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Morphogenesis of the kidney is regulated by reciprocal tissue interactions between the epithelial ureter bud and the metanephric mesenchyme. The differentiation of the kidney involves profound changes in the extracellular matrix, and therefore matrix receptors may have an important role in this process. We studied the expression of syndecan, a cell surface proteoglycan acting as a receptor for interstitial matrix materials, by using a monoclonal antibody against the core protein of the molecule. Syndecan was not detected in the uninduced metanephric mesenchyme. During the formation of the ureter bud from the Wolffian duct, syndecan appeared in the mesenchymal cells around the invaginating bud. Simultaneously with the first branching of the ureter bud, the whole nephric mesenchyme became syndecan positive, but a 3- to 10-cell-thick layer around the branching ureter bud, representing the presumptive tubular cells, was most intensely stained. During the assembly of the mesenchyme cells into pretubular aggregates, syndecan was detected in these aggregates and, to a lesser degree, in the morphologically undifferentiated mesenchyme. Thereafter syndecan was found only in the differentiating epithelium, from which it was gradually lost during maturation of the nephron. It was last detected in the periphery of the kidney, where tubulogenesis still continued. In transfilter cultures we showed that syndecan appeared in the nephric mesenchyme during the period when the mesenchyme becomes programmed to transform into epithelial structures. By using interspecies recombinations and a species-specific antibody we excluded the possibility that syndecan in the mesenchyme would originate from the inductor. We conclude that syndecan expression is regulated by epithelial-mesenchymal interactions. The findings that syndecan appeared as an early response to induction and that its distribution showed both spatial and temporal correlation with kidney morphogenesis suggest an important role for this molecule in development.  相似文献   

Nephrogenic mesenchyme differentiates into epithelium as a result of morphogenetic tissue interactions. In vivo, the ureter bud is thought to induce tubular differentiation of the mesenchyme. In vitro recombination experiments have shown that various embryonic tissues can act as inducers when put in close proximity to nephrogenic mesenchyme. Induction also occurs across a porous filter. In the present study we show that only a few embryonic tissues are potent inducers in transfilter cultures in which mesenchyme and inducing tissue are separated by a membrane filter. Of the tissues tested, only embryonic spinal cord and brain were effective, whereas the ureter bud did not induce. All tissues tested sent processes through the filter. Weak inducing capacity of embryonic tissues is thus not due to a failure of the cells to make contact with the mesenchyme. To analyze which cell type within the embryonic brain possesses inducing capacity, neurons were selectively removed from primary cultures of chick tectal cells by antibody and complement-mediated cell lysis. These cultures, consisting of glial and undifferentiated cells, were then recombined with nephrogenic mesenchyme. They proved to be ineffective in inducing tubulogenesis, whereas cell populations containing neurons retained their inducing capacity. In transfilter cultures, ingrowth of neuronal processes deep into the mesenchyme, as assayed by anti-neurofilament staining, occurred within the first 24 hr of culture. Thus, it is not the time needed for processes to grow through the filter, but the time needed to grow into the mesenchyme that corresponds to the minimal induction time. These studies suggest that embryonic neurons are the most effective inducers of nephrogenic mesenchyme in vitro. Differentiation may be triggered by neuronal processes that establish cell contacts deep within the mesenchyme. Neurons might be important for nephrogenesis in vivo as well, although we can present no direct evidence to support this idea, since we failed to detect neurons at early stages of kidney development when the first tubules are induced.  相似文献   

During kidney development and in response to inductive signals, the metanephric mesenchyme aggregates, becomes polarized, and generates much of the epithelia of the nephron. As such, the metanephric mesenchyme is a renal progenitor cell population that must be replenished as epithelial derivatives are continuously generated. The molecular mechanisms that maintain the undifferentiated state of the metanephric mesenchymal precursor cells have not yet been identified. In this paper, we report that functional inactivation of the homeobox gene Six2 results in premature and ectopic differentiation of mesenchymal cells into epithelia and depletion of the progenitor cell population within the metanephric mesenchyme. Failure to renew the mesenchymal cells results in severe renal hypoplasia. Gain of Six2 function in cortical metanephric mesenchymal cells was sufficient to prevent their epithelial differentiation in an organ culture assay. We propose that in the developing kidney, Six2 activity is required for maintaining the mesenchymal progenitor population in an undifferentiated state by opposing the inductive signals emanating from the ureteric bud.  相似文献   

