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目的:探讨E-钙粘蛋白基因(CDH1)启动子区域-160A/C单核苷酸基因多态性(single nucleotide polymorphism,SNP)和中国地区散发大肠癌(colorectal cancer,CRC)人群遗传易感性的联系。方法:以中国地区大肠癌病人群为研究基础,同时建立无肿瘤家族史以及其它遗传性疾病史的正常对照组,进行病例对照研究,采用聚合酶链反应-限制性片段长度多态性技术(polymerasechain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism,PCR-RFLP)行目的基因的多态性测定,同时行正常结肠组织和大肠癌组织的E-钙粘蛋白的免疫组化测定。结果:正常对照组和大肠癌组的目的基因型分布频率并无统计学差异(x2检验,P=0.602),同时A基因型和C基因型在正常结肠组织和大肠癌组织中E-钙粘蛋白的表达量也并无差异(t检验,P>0.05)。结论:CDH1启动子区域-160A/C单核苷酸基因多态性中并不单独增加大肠癌的发病风险。  相似文献   

大肠癌遗传易感性与单核苷酸多态性(SNP)的关系是近年来研究的热点。研究发现COX2,MTHFR等代谢相关基因的某些SNP与大肠癌的发病风险相关,其中携带COX29850G-10335A单倍型的个体可显著增加患大肠癌的风险。MMP家族是调控大肠癌侵袭转移的重要基因,MMP7-181G等位型频率可显著增加大肠癌淋巴结转移风险。进一步寻找大肠癌特异性SNP,对筛选大肠癌高危人群,预估发病风险,具有重要意义。  相似文献   

人类基因组变异主要以单核苷酸多态性 (SNPs)为主 .采用多荧光标记的PCR单链构象多态性分析法 (MF PCR SSCP)对磷酰核糖焦磷酸合成酶亚基Ⅱ (PRPS2 )基因启动子区的序列进行了SNP的筛选 ,对筛选到的阳性片段进行序列分析以确定SNP的类型及位置 .在 1 5kb的启动子区发现了 2个SNP (- 10 79t c ,- 1110a g) .研究结果为PRPS2基因SNPs的数据库提供了新的信息 .  相似文献   

何佩  林俊  张信美  邓琳  马俊彦 《遗传》2009,31(5):479
为了探讨中国汉族妇女白细胞介素-10(IL-10)启动子的基因多态性与子宫内膜异位症(EMs)遗传易感性的关系, 文章应用扩增阻滞突变系统-聚合酶链反应(ARMS-PCR)结合DNA测序法, 以及聚合酶链反应-限制性片段长度多态性(PCR-RFLP)分析方法, 对119例不同期别的EMs组患者和120例随机抽取的汉族妇女进行了IL-10-1082G/A、-819T/C和-592A/C的基因多态性分析。结果表明: EMs组-1082等位基因频率和基因型分布与对照组比较, 差异无显著(P>0.05), 而EMs组-819C 或-592C、-819CC和TC或-592CC和AC的等位基因或基因型频率均显著高于对照组(P<0.05); 另外, Ⅲ-Ⅳ期EMs患者-819C 或-592C、-819CC和TC或-592CC和AC的等位基因或基因型频率又显著高于Ⅰ-Ⅱ期EMs患者和对照组(P<0.01)。这表明IL-10-819T/C和-592A/C位点多态性与中国汉族妇女EMs发病的易感性有一定关系。  相似文献   

为了研究巨噬细胞移动抑制因子(MIF)与结核病易感性的关系,分析了肺结核病人和正常人MIF基因启动子多态性。DNA测序分析的结果显示,正常人MIF基因启动子-794区CATT序列重复次数存在明显的差异,5、6和7个拷贝的几率分别是22.2%、44.4%和33.3%。7个肺结核病人中6人有6个拷贝,1人有7个拷贝,出现的频率分别为85.6%和14.3%。对比分析提示,肺结核病人MIF基因启动子区CATT低拷贝数(低于或等于6个)出现的频率明显高于正常人(85.6%比66.6%),可能同结核病的致病相关。  相似文献   

