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Discoveries first published in 1986 did not fit the de rigueur working hypothesis that the clocks governing tide-associated rhythms had a fundamental period of 12.4 h, a value equal to the average interval between successive tides on most coastlines of the world. To explain the results a dual-clock schema was fashioned that envisioned two clocks, strongly coupled together 180° antiphase, each running at a basic rate of 24.8 h (the interval of a lunar day), as the driving agents of tide-associated rhythms (details are given in the text). This elaboration has been named the circalunidian-clock hypothesis, a hypocorism used in some armchair ruminations back in 1973. In the decade since 1986, a goodly amount of evidence has been garnered that is consistent with this hypothesis—suggesting that first-call divination appears to have been visionary. Acceptance of this hypothesis leads to further cerebration that a 24.8-h clock, its circa periods in constant conditions, and other properties—which fully overlap with our perception of the circadian clock that drives daily rhythms—may indicate that circadian and circalunidan timepieces are not different entities. The known properties of both daily and lunar clock-types are compared and contrasted, and, with the exception of one feature (for which there is at least a philosophical explanation), it is concluded that the same clock that drives tidal rhythms could also motor daily rhythms, i.e., there may be no such thing as a 12.4-h horologue.  相似文献   

Discoveries first published in 1986 did not fit the de rigueur working hypothesis that the clocks governing tide-associated rhythms had a fundamental period of 12.4 h, a value equal to the average interval between successive tides on most coastlines of the world. To explain the results a dual-clock schema was fashioned that envisioned two clocks, strongly coupled together 180° antiphase, each running at a basic rate of 24.8 h (the interval of a lunar day), as the driving agents of tide-associated rhythms (details are given in the text). This elaboration has been named the circalunidian-clock hypothesis, a hypocorism used in some armchair ruminations back in 1973. In the decade since 1986, a goodly amount of evidence has been garnered that is consistent with this hypothesis—suggesting that first-call divination appears to have been visionary. Acceptance of this hypothesis leads to further cerebration that a 24.8-h clock, its circa periods in constant conditions, and other properties—which fully overlap with our perception of the circadian clock that drives daily rhythms—may indicate that circadian and circalunidan timepieces are not different entities. The known properties of both daily and lunar clock-types are compared and contrasted, and, with the exception of one feature (for which there is at least a philosophical explanation), it is concluded that the same clock that drives tidal rhythms could also motor daily rhythms, i.e., there may be no such thing as a 12.4-h horologue.  相似文献   

Gangliosides of the human alimentary mucosa were purified and analysed with thin-layer chromatography and gas chromatography. The content of ganglioside neuraminic acid was 0.16 mumol/g dry weight in the stomach, 0.07 mumol/g dry weight in the small intestine and 0.11 mumol/g dry weight in the large intestine. Mono- and disialosylhemosides were the major gangliosides, on a molar basis 68% of the total found in the stomach and 44% of the total in the small and large intestine. Considerable amounts of more complex gangliosides were found, especially in the small and large intestine, in which the molar content of tri- and tetraglycosylgangliosides containing galactosamine made up 38% of the total. Two glucosamine-containing gangliosides were also found, the probable structures of which were mono- and disialotetraglycosylceramide. The presence of the latter is reported for the first time.  相似文献   

Summary Specimens of mouse ear, footpad and tail skin and palatal, buccal and lingual mucosae were transplanted to protected sites prepared in histocompatible hosts either as intact tissues or recombined after separation of epithelial and connective tissue components using EDTA. Despite maintenance in a protected ectopic site for up to 9 weeks, transplants maintained regionally specific differences in histological appearance and rates of mitotic activity. A diurnal variation in mitotic activity comparable to host control tissues was reestablished.This work was supported by NIH/NIDR Grant 1R01DEO5190.  相似文献   

