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It is well known that mouse macrophages loaded with indigestible substances become highly vacuolated. However, why this vacuolization occurs and its effect on lysosome function and intracellular transport during endocytosis remain unknown. Here, macrophage vacuoles were formed by incubation with sucrose or a tripeptide of the D-isomer of alanine and were determined to be lysosomal in origin by staining with the lysosomal glycoproteins and lysosomal hydrolases. However, as indicated by confocal and electron microscopy, subsequent delivery of both fluid phase (lucifer yellow, horse-radish peroxidase) and receptor-bound ligands (IgG complexes) was significantly reduced, suggesting that indigestible material reduced the ability of the loaded lysosomes to fuse with endosomes containing newly internalized tracers. Nevertheless, ligands internalized by the vacuolated cells were degraded at almost the normal rate, indicating that degradation occurs in the absence of delivery to the loaded lysosomes. We have also found that this fusion inhibition occurs in human alveolar macrophages loaded with physiologic debris from smoking and asbestos. These results suggest that indigestible material within lysosomes, such as is present in residual bodies in vivo, may affect their fusion competence.  相似文献   

In late-stage atherosclerosis, much of the cholesterol in macrophage foam cells resides within enlarged lysosomes. Similarly, human macrophages incubated in vitro with modified LDLs contain significant amounts of lysosomal free cholesterol and cholesteryl ester (CE), which disrupts lysosomal function similar to macrophages in atherosclerotic lesions. The lysosomal cholesterol cannot be removed, even in the presence of strong efflux promoters. Thus, efflux of sterol is prevented. In the artery wall, foam cells interact with triglyceride-rich particles (TRPs) in addition to modified LDLs. Little is known about how TRP metabolism affects macrophage cholesterol. Therefore, we explored the effect of TRP on intracellular CE metabolism. Triglyceride (TG), delivered to lysosomes in TRP, reduced CE accumulation by 50%. Increased TG levels within the cell, particularly within lysosomes, correlated with reductions in CE content. The volume of cholesterol-engorged lysosomes decreased after TRP treatment, indicating cholesterol was cleared. Lysosomal TG also reduced the cholesterol-induced inhibition of lysosomal acidification allowing lysosomes to remain active. Enhanced degradation and clearance of CE may be explained by movement of cholesterol out of the lysosome to sites where it is effluxed. Thus, our results show that introduction of TG into CE-laden foam cells influences CE metabolism and, potentially, atherogenesis.—Ullery-Ricewick, J. C., B. E. Cox, E. E. Griffin, and W. G. Jerome. Triglyceride alters lysosomal cholesterol ester metabolism in cholesteryl ester-laden macrophage foam cells.  相似文献   

Rat liver lysosomal preparations incubated with 10(-5) M L-[4,5-3H]leucine methyl ester hydrolyzed the methyl ester and accumulated radioactivity within a particulate compartment. The acculated radioactivity was identified as free leucine by thin layer chromatography. Free leucine was not itself taken up by the lysosomal preparations. The capacity to accumulate leucine was identified as a specific property of lysosomes and was thought to result from the trapping of the free amino acid within the lysosome following the hydrolysis of the methyl ester. Lysosomes also accumulated phenylalanine, serine, and alanine when incubated with the corresponding methyl esters. Leucine accumulation was inhibited by submillimolar concentrations of chloroquine, by the protease inhibitor L-1-tosylamido-2-phenylethyl chloromethyl ketone, and by lowering the pH below 7.0. Efflux of leucine from the lysosomes was highly temperature dependent (activation energy 33 kcal/mol). No evidence was found to suggest that leucine efflux was a carrier-mediated process. The results provide a new methodology for the study of amino acid movements across lysosomal membranes.  相似文献   

