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—Cerebroside in the brain is highly localized in myelin and has a relatively slow turnover rate. The aim of this study was to evaluate the true cerebroside biosynthetic activity under conditions in which the degradation and reutilization of brain lipids were as small as possible. The 3-week-old mice were decapitated at 0·5, 1, 2·5, 5 and 15 min after the intraperitoneal injection of labelled acetate and the incorporation of radioactivity into each lipid class was examined. Even at 0·5 min, a considerable amount of radioactivity was found in simple lipids, especially in the free fatty acid fraction, and in the course of time the radioactivity of complex lipids increased. On the other hand, the incorporation of radioactivity into cerebrosides was extremely small throughout the experimental period. Results indicated that the low radioactivity of cerebroside might be due to its high content of long-chain fatty acids which were weakly labelled. The radioactivity of the sphingosine moiety was also low. In short, one of the rate-limiting steps of cerebroside synthesis in brain might exist in long-chain fatty acid and sphingosine synthesis. In addition, the incorporation curves of each component of cerebroside were compared with each other and the difference of the incorporation pattern of non-hydroxy fatty acids of cerebroside was noted.  相似文献   

Abstract— Mice were injected intracerebrally with mixtures of [3H]fucose and [14C]gluco-samine, and incorporation into macromolecules in various subcellular fractions of brain was studied at 1, 2, 3 and 4 h after administration of the precursors. There was a lag of several hours between the incorporation of [3H]fucose into the glycoproteins of the whole brain fractions and of that into the soluble and particulate glycoproteins of the nerve ending fractions. In contrast, no lag was observed between the incorporation of [14C]glucosamine into the macromolecules of the whole brain fractions and of that into the soluble macro-molecules of the nerve ending fraction. We conclude that fucosyl glycoproteins of the nerve ending fraction were synthesized in the nerve cell bodies and transported to nerve endings by rapid axoplasmic transport, whereas a substantial proportion of the glucosamine in the soluble macromolecules of the nerve ending fraction was incorporated by the nerve endings themselves. In addition, our evidence indicates that cyclobeximide inhibited fucose incorporation into brain glycoproteins by inhibiting the synthesis of acceptor proteins rather than fucosyl transferase.  相似文献   

The synthesis of lipids and their assembly into subcellular membrane fractions of the myelin deficient Quaking mutant and control brains was studied in 18-, 24- and 41-day-old animals using a double label methodology with14C and 3H acetate as precursors. As a general procedure, Quaking mutants were injected intracranially with 50 μCi [14C]acetate and their littermate controls with 300 μCi [3H]acetate. The animals were killed 3 h post-injection, their brains were pooled and subcellular fractions prepared from the common homogenate. An 80-90% decrease in the incorporation of acetate into eleven lipids of myelin in the Quaking mutant was found. This occurred in the face of apparent normal incorporation (relative to microsomes) into lipids of the other main subcellular fractions (nuclear. mitochondrial and synaptosomal) with the exception of decreased incorporation into the myelin-like fraction at 18 and 24 days. Cholesterol and cerebroside were less readily incorporated into Quaking myelin than the other lipids. Although the microsomal synthesis of cholesterol and cerebroside was depressed by about 30% in the Quaking mutant, the incorporation of cholesterol into nuclear, synaptosomal and mitochondrial fractions was unaffected in the mutant. This indicates that sufficient cholesterol is synthesized for the normal assembly of these organelles. In contrast the incorporation of acetate into cholesterol and cerebroside of Quaking myelin was decreased much more than microsomal synthesis. This latter result is consistent with a defect in the process of myclin membrane assembly  相似文献   

Abstract– We have determined the incorporation of [3H]-, [1-14C]- and [2-14C]acetate into glutamate, glutamine and aspartate of the adult mouse brain. All these three acetates were incorporated more extensively into glutamine than into glutamate. This has been reported by several authors for each of these labelled acetates in separate experiments. It was shown that [3H, 2-14C]acetate can be used to obtain an acetate labelling ratio analogous to the previously used [2-14C]acetate/[1-14C]acetate labelling ratio. From these acetate labelling ratios of glutamine and glutamate conclusions can be deduced about the dynamic relationship of these amino acids with each other and with the tricarboxylic acid cycle.
A fairly large isotope effect between acetate and glutamate was observed. As this isotope effect is very likely caused by the citrate synthase reaction, it can be argued that citrate synthase involved in the conversion of labelled acetate into glutamate is far out of equilibrium in vivo. Comparing our data with literature data, the possibility can be suggested that citrate synthase in the acetate metabolizing compartment is in situ kinetically distinct from citrate synthase in other compartments of the brain.  相似文献   

