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Combined automated NOE assignment and structure determination module (CANDID) is a new software for efficient NMR structure determination of proteins by automated assignment of the NOESY spectra. CANDID uses an iterative approach with multiple cycles of NOE cross-peak assignment and protein structure calculation using the fast DYANA torsion angle dynamics algorithm, so that the result from each CANDID cycle consists of exhaustive, possibly ambiguous NOE cross-peak assignments in all available spectra and a three-dimensional protein structure represented by a bundle of conformers. The input for the first CANDID cycle consists of the amino acid sequence, the chemical shift list from the sequence-specific resonance assignment, and listings of the cross-peak positions and volumes in one or several two, three or four-dimensional NOESY spectra. The input for the second and subsequent CANDID cycles contains the three-dimensional protein structure from the previous cycle, in addition to the complete input used for the first cycle. CANDID includes two new elements that make it robust with respect to the presence of artifacts in the input data, i.e. network-anchoring and constraint-combination, which have a key role in de novo protein structure determinations for the successful generation of the correct polypeptide fold by the first CANDID cycle. Network-anchoring makes use of the fact that any network of correct NOE cross-peak assignments forms a self-consistent set; the initial, chemical shift-based assignments for each individual NOE cross-peak are therefore weighted by the extent to which they can be embedded into the network formed by all other NOE cross-peak assignments. Constraint-combination reduces the deleterious impact of artifact NOE upper distance constraints in the input for a protein structure calculation by combining the assignments for two or several peaks into a single upper limit distance constraint, which lowers the probability that the presence of an artifact peak will influence the outcome of the structure calculation. CANDID test calculations were performed with NMR data sets of four proteins for which high-quality structures had previously been solved by interactive protocols, and they yielded comparable results to these reference structure determinations with regard to both the residual constraint violations, and the precision and accuracy of the atomic coordinates. The CANDID approach has further been validated by de novo NMR structure determinations of four additional proteins. The experience gained in these calculations shows that once nearly complete sequence-specific resonance assignments are available, the automated CANDID approach results in greatly enhanced efficiency of the NOESY spectral analysis. The fact that the correct fold is obtained in cycle 1 of a de novo structure calculation is the single most important advance achieved with CANDID, when compared with previously proposed automated NOESY assignment methods that do not use network-anchoring and constraint-combination.  相似文献   

The recent expansion of structural genomics has increased the demands for quick and accurate protein structure determination by NMR spectroscopy. The conventional strategy without an automated protocol can no longer satisfy the needs of high-throughput application to a large number of proteins, with each data set including many NMR spectra, chemical shifts, NOE assignments, and calculated structures. We have developed the new software KUJIRA, a package of integrated modules for the systematic and interactive analysis of NMR data, which is designed to reduce the tediousness of organizing and manipulating a large number of NMR data sets. In combination with CYANA, the program for automated NOE assignment and structure determination, we have established a robust and highly optimized strategy for comprehensive protein structure analysis. An application of KUJIRA in accordance with our new strategy was carried out by a non-expert in NMR structure analysis, demonstrating that the accurate assignment of the chemical shifts and a high-quality structure of a small protein can be completed in a few weeks. The high completeness of the chemical shift assignment and the NOE assignment achieved by the systematic analysis using KUJIRA and CYANA led, in practice, to increased reliability of the determined structure.  相似文献   

One bottleneck in NMR structure determination lies in the laborious and time-consuming process of side-chain resonance and NOE assignments. Compared to the well-studied backbone resonance assignment problem, automated side-chain resonance and NOE assignments are relatively less explored. Most NOE assignment algorithms require nearly complete side-chain resonance assignments from a series of through-bond experiments such as HCCH-TOCSY or HCCCONH. Unfortunately, these TOCSY experiments perform poorly on large proteins. To overcome this deficiency, we present a novel algorithm, called Nasca (NOE Assignment and Side-Chain Assignment), to automate both side-chain resonance and NOE assignments and to perform high-resolution protein structure determination in the absence of any explicit through-bond experiment to facilitate side-chain resonance assignment, such as HCCH-TOCSY. After casting the assignment problem into a Markov Random Field (MRF), Nasca extends and applies combinatorial protein design algorithms to compute optimal assignments that best interpret the NMR data. The MRF captures the contact map information of the protein derived from NOESY spectra, exploits the backbone structural information determined by RDCs, and considers all possible side-chain rotamers. The complexity of the combinatorial search is reduced by using a dead-end elimination (DEE) algorithm, which prunes side-chain resonance assignments that are provably not part of the optimal solution. Then an A* search algorithm is employed to find a set of optimal side-chain resonance assignments that best fit the NMR data. These side-chain resonance assignments are then used to resolve the NOE assignment ambiguity and compute high-resolution protein structures. Tests on five proteins show that Nasca assigns resonances for more than 90% of side-chain protons, and achieves about 80% correct assignments. The final structures computed using the NOE distance restraints assigned by Nasca have backbone RMSD 0.8–1.5 Å from the reference structures determined by traditional NMR approaches.  相似文献   

