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易位子辅助膜蛋白插入内质网膜是膜蛋白质生物生成的关键过程。了解不同类分子插入生物膜的机制是预测溶质分子透膜速度的先决条件,这也是药物设计和药理学领域的关键因素。根据插入机制,可以设计插膜肽直接用于疾病治疗,或者作为载体有选择性地将药物靶向特定细胞。自从2004年第1个易位子通道蛋白(Sec)的晶体结构被解析后,近十几年来大量的实验和理论研究,都在致力于揭示Sec辅助膜蛋白插入过程的分子机制。本文总结了过去该领域的实验和分子动力学模拟研究进展,从热力学方面重点分析了造成膜蛋白插入自由能分子动力学模拟计算值,以及实验值间偏差的原因。其中,根据研究条件精确设置模拟参数、插入造成的膜变形对自由能计算有很大的影响;核糖体为新生肽插入到Sec通道过程提供了能量,核糖体与Sec的结合影响Sec侧门的开放程度和Sec通道的结构,从而降低膜插入自由能。Sec辅助膜蛋白插入是一个极其复杂的过程,但整个过程仍然符合热力学和动力学的基本原理,尽管疏水性是Sec辅助膜蛋白质插入的关键性因素,但也不能忽略动力学因素的影响。  相似文献   

Ⅳ型膜蛋白是一种特殊的尾部锚定的膜蛋白,如囊泡运输相关的Syb2、负责蛋白转运的SRP受体和Sec61、调节细胞凋亡的Bcl-2等,在细胞中发挥了重要的作用。同大部分膜蛋白的翻译同步转运机制相比,Ⅳ型膜蛋白插入内质网膜的过程属于翻译后转运机制。Ⅳ型膜蛋白从核糖体中翻译结束并释放后,经过一系列的多分子协同作用转运到内质网膜上,再由内质网上的通道蛋白或整合酶整合转运进入内质网。近年来,基于体外翻译与重组实验的不断创新,鉴定出了一些非常重要的转运分子,如TRC复合物的40KD亚基,为了解这类特殊膜蛋白的合成转运机制提供了大量可靠的证据,但仍然有许多关键的内容与机制需要进一步的探索与发现。  相似文献   

细菌细胞中,三分之一的蛋白质是在合成后被转运到细胞质外才发挥功能的.其中大多数蛋白是通过Sec途径(即分泌途径secretion pathway)进行跨膜运动的.Sec转运酶是一个多组分的蛋白质复合体,膜蛋白三聚体SecYEG及水解ATP的动力蛋白SecA构成了Sec转运酶的核心.整合膜蛋白SecD,SecF和vajC形成了一个复合体亚单位,可与SecYEG相连并稳定SecA蛋白的膜结合形式.SecB是蛋白质转运中的伴侣分子,可以和很多蛋白质前体结合.SecM是由位于secA基因上游的secM基因编码的,可调节SecA蛋白的合成量,维持细胞在不同环境条件下的正常生长.新生肽链的信号肽被高度保守的SRP特异性识别.伴侣分子SecB通过与细胞膜上的SecA二聚体特异性结合将蛋白质前体引导至Sec转运途径,起始转运过程.结合蛋白质前体的SecA与组成转运通道的SecYEG复合体具有较高的亲和性.SecA经历插入和脱离细胞内膜SecYEG通道的循环,为转运提供所需的能量,每一次循环可推动20多个氨基酸的连续跨膜运动.  相似文献   

从高原耐寒珍稀植物手掌参(Gymnadenia conopsea)中克隆了一个编码107个氨基酸、长为621bp的全长cDNA序列。序列分析表明,它与真核生物内质网(ER)转运蛋白通道亚基Sec61β基因具有高度的相似性,命名为GcSec61β。进化分析的结果表明GcSec61β与拟南芥和水稻等Sec61β基因的遗传关系最近。经半定量RT-PCR检测得知,GcSec61β基因在手掌参幼芽和叶中均有表达,其表达量受低温诱导。GcSec61β基因的原核表达具有明显增加细菌耐低温特性。  相似文献   