The origin and development of mouse kidney vasculature were examined in chorioallantoic grafts of early kidney rudiments and of experimentally induced explants of separated metanephric mesenchymes. Whole kidney rudiments developed into advanced stages, expressed the segment-specific antigenic markers of tubules and the polyanionic coat of the glomeruli. In contrast to development in vitro, these grafts regularly showed glomeruli with an endothelial component and a basement membrane expressing type IV collagen and laminin. The glomerular endothelial cells in these grafts were shown to carry the nuclear structure of the host. This confirms the outside origin of these cells and the true hybrid nature of the glomeruli. When in vitro induced mesenchymes were grafted on chorioallantoic membranes, abundant vascular invasion was regularly found but properly vascularized glomeruli were exceptional. Uninduced, similarly grafted mesenchymal explants remained avascular as did the undifferentiated portions of partially induced mesenchymal blastemas. It is concluded that the stimulation of the host endothelial cells to invade into the differentiating mesenchyme requires the morphogenetic tissue interaction between the ureter bud and the mesenchyme. The induced metanephric cells presumably start to produce chemoattractants for endothelial cells at an early stage of differentiation. Kidney development thus seems to require an orderly, synchronized development of the three cell lineages: the branching ureter, the induced, tubule-forming mesenchyme, and the invading endothelial cells of outside origin.  相似文献   

Branching morphogenesis is central to epithelial organogenesis. In the developing kidney, the epithelial ureteric bud invades the metanephric mesenchyme, which directs the ureteric bud to undergo repeated branching. A soluble factor(s) in the conditioned medium of a metanephric mesenchyme cell line is essential for multiple branching morphogenesis of the isolated ureteric bud. The identity of this factor had proved elusive, but it appeared distinct from factors such as HGF and EGF receptor ligands that have been previously implicated in branching morphogenesis of mature epithelial cell lines. Using sequential column chromatography, we have now purified to apparent homogeneity an 18 kDa protein, pleiotrophin, from the conditioned medium of a metanephric mesenchyme cell line that induces isolated ureteric bud branching morphogenesis in the presence of glial cell-derived neurotrophic factor. Pleiotrophin alone was also found to induce the formation of branching tubules in an immortalized ureteric bud cell line cultured three-dimensionally in an extracellular matrix gel. Consistent with an important role in ureteric bud morphogenesis during kidney development, pleiotrophin was found to localize to the basement membrane of the developing ureteric bud in the embryonic kidney. We suggest that pleiotrophin could act as a key mesenchymally derived factor regulating branching morphogenesis of the ureteric bud and perhaps other embryonic epithelial structures.  相似文献   

The outgrowth of the ureteric bud from the posterior nephric duct epithelium and the subsequent invasion of the bud into the metanephric mesenchyme initiate the process of metanephric, or adult kidney, development. The receptor tyrosine kinase RET and glial cell-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) form a signaling complex that is essential for ureteric bud growth and branching morphogenesis of the ureteric bud epithelium. We demonstrate that Pax2 expression in the metanephric mesenchyme is independent of induction by the ureteric bud. Pax2 mutants are deficient in ureteric bud outgrowth and do not express GDNF in the uninduced metanephric mesenchyme. Furthermore, Pax2 mutant mesenchyme is unresponsive to induction by wild-type heterologous inducers. In normal embryos, GDNF is sufficient to induce ectopic ureter buds in the posterior nephric duct, a process inhibited by bone morphogenetic protein 4. However, GDNF replacement in organ culture is not sufficient to stimulate ureteric bud outgrowth from Pax2 mutant nephric ducts, indicating additional defects in the nephric duct epithelium of Pax2 mutants. Pax2 can activate expression of GDNF in cell lines derived from embryonic metanephroi. Furthermore, Pax2 protein can bind to upstream regulatory elements within the GDNF promoter region and can transactivate expression of reporter genes. Thus, activation of GDNF by Pax2 coordinates the position and outgrowth of the ureteric bud such that kidney development can begin.  相似文献   

