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All freshwater calanoids in southern Africa belong to the family Diaptomidae of which there are two subfamilies, the Paradiaptominae (Lovenula, Paradiaptomus and Metadiaptomus) and Diaptominae (Tropodiaptomus and Thermodiaptomus). The Paradiaptominae are endemic to Africa, while the Diaptominae have one endemic African genus Thermodiaptomus, and the other genus Tropodiaptomus, occurs in other parts of the world as well as Africa. Knowledge of distribution of the Diaptomidae has been hampered by incomplete taxonomic knowledge and lack of co-ordination of available information. Distribution patterns of 19 described species and 11 new species confirm that the majority of species have a limited distribution, and that the Paradiaptominae are arid-adapted and belong to temporary pool communities. Six species are endemic to coastal pans and vleis of the western and southern Cape Province. Only those species with a wider distribution have been recorded as colonising man-made lakes. The four Lovenula species are predators and often co-exist with a Metadiaptomus species as prey. Synapomorphies of widely separated species of the Paradiaptominae, provide interesting insights into how their evolution may have been governed by vicariance, dispersal and palaeoenvironments of the African continent.  相似文献   

Rayner  Nancy A. 《Hydrobiologia》1994,292(1):97-104
Three new species of Tropodiaptomus from southern Africa are described, Tropodiaptomus zambeziensis, T. bhangazii, and T. capriviensis. Type localities are a rice paddy on the Zambezi river delta, a coastal lake in Zululand, and temporary pools in Bushmanland and the eastern Caprivi in Namibia. Speciation of Tropodiaptomus in the warm inland waters of southern Africa is much more extensive than was formerly realised.  相似文献   

Dumont  Henri J.  Maas  Sibylle 《Hydrobiologia》1988,(1):415-427
Of the nine species of Tropodiaptomus occurring in Equatorial East Africa, seven are redescribed and figured in great detail. Their relationships are discussed. A primary homonym is eliminated, and types are indicated wherever possible.  相似文献   

I. A. E. Bayly 《Hydrobiologia》1992,241(3):135-140
A new species and genus of freshwater calanoid, Neoboeckella loffleri, is described from shallow, high-altitude waters. N. kinzeli (Löffler), 1955, is also included in the new genus. Neoboeckella, like Hemiboeckella Sars from Australia, is characterized inter alia by an exceptionally high degree of sexual dimorphism in size.  相似文献   

Thirty-two species of Cladocera and 27 species of free-living copepods were identified in a series of samples collected in 25 localities in and around the Fouta Djalon mountains, West Africa. Beside great richness in numbers of species, the nature of the fauna is noteworthy: at least 20% of the Cladocera and 50% of the copepods are endemic to West Africa. Possible palaeoclimatological reasons for this are discussed. The cladoceran genus Streblocerus is recorded from Africa for the first time. It is an element of northern origin in the fauna of West Africa. More examples of this kind are documented among the Copepoda Cyclopoida and Harpacticoida, but the bulk of the fauna is evidently of tropical origin. In particular, great adaptive radiation is occurring in the local representatives of the genus Tropocyclops. Three new species of Parastenocaris are described; they are the first representatives of this genus found in West Africa.  相似文献   