1999年10月11日,本年度生理学医学诺贝尔奖由瑞典Karolinska学院授予细胞生物学家GunterBlobel.Blobel,1936年生于德国,1967年获肿瘤学博士学位,1976年始任洛克菲勒大学教授,1986年成为HowardHughes研究员,主持细胞生物学实验室.多次获得国际国内学会及基金会表彰.Blobel实验室主要研究蛋白在细胞器间的穿梭及跨膜转运过程,他主要有以下突出成就:1971年首次提出内质网膜分泌蛋白的氨基端序列带有转运信息.这一设想在1975年扩展为信号假说(SignalHypothesis).1980年扩展为在细胞内蛋白转运及膜生物合成过程中的普遍学说.发现并分析了某些…  相似文献   

目的:探索定位于细胞质、内质网膜及内质网腔中的分子伴侣及其组合对于带有不同信号肽的胞外β-1,3-葡聚糖酶(EXGl)在巴斯德毕赤酵母GS200中表达水平的影响。方法:通过融合PCR技术分别构建带有酵母a交配因子引导肽序列(仅MF)、酵母仅交配因子信号肽序列(ccPre)和重链结合蛋白(Bip)信号肽序列的报告蛋白EXGl的表达质粒pPIC9-EXG1,同时构建分子伴侣基因及其组合的表达质粒pBLArg-IV,然后将2种重组质粒共转化至毕赤酵母宿主菌GS200,转化子经筛选获得共表达菌株,通过测定EXG1酶活来评价分子伴侣与信号肽对其表达水平的影响。结果:细胞质及内质网膜上的分子伴侣Sec61a、Sec61B及胞质中的分子伴侣Ydjl、Ssal、Hsp104及其组合对各种信号肽引导的报告蛋白EXG1的表达水平没有显著影响。然而,内质网腔中的分子伴侣Bip、EroI、PDI与HacI组合能显著提高报告蛋白EXG1的表达水平,其中,以aMF或ctPre作为信号肽引导的报告蛋白EXG1的表达水平分别提高了2.6倍和3.8倍,以Bip信号肽引导的报告蛋白EXGl的表达水平提高了20%~45%,而对于以EXG1自身信号肽引导的报告蛋白EXG1的表达水平没有显著影响。结论:在酵母表达体系中,内质网腔中的分子伴侣是报告蛋白EXG1表达水平的重要影响因素.但分子伴侣对于信号肽的选择性还须进一步证明。  相似文献   

第一类释放因子是新生肽链释放所必需的因子,它能正确地识别终止信号,水解肽酰-tRNA酯键,释放出新合成的多肽链.它的高级结构与tRNA结构相似,从而解释了它们功能上的相似性,其氨基酸序列的高度保守区GGQ motif和三肽反密码子区在新生肽链的释放中分别执行重要的功能.  相似文献   

蛋白质是一类重要的生物大分子。在蛋白质转运系统中,很多蛋白质在核糖体中合成,然后通过内质网或质膜的转运到达相应的细胞器发挥生物学功能。蛋白质的分泌表达途径总共分为三类,分别为Sec分泌途径、双精氨酸途径和信号识别颗粒转运系统。本文简要介绍蛋白质的基本转运途径,主要介绍由信号识别颗粒所介导的蛋白质转运。分别概述信号识别颗粒及其受体的组成与功能,并对其调控途径做简要的介绍;同时也简单介绍与其相关的Yid C膜蛋白家族;对信号识别颗粒蛋白调控系统存在的必需性提出新的见解。  相似文献   

TatA、TatB和TatC是大肠杆菌Tat转运酶的组成成分.研究表明各Tat蛋白具有不同的功能区域, TatA和TatB蛋白功能重要的位点位于N末端的穿膜片断、其后的双极性α-螺旋和铰链区.TatC的序列保守性低,N末端穿膜片断和位于胞质内的第一环区对转运是必需的.Tat转运酶各成分相互结合成复合物形式并相互依赖.TatA在细胞中高表达并自身聚合形成数量不等的同聚物,具有稳定TatBC复合物的作用,TatB有稳定TatC的功能,TatB和TatC两者结合形成二聚体.实验表明,TatA复合物形成转运通道,TatBC复合物通过TatC蛋白识别底物的信号肽并与底物结合, 再在TatB介导下与TatA复合物结合形成具有活性的转运酶.  相似文献   

