型构建共同的AFLP分子标记连锁图谱。三张连锁图上分别有31、25和44个连锁群,图谱分辨率为分别为2.4cM、2.4cM和2.1cM。标记间隔距离分别为12.20cM、11.45cM和11.12cM图谱覆盖率分别达到50.21%、51.93%和48.08%。能够基本满足进行QTL(数量性状位点,QuantitativeTraitLocus)定位的需要。将该图谱和其他对虾类遗传连锁图谱进行了比较分析,探讨了利用相关分子标记将已有图谱进行整合的可能。  相似文献   

中国植物遗传连锁图谱构建研究进展   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
遗传连锁图谱构建是基因组研究中的重要环节,是基因定位与克隆乃至基因组结构与功能研究的基础上。近十几年来,分子生物学特别是分子标记技术的飞速发展,为构建高饱和的植物遗传连锁图谱和利用分子标记进行辅助育种奠定了基础。综述了我国在植物遗传连锁图谱构建研究方面的进展及发展动态,列举了我国利用DNA分子标记构建的34张植物遗传连锁图谱实例,且讨论了当前我国在该领域研究中存在的问题并提出了解决途径。  相似文献   

利用一个F2作图群体(X178×B73),首先构建了一个含有130个SSRs的玉米连锁框架图,然后用119个AFLPs位点增加图谱密度,得到一个全长1659·3cM,标记间平均间距6·66cM的玉米相对饱和连锁图。同时,对SSRs和AFLPs的一些遗传特性进行了分析,探讨了AFLP标记进行共显性分析的一种新方法。分析表明SSRs和AFLPs分子标记具有多态性和可靠性高等特点,是构建高密度分子标记遗传连锁图的有效技术。加密的玉米遗传连锁图谱为比较基因组研究、数量性状位点(quantitativetraitloci,QTLs)克隆、杂种优势机理研究以及标记辅助选择等提供了技术基础。  相似文献   

桃'秦光2号'×'曙光'F1代SSR遗传连锁图谱的构建   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
以桃品种‘秦光2号’和‘曙光’及其90株F1代群体为试验材料,依据SSR标记构建桃的遗传连锁图谱。构建的图谱覆盖桃基因组640cM,包含16个连锁群、73个标记,标记间平均图距为11.7cM;桃的白/黄肉性状(Y/y)、离/粘核性状(F/f)被分别定位在第8连锁群和第9连锁群上,距其相邻的分子标记距离分别为4和5cM。所构建的遗传连锁图谱可用于进一步研究。  相似文献   

'百农64'×'京双16'小麦遗传连锁图谱构建   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过对小麦品种‘百农64’ב京双16’F3家系群体的SSR和AFLP分析,构建了含100个SSR标记(91个引物)和58个AFLP标记(12个引物)的小麦遗传连锁图,158个标记组成20个连锁群,覆盖小麦基因组3 114cM,标记间平均间距为19.7 cM.将前人未定位的12个SSR标记定位到了小麦遗传连锁图谱上.为小麦慢白粉病性等农艺性状的QTL分析打下了良好基础.  相似文献   

食用菌遗传连锁图谱的构建工作虽然较晚于动植物研究,但随着基础研究不断完善,连锁图谱构建工作陆续开展。文中综述了双孢蘑菇(Agaricus bisporus)、香菇(Lentinula edodes)、双色蜡蘑(Laccaria bicolor)、草菇(Volvariella volvacea)、糙皮侧耳(Pleurotus ostreatus)、杏鲍菇(Pleurotus eryngii)、金针菇(Flammulina velutipes)、斑玉蕈(Hypsizigus marmoreus)等食用菌的遗传连锁图谱研究进展,展望了其应用现状及前景,并对笔者所在的国家食用菌产业技术体系黑木耳育种与菌种繁育团队的黑木耳遗传连锁图谱研究进展进行了简介。  相似文献   