微小RNAs(MicroRNAs)是一类内源性19~25个核苷酸大小的非编码RNA分子,能够通过碱基匹配原则识别并结合于靶基因3'非翻译区的靶位点,从而抑制靶基因的翻译和/或促进靶基因降解。近年许多研究表明,单核苷酸多态性(single nucleotide polymorphisms,SNPs)可影响m icroRNA对靶基因的调控过程。SNPs可发生在m icroRNA基因(指在pri-,pre-and mature-miRNA序列中),也可发生在靶基因的3'非翻译区的靶位点。这些SNPs通过影响microRNA对靶基因的调控过程,参与许多疾病如肿瘤、神经系统疾病、肌肥大、心血管疾病以及2型糖尿病的发生发展过程。本文拟对MicroRNAs及其靶mRNA的结合位点SNPs与疾病的相关研究做一综述。  相似文献   

王喜  张万江 《生物磁学》2009,(14):2766-2768,2727
随着人类基因组计划的完成和功能基因组学的研究的进展,多种结核病候选易感基因被发现,其中人类白细胞抗原(HLA)基因是主要的候选基因之一。HLA基因作为人类最复杂、最具多态性的遗传系统,其功能涉及到机体免疫的各个方面,不同个体对疾病易感性的差异在很大程度上是由遗传因素所决定的,因此HLA基因与某些免疫性疾病的相关性已经成为近年来研究的热点,国内外学者对不同种族的人群对结核分枝杆菌感染的易感性做了大量的研究,探讨HLA基因多态性与结核病遗传易感性的关系。本文对这方面的研究进展做一综述。  相似文献   

目的:探讨BRCA1基因启动子区rs11655505、rs73625095位点单核苷酸多态性与散发性乳腺癌易感性的关系。方法:采用ASA-PCR方法对200例乳腺癌患者(均经病理确诊)及200例正常女性BRCA1基因启动子区rs11655505(A/G)、rs73625095(A/G)位点单核苷酸多态性(SNP)进行分析,并将其PCR产物进行测序。结果:乳腺癌患者BRCA1基因启动子区rs11655505位点的A/G基因型频率为75%,显著高于正常人的40%;A/A基因型频率为7%,G/G基因型频率为18%,分别低于正常人的30%、30%。此位点的A或G等位基因在乳腺癌病例组及对照组中均无差别(x2=2.427,P=0.119);rs73625095位点的A/G基因型频率为68%,显著高于正常人的15%;G/G基因型频率为32%,低于正常人的84%;乳腺癌病例组中BRCA1基因启动子区rs11655505、rs73625095位点的A/G基因型与淋巴结转移与否相比,差别均有统计学意义(x2=7.321,P=0.026、x2=4.782,P=0.029)。结论:BRCA1基因rs11655505位点、rs736...  相似文献   

目的:探讨Toll样受体(TLR)基因启动子单核苷酸多态性(SNP)与结直肠癌临床预后的关系。方法:收集我院2006年1月到2010年1月收治的结直肠癌患者200例,通过PCR扩增外周血DNA,经过查找数据库发现TLR4基因启动子区域有rs137853920、ss77136219多态位点,对所有患者随访5年,比较不同手术方式、美国癌症联合委员会(AJCC)分期、分化程度患者的总生存时间(OS)率和疾病无进展时间(PFT)率,分析基因型频率以及单倍体频率对患者生存影响。结果:200例患者生存时间在4~60个月,中位生存时间为54个月,OS率和PFT率在不同手术方式、癌症AJCC分期、分化程度患者间差异均具有统计学意义(P0.05);对生存资料进行多因素的Cox回归分析,结果显示rs137853920基因多态位点基因型AA、AG、GG具有较好的预后(P0.05),而ss77136219基因多态位点基因型GG、GA、AA具有较差预后(P0.05)。rs137853920、ss77136219多态位点共有四个单倍体型分别为AA、AG、GA、GG,频率分别为26.3%、21.7%、38.5%、21.6%,经过Cox多因素分析AG型患者具有较好预后(P0.05),而GG型患者具有较差预后(P0.05)。结论:TLR4基因启动子SNP可以作为结直肠癌临床预后的特异指标。  相似文献   