Owing at least in part to oxysterol components that can induce apoptosis, oxidized LDL (oxLDL) is cytotoxic to mammalian cells with receptors that can internalize it. Vascular cells possess such receptors, and it appears that the apoptotic response of vascular cells to the oxysterols borne by oxLDL is an important part of the atherogenic effects of oxLDL. Thus, an analysis of the signaling pathway of apoptotic induction by oxysterols is of value in understanding the development of atherosclerotic plaque. In a prior study, we demonstrated an induction of calcium ion flux into cells treated with 25-hydroxycholesterol (25-OHC) and showed that this response is essential for 25-OHC-induced apoptosis. One possible signal transduction pathway initiated by calcium ion fluxes is the activation of cytosolic phospholipase A2 (cPLA2). In the current study, we demonstrate that activation of cPLA2 does occur in both macrophages and fibroblasts treated with 25-OHC or oxLDL. Activation is evidenced by 25-OHC-induced relocalization of cPLA2 to the nuclear envelope and arachidonic acid release. Loss of cPLA2 activity, either through genetic knockout in mice, or by treatment with a cPLA2 inhibitor, results in an attenuation of arachidonic acid release as well as of the apoptotic response to oxLDL in peritoneal macrophages or to 25-OHC in cultured fibroblast and macrophage cell lines.  相似文献   

Cardiovascular disease is the biggest killer globally and the principal contributing factor to the pathology is atherosclerosis; a chronic, inflammatory disorder characterized by lipid and cholesterol accumulation and the development of fibrotic plaques within the walls of large and medium arteries. Macrophages are fundamental to the immune response directed to the site of inflammation and their normal, protective function is harnessed, detrimentally, in atherosclerosis. Macrophages contribute to plaque development by internalizing native and modified lipoproteins to convert them into cholesterol-rich foam cells. Foam cells not only help to bridge the innate and adaptive immune response to atherosclerosis but also accumulate to create fatty streaks, which help shape the architecture of advanced plaques. Foam cell formation involves the disruption of normal macrophage cholesterol metabolism, which is governed by a homeostatic mechanism that controls the uptake, intracellular metabolism, and efflux of cholesterol. It has emerged over the last 20 years that an array of cytokines, including interferon-γ, transforming growth factor-β1, interleukin-1β, and interleukin-10, are able to manipulate these processes. Foam cell targeting, anti-inflammatory therapies, such as agonists of nuclear receptors and statins, are known to regulate the actions of pro- and anti-atherogenic cytokines indirectly of their primary pharmacological function. A clear understanding of macrophage foam cell biology will hopefully enable novel foam cell targeting therapies to be developed for use in the clinical intervention of atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

高粱属植物对土壤镉吸收及亚细胞的分配   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过盆栽模拟试验研究了3种高粱属植物(甜高粱、高丹草和苏丹草)对土壤cd的富集效应及其亚细胞的分配.结果表明:cd在3种高粱属植物不同部位的富集量随着cd处理浓度的增加而增加,生育期内3种高粱属植物根系中Cd的富集量大于茎鞘和叶片中的富集量;高丹草对Cd的富集量高,甜高梁次之,苏丹草最低;Cd在高粱属植物叶片、茎鞘和根系中各亚细胞组分中的分布相似表现为细胞壁>可溶性部分>细胞核、叶绿体组分>线粒体.  相似文献   

Oxidized low density lipoprotein (LDL) has been found to exhibit numerous potentially atherogenic properties, including transformation of macrophages to foam cells. It is believed that high density lipoprotein (HDL) protects against atherosclerosis by removing excess cholesterol from cells of the artery wall, thereby retarding lipid accumulation by macrophages. In the present study, the relative rates of HDL-mediated cholesterol efflux were measured in murine resident peritoneal macrophages that had been loaded with acetylated LDL or oxidized LDL. Total cholesterol content of macrophages incubated for 24 h with either oxidized LDL or acetylated LDL was increased by 3-fold. However, there was no release of cholesterol to HDL from cells loaded with oxidized LDL under conditions in which cells loaded with acetylated LDL released about one-third of their total cholesterol to HDL. Even mild degrees of oxidation were associated with impairment of cholesterol efflux. Macrophages incubated with vortex-aggregated LDL also displayed impaired cholesterol efflux, but aggregation could not account for the entire effect of oxidized LDL. Resistance of apolipoprotein B (apoB) in oxidized LDL to lysosomal hydrolases and inactivation of hydrolases by aldehydes in oxidized LDL were also implicated. The subcellular distribution of cholesterol in oxidized LDL-loaded cells and acetylated LDL-loaded cells was investigated by density gradient fractionation, and this indicated that cholesterol derived from oxidized LDL accumulates within lysosomes. Thus impairment of cholesterol efflux in oxidized LDL-loaded macrophages appears to be due to lysosomal accumulation of oxidized LDL rather than to impaired transport of cholesterol from a cytosolic compartment to the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Copper-oxidized LDL has many of the characteristics of the modified LDL generated in the artery wall during the initial stages of atherosclerosis. It is not, however, a chemically defined species but shows significant variations in both its chemical composition and behaviour in biological systems depending upon the extent to which the peroxidation reaction has occurred (Fig. 1). Taking care to define the extent of LDL modification we have used this form of oxidized LDL to investigate the effects on the macrophage of this potentially toxic particle. This cell, in contrast to endothelial cells, appears to be particularly well adapted to detoxify lipid peroxidation products since it possesses glutathione peroxidases capable of metabolizing oxidized LDL and responds to oxidized LDL by increasing its GSH content. Acetylated LDL had little or no effect on GSH levels showing that lipid loading per se or recognition by the macrophage scavenger receptor is not sufficient to induce the synthesis of this antioxidant. We have confirmed the observation that oxidized LDL does not activate expression of the gene for TNF and raise the possibility that PGE2 produced by the cells and possibly during the oxidation of LDL may be the mediator suppressing the synthesis of this cytokine. Our results support the hypothesis that the lipid-laden macrophage does not contribute to an inflammatory response in the artery wall and imply a protective role for the macrophage in scavenging oxidized LDL.  相似文献   