Predictions for the phase angle differences (ψ) between the activity rhythm and the zeitgeber for different skeleton photoperiods based on the phase response curve (PRC) and the free-running period (τ) of the field mouse Mus booduga were made. These predictions were based on two assumptions: (i) The PRC for light pulses of 1 h duration and ca 45 lx intensity should resemble the PRC for pulses of 15 min duration and 1000 lx intensity. (ii) One of the two light pulses (LP) constituting the skeleton photoperiod should always impinge upon that zone of the PRC which has a slope of < ?2. Experiments were performed to compare ψ under skeleton and complete photoperiods and also to test the assumptions made in predicting ψ. The results show that the basic oscillation underlying the activity rhythm of the field mouse Mus booduga undergoes a “phase-jump” when two brief light pulses (of 1 h duration) were used to mimic a photoperiod of 20 h. The ψ values obtained for skeleton photoperiods closely match the predicted values. Under complete photoperiods, the experimentally obtained values match the predictions only up to 16 h. We conclude therefore that beyond this photoperiod, two discrete light pulses may not be sufficient to simulate the effect of a complete photoperiod.  相似文献   

The comparison between measurements effected by different apparati shows that a given class of instruments provides an integral set of measurements. This characteristic has a certain disadvantage: the modification of the spectral bandwidth is limited to an attenuation of 3 dB. However, it also has certain advantages. The integral measurement (or the counting measurement) makes it possible to satisfy Shannon's sampling criteria by avoiding the necessary anti-aliasing filtering which is commonly impossible to realize on measurements of a biological nature. A second advantage is linked to the reduction of the background noise on the band.  相似文献   

The comparison between measurements effected by different apparati shows that a given class of instruments provides an integral set of measurements. This characteristic has a certain disadvantage: the modification of the spectral bandwidth is limited to an attenuation of 3 dB. However, it also has certain advantages. The integral measurement (or the counting measurement) makes it possible to satisfy Shannon's sampling criteria by avoiding the necessary anti-aliasing filtering which is commonly impossible to realize on measurements of a biological nature. A second advantage is linked to the reduction of the background noise on the band.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to examine cell cycle characteristics of endangered Goral (CITES Appendix I) adult skin fibroblasts. Seven experiments were performed, each with a one-way completely randomized design involving three replicates. Least significant difference (LSD) was used to determine variation among treatment groups. Experiment I focused on the effects of cycling, serum-starved, and fully confluent stages of Goral cells. In Experiments II and III, the effects of different antioxidants like beta-mercaptoethanol (beta-ME, 10 microM), cysteine (2 mM), and glutathione (2 mM) were examined after cells were fully confluent without serum starvation for 24 h and 4 h, respectively. In Experiments IV and V, three protease inhibitors, namely 6-dimethylaminopurine (6-DMAP, 2 mM), cycloheximide (7.5 microg/ml) and cytochalasin B (7.5 microg/ml), were used as in Experiment II. In Experiments VI and VII, the effect of different levels of dimethylsulphoxide (DMSO) at 0%, 0.5%, 1.0% and 2.5% were tested by flow cytometry (FACS). In Experiment I, 68.7% of Goral skin fibroblasts reached the G(0)/G(1) stage (2C DNA content) when subjected to the serum-starved medium, which was more than the cycling (64.9%) and fully confluent groups (61.0%) (P > 0.05). Among the chemically treated group, beta-ME, cysteine and DMSO showed better results for synchronization of G(0) + G(1) phases than cycling, serum-starved and fully confluent groups. It can thus be concluded that beta-ME, cysteine and DMSO at certain concentrations can synchronize the cell cycle effectively, which could have a positive impact on somatic cell nuclear transfer in the goral.  相似文献   