We have developed a novel and robust approach for automatic and unsupervised simultaneous nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) assignment and structure determination within the CS-Rosetta framework. Starting from unassigned peak lists and chemical shift assignments, autoNOE-Rosetta determines NOE cross-peak assignments and generates structural models. The approach tolerates incomplete and raw NOE peak lists as well as incomplete or partially incorrect chemical shift assignments, and its performance has been tested on 50 protein targets ranging from 50 to 200 residues in size. We find a significantly improved performance compared to established programs, particularly for larger proteins and for NOE data obtained on perdeuterated protein samples. X-ray crystallographic structures allowed comparison of Rosetta and conventional, PDB-deposited, NMR models in 20 of 50 test cases. The unsupervised autoNOE-Rosetta models were often of significantly higher accuracy than the corresponding expert-supervised NMR models deposited in the PDB. We also tested the method with unrefined peak lists and found that performance was nearly as good as for refined peak lists. Finally, demonstrating our method’s remarkable robustness against problematic input data, we provided correct models for an incorrect PDB-deposited NMR solution structure.  相似文献   

Reliable automated NOE assignment and structure calculation on the basis of a largely complete, assigned input chemical shift list and a list of unassigned NOESY cross peaks has recently become feasible for routine NMR protein structure calculation and has been shown to yield results that are equivalent to those of the conventional, manual approach. However, these algorithms rely on the availability of a virtually complete list of the chemical shifts. This paper investigates the influence of incomplete chemical shift assignments on the reliability of NMR structures obtained with automated NOESY cross peak assignment. The program CYANA was used for combined automated NOESY assignment with the CANDID algorithm and structure calculations with torsion angle dynamics at various degrees of completeness of the chemical shift assignment which was simulated by random omission of entries in the experimental 1H chemical shift lists that had been used for the earlier, conventional structure determinations of two proteins. Sets of structure calculations were performed choosing the omitted chemical shifts randomly among all assigned hydrogen atoms, or among aromatic hydrogen atoms. For comparison, automated NOESY assignment and structure calculations were performed with the complete experimental chemical shift but under random omission of NOESY cross peaks. When heteronuclear-resolved three-dimensional NOESY spectra are available the current CANDID algorithm yields in the absence of up to about 10% of the experimental 1H chemical shifts reliable NOE assignments and three-dimensional structures that deviate by less than 2 Å from the reference structure obtained using all experimental chemical shift assignments. In contrast, the algorithm can accommodate the omission of up to 50% of the cross peaks in heteronuclear- resolved NOESY spectra without producing structures with a RMSD of more than 2 Å to the reference structure. When only homonuclear NOESY spectra are available, the algorithm is slightly more susceptible to missing data and can tolerate the absence of up to about 7% of the experimental 1H chemical shifts or of up to 30% of the NOESY peaks.Abbreviations: BmPBPA – Bombyx mori pheromone binding protein form A; CYANA – combined assignment and dynamics algorithm for NMR applications; NMR – nuclear magnetic resonance; NOE – nuclear Overhauser effect; NOESY – NOE spectroscopy; RMSD – root-mean-square deviation; WmKT – Williopsis mrakii killer toxin  相似文献   