Tritium from methyl-H3-thymidine was found to be incorporated into proteins in mice. This incorporation in the mouse as a whole represented between 1 and 10% of the injected tritium. Tritiated water was not an intermediate. Transmethylation reactions are proposed as a means whereby certain amino acids might have acquired the tritium from thymidine at some stage of its catabolism. The initial (2 hr) ratios of DNA to protein tritium activities per milligram of wet tissue ranged from 5 in two tissues of low DNA synthetic activity (pancreas, liver) to 35 to 40 in two tissues of high DNA synthetic activity (spleen, small intestine). Labeled nuclear protein was coincident with labeled DNA in nuclei, where it constituted less than 2.5% of the total tritium. The significance of the findings is discussed.  相似文献   

Administration of electroconvulsive shocks in rats induces a marked inhibition of the process of thymidine incorporation into cortical DNA. The inhibitory effect reaches its maximum after 10–15 min. Percentage incorporation returns to normal values within one hour of the treatment. These findings may suggest the participation of a metabolically active fraction of DNA in neural functions.  相似文献   

Abstract— Labelled inorganic phosphate (32P1) was administered intraventricularly to unrestrained sleeping and waking adult rats. After about 20 min of sleep or a comparable period of wakefulness, as monitored by EEG and EMG, the animals were frozen in liquid nitrogen and the brains were analysed. One group of animals (A) was not previously acclimatized to the apparatus. A second group (B) was acclimatized. The specific radioactivity of a phosphoprotein fraction was elevated during sleep in group A but not in group B. The specific radioactivity of the phosphatides of group B was depressed in sleeping as compared with waking animals. This effect was not observed in group A. No significant difference was detected between the EEG patterns of sleeping animals in groups A and B, as evaluated by standard criteria. These observations suggest that the physiological conditions attributable to environmental, emotional or other determinants can influence shifts in brain metabolism during the sleep-wakefulness cycle.  相似文献   

—Total proteins, free amino acids, tritiated water and subcellular proteins of mouse brain were examined for changes in radioactivity during operant conditioning after subcutaneous administration of labelled amino acids. The conditioning was based on appetitive learning, using sweetened milk as a reward. During training and incorporation for 20-30 min, both [3H]leucine and [1-14C]leucine underwent a significant increase in catabolism, resulting in a decreased radioactivity in the free amino acids. [2-2H]Methionine underwent a rapid loss of isotope, so that 90% of the radioactivity was in the form of tritiated water at the end of training, and this phenomenon masked any possible effect of training. The brain uptake of [35S]methionine increased during the training, resulting in an increased radioactivity in the proteins. Uptake of [3H]lysine increased slightly during training only after 1 h incorporation and not after 20 or 30 min, as judged from a time course of radioactivity in the free amino acids. Incorporation into nuclear proteins increased selectively during 20 min, and into nuclear and cytosol proteins after 60 min incorporations. It is concluded that changes in the observed rate of incorporation of a precursor into brain subcellular proteins under the influence of behaviour might be the result of changes in precursor catabolism or uptake, or both, and that each amino acid behaves in a different way. Even the same amino acid gives different results depending on the isotope and its position in the amino acid.  相似文献   

Abstract— Stimulation (AES) of the brachial plexus of anaesthetised rats resulted in an increased incorporation of carbon from [U-14C]glucose into TCA-insoluble proteins in the contralateral cerebral hemisphere, as compared with the ipsi-lateral hemisphere. The greatest change was observed in the sensori-motor cortex grey matter.
Following intraventricular injections of [U-14C]glucose, the changes caused by brachial plexus stimulation were variable, depending on which hemisphere received the label. The injection itself severely inhibited the incorporation into protein. Neither the injection, nor stimulation affected the conversion of [U-14C]glucose into amino acids or its relative distribution between the two hemispheres.  相似文献   

Hyperphenylalaninemia was induced in 7-day-old rabbits over a 6-hr period by intraperitoneal injection of phenylalanine. l -[U-14C]Lysine was injected intraperitoneally into these rabbits and into a control group. The rate of incorporation of l -[U-14C]lysme into brain ribosomal protein was decreased during a 5-hr period in the presence of elevated plasma phenylalanine concentrations. Lysine transport from the peritoneum to the plasma was unaffected by the high plasma phenylalanine concentrations.  相似文献   

Purified neuronal and glial nuclei were separated from rat brain cells. The fraction rich in neuronal nuclei contained 68 ± 9 per cent neuronal nuclei and the fraction rich in glial nuclei contained 89 ± 6 per cent glial nuclei. The fraction rich in neuronal nuclei isolated from cells of adult rat brain incorporated l -[4,5-3H]leucine into TCA-insoluble material at a rate comparable to those of the microsomal and the soluble fractions of the brain, and at a much higher rate than the fraction rich in glial nuclei. The proteins soluble in buffered-saline, the acid-soluble deoxyribonucleoproteins, and the residual proteins of the neuronal nuclei are apparently the proteins which account for the higher specific activity of neuronal proteins compared with glial nuclear proteins. In liver and kidney, the incorporation of [3H]leucine into nuclear proteins was lower than into other subcellular fractions from the same organs.  相似文献   