Incubating MA-10 Leydig tumor cells with sodium oleate led to the accumulation of triglyceride within the cells. Triglycerides were deposited in a time- and dose-dependent fashion. Cellular triglyceride promoted storage of cholesteryl ester. As much cholesteryl ester was stored in oleate-treated cells as in cells treated with saturating concentrations of low density lipoprotein. Addition of both oleate and low density lipoprotein resulted in additive accumulation of cholesteryl esters. Cholesteryl esters in cells loaded with triglyceride by oleate treatment were mobilized in response to dibutyryl-cAMP to an extent similar to that in cells containing low triglyceride concentrations. Dibutyryl-cAMP stimulated cholesteryl ester mobilization under all conditions, and stimulated triglyceride mobilization when adequate fatty acid acceptors were available. The results indicate that while triglyceride accumulation in MA-10 cells promoted cholesteryl ester deposition, it did not impair cAMP-dependent cholesteryl ester hydrolysis or steroid hormone production.  相似文献   

Abstract— Three enzymes of cholesterol ester metabolism, a cholesterol-esterifying enzyme which incorporates free fatty acids into cholesterol esters without participation of CoA, and two cholesterol ester hydrolases with differing pH optima, all showed distinct changes in developing rat brains. The specific activity of the esterifying enzyme was approx. 20 percent of the adult level at birth, increased gradually to the adult level by 20 days of age and remained constant thereafter. The pH 4.2 hydrolase at birth also had a specific activity of about 20 per cent of the adult level but it increased rapidly to reach a peak at 13 days, by which time the activity had increased eight-fold. The activity declined somewhat thereafter to reach the adult level by 23–30 days. In contrast, there already was 60 per cent of the adult specific activity of the pH 6.6 cholesterol ester hydrolase at birth. The activity remained constant until 12 days and then doubled during the next two weeks, reaching a broad peak, then declining slightly to reach the adult activity by 50 days. Therefore, the developmental changes of both of the hydrolases appeared to be related to the process of myelination. The period of active myelination (10–30 days) was characterized by the sharp rise in the activity of pH 6.6 cholesterol ester hydrolase and by the rapid decrease of pH 4.2 cholesterol ester hydrolase.  相似文献   

镉在互花米草中积累、转运及亚细胞的分布   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究了在不同Cd浓度(0、5、100、200μg·g-1)处理下,互花米草花序、叶、茎、根茎、须根中Cd含量、积累量、转运特征,及Cd在互花米草体内的亚细胞分布。结果表明,Cd在互花米草不同器官中的积累能力存在较大差异。茎、根茎、须根中Cd含量及积累量随处理浓度的增加而升高,其中须根中Cd含量及积累量均高于其他器官。Cd处理浓度为100gμ·g-1时,花序和叶中Cd含量达到最大值,分别为8.65和7.82μg·g-1。在Cd处理浓度为200μg·g-1时,须根中Cd含量可高达390.00μg·g-1,积累量达3200μg·株-1。Cd在互花米草体内转运能力极低,绝大部分Cd积累在地下部位。Cd在互花米草亚细胞中的分布规律为细胞壁>胞液>细胞器。随着Cd处理浓度的增加,Cd在细胞壁中的分配比例增大,胞液中Cd分布比例则相应减小,细胞壁和胞液相互协调,增强互花米草对重金属Cd的耐性。  相似文献   