蛋白质合成终止过程中肽链释放因子负责终止密码子的识别.真核生物第二类肽链释放因子(eRF3)是一类GTP酶,协助第一类肽链释放因子(eRF1)识别终止密码子和水解肽酰 tRNA酯键.之前的研究表明,两类肽链释放因子在细胞核中发挥功能,参与蛋白质合成和纺锤体的组装.本研究根据软件预测结果,构建了一系列八肋游仆虫eRF3的截短型突变体,分析在其N端是否存在引导eRF3的核定位信号.结果表明,在eRF3的N端有两个区域(NLS1:23-36 aa 和 NLS2: 236-272 aa)可以引导eRF3进入细胞核中,而且这两个区域具有典型的核定位信号的氨基酸序列特征. eRF3的核定位与其作为一种穿梭蛋白的功能相一致,即参与细胞有丝分裂纺锤体的形成和无义介导的mRNA降解途径.  相似文献   

The mammalian Sec61 complex forms a protein translocation channel whose function depends upon its interaction with the ribosome and with membrane proteins of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). To study these interactions, we determined structures of "native" ribosome-channel complexes derived from ER membranes. We find that the ribosome is linked to the channel by seven connections, but the junction may still provide a path for domains of nascent membrane proteins to move into the cytoplasm. In addition, the native channel is significantly larger than a channel formed by the Sec61 complex, due to the presence of a second membrane protein. We identified this component as TRAP, the translocon-associated protein complex. TRAP interacts with Sec61 through its transmembrane domain and has a prominent lumenal domain. The presence of TRAP in the native channel indicates that it may play a general role in translocation. Crystal structures of two Sec61 homologues were used to model the channel. This analysis indicates that there are four Sec61 complexes and two TRAP molecules in each native channel. Thus, we suggest that a single Sec61 complex may form a conduit for translocating polypeptides, while three copies of Sec61 play a structural role or recruit accessory factors such as TRAP.  相似文献   

Near-neighbor interactions between translocating nascent chains and Sec61p were investigated by chemical cross-linking. At stages of translocation before signal sequence cleavage, nascent chains could be cross-linked to Sec61p at high (60-80%) efficiencies. Cross-linking occurred through the signal sequence and the mature portion of wild- type and signal cleavage mutant nascent chains. At later stages of translocation, as represented through truncated translocation intermediates, cross-linking to Sec61p was markedly reduced. Dissociation of the ribosome into its large and small subunits after assembly of the precursor into the translocon, but before cross- linking, resulted in a dramatic reduction in subsequent cross-linking yield, indicating that at early stages of translocation, nascent chain- Sec61p interactions are in part mediated through interactions of the ribosome with components of the ER membrane, such as Sec61p. Dissociation of the ribosome was, however, without effect on subsequent translocation. These results are discussed with respect to a model in which Sec61p performs a function essential for the initiation of protein translocation.  相似文献   

During cotranslational translocation of proteins into the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) translating ribosomes bind to Sec61-complexes. Presently two models exist how these membrane protein complexes might form protein-conducting channels. While electron microscopic data suggest that a ring-like structure consisting of four Sec61-complexes build the channel, the recently solved crystal structure of a homologous bacterial protein complex led to the speculation that the actual tunnel is formed by just one individual Sec61-complex. Using protease protection assays together with quantitative immunoblotting we directly examined the structure of mammalian protein-conducting channels. We found that in native ER-membranes one single Sec61alpha-molecule is preferentially protected by a membrane bound ribosome, both, in the presence and absence of nascent polypeptides. In addition we present evidence that the nascent polypeptide destabilizes the ring-like translocation apparatus formed by four Sec61-complexes. Moreover, we found that after solubilization of ER-membranes a single Sec61-complex is sufficient to protect the nascent polypeptide chain against added proteases. Finally, we could show that this single Sec61-complex allows the movement of the nascent chain, when it has been released from the ribosome by puromycin treatment. Collectively, our data suggest that the active protein-conducting channel in the ER is formed by a single Sec61-complex.  相似文献   