Assignment of nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) data is a key bottleneck in structure determination by NMR. NOE assignment resolves the ambiguity as to which pair of protons generated the observed NOE peaks, and thus should be restrained in structure determination. In the case of intersubunit NOEs in symmetric homo-oligomers, the ambiguity includes both the identities of the protons within a subunit, and the identities of the subunits to which they belong. This paper develops an algorithm for simultaneous intersubunit NOE assignment and C(n) symmetric homo-oligomeric structure determinations, given the subunit structure. By using a configuration space framework, our algorithm guarantees completeness, in that it identifies structures representing, to within a user-defined similarity level, every structure consistent with the available data (ambiguous or not). However, while our approach is complete in considering all conformations and assignments, it avoids explicit enumeration of the exponential number of combinations of possible assignments. Our algorithm can draw two types of conclusions not possible under previous methods: (1) that different assignments for an NOE would lead to different structural classes, or (2) that it is not necessary to uniquely assign an NOE, since it would have little impact on structural precision. We demonstrate on two test proteins that our method reduces the average number of possible assignments per NOE by a factor of 2.6 for MinE and 4.2 for CCMP. It results in high structural precision, reducing the average variance in atomic positions by factors of 1.5 and 3.6, respectively.  相似文献   

A general-purpose Monte Carlo assignment program has been developed to aid in the assignment of NMR resonances from proteins. By virtue of its flexible data requirements the program is capable of obtaining assignments of both heavily deuterated and fully protonated proteins. A wide variety of source data, such as inter-residue scalar connectivity, inter-residue dipolar (NOE) connectivity, and residue specific information, can be utilized in the assignment process. The program can also use known assignments from one form of a protein to facilitate the assignment of another form of the protein. This attribute is useful for assigning protein-ligand complexes when the assignments of the unliganded protein are known. The program can be also be used as an interactive research tool to assist in the choice of additional experimental data to facilitate completion of assignments. The assignment of a deuterated 45 kDa homodimeric Glutathione-S-transferase illustrates the principal features of the program.  相似文献   

An automated procedure for NOE assignment and three-dimensional structure refinement is presented. The input to the procedure consists of (1) an ensemble of preliminary protein NMR structures, (2) partial sequence-specific assignments for the protein and (3) the positions and volumes of unassigned NOESY cross peaks. Chemical shifts for unassigned side chain protons are predicted from the preliminary structures. The chemical shifts and unassigned NOESY cross peaks are input to an automated procedure for NOE assignment and structure calculation (ARIA) [Nilges et al. (1997) J. Mol. Biol., 269, 408–422]. ARIA is optimized for the task of structure refinement of larger proteins. Errors are filtered to ensure that sequence-specific assignments are reliable. The procedure is applied to the 27.8 kDa single-chain T cell receptor (scTCR). Preliminary NMR structures, nearly complete backbone assignments, partial assignments of side chain protons and more than 1300 unassigned NOESY cross peaks are input. Using the procedure, the resonant frequencies of more than 40 additional side chain protons are assigned. Over 400 new NOE cross peaks are assigned unambiguously. Distances derived from the automatically assigned NOEs improve the precision and quality of calculated scTCR structures. In the refined structures, a hydrophobic cluster of side chains on the scTCR surface that binds major histocompatibility complex (MHC)/antigen is revealed. It is composed of the side chains of residues from three loops and stabilizes the conformation of residues that interact with MHC.  相似文献   

Recently developed methods to measure distances in proteins with high accuracy by “exact” nuclear Overhauser effects (eNOEs) make it possible to determine stereospecific assignments, which are particularly important to fully exploit the accuracy of the eNOE distance measurements. Stereospecific assignments are determined by comparing the eNOE-derived distances to protein structure bundles calculated without stereospecific assignments, or an independently determined crystal structure. The absolute and relative CYANA target function difference upon swapping the stereospecific assignment of a diastereotopic group yields the respective stereospecific assignment. We applied the method to the eNOE data set that has recently been obtained for the third immunoglobulin-binding domain of protein G (GB3). The 884 eNOEs provide relevant data for 47 of the total of 75 diastereotopic groups. Stereospecific assignments could be established for 45 diastereotopic groups (96 %) using the X-ray structure, or for 27 diastereotopic groups (57 %) using structures calculated with the eNOE data set without stereospecific assignments, all of which are in agreement with those determined previously. The latter case is relevant for structure determinations based on eNOEs. The accuracy of the eNOE distance measurements is crucial for making stereospecific assignments because applying the same method to the traditional NOE data set for GB3 with imprecise upper distance bounds yields only 13 correct stereospecific assignments using the X-ray structure or 2 correct stereospecific assignments using NMR structures calculated without stereospecific assignments.  相似文献   