A genetic linkage map of tef was constructed with amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers using F5 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived by single seed descent from the intraspecific cross of ’Kaye Murri’×’Fesho’. A total of 192 EcoRI/MseI primer combinations were screened for parental polymorphism. Around three polymorphic fragments per primer combination were detected, indicating a low polymorphism level in tef. Fifty primer combinations were selected to assay the mapping population, and 226 loci segregated among 85 F5 RILs. Most AFLP loci behaved as dominant markers (presence or absence of a band), but about 15% of the loci were codominant. Significant deviations from the expected Mendelian segregation ratio were observed for 26 loci. The genetic linkage map comprised 211 markers assembled into 25 linkage groups and covered 2,149 cM of genome. AFLP is an efficient marker system for mapping plant species with low polymorphism such as tef. This is the first genetic linkage map constructed for tef. It will facilitate the mapping of genes controlling agronomically important traits and cultivar improvement in tef. Received: 27 April 1998 / Accepted: 4 January 1999  相似文献   

Sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) is a clonally propagated outcrossing polyploid crop of great importance in tropical agriculture. Up to now, all sugarcane genetic maps had been developed using either full-sib progenies derived from interspecific crosses or from selfing, both approaches not directly adopted in conventional breeding. We have developed a single integrated genetic map using a population derived from a cross between two pre-commercial cultivars (‘SP80-180’ × ‘SP80-4966’) using a novel approach based on the simultaneous maximum-likelihood estimation of linkage and linkage phases method specially designed for outcrossing species. From a total of 1,118 single-dose markers (RFLP, SSR and AFLP) identified, 39% derived from a testcross configuration between the parents segregating in a 1:1 fashion, while 61% segregated 3:1, representing heterozygous markers in both parents with the same genotypes. The markers segregating 3:1 were used to establish linkage between the testcross markers. The final map comprised of 357 linked markers, including 57 RFLPs, 64 SSRs and 236 AFLPs that were assigned to 131 co-segregation groups, considering a LOD score of 5, and a recombination fraction of 37.5 cM with map distances estimated by Kosambi function. The co-segregation groups represented a total map length of 2,602.4 cM, with a marker density of 7.3 cM. When the same data were analyzed using JoinMap software, only 217 linked markers were assigned to 98 co-segregation groups, spanning 1,340 cM, with a marker density of 6.2 cM. The maximum-likelihood approach reduced the number of unlinked markers to 761 (68.0%), compared to 901 (80.5%) using JoinMap. All the co-segregation groups obtained using JoinMap were present in the map constructed based on the maximum-likelihood method. Differences on the marker order within the co-segregation groups were observed between the two maps. Based on RFLP and SSR markers, 42 of the 131 co-segregation groups were assembled into 12 putative homology groups. Overall, the simultaneous maximum-likelihood estimation of linkage and linkage phases was more efficient than the method used by JoinMap to generate an integrated genetic map of sugarcane. E.A. Kido, A.N. Meza and H.M.B. Souza contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

PEG-6000胁迫下裸燕麦萌发期抗旱性鉴定与评价   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
以17个裸燕麦品种为试材,测定了20%PEG-6000水溶液模拟干旱胁迫下各品种的发芽势、发芽率、发芽指数等11个鉴定指标。以鉴定指标的相对值为抗旱性评价指标,在主成分分析的基础上,利用加权隶属函数法对供试裸燕麦品种的抗旱性进行了综合评价,然后对不同鉴定指标在抗旱性评价中的作用进行了比较分析。结果表明:不同裸燕麦品种的抗旱性可由不同鉴定指标来体现;鉴定指标中的种子活力指数(VI)受干旱胁迫的影响最大,并与萌发期抗旱性的关系最为密切,可用于裸燕麦种质萌发期抗旱性的快速或初步鉴定;通过测定发芽率、平均发芽速度、最长初生根长、初生根总长、胚芽鞘长、种子活力指数,可有效预测裸燕麦品种萌发期的抗旱性;通过比较供试品种的抗旱性综合评价值(D值),筛选出N-C33Ⅳ-45-16、grosse和高千四号3个抗旱性较强的裸燕麦品种,可用于抗旱栽培或抗旱育种。  相似文献   