Most secretory and membrane proteins are sorted by signal sequences to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane early during their synthesis. Targeting of the ribosome-nascent chain complex (RNC) involves the binding of the signal sequence to the signal recognition particle (SRP), followed by an interaction of ribosome-bound SRP with the SRP receptor. However, ribosomes can also independently bind to the ER translocation channel formed by the Sec61p complex. To explain the specificity of membrane targeting, it has therefore been proposed that nascent polypeptide-associated complex functions as a cytosolic inhibitor of signal sequence- and SRP-independent ribosome binding to the ER membrane. We report here that SRP-independent binding of RNCs to the ER membrane can occur in the presence of all cytosolic factors, including nascent polypeptide-associated complex. Nontranslating ribosomes competitively inhibit SRP-independent membrane binding of RNCs but have no effect when SRP is bound to the RNCs. The protective effect of SRP against ribosome competition depends on a functional signal sequence in the nascent chain and is also observed with reconstituted proteoliposomes containing only the Sec61p complex and the SRP receptor. We conclude that cytosolic factors do not prevent the membrane binding of ribosomes. Instead, specific ribosome targeting to the Sec61p complex is provided by the binding of SRP to RNCs, followed by an interaction with the SRP receptor, which gives RNC–SRP complexes a selective advantage in membrane targeting over nontranslating ribosomes.  相似文献   

W Mothes  S Prehn    T A Rapoport 《The EMBO journal》1994,13(17):3973-3982
We have extended a previously developed photo-crosslinking approach to systematically probe the protein environment of the secretory protein preprolactin, trapped during its transfer through the endoplasmic reticulum membrane. Single photoreactive groups were placed at various positions of nascent polypeptide chains of various length, corresponding to different stages of the transport process, and photo-crosslinks to membrane proteins were analyzed. In all cases, the polypeptide segment extending from the ribosome was found to be located in a membrane environment that is formed almost exclusively from Sec61 alpha, the multi-spanning subunit of the Sec61p complex that is essential for translocation. At early stages of the translocation process, before cleavage of the signal sequence, almost the entire nascent chain emerged from the ribosome contacts Sec61 alpha. The 'translocating chain-associating membrane' protein interacts mainly with the region of the signal sequence preceding its hydrophobic core. Our results suggest that the nascent chain is transferred directly from the ribosome into a protein-conducting channel, the major constituent of which is Sec61 alpha.  相似文献   

The Sec61p complex forms the core element of the protein translocation complex (translocon) in the rough endoplasmic reticulum (rough ER) membrane. Translating or nontranslating ribosomes bind with high affinity to ER membranes that have been stripped of ribosomes or to liposomes containing purified Sec61p. Here we present evidence that the beta subunit of the complex (Sec61beta) makes contact with nontranslating ribosomes. A fusion protein containing the Sec61beta cytoplasmic domain (Sec61beta(c)) prevents the binding of ribosomes to stripped ER-derived membranes and also binds to ribosomes directly with an affinity close to the affinity of ribosomes for stripped ER-derived membranes. The ribosome binding activity of Sec61beta(c), like that of native ER membranes, is sensitive to high salt concentrations and is not based on an unspecific charge-dependent interaction of the relatively basic Sec61beta(c) domain with ribosomal RNA. Like stripped ER membranes, the Sec61beta(c) sequence binds to large ribosomal subunits in preference over small subunits. Previous studies have shown that Sec61beta is inessential for ribosome binding and protein translocation, but translocation is impaired by the absence of Sec61beta, and it has been proposed that Sec61beta assists in the insertion of nascent proteins into the translocation pore. Our results suggest a physical interaction of the ribosome itself with Sec61beta; this may normally occur alongside interactions between the ribosome and other elements of Sec61p, or it may represent one stage in a temporal sequence of binding.  相似文献   

The Sec61 complex is the central component of the protein translocation apparatus of the ER membrane. We have addressed the role of the β subunit (Sec61β) during cotranslational protein translocation. With a reconstituted system, we show that a Sec61 complex lacking Sec61β is essentially inactive when elongation and membrane targeting of a nascent chain occur at the same time. The translocation process is perturbed at a step where the nascent chain would be inserted into the translocation channel. However, if sufficient time is given for the interaction of the nascent polypeptide with the mutant Sec61 complex, translocation is almost normal. Thus Sec61β kinetically facilitates cotranslational translocation, but is not essential for it.