Kidney epithelia develop from the metanephric mesenchyme after receiving inductive signals from the ureteric bud and from the renal stroma. However, it is not clear how these signals induce the different types of epithelia that make up the nephron. To investigate inductive signaling, we have isolated clusters of epithelial progenitors from the metanephric mesenchyme, thereby separating them from the renal stroma. When the isolated progenitors were treated with the ureteric bud factor LIF, they expressed epithelial proteins (ZO-1, E-cadherin, laminin alpha(5)) and produced nephrons (36 glomeruli with 58 tubules), indicating that they are the target of inductive signaling from the ureteric bud, and that renal stroma is not absolutely required for epithelial development in vitro. In fact, stroma-depleted epithelial progenitors produced sevenfold more glomeruli than did intact metanephric mesenchyme (5 glomeruli, 127 tubules). Conversely, when epithelial progenitors were treated with both LIF and proteins secreted from a renal stromal cell line, glomerulogenesis was abolished but tubular epithelia were expanded (0 glomeruli, 47 tubules). Hence, by isolating epithelial progenitors from the metanephric mesenchyme, we show that they are targeted by factors from the ureteric bud and from the renal stroma, and that epithelial diversification is stimulated by the ureteric bud and limited by renal stroma.  相似文献   

Conversion of the nephrogenic mesenchyme into epithelial tubules requires an inductive stimulus from the ureter bud. Here we show with immunofluorescence techniques that the undifferentiated mesenchyme before induction expresses uniformly type I and type III collagens. Induction both in vivo and in vitro leads to a loss of these proteins and to the appearance of basement membrane components including type IV collagen. This change correlates both spatially and temporally with the determination of the mesenchyme and precedes and morphological events. During morphogenesis, type IV collagen concentrates at the borders of the developing tubular structures where, by electron microscopy, a thin, often discontinuous basal lamina was seen to cover the first pretubular cell aggregates. Subsequently, the differentiating tubules were surrounded by a well-developed basal lamina. No loss of the interstitial collagens was seen in the metanephric mesenchyme when brought into contact with noninducing tissues or when cultured alone. Similar observations were made with nonnephrogenic mesenchyme (salivary, lung) when exposed to various heterotypic tissues known to induce tubules in the nephrogenic mesenchyme. The sequential shift in the composition of the extracellular matrix from an interstitial, mesenchymal type to a differentiated, epithelial type is so far the first detectable response of the nephrogenic mesenchyme to the tubule- inducing signal.  相似文献   

SALL1 is a mammalian homolog of the Drosophila region-specific homeotic gene spalt (sal); heterozygous mutations in SALL1 in humans lead to Townes-Brocks syndrome. We have isolated a mouse homolog of SALL1 (Sall1) and found that mice deficient in Sall1 die in the perinatal period and that kidney agenesis or severe dysgenesis are present. Sall1 is expressed in the metanephric mesenchyme surrounding ureteric bud; homozygous deletion of Sall1 results in an incomplete ureteric bud outgrowth, a failure of tubule formation in the mesenchyme and an apoptosis of the mesenchyme. This phenotype is likely to be primarily caused by the absence of the inductive signal from the ureter, as the Sall1-deficient mesenchyme is competent with respect to epithelial differentiation. Sall1 is therefore essential for ureteric bud invasion, the initial key step for metanephros development.  相似文献   

Interaction between the ureteric-bud epithelium and the metanephric mesenchyme is important for kidney development. Six1 and Six4 are the mammalian homologs of Drosophila sine oculis, and they are coexpressed in the nephrogenic mesenchyme. Six1-deficient mice show varying kidney defects, while Six4-deficient mice have no apparent abnormalities. Here, we report Six1/Six4-deficient mice that we generated in order to elucidate the functions of Six4 in Six1-deficient kidney development. The Six1/Six4-deficient mice exhibited more severe kidney phenotypes than the Six1-deficient mice; kidney and ureter agenesis was observed in all the neonates examined. The Six1/Six4-deficient metanephric mesenchyme cells were directed toward kidney lineage but failed to express Pax2, Pax8, or Gdnf, whereas the expression of these genes was partially reduced or unchanged in the case of Six1 deficiency. Thus, Six4 cooperates with Six1 in the metanephric mesenchyme to regulate the level of Gdnf expression; this could explain the absence of the ureteric bud in the Six1/Six4-deficient mice. In contrast, Six1 deficiency alone caused defects in mesonephric-tubule formation, and these defects were not exacerbated in the Six1/Six4-deficient mesonephros. These results highlight the fact that Six1 and Six4 have collaborative functions in the metanephros but not in the mesonephros.  相似文献   