This study presents the first genetic linkage map for the European flat oyster Ostrea edulis . Two hundred and forty-six AFLP and 20 microsatellite markers were genotyped in a three-generation pedigree comprising two grandparents, two parents and 92 progeny. Chi-square goodness-of-fit tests revealed high segregation distortion, which was significant for 32.8% of markers. Sixteen microsatellites and 235 AFLPs (170 type 1:1 AFLPs and 65 type 3:1 AFLPs) were used to build sex-specific linkage maps using crimap software. The first parental map (P1) consisted of 104 markers grouped in nine linkage groups, and spanned 471.2 cM with an average spacing of 4.86 cM. The second parental map (P2) consisted of 117 markers grouped in 10 linkage groups (which equals the haploid chromosome number), and covered 450.0 cM with an average spacing of 4.21 cM. The estimated coverage of the genome was 82.4% for the P1 map and 84.2% for the P2 map. Eight linkage groups that were probably homologous between the two parents contained the same microsatellites and 3:1 AFLPs (segregating through both parents). Distorted markers were not randomly distributed across the genome and tended to cluster in a few linkage groups. Sex-specific differences in recombination rates were evident. This first-generation genetic linkage map for O. edulis represents a major step towards the mapping of QTL such as resistance to bonamiasis, a parasitosis that has drastically decreased populations of flat oysters since the 1960s.  相似文献   

Seed dormancy allows weed seeds to persist in agricultural soils. Wild oat (Avena fatua L.) is a major weed of cereal grains and expresses a range of seed dormancy phenotypes. Genetic analysis of wild oat dormancy has been complicated by the difficulty of phenotypic classification in segregating populations. Therefore, little is known about the nature of the genes that regulate dormancy in wild oat. The objectives of our studies were to develop methods to classify the germination responses of segregating wild oat populations and to find molecular markers linked to quantitative trait loci (QTL) that regulate seed dormancy in wild oat. RAPD markers OPX-06 and OPT-04 explained 12.6% and 6.8% respectively, of the F2 phenotypic variance. OPF-17 was not significant in a simple regression model, but it was linked in repulsion to OPT-04. A three-locus model of seed dormancy in wild oat is presented based on the 41-day germination profiles of F1, F2, F3, BC1P1F1, BC1P1F2, and BC1P2F1 generations, and the 113 day germination profile of 126 F7 recombinant inbred lines. Loci G 1 and G 2 promote early germination, and the D locus promotes late germination. If at least one copy of the dominant G 1 or G 2 alleles are present regardless of the genotype at D locus, then the individual will be nondormant. If the genotype is g 1 g 1 g 2 g 2 D_, then the phenotype will be dormant. Received: 1 December 1998 / Accepted: 1 February 1999  相似文献   

Non-heading Chinese cabbage (Brassica carnpestris ssp. chinensis Makino) is one of the most important vegetables in eastern China. A genetic linkage map was constructed using 127 doubled haploid (DH) lines, and the DH population was derived from a commercial hybrid "Hanxiao" (lines SW-13 x L-118). Out of the 614 polyrnorphic markers, 43.49% were not assigned to any of the linkage groups (LGs). Chi-square tests showed that 42.67% markers were distorted from expected Mendelian segregation ratios, and the direction of distorted segregation was mainly toward the paternal parent L-118. After sequentially removing the markers that had an interval distance smaller than 1 cM from the upper marker, the overall quality of the linkage map was increased. Two hundred and sixty-eight molecular markers were mapped into 10 LGs, which were anchored to the corresponding chromosome of the B. rapa reference map based on com- mon simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. The map covers 973.38 cM of the genome and the average interval distance between markers was 3.63 cM. The number of markers on each LG ranged from 18 (R08) to 64 (R07), with an average interval distance within a single LG from 1.70 cM (R07) to 6.71 cM (R06). Among these mapped markers, 169 were sequence-related amplified polymorphism (SRAP) molecular markers, 50 were SSR markers and 49 were random amplification polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. With further saturation to the LG9 the current map offers a genetic tool for loci analysis for important agronomic traits.  相似文献   

