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The reef coral Montastraea annularis has been used in a wide range of investigations. Recently, it has been recognized as a complex of three species based on field observations of the variation in colony shape. These observations have also been confirmed by molecular methods as well as morphometrics on individual corallites in the colonies. This paper presents a new quantitative method for measuring overall colony shape based on geostatistics. Seventeen colonies collected from San Blas, Panama in 1995 and 1996 were examined using the Polhemus 3SPACE FASTRAK system to construct three-dimensional coordinates of the center of several hundred corallites in each colony. This method measures the larger bumps or “ridges” as well as the smaller bumps or “lumps” of the colonies. Variograms were then calculated for all the specimens and the lag distances and the values of the variogram were used in a multivariate statistical analysis. Overall, this method indicated that M. annularis and Montastaea faveolata overlap in their relative amount of bumpiness in colony shape while Montastraea franksi is distinct from the other two species. This method has implications for both the modern and fossil record of Montastraea as well as other organisms with similar shapes.  相似文献   

Patterns of associations between coral colonies and the major clades of zooxanthellae can vary across scales ranging from individual colonies to widely separated geographic regions. This is exemplified in this study of the Montastraea annularis species complex from six sites on the Mesoamerican Reef, Belize and nine sites in the Bocas del Toro archipelago, Panama. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of small subunit ribosomal DNA (SSU rDNA) was used to identify the zooxanthellae. In Belize (M. annularis), Symbiodinium B (79% of the colonies), Symbiodinium A, and Symbiodinium C were observed. In Panama (primarily M. franksi, but also M. annularis and M. faveolata), there was greater diversity and evenness with Symbiodinium A, B, C, C′ (a new symbiont) and D all being common in at least some host/habitat combinations. Non-metric multidimensional scaling ordinations showed that distribution patterns of symbionts across sites are best explained by enclosure (relative influence of open ocean vs. coastal water) and total suspended solids. Because members of clade D are known to be temperature resistant and Symbiodinium C′ was found in environments characterized by high sedimentation, these Panamanian reefs may have importance from a management perspective as reservoirs of corals better able to tolerate human impacts.  相似文献   

Caribbean corals of the Montastraea annularis species complex associate with four taxa of symbiotic dinoflagellates (zooxanthellae; genus Symbiodinium) in ecologically predictable patterns. To investigate the resilience of these host-zooxanthella associations, we conducted field experiments in which we experimentally reduced the numbers of zooxanthellae (by transplanting to shallow water or by shading) and then allowed treated corals to recover. When depletion was not extreme, recovering corals generally contained the same types of zooxanthellae as they did prior to treatment. After severe depletion, however, recovering corals were always repopulated by zooxanthellae atypical for their habitat (and in some cases atypical for the coral species). These unusual zooxanthellar associations were often (but not always) established in experimentally bleached tissues even when adjacent tissues were untreated. Atypical zooxanthellae were also observed in bleached tissues of unmanipulated Montastraea with yellow-blotch disease. In colonies where unusual associations were established, the original taxa of zooxanthellae were not detected even 9 months after the end of treatment. These observations suggest that zooxanthellae in Montastraea range from fugitive opportunists and stress-tolerant generalists (Symbiodinium A and E) to narrowly adapted specialists (Symbiodinium B and C), and may undergo succession.  相似文献   