Development of the metanephric kidney crucially depends on proper interactions between cells and the surrounding extracellular matrix. For example, we showed previously that in the absence of alpha8beta1 integrin, invasion by the ureteric bud into the metanephric mesenchyme is inhibited, resulting in renal agenesis. Here we present genetic evidence that the extracellular matrix protein nephronectin is an essential ligand that engages alpha8beta1 integrin during early kidney development. We show that embryos lacking a functional nephronectin gene frequently display kidney agenesis or hypoplasia, which can be traced to a delay in the invasion of the metanephric mesenchyme by the ureteric bud at an early stage of kidney development. Significantly, we detected no defects in extracellular matrix organization in the nascent kidneys of the nephronectin mutants. Instead, we found that Gdnf expression was dramatically reduced in both nephronectin- and alpha8 integrin-null mutants specifically in the metanephric mesenchyme at the time of ureteric bud invasion. We show that this reduction is sufficient to explain the agenesis and hypoplasia observed in both mutants. Interestingly, the reduction in Gdnf expression is transient, and its resumption presumably enables the nephronectin-deficient ureteric buds to invade the metanephric mesenchyme and begin branching. Our results thus place nephronectin and alpha8beta1 integrin in a pathway that regulates Gdnf expression and is essential for kidney development.  相似文献   

Signaling by the ureteric bud epithelium is essential for survival, proliferation and differentiation of the metanephric mesenchyme during kidney development. Most studies that have addressed ureteric signaling have focused on the proximal, branching, ureteric epithelium. We demonstrate that sonic hedgehog is expressed in the ureteric epithelium of the distal, non-branching medullary collecting ducts and continues into the epithelium of the ureter -- the urinary outflow tract that connects the kidney with the bladder. Upregulation of patched 1, the sonic hedgehog receptor and a downstream target gene of the signaling pathway in the mesenchyme surrounding the distal collecting ducts and the ureter suggests that sonic hedgehog acts as a paracrine signal. In vivo and in vitro analyses demonstrate that sonic hedgehog promotes mesenchymal cell proliferation, regulates the timing of differentiation of smooth muscle progenitor cells, and sets the pattern of mesenchymal differentiation through its dose-dependent inhibition of smooth muscle formation. In addition, we also show that bone morphogenetic protein 4 is a downstream target gene of sonic hedgehog signaling in kidney stroma and ureteral mesenchyme, but does not mediate the effects of sonic hedgehog in the control of mesenchymal proliferation.  相似文献   

Six1 is required for the early organogenesis of mammalian kidney   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  

The role of GDNF in patterning the excretory system   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Mesenchymal-epithelial interactions are an important source of information for pattern formation during organogenesis. In the developing excretory system, one of the secreted mesenchymal factors thought to play a critical role in patterning the growth and branching of the epithelial ureteric bud is GDNF. We have tested the requirement for GDNF as a paracrine chemoattractive factor by altering its site of expression during excretory system development. Normally, GDNF is secreted by the metanephric mesenchyme and acts via receptors on the Wolffian duct and ureteric bud epithelium. Misexpression of GDNF in the Wolffian duct and ureteric buds resulted in formation of multiple, ectopic buds, which branched independently of the metanephric mesenchyme. This confirmed the ability of GDNF to induce ureter outgrowth and epithelial branching in vivo. However, in mutant mice lacking endogenous GDNF, kidney development was rescued to a substantial degree by GDNF supplied only by the Wolffian duct and ureteric bud. These results indicate that mesenchymal GDNF is not required as a chemoattractive factor to pattern the growth of the ureteric bud within the developing kidney, and that any positional information provided by the mesenchymal expression of GDNF may provide for renal branching morphogenesis is redundant with other signals.  相似文献   