AFLP-based genetic linkage maps of the blue mussel (Mytilus edulis)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We report the construction of the first genetic linkage map in the blue mussel, Mytilus edulis. AFLP markers were used in 86 full-sib progeny from a controlled pair mating, applying a double pseudo-test cross strategy. Thirty-six primer pairs generated 2354 peaks, of which 791 (33.6%) were polymorphic in the mapping family. Among those, 341 segregated through the female parent, 296 through the male parent (type 1:1) and 154 through both parents (type 3:1). Chi-square goodness-of-fit tests revealed that 71% and 73% of type 1:1 and 3:1 markers respectively segregated according to Mendelian inheritance. Sex-specific linkage maps were built with mapmaker 3.0 software. The female framework map consisted of 121 markers ordered into 14 linkage groups, spanning 862.8 cM, with an average marker spacing of 8.0 cM. The male framework map consisted of 116 markers ordered into 14 linkage groups, spanning 825.2 cM, with an average marker spacing of 8.09 cM. Genome coverage was estimated to be 76.7% and 75.9% for the female and male framework maps respectively, rising to 85.8% (female) and 86.2% (male) when associated markers were included. Twelve probable homologous linkage group pairs were identified and a consensus map was built for nine of these homologous pairs based on multiple and parallel linkages of 3:1 markers, spanning 816 cM, with joinmap 4.0 software.  相似文献   

The quail is a valuable farm and laboratory animal. Yet molecular information about this species remains scarce. We present here the first genetic linkage map of the Japanese quail. This comprehensive map is based solely on amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. These markers were developed and genotyped in an F2 progeny from a cross between two lines of quail differing in stress reactivity. A total of 432 polymorphic AFLP markers were detected with 24 TaqI/EcoRI primer combinations. On average, 18 markers were produced per primer combination. Two hundred and fifty eight of the polymorphic markers were assigned to 39 autosomal linkage groups plus the ZW sex chromosome linkage groups. The linkage groups range from 2 to 28 markers and from 0.0 to 195.5 cM. The AFLP map covers a total length of 1516 cM, with an average genetic distance between two consecutive markers of 7.6 cM. This AFLP map can be enriched with other marker types, especially mapped chicken genes that will enable to link the maps of both species and make use of the powerful comparative mapping approach. This AFLP map of the Japanese quail already provides an efficient tool for quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping.  相似文献   

Among leguminous plants, the model legume Lotus japonicus (Regel) Larsen has many biological and genetic advantages. We have developed a genetic linkage map of L. japonicus based on amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP), simple sequence repeat polymorphism (SSRP) and derived cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence (dCAPS). The F2 mapping population used was derived from a cross between two L. japonicus accessions Gifu B-129 and Miyakojima MG-20. These parental accessions showed remarkable cytological differences, particularly with respect to size and morphology of chromosomes 1 and 2. Using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with BAC clones from Gifu B-129 and TAC (Transformation-competent Artificial Chromosome) clones from Miyakojima MG-20, a reciprocal translocation was found to be responsible for the cytological differences between chromosomes 1 and 2. The borders of the translocations were identified by FISH and by alignment toward the L. filicaulis x L. japonicus Gifu B-129 linkage map. The markers from the main translocated region were located on linkage groups 1 and 2 of the two accessions, Gifu B-129 and Miyakojima MG-20, respectively. The framework of the linkage map was constructed based on codominant markers, and then dominant markers were integrated separately in each linkage group of the parents. The resulting linkage groups correspond to the six pairs of chromosomes of L. japonicus and consist of 287 markers with 487.3 cM length in Gifu B-129 and 277 markers with 481.6 cM length in Miyakojima MG-20. The map and marker information is available through the World Wide Web at http://www.kazusa.or.jp/lotus/.  相似文献   

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