Paracyclops longispina n. sp. and Paracyclops altissimus n. sp. are described. New characters derived from detailed examination of body and limb ornamentation are used to differentiate them from other Paracyclops species. Paracyclops longispina n. sp. resembles Paracyclops fimbriatus (Fischer, 1853) and Paracyclops imminutus Kiefer, 1929. It differs from the former by the presence of a well-developed spinular row near the base of the inner setae on the antennal coxobasis in both sexes, and from the latter in the structure of the seminal receptacle and the position of the mid-distal spinular row on the posterior surface of the coxa of leg 1. Paracyclops altissimus n. sp. can be distinguished from other members of genus mainly by the structure of the seminal receptacle and leg 5. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Hart  Rob C. 《Hydrobiologia》2001,(1):269-283
Episodic switching between Tropodiaptomus spectabilis and Metadiaptomus meridianus in L. Midmar (29° 30 S, 30° 12 E), and transitory seasonal alternation of these taxa in L. Albert Falls (29° 26 S, 30° 26 E) recorded in comparative studies of these inter-leading reservoirs between 1989 and 1999, along with historical records for Midmar extending back to 1978, are updated and re-evaluated in light of subsequent and additional findings. In the longer term, an `exclusive' occupancy by one or another species has been maintained in these and other inter-leading impoundments on the quasi-subtropical Mgeni River. Sympatry was invariably transitional. It lasted several months in the upper Midmar system, and where protracted over several years as in the downstream Albert Falls system, was effectively negated by seasonal separation of the taxa. Possible influences of parasitism, changes in water turbidity or pH, dependent or independent of inter-basin water transfers, and such water transfers themselves, are explored and rejected as proximate causes of species replacement. Because evidence for the existence of resting eggs was contradictory (respectively present and absent in preserved and live samples), emergence from diapause is considered an unlikely source of re-colonisation. The guild complement of invertebrate planktivores is comparable in both lakes, seemingly removing predation as a determinant factor. The comparability of food thresholds for various measures of demographic performance suggests remarkable similarity in the competitive potential of these species, which additionally show considerable niche overlap in terms of adult diet, and comparable vulnerability to ellobiopsid parasitism. Ecological separation is thus limited to differentiation of thermal optima, functional feeding biology of juvenile stages – especially nauplii, and sediment tolerance. Evidence now available supports previous arguments that species separations remain attributable largely to marginal species differences in thermal optima, mirrored in the pattern of seasonal separation during an episode of sympatry (1990 to early 1994) in the down-stream Albert Falls system. While no causal explanation can be substantiated from evidence gleaned during this decade of study, the species replacements observed in Midmar appear to reflect alternative stable states, induced by presently unknown factor(s), plausibly temperature, or improbably, human translocation. By contrast, alternative stable states are not manifest in Albert Falls, wherein the longer term, T. spectabilis seemingly represents the only stable state, a feature apparently shared by other warmer reservoirs down the Mgeni cascade. The unpredictability of chaotic dynamics precludes its analysis in this situation, while conversely, the system provides a unique model for meta-population analysis, related to uni-directionality of natural dispersal. However, the cost-effectiveness of continued monitoring for unforeseeable events poses a serious practical dilemma.  相似文献   

Five Thermocyclops species were found in Uzbekistan: T. crassus, T. dybowskii, T. rylovi, T. taihokuensis, and T. vermifer. The last species has been for the first time recorded in the region. The data on morphology, variability and distribution of these species in Uzbekistan are given. A key to determine to the five species is proposed.  相似文献   

The crustacean zooplankton of Mali (West Africa)   总被引:13,自引:13,他引:0  
48 species of Phyllopoda, 24 species of Copepoda, and a freshwater shrimp are reported from Mali. Morphologically noteworthy or little known species are figured. Daphnia barbata and D. dolichocephala are redescribed. Three West-African species of Tropodiaptomus were found. T. senegambiae is synonymised with T. banforanus. Thermodiaptomus yabensis is fully figured. The distribution of T. yabensis and the regional Tropodiaptomus is discussed. A general biogeographical discussion is not yet possible, because for many species, and particularly Cladocera, both taxonomical position and chorological records are fragmentary and uncertain. At least 29 species, however, seem to be restricted to Africa, and some even to West Africa.The water chemistry of the lakes of central Mali is characterized by a low mineral content, but seems not to be distributive to any of the numerous zooplankton species encountered.The zooplankton communities, especially in the lakes of the internal delta of the Niger, are typically composed of numerous species. Among copepods, it is usual to find three or four genera to co-occur, and each genus may be represented by up to three species. This indicates long-term instability of the communities, and suggests strong interspecies competition to be present. This is corroborated by an analysis of the ranges of some African endemics.It is shown that the Niger delta is part of the biological boundary of the Sahara as far as aquatic invertebrates are concerned. West African equatorial climate endemics (e.g. 3 Tropodiaptomus species, Thermodiaptomus yabensis), and arid to semi-arid climate endemics (Daphnia barbata, D. longispina, Metadiaptomus mauretanicus) meet and interpenetrate each others' ranges over a short distance.  相似文献   