Differential expression of the laminin A and B chains in chimeric kidneys   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The expression of laminin in embryonic kidneys growing in ovo is followed with mouse-specific, affinity-purified antibodies against the laminin A and B chains. In mouse kidneys growing on the chicken chorioallantoic membrane, the epithelium and nephrogenic mesenchyme are derived from mouse and the vasculature from chicken chorioallantoic vessels. Hence, with the mouse-specific antibodies, it is possible to analyze the deposition of laminin chains by the nephrogenic tissue, because laminin derived from the chicken vasculature remains unstained. In these chimeras, only the laminin B chain, but not the A chain, is expressed in the undifferentiated nephrogenic mesenchyme. The basement membrane around the ureter bud is labeled by the antibodies against both laminin A and B chains. In the mesenchyme, the laminin A chain appears when the mesenchyme converts into tubules. The results suggest that the laminin A and B chains are synthesized differentially in the embryonic nephrogenic tissue.  相似文献   

Epithelial-mesenchymal feedback signaling is the key to diverse organogenetic processes such as limb bud development and branching morphogenesis in kidney and lung rudiments. This study establishes that the BMP antagonist gremlin (Grem1) is essential to initiate these epithelial-mesenchymal signaling interactions during limb and metanephric kidney organogenesis. A Grem1 null mutation in the mouse generated by gene targeting causes neonatal lethality because of the lack of kidneys and lung septation defects. In early limb buds, mesenchymal Grem1 is required to establish a functional apical ectodermal ridge and the epithelial-mesenchymal feedback signaling that propagates the sonic hedgehog morphogen. Furthermore, Grem1-mediated BMP antagonism is essential to induce metanephric kidney development as initiation of ureter growth, branching and establishment of RET/GDNF feedback signaling are disrupted in Grem1-deficient embryos. As a consequence, the metanephric mesenchyme is eliminated by apoptosis, in the same way as the core mesenchymal cells of the limb bud.  相似文献   

The metanephric mesenchyme becomes converted into epithelial tubules if cultured in transfilter contact with an inductor tissue. The expression of intermediate filaments (IFs), used as cell-type-specific markers has been studied in this model system for differentiation and organogenesis. In immunofluorescence microscopy of frozen sections, the undifferentiated cells of isolated metanephric mesenchymes uniformly showed IFs of vimentin type only. Also, when cultured as a monolayer, cells from the uninduced mesenchymes showed only vimentin filaments. In frozen sections of transfilter explants, epithelial tubules apparently negative for vimentin could be seen after 3 days in culture, but expression of cytokeratin could not be demonstrated in the developing tubules until the fourth day of culture. Sections of explants cultured further showed tubule cells with distinct fibrillar cytokeratin positivity. The appearance of cytokeratin in the explants was also demonstrated with immunoblotting experiments, using two different cytokeratin antibodies. Expression of IFs was further examined in monolayer cultures of metanephric mesenchymes which had been initially exposed to a short transfilter induction pulse. In these experiments, cytokeratin-positive cells could be demonstrated after a total of 4 days in culture. Double immunofluorescence experiments showed varying amounts of vimentin in the cytokeratin-positive cells: after 4 days in culture, most cytokeratin-positive cells still showed vimentin-positivity although often in a nonfibrillar form. During further culture, gradual disappearance of vimentin-specific fluorescence was observed in cytokeratin-positive cells. The results suggest that the vimentin-positive metanephric mesenchyme cells lose their fibrillar vimentin organization upon induction that leads to kidney tubule formation. This change may be essential for the transformation from an undifferentiated mesenchymal cell into a specialized epithelial cell. Cytokeratin filaments, regarded as a marker for epithelial cells, seem to appear simultaneously with or soon after the change in vimentin organization. These changes in IF expression also occur in monolayer cultures of mesenchyme cells initially exposed to a short transfilter induction pulse. This suggests that epithelial differentiation, as revealed by the emergence of cytokeratin positivity, may occur even in the absence of a clear morphological differentiation and three-dimensional organization of the cells.  相似文献   