Cytokeratin (CK) immunohistochemistry revealed changes in the CK19 immunoreactivity in human gastrointestinal epithelium during embryonic and fetal development. These changes were particularly marked in the jejunum and ileum. CK19 immunoreactivity was strong up to the 11th week of pregnancy, but was absent between weeks 12 and 17, and reappeared weakly from week 18 to week 24. This temporal pattern correlated with that of cell proliferation investigated by immunohistochemical detection of proliferating cell nuclear antigen. Marked CK expression was associated with a low proliferative rate and vice versa. To test whether these results were relevant to the assessment of intestinal metaplasia and the risk of malignant transformation with poor cell differentiation, adenomas and adenocarcinomas of the colon, intestinal metaplasia of the stomach, and two types of gastric carcinoma were also examined by CK19 immunohistochemistry. Substantial CK19 immunoreactivity was found in well-differentiated cancers and low-grade dysplasias with low cell proliferation, whereas only weak CK19 immunoreactivity was found in poorly differentiated carcinomas and high-grade dysplasias with a high proliferation rate.  相似文献   

The fatty acid and long-chain base composition of five major gangliosides from human stomach and small and large intestine mucosa were analyzed with gas chromatography. All the gangliosides greatly resembled each other in the fatty acid pattern. The main fatty acids were C16:0, C18:0 and C24:0. No hydroxy fatty acids could be detected. In all the gangliosides 4-sphingenine was the predominant long-chain base (70–75%). About 15% of the long-chain bases had 20 carbon atoms in their chain. No trihydroxy long-chain bases could be detected.  相似文献   

《Journal of Physiology》2013,107(4):327-334
The relationships between biological rhythms and human aggressive behavior are addressed and discussed in this article: First, circadian rhythms and aggression are considered. Studies of sleep/waking cycle disturbances in aggression are reported. Severe aggression is associated with profound changes in sleep architecture. Causal link is difficult to establish given that sleep disturbance and aggressive behavior could be the symptoms of the same disorder. Specific aggressive behavior developed during sleep is also described. In addition, hormonal circadian rhythm studies are reported. Thus, low cortisol levels, in particular low cortisol variability, are associated with aggressive behavior, suggesting an inhibitory role of cortisol. Testosterone has daily and seasonal fluctuations, but no link with aggression has been established. Neurophysiological underlying mechanisms are discussed in the last part of this article, with a focus on the relationship between brain rhythm and aggression. Increase of slow-wave EEG activities is observed in individuals with aggressive behavior. Epilepsy, as a disease of brain rhythm could be associated with aggressive behavior, in pre, post and inter ictal periodes. Incidence of aggression is not likely more prevalent in epileptic individuals compared to those with other neurological conditions. Ictal changes take the form of profound behavioral changes, including aggressive behavior which has been interpreted as the emergence of “archeical” or innate motor patterns. In this multidisciplinary approach, the main difficulty is the categorization of the differents types of aggression. Finally, taken together, these studies suggest that biological rhythms, especially circadian rhythms, could provide therapeutic benefits to human aggressive behavior. Biological rhythymicity seems to be a necessary permanent training offering interesting perspectives for the adaptation to changes in the field of aggression.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of chemotherapeutic drugs in tumors is reduced by multiple effects including drug diffusion and variable susceptibility of local cell populations. We hypothesized that quantifying the interactions between drugs and tumor microenvironments could be used to identify more effective anti-cancer strategies. To test this hypothesis we created a mathematical model that integrated intracellular metabolism, nutrient and drug diffusion, cell-cycle progression, cellular drug effects, and drug pharmacokinetics. To our knowledge, this is the first model that combines these elements and has coupled them to experimentally derived parameters. Drug cytotoxicity was assumed to be cell-cycle phase specific, and progression through the cell cycle was assumed to be dependent on ATP generation. The model consisted of a coupled set of nonlinear partial differential, ordinary differential and algebraic equations with an outer free boundary, which was solved using orthogonal collocation on a moving grid of finite elements. Model simulations showed the existence of an optimum drug diffusion coefficient: a low diffusivity prevents effective penetration before the drug is cleared from the blood and a high diffusivity limits drug retention. This result suggests that increasing the molecular weight of the anti-cancer drug paclitaxel from 854 to approximately 20,000 by nano-particle conjugation would improve its efficacy. The simulations also showed that fast growing tumors are less responsive to therapy than are slower tumors with more quiescent cells, demonstrating the competing effects of regrowth and cytotoxicity. The therapeutic implications of the simulation results are that (1) monolayer cultures are inadequate for accurately determining therapeutic effects in vitro, (2) decreasing the diffusivity of paclitaxel could increase its efficacy, and (3) measuring the proliferation fraction in tumors could enhance the prediction of therapeutic efficacy.  相似文献   