Many coral species spawn simultaneously and have compatible gametes, leading to controversy over the nature of species boundaries and the frequency with which hybridization occurs. Three western Atlantic corals, Montastraea annularis, M. faveolata, and M. franksi, typify this controversy; they all spawn sympatrically on the same evenings after the fall full moons. Here we show, in both Panama and the Bahamas for multiple years, how a variety of mechanisms may act in concert to reproductively isolate all three species. Field studies indicate that M. franksi spawns two hours earlier than the other two species, and the eggs released during this earlier period disperse an average of 500 m by the time the other species spawn. Field measures of fertilization indicate that peak fertilization occurs when spawning synchrony is high and that corals that spawn at the tails of the spawning distributions have greatly reduced fertilization success. Laboratory studies indicate that there is a gametic incompatibility between M. faveolata and the other two species. There are regional differences in the gametic compatibility of M. franksi and M. annularis. In Panama, the two species are completely compatible, whereas in the Bahamas, M. franksi sperm can fertilize M. annularis eggs but the reciprocal cross often fails. Gamete age influences patterns of fertilization, such that very young eggs seem resistant to fertilization and old sperm lose viability after two hours. In sum, the combination of temporal differences in spawning, sperm aging, gamete dispersal and dilution, and gametic incompatibility act in various combinations among the three species, making it unlikely that hybrid fertilization would occur.  相似文献   

We documented the prevalence of diseases, syndromes and partial mortality in colonies of the Montastraea annularis species complex on 3 reefs, and tested the assumption that a higher prevalence of these parameters occurs when reefs are closer to point-sources of pollution. One reef was isolated from the impact of local factors with the exception of fishing, 1 potentially influenced by local industrial pollutants, and 1 influenced by local urban pollution. Two reefs were surveyed in 1996 and again in 2001 and 1 in 1998 and again in 2001. In 2001, colonies on all reefs had a high prevalence of the yellow-band syndrome and a relatively high degree of recent partial mortality, while the prevalence of black-band and white-plague diseases was low although a new sign, that we named the thin dark line, had relatively high prevalence in all reefs. As no direct relationship was found between disease prevalence and local environmental quality, our results open the possibility that regional and/or global factors may already be playing an important role in the prevalence of coral disease in the Caribbean, and contradict the theory that coral disease prevalence is primarily related to local environmental degradation. Reasons that may partially explain these findings are the high level of potential pathogen connectivity within the Caribbean as a result of its circulation patterns coupled to the large land-derived pollutants and pathogens input into this Mediterranean sea, together with the surface water warming effects which stress corals and enhance pathogen activity.  相似文献   

The rate and extent of mortality from yellow band disease (YBD) to Montastraea annularis (species complex) on reefs off Mona Island, Puerto Rico, was evaluated over 8 yr. Isolated YBD infections were first observed in 1996. Prevalence of YBD increased dramatically in 1999, with a maximum of 52 % of all M. annularis colonies infected in 1 shallow site. YBD continued to spread among adjacent, previously uninfected corals over the next 4 yr, and disease prevalence progressively increased in deeper sites. Linear rates of disease advance and tissue mortality have been slow (5 to 15 cm yr(-1)), although colonies with single YBD lesions have become infected in multiple locations. Most (85%) colonies identified with YBD in 1999 and 2000 were still affected in 2003, and these corals have lost a mean of 60% of their living tissue. Mortality from YBD is being compounded by black band disease, white plague and other syndromes; bioeroding sponges, macroalgae, cyanobacteria and other competitors have colonized tissue-denuded skeleton, minimizing the likelihood of resheeting. The deteriorating health of M. annularis is of particular concern, as these are the dominant corals on these reefs, the largest (2 to 3 m diameter and height) and presumably oldest colonies were infected with YBD more frequently than small colonies, and no recruitment has been observed. YBD is causing extensive mortality to key reef-building taxa in a remote location where anthropogenic stressors are minimal. Additional research on causes of YBD, mechanisms of infection, and strategies to mitigate YBD is needed; otherwise, M. annularis may suffer a fate similar to that of the Atlantic acroporids.  相似文献   