Using chemical cross-linking we show that Sec61β not only interacts with subunits of the Sec61 complex but also with the 25-kD subunit of the signal peptidase complex (SPC25), thus demonstrating for the first time a tight interaction between the SPC and the Sec61 complex. Interestingly, the cross-links between Sec61β and SPC25 and between Sec61β and Sec61α depend on the presence of membrane-bound ribosomes, suggesting that these interactions are induced when translocation is initiated. We propose that the SPC is transiently recruited to the translocation site, thus enhancing its activity.


The metazoan Sec61 translocon transports polypeptides into and across the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum via two major routes, a well-established co-translational pathway and a post-translational alternative. We have used two model substrates to explore the elements of a secretory protein precursor that preferentially direct it towards a co- or post-translational pathway for ER translocation. Having first determined the capacity of precursors to enter ER derived microsomes post-translationally, we then exploited semi-permeabilized mammalian cells specifically depleted of key membrane components using siRNA to address their contribution to the membrane translocation process. These studies suggest precursor chain length is a key factor in the post-translational translocation at the mammalian ER, and identify Sec62 and Sec63 as important components acting on this route. This role for Sec62 and Sec63 is independent of the signal sequence that delivers the precursor to the ER. However, the signal sequence can influence the subsequent membrane translocation process, conferring sensitivity to a small molecule inhibitor and dictating reliance on the molecular chaperone BiP. Our data support a model where secretory protein precursors that fail to engage the signal recognition particle, for example because they are short, are delivered to the ER membrane via a distinct route that is dependent upon both Sec62 and Sec63. Although this requirement for Sec62 and Sec63 is unaffected by the specific signal sequence that delivers a precursor to the ER, this region can influence subsequent events, including both Sec61 mediated transport and the importance of BiP for membrane translocation. Taken together, our data suggest that an ER signal sequence can regulate specific aspects of Sec61 mediated membrane translocation at a stage following Sec62/Sec63 dependent ER delivery.  相似文献   

The Sec61 protein translocation complex in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane is composed of three subunits. The alpha-subunit, called Sec61p in yeast, is a multispanning membrane protein that forms the protein conducting channel. The functions of the smaller, carboxyl-terminally tail-anchored beta subunit Sbh1p, its close homologue Sbh2p, and the gamma subunit Sss1p are not well understood. Here we show that co-translational protein translocation into the ER is reduced in sbh1Delta sbh2Delta cells, whereas there is a limited reduction of post-translational translocation and no effect on export of a mutant form of alpha-factor precursor for ER-associated degradation in the cytosol. The translocation defect and the temperature-sensitive growth phenotype of sbh1Delta sbh2Delta cells were rescued by expression of the transmembrane domain of Sbh1p alone, and the Sbh1p transmembrane domain was sufficient for coimmunoprecipitation with Sec61p and Sss1p. Furthermore, we show that Sbh1p co-precipitates with the ER transmembrane protein Rtn1p. Sbh1p-Rtn1p complexes do not appear to contain Sss1p and Sec61p. Our results define the transmembrane domain as the minimal functional domain of the Sec61beta homologue Sbh1p in ER translocation, identify a novel interaction partner for Shb1p, and imply that Sbh1p has additional functions that are not directly linked to protein translocation in association with the Sec61 complex.  相似文献   

Zhou M  Schekman R 《Molecular cell》1999,4(6):925-934
Sec61p comprises the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) channel through which nascent polypeptides are imported and from which malfolded proteins have been suggested to be exported, or dislocated, back to the cytoplasm. We have devised a genetic screen for dislocation-specific mutant alleles of SEC61 from S. cerevisiae by employing the unfolded protein response to report on the accumulation of misfolded proteins in the ER. Three of the isolated sec61 alleles are fully proficient in protein translocation into the ER, but defective in the elimination of a misfolded ER luminal substrate and a short-lived ER membrane-spanning model protein, which are otherwise rapidly degraded by cytoplasmic proteolysis in wild-type cells. Our results point to the fourth luminal loop and third transmembrane domain of Sec61p that markedly influence dislocation. We suggest that distinct features of the Sec61-translocon direct the two-way translocation processes.  相似文献   

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