Protein structure determination by NMR can in principle be speeded up both by reducing the measurement time on the NMR spectrometer and by a more efficient analysis of the spectra. Here we study the reliability of protein structure determination based on a single type of spectra, namely nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopy (NOESY), using a fully automated procedure for the sequence-specific resonance assignment with the recently introduced FLYA algorithm, followed by combined automated NOE distance restraint assignment and structure calculation with CYANA. This NOESY-FLYA method was applied to eight proteins with 63–160 residues for which resonance assignments and solution structures had previously been determined by the Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium (NESG), and unrefined and refined NOESY data sets have been made available for the Critical Assessment of Automated Structure Determination of Proteins by NMR project. Using only peak lists from three-dimensional 13C- or 15N-resolved NOESY spectra as input, the FLYA algorithm yielded for the eight proteins 91–98 % correct backbone and side-chain assignments if manually refined peak lists are used, and 64–96 % correct assignments based on raw peak lists. Subsequent structure calculations with CYANA then produced structures with root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) values to the manually determined reference structures of 0.8–2.0 Å if refined peak lists are used. With raw peak lists, calculations for 4 proteins converged resulting in RMSDs to the reference structure of 0.8–2.8 Å, whereas no convergence was obtained for the four other proteins (two of which did already not converge with the correct manual resonance assignments given as input). These results show that, given high-quality experimental NOESY peak lists, the chemical shift assignments can be uncovered, without any recourse to traditional through-bond type assignment experiments, to an extent that is sufficient for calculating accurate three-dimensional structures.  相似文献   

A new version of the program PARAssign has been evaluated for assignment of NMR resonances of the 76 methyl groups in leucines, isoleucines and valines in a 25 kDa protein, using only the structure of the protein and pseudocontact shifts (PCS) generated with a lanthanoid tag at up to three attachment sites. The number of reliable assignments depends strongly on two factors. The principle axes of the magnetic susceptibility tensors of the paramagnetic centers should not be parallel so as to avoid correlated PCS. Second, the fraction of resonances in the spectrum of a paramagnetic sample that can be paired with the diamagnetic counterparts is critical for the assignment. With the data from two tag positions a reliable assignment could be obtained for 60% of the methyl groups and for many of the remaining resonances the number of possible assignments is limited to two or three. With a single tag, reliable assignments can be obtained for methyl groups with large PCS near the tag. It is concluded that assignment of methyl group resonances by paramagnetic tagging can be particularly useful in combination with some additional data, such as from mutagenesis or NOE-based experiments. Approaches to yield the best assignment results with PCS generating tags are discussed.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic proteins with important biological function can be partially unstructured, conformational flexible, or heterogenic. Crystallization trials often fail for such proteins. In NMR spectroscopy, parts of the polypeptide chain undergoing dynamics in unfavorable time regimes cannot be observed. De novo NMR structure determination is seriously hampered when missing signals lead to an incomplete chemical shift assignment resulting in an information content of the NOE data insufficient to determine the structure ab initio. We developed a new protein structure determination strategy for such cases based on a novel NOE assignment strategy utilizing a number of model structures but no explicit reference structure as it is used for bootstrapping like algorithms. The software distinguishes in detail between consistent and mutually exclusive pairs of possible NOE assignments on the basis of different precision levels of measured chemical shifts searching for a set of maximum number of consistent NOE assignments in agreement with 3D space. Validation of the method using the structure of the low molecular‐weight‐protein tyrosine phosphatase A (MptpA) showed robust results utilizing protein structures with 30–45% sequence identity and 70% of the chemical shift assignments. About 60% of the resonance assignments are sufficient to identify those structural models with highest conformational similarity to the real structure. The software was benchmarked by de novo solution structures of fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21) and the extracellular fibroblast growth factor receptor domain FGFR4 D2, which both failed in crystallization trials and in classical NMR structure determination. Proteins 2013; 81:2007–2022. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The use of paramagnetic NMR data for the refinement of structures of proteins and protein complexes is widespread. However, the power of paramagnetism for protein assignment has not yet been fully exploited. PARAssign is software that uses pseudocontact shift data derived from several paramagnetic centers attached to the protein to obtain amide and methyl assignments. The ability of PARAssign to perform assignment when the positions of the paramagnetic centers are known and unknown is demonstrated. PARAssign has been tested using synthetic data for methyl assignment of a 47 kDa protein, and using both synthetic and experimental data for amide assignment of a 14 kDa protein. The complex fitting space involved in such an assignment procedure necessitates that good starting conditions are found, both regarding placement and strength of paramagnetic centers. These starting conditions are obtained through automated tensor placement and user-defined tensor parameters. The results presented herein demonstrate that PARAssign is able to successfully perform resonance assignment in large systems with a high degree of reliability. This software provides a method for obtaining the assignments of large systems, which may previously have been unassignable, by using 2D NMR spectral data and a known protein structure.  相似文献   