The three members of the Montastraea annularis complex (M. annularis, M. franksi, and M. faveolata) are dominant reef builders in the western Atlantic whose species status has been controversial for over a decade. Although differences in colony morphology and reproductive characteristics exist, interspecific fertilizations are possible in the laboratory and genetic differentiation is slight. Here we compare the three taxa genetically and morphologically in Panama and the Bahamas, widely separated locations spanning most of their geographic ranges. In Panama, analyses of three AFLP loci, a noncoding region of the mitochondrial genome, and ITS sequences reveal that M. faveolata is strongly differentiated genetically. Discriminant function analysis also indicates no overlap with the other two species in the fine structure of the corallites that comprise the colony. Genetic analyses of larvae from interspecific crosses between M. faveolata and the other two taxa confirmed the hybrid status of the larvae, but no examples of the most probable F1 genotype were observed in the field. Although M. annularis and M. franksi were more similar, they also exhibited strong frequency differences at two AFLP loci and in the mitochondrial noncoding region, as well as distinct corallite structure. In the Bahamas, in contrast, the three taxa exhibited overlapping morphologies. Montastraeafranksi and M. annularis were indistinguishable genetically, and M. faveolata was distinct at fewer genetic loci. Once again, however, the most probable F1 genotype involving M. faveolata was not observed. Geographic differences between Panama and the Bahamas explain why past studies have come to different conclusions concerning the status of the three species. In general, the genetic and morphological data suggest a north to south hybridization gradient, with evidence for introgression strongest in the north. However, reproductive data show no such trend, with intrinsic barriers to gene flow comparable or stronger in the north.  相似文献   

In broadcast spawners, prezygotic reproductive isolation depends on differences in the spatial and temporal patterns of gamete release and gametic incompatibility. Typically, gametic incompatibility is measured in no‐choice crosses, but conspecific sperm precedence (CSP) can prevent hybridization in gametes that are compatible in the absence of sperm competition. Broadcast spawning corals in the Montastraea annularis species complex spawn annually on the same few evenings. Montastraea franksi spawns an average of 110 min before M. annularis, with a minimum gap of approximately 40 min. Gametes are compatible in no‐choice heterospecific assays, but it is unknown whether eggs exhibit choice when in competition. Hybridization depends on either M. franksi eggs remaining unfertilized and in proximity to M. annularis when the latter species spawns or M. franksi sperm remaining in sufficient viable concentrations when M. annularis spawns. We found that the eggs of the early spawning M. franksi demonstrate strong CSP, whereas CSP appears to be lacking for M. annularis eggs. This study provides evidence of diverging gamete affinities between these recently separated species and suggests for the first time that selection may favour CSP in earlier spawning species when conspecific sperm is diluted and aged and is otherwise at a numeric and viability disadvantage with heterospecific sperm.  相似文献   

When organisms release gametes into the sea, synchrony must be precise to increase fertilization and decrease hybridization. We tagged and genotyped over 400 spawning corals from the three species in the Montastraea annularis species complex. We report on the influence of species, individuals, and genotypes on timing of spawning from 2002 through 2009. During their annual spawning event M. franksi spawns on average 2 h after sunset, whereas M. annularis and M. faveolata spawn 3.5 h after sunset. Only M. franksi and M. annularis have compatible gametes. Individual colonies of the same genotype spawn at approximately the same time after sunset within and across years (within minutes), but different genotypes have significantly different spawning times. Neighboring colonies, regardless of genotype, spawn more synchronously than individuals spaced further apart. At a given distance, clone-mates spawn more synchronously than nonclone-mates. A transplant experiment indicates a genetic and environmental influence on spawn time. There is strong, but not absolute, concordance between spawn time, morphology, and genetics. Tight precision in spawning is achieved via a combination of external cues, genetic precision, and perhaps conspecific signaling. These mechanisms are likely to influence reproductive success and reproductive isolation in a density-dependent manner.  相似文献   

