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The floating-out technic, popular for single paraffin sections, can be applied successfully to ribbons of serials by either of two procedures. (1) If spreading time for the sections is uncritical suitable lengths of ribbon for attachment to a slide are laid on water at a temperature about 8° C below the melting point of the paraffin and manipulated with a rubber bulb pipette to form a unit. This ensemble can then be picked up by the slide in much the same manner as a single section. (2) If spreading time is critical, as for objects that have had guide limes embedded with them, several ribbons are arranged on a cold, dry slide and transferred to the water as a unit. Placing the ribbons on the cold slide so that they slightly overhang one end and the sides of the slide allows them to make proper contact with the water as the slide is immersed. To facilitate controllable spreading in both methods, the water should have added to it 0.5 ml of albumen-glycerol adhesive per 100 ml. Adding water to the slide after the sections have been picked up or manipulation of the ribbons is generally unnecessary if the ribbons have been aligned accurately on the floating-out bath.  相似文献   

Into a hole drilled in a block of dry ice, a metal microtome object disk is placed to cool. A drop of water is placed on the disk, and the specimen to be cut is fixed in place. By setting the dry ice in a well-insulated box, the specimen is thoroughly frozen. The disk is then clamped in the microtome, and chips of dry ice are wedged between the metal disk and the object clamp of the microtome. This ensures the continued cooling of the specimen while the tissue is being cut.  相似文献   

Pathologists are frequently called upon to examine minute fragments of tissue obtained by aspiration or other similar means. Although the smear technic is generally satisfactory for this purpose, there are occasions when sections are preferable. This is the case when study of the interrelationship of cells is desired, or when one wishes to avoid the distortion produced in cells by smearing.  相似文献   

A new simplified method has been devised for staining aluminum and has been tested in paraffin sections of bone from 60 patients who have undergone hemodialysis. Iliac crest bone fragments were fixed in 20% phosphate-buffered formalin for less than a day and demineralized at room temperature in 10% phosphate-buffered formalin containing 5% formic acid for only 2 to 3 hr. Four-micron paraffin sections, accompanied by positive controls, were stained with Maloney's aluminum stain, the Berlin blue reaction for iron, dylon or Congo red for amyloid and von Kossa's reaction for calcium. Aluminum and iron were demonstrated particularly at the mineralizing front of bony tissues; aluminum in 52 cases, iron in 45. Dylon staining also gave positive results in 52 cases. It is important in determining whether aluminum deposition is present that the von Kossa reaction remains positive even after demineralization. This method may be more useful for demonstrating aluminum in bony tissues than the complicated and time-consuming resin-embedding method currently used.  相似文献   

Staining racks, each containing 20 shallow compartments, were constructed by drilling 1.5 cm holes in 8 × 11 cm sheets of 1 mm thick Darvic, an unplasticised polyvinyl-chloride compound, and cementing fibre-glass gauze of 1.3 mm mesh size to one surface. Sections were placed serially—one to each compartment—in the racks, and stacks of up to 9 racks were clamped by Perspex (methyl methacrylate) nuts and bolts, and side clamps. Thus, sections could be handled easily and kept in strict serial order, even in bulk. For Nauta staining, brains had to be gelatin embedded before sectioning. By storing sections in groups of 4 in ice-cube trays, evenly spaced series could be selected for placement in the racks. As many as 160 sections were taken together through all stages of the Nauta method, the timing of critical stages being controlled by taking 4 to 6 free-floating sections, together with the racks, through the various solutions.  相似文献   

To obtain diagnostic enzyme reactions in paraffin embedded tissue sections, we compared four fixatives (buffered formol sucrose, Baker's formol calcium, periodate lysin paraformaldehyde, and buffered formalin acetone) and subsequent acetone dehydration with or without graded concentrations of Triton X-100. Four spleens and 14 lymph nodes were tested for peroxidase, naphthol ASD chloroacetate esterase, acid phosphatase, alpha naphthyl acetate esterase, and alpha naphthyl butyrate. Best results were obtained by a processing method using buffered formalin acetone, Holt's gum sucrose, dehydration in acetone with 0.03% Triton X-100, and paraffin for embedding.  相似文献   