The distributional patterns and diversity of the diaptomid calanoid copepods were analysed to assess the faunistic affinity of North and South America with respect to Mexico and Central America. In the Neotropical region, the most speciose genera of Diaptomidae are Leptodiaptomus and Mastigodiaptomus. The former genus is a Nearctic form, and Mastigodiaptomus is Neotropical. Based on the current distribution of their diversity, it is probable that these genera radiated into Mexico and Central America from North America and the insular Caribbean, respectively. Arctodiaptomus dorsalis is a primarily Palaearctic taxon, it is widely distributed between North and Central America. This species probably radiated in the Americas as a Tethyan derivate. Prionodiaptomus is the only member of the highly diverse South American diaptomid fauna that has expanded beyond the subcontinent. Despite the high diversity present in South America, its influence in Mexico and Central America appears to be weak; this is probably a consequence of the geologically recent union of the two main subcontinental landmasses. Mexico shares 33% of its species with NA, and no species are shared between NA and SA. For the Diaptomidae, the Nearctic influence is strongest in Mexico. (© 2005 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

M. Alonso 《Hydrobiologia》1984,118(2):135-146
The distribution of the Calanoid genus Mixodiaptomus was studied in a large number of pools and small lakes scattered over Spain. Four species occur: M. incrassatus, M. kupelwieseri, M. ortizi and M. laciniatus, the latter in 2 subspecies (M. laciniatus laciniatus and M. laciniatus atlantis). M. ortizi is described as a new species. M. laciniatus lives in mountains, while all other species occur in the plains. M. incrassatus is found all over the country, M. kupelwieseri only in the eastern part of Catalonia, M. laciniatus atlantis in Andalucia and M. ortizi in the central lands called Mesetas. All live in little mineralized waters and only M. incrassatus and M. laciniatus atlantis occur in clayey waters.  相似文献   

Uye  Shin-ichi 《Hydrobiologia》1988,(1):285-293
The calanoid copepod Calanus sinicus was reared in the laboratory under excess food conditions, and its development and growth rates were measured at various temperatures. Egg development time (DH, days) was dependent on temperature (T °C), and was expressed as DH = 55.3 (T + 0.7)–1.44. Post-embryonic development followed the equiproportional rule. The stage duration was short in NI and NII, but compensatingly longer in NIII. Between NIV and CII, it was nearly isochronal, and beyond CII, it tended to increase gradually. The time from egg to adult was expressed as DCVI = 1258 (T + 0.7)–1.44. The specific growth rate was also temperature-dependent and highest from CI to CIII, intermediate from NII to CI and from CIII to CV, and lowest from CV to CVI. The growth rates of C. sinicus are higher than those of co-occurring small copepods such as Paracalanus, Acartia and Microsetella.  相似文献   

The complete postembryonic development of Tropodiaptomus informiscomprises six naupliar and six copepodid stages of which thelast is the adult. Of all the characteristics, it is the shapeand number of setae on the terminal segments of the antennulesin the late naupliar stages, and the shape and setae of exo-and endopods of the fifth legs from copepodids III to V whichare most useful in constructing relationships among eight diaptomidsreared.  相似文献   

The New Zealand distributions of three species of Boeckella (Copepoda, Calanoida), B. triarticulata, B. dilatata and B. hamata are mapped. B. triarticulata is primarily a pond dweller but is also found in reservoirs and shallow lakes. B. dilatata is mainly found in the deeper glacial lakes and ponds in the central region of the South Island and B. hamata has a more widespread distribution in lakes and ponds in the South Island and lower half of the North Island. Differences in temperature optima, food requirements and dispersal ability among the three Boeckella species are related to vicariant events to explain their distribution in New Zealand.  相似文献   