Diseases of hermatypic corals pose a global threat to coral reefs, and investigations of bacterial communities associated with healthy corals and those exhibiting signs of disease are necessary for proper diagnosis. One disease, commonly called white plague (WP), is characterized by acute tissue loss. This investigation compared the bacterial communities associated with healthy coral tissue (N = 15), apparently healthy tissue on WP-diseased colonies (N = 15), and WP-diseased tissues (N = 15) from Montastraea annularis (species complex) colonies inhabiting a Bahamian reef. Aliquots of sediment (N = 15) and water (N = 15) were also obtained from the proximity of each coral colony sampled. Samples for culture-dependent analyses were inoculated onto one-half strength Marine Agar (½ MA) and Thiosulfate Citrate Bile Salts Sucrose Agar to quantify the culturable communities. Length heterogeneity PCR (LH-PCR) of the 16S rRNA gene characterized the bacterial operational taxonomic units (OTU) associated with lesions on corals exhibiting signs of a white plague-like disease as well as apparently healthy tissue from diseased and non-diseased conspecifics. Analysis of Similarity was conducted on the LH-PCR fingerprints, which indicated no significant difference in the composition of bacterial communities associated with apparently healthy and diseased corals. Comparisons of the 16S rRNA gene amplicons from cultured bacterial colonies (½ MA; N = 21) with all amplicons obtained from the whole coral-associated bacterial community indicated ≥39 % of coral-associated bacterial taxa could be cultured. Amplicons from these bacterial cultures matched amplicons from the whole coral-associated bacterial community that, when combined, accounted for >70 % total bacterial abundance. An OTU with the same amplicon length as Aurantimonas coralicida (313.1 bp), the reported etiological agent of WPII, was detected in relatively low abundance (<0.1 %) on all tissue types. These findings suggest a coral disease resembling WP may result from multiple etiologies.  相似文献   

The coral reef benthos is primarily colonized by corals and algae, which are often in direct competition with one another for space. Numerous studies have shown that coral-associated Bacteria are different from the surrounding seawater and are at least partially species specific (i.e. the same bacterial species on the same coral species). Here we extend these microbial studies to four of the major ecological functional groups of algae found on coral reefs: upright and encrusting calcifying algae, fleshy algae, and turf algae, and compare the results to the communities found on the reef-building coral Montastraea annularis. It was found using 16S rDNA tag pyrosequencing that the different algal genera harbour characteristic bacterial communities, and these communities were generally more diverse than those found on corals. While the majority of coral-associated Bacteria were related to known heterotrophs, primarily consuming carbon-rich coral mucus, algal-associated communities harboured a high percentage of autotrophs. The majority of algal-associated autotrophic Bacteria were Cyanobacteria and may be important for nitrogen cycling on the algae. There was also a rich diversity of photosynthetic eukaryotes associated with the algae, including protists, diatoms, and other groups of microalgae. Together, these observations support the hypothesis that coral reefs are a vast landscape of distinctive microbial communities and extend the holobiont concept to benthic algae.  相似文献   

Analyses of DNA have not been widely used to distinguish coral sibling species. The three members of the Montastraea annularis complex represent an important test case: they are widely studied and dominate Caribbean reefs, yet their taxonomic status remains unclear. Analysis of amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs) and a microsatellite locus, using DNA from sperm, showed that Montastraea faveolata is genetically distinct. One AFLP primer yielded a diagnostic product (880 bp in M. faveolata 920 bp in M. franksi and M. annularis) whose homology was established by DNA sequencing. A second primer revealed a 630 bp band that was fixed in M. faveolata, and rare in M. franksi and M. annularis; in this case homologies were confirmed by Southern hybridizations. A tetranucleotide microsatellite locus with several alleles exhibited strong frequency differences between M. faveolata and the other two taxa. We did not detect comparable differences between M. annularis and M. franksi with either AFLPs (12 primers screened) or the microsatellite locus. Comparisons of AFLP patterns obtained from DNA from sperm, somatic tissues, and zooxanthellae suggest that the technique routinely amplifies coral (animal) DNA. Thus analyses based on somatic tissues may be feasible, particularly after diagnostic differences have been established using sperm DNA.  相似文献   