In this review various sources of measurement error are considered in the context of investigating rhythms in human performance. The reproducibility of performance in any exercise task is an important factor if rhythmic variations are to be detectable. Available physical performance tests range from simple efforts lasting only a couple of seconds to sustained endurance exercise. When measuring muscle strength, the options include static or dynamic actions, slow or fast movements, voluntary or electrically stimulated contractions and maximal force or maximal power output. For studies of circadian rhythms the researcher has to choose between using nychthemeral or controlled conditions, and the number of times a day to be used for observations, and to decide how to control for loss of sleep, diet and prior activity. The need to recover energy between tests has led research groups to employ diurnal rhythm models in preference to cosinor analysis of circadian designs. The use of male subjects has also been favoured due to difficulties of controlling for menstrual cycle phase. Nevertheless recent attention has been given to research models for investigating the effects of rhythmic variations in female steroid hormones and on interactions between circadian and circamensal rhythms. There are real challenges in exploring seasonal variations in human performance and in examining how the body adjusts after desynchronisation as occurs during nocturnal shift-work and travelling across multiple time zones. The methods adopted must accommodate flexibility between laboratory-based and field-studies depending on the context of the research questions being pursued.  相似文献   

目的通过观察大豆低聚糖对胃癌癌细胞株BGC-823细胞的细胞周期和细胞凋亡的影响,探索乳酸杆菌发酵滤液对胃癌细胞作用的可能机制。方法用光镜和流式细胞仪分析不同浓度大豆低聚糖对BGC-823细胞的凋亡诱导效果;用流式细胞仪分析不同浓度大豆低聚糖对BGC-823细胞细胞周期的影响。结果大豆低聚糖可以诱导BGC-823细胞的凋亡。形态学观察处理后的BGC-823细胞,可见细胞变形,细胞皱缩,体积变小,细胞间隙增大,细胞核固缩。流式细胞仪分析50 mg/ml和100 mg/ml大豆低聚糖作用48 h和72 h BGC-823细胞的凋亡比例,分别为6.76%和7.93%。50 mg/ml大豆低聚糖作用48 h,引起BGC-823细胞G1期阻滞,100 mg/ml大豆低聚糖作用48 h,引起BGC-823细胞出现S期阻滞。结论大豆低聚糖可诱导部分BGC-823细胞凋亡。大豆低聚糖对BGC-823细胞的生长抑制作用在低浓度时可能通过G1期阻滞实现,在高浓度时可能通过S期阻滞实现。  相似文献   

Normal human skin fibroblasts were grown in a three-dimensional collagen gel or in monolayer in the presence or absence of high molecular weight hyaluronan (HA) to assess the influence of extracellular HA on cell-matrix interactions. HA incorporated into the collagen gel or added to the culture medium did not modify lattice retraction with time. The effect was independent from HA molecular weight (from 7.5 x 10(5) to 2.7 x 10(6) Da) and concentration (from 0.1 up to 1 mg/ml). HA did not affect shape and distribution of fibroblasts within the gel, whereas it induced the actin filaments to organise into thicker cables running underneath the plasma membrane. The same phenomenon was observed in fibroblasts grown in monolayer. By contrast, vimentin cytoskeleton and cell-substrate focal adhesions were not modified by exogenous HA. The number of fibroblasts attached to HA-coated dishes was always significantly lower compared to plastic and to collagen type I-coated plates. By contrast, adhesion was not affected by soluble HA added to the medium nor by anti-CD44 and anti-RHAMM-IHABP polyclonals. After 24-h seeding on collagen type I or on plastic, cells were large and spread. Conversely, cells adherent to HA-coated surfaces were long, thin and aligned into rows; alcian blue showed that cells were attached to the plastic in between HA bundles. Therefore, normal human skin fibroblasts exhibit very scarce, if any, adhesion to matrix HA, either soluble or immobilised. Moreover, even at high concentration, HA molecules do not exert any visco-mechanical effect on lattice retraction and do not interfere with fibroblast-collagen interactions nor with focal adhesion contacts of fibroblasts with the substrate. This is probably relevant in organogenesis and wound repair. By contrast, HA greatly modifies the organisation of the actin cytoskeleton, suggesting that CD44-mediated signal transduction by HA may affect cell locomotion and orientation, as indicated by the fusiform shape of fibroblasts grown in the presence of immobilised HA. A role of HA in cell orientation could be relevant for the deposition of collagen fibrils in regeneration and tissue remodelling.  相似文献   