NMR resonance assignment is one of the key steps in solving an NMR protein structure. The assignment process links resonance peaks to individual residues of the target protein sequence, providing the prerequisite for establishing intra- and inter-residue spatial relationships between atoms. The assignment process is tedious and time-consuming, which could take many weeks. Though there exist a number of computer programs to assist the assignment process, many NMR labs are still doing the assignments manually to ensure quality. This paper presents a new computational method based on the combination of a suite of algorithms for automating the assignment process, particularly the process of backbone resonance peak assignment. We formulate the assignment problem as a constrained weighted bipartite matching problem. While the problem, in the most general situation, is NP-hard, we present an efficient solution based on a branch-and-bound algorithm with effective bounding techniques using two recently introduced approximation algorithms. We also devise a greedy filtering algorithm for reducing the search space. Our experimental results on 70 instances of (pseudo) real NMR data derived from 14 proteins demonstrate that the new solution runs much faster than a recently introduced (exhaustive) two-layer algorithm and recovers more correct peak assignments than the two-layer algorithm. Our result demonstrates that integrating different algorithms can achieve a good tradeoff between backbone assignment accuracy and computation time.  相似文献   

We introduce a Python-based program that utilizes the large database of 13C and 15N chemical shifts in the Biological Magnetic Resonance Bank to rapidly predict the amino acid type and secondary structure from correlated chemical shifts. The program, called PACSYlite Unified Query (PLUQ), is designed to help assign peaks obtained from 2D 13C–13C, 15N–13C, or 3D 15N–13C–13C magic-angle-spinning correlation spectra. We show secondary-structure specific 2D 13C–13C correlation maps of all twenty amino acids, constructed from a chemical shift database of 262,209 residues. The maps reveal interesting conformation-dependent chemical shift distributions and facilitate searching of correlation peaks during amino-acid type assignment. Based on these correlations, PLUQ outputs the most likely amino acid types and the associated secondary structures from inputs of experimental chemical shifts. We test the assignment accuracy using four high-quality protein structures. Based on only the Cα and Cβ chemical shifts, the highest-ranked PLUQ assignments were 40–60 % correct in both the amino-acid type and the secondary structure. For three input chemical shifts (CO–Cα–Cβ or N–Cα–Cβ), the first-ranked assignments were correct for 60 % of the residues, while within the top three predictions, the correct assignments were found for 80 % of the residues. PLUQ and the chemical shift maps are expected to be useful at the first stage of sequential assignment, for combination with automated sequential assignment programs, and for highly disordered proteins for which secondary structure analysis is the main goal of structure determination.  相似文献   

Structure-based protein NMR assignments using native structural ensembles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An important step in NMR protein structure determination is the assignment of resonances and NOEs to corresponding nuclei. Structure-based assignment (SBA) uses a model structure ("template") for the target protein to expedite this process. Nuclear vector replacement (NVR) is an SBA framework that combines multiple sources of NMR data (chemical shifts, RDCs, sparse NOEs, amide exchange rates, TOCSY) and has high accuracy when the template is close to the target protein's structure (less than 2 A backbone RMSD). However, a close template may not always be available. We extend the circle of convergence of NVR for distant templates by using an ensemble of structures. This ensemble corresponds to the low-frequency perturbations of the given template and is obtained using normal mode analysis (NMA). Our algorithm assigns resonances and sparse NOEs using each of the structures in the ensemble separately, and aggregates the results using a voting scheme based on maximum bipartite matching. Experimental results on human ubiquitin, using four distant template structures show an increase in the assignment accuracy. Our algorithm also improves the robustness of NVR with respect to structural noise. We provide a confidence measure for each assignment using the percentage of the structures that agree on that assignment. We use this measure to assign a subset of the peaks with even higher accuracy. We further validate our algorithm on data for two additional proteins with NVR. We then show the general applicability of our approach by applying our NMA ensemble-based voting scheme to another SBA tool, MARS. For three test proteins with corresponding templates, including the 370-residue maltose binding protein, we increase the number of reliable assignments made by MARS. Finally, we show that our voting scheme is sound and optimal, by proving that it is a maximum likelihood estimator of the correct assignments.  相似文献   