An apparatus for effectively eliminating the electrification of paraffin ribbons can be constructed for about $2. The essential parts are: a Ford T-TT induction coil to which is connected two, 4-inch brass or copper strips. To the end of one strip is soldered a copper disc 1 1/2 inches in diameter, which is then covered with heavy tinfoil. To the second strip is soldered one-half of a similar disc and its surface is also covered with several layers of tinfoil. The tinfoil should extend 1/2 inch beyond the straight edge of the half circle copper plate. The foil extending is cut to present 15 or 20 pointed projections. The coil is supplied with current from a toy train transformer yielding 5 to 12 volts or 4 to 6 amps. When the coil is in operation the two discs should be moved apart to a distance just beyond which the spark fails to jump. The apparatus is so set that the two brass strips are parallel to and 1 or 2 inches above the microtome knife. A bell push-button may be inserted into the circuit so that the operation of the apparatus may be controlled by the foot, leaving the hands free to handle the ribbon.  相似文献   

Staining of paraffin embedded sections with periodic acid-Schiff reagent and fast green before paraffin removal resulted in differentiation of barley seed and leaf tissue from fungal structures of Rhynchosporium secalis. Crystal violet, toluidine blue O and aniline blue also successfully stained fungal structures of R. secalis in barley leaf tissues. Staining of embedded sections before paraffin removal allows simple processing of a series of sections, saves time and reduces solvent consumption.  相似文献   

A method of preparing dogs' teeth for serial sectioning involving the following steps is described. The tissues are fixed in 10% formalin followed by partial dehydration in 80% iso-propyl alcohol; decalcified in 5% nitric acid in 10% formalin; washed for 5-8 hours in running water and neutralized in 5% aqueous sodium sulfate for 24 hours, followed by further washing in running water for another 24 hours. They are then dehydrated over a period of 4 days in increasing grades of iso-propyl alcohol and embedded in tissue-mat in sub-atmospheric pressure of 10 lb. Sections so obtained were better suited for cytological study than celloidin preparations, and serial sections could be obtained in a much shorter time.  相似文献   

Epoxy resin sections form strong, heat resistant ribbons if, prior to sectioning, contact cement has been painted onto the leading and trailing faces of the block. The forming ribbon floats onto a drop of water held in place by a wax line drawn across the back of the glass knife parallel to the cutting edge. A long trough made from stainless steel tubing is inserted horizontally into the drop, and as the ribbon lengthens it is directed into the trough. The ribbon can be carried in the trough to a hot plate for expansion and then poured onto a slide for mounting. The serial ribbons obtainable by this simple procedure greatly facilitate three dimensional reconstruction of fine tissue structures.'  相似文献   

A single dictyosome from a suspension cultured sycamore cellhas been reconstructed on an enlarged scale using electron micrographsobtained from a series of 12 thin sections as the basis forthe moulding of profile slices. Slices were hardened and stucktogether to form single cisternae, tubules and vesicles. Thesestructural elements were joined, true-to-scale, to give a three-dimensionalfigure. The model thus obtained is more realistic than otherwell-known dictyosomal models previously presented in the literature.In contrast to these our model exhibits occasional membranecontinuities between adjacent cisternae of the dictyosomal stackand entertains the possibility of similar connections betweencisternae of the endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi apparatus. Key words: Acer pseudoplatanus, Dictyosome reconstruction  相似文献   

In the epidermis, immunohistochemistry is an efficient means of localizing specific proteins to their relative expression compartment; namely the basal, suprabasal, and stratum corneum layers. The precise localization within the epidermis of a particular protein lends clues toward its functional role within the epidermis. In this chapter, we describe a reliable method for immunolocalization within the epidermis modified for both frozen and paraffin sections that we use very routinely in our laboratory. Paraffin sections generally provide much better morphology, hence, superior results and photographs; however, not all antibodies will work with the harsh fixation and treatment involved in their processing. Therefore, the protocol for frozen sectioning is also included. Within paraffin sectioning, two fixation protocols are described (Bouin''s and paraformaldehyde); the choice of fixative will be directly related to the antibody specifications and may require another fixing method.Download video file.(94M, mov)  相似文献   

Testing of embedding technics adapted to 1-5 μ sectioning of mites in their developmental stages has lead to the selection of methacrylate resins. This kind of embedding medium supplies the bonding necessary, especially with yolky eggs, to maintain the integrity of fragile or refractory specimens during sectioning. Whereas paraffin offers the advantage of ribboning, the customary use of a plastic matrix does not. However, DeGiusti and Ezman (1955) use mixtures of plastic and paraffin to obtain the ribboning qualities of the latter.  相似文献   