Allozyme electrophoresis of Hesperodiaptomus arcticus (Marsh) sensu lato at subarctic Churchill, Canada revealed significant deviations from random mating in several populations, as shown by the complete absence of certain heterozygous types. A broad geographic survey of 20 enzyme loci in 1077 individuals from 27 ponds at 11 arctic and alpine sites west of Hudson Bay demonstrated that there were three genetically distinct types. Morphological analysis of genetically classified populations uncovered consistent morphological differences that had been ignored previously. These morphological characteristics were used to reclassify preserved museum and private specimens from additional sites from the entire North American distribution of H. arcticus sensu lato. A detailed study of two of the distinct types co-occurring at Churchill showed reproduction timing and habitat differences consistent with reproductive isolation. I concluded that there are three species and each have different distributions. Most regions examined must have been repopulated by dispersal from glacial refugia after deglaciation. The nominal species is apparently restricted to western arctic localities in the vicinity of the Alaskan refugium while the other two putative taxa have dispersed widely into previously glaciated regions.  相似文献   

In nature, changes in nutrient levels and phytoplankton community structure can represent variation in food quality and quantity. Because zooplankton can be highly susceptible to starvation, individuals could enhance their survival, growth, and reproduction during periods of unfavorable food conditions by maintaining and utilizing energy stores. Patterns of lipid accumulation and depletion in Diaptomus kenai, a calanoid copepod from an oligotrophic montane lake, were monitored over a variety of food conditions. The results suggest that, while lipid storage in D. kenai is affected by phytoplankton community structure and abundance, total lipid stores respond more to gradual changes in food regime than to sudden changes in food supply.  相似文献   

Lake Abraxas (68° 29 S., 78° 17 E.) has been cut off from the sea for c. 6000 yr. In December, 1985, it had an ice cover 1.38 m thick, a thermocline at 5.2 m, and zero oxygen at 17.7 m and below. The salinity of the oxylimnion was in the range 14–19 g 1–1. The calanoid, Paralabidocera antarctica (I. C. Thompson), had a maximum density just above a thermocline at 5.0 m, at which depth adult males outnumbered females almost 3 : 1. Immediately beneath the ice adult females outnumbered males 4 : 1. Immature copepodite stages were more abundant relative to adults near the oxycline than at higher levels. The planktonic harpacticoid, Amphiascoides sp., had a maximum density close to the oxycline at 17.2 m.  相似文献   

Halicyclops korodiensis Onabamiro was recorded in plankton samples of the brackish waters of the Warri River, Nigeria, West Africa. It is redescribed and figured.  相似文献   

J. Green 《Hydrobiologia》1987,147(1):3-8
Keratella cochlearis occurs over the complete latitudinal range of Africa, and over a considerable altitudinal range, but not in the highest mountain tarns. Physical, chemical, and biological factors may affect the distribution of this species. Lack of suitable food, and competition or predation by larger zooplankters are probably important limiting factors. Morphometric variation in samples from Zimbabwe is much less than in samples from the Auvergne. In particular, posterior spine length shows a much lower relative growth in relation to lorica size.  相似文献   

Taxonomy of the Smaug warreni species complex remains contentious despite known morphological differences and geographical separation of the various taxa. This study uses an 11‐gene dataset to recover phylogenetic relationships between the seven nominal members of the S. warreni complex. Eight well‐supported clades were returned, with S. warreni barbertonensis found to be paraphyletic. A time‐calibrated analysis of molecular data indicates that all eight clades in the S. warreni complex separated in the late Miocene, much earlier than the date suggested by the existing hypothesis of vicariance through the ingression of Kalahari sands. Ecological niche modelling indicates that although all clades are allopatric, a slight decrease in temperature could potentially render them sympatric, supporting an hypothesis of range expansion through climatic change. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

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