目的:探讨葡萄糖转运体9(GLUT9)基因启动子区的rs13124007(C/G)及rs6850166(A/G)位点的单核苷酸多态性(SNP)与中国汉族女性人群痛风易感性之间的相关性.方法:选取185例痛风患者和300例正常对照者,提取基因组DNA,采用聚合酶链式反应(PCR技术),特异性扩增GLUT9基因所需要的目的片段,对扩增的目的片段进行测序后,比较痛风组和正常对照组的基因型频率及等位基因频率分布情况.结果:女性痛风组中GLUT9基因的启动子区rs13124007和rs6805116两个位点的基因型频率分布与正常对照组相比,统计学上无明显的差异(X2=0.906,P=0.636;X2=3.335,P=0.189),rs13124007 SNP位点的C等位基因频率和rs6850166SNP位点的A的等位基因频率与正常对照组相比也无明显的统计学差异(X2=0.506,P=0.477;X=3.268,P=0.071).结论:葡萄糖转运体9(GLUT9)基因启动子区的rs 13124007(C/G)及rs6850166(A/G)位点的单核苷酸多态性(SNP)与中国汉族女性人群痛风易感性无明显的相关性.  相似文献   

该实验研究NLRP3基因多态性与中国汉族人群结肠癌之间的相关性。采用TaqMan检测法对中国汉族人群2084例结肠癌患者和203名正常对照NLRP3的3个位点(rs4925648、rs10754558、rs10925019)进行关联分析,并使用SPSS软件进行单核苷酸多态性分析,比较病例组和对照组等位基因频率、基因型频率及单倍型的差异。结果发现,NLRP3上三个位点基因频率、基因型频率两组间差异不明显(P〉0.05)。rs4925648与rs10925019的LD分析其D’值较大(D’=0.798)。但进一步对两位点的单倍型分析发现其各种组合均无统计学差异。该研究结果提示,NLRP3基因的三个位点与中国汉族人群结肠癌的发生相关性无统计学意义。  相似文献   

TP53 is known as a tumor suppressor gene involved in cell cycle regulation. Many previous epidemiological and clinical studies have evaluated the effects of rs1042522 polymorphism on risk of ovarian cancer. But the results are conflicting and heterogeneous. The primary objective of this study was to examine whether rs1042522 polymorphism is associated with ovarian cancer risk. We performed a comprehensive meta-analysis of 19 case–control studies that analyzed rs1042522 polymorphism in ovarian cancer risk. Odds ratios (ORs) were calculated using distinct genetic models. Heterogeneity between studies was detected by the χ2-based Q test. Additional analyses such as sensitivity analyses and publication bias were also performed. The rs1042522 polymorphism was not overall associated with ovarian cancer risk. But there was a borderline association in the heterozygote model (OR = 1.09, 95 % CI 0.99–1.21). Similar effects were observed in the subgroup of Caucasian population (the heterozygote model: OR = 1.11, 95 % CI 1.00–1.24). No significant heterogeneity and publication bias were revealed in this meta-analysis. This study provides statistical evidence that TP53 rs1042522 polymorphism may play a role in modulating risk of ovarian cancer. This observation requires further analysis of a larger study size.  相似文献   