Complete mitochondrial nucleotide sequences of two individuals each of Montastraea annularis, Montastraea faveolata, and Montastraea franksi were determined. Gene composition and order differed substantially from the sea anemone Metridium senile, but were identical to that of the phylogenetically distant coral genus Acropora. However, characteristics of the non-coding regions differed between the two scleractinian genera. Among members of the M. annularis complex, only 25 of 16,134 base pair positions were variable. Sixteen of these occurred in one colony of M. franksi, which (together with additional data) indicates the existence of multiple divergent mitochondrial lineages in this species. Overall, rates of evolution for these mitochondrial genomes were extremely slow (0.03–0.04% per million years based on the fossil record of the M. annularis complex). At higher taxonomic levels, patterns of genetic divergence and synonymous/nonsynonymous substitutions suggest non-neutral and unequal rates of evolution between the two lineages to which Montastraea and Acropora belong.  相似文献   

The Synura petersenii species complex represents a common, cosmopolitan and highly diverse taxon of autotrophic freshwater flagellates. In this paper, we describe and characterize four new species (S. borealis, S. heteropora, S. hibernica and S. laticarina) that have been identified during our extensive sampling of freshwater habitats in 15 European countries. Morphometric analyses of siliceous scales led to the significant phenotypic differentiation of all four newly described species, and their separation from other related species of the S. petersenii complex. Two of these newly described species (S. hibernica and S. borealis) can be clearly distinguished by characteristic large colonies consisting of elongated, lanceolate-shaped cells. Development of strongly elongated, narrow cells in S. hibernica could be explained by the adaptation of this species to oligotrophic conditions. Though morphologically distinct, S. borealis possesses an exceptionally high degree of genetic diversity, possibly indicating recent speciation and evolutionary diversification within this taxon. Three of the four newly described species exhibit restricted biogeographic distribution. The evolutionarily related S. borealis and S. laticarina occur only in Northern Europe, and seem to be adapted to colder areas. The most remarkable distribution pattern was observed for S. hibernica, which has a geographic distribution that is restricted to western Ireland.  相似文献   

The Caribbean coral Montastraea annularis has recently been proposed to be a complex of at least three sibling species. To test the validity of this proposal, we sequenced the ITS region of the nuclear ribosomal RNA gene family (ITS-1, 5.8S, and ITS-2), and a portion of the mitochondrial DNA gene cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) from the three proposed species (M. annularis, M. faveolata, and M. franksi) from Florida reefs. The ITS fragment was 665 nucleotides long and had 19 variable sites, of which 6 were parsimony-informative sites. None of these sites was fixed within the proposed species. The COI fragment was 658 nucleotides long with only two sites variable in one individual. Thus, under both the biological species concept and the phylogenetic species concept, the molecular evidence gathered in this study indicates the Montastraea annularis species complex to be a single evolutionary entity as opposed to three distinct species. The three proposed Montastraea species can interbreed, ruling out prezygotic barriers to gene flow (biological species concept), and the criterion of monophyly is not satisfied if hybridization is occurring among taxa (phylogenetic species concept). Received January 20, 1998; accepted September 30, 1998.  相似文献   