It has been previously shown that A-chain and domain(E8)-specific antibodies to laminin that inhibit cell adhesion also interfere with the establishment of epithelial cell polarity during kidney tubule development (Klein, G., M. Langegger, R. Timpl, and P. Ekblom. 1988. Cell. 55:331-341). A monoclonal antibody specific for the integrin alpha 6 subunit, which selectively blocks cell binding to E8, was used to study the receptors involved. Immunofluorescence staining of embryonic kidneys and of organ cultures of metanephric mesenchyme demonstrated coappearance of the integrin alpha 6 subunit and the laminin A-chain in regions where nonpolarized mesenchymal cells convert into polarized epithelial cells. Both epitopes showed marked colocalization in basal areas of tubules, while an exclusive immunostaining for alpha 6 was observed in lateral and apical cell surfaces of the tubular epithelial cells. Organ culture studies demonstrated a consistent inhibition of kidney epithelium development by antibodies against the alpha 6 subunit. The data suggest that the recognition of E8 cell-binding site of laminin by a specific integrin is crucial for the formation of kidney tubule epithelium from undifferentiated mesenchymal stem cells. In some other cell types (endothelium, some ureter cells) an exclusive expression of alpha 6 with no apparent colocalization of laminin A-chain in the corresponding basement membrane was seen. Thus, in these cells, integrins possessing the alpha 6 subunit may bind to laminin isoforms that differ from those synthesized by developing tubules.  相似文献   

Clonal cell lines representing different developmental stages of the metanephric mesenchyme were made from transgenic mice with the Simian Virus 40 T-antigen (SV40 Tag) gene driven by the Hoxa 11 promoter. The resulting mK3 cell line represented early metanephric mesenchyme, prior to induction by the ureteric bud. These cells showed a spindle-shaped, fibroblast morphology. They expressed genes characteristic of early mesenchyme, including Hoxa 11, Hoxd 11, collagen I, and vimentin. Moreover, the mK3 cells displayed early metanephric mesenchyme biological function. In organ co-culture experiments they were able to induce growth and branching of the ureteric bud. Another cell line, mK4, represented later, induced metanephric mesenchyme undergoing epithelial conversion. These cells were more polygonal, or epithelial in shape, and expressed genes diagnostic of late mesenchyme, including Pax-2, Pax-8, Wnt-4, Cadherin-6, Collagen IV, and LFB3. To better define the gene expression patterns of kidney metanephric mesenchyme cells at these two stages of development, RNAs from the mK3 and mK4 cells were hybridized to Affymetrix GeneChip probe arrays. Over 4000 expressed genes were identified and thereby implicated in kidney formation. Comparison of the mK3 and mK4 gene expression profiles revealed 121 genes showing greater than a ten-fold difference in expression level. Several are known to be expressed during metanephric mesenchyme differentiation, but most had not been previously associated with this process. In situ hybridizations were used to confirm that selected novel genes were expressed in the developing kidney.  相似文献   

During kidney development, the growth and development of the stromal and nephrogenic mesenchyme cell populations and the ureteric bud epithelium is tightly coupled through intricate reciprocal signaling mechanisms between these three tissue compartments. Midkine, a target gene activated by retinoid signaling in the metanephros, encodes a secreted polypeptide with mitogenic and anti-apoptotic activities in a wide variety of cell types. Using immmunohistochemical methods we demonstrated that Midkine is found in the uninduced mesenchyme at the earliest stages of metanephric kidney development and only subsequently concentrated in the ureteric bud epithelium and basement membrane. The biological effects of purified recombinant Midkine were analyzed in metanephric organ culture experiments carried out in serum-free defined media. These studies revealed that Midkine selectively promoted the overgrowth of the Pax-2 and N-CAM positive nephrogenic mesenchymal cells, failed to stimulate expansion of the stromal compartment and suppressed branching morphogenesis of the ureteric bud. Midkine suppressed apoptosis and stimulated cellular proliferation of the nephrogenic mesenchymal cells, and was capable of maintaining the viability of isolated mesenchymes cultured in the absence of the ureteric bud. These results suggest that Midkine may regulate the balance of epithelial and stromal progenitor cell populations of the metanephric mesenchyme during renal organogenesis.  相似文献   

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