Abstract— The effects of carbamylcholine on incorporation of [1-14C]arachidonate into the glycerolipids in mouse brain synaptosome-rich and microsomal fractions were examined at 1, 3 and 10 min after intracerebral injection of the labeled precursor. When carbamylcholine was included with the labeled arachidonate, there was a decrease in the proportion of labeled fatty acid incorporated into the phospholipids. Among the phospholipids in the synaptosome-rich fraction, a decrease in incorporation of radioactivity into diacyl-glycerophosphoinositols and diacyl-glycerophosphocholines was observed at 1 and 3 min after injection. A decrease in labeling of diacyl-glycerophosphoethanolamines and diacyl-glycerophosphocholines in the microsomal fraction was observed at 3 and 10 min after injection. The decrease in phospholipid labeling was marked by an increase in labeling of diacylglycerols which was observed initially in the synaptosome-rich fraction, but also in the microsomal fraction at later time periods. Other lipid changes included an increase in triacylglycerol labeling which was found in the synaptosome-rich fraction and an increase in phosphatidic acid labeling which was found in the microsomal fraction. Results of the in vivo study have demonstrated changes in brain lipid metabolism during carbamylcholine stimulation. Furthermore, these changes appear to be initiated mainly in the synaptosome-rich fraction.  相似文献   

The kinetics of the incorporation into protein of [3H]phenylalanine, [3H]tyrosine and [3H]tryptophan were studied with homogenates prepared from whole brain of 1-, 7-, 21- and 60-day-old rats. The maximal velocities (Vmax)of incorporation of phenylalanine and tyrosine decreased and the apparent Michaelis-constants (Km) for all three amino acids increased with increasing age of the rats. Tyrosine had the smallest and tryptophan the largest Km values in all age groups. Phenylalanine competitively inhibited the incorporation of tyrosine, but tyrosine inhibited non-competitively the incorporation of phenylalanine. Tryptophan inhibited competitively the incorporation of phenylalanine, but at least partially non-competitively the incorporation of tyrosine. Phenylalanine and tyrosine did not significantly affect the incorporation of tryptophan in homogenates from 60-day-old rats. In 1-day-old rats only a very large excess of phenylalanine or tyrosine inhibited detectably. The Ki for phenylalanine in the incorporation of tyrosine was significantly smaller in 1- than in 60-day-old rats. In every case the inhibition presumably occurred at a single rate-limiting step in the complicated process of incorporation of amino acids into protein.  相似文献   

The uptake of kinetin-814C in the aquatic fern, Salvinia, wascorrelated with an inhibition of stem elongation and floatingleaf expansion. The kinetin-inhibition depended on intact moleculesof kinetin which are incorporated mostly in a supernatant fractioncontaining soluble non-polynucleotides and RNA. Recovery frominhibition occurred when kinetin was depleted from the medium.That portion of the plant which was produced after recoverydid not contain significant levels of kinetin-814C. (Received April 18, 1967; )  相似文献   

—Intracerebrally administered [14C]N-acetyl neuraminic acid was incorporated into brain glycoproteins and gangliosides. Incorporation into both classes of compounds was markedly inhibited by acetoxycycloheximide but incorporation into the soluble glycoproteins of the nerve-ending fraction was inhibited least of all. In contrast to glucosamine and fucose, a relatively small proportion of the injected [14C]NANA was incorporated.  相似文献   

—The oxidation to CO2 and the incorporation of [U-14C]glucose and [U-14C]acetate into lipids by cortex slices from rat brain during the postnatal period were investigated. The oxidation of [U-14C]glucose was low in 2-day-old rat brain, and increased by about two-fold during the 2nd and 3rd postnatal weeks. The oxidation of [U-14C]acetate was increased markedly in the second postnatal week, but decreased to rates observed in 2-day-old rat brain at the time of weaning. Both labeled substrates were readily incorporated into non-saponifiable lipids and fatty acids by brain slices from 2-day-old rat. Their rates of incorporation and the days on which maximum rates occurred were different, however, maximum incorporation of [U-14C]glucose and [U-14]acetate into lipid fractions being observed on about the 7th and 12th postanatal days, respectively. The metabolic compartmentation in the utilization of these substrates for lipogenesis is suggested. The activities of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, cytosolic NADP-malate dehydrogenase, cytosolic NADP-isocitrate dehydrogenase, ATP-citrate lyase and acetyl CoA carboxylase were measured in rat brain during the postnatal period. All enzymes followed somewhat different courses of development; the activity of acetyl CoA carboxylase was, however, the lowest among other key enzymes in the biosynthetic pathway, and its developmental pattern paralleled closely the fatty acid synthesis from [U-14C]glucose. It is suggested that acetyl CoA carboxylase is a rate-limiting step in the synthesis de novo of fatty acids in developing rat brain.  相似文献   

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