不同区域典型树木的空间分布格局及关联性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以温带长白山(CBS)、暖温带关帝山(GDS)、亚热带黑石顶(HSD)样地监测数据为基础,采用成对相关函数g(r)分析了3个样地共有的3科(松科、壳斗科、蔷薇科)树木的空间分布格局及其关联性.结果表明:不同样地3科树木分布数量及结构特征存在差异.松科在GDS分布数量较多,呈双峰型径级结构,在CBS和HSD分布数量少,径级结构近似正态分布;壳斗科在CBS和GDS分布数量少,分别呈双峰型和偏正态径级结构,在HSD分布数量多,呈倒"J"型径级分布;蔷薇科在GDS分布数量多,呈"L"型径级分布,在CBS和HSD分布相对较少,径级结构分别呈倒"J"型和"L"型分布.3科树木空间分布格局在不同样地表现也不同,松科的大径级个体在CBS和GDS小尺度上呈均匀分布,在HSD呈聚集分布,中、小径级在3个样地均呈聚集分布;壳斗科在CBS以大径级个体为主,呈近似随机分布,在GDS和HSD以中、小径级为主,呈聚集性分布格局;蔷薇科在3个样地均为聚集分布.3科树木的聚集程度均随尺度增加而降低.大径级的壳斗科个体在CBS和HSD与松科呈不相关或小尺度负相关关系,中、小径级的壳斗科在CBS和GDS与松科呈负相关关系,但在HSD与松科表现为正相关;松科与蔷薇科在3个样地均表现为负相关;中、小径级的壳斗科与蔷薇科在CBS和GDS呈正相关关系,但在HSD呈负相关关系.总之,3科树木空间分布格局及关联性随径级、尺度而变化且在不同样地内有不同表现.  相似文献   

Species whose geographical distribution encompasses both mainland and island populations provide an ideal system for examining isolation and genetic divergence. In this study, paternally transmitted chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) and maternally transmitted mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) were used to estimate population structure and phylogeography of Pinus luchuensis, a species found in eastern China (ssp. hwangshanensis), Taiwan (ssp. taiwanensis), and the Ryukyu Archipelago (ssp. luchuensis). Gene genealogies of both mtDNA and cpDNA reveal two major lineages. Molecular dating indicates that these lineages diverged before the colonization of P. luchuensis subspecies in Taiwan and the Ryukyu Archipelago. Both mtDNA and cpDNA show a lack of correspondence between molecular phylogeny and subspecies designation. Phylogeographical analysis suggests that paraphyly of the subspecies is the result of recent divergence rather than secondary contacts. In spite of the short divergence history of P. luchuensis on islands, the island populations show the same degree of genetic divergence as mainland populations. Low levels of genetic diversity in the mainland ssp. hwangshanensis suggest demographic bottlenecks. In contrast, the high heterogeneity of genetic composition for island populations is likely to be associated with a history of multiple colonization from the mainland. The spatial apportionment of organelle DNA polymorphisms is consistent with a pattern of stepwise colonization on island populations.  相似文献   

Species richness and abundance are biodiversity metrics widely used to describe and estimate changes in biodiversity. Studies of marine species richness and abundance typically focus on one, or just a few, taxa. Consequently, it is currently not possible to understand the performance of predictors of species richness and abundance across marine taxa. Using a taxonomically comprehensive dataset of twelve major taxa of flora and fauna from eight phyla sampled from the inter‐reef seabed region of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia, we used boosted regression trees to test the performance of fourteen environmental and spatial predictors of species richness and abundance. Sediment composition predicted richness best for all taxa: gravel contributed up to 39% relative influence for one group and all taxa had low richness in muddy habitats. Sea surface temperature, seabed current shear stress, depth and latitude were also influential predictors for species richness for eight groups. Sediment was frequently an influential predictor for abundance also, while distance to domain (reef/coast) and longitude were relatively influential for six taxa. Within‐site richness was correlated between nearly all pairs of taxa, as was within‐site abundance, however ρ values were low. Overall, model performance was high, explaining up to 62% deviance of species richness, and 38% of abundance. Typically, deviance explained was greater for richness than abundance and may indicate that some drivers of species richness operate independently of any effects on species richness mediated by their effect on abundance. Deviance explained differed most between richness and abundance for bryozoans (23.3% difference) and soft corals (15.2% difference). While sediments were consistently the best predictors across all taxa, the inconsistent influence of all other predictors across taxonomic groups, as well as the low correlation of richness and abundance across taxonomic groups, cautions against predicting regional patterns of species richness and abundance from few taxa.  相似文献   

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