Routine paraffin sections from tissues fixed either in aqueous formalin, 80% alcohol (with or without 1% trichloracetic acid added), Carnoy's alcohol-chloroform-acetic (6:3:1) and Bouin's fixative were stained as follows: Harris' hematoxylin, 6 min; running water, 2-3 min; ascending grades of alcohol to 95%; orange G, 0.5% and phosphotungstic acid, 0.015% in 95% alcohol, 5 min; 95% alcohol, 2 changes; Papanicolaou's EA36, 2.5 min; dehydration, clearing, and covering in Permount. The results show morphology better than hematoxylin and eosin and the technic is recommended particularly for keratin, which always stains bright orange.  相似文献   

To eliminate individual manipulation, as many as 10 grids, each held firmly by a small notched bar of polyethylene plastic, are simultaneously stained, then washed. If the stain used is reactive with atmospheric CO2 it can be forced through a Millipore filter into a small chamber made of glass tubing which contains the grid holder. The stain, cleared of any solid particles, has very little contact with air and remains free of lead carbonate contamination. Washing is carried out by submerging the chamber and removing the grid holder under water (Feldman, D. G., J. Cell Biol., 15: 592-5, 1962). Washing is minimized because there is not the risk of contaminating grids and wash water with stain trapped between the points of forceps. The polyethylene is nonadherent to the wash water, and the grids can therefore be dried quickly on the holder. With this method, the relative stainability of different materials may be observed because each grid within a batch receives identical treatment.  相似文献   

An improved version of a mechanical device for retrieving ribbons of ultrathin sections free of wrinkles is described. The device is simple and easy to use and can be used by both right- and left-handed operators. A grid is grasped by forceps which are held in position by a magnet in such a way that it can be lowered into the water well behind the floating sections. After a ribbon has been properly aligned, moved to the grid and fastened by an end-section, the grid with the sections is slowly drawn up and out of the water with a rack-and-pinion mechanism.  相似文献   

Paraffin sections are usually rehydrated before staining. It is possible to apply aqueous dye solutions without first removing the wax. Staining then occurs more slowly, and only if the embedding medium has not melted or become unduly soft after catting. To avoid this problem, sections are flattened on water no hotter than 45 C and dried overnight at 40 C. Minor technical modifications to the staining procedures are needed. Mercury deposits are removed by iodine, and a 3% solution of sodium thiosnlfate in 60% ethanol is used to remove the iodine from paraffin sections. At room temperature, progressive staining takes 10-20 tunes longer for sections in paraffin than for hydrated sections; at 45 C, this can be shortened to about three times the regular staining time. After staining, the slides are rinsed in water, air dried, dewaxed with xylene, and coverslipped in the usual way. Nuclear staining in the presence of wax was achieved with toluidine blue, O, alum-hematoxylin and Weigert's iron-hematoxylin. Eosin and van Gieson's picric acid-acid fuchsine were effective anionic counterstains. A one-step trichrome mixture containing 3 anionic dyes and phosphomolybdic acid was unsuitable for sections in wax because it Imparted colors that were nninformative and quite different from those obtained with hydrated sections. Advantages of staining in the presence of wax include economy of solvents, reduced risk of overstaining and strong adhesion of sections to slides.  相似文献   

To make reconstructions from serial sections, reference points are needed to orient the sections. Such points can be provided after paraffin embedding by cutting the bottom face of the block to form a plane and adding a groove along the center of this plane. The plane and groove are coated with Mimeograph Correction Fluid and the block is built up by dipping in hot paraffin so that the marked plane lies inside the block. Each section will have a blue line with a notch in it representing the plane and groove. This line remains through staining and is used to orient each section with respect to an eyepiece reticle. The reticle, in effect, supplies X and Y coordinates for every point in the specimen while the number of each section counted from one end is a Z coordinate.  相似文献   

Modifications of the AutoTechnicon Tissue Processor Paraffin Bath are described. The modifications are a combination of electrical and mechanical changes that will ensure long-term reliability of the unit and dependable temperature maintenance of the paraffin. Extensive testing has verified that modified units are able to stabilize temperature within a range of 0.25C over many months of continuous operation.  相似文献   

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