Scavenger receptor-mediated uptake of oxidized LDL (oxLDL) is thought to be the major mechanism of foam cell generation in atherosclerotic lesions. Recent data has indicated that native LDL is also capable of contributing to foam cell formation via low-affinity receptor-independent LDL particle pinocytosis and selective cholesteryl ester (CE) uptake. In the current investigation, Cu2+-induced LDL oxidation was found to inhibit macrophage selective CE uptake. Impairment of selective CE uptake was significant with LDL oxidized for as little as 30 min and correlated with oxidative fragmentation of apoB. In contrast, LDL aggregation, LDL CE oxidation, and the enhancement of scavenger receptor-mediated LDL particle uptake required at least 3 h of oxidation. Selective CE uptake did not require expression of the LDL receptor (LDL-R) and was inhibited similarly by LDL oxidation in LDL-R−/− versus WT macrophages. Inhibition of selective uptake was also observed when cells were pretreated or cotreated with minimally oxidized LDL, indicating a direct inhibitory effect of this oxLDL on macrophages. Consistent with the effect on LDL CE uptake, minimal LDL oxidation almost completely prevented LDL-induced foam cell formation. These data demonstrate a novel inhibitory effect of mildly oxidized LDL that may reduce foam cell formation in atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

Oxidized low density lipoproteins (LDL) are now considered to be one of the atherogenic lipoproteins in vivo and to play an important role in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. We previously demonstrated in mouse peritoneal macrophages that oxidized LDL stimulated prostaglandin (PG) E2 synthesis when incorporated into the cells [Yokode, M. et al. (1988) J. Clin. Invest. 81, 720-729]. In this study, we investigated arachidonate metabolism in macrophages after foam cell transformation. The cells were incubated with 100 micrograms/ml of oxidized LDL for 18 h, then stimulated with zymosan. Lipid-enriched macrophages which had taken up oxidized LDL produced much less eicosanoids, such as PGE2, 6-keto-PGF1 alpha, and leukotriene C4 than control cells. After labeling of the cells with [14C]arachidonic acid, they were stimulated with zymosan and the phospholipase activity was determined. The activity of lipid-enriched cells was about two-thirds of that of control cells. Then we investigated the fatty acid composition of their phospholipid fraction to clarify arachidonic acid content and mobilization. Percent of arachidonic acid of lipid-enriched cells decreased and less arachidonic acid mobilization was observed after stimulation with zymosan. These data suggest that impaired arachidonate metabolism in lipid-enriched macrophages can be explained by their decreased phospholipase activity and changes in their fatty acid composition.  相似文献   

Objective: Alterations in plasma lipid profile and in intracellular cholesterol homoeostasis have been described in various malignancies; however, significance of these alterations, if any, in cancer biology is not clear. The aim of the present study was to investigate a possible correlation between alterations in cholesterol metabolism and expansion of leukaemia cell numbers. Materials and methods: Lipid profiles in plasma and in primary leukaemia cells isolated from patients with acute or chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (ALL and CLL) were studied. Results and conclusions: Decreased levels of HDL‐C were observed in plasma of leukaemic patients, levels of total cholesterol, LDL‐C, triglycerides and phospholipids were unchanged or only slightly increased. As compared to normal lymphocytes, freshly isolated leukaemic cells showed increased levels of cholesterol esters and reduction in free cholesterol. Growth stimulation of ALL and CLL cells with phytohemagglutinin led to further increase in levels of cholesterol esters. Conversely, treatment with an inhibitor of cell proliferation such as the mTOR inhibitor, RAD, caused decline in population growth rate of leukaemia cells, which was preceded by sharp reduction in rate of cholesterol esterification. On the other hand, exposure of leukaemic cells to two inhibitors of cholesterol esterification, progesterone and SaH 58‐035, caused 60% reduction in their proliferation rate. In addition to demonstrating tight correlation between cell number expansion and cholesterol esterification in leukaemic cells, these results suggest that pathways that control cholesterol esterification might represent a promising targets for novel anticancer strategies.  相似文献   

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