Rhythms in human bone marrow and blood cells   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
In 24h studies of bone marrow (BM), circadian stage-dependent variations were demonstrated in the proliferative activity of BM cells from subsets of 35 healthy diurnally active men. On an average, the percentage of total BM cells in deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) synthesis phase was 188% greater at midday than at midnight (circadian rhythm: p = 0.018; acrophase or peak time of 13: 16h). Patients with malignant disease (n = 15) and a normal cortisol circadian rhythm showed higher fractions of BM cells in S-phase at midday. Colony-forming units--granulocyte/macrophage (CFU-GM), an indicator of myeloid progenitor cells, showed the same circadian variation as DNA S-phase (average range of change or ROC = 136%; circadian rhythm: p < 0.001; acrophase of 12:09h). Deoxyribonucleic acid S-phase and CFU-GM in BM both showed a circannual rhythm (p = 0.015 and 0.008) with an identical acrophase of August 12. The daily peak in BM glutathione content, a tripeptide involved in cellular defense against cytotoxic damage, preceded BM proliferative peaks by 4-5 h (ROC = 31-90%; circadian rhythm: p = 0.05; acrophase of 08:30h). Myeloid (ROC = 57%; circadian rhythm: p = 0.056; acrophase at 08:40h) and erythroid (ROC = 26%; circadian rhythm: p = 0.01; acrophase of 13:01h) precursor cells were positively correlated (r = 0.41; p < 0.001), indicating a circadian temporal relationship and equal influence on S-phase of total BM cells. Yield of positive selected CD34+ progenitor stem cells also showed significant circadian variation (ROC = 595%; circadian rhythm: p = 0.02; acrophase of 12:40h). Thus, the temporal synchrony in cell cycling renders BM cells more sensitive at specific times to hematopoietic growth factors and cell cycle-specific cytotoxic drugs. Moreover, proper timing of BM harvesting may improve progenitor cell yield. When using marker rhythms in the blood to allow for individualized timing of BM procedures, the times of low values in white blood corpuscles, neutrophils, and lymphocytes and high values in cortisol were predictive of the times of highest BM erythroid, myeloid, and total S-phase numbers occurring in the following 12 h.  相似文献   

MUC4 is a heterodimeric membrane mucin, composed of two tightly linked subunits and implicated in the protection of wet-surfaced epithelia. Although human MUC4 and its rat analogue Muc4/sialomucin complex have been extensively studied in the adult human and in the adult and embryonic rat, respectively, there has been little attention paid to date to the human embryo. Based on studies with our monoclonal antibody 1G8 and commercial tissue arrays, we describe some unexpected features of the expression of MUC4 in human embryonic epithelia. In the human small intestine and colon, MUC4 appears at an earlier relative stage of development, compared to gestation time, than in the rat. Interestingly, MUC4 also appears in the embryo in the skin, then disappears late in gestation, consistent with its absence in adult skin. These results are consistent with an important protective role for MUC4 in the human embryo that is different from that in the rat or in the adult human.  相似文献   

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