Gastric cancer is one of highly cancer-related deaths in the world. Previous evidence suggests that the X-ray repair cross-complementing group 1 gene (XRCC1) is one of the most important candidate genes for influencing gastric cancer risk. The objective of this study was to detect the potential association of genetic variants in XRCC1 gene with gastric cancer risk in Chinese Han population. In total, we enrolled 395 gastric cancer patients and 398 cancer-free controls in this study. The genotyping of c.910A>G and c.1804C>A genetic variants in XRCC1 gene were investigate by the polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) and created restriction site-PCR (CRS-PCR) methods, respectively. We found the genotypes/alleles from these two genetic variants were statistically associated with the increased risk of gastric cancer (for c.910A>G, GG versus (vs.) AA: OR = 2.00, 95% CI 1.21-3.31; AG vs. AA: OR = 1.50, 95% CI 1.12-2.02; GG/AG vs. AA: OR = 1.59, 95% CI 1.20-2.10; GG vs. AG/AA: OR = 1.68, 95% CI 1.03-2.73; G vs. A: OR = 1.47, 95% CI 1.18-1.83; for c.1804C>A, AA vs. CC: OR = 2.68, 95% CI 1.46-4.94; AA vs. CA/CC: OR = 2.62, 95% CI 1.44-4.76; A vs. C: OR = 1.33, 95% CI 1.06-1.66). The allele-G of c.910A>G and allele-A of c.1804C>A genetic variants may contribute to gastric cancer susceptibility. These preliminary results indicate that these XRCC1 genetic variants are potentially related to gastric cancer susceptibility in Chinese Han population, and might be used as molecular markers.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the polymorphism of the CSN1S1 gene promoter region in 4 Chinese yak breeds, and compare the yak CSN1S1 gene promoter region sequences with other ruminants. A Polymerase Chain Reaction-Single Strand Conformation Polymorphism protocol was developed for rapid genotyping of the yak CSN1S1 gene. One hundred fifty-eight animals from 4 Chinese yak breeds were genotyped at the CSN1S1 locus using the protocol developed. A single nucleotide polymorphism of the CSN1S1 gene promoter region has been identified in all yak breeds investigated. The polymorphism consists of a single nucleotide substitution G→A at position 386 of the CSN1S1 gene promoter region, resulting in two alleles named, respectively, G386 and A386, based on the nucleotide at position 386. The allele G386 was found to be more common in the animals investigated. The corresponding nucleotide sequences in GenBank of yak (having the same nucleotides as allele G386 in this study), bovine, water buffalo, sheep, and goat had similarity of 99.68%, 99.35%, 97.42%, 95.14%, and 94.19%, respectively, with the yak allele A386.  相似文献   

Recently, in vitro studies have demonstrated that adiponectin has antiangiogenic and tumor growth-limiting properties. Additionally, serum adiponectin levels have been associated with the risk of several cancers; specifically, serum adiponectin was significantly lower in lung cancer patients with advanced-stage disease. In this study, we examined the association of adiponectin gene promoter variations associated with adiponectin gene expression and plasma levels in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) in a Han Chinese population. A total of 319 patients with NSCLC and 489 healthy individuals were recruited to evaluate the association of four adiponectin gene promoter single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) (SNP-12140G>A, SNP-11426A>G, SNP-11391G>A and SNP-11377C>G) with NSCLS risk. Additionally, we constructed haplotypes of these four SNPs and evaluated the association of these haplotypes with NSCLS risk. Our results showed that among these four SNPs, only SNP-12140G>A was associated with NSCLC risk(P<0.05). The haplotype analysis showed that no haplotype was associated with NSCLC after performing a Bonferroni correction (P>0.05). Additionally, an association analysis of the four SNPs stratified into pathologic stages I+II and III+IV showed that these SNPs did not exhibit significant differences between pathologic stages I+II and III+IV. Moreover, we did not observe any differences in allele and genotype frequency for these SNPs between adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. Our results indicated that the G allele of SNP-12140may be a risk factor for NSCLC (OR = 1.516; 95% CI: 1.098–2.094) in this Han Chinese population.  相似文献   

目的:探讨中国汉族人群甘露糖结合凝集素相关的丝氨酸蛋白酶(MASP2)基因单核苷酸多态性(SNP)的连锁不平衡和单体型,为相关研究提供更为详实的数据。方法:选取30例广州汉族无关个体,用重新测序的方法进行MASP2基因SNP的发掘,构建连锁不平衡(LD)模式,与HapMap公布的其他4个人群数据相比,并选择4个标签SNP(tagSNP)在232例北京汉族个体和291例广州汉族个体中分析MASP2的多态性和单体型。结果和结论:对MASP2的重测序共检测出16个SNP,LD分析显示来自中国不同地区人群的LD模式基本相同,与来自美国和日本的人群存在差异;北京和广州地区汉族人群tagSNP的等位基因和基因型频率分布不存在显著差异。  相似文献   

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