Adler M 《Proteins》2000,39(4):385-392
In an ideal world, every NOE cross peak would have a unique assignment. However, the interpretation of NOE peaks is frequently complicated by overlapping resonances. In theory, ambiguous assignments could be resolved by performing separate structure calculations with each possible interpretation. Unfortunately, this would require an astronomical amount of computing time. A modified genetic algorithm has been developed that efficiently resolves hundreds of ambiguous restraints in parallel. Each NOE assignment becomes a gene that can be passed on to a new generation. New individuals are constructed by making a constraint lists from a subset of the genes. The constraint lists are then tested for self-consistency by using molecular dynamics to generate new structures for each list. To a first-degree approximation, there is enough information retained in each list to determine the global fold of the protein. Self-consistent constraint lists receive higher scores and their genes (or NOEs) stand a better chance of surviving into the next generation. The process selects NOEs that are consistent with the global fold. Under normal conditions, the program converges in 3 to 8 generations using 70 structures per generation. The final constraints are self-consistent and contain almost no residual NOE violations.  相似文献   

Assignment of physical meaning to mass spectrometry (MS) data peaks is an important scientific challenge for metabolomics investigators. Improvements in instrumental mass accuracy reduce the number of spurious database matches, however, this alone is insufficient for accurate, unique high-throughput assignment. We present a method for clustering MS instrumental artifacts and a stochastic local search algorithm for the automated assignment of large, complex MS-based metabolomic datasets. Artifact peaks and their associated source peaks are grouped into “instrumental clusters.” Instrumental clusters, peaks grouped together by shared peak shape in the temporal domain, serve as a guide for the number of assignments necessary to completely explain a given dataset. We refine mass only assignments through the intersection of peak correlation pairs with a database of biochemically relevant interaction pairs. Further refinement is achieved through a stochastic local search optimization algorithm that selects individual assignments for each instrumental cluster. The algorithm works by choosing the peak assignment that maximally explains the connectivity of a given cluster. We demonstrate that this methodology provides a significant advantage over standard methods for the assignment of metabolites in a UPLC-MS diabetes dataset. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

We present a novel automated strategy (PISTACHIO) for the probabilistic assignment of backbone and sidechain chemical shifts in proteins. The algorithm uses peak lists derived from various NMR experiments as input and provides as output ranked lists of assignments for all signals recognized in the input data as constituting spin systems. PISTACHIO was evaluate00000000d by comparing its performance with raw peak-picked data from 15 proteins ranging from 54 to 300 residues; the results were compared with those achieved by experts analyzing the same datasets by hand. As scored against the best available independent assignments for these proteins, the first-ranked PISTACHIO assignments were 80–100% correct for backbone signals and 75–95% correct for sidechain signals. The independent assignments benefited, in a number of cases, from structural data (e.g. from NOESY spectra) that were unavailable to PISTACHIO. Any number of datasets in any combination can serve as input. Thus PISTACHIO can be used as datasets are collected to ascertain the current extent of secure assignments, to identify residues with low assignment probability, and to suggest the types of additional data needed to remove ambiguities. The current implementation of PISTACHIO, which is available from a server on the Internet, supports input data from 15 standard double- and triple-resonance experiments. The software can readily accommodate additional types of experiments, including data from selectively labeled samples. The assignment probabilities can be carried forward and refined in subsequent steps leading to a structure. The performance of PISTACHIO showed no direct dependence on protein size, but correlated instead with data quality (completeness and signal-to-noise). PISTACHIO represents one component of a comprehensive probabilistic approach we are developing for the collection and analysis of protein NMR data.Electronic Supplementary Material Electronic Supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